Appreciating the Little Things: Cancer Lovers and Your Relationship Tarot Reading

Doing anything with someone with special needs is challenging. My severely autistic sister always kept us on our toes. Vacations were particularly intense for us. Stepping out of our protected environment and interacting with "normal" people and their seemingly perfect lives wasn't easy. However, my parents made significant efforts to provide her with typical experiences throughout her childhood and into her "adulthood." She will never be able to care for herself and requires round-the-clock assistance. Parents of special needs children often don't get to witness their little ones achieve independence. Despite this, our family ensured that she had access to the best opportunities available for someone with such unique and debilitating symptoms. It can be difficult to share these stories as they may be challenging for others to comprehend. Following this week's relationship reading, we will delve into our zodiac lover series with Cancer. Known for being a homebody and a compassionate friend and partner, you can expect nothing but love and support from a Cancer.

Earth: 00:37:35

Wind: 00:58:27

Fire: 01:11:50

Water: 01:29:45

Cancer Lovers: 01:56:33

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions

Episode 76


Doing anything with someone with special needs is challenging. My severely autistic sister always kept us on our toes. Vacations were particularly intense for us. Stepping out of our protected environment and interacting with "normal" people and their seemingly perfect lives wasn't easy. However, my parents made significant efforts to provide her with typical experiences throughout her childhood and into her "adulthood." She will never be able to care for herself and requires round-the-clock assistance. Parents of special needs children often don't get to witness their little ones achieve independence. Despite this, our family ensured that she had access to the best opportunities available for someone with such unique and debilitating symptoms. It can be difficult to share these stories as they may be challenging for others to comprehend. Following this week's relationship reading, we will delve into our zodiac lover series with Cancer. Known for being a homebody and a compassionate friend and partner, you can expect nothing but love and support from a Cancer.



Earth: 00:37:35

Wind: 00:58:27

Fire: 01:11:50

Water: 01:29:45


Cancer Lovers: 01:56:33


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions




Won't be long. This content is older used though. Using. Zodiac lovers from a few years ago. I'll be back to recording soon. I'm probably recording. Now on this show is going now. I'm sure it's gonna be a nice break. And talk about my sister a little bit. My autistic sister Tonya and vacation since we're, you know, doing all these travel stories, so you know. First off, I have a really hard time because like so many people have autism now and like, it's the spectrum, right? And you know, I almost want to be like my sister has 1970s autism. I mean it's like. They didn't really know what it was back then. It had to be completely severe for even to get diagnosed. She was misdiagnosed multiple times. Uh, you know she? You know, she's all hooked in. MRD. Anyway, but you know, she had to be in special classes like. Special needs classes. She did graduate. From McKinley, which is one of the worst schools here in Northeast Ohio. You know, as we're talking about football. You know. With an attendance degree when she was. Sure. But you know, she's on the severe side of autism. She's got a lot of obsessive compulsive behaviors. Takes nothing to upset her. It could be the TV set and someone having an. It could be two people. It could be someone walking and having a bad fucking day. And her reaction to that is to him. But she was hard as fucking possible. She was, like extremely violent and that's how she expresses her discomfort and whatever situation she's in. The way I kind of explain autism. From you know, from live. With it from the time I was born. I just want to be honest, I was sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old, if that tells you how exhausting I was as a baby. Are exhausted, you know, cause newborn babies. Sleep for four hours and you get up. So, you know, that tells me that I wasn't sleeping during the day, you know? And Tony did a lot of banging things, making huge messes, making noise, yelling hollow. Inappropriate behavior all throughout. You. Through our young years and she was not medicated until. We got her into her assisted living situation. And that's when everything became very routine and medicine became very. But before that we never really found much that worked and they tried different things, but getting it had to be liquid. All those psych meds like glitter? Disgusting. You know, I've never given her medicine. Once my parents were out, so my parents would go out of town a couple times a year and I would watch Tony once I had my drivers lice. So I get her on the bus and then I go to school and then I come home. Her. And I made spaghetti. The fucking forgot her, Madison. And she was. Household. And so. Got her medicine out. And mixed it with the milk and the chocolate milk, because that's how she took it. And I get her to take her medicine and then she starts vomiting and then I start vomiting. her and I were over the kitchen sink, both vomiting spaghetti. I remember that. I was. I felt so sorry. I'm like, God, stop. So we're about to put. Just because. It was a it was an amazing moment when she moved into her assisted living, because before that, you know, it was 24/7 for my family, my mom, dad and I, and then my other sister who's older than. And I. You know, we we took tyrants watching her and like when I when I had to go, when I was watching, telling about myself. During the weeks that my parents got a little bit of a break from it all. My older sister would call. Morning because it was a little bit of a break. Getting on the buses. You know, I was, even though I was a kid. You know. There was I was expected to be really together. All right. Like I couldn't have Meltdown. Because if I had a meltdown, Tony was definitely gonna have a meltdown. Tony was having enough meltdowns, you know, so my mom. You're my normal one act, right? So. That was my child. Awesome. OK. I was her. Like, it was funny. I was talking to my older sister and I'm like, well, how did you deal with this? She's like, I punched her in the face one. She never attacked me. That would do it. But I didn't. I never. I told you and I wrestled and fought. Kind of like sisters, I guess are more like brothers, but. It was more defensive lineman extremely strong defensive fight. But she was little. She was kind of like a linebacker out of control. So like my childhood was. Violent. That's the only way. Like when I look back and I try to describe my childhood to people, it's like the only thing I can come up with is it was fine. You. Broken nose is black. She used she when I was real little, she used to close doors on my hand. So like one time she shot the car door and I had my hand in it, getting ready to. And she shut the door, and the door clicked. Click Show. Six years old. And Oh my God that hurt. And then we had this really big metal door that was between the house and the garage. And you know, I got to the point where I didn't want to go in the house last because the moment I put my hand in the door. He would shut it as hard as Poss. So I mean, I had like broken fingers, broken nose, multiple times, black eyes, just. Forward neck and shoulder. Lot of my body pain. Defense. And we love Tanya. Tanya's great. Tanya is hilarious, but she she. She needs two people. To care for. And like, I look at that now, like, you know. She's got staff and she's all in the program. Like that. We could. We could not keep. For the rest of our life. Ohh. And it was. Look at that now. And I'm like I was so. 16. Sell for. OK. You. Weeks and shit like that and I used to come home from school every day and watch her for multiple. Parents could finish work. First real job. Take off all her clothes and. On the neighbors fucking porch. Her behaviors were so. Just weird. Would go through a parking lot and she'd be pulling people. Um. Antennas off their cars and shit like that. She you would go to sleep and wake up the next morning, she'll have opened an entire 12 pack of soda and have it on the table, and then she needs to make these huge. She used to walk into my room and throw fruit cup at my bed. Get home, walk my room. And I was like fucking Peaches and juice all over my fucking bed and pudding and shit like that. You know. You know, so I and then she had this thing with silverware where she had like silverware. And so she would take silverware and she would throw it outside or she would stuff it in the hole in the wall that she made with her head, you know, couple months ago. And like, you would open up our fucking silverware drawer and there was no silverware like I remember this one morning. It's me and my dad. My dad and I were the first ones up in the. OK and so. He was getting ready for work. He was drinking out. She was. She broke every glass in the house as well. He was drinking out of a Creamer. Without a handle. OK, so I'm sitting there. My dad is drinking a Creamer. Without the, without the handle, and I'm sitting there with a small mixing bowl. And a wooden spoon eating cereal. I shit, you know, this is a this is a this is what it was like. 5. My dad and I are sitting there in complete silence, not even to. Used. I think he's drinking coffee back. Coffee. Might have been. Out of his, Out of a Creamer. Broken. Small. Wouldn't. That's all. So we got to this point that one Christmas. My mom got us all mess kit. Military mask. So and then that was your that, well there is your. There's your fork, there's your spoon, there's your knife. If you lose them, you know. Ohh, but she was just weird like I remember like. Friends coming over? And kind of being like, where's I need a spoon? And you know, look at the door. They'd open the door and there was nothing there like ohh. We used to go to Sam's Club and buy like restaurant amounts of forks and spoons because we were going through them so quick, you know? Throwing them everywhere, like you go out to our old house with a metal detector, you're going to think you're going to find gold and all. It's going to be this bunch old metal silverware. So my childhood was really fucked up. It was really weird. And you know, I gave up trying to explain how odd it was. To people. I was in grade school. It was, First off, it wasn't even worth telling people how fucking strange it was. Also his dangerous. Just for my family for ship. Which is so fucking weird. So anyway, we used to go to the shore like a normal fucking family every year. You know, we went to. Hilton Head for a long time, and then we started going to Outer Banks. And we were in a house. And you know this this had a whole nother set of stressors because, like, I'm at my house, all the doors were double deadbolts so that we could lock the doors at night, hide the keys, and then Tanya couldn't, like, leave while we slept. You know what I mean? It was a way that we could rest. And then also, you know, protect her. So it wasn't like one of us had to get up all through the night, you know, because she was up. She only slept for a few hours a night back then. Like maybe if she slept for four hours, that was a good night of sleep for her, you know? So the rest of us were always running on hardly any sleep because Tonya was waking