There’s No Place Like Home! Lovebird Love Notes and Sagittarius Lovers
I’m home from my summer travels and ready to start recording tarot again. I had a nice break from the world of tarot and a nice vacation as well! But first, here’s a collection of love notes from 2022. It will take me a week to get this machine running again! Thank you for understanding. I can’t wait to get back to it! I end this show with Sagittarius Zodiac Lovers. There is never a dull moment unless you are in their home space. The other side of this fun-loving sign is a cool-down period of hermit-hood where we sleep, listen to music, enjoy our comfy silence, and process all of our experiences. The best part of traveling is coming home!
- Hawk: 00:17:00
- Duck: 01:04:27
- Sagittarius Lovers: 01:42:18
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions