There's No Turning Back, Zodiac Lover Leo and Your Tarot Love Reading
I have driven circles around New Mexico. I know where the best tortilla chips are, and the lighting is magnificent! What a beautiful state! I did overcome my fear of heights driving up and down a mountain with both feet on the brake. What a ride! I won’t soon forget that experience, and every morning when I listen to the Foals' “Mountain at My Gates,” I’m reminded that I made it up and back down. I have never prayed harder than in that moment after watching a truck use a runaway truck ramp. That will get your blood pumping. Following your tarot love readings, we will explore our zodiac lover Leo! Be cautious of the love bomb phase of a Leo. They may just want a snack, and their eyes will wander away once they've had their fill of you. I’ll be back next week with fresh travel stories!!
Tree: 00:25:35
Cross: 00:54:41
Cat: 01:12:11
Leo Lovers: 01:37:08
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 77
I have driven circles around New Mexico. I know where the best tortilla chips are, and the lighting is magnificent! What a beautiful state! I did overcome my fear of heights driving up and down a mountain with both feet on the brake. What a ride! I won’t soon forget that experience, and every morning when I listen to the Foals' “Mountain at My Gates,” I’m reminded that I made it up and back down. I have never prayed harder than in that moment after watching a truck use a runaway truck ramp. That will get your blood pumping. Following your tarot love readings, we will explore our zodiac lover Leo! Be cautious of the love bomb phase of a Leo. They may just want a snack, and their eyes will wander away once they've had their fill of you. I’ll be back next week with fresh travel stories!!
Tree: 00:25:35
Cross: 00:54:41
Cat: 01:12:11
Leo Lovers: 01:37:08
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
So what's the craziest? Where would you have? Oh my God I'm gonna die. OK. That happen. Mexico, get to the story a little bit. Let me tell you why I have so much experience in in New Mexico. It's New Mexico. It's not actually Mexico. A lot of people are. My folks moved to New Mexico like in 2002. And people are like, your parents moved to Mexico and I'm like, no. Move to New Mexico. People don't even realize that New Mexico is a fucking state in the United States. That's how fucking dumb people are. It's crazy. They moved to Santa Fe. My dad worked at Los Alamos Medical Center in Los Alamos, which is where at the time. All right, it's the most PHD's per capita. Anywhere. And they all live what they call on the hill, which is this gigantic fucking plateau. And that road is fucking crazy too. And so, like people's yards, like you go in their backyard and there's just a sheer Cliff for 500 feet. 500 feet. It's crazy. It's crazy, OK? They all live on this plateau. They actually built. It's amazing highway. Ohh. From there I think down to Roswell, which is, yeah, Roswell, which is where they flew. The bar my out. And so they had to build this like amazing three lane fucking highway to transport this thing. It's a great fucking Rd. like that was out in the middle of nowhere. No one ever uses it. LA. As far as you can see goes fast as you would. People are crazy drivers in in New Mexico like I want Scott passed. I was in the right lane. I got past. On an off ramp. OK, they used the off ramp to pass me. I was like, that is the most insane thing I've ever. Don't even get me started, El Paso where it's but. That's pretty nice. What New Mexico has this like light? I don't know how to describe it. The sunlight is different in New Mexico than any other state I've ever been that it's just. I don't. I don't know. I don't know why it's so different, but it's gorgeous. Uh, but yeah, my parents moved out there in 2002. And. They lived at They had a little house in Santa Fe. Just outside of Santa Fe. But it was only like 2020 minutes. Don't drive. Oh my God the food in Santa Fe is amazing. If you ever get a chance to go to Santa Fe, go to Santa Fe. Eat unless you like spite unless you don't like spicy foods. They put this stuff called green Chili and again, the real good green chili comes from Hatch, NM but. And put in everything. It's like garlic to them, OK? Like nothing is nothing. Taste right? Without green chili in it. And every restaurant you go, you get the choice of they'll ask you red or green. That's the trend salsa. You're actually asking me, do you want red or green salsa? And if you're in New Mexico, you can always assume that the red salsa is milder. In the. You want both. You order them Christmas and then they'll bring them both. But everywhere you go, no matter what kind of food that they're that the restaurant has, you're going to get ready green sauce and chips. It's just that is just very it's a blanket appetizer, you know what I mean? Like you walk into a diner that's selling cheeseburgers you're going to get. Chips. My dad, he's he's like me. We don't handle spice. I think we're actually allergic to pepper, To be honest, I think that's the problem. I can handle paprika a little bit, you know what I mean? But it really affects our intestines, OK? The whole time I'm in New Mexico. Where's the fucking bag? He he had these great all the tortilla chips, they're like, whole. They're like fresh, like you haven't had tortilla chips until you've had tortilla chips. And in Mexico, he he used to make my mom put El Paso mild salsa in her purse and they go to a restaurant. And he would lead, sneak out the miles. Because you love the chips. The chips were so good, but the salsa was too high. You know, there's all like this, like secret, like sacrilegious thing. God is El Paso. But everywhere you go, like it's one of those things like you show up at someone's house, everybody, It's like, you know, in Ohio, everybody has their own chili family chili recipe, you know what I mean? You go to New Mexico, every family has their own green salsa or green, you know? And then they they smother things with it. You can be like, I want it smothered in it. Just assume that you're going to get a burrito that's completely smothered with this. Like fire hot fucking sauce. No idea. So the best. The best. Chips that had in New Mexico were in two compari which is on the eastern border. I think from I think that's Texas. It's right around. Um. But if you're ever. Crossing New Mexico and you happen to be. C2 can carry definitely stop. There's this place that's got a huge. Cow OK, that's got a huge cow statue. It's a rodeo town to come carry. And this is huge fucking restaurant. But they give you you go in there you get a free sofa. Pia they all their chips are fresh today, fresh. They are the thinnest. Crunchiest. Perfectly salted homemade tortilla chips. You can. I've never had all. They're amazing. I've been to that restaurant twice because that's how many times I've driven across. New Mexico. Um. Be careful and gallop though. There's a horrible speed travel. I got a speeding ticket. And gallop once we were just. Pull me over right in front of the 75 side. But there's a speed trap there for that town. Like you could be going 75 fucking miles an hour and then it's like down to to 55 or something crazy like that. The the ticket was crazy large. I forget it sucked. OK, yeah, that's all I know is I'm sitting here getting pulled over and literally 10 feet in front of me is the 75 mile hour. Close. So close. So don't speed through GAT, don't gallop. No cantering through Gallup. It's a gallop. You gotta slow down. Slow your horses. Uh, put your horses through there. yeah albuquerque is cool albuquerque is a really cool town a really cool city we don't i i've flown into albuquerque a ton of times lots of great restaurants they have this whole balloon festival which is Castle here in Canton OH. But it like it looks like, you know, a Kitty ride compared to what they do in Mexico. It's just incredible. The pictures are gorgeous. But they're. You go out there and the sky is enormous. First and foremost, like, it's like, it's amplified. You see everything. You can see the Milky Way with your naked eye. It's absolutely fucking amazing. Lots of wildlife too. It's kind of considered high desert. But there's a lot more like trees that got juniper trees out there and. But. It's gorgeous. Weather's gorgeous, a little milder than Arizona. But it's just beautiful. So my parents have lived in multiple places in New Mexico, but we've tore. I've torn all around them. We've gone to like, the Hemas Mountains. There's some Hot Springs up up near there that are really cool Las Vegas, which is not really the Las Vegas. It's Las Vegas, NM. I actually almost went to Graduate School there. My mom wanted me not to get married and instead moved to Mexico and go to graduate. So she took me out. Trying to. Trying to get her way, which we took a whole day. She's like, we're gonna take a day trip. There's this really cool town called Lincoln. And it's where the last the last Billy, the Kids last stand. It's ultimately where they call them. It's it's a cool place. There's a really great. Completely organic, you know, sustainable ranch up there that's got this great restaurant. It's really beautiful. It's a really great drive, like 45 minutes from. I think, yeah, Roswell, I think. So my parents moved to Roswell for a while. Like I just told you before, my father, you know, after, after Los Alamos. So he's pretty much worked at rural hospitals. Since then. And what happens is. You know. They end up. Going with these larger radiology companies and then you know so that's kind of an my dad doesn't like working for those companies because they they rush them, they rush them and at the cost of their, at the cost of the patients health at the cost. Of their malpractice, you know, like you, you know, have to have so many other. Like that they really, these radiologists groups really push the radiologists to to read as many as fast as they can. And again, that's not. That's not good medicine. So anyway, he was in Roswell for three years. Roswell was a really cool town. It's really catchy. They have embraced their alien nature. They got all these great shops that you can you can go to that's got full weird stuff. There's an alien museum there that you can tour. Restaurants are good. It's it's just catchy as hell. I actually got my favorite rocks my most. I got 2 Moki marbles that. Crashed so they look like flying saucers and that they are the highest quality Mulkey marbles that I have found in my rock hunting. Different rock stores and they're amazing. They actually come from a waterfall in Utah. And they were Mudballs that were then, you know, petrified mud balls, basically. And someone were smashed and they get the saucer. And so I got these. At a gift shop there, my favorite fucking rocks. But Roswell's cool. I was flying out of there once and it's really amazing. It's this tiny little airports, like this little little building. Yeah, it's got an airport like runway that's like the size of LA. So you got this tiny little building. That's where you go to go air airplane. And then you go out, it says enormous walking really cause of the bombs, right. They make the bombs and they say these big plane and it's like the the airport there is like a. It's like a plain military. It's like, well, they have a big military base there, of course. But it's like. It's like an airplane graveyard. They have all these airplanes sitting out there. They're just sitting out there. It's creepy. I got on an airplane once. And I was with a. With the Navy SEAL, he was sitting next to me. And so we were talking the entire flight and I was like aliens and he's like, I cannot confirm or to die. So we started playing this game. Whether he he he would say I cannot confirm or deny or then he would say I don't know. So, so when he said I can't confirm or deny that was yes. And then when he said I don't know, that was you know, I don't know. So we played this game entirely 2 hour flight. It's probably flying to Albuquerque or something like that or wherever. I don't know where my connector was to get on the bigger plane. Um. That we played this entire game, the whole flight. About aliens. He in his in his code, they they're fucking for real. They're way, way for real. My momma's neighbor. Uh, her husband worked at Area 51 and the gag order that he had to sign was insane. They would drive out to this parking lot and then a bus would come pick them up and would drive them in to Area 51. Up and I have driven past Area 51. I've been all through Nevada as well. I've driven all. All them states. Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona. I've been I've circled with my parents. All around those states, so. No good stories from him because his gag order was so. So insane. But um. But yeah, so my my folks were one of their last moves that I actually helped them with. They were moving from Roswell to Deming, NM. Deming, NM is the, I don't know, hour 45 minutes. Bank further W I'm sorry, there's a fly. Further W than Las Cruces OK, Las Cruces is like. Maybe 2 from El Paso. All really close to the border, OK. Way down there, way down there, you actually go through a border crossing while still in the state. There's like a border thing that you have to go through anyway. We're so we're going from Roswell to, you know, to Las Cruces, and then just a little bit beyond that means a very small town outside you go. Then there's White Sands Missile Range. Which is this cool gypsum deposit? They again. Bomb at. And I have this whole funny story because, like, there was this special grass that grew out there that the Buffalo loved. It was only one fucking place that this fucking grass fucking grew for the Buffalo was like this really special. Like they Buffalo made, made a special trip. To eat this, this grass that's near this this missile range, which is near, you know, White Sands. Ohh and they blew it. Blew up last of the buffaloes like special grass. We are. Anyway. So we we fell off. The my parents were getting a place that was furnished, so we we fill up a. Are you home? OK. And my mom's like, we gotta go. Over this mountain, she goes. We could go around it, but it's gonna take us 4 hours to go around it, you know? And she's like, so we're just gonna, we're just gonna go over this mountain, OK? I was like, OK, not thinking anything. And I'm the one driving the U-Haul. She's driving her car behind me and she's like we'll just, you know, go up the mountain and she could and she's driven up this mountain to Rea Dosa multiple times. Okay Redose is like Indian Reservation casino, there's just we'll drive up to redose. State of the night, blah blah blah, go over this fucking mouth. You know, down to Las Cruises or Alamo Agora and then over lost Cruises and. OK. And she She. Make up shouldn't make a big deal about it, so I'm just like kind of dumb. Alright, whatever. I'm going right over my own big deal. You know. Really. You all. And I see the mountain. I see the mountain. OK, I see the mountain. I'm driving and I was getting closer as we're getting closer. Nowhere it's like it's like. You know. In the middle of nowhere, you know. Like I see why you know be 3 hours of drive around it. We're going up this mountain. There's a sign that says you cannot turn around. Why would they have a sign that says you cannot turn around? This is the last place you can turn around. Tense sign right there. Alright. And. It starts to get steeper. And steeper and steeper to the point that my foot both my feet. Her on the accelerator. I'm in this huge hall. I don't know when the last time this thing's been served. And I'm going 25 miles an hour up this, like 18% or more Gray. And it's gorgeous. Sorry. I'm like, looking around, I'm like, Oh my God, it's fucking gorgeous view. And I'm scared to fucking death because, you know, I'm in a line of huge trucks, my foot is completely down on the accelerator and I'm only going 25 miles an hour up this mountain. And so we get closer and closer. Getting more intense like the further off we go and like I, I try to take some pictures. You know, because it's gorgeous. Sorry. It's absolutely fucking breathtaking. You know, but there's nowhere to stop. There's nowhere to turn around. I think it was like a. You get to the top and then it's it's just a steep down. Oh my God. So I'm in this U-Haul and it was like up and then down. I'm like, holy shit. Everything, like my whole fucking mind just was like, Oh my God, like it was like we got to the top. It's like, ohh, gorgeous. You can see the Arizona probably and then it's like you look down. I was like, fuck, I am a little squeamish with heights. So now we're going down the mountain. Both of my feet are on the fucking break. All I can smell is burning rubber. There are truck runoff ramps on both sides of the road. Both sides. All right, I'm like shit. And they're like every like 2 miles, there's another runoff. This is fucking intent. I am like white knuckle on this. You know, in this U-Haul and was like, I think it was like a signal of 16 feet, you U-Haul, right? And like, I'm white knuckling, going down, the swapping thing, two feet on the fucking break, trying to load up just a little bit, thinking to myself how, I mean, God damn it, when were these breaks done? You know what I mean? I'm having like these kind of panic moments. And I'm like, literally in the middle of this absolute intensity. And. I am. I praying to God. God, please let me get down this mountain. And then a truck in front of me uses one of these runoff ramps and all this fucking dust flies and I'm like, holy fucking shit, Oh my God, I'm going to die. I think you are all going down to stupid fucking mouth. So we get down this thing and we cruise into Alamo Gora. And there's a great BBQ place I've actually eaten there with my mom. Right. Went right. When you get to the bottom of that and then we, you know we stopped at White Sands Missile Missile Range and and there's a picture of me. At White Sands and I I'm, I like, obviously completely fucking high from the adrenaline rush of going up and down that fucking mountain. I won't do it again, I told my mom. I'm not doing the U-Haul on that. God damn. Ohh God dammit. It was like the most intense and I was all completely by myself in the car in EU Haul and I was like that was just talking intense. Like I think it would be fun to do it like in a like a four wheel drive vehicle or something like that. I I would drive that again if I was in the proper car and the car had new brakes. Or something like that, but it was scary as fuck. We got, we got into dummy. You're supposed to go this ship. But. God dammit. Later I read a book. It was Woody Guthrie's book Bound for Glory. And he went from, I think, Oklahoma. He rode trains from Oklahoma and he was going out to California to be a migrant worker. And, you know, and so he was riding the trains and then hitchhiking, and he was stopping in towns and painting signs for money. So he'd stop in a town and he'd go over. To the store and ask if they wanna sign painted blah blah blah blah blah and that's how we're making money. Uh. You know, to get across the country. And he tells this story in his book where. He was in a car going up this same mountain. And they ran out of gas at the top. And. And they coasted. All the way down this mount. Right into the gas station. They didn't. They weren't sure if they were enough gas to get up and over it, and he just made it. And it was funny because I read that part. On the book of like, yeah, you're not, you're not gonna touch that fucking gas pedal that entire time you put down that fucking thing. Like, it was amazing to. It was amazing to me to to. To have like tracked the same path. The same path is what what is? Fighter. Activist. I love that. But yeah, and New Mexico. If you ever get a chance, it's it's worth it. It's worth a visit there. Definitely. Santa Fe Roswell is kitchy. My parents love Las Cruces. Again, Lots of great food. The light is beautiful, lighting beautiful. Albuquerque. Great town. If you like spicy food, it's definitely spicier than. Our taxes. Definitely. It's definitely way spicier and if you're ever driving across stop at that place into from carry best chips then you get free. So that, yeah, that's, that's. Next. It gets its own intro. Ohh the the reading. This week we're tree cross and cat. You could check the description box and skip ahead and pick your reading and then. Zodiac flower is Sagittarius. Uh. Enjoy the show when I I'll be back next week. With travel stories from Arizona to my son to Grand Canyon. So I'll be back to share to share our to share our stories from that. I hope you guys have enjoyed the travel intros again. You know I'm not doing the shows like you know these are pre recorded. You know, months in advance. To give myself the time to go and do everything I need to do and come back and relax and enjoy myself in the summer and not have a kid in the. In the background of the recordings. Um, I hope, but I hope so. I know they're a little different than what you guys are used to, but I hope you enjoyed them. And like I said, I'll be back next week with. I'll be back. Talk about. So enjoy this show.
7777. It's a tree. Leaves on it. OK. Let's just get an overall card here, Tree group. Healing family issues. Your love life benefits as you forgive your parents. So yeah, it's time to come to forgive. Let's get three cards to describe the situation between. OK, there's this divine feminine energy, and it pops up spontaneously. OK, and I need this to be a. Tell me I want. Feminine. Feminist energy? Female energy It's weighty. It's. So it's something trying to get a grip on. So there the situation has this feminine energy that is there's like spontaneous pop up kind of surprise moments trying to get a grip on this trying to. Settle things down. Trying to come to some kind of compromise. Again, we're healing family issues, so this could be a female in your family or a female in their families. It could be. It could be a mother, it could be a sister, it could be an aunt. It could be. Another a friend or another female interest? I'm not sure. Let me throw just one quick tarot card. Define this female in this situation. Again, there's it has to do with the expectation of a relationship. What does that mean? So there's an expectation that there's going to be a relationship. Again, there's stress over ghosting or stressed out trying to think about it. So you'll understand that. What don't you know about their situation that will help you make a better decision? Very family tree energy here again, it's the tree I'm feeling with, you know? So family is a big aspect in this relationship you have with this person, whether it be their family, your family, family. Between you, you know could be a friend group that is extremely tight. What don't you know about their situation? That would help you make a better decision. This goes lost, lost, cut off energy is a cry for help. I need to intervention or rescue in some. Possibly come children, or possibly from their children. Again, there's this. What don't you know? Someone's getting possibly cut off. Or blocked from intervening with the children, or from rescuing children. Something like that, you know what I mean? Maybe they feel cut off and they need someone to intervene. Maybe they felt like they can't rescue their own children. Again, there's they're they're they're trying to get up out of this drastic cut off. Again, I feel like this is a. A custody situation in which someone feels drastically cut off from the children. Alright. And maybe this is a family issue that needs to heal for you or for them, you know, whether that be in their immediate family or the family that they've created. So they feel really lost and they they feel like they need to rest. They need to kind of get up on out of this feeling like they're. Need something more playful? Again, this person is in cricket mode. Too early here for crickets. 70. How they feel, There's some real anxiety. They're really anxious and buried. Your presence in my life brings us like kind of anxiousness in this world. But they're they're carrying the weight of the world. Because of their current situation, their family issues. You do help guide them. And you realize that and you are so sweet and and powerful. So that's how they feel about you. They feel like you've been you've lightened their path. You relax them. You're extremely empathic. You understand how they feel their pain. And they think that you are just like the sweetest little thing, but they are dealing with this lost meaning, feeling like they need rescue. Here's the children in the middle of all this. You know what I mean. Drastic. Needing to like, climb out of this scenario. Not really. Where they do back to this, there's some female in this situation in which again, probably the mother of these children that is, you know, gripping and weighing down and it looks like there's going to be some kind of spontaneous compromise, though. I do see that. How would they describe you? As the student Humility and devotion to knowledge, openness to a lifelong learning, so you see you as a student. We see you as a bully. Highlight your tenacity to intimidate others. You're very intimidating and you can bully people And as the warrior strength, skill, discipline and toughness as well, so this bully cart is actually their own insecurity. Right. They would say that you're very intimidate. All right, so there's again, your student. You have this lifelong, like, learning energy, but you are a warrior and you are very intimate. And they also see you as the companion, someone who's very loyal. So they see someone who's learning, someone who's intimidating because of, you know, how many wars they've been through and as the company. Have they considered contacting you? You're in no contact. Really. Stop right now. You feel kind of stuck with their destiny. They feel trapped by destiny. They feel trapped by the decisions that they've. They are trying to defend themselves. But they they hope, but they're hoping that it all falls apart. So even though they might be afraid of this kind of whatever is happening with these children in the middle. They're kind of hoping it goes ahead and falls apart because again, this feminine energy that's in this scenario is. A weight this is anchor Chained weighed down. So again, it's like she's gotta get her grip, you know? It's all going to fall apart because someone's working with the axe. He's the boss, a very strong. There is a loyalty to the children. There, this father is still loyal to the children, though he is free. And you know, he's kind of foolish to expect anything. It's kind of foolish to expect any. OK, so have they considered contacting? They feel really stuck by the decisions that they've already made and they want to like, kind of defend themselves. But there is this hope that everything falls apart because someone's working with their acts. The father is very loyal to the children, so it would be foolish to expect it. So have they considered it? It would be foolish to expect it because they're loyal. And they feel stuck, but they hope everything falls. OK, that answers the the the thing. Let's see here. Is there competition for the retention? Probably The children, Yeah, the home. Yeah, they're loyal to their home. They're home and loyal. They're home is strong. So again they their home is strong so they probably. Again, and it's a it's a competition for their attention. It's for, it's for the home. Maybe they are. Maybe they take care of their home really well. And so, you know I feel like this could be like someone who's like really taking care of things, you know, so they're attention might be more towards their home and things that you know and get building their strength, their own strength and saving money. So they they have. Any competition for their attention, it has to do with finance, it has to do with getting stronger and has to do with their home so it doesn't look like they're again. They. There's another person. If there's someone at their home then that would be competition. But if there's if this person is single. I don't know. OK, what would they say? Ohh is this person right here before business person? It would help you feel some other family issues. Well, you're holding on to a lot of stress. There, there's a lot of holding on. There's a lot of holding on or holding back. There's there's stress about the children. Was worried about the children. There's anger. About the commitment. And they feel left out. This cell, this. There's a selfish woman here. This maybe this feminine energy that you got to get a grip on. Again. I I feel like they're gonna hold back. Because they worry about the children. They are upset about the commitment or the marriage. They feel left out in the cold. Whoever this Queen of Pentacles is this selfish woman. I mean, she is. She ends it, OK? It's like 10 of Swords, so, like, it's an end or betrayal. She, I mean she ends the again by this wish for motherhood. Wishing that the mother and father. As a wish here. For the mother and father. The wishes for the mother and father to move. Go on a trip. Wally, but surely in time. That that decision will become successful. They're really holding back and stressing about their their, their children. They are upset. About the marriage or the commitment? And they feel left out in the cold. Or stigmatized in some way? This queen of pinnacles, whoever this other woman, at which back to this feminine energy that's you know spontaneously there needs to be an agreement with. You know what I mean. Uh, possibly part of these family issues that you're dealing with. Again, she ends it. She creates this complete she. She ends it. She creates the betrayal. And then the last line here is there's a wish for the mother and father to take a trip or to move. Slowly but surely, that decision will come true. That decision will be successful. The decision. The slowly but surely the decision is made to return or to be successful. Is this person right for you? That was neither yes nor no, but it ended with If you make the decision, it will be successful. OK. What's the size? Kiss kissing you makes me so hard or wet. Talk about. Turned on. I love the smell of you, lick me and all like you too. All the beds. So what is the last thing? This person. Pussy eating and a nice hard fuck. Again, there are some. There worry. Again, there's denying that this is everything. There's some. That's what the cards say, the denial of everything. But last thing they got off to was simplicity. Very hard, from which he falls off. All right. What is the guidance here from my listeners? The SAX? SAX. Sex of sound? This person's relationship is they're not happy about this sex. Sex is really sad or brings depression and that is the jungle jungle here. And that's why they're juggling to move on. They need a new Begin. The feelings here are mutual. Try to help everything fall apart. But there's you both have a lot of wisdom, you both have a lot of experience. So you are still very much protecting what you've built, the homes that you've built or the place that you're building and you're protecting it. The public massages defend you. And make them happy. So this is always my social media card or whatever. It could be a project, it could be art that you're making in some way. So right now, the sex is really sad. It's depressing, and it's creating the juggle in itself. So the sex, if this person is in a relationship trying to get a grip on this feminine energy over here, maybe she's made some kind of threat that she'll take away the children if there are no longer in a relationship. You know, again, you're still needing to work on forgiving your parents. All right. So at the end of the day, no matter what's going on with them. And their whole fear about, you know, needing to rescue their child in some way and get up on out of something that's been very drastic to them. Like I said, for them what you don't know is. That they feel like they need to rescue themselves and maybe a child and get up out of a drastic situation. You know what I mean? Again, this creates the anxiety, the worry. You bring this person so much like you illuminate the things for them. You help guide them. You've relaxed them. They feel your empathy. They think you're sweet. It's like my sweet little chocolate cards, Sweet little chocolates all over it. So the relationship they're in right now, this sucks, is bad. So that's that's the end. Let's just be honest, once a sex is over, it's over. And then again, there's a drug amount to move on. They both need new beginnings. The feelings are mutual and they help tower this entire perspective. They help move this person beyond this relationship there are still very defensive of their home. Or they will defend their home, You know what I mean in some way. You know, that's kind of like I'm going to go down fighting. So you know. You know, I didn't just walk away. You know, there's that. It could be that kind of energy. You know what I mean? This person will go down. I don't feel like this person will go down swing. The social media messages or the project really helps defend them or you. It brings them happiness. There's all this happiness. What is guidance? One second. The parts. I do not read reversals warning because of the way I've set my meanings of my card. Every card has like you know, depends on where it lines, that's you know. Feels like. Don't have. Multiple. The children and this guy can't huffs again. There's work. The work is really sweet. The page of Cups. The King of Cups. The child and this one. And this guy. So I don't know if this is your child and this guy or their children. And I don't know if it's tough, what it's talking about. Again, now we're talking about school, work or meeting. Very sweet. It creates another drug, the children, with this guy. And the and the, the working, whether that be school, you know it creates, it's sweet, it creates the juggle. There's a lot of love. There's a lot of stability, money, family and there's a lot of stress. Moving or taking a trip? Would get caught, but they would. They would feel caught. Could be flirting and mature energy. It could, say, flirt with this person. I could say the schools guidance if they were talking about the children in this scenario or it seemed to flirt with this guy. Maybe something with work? Maybe ask about the question. Again, there's really sweet soulmate energy here and it creates the juggle. Increase the don't cause there's love and there's abundance and there's family. And it also creates stress, because there is real love and there's real abuse. Again, this move feels like a cock, like it's like this, this. There's either going on a trip and getting caught. Or there's moving and feeling caught. You know what you mean, stressing over the move and feeling hot. Stressing over the trip. I mean, are you guys thinking about cheap? If you're sitting there thinking, OK, I'm going to flirt with this one, blah blah blah. You know, maybe meet up somewhere, You know what I mean? I don't know. It's saying be strong. So if you thought about like cheating with this person, like meeting up. That looks like it would cause stress. The decision would be to to again, to defend themselves. So there would be a no. And that's the judgment. So if you're thinking about spontaneously jumping up on this. You're not going to get the answer that you'd like. Again, the judgment is tower. It's a lose, lose situation. Everything falls apart. It's a lose, lose situation and I don't know if this is because of age or because of experience. Back to this, there's defense. There's a lot of defensive energy and it may be because of the family issues. Someone wants to defend their work. On the Internet or, you know, at a distance, here comes messages, and then there's messages. And then action taken, OK, the decision, the decision will be to. To be defensive and denying because the judgment is it would make everything fall apart. The situation and that is why. Again, there's experience here. Age, experience, wisdom. Or someone stays alone. Again, defense. Defending themselves, defending their work. Possibly at a distance, possibly on the Internet, possibly wanting to move. Here comes the massage. And then here come the message that actions been taken. What's the action? The actions been taken to be happily to be happy, live happily ever after. OK. And. The message is such a decision to leave happily ever after. OK. So someone would be making the decision here. Maybe the decision is going to be made to cheat and would happily ever after. I don't know. I don't see any cheating here. I just fucking just. Stress. So whatever's happening with this feminine energy issues creating. This is not you, and this is not your personal metrics. And then there's needs to. This is the family. That needs to be healed because again, there's just a lot of. Sorry, I mean, I know. That's at the end of the day. Like, I can see what. But. That makes sense. I'm taking an Aboriginal draining totem for everybody today and finish off with this. Confident. You confuse confidence with ego. There is no shame in coffee. It's about knowing who you are and what you want and most important. Having the courage to stand. So. Stop. Courage to stand. OK. You bring good feelings to this person. To the situation. Others need. My own. In time, family, things. You gotta give people time and how to get into space because everybody's got enough ego and it depends on the kind of person you're dealing with. For how long it's going to take ground to to lighten up like some people get over things, really. I don't like to have. Ohh. The stress of of you. Of that kind of energy, right of of chaos or upset. So some people get over things a lot. And then there are those things that, you know, no one can get. Sorry, you know so. Just such. Which is? That. I'm starting to come to a realization. Everybody has a different. Animal. And because I'm dyslexic, I look at every. Backwards to forwards first and then I go forward to backwards forward. The full prospect? OK, so yes, like like if I'm looking at a paragraph. My actual eye tracking is going to go to the bottom right and I'm going to go up. Scanning my entire paragraph, meaning until I get to the top and then. That's like that's how a dyslexic moves. There's, there's. Right. So. I'm just I'm coming to understand because I do it that way because I like, I scan it backwards for for for information before I. Like, I normally can come to realization sometime sooner than others and emotionally work through things a little bit differently too. But that's what I'm coming to realize. If you got to give people space to work through their emotions, you got to give people. But yet you have to be there and be supportive. So if they need you. It's here. You're there. You know what I mean? It's specially when I'm like dealing with my son. Like I know he needs space to work through his motions, but I want him to know the moment he needs me, I'm right there. But I'm not encroaching on him to work through his emotions. I'm wanting him work through himself, you know, so there's respect and allowing someone their own process. Into seeing the reality of what they're doing. Everybody process things at their own time. At their own level which they stand and and contemplate right. So you know, we talked about this tree metaphor here. There's two ways, right? There is top down which is sun and photosynthesis down to the roots, right? And also you know to breathe out and then from the roots it there's a gathering and. Uh, flowing through. So trees move in two to. Right. And so do people. So again, you know, working on your own family issues. Uh, there'll be things that will help them with their family issues, So be brave, be free. Previous be confident. Work through your own issues instead of pointing out someone else's issues, and let them be inspired by your modeling How. To go through. Then. Sometimes. I guess you gotta list. Alright.
Craps. Cross. Romantic feelings. The filings are real and worth. Feeling. The situation between. Right now there's a meeting, two or more people with discussing plans right now. There's a lesson here. Someone is going to get. Throat and barrasso energy. Searching. Searching for way to get away. Possibly vacation. OK, so. There's romantic feelings, so there's. There's a meeting, OK, someone's met here, you possibly met this person and a group of of a few people. Again, there's a there's some kind of planning going on. There is a third party kind of relationship, so there's some cheating going on possibly. Someone, again, is crushed, sad, broken, alone, embarrassed. Maybe that's the fear here. Or, you know, again, this person's got you romantically feeling, you know what I mean? So now there's now there's now there's searching for online, searching to go on a vacation. OK, what is going on with their situation that you don't know about? Love affair? There's a dirty little secret. The signs are looking like it's going to be and and financial support, child alimony or government support, they're going to sell the house. It's all going to happen very spontaneous. This either happened in the past because again, it's something that's happening that you don't know all now. What do you what do you know about this situation? How do you make a better decision? Well, there's this love affair. There's a secret. Here's the secret. I don't even know if they had a love affair again. There's karmic third party list, and there's a meeting. Someone got crushed, broken, embarrassed now searching for a way to escape. And we go. Vacation. I mean, you don't know. Is that again? And I don't know, maybe this person got cheated on. Fucking just wants to escape it all again. There's a a secret here and there were signs, so you know the secret is. Signs that there's a secret here. Um, it's leading towards financial support, child alimony. So break up, definitely. And a move, physical location change. This is all very spontaneous. It's going to create gossip. From here on the deck happiness. OK, it's tedious breakup. OK, How would they, how do they feel about you and your presence in their life? Makes it feel a little unstable, but they're very open to it. These romantic feelings make them feel unstable, but they are open to it. There's a little bit of fear that things aren't what they appear to be, so your understanding of the situation is not completely correct. They might have been sabotaging this a little bit. They kind of made a fool of themselves. Have you guys had a past love affair? I don't know. There's distance though. They feel so far away from you. Back to this, there's going to be a spontaneous location change. Ohh. They think that you're very naive and they're very confident that everything's going to work out. They're little. They don't wanna play this game anymore. Whatever game you guys have been playing, they just wanted to become their healthier self and you inspire them to become healthier on the bottom of the deck. It was sexual. Let's play. How would they describe? As the Liberator, maybe you liberated this person from their relationship. Freeing yourself and others from our model believes they look at you. They would say that you liberated them. They'd also say you're a gossip though. So maybe did you go to like? They also call you the Companion. They get a little bit of a gossip, awakens consideration for feelings of others and the Companion. So they they see you as someone that liberated them. Play me like that, I don't know. Let me see where they're complaining. That's how they would describe you. They're the ones gossiping about you. Have they considered contacting you? You're in no contact. The excess started a fight. It's very foolish. I got them trapped in their head. So either their exes started a fight or is struggling right now, or your ex. I'm not sure. Again, it's really it's a foolish, it's foolish and it's it's my fault the the emotions. Or mutual, and they are strong, yet they are. You pass someone's pass will be feeling left out when it comes to social media or something public. It's very sweet and they're stressing about it. There's some stress about it. There's some stress about the move. So they might not be posting anything on social media right now, or they might be very quiet again, It's because they're they're struggling and fighting with their ex right now and they're kind of strapped in their fucking head. The feelings between you right now are mutual and are strong and their secret. You might feel left out when it comes to social media. I don't know why, but they're this is very still very sweet energy. What's happening is they're stressing the move. Or they're stressing the trip again back to the physical location change with that. Location change right next to the financial support that that's popping up like that and the gossip and the welfare is popping up like break up. They will make a decision and. They're stressing over getting somewhere right now. OK, they will make the decision they would choose. Soon, Yeah. They make the decision to contact you. Yes, they will contact you. This person will contact you. OK. Is there competition for their attention? They might have just broken up with this third party. There's is there competition right now? I mean, there's the decision to move home. The decision is to move home. So if this person has been, you know, they might move to their hometown, the decision is to move home. That's literally what it's saying. A chariot. Home. Four of wands. Again, the decision could be to. All I see is move on. Move homes, You know what I mean? The axe has a secret. And it could we could be talking about like this could be a fresh X. The ex has a C for it. Gets ghosted. And move the axis secret gets ghosted or or the axis? Again, there's an X here gets ghosted. They they move on from stocking. Action is taken to break up and move on. Is their competition for their attention. They gotta get through. They gotta get through this move. Whatever is happening right now, there's a big move. I'm summertime, there's a big movement time. This is a summer show. Is this person? Shuffle once. Romantic. Mass in the past. Childs. Person, right? It's. There's a seat, the secret, and there's the break up. Defending yourself and your commitment to carrying the burden. Is this person right for you? Well, it's still secret. Until the break up and then you're going to feel defensive about the commitment that's going, there's going to be a burden. Is that right for you? There's got to be a bird. But yes, you'll move on from all of that. And yes, double, yes, ace of sword strength, that's a big old yes. Uh, you'll feel like a fool in love, but you'll still juggle. Still juggle and there'll be a need to move on. Emotions in this back of this breakup. So there's romantic feelings, but yes, there's going to be a need to move on. Uh, from the mass of the they came and that is going to mind. Funk you just a little bit, but you will get over it. It's a big time. Yes, this is the right person for you. What would they say? Again, they've just gone through a comic cheating scenario. I feel like I want you to dress up for me. I want my head between your legs. You're so sexy. When you are wet. Perfect. On the counter, on the couch, on the floor, on the stairs, on the bed. I'm gonna spank that ass, pull that hair, and suck on those perfect titties. OK? That's everything there. Damn it. Got a? For you. Direct way that was direct as far. I like that. I like direct. Committed. You know, it's a pretty cross to. It's not like overly decorative, but it's just. What's the last thing they got off? She had a little triangle. It was probably PVS. It was a cheating pornography. It ended and doggy style. And the cream gives the cream pie. I'm going to read that as cream pie. Watch the column. Could have been a little bit of. Sex. I normally read this. Sex, but I'm trying to read this as I'm trying to find out what's the last like thing they actually came to. So I think it would be. Again, like they the porno would have been laid out. She was laid out on the bed again. Should ask play. They got caught, so it's going to be one of those cheating. Pornography is going to be a lot of those really cheating. My wife. Yeah, yeah, Doggy style ends with a cream pie. OK, what's the cards actually say? The truth is, this is. Manifesting. You're investing in it. The cheating man is alone the cheating man. Is wise or is alone or is getting old? What? There's kind of a truth. The truth is to be expected here. The truth is going to come out here. You can expect the truth. Again, someone needs to move on. They need to move. There is a return. Energy here and it's been a struggle and there's a fight. Again, the there there. Someone returns to the fight. The truth is, you can expect to need that there needs to be something moved on from. And then we have this move trip the move is is successful or in the move they return. There is a fix. There's a reconciliation. And then there's and, but then there's holding back from this woman. Because she's a bitch and she's selfish and greedy. And the X to the X. And she's sneaky. Yeah, she's she might sneak away. She she might sneak away from home and have sex with her boss. This one was like sneaking home, sneaking away from home to have sex with her boss, Emperor. I'm going to read it as box. The truth is, you can expect to move, to have to move on from some shit. There's asked to be a move, they return or remove is successful. It creates A slight there is a reconciliation or I need to find balance, but they're going to hold back. From this woman who is greedy and Abich and now the acts. Again, sneaking off from the home to fuck. Either the baby daddy, the boss, or the father. So again, we're talking about a woman who is either fucking or boss. Maybe she is fucking her baby daddy and then another relationship, I don't know. Uh, maybe she's walking in Aries. I don't know. She sneaks off from the house to fuck. This dude does that. You know. Goodness, I feel pause. In the box. So you're going to like once you hear the whole story with this person, you're gonna, you know, there's gonna have to. Yeah, there's romantic feelings. You guys got something going on. It's worth exploring. But there's ship that's got to be moved on from. Yeah. It's just foolishness. It all falls apart. And again, this is a very sweet relationship. So again, their whole, whatever they had falls apart. But there, here's this really sweet relationship. The decision was to end it with this batch. They just decided to end it with this pitch. Yeah, she's kinda cheating guy. She's got. She's been cheating with some guy. Yeah, that's right. And that was the defense again, moving. Away from the fight with this woman who's a sneaky bitch and and greedy. So it looks like again, there's romantic feelings that you have between you and the person that looks like they're moving away from this cheating badge. OK. Everybody's getting an Aboriginal dream totem to end by reading questions. What are you thinking? What you are thinking about is absolutely correct. So whatever you just thought in your mind, you're right. It takes courage to trust yourself. Especially when everything points in a different direction. Yeah, when you are confused and there is shit going on all around you, remember that you have experience and remember to follow your instinct when there is nothing when you look around and you can't. Cognitively, pull the right decision out. Follow your gut instinct. You want you. We always regret it when we don't follow our instinct. Don't. Yeah, and there's a reason. That's why we always follow it when we don't know when we have nothing else to go on. Follow your instinct. They are definitely feelings here. So this person's gotta get over their ship with their ship. But it looks like you guys are going to have a nice relationship. And my God, the way those sets, the way that sucks. Team pulled out, Oh my God, it's hot. Boom, boom, boom. He knows exactly what the fuck he's got. You No question. All right, all right. He's just fucking waiting for this bullshit to get done. Back with finally.
3: said. Sign me Cat. Cutie. All right. It just I just. I'll take it. This. You feel like there's romance. But someone was still. So. I think there's two ways. Either there's romantic feelings and there's acting like there's not, or there's romantic, you think there's romantic feelings and there's not. They're just deceiving you. Possibly for their own gain. We'll see what as we dig at. There's two ways of that can be read. The situation between the two of you. There's some forbidden love here. Maybe this is the deception, tragedy, forbidden love. Today, right now. So there's romantic feelings, but they involve we've had to deceive other people. Correct But today there's a realization. Today it comes out Oh my God. There's really a lot there's lots of love here. It's it's it feels extreme. It feels drastic. There's like. Coming to awareness is actually love. So maybe you've had romantic feelings, Maybe you've been cheating. And now? This comes to. Drastic. And it's throwing a journal card. So I don't know if like you're right about this in your diary or what's going on. There's writing going. So maybe you're writing to each other? What is the situation between you both right now? Well it's it was a tragedy there was it was forbidden. Again, you might have been deceiving yourself or deceiving others. There possibly, but today this ship comes to aware if something comes to light. And what comes to light is love. Unconditional drastic. Be right about I almost feel like that's the the, the line, the story. What about the situation? Don't you know? Gossip. Already. There's already gossip about it. There's already gossip about below. Fair. It was already gone, so already hit the hit the wire. And there's love. Oh my God. So this love affair is because of love. Now there's a proposal on the table. And a need to come to some kind of compromise and being very focused. So you don't, OK. You know what's between you now is there again. There's a tragedy. Something comes. Soreness. It's love. It's drastic. That's being written about in some line hours. Cross. As gossip because of this secret, the secret love. What you don't know, You don't know that there's already gossip going on about the love. Between you and this. You're trying to deceive everybody, but they're now there's an offer on the table and there needs, there's a need to compromise some kind of agreement to happen and this person is focused on you and making sure, OK. How do they feel? About your presence. Remorseful, if you like. They feel like they ordered. But there is passion. You make me feel. You have the Skype. There's two love cards now, Passion. They're just miserable and they're tired of pretending they're not their secrets. They want to know what's going on with you. You know I know you can feel me right and you're inside my mind. I know the truth is I've been trying to hide. You know the truth. There's truth between the two of you, and you intuitively understand and trust one another. Jesus. There's another trust card. Jesus and the strength card. Whoa, so there's if you are sitting here, like is there really romantic feelings or am I fucking kidding myself? The answer is there's definitely love and passion and truth and trust on the table. OK. So regardless of those two top cards of what's going on here, the romantic feelings is the deception or the OR there's feelings, and now we're deceiving other people. The There's real love here. This love is coming to awareness today. Right. It feels drastic. You are right about it. Or they want to write about it, or it's inspiring us. You want to write each other. What you don't know is there's already gossip out there. It's already crazy amount of gossip about this. And they know that and and it's love. And there is an offer on the table which needs there needs to be a compromise and this person is focused. If you're remorseful, if you want behind messed it up. But there's passion here and there's so sad and they don't want to pretend that they're not. What's going on? There's secrets. This is the truth. Inventively know that. If trust, if strength. But yeah, you both are extremely fucking tired. How will they? What has the virgin may take someone who has maintained symbolic. You. The companion card again is Companion. Artist come up. Has it come up all three reading? I need to write that on here because I'm never gonna remember. Get to. Systems like I think. Companionship. So they see that you've kept yourself pure in some way, you know? You have some kind of. I see you as a companion, and I see you as a night. They see you as brave and loyal and romantic. And she, she, she. Whatever. Alright, where are we at? OK. Have you considered? That work? But they that works, they thought about that. They've been investing just a little, just a little. They're trying to move at work, OK? They have considered contacting you at work, whatever that. Um. Or maybe you guys are only in contact at work? Work affair. So yeah. This there's already gossip. Does this work or there's hardly gossip? Again, it's a lose lose situation, but here's this offer. That's right under the offer proposal. And the temperance card And the home card. Now there's an again, it's a lose situation. Here comes this gift, or here comes this offer that brings peace to the home or brings ballads to the home or reconciles. What's happening? Contact. They're really, they're fucking mind trapped by this spirit, right? It's really regrettable. She's angry, angry. His anger over any public message on Facebook or Instagram or anything. She gets angry about anything. OK. It's pretty awesome, but you guys love each other. Have you fought? You're still the motive. Is this romantic, or am I fucking kidding myself? You know what I mean? You're still in that fucking headframe. At work, yeah. Yeah, there's some emotions that need to be moved on from about receiving so little. Or why they've invested. It's a lose lose situation, so you might as well do what you want. Here's this gift. Here is this offer. Here is this proposal. From this Angel temperance. Brings balance, healing, sitting there, mixing a drink. Home stability. So you're. I feel like you're offering home instability to this person. And that's the love. They're still mind trapped by this bitch. It's really regrettable. She is angry if they make any kind of public message incoming angry over any kind of social media massage, I feel. And then again, some Dick left her out in the cold and she has been stressing about this. So here's the third party. Here's the third party energy here. She's stressing over the relationship with this guy, the guy that you want. So they're trapped in their head. By this bitch. It's real regrettable. She's mad at the fucking post any. All because some household left her out. And now she's stressing over this relationship and now there's all this stress in her relationship, so. This cheating. There might be cheating here from the other end and. You know what I mean? This person, they thought about contacting you at work. If they contact you did you it would be in the in a work setting it would be in a work mind frame like hey can we work together or hey, do you want do you know something that I could easily Google, you know, that kind of mentality. So there's. I don't. I think they're they've they're thinking about ways if you're in kind of a no contact, there's romantic feelings and you're sitting there like, am I fucking fooling myself or is this is there something here, You know what I mean? They're obviously got a different thing going on which is would do a spur of the gossip. Is there competition for their attention? Again, this is coming to light. They had there's been an offer from their acts, they got an offer from their acts. It's but he's he's really it's. It would take a long time and it's really slow and they've already moved on from him or it. Yeah, it's over. So is there any competition? Well, they got an offer from their from an axe lover, but it's something or you know, it's something really going slow. It would be really slow. It would take a really long time. So they've moved on from it. It's over for sure, Death. So is there competition for their attention? No. Looks like the axe is done. Is this the right person for you? Maybe you're. Again, there's a lot of, there's a lot of hope, but this is about timing because again, there's. There's this greedy woman here. It is manipulating the choice who's manipulating the choices and it's leading to this ghost energy. It's leading to non action. All right. Sex was seen. The sex was witnessed. The sex with the cheating dude was witness. So I don't know if he had that or someone saw someone saw the sacks with this dude. Someone saw the sex with this dude was really sorry. Really sorry. So we're talking about this Queen of Pinnacles. In time, what's going to manifest? Is this woman getting ghosted, making the decision with Ghost because she fucked this cheater and it was seen. That could be, you know, seen. So it could be something somewhat public or it could be his friends private chat or some. It's really like it's sorry, right, sorry this. And then here comes success. Here comes this, here comes the return of this deck. And then the deck returns. And that creates a lose situation. Yes or no? Is this person right? Horse so sweet, yes. Whores soul mate, Yes. Or. Or is the soul mate yes? Moving on from the messages. I've been. The cards are like you hoe. So this is sweet, yes? Going to move on from the messages. Alright, alright, alright, alright. Yes, you get what you want. Your car just said. Let's just say that. Did that just fucking say that? Oh my God. 4. This person right for you. It's like they just called me a whore and said yes, this is sweet. It's the truth. Now let's move on to the message, OK? What are they going to text message? I feel like you're. Whoever is your your guy, that's, you know, controlling your fucking reading. But I can't see. Just called me a fucking whore. Said. Yeah, I'll get on to the sex message. I want. I want to run my tongue all. Space. Spot until you shake. I wanna taste you. I need to feel your soft kiss on my lips. Why the dumb one here? Since I don't know. Like the, I don't know the players. Like, I feel like, yeah, just get on to the messages, yeah. My asses slide your fingers down. Down, down, down. OK, alright. What's the last thing that this person came? Bear with me. They're reading. The message. Sorry. All right, there is love here. Last thing they came to as a POS. Start of PVS and then again you know big guy on top of her she was laying out and then back to. Standing doggy style. She was up on the counter. So it might have been. I feel like this is almost like there was a couple. I feel like this was a couple pornos. One was a POV? Asked Brunette. Nice asses. And then I feel like they had to go do something, like, like I feel like they had to pull up a couple more and the next one was a blonde. And she's a. She's like laid out, you know? Like that. And then the next one was fucking her over the counter top or something the cards say. What is manifesting? Makes you feel left out because of this Dick. And his fear. So this manifestation could end because of some kind of fear. Because of Dick here, my feelings gonna Dick so. There's a little fear here. But I say. The decisions, the decisions have already been made by this batch. OK. It's going to. It's going to be again, It's going to be on Facebook. It's going to be on. Whatever. There's going to be something in public about it, even though it's secret right now. Secretly, though, right now, I feel trapped and there's a desire to again let all that fall deal with that heartbreak and wish. Wish to invest. Yeah, this is really working between the two of you. There is mutual fund. So. The if there's another woman in this, in this thing, her days are numbered. She's already made the decisions to lead to the destiny that this will go public in some way. Um. Again. Right now, she's secretly feels trapped and she's wanting this to end and just end in heartbreak. And isn't it kind of amazing? Like you get to this point in the relationship where you're just like, let's just like. Deal with heartbreaking. You know it's already got that kind of energy. Again, there it ends with a wish. To invest in this relationship with. It is working or this? The work with this woman is almost. And the feelings here are mutual. There's love here, there is love. So there is the the breakups coming happen. it's going to be kind of, it's just going to be kind of upsetting. It's a lose lose situation, but it is manifesting and they will move. OK, so again, I feel like this, this reading, overall all the readings this week, there's an essence of people breaking out, people moving on, which sometimes a great time. You know what I mean? These people get caught. Cheating Alright, it's a great time to move naturally because of the weather. You know it's a good time and then you don't have any holidays to deal with family. You can break up real easy. Trying to have some thought for freedom. Everybody's getting an Aboriginal Dreaming Totem card this week. You're getting the same card as before. Confident. You confuse confidence with ego. There is no shame and confidence. It's about knowing who you are and what you want, Most importantly, having the courage to stand up and get it again. We need to have I gotta rate this down because there is a need to have. Courage and confidence. To get your companion like we're getting to companions on this companion cards keep coming out and now this confident. Be confident. This whole week is about you know? Be confident. This person is your company. All right. One more card for you, because I just you know. Caution. You're be confident. But yeah, we'll be cautious. There's no truth behind this, this farce. Be wary of smoking mirrors. Look closer. The illusion will soon melt away and reveal sanctuary. We're only truth Remain. So again, you feel like you don't understand this scenario. You don't know what the fucks going on. You feel these romantic feelings. Yeah, you feel like you're deceiving yourself. Or they could be deceptive in. It's telling you to have confidence but also use caution, but also know that you have the experience to see through the smoke and mirrors. Right. To see through the gossip and realize that there is true, genuine certain. And admiration and enchantment between the two of you. And that is worth having them courage to go forward. Go get this one. Sign these Kitty cats, little hairless pussies. Get that fucking Brazilian Ohh honey. Fuck this one. So good. Alright, episode 77. It looks like we're all getting lucky. At the end of this episode. You know I'm going to throw on a. I don't know which one yet. So early, but throw on a lover Zodiac here. But everyone got lucky this week. So. Make sure you're. I mean, I have when it's Siamese Kitty, I I just, I mean, there's these cats that have hair and then there's the. Truly hairless Katie, I don't know where you at and I don't know where you're at for summer push push right now. Is it? Is it there? Is it gone? Where's your Bush? Send me an e-mail. Send me your review. I will be back to recording shortly. I'll be coming to the end of my summer. All over the place, energy up the back forth, here, there, all sorts of confused. Uh, but you know, stop in and leave a review. Tell me how much pussy hair you have. Shave. Or your runway, or you trying? Or completely hairless? Are you a fucking Great American Bush? Let me know. Um. I will hopefully be back. Either next week or the following week. Like all sorts of stories from my travels, I'm excited alright, Only April even packed yet I'm just finishing the readings Further, the show in Which. Call minutes. Busy schedule. Although it's 50° though, let's all remember as we're enjoying the summer weather that there was a day which is cold. All right, lucky lucky number 77 This was the show was good. Public companies, so I hope this one wasn't a lot. Alright, I'm doing the journey.