us up. Through the night. And. So we go to the shore and it's all like, again it. You know, it normally took us about two days. We drive down to Virginia, stay the night and and with Phil and then we drive on to wherever we were going, whether it was North or South Carolina. And the moment we got to the house, we didn't even unpack. Our ship. Uh, my older sister and I and my nieces. We had this topple wear. OK. It was all of our supplies. And so we'd walk into the house and this place had a really nice fridge downstairs in the basement, and that was where we kept all the soda, because Tonya would just open every single can that she could like obsessively. So I pull out the chain. And we wrapped the chain around this refrigerator. We put a combination lock. Everybody knew what the combination lock was. And we was one of those that you could set so everybody knew how to get a soda. Uh, but Tanya couldn't get a soda. And then we would immediately start removing all the dishes, all the silverware, all the glass, glass, anywhere. I was memory. I'm. I am standing on the countertops. I'm probably about 15 years old standing on the countertops of this place. And my other sister is pulling out dishes and then handing them to me and I'm putting them on top of the cupboards, so we just like emptied the entire all the dishes. And put them on the tops of the cupboards and then went around and she spilled constantly, like we couldn't get through a dinner without her spilling a drink. We got to the point where everybody would sit at the table and hold their drink with one hand while they ate. That way she couldn't just jump up and spill your drink. OK, so we're we all have this thing like. That I I've noticed all of us at different times do it. Like we all sit there and we have our hand on our drink as we eat. Why are you doing that? Train. So, so we move this enormous dining room table and we put down the tarp because you know, of course it's one of these like Beachy places. Everything is white, everything is light. We put down this huge blue tarp and then move the table back on top it all these plastic chair covers. Because of the force, you know, they were nice dining room chairs and pinks and you know, so we put the covers on so we wouldn't stay in the seats because we wanted to get our deposit back. It's spent like almost probably 2 hours. The moment we arrived at our rental, just just Tonya proofing the whole play. So then we get our shit out and we all go swimming, you know? And we had a really great time as a family. My mom is an amazing cook. We used to go get these 5 LB bags of clams. And we just like, you know, my mom would put up these huge. Pots and to boil and we'd have these huge clam bakes. There was only. 45678 There's about eight of us. So total when we did this, we stopped doing it. We were. Stop. 2000. Something like 2000 was like the last time we went to the shore to pull together. You know, Tonya, had we had gotten, someone had gotten. Glass. A Coke bottle. This one here, they're really good, my dad. Thought so probably. Anyway, Tanya grabbed 1. I think out of the trash. And she had thrown it. And to break, she loved the sound of breaking glass. OK, she loved to break glass. We have all sorts of stories about broken glass. Anyway, she stabbed on the bottom of the bottle. And one of us comes in. We're like, where the fuck is all this blood coming from? There's blood all the way up the stairs on this white carpet. Oh my God, it was bleeding. I must be trying to find Tonya. And. She's got this huge gash at the bottom of her foot. We had to go to the emergency room, had to get stitches out. It was fucking horrible. Anytime we had to deal with Tonya and like glass in her foot, like she would get, you know, cause she broke glass, she would just step on it. She just didn't give a fuck, you know? And I know it's fucking insane. I know as I'm telling the story, probably listening back, like, yeah. But it was like a family get together. OK, so one time she got this really big. I don't know if it was a splinter or if it was glass, because we had we did this multiple times. So my mom was setting it up. She's like, OK, Friday at 5:00, we're taking this shit out of Tanya's foot. Everyone needs to be here. And then we're going to have dinner. And so my sister, my older sister, and her family, we'd all come over. It took all of us to hold her down. For my mom and dad to take a piece of glass out of her foot. You know what I mean? Because that she would not sit still, she would freak out. So I mean we it was literally any something as simple as a splitter. Was a full family event, you know with that year that she caught her foot on that, I think you know. You know, so much stress and we're in a new environment trying to keep an eye on her and that's always been a difficult thing. Like anything to go on vacation with her. You know. Everything is like everything at her house is set up so that. She can't fuck around with things, alright? And we go to these other places and we have none of these. Like baby proof. Tonya is basically a toddler. And will be with a with a real big anger problem. She broke her head. It took three staff members to care. I remember I was, I was picking up just to go out. To to get her out of the house for a minute and you know, she almost fell with me post hip surgery. I can't fucking do this by my fucking self. Because, you know, we have all these old behaviors. She's gonna want to go to the bathroom fucking three times. Anywhere we go she's gonna wanna go to the bathroom and if I say no, she's gonna start hitting herself in the face and blah, blah blah blah, blah. You know, I just. You know this is the problem with special needs over a period of time. You know you you have PTSD just from. Dealing with all the all of it, especially out of the normal environment, because anytime you put her in a different environment it just takes little her own level of stress up and out. She did love the beach and she loves the pool and things like that, but only for like 5 minutes. Like we go through swimsuits like crazy. Go in the pool for 5 minutes and then she want to take her swimsuit off and then she wanna put soon she wanna put one back on but she wouldn't want to put the wet one like ohh my gosh it goes on and on. But my whole life was really affected. By autism. Real autism, and and it's just, like, weird. You know, I'm sitting here watching reels of, you know. You know, my sister's on this one side of autism. And then there's this other side, the speck of the spectrum, where it looks like a normal person is having horrible and social anxiety. Pay. From my point of view, I have been I've been swimming in the deep end of fucking autism my entire life when I'm watching these reels of these people talking about their autism. It to me it's like, fuck, you just have really bad social anxiety disorder. Yeah, I get it like you're OCD and you like things a certain way. But it's frustrating because you know this, this particular mental disorder, you know, now has this enormous. You know. Population and people like Tonya. No longer do people understand the extremity. You know the how extreme it is. For her own particular situation. But again, the one thing I've learned through the years with Tanya. You can see right through. And so I used to like, have these moments. Make new friends and then I'd introduce him to talk. And. I know immediately what kind of quality a person. In. My friends were. Hiding. Those ones out, but. But it was that. It was so like everything was so absurd and so, like, crazy. You know. I remember when. When I. Apartment. Like silverware? I had iced 20 was really bad about. I don't know, like it was always gross, like I should put like. Like just weird shit in the ice maker. I don't know what she was doing, but sometimes the ice came out with like chunks of ice cream on it and shit like that. She was always doing something weird with the ice. So we never had like real quality is like you put ice in your drink and then also there be like floaties. Yeah. I remember like, when I moved out, like I'm sitting there like appreciating. The fact that I'm drinking soda out of a glass with ice. Like that was the most. Like amazing. Part of live. Outside of my face. And I still do that today. Like, I have these. I have little glasses. I love drinking soda out of glasses. And it's all because it's all because of this. And like, I drink and with ice, but now I drink them out of the little glasses because then my ice doesn't, My Coke won't water down as fast. Good, like they're right in the afternoon when I'm having my low, I get my little glass of ice and I pour my Coke in it. That's like my little like afternoon pick me up. Before lunch and then I normally have the rest of the can with lunch and. And like, I like that's the moment of appreciation, like a glass of ice. With me? I really do like this because that was impossible. Because we got to this point, but like anything, everything was plastic. Disposable. What? So yeah, that was going to the beach with Tonya. We did have. I got, I got travel stories. I gotta tell you this one. We took Tanya to Peel Island, which is an island in Canada. It's real quiet without. We thought this would be it would be really good. And so we decided we're going for a week, so we would have a for the first half of the week and then I would take the ferry back with her. For caregivers would come meet up with us and then they were going to take her to Cedar Point because she actually likes to ride roller coasters, OK, she used to like spin on a tire swing and and like she doesn't get dizzy. It's crazy. So she likes about motion, right? Well, she thought. I think, she thought. She was, you know, going home and I was trying to tell her she was going to see her point, but the whole thing really fucking upset or we get on this fucking ferry. It's a 2 hour ride. And she just flips the fuck out for the entire two hours. My hair, I look like I had. My hair was completely teased because she had pulled on it the whole time. And I remember when we walked into the to the boat is working to sit up front because like when people look at her, she's a burn victim. OK, so she's got skin grafts. So people really, they look at her and they can't hide. They're shocked, They can't hide their disgust, they can't hide those initial motions. And she picks up on that and then it makes real upset and we have issues. OK, this is the the. That. How everything piles up and then spins out of control. So we get on this boat and my niece was going to go with her OK because she was had to go back for work and share like that and Tony started having behaviors and. My other my niece who was only four years. I'm gonna make you look scared, shirtless. I was like, there's no way that I have to go. Because otherwise, you know, she won't be able to handle this. They'll call the cops and this will be a whole fucking big deal. That was always a retard. I was gonna freak out. They're gonna call the cops. You know what I mean? That kid, that kid that was that was shot with autism, like that was my world, OK? She's going to flip out. The cops are going to get called. They're not gonna be able to stop. Or they're tasing, or at least and maybe tasing knees as well, you know what I mean? So we're on this boat trip and again on the ferry back and we're sitting in the front so that we can look out the boat. We're not paying attention to anybody behind us, but God, I'm sure we put on a show. She pulls my hair, head butts me. It's a whole fucking thing. For two fucking hours I was absolutely exhausted. So the boat pulls in and I'm holding her back, OK? Because she wants to get off the fucking boat so fast, OK? So I'm I'm it's all my strength is around her and I'm holding her. We're waiting for this game plan. To to to go down and then we have to go through customs. All right, so I'm holding her with a gang. Hits. The dog. And she does this like shake and move like she just she just got an inch out of my grip. Breaks my my bare hug hold on her. And just starts fucking bolting towards her caregiver. In which she completely hits her like a linebacker knocks her on the ground and starts beating her the fuck up. OK, like it was like a We're standing in front of fucking customs, and so I have our passports. And I I'm running, I'm running after her. And I look at the guy who's the, you know, passport, you know, the Border Patrol and my niece is behind me. I'm like, you got to take care of this with this guy. And I throw Tanya and his passport out, All right, I throw. I said I hand him the passport. I basically throw it out. I said I gotta go help her. He's like, yes. I go right my pull, pull and Tonya off her caregiver because she just, you know, she hit her full force, the other caregivers coming from around. We get her up, the two caregivers got her, OK? You know, she really hit. She really hit the life really good through the house manager over there. She's still kicking it, which is amazing. You know, anytime these women don't just up and quit because of their job getting beat to shit out, it's amazing. They're quite strong. And. It's. You look back to the. To the Border Patrol guy and he hands me my passports and he says get her out of here now before I call the police. Brady. Run the flock out of this. They told you the car. They drive to McDonald's, they get her a cheeseburger, fries, drinks. She's happy, she's great. The rest of the fucking time, she just beat the shit out of me. For two fucking hours. You know, off the fucking shit out of her caregiver. We made it through Border Patrol, but after that it was like, fuck, right out. You know? It's not worth it. It's not worth the two. Like I'm the one who got, you know, every fucking hair on my head fucking pulled for two fucking hours. You know, And I turn around, got right back on the boat. And took the two hour sale back. My mom came and picked me up and went back us back on vacation. But that was like, that was like the last time we were like, did we did that? You know. I mean, we involve our and of course like we want to. Give her, you know, experiences. Go on vacation and have family time. But it always comes with injury. It comes with word stress for her. These these aren't fun for her, You know what I mean? She might have fun for a while, and there's moments of fun where, you know, she's opening up, she's found someone didn't lock the cooler or lock the fridge, and she's gotten away with, you know, 20 cans of soda. Something like that, you know? That last trip, That last beat down. It was hard. I mean, we have amazing caregivers that have taken her down to Disneyland. And then she freaks out and they can't even leave the hotel. Get in the car and drive back because she's freaking out like we just, she stopped liking, you know, being out of her home. Also. That we would love to give her more experiences and get her kind of out of that realm. It's really hard. She doesn't like it anymore. So again, vacationing with, you know, special needs, especially those kind of special needs is, is hard. I look back and I'm proud of us for making it through all the ones we did. And still, you know, having a good time. But when I was about 11. My mom said, you know, we gotta go. We have normal children. This was a conversation she had with my. So we have normal children too. She's like, I gotta do a couple trips. Just with my normal kids, just to give them a normal family vacation. One in which we're. Freaking out the whole time, trying to keep Tanya from you. Walking out of. You know the place we're staying at and and then. Where could she go? You know what I mean? Like, it was a It was vacationing with Ronnie was always high stress. So my mom said to my grandma this one time, she's like, I want to do a couple vacations just with the kids. The normal kids. And that's why we went out West. That was our normal vacation. My mom, my mom set out to do that because she was. Our lives are not. Do anything with Tony, it's not normal. A couple. What is normal? Ohh. This was a. An element with. It goes earth, wind, fire, and water. Check the description box. You can jump to your reading, stick around. I think we're doing a cancer Zodiac lover at the end of this show. That's what I have kind of sat down here. We'll see when I get this all edited together. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you know, I could always use your support on them. One more show and then I'll be back to, you know, I'll have stories about my my latest adventure out to Arizona. So we have. Coming to an end here. So thanks for continuing listening through the summer. Hope you enjoyed some of these stories. Next week I'm going to talk about New Mexico. Yeah, I can talk. So yeah, enjoy the show. Um. Yeah. Yeah, my childhood don't feel bad for me. My I learned. I learned about lot. I learned a lot about. Uh. You know. I wouldn't change it. I mean, maybe I would have a few less head. Change anything I would. I would. You know. But it was better than the. Which would be her not. Her. Dragged to the hilt. For the. Her break and some glass her keeping us on her toes is a better option. Her living out her entire life. Yeah, So, you know, yeah, there is sacrifice. Children. It's a lie. What you would consider? Someone that requires? Wow, yeah. Roll around those. Only roll those. And then once Winston was four and I knew that we were out of the autism range, it was like. But I freaked all the way through my friend. You know. You have those. And like I said, I'm dyslexic, so you know, we have weird genes. The one thing I do know about autism is that they hear flight. All right. Right. Some very once. You've dealt with one a long time, and the moment you turn off the lights, it's like turning off a blaring stereo. You immediately watch them calm down. So you know, imagine imagine your world in which. Like all there is is like a state. Everything there's a light on, it's like. More lights, iridescent lights, even, like, even loud. Tanya and her little home. Everything's very quiet. Shaded. Keeps her. Quiet mood. So if you, if you do, ever experience autism, whether where, wherever it be on the scale of. Of, you know, social anxiety to absolute insanity. Remember, turn the lights off. Appreciate it. That's the one thing I know. And my dog, my sister, the moment I walk in and turn the. And we have a much. That's the one that is the one fucking thing right now, so enjoy the show. Sorry for yammering on.






Let's do your relationship. Getting to know each other as you reveal your innermost selves. To each other your bond deeper. So you're getting those perhaps. Space. Overall, energy is pressure cooker, so either something's making you upset. Or you've just been under a lot of pressure lately with whatever. Take them both. They are unexplainably pulled. To wanting to from together wanting to reconcile this. Let's just hope. Said that. Your emotions are. You've seen signs and so it's bringing, bringing up emotions in you. Emotionally, they're coming to this awareness. They're coming to some kind of running out. Maybe if you like. Here we have this, like getting to know each other so they feel magnetically pulled towards you. That's coming together. Under some pressure here. When you think about this, it's a love affair. It's a secret. It's secret, right? In their headspace, they're frustrated. Truly trapped, possibly by a man. You know what I mean? Or they feel like a man that's trapped. Or they feel trapped by a man. And also through the protection they could, you know, feel trapped by a man all needing protection from a man in some way. Or wanting to protect you from other men. Maybe so. They're thinking about that kind of mentality because like you said, right now you're kind of in that phase. We're getting to know each other better. Maybe they don't want. With anybody else? Your obstacle here is some kind of retaliation. Table. Their energy is silence, That's what they have to overcome. They have to overcome this non action, so they have to overcome the fact they're not. Back to this, why are they feeling so trapped by some man? And it could be a toxic masculine energy as well. You will overcome this retired worry and fear about retaliation or revenge or the revenge itself. By blocking something? By ghosting it by cutting it off, so I'm not sure. Again, you're upset because you got this pressure cooker. You're ready to explode. There's some kind of freeze in here. It could be in your life. It could be someone else. Again, it could be a partner because you're thinking about having alone there. So I don't know if you're wanting to get back at your ex or the person that you're with right now, if they had cheated in the past, if there's that kind of energy. Because again, you know, I don't know if you're the one who wants to retaliate or if they're going to retaliate against you again. They're on their side is this silence on action that they have to overcome and they will overcome this with. Some kind of legal paperwork, filing something and then going on vacation. So again, they're gonna file something and then take a break. Between your emotional is a Twin Flame card, so it's very complicated. There's a lot of signs. Again, this is a special relationship for you. Between you both mentally. It's kind of wanting to run or avoid something. We'll see. Let's see how it come in this relationship. Being on the verge to confess something? OK, let's Why are you under so much pressure? What's going on? Why are you upset? Are you ready to explode? Because you can feel it, but you can't see it. So there's an aspect of this relationship that like, you can feel it, you can understand it. You know something is deeper here, but it's not coming to fruition again at the end of this. There's a confession. And this overall energy of getting to know one another, what signs are you seeing that are causing you to have emotions? There are things that are in your daily life. There are things that are within your daily routine. And again, it's bringing that you might be constantly reminded of this person, something you know constantly coming back to the surface. What realization have they come to? They've come to some kind of emotional realization about the toxic people in their life, back to why they're thinking about. How they're feeling closed or trapped by some kind of masculine energy in some way and wanting to to prevent this harm, which might be why they're in a non action. Mode right now. But again, they overcome what with some kind of legal paperwork. You tell me about this legal paperwork. It's a risk. It's risky. It's a gamble, but it looks like they're going to do that and then take a break. Why is this avoidance? Again, there. There's lots of pretending going on between the two of you right now. Again, you need to get to know each other better. There needs to be a talk. But there is you both are searching online for one another. Tell me about this verge energy at the end here. That's the outcome. Again, they're on the verge to confess about some woman, possibly you. Or to some other woman they're about to on the verge to confess that something that this woman makes them happy, or some some kind of female energy is bringing that happiness. OK. How did he feel about you? They're very focused. They want you and they're not going to stop until they have it. They feel a little broken, but they they don't. They don't necessarily know how to fix it. They're feeling very isolated. From you? Ohh, they're worried that you don't care. There is secrets between you. Where they hate not knowing what's going on in your life. Um. Again, they've been hurt many times and there's this unfaithful card. So this person may have again having realization emotionally that whatever relationship they were in before was quite toxic. Um. And I don't know if they're if they're thinking about this relationship being toxic. There's a need for you guys to talk. There's a need for you to reveal emotions and stop pretending. Ohh. You know, again, you make them nervous. There is some kind of risk here when it comes to. Say about you behind. 2. It would describe you as a bully. I like your 10 tenacity. To end tendency to intimidate others. So you're they would say you're intimidated. Something about you that's very. They would also say there's something about you that's kind of draining them. Of the vampire card or you helping them become aware of? Of how they've been drained by toxic relationships. So it looks like there could be a question here about. Whether you have, whether you're toxic. Um. And the best way again, to to kind of take care of that kind of energy is to communicate. So again, there is a connection here between the two of you right now and your love and your headspace. You're thinking it's all. It's a secret. OK. Let's see what they say. Face down as up. I love your stomach, your legs, your hips, your lips. You are just perfect. OK, so there is this like. Definitely some perfection. That's what they would tap, the size. Kind of thinking sexually, I'm not. I see that it's very complicated emotions between the two of you. This is the ride, the ride him car. There's she's straddling him naked and this one, she's playing with his Dick, making it hard. Like, do you like. Sex? Possibly. Lap dance. They want again to be like, you know, how do you make the? So they're thinking about you struggling. With their deck. Sex was cool with. Insert card. They would love a lap dance and they just want to come home and put their hand up your skirt and grab your house. The sex will change everything, and that's the truth. The mother will be the next. So that's what the actual sites are saying. OK. Let's get some advice here. What is some advice for my air signs here that you need to get to know this person? There's love. It's love. Ace of Cops and the love and commitment. There's love and commitment. So it it creates this feeling of being stuck. And there's judgment. Maybe again, back to this love affair card. Maybe they're still on a relationship and the judgment is it needs to be ghosted because it's a mind trap. So this person might be ghosting you right now because they're trapped in their head. Again, because there's love and commitment. There's a lava commitment trap or they're being caught, you know, kind of a catching feelings. Kind of energy. Or they still love their marriage. You know, it could be if this person's married. It could. It could be that they still love being married. But again, here's someone getting caught up, getting caught in some way, either getting caught with love and marriage or getting caught, you know? You know with feelings. Again, it's a little bit questionable here because of the love affair card that you're you're getting your over thinking. This is secret. The judgment is the ghost card and. You know, swords, which is kind of mind trapped. So again, there's the ghost. If there's a ghost here of this relationship, it's because of the mind trap. There's but, but it would be a wise decision. That's a wise decision and it and it's that's about loyalty. So, wise decision. And it's a strong decision. It's kind of a losing situation. Because of the acts and the denial. You can wish you can wish for. Alarm. You can wish for this. You can wish for this ending to happen and for him to just give money. There's children involved, you know what I mean? Just. The wish here is that it ends with a little investment. So again, it's kind of a lose, lose situation because of the accident denial. There's a wish here to bring the situation to an end. By giving very little to it. Some more advice. It would be wise. It would be wise to keep an eye on this and possibly keep an eye on them through the Internet or through other means. This could be stalking Internet stalking it could be. It's the world. Page of swords So I could almost see it. As you know, security Cam kind of energy and it would be wise. Um, to follow Destiny here and to keep an eye on this situation. It is going to go slow, but there is some soulmate energy here. The mother is almost done with her work. In this relationship, there is another man that she's holding on to. So she's holding on to another man. She's got another one waiting in the. The cheater type. That's the truth. She is. She is dreaming about this person and it's becoming a burden and it's keeping her up at night. It's a very big secret, but it's yeah, it's for real. It will, it will tower everything, ending it, leaving her out in the cold or this person out in the cold. To defend themselves. So it looks like there's other things happening. You know what I mean? If this person is in a relationship, there's other aspects happening right now. What is the advice? What should you do? Because again, it's about getting to know each other, so keep it light hearted and. Now this person better in a friendship. They do feel magnetically drawn to you on. They're making realizations that maybe their current situation is very toxic and they're feeling trapped and. To deal with that. There's a world of secrets with this guy. There's a world of secrets with this guy that you like comes to sucks. There's a lot of secrets. Again, it could be there. It could be this person's got a lot of kinks. Yeah, I just got that feeling from us. Like they could walk, you know? They wanna watch a lot of porn. This person's got a lot of kinks. So there is an aspect of this that is just wishing to be mindful of wishing to be mindfucked here. This person because there is a lot of kinks. Again, this person might make a choice to be a father. Um. There's a decision here that comes with there's the decisional with that's based on the father of some on fatherhood could be their dad. It could be your dad. It could be to be a dad again, this king of wands here, this cheating man. So. There's a world of secrets with this guy that you like sexual. The wish is the wish is gonna get you trapped in your head a little bit. Or the wish in general traps them in the head, because back to this, on their side they're they're feeling very stuck. With this masculine energy. Again, the choice will be to the father. Well, the choice will be to be a father. So if you think that this person I mean again, they would have to overcome this silence by. Taking it would be a risk with paperwork, with legal paperwork. So again, it looks like their choice would be the choice here is to be the thought to be a father. But also cannot want so a cheating dad. Type in. So yeah, maybe you want to get to know this one a little bit more. Because maybe. He's on the Internet searching, but again, there's a, there's a a warrant and a need to confess that this, this. Feminine energy we're talking about here, which could be you, makes them happy. OK. So that there is an outcome here. So if you continue to invest and get to know each other and I might be talking about. Ohh. You know. Another section of this like if they. If there were, you know, Baby Mama Energy, she might be cheating and that guy might want to take on. On the choice of fatherhood, you know what you mean. Whether that be he gets or pregnant or he wants to be the father of the children and the relationship. It it just. There's a need to get to know them back. So whatever that means to you, get to know him. Because again, you're over here kind of ready to explode because you feel like you can't see it. Nothing's coming from this particular thing. You see all the signs, you're seeing them daily and so. And it would be secret. What's going on between you? Still very much a secret. Again, you're over here concerned about retaliation. And again, I don't know if that is you wanting to make someone else jealous. Your acts, or if that's wanting to make their actual jobs. Or soon to be. Again, you know there is a secret here and a Lava Fair card, so there could be. Infidelity amongst these this situation. Get to know. Next week. Get to know this one a little bit better. This is not a clear cut reading right now. You know what I mean? It looks like there's lots of players. Within this drama. There's a mother. There's a father, there's someone that's choosing to be a father. There's a king of wands, that cheating man. And you know, I always say if he's a cheater. You know that's going to be really hard to grow trust and a healthy relationship. So. Just make just gets so little bit, OK? That's what the card. There might be something that. Need to know. Alright, I will be back with wind.





You know. You see this? Overall energy, this particular relationship. Masculine energy, OK. 0. Emotional state is triggered. Their motional state is like you're keeping notes. Motion document. In some way. Ohh. Feeling disregarded in some way. Spaces that there's lost in chemistry. So you might be afraid here that you're gonna get this retarded. You might be a little bit emotionally triggered. You have to overcome a love affair, which I'm not really sure if this would be a love affair or why you have to overcome the secret of the welfare. I'm not sure they have to overcome the fact that they're fascinated. You will overcome this love care by protecting yourself. They will overcome this focus, whatever it it's eyes from you fascinated. With the physical location change. You see between you emotionally. Is this inner circle blood ties, family energy so emotionally in this family between you? Ohh. You're both thinking about this being blocked in some way or getting ghosted. So you both might be wanting to avoid being ghosted. This is projected into the future. Tell me why your overall energy is masculine. This is pop. You know another man. I can read it as toxic masculinity. Just being the masculine partner, even if you're feminine. Could be very masculine, so your energy might be masculine. It's saying that. Again, there's a need to pause because of gossip. To the male energy here that's in your overall, you know, space with your overall energy, is this masculine energy needing to take a time out? To deal with the gossip. Are you so triggered? So motion triggered here. Because it's love you're a trader. Because it's really love. There's a chant, man, kind of in love, love, energy here. Why are you in your headspace worried about this? Disregard. Out. Do you feel like there's a deadline coming? How will you protect yourself from this love affair? By getting single. OK, so you're not single. Alright. OK, Dokey, So they're avoiding this. They're avoiding some long term commitment. They do have desire for you. They are emotionally writing about it. Something creative. What is their focus that they have to overcome? They're really focused on their job right now, just surviving the daily hustles. But they see signs of you every day and they will overcome, you know, whatever this daily hustle and trying to to stay focused by moving by a location change. This is projected into the future. This relationship. Back to this, there's no need to to wait out the gossip. Yeah, projected into the future is the is proof. Like a moment of proof, a moment of. I'm gonna prove. Yeah, and you know that's that's then there's anxiety. There's anxiety about it because there is a there's a real wish here for the two of you to be happy. So this does look legit. Can you guys get single though? Again, because this is an easy to pause this it's because. Get ready. Gemini Aquarius. So. Again, their overall energy right now they're trying to avoid a long term commitment, long term relationship. So if they're in a relationship too, they're trying to avoid it. Or there's someone who wants them to to to commit to them, they're trying to avoid it. Again, if this feels like your times right now, that you're gonna get disregarded here because you know you're not getting single. Ohh. But this relationship has been projected into the future because it create, it's created some kind of anxiety or panic. But the wish here is to be happy. So overall this could be the one that you could be happy. How do they feel about you? They're they're kind of miserable right now. They want more review. You want more access to your They don't feel like they have enough. They want to be irresponsible. Because they love you. So again, you have real feelings of love. They have real feelings of love. There's love on both sides of this, so I always like you all well. What do you mean? They talk to you behind your back. They would say that you delight in the arts. They would say that you're very charming. And they would say that you have a passion for creating and doing things that haven't been. You know the pioneer spirit? Very nice. You. I need to feel your. Kiss. Taste. We have move. You've had a lot of favorite for this person. I'm not. That love of her car comes up. It's like I don't know if there's below affair volunteer. It's just been sexting. What are they thinking? They're really into your legs all they want. They want you so hard. They're beautiful off the bed. To death. We want to freaking. Yeah ohh my gosh, they want to kiss your body. This one, he's grabbing our kitties and she's riding him outside or sundresses is coming down and a blowjob. He's put down a nice little pillow for her knees. OK, there's a a lot of fulfillment here. But there is the fulfillment. What would really make you both happy? It it carries a burden with it. Because it's going to destroy something else and there needs to be a choice. It needs to be there, there could be a choice to end it. Uh. The. If you're a whore here, it would. Their choice would be to end it. 4. So they have some kind of like, if you know what I mean, there's like some of that kind of energy here. So this could be the one. Don't be a whore about it. It's like the. There's a lot of suffering right now. Stress. Because someone feels trapped, like there's nothing they can do. Um. The messages are expected. Whatever that means. The messages aren't are expected, possibly on the Internet, possibly an e-mail. This selfish woman, this selfish woman here. She makes a public message about a father, about enbrel or about a boss. And their commitment or marriage? There's a lot of and and then sneaks off. And hardly gives anything to. It's. That's why I be talking about. Their person in the past or something like that. Again, there was a need to move on from the relationship. Being us being single is a real mind trap. And something though that needs to be contemplated. You need to. If you don't, you need to contemplate your freedom here. There's a lot of stress and also feeling stressed out if you get caught. Or feeling stressed out because you're trapped. Again, there's an expectation that there's messages on on the Internet alright from this selfish woman. And then we have this public message from our boss or father about a commitment or a marriage. And then there's sneaking off, giving very little about it, and it's regrettable. And then they move on from a relation, needing to move on from the relationship. I could be talking about you. Even though being single is trapping you in your mind. You really need to think about your freedom. So the the cards are urging you. To go to, to be, to free yourself. OK. Ohh. Yeah, I mean, if you really love this person, do you want them to carry the burden? Of destroying your marriage or your relationship. Do you want them to carry that? Feeling like you know. Again, there's family between the two of you, feeling like they have been a burden just because of their desire. There's genuine love on both sides. OK. Again, yeah, this is you're thinking this is gonna get trashed if if you run out of time. And yeah, it might. Right. I need to kind of overcome this dirty little secret, this love affair interview by protecting yourself by being single. OK, so again, if you put if you make this person cheat with you. It's going to hurt the relations. And this could be the one. This could be the one you've been looking for this entire time. Do you really want it to start off on that? Kind of? For it. You know. So the currents due to tell you this could be. So if you're in a relationship, right? I really would urge you to go ahead and start making the stops. Needed to get out of that relationship. Again, you don't want to make this person cheat. And maybe if you get out of your relationship, it will inspire them. It's not necessarily a sure thing, but this one could be the one. This could be the one. That's the message here. So are they worth it? Are they worth the preparation? OK, I'll be back with.



Relationship. Flirt. Send Julie Hearted energy to others. Far side. My Leo Sagittarius varies. Picture overall energy. Yeah, you need to. You need to cleanse away some negativity and flirting and extending your lighthearted energy, definitely to remove negativity. Their overall energy is that. Wishing for this emotionally, you've projected this into the future. Days, weeks, months, not years. Notionally, they wanna pursue this. They wanna pursue you. In your headspace, you've seen some proof or you want proof? In their headspace, they're feeling trapped by pregnancy money or hardship. What is the obstacle here for you? Party list. They have to overcome this conceit, feel it, but not see it. My alien card, You know what I mean? That's kind of paranoid. You will overcome this third party lesson. Whatever you're learning here, this comment situation, either your side situations aside from this or their side situation aside from this relationship, you will overcome that by pausing and realizing that it's a timing factor back to this. Emotionally projected. They will overcome this alien connection by feeling, by feeling very sad and alone about it. Between your balls and motion. Again, feeling embarrassed. Emotionally, Both kind of feeling embarrassed. They're worried about appearance. Between you mentally is a reconcilable differences. The divorce card and then also the soul mate, familiar friendship. So again, they're feeling trapped. I think your person is in relationship, they're feeling trapped. You both are thinking about, you know, the fact that there needs to be a divorce here. Um, before some, before the soulmate connection can come to fruition. Back to this Why? You feel threatened or embarrassed, you know. You know. In that kind of situation. Um, the outcome is the verge to reveal something. The urge the. Wanting to confess, what is their wish? Over here. They wish. They wish they could send you a song. Alright. Umm. Emotionally, what? Have you projected this into the future? Again, because it would be forbidden. It's forbidden. This person is in a relationship, so you projected it into the future because it feels forbidden. Back to this, you have to overcome this. There's a third party lesson. Make Your person might be going through a third party karmic lesson right now and you need to wait. For them to go through that, it's telling you just to extend your lighthearted energy. Again, what is this threatening energy? Yeah. Yeah, I just feel like a roller coaster. You're trying to get both, trying to get a grip. In the future, this thing is going to you know, it's on the verge. Yeah, there you're on the In the future, you'll be on the verge to come to some kind of settlement, some kind of compromise. Um. And you'll decide not to do anything. And until something comes to awareness, if there's going to be a sudden realization. All right, someone's on the verge here to confess. There needs to be a compromise. There needs to be a settlement here. And again, because it's ending in this like silence. Because you've paused this and you're ending it in silence, or someone's going to be on. It's going to create this dynamic which creates a settlement, the silence. And then there's going to be the sudden realization. And that is going to cause everything to explode. What's this relationship? Yeah, I mean, they're going to have to go through some kind of negotiation again because this person possibly is trapped by someone that's pregnant or has children, or they have children with them or by money, codependency or guilt. So again the cards are are telling you that you need to remove the negativity from the situation and and to do that by being light hearted and extending that light hearted and 30 energy dollars. Aye. Emotionally based, They know that you're wise. And you've changed their perspective, but it's also this love that they have for you. It's also burning them up from the inside, and they really regret the situation they're in right now because it's it's limited. You've tamed them in some way with your sexual energy, like it calms them like you're a sexual. Let's play. You know. Causes. Peace and you know, makes them feel free and call. What they say about. We would see the Easter humanity with him. They would say that you're a mother. And you're very patient. They would say that your child orphaned someone that you know has had to be independent since the time that they were. Doesn't necessarily mean you have orphaned, it just means that you are. You want to rely on adults? Let's start off with a massage with an orgasm. You're the only one. I even want. OK, so they're going to tell you that you're the only one they want. They're going to tell you that they want to rub massage oil all over your body and end with. They're gonna call you dirty little girl kind of sex. I'm going to take off your clothes. Right now they are like kind of. Imagining getting caught having sex with you. So they're so angry at whoever's trapped them in this karmic relationship, but there's a part of them that wants you guys to get caught having sex so that. Fire signs are probably down for that. Right. Um again? They thinking about just ripping your fucking clothes off, just ravaging you, and then having a wall of cereal afterwards in the kitchen naked. They definitely want to fuck you too, Dad. So. In this particular card, where is undressing her? She's got gorgeous breasts, but she's got a C-section scar. So again, they're going to love your scars, every part of your body. They kind of want to get caught again, fucking you somewhere they want to. They're either imagining, you know, getting caught from whoever's interrupt them, or they're just imagining flocking in places that they could get caught. They want to rip your clothes off. Literally. Like, rip them off. And then have a bowl of cereal. They want you to clock them to death. The cards, actually. Um. There's it's been a real struggle. They've really struggled in secret. There's been a lot of fighting with this, with this selfish woman. They. They seriously are imagining this relationship that they're in coming to an end. There, that's what that their fantasy right now. Their sexual fantasy right now. Is having sex with you and ending their particular karmic situation. So that's that's where they are in their heads right now. They want to, they want you to to break them up. What is the advice you need to rest? You need to think about this a little bit. We have a cheating man with a gift chain of ones painter. And everything falls apart. You really need to think about this, or possibly goes to it, because here's this cheating man has this gift. Or. Gives a gift and everything falls apart. And I have to be concerned with the king of wands and the page of pinnacles that could be a sexually transmitted disease because I do read the page of uncles. The gift that keeps on giving. Yeah, there's a need to protect oneself. So you really need to think about this. Uh, and possibly ghost it. Because again, there's this. There's a cheating man here, and this might be a different scenario. Might be another person that you're flirting with. Again, you have this person on the sidelines because they're. You know you've emotionally projected this to the future because it's forbidden love, all right? You It's telling. You really need to think about this particular king of wands in your life right now. It could be another option that you have. Again, he could have a gift that keeps on giving. So you need to protect yourself. And it would. Destroyed this entire relationship. So if you're thinking about going and fucking someone in between here, be really careful and protect yourself, all right? There might be another man in the other relationship that might help. Again, she might be cheating. Um. That's a possibility, and that would crush whoever this king of wands in this scenario. He's a cheating man. He's got a gift. It could destroy everything and there's a need to stand up and protect oneself. So again. There's that line, OK. And I don't know for whom that is for. For you or for them or for their situation. I don't know. I don't know what to expect. It's saying the marriage or the commitment. Is possibly in a. There could be a. It's like dreaming of. It might be that. It's either marriage is a dream that is tempting, tempting, or marriage is a fantasy that creates fear. Um, again. And that fear is what continues for them to be alone or or in hermit hood. So or that fear is wise. OK, I can read it either way. So I feel like there's a fear of commitment. That you know. Maybe you're subtly working through that and yourself? Like, here's this, this marriage, this commitment, and you're wanting to dream of it. It's, you know, there's daydreams, but then there's fear. About possibly getting old or being too old. Um. You might want this commitment, but you might be afraid that you're getting too old. But you just you, you're gonna continue to hold on to it. You're a very strong Empress. Very strong. I think you're single social here. You're single and independent and this is what is mind trapping you. This is why you want to move on from this world. From the cycle is to defend yourself. Because you were given, not you're given, You weren't given enough and it's going too slow. And this selfish woman is just regrettable. She's causing depression and this Dick. The data code. It's saying keep wishing for this and keep watching it. OK, so keep an eye on this thing. You're right to pause it. Already because they're going through a comic lesson, so just go out and flirt. But if you you need to protect yourself from cheating types, if that makes sense. There is a lot of hope and wish. For this. For this. For this relationship. For this sexual relationship. And the choice, and the choice will be again to make the judgment that it stays secret. Until they're complete transformation and this person is left out in the cold. So again, there's like this need. They want to pursue you emotionally, emotionally, they want to pursue you, but they feel trapped. They have to get out of this situation. There's lots of other characters in here. Again, there's a kennel wands that you need to protect yourself from. There's some Dick we got selfish bitch over here. A lot of mass of different people. And so it's basically telling you you need to just kind of flirt, keep it light, keep it light hearted. Right now it is you do overcome this karmic scenario with them by pausing it, by projecting it into the future and while you're sitting here projecting it into the future. Make sure that you're protecting yourself from other sexual partners. And you know, keeping a light heartedness about about you because ultimately that is what is attracting this person to you is your ability to flirt, your ability to be a lighthearted. Just your overall vibe, which fire signs are known to, you know, to carry great vibes. So continue to carry the great vibe that you are. Give them the space to go ahead and work through their crime rate situation there. Looks like there's a lot of other people that are involved in their particular situation, so go flirt. Have fun. If you fuck anybody, make sure you that you're really protecting yourself again. If you're doing one night stands and things like that, you should go ahead and protect yourself. It's very stupid not to. I always tell people like they're the best reason to protect yourself. Is so that you can protect your future. That you loved. When you finally find the one that you love, when it finally works out, when you're finally both single, right. When you're finally getting to that point, last thing you want is that last flopper that you know you got, you know. You were desperate for attention for an orgasm. And then you get screwed right by some kind of bullshit like that. And that is a huge turn off. Like you know people don't want to take on your disease. You know what I mean? Love doesn't necessarily. It's not. I mean he really gotta love someone to be like, OK, I'm gonna take on this STD. I'm gonna have to have to fight for the rest of my fucking life. That's going to put me in a shittier position or I get right. So make sure that there was a definite energy in your cards that you need to protect your. OK. Alright, I will be back with the water.





There is a strong magnetic connection here, so whoever reading this terrible others communists. There's gossip. You're worried about something, jealousy or something. Overall, energy is spontaneous. Unexpected surprise, it is it. So something this is spontaneous. This was this was a surprise to them. Over here thinking about. What's? That chemistry with this person. To the point that's already started some cost of emotionally you feel. Pregnancy. Again, the motion that they want this, this punishment or this payback dot. Mostly they want this to be done. I feel like this is been comment punishment in some way, emotionally on the punishment. Ohh, you're thinking about this relationship and how again, it fits the spiritual nature of it. You're thinking about how you feel it but you don't see it. You know, it's this, my alien paranormal conference. So there's something kind of special about this situation. In their headspace right now. They're reminiscing. They're going down memory. The obstacle in this relationship for you is something comes to to light, something comes to some kind of realization. They're obstacle is again needing. Being magnetically kind of drawn. Possibly somewhere else. If that's the obstacle, I don't know. They will overcome it with a meeting. OK, so whatever they're being pulled towards, that is the obstacle here. They might be focusing on the obstacles between you. It will be taken care of. With a discussion. You will come to some kind of amazing realization, and that is going to be the obstacle. Something you need something to come to light in some way. There's something still kind of secret, unknown. You will overcome this because it's just complicated. Twin Flame cards. So there's something there's like a very. Complicated connection. There's complications. Something comes to your awareness and it feels complicated between you emotionally. When you move, there's a physical location change between you. Both mentally is feeling like you both want to be rescued, possibly by each other. The outcome here is you're just both going to continue to run on this hamster wheel dealing with your daily task. What is this spontaneous, unexpected surprise visit in their overall energy? What is this about? Again, there might be just. Like surprised about something you do because they're they're watching you, So their emotions or their overall energy is they're surprised. They're they were folk. They're focused on you and you surprise them in some way that something unexpected happens. Maybe you go visit them, I don't know. Again, they want whatever this retaliation is, punishment, energy, emotionally, they want it to be done. They feel like they've been punished in. Back to this, you know you're over ohh you're overhead energy is gossip. Sure. What's this? Motion. Again, this gossip has got you feeling embarrassed. You feel trapped. You feel like you know this would have to be secret, and it's. You know, there's something risky about it. What you're thinking about? It's inspiring you to write though. And you guys are my water signs, my cancer, Pisces and Scorpios. You know, like you get all moved by love and chemistry especially. So this this like kind of overwhelming connection to you. It's creating, you know, it's creating a need to write it down and need to create from. Remove. Different about when they were again different that they they want to confess. Something there. There's a memory and they wanna confess it, possibly on social media. Are they a memory in which they want to confess that they've been hiding? Tell me about this. Mature hamster wheel. Again, you feel like you're on this hamster wheel of toxic people. Feel like you're on this hamster wheel dealing with toxic people and wanting to go Simplot and let that go. And wanted to avoid it. So there's chemistry here, OK? And there's this feeling like you're on some kind of endless hamster wheel of dealing with toxic people that are affecting your love life. You would love to ghost all of that and avoid it. And so, again, This is why your overall energy is you got people in your shit. That is as clear as fucking day. You have people in your shit. My water signs and and again it's for many reasons, one being you care about what other people fucking think. So you know, and then you also talk to to people about your private things, right? And this aspect or or maybe you're very popular and so it it draws the attention of people that want to have a fucking opinion on your fucking situation. Right. Emotionally, you feel very trapped by this energy, by this gossip, by this feeling threatened. You know, there's this, this love with this person is a little bit dirty, a little bit secrets, a little bit of a risk again. But you're like, it's inspiring you because of its otherworldly feeling. It's it's so visceral and chemical to you. Again, something comes to your awareness and that is that is your obstacle and this is how you deal with that. And you deal with it with the twin flame curtain that's along this by maybe just accepting that it's complicated or accepting that this person has been through the same thing as you. Again, yeah, all the signs are pointing that you should pursue this. So all the signs in your life are pointing to the fact that you should pursue this, but you're allowing other people's opinions, other people's gossip, feeling like this is a dirty little secret. It's a risk, is getting all in your way. You have surprised this person in some way. Something. Um. You've surprised this person. If they were out, they were focused on you and. Something you did really surprise. They just really want this retaliation to be done. And that might be what you're going through right now is the gossipy people. They're remembering a time that they that they couldn't possibly confess something on social media. Or something they want to confess? Something that they've been hiding from? From social media maybe? Again, they get pulled some in some way and that is the obstacle. Something there's something that they're being pulled or thought or a situation in which they're being pulled towards. Which is the obstacle here for for that they overcome this by happiness, a discussion about a planning. So it just seems like for them all they need is some planning. All right. A Taurus or Virgo? Let's see here. How do they feel about you? They were trying to become a really their healthier self. You make them more become healthy. They are a little afraid of this because they love has hurt them before. They admire you for your independence. And. To that you can be who you truly want wanna be. But they're a little bit afraid that you're not going to like their dark side. It's really distant from you. They're trying to find balance in that. There seems to be some lies. And that makes them different. Back to maybe this something's. Don't, you know, might be concerned there are certain people. Keep an eye on. Integrity. You know what I mean? Like. You know, like that they catch you in a lie and then you're liar. You know what I mean? So be very careful about the things that you say and do, because you don't want to be seen as a gossip either. Whatever's happening between the two of you, this chemistry makes them feel weak. So they feel like they couldn't tell you no. I feel like they couldn't say. They are committed to this situation. What they say. You would say that you're a pioneer, that you have the passion for creating and. You haven't been. That you're very benevolent and compassionate. And they would say that you're a mentor, that you like passing on wisdom and refi. Students, characters. So those are all beautiful cards. They're benevolent and compassionate. You're a mentor. You're also a pioneer, so they would talk kindly about you behind your back. Forward this. I just want to. No idea what I'm planning to do. OK, so they got some. They got some. Plan for you, all right. They were the sexy. You have no idea. What are they thinking? Just want to see your Just want to see your part. She's lifting up her skirt. This There's a There's a threesome card here. She's sucking on somebody's deck. Policy. Yeah, getting caught. The Fox Someone to Death card keeps coming up like all there's this a third reading where this want to flock. Just they just want to fuck you to death. You know what I mean? And then the my Eating Cereal after sex card. Make it up Getting caught ripping off your clothes, OK? And they just want to see what you got going on, alright. Looks like they are interested in some different kind of. You. Sex acts, you know, possibly involving other people. They definitely want to get caught. There's two getting caught cards here. So they they are, they are like. They. Sexually. And to their sexual exploration Again, they just want to fuck you to death. And then eat a bowl of cereal afterwards, naked in the kitchen. Back to this getting caught wanting to just want to rip your clothes off. They don't even care if you get caught. That the chemistry is so strong they don't care if you get caught. They don't care if they have to. Have other people. To make you happy. Like there's a definite energy here that there is lots of sexual energy between the two. The cards say. It's really getting old, feeling stuck. They're wanting to invest in this. To help it transform. Into their fantasy. Their fantasy and their. But this selfish bash. So. Paris again. Possibly and scenario. Would you be so? Clear all motion over here from the trap. This would be C3. What is the advice? You really need to move on from these feelings that you that you're going to have everything. Or that you're going to, you know, whatever you think is your fulfillment, you need to rethink it, because there might be. Some there might be a different aspect. This might be so enjoyable. There might be so much chemistry that whatever you're thinking is your beautiful picture of what your life should be. You might want to rethink it. And move on from whatever judgment you have about how your life should look again, back to like you're too afraid. Of being embarrassed. You're too afraid of the gossip. You know what I mean? That's the the contrasting. You might need to change your perspective here and move on from. What you think would be your happy ending, You need to to rethink it because you're actually. Ghosting What would make you happy? You. It says they're cheating would be a gift or this cheating. There's like a cheating offer here from a single person. Again this would this would be successful. But it creates a lose lose situation if it goes public. But you are strong enough. To fight. You were strong enough for this fight. Alright, you're strong enough to fight and either be a Dick or you're strong enough to fight for this Dick. All right. So. You again, you do something unexpected. Or this chemistry is so unexpected? You definitely need to change what you think is your happy ending. What would bring you fulfillment? What would make you happy? You really need to meditate and think about this. Cheating again? It's a gift to this. It would be a it's a gift here to this single woman. It's a or. It would provide you with cheating. Would provide you with the gift. Of being single. Or your friendships are going to help you become single. Again, it's it's successful, it will be successful. If you cheated, it would be successful. But again, it's a lose lose situation if it goes public. But you are strong enough. To fight for this, To fight for this deck. Have to fight it. Just be sorry about the cycle or sorry about the world. Move. There's a world and the chariot, which is definitely a big move, could be multiple statements. Just be sorry about the move. Uh. This angry bitch is watching someone. Someone is angry. Because they're stocking, and this could be stocking within. It doesn't necessarily mean stocking outside, but it could. Again, having this this secret in itself is getting old feeling stock needing all of this to. To to crumble so that you can move on. You hold on. Through the emperors and fear again. Someone's holding on to this Empress in fear. I don't know if that's you. Or if it's your mother. Or if it's. This a woman here in the scenario again, holding on. She's holding on in fear. So whatever's happening. You know, just there's a need to just be sorry. Again, we got a long distance move here. Or you know. The world and the chariot. So we're talking that this is not just a trip, you know? I mean, unless it was a trip around the world, you know what I mean? Again, there's this angry bitch over here watching. I don't know why. And maybe that's again why you're worried about the gossip, because you got this angry bitch stalking you and you think that it's going to create this gossip. If you do. But it's telling you you're strong enough. You can keep this secret being keeping the secret would be wise. But if you get caught, then everything falls apart. And then again, this Empress is is holding on in fear, or being held on to because of fear. Make the choice. And do something sweet or give a sweet gift. Or choose this this person as your soul mate. Makes the decision. It will be successful and yes it will be a lose lose situation, but you'll be the one happy and this is what I always say when this lose lose situation card comes up, it means. There's nothing you can do about it, so you might as well pick the best option when someone when you have an option, when you have one of those hers, you know, up against a rock and a hard place mentality, uphill both ways, right when you are in those kind of situations where no one's coming out the winner. Uh, and you don't know what to do. You should do the best thing for you. What's out of all those shitty options? What's the best one for you? I know that sounds selfish, but it is. Again, it's a lose lose situation. We got this cheating man and this child. You know, and that's the defense of this. That's the defense. Used by this selfish woman. There's real love here, and it would be regrettable. Ace of Cups. It would be regrettable for it to stay secret. Because that makes someone a whore. And it's abusive. And don't you want to be happy? So if you keep this as a lowdown secret, dirty little secret of risk, right, and continue to feel trapped by your particular life right now? You risk your true fulfillment. Again, it's telling you that you need to sit down and really contemplate your life with this person in their life, with the person that you're with right now. Again, it feels like you're the one in the relationship because you're over here so worried about gossip, and if you're not the one in the relationship, then they are again when it's a lose situation. We need to pick the best option. And again, there's this cheating guy, this child who's childish or has a child, and this defends this other woman, this selfish woman. There's real love here, so it'll be regrettable. To not, you know, enjoy it, or to keep it secret and make. Whoever in this scenario, whether it be you or them, ahore it's abusive. Think about what it is that would actually make you happy. Yeah, you've been. There's been a lot of stress. Something's about to come to light for you. Yeah, all a lot double stress. I put that back in and it came right back out. So much stress. Yeah, you've been through so much stress and judgment by these people that you again worried about their gossip. And it really makes you joggle with all of your emotions. These people are sabotaging your life. Who gives a fox what these people fucking think? Yeah, that world is getting old. It is getting old. You need to make the decision. You need to think about this, because what's happening right now is nothing but manipulate, manipulation and fear. They're manipulating you with fear. This Empress is going to move on. The bitch. And then this bitch has got some dust and. This beach has some destiny she's gotta be real sorry about. Death can be expected and interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I hope that helps. There's real chemistry here. Chemistry is hard to come by. Really is. It's really hard. I mean, your water, maybe? Maybe you want to talk everybody so you feel like you have chemistry. I don't know. But. Real chemistry? So again, if there's this real chemistry and the only thing that's keeping you from it is, again, worried about some fluffing gossip, then you don't deserve the chemistry. You know what I mean? Like. Fark. What? These stupid fucking people think I you know what I mean? I just fuck them. You know the gossip. Will last a short period of time and then people move on because gossip gets boring, especially seeing gossip all the time. So you're going to give them something really to gossip about and then then the gossip will stops. You enjoy this chemical romance with this person. And you then you become. You know, boring to these people because you are no longer an aspect of gossip, OK? I mean, what if this thing really works out? What if it goes really, really well? You know, the more stable your relationship is, the less gossip there is in the end. Right. Sometimes the more out there you are, the less gossip can happen. You know what I mean? Like if you're sitting here hiding it, it leaves room for more gossip. But if you're out there living your best life, love and the fucking person you want to love and yeah, you know, and all abandonment, you know, I mean. People are gonna be happy for you. Yeah, you're gonna be a moment of gossip. But the more you hide away, the more you, the more rope you give to these people. So the moment you kind of out of hiding and you enjoy yourself and you say fuck the gossip and you don't give the gossip any power. The moment you start living your authentic life, your authentic fulfillment and the faster that this gossip goes away. That is the fucking. All right, I'll be baby, baby, baby, baby back. Ohh. bye