The Love and Light Shadow: Pick a Charm Tarot Readings
Eat, cum, sleep. That’s all you truly need.
This week, we talk about movements and how they are created for financial gains. What charity is actually helping? None of them. Bringing awareness without a solution is malicious and only for monetary gain. 501c3 pays no taxes. No different than a multimillion-dollar pastor. This “join a movement,” be a community, join a group of activists, mentally is actually toxic. What color of ribbon are we wearing this week to take advantage of a minority? What are you doing to better yourself and your community? It’s a lot of pressure. Just masturbate already. All these movements and causes are as stupid as the people who believe this world can change. The truth is you can never do enough for the activist narcissists. Spend your time fulfilling your needs. That's the best you can do with this life or light of yours. Eat fresh, do yoga, and meditate if it helps you, or get fat and enjoy yourself as God intended for you. Just don’t use anyone. It’s Just yoga pants saving the world in the end. It’s the inspiration talk you’ve been waiting for!! I’m so proud of you for making a difference in your life!! Yeah, I’m here just to make money! At least, I’m honest about it. Lots of people out there saving the world to what their vegan cheese budget will allow. Do you, no regrets.
Pacifier: 00:08:02
Handcuffs: 00:26:25
Fan: 00:43:21
The love and light threshold: 01:22:34
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 61
The Love and Light Shadow
Eat, cum, sleep. That’s all you truly need.
This week, we talk about movements and how they are created for financial gains. What charity is actually helping? None of them. Bringing awareness without a solution is malicious and only for monetary gain. 501c3 pays no taxes. No different than a multimillion-dollar pastor. This “join a movement,” be a community, join a group of activists, mentally is actually toxic. What color of ribbon are we wearing this week to take advantage of a minority? What are you doing to better yourself and your community? It’s a lot of pressure. Just masturbate already. All these movements and causes are as stupid as the people who believe this world can change. The truth is you can never do enough for the activist narcissists. Spend your time fulfilling your needs. That's the best you can do with this life or light of yours. Eat fresh, do yoga, and meditate if it helps you, or get fat and enjoy yourself as God intended for you. Just don’t use anyone. It’s Just yoga pants saving the world in the end. It’s the inspiration talk you’ve been waiting for!! I’m so proud of you for making a difference in your life!! Yeah, I’m here just to make money! At least, I’m honest about it. Lots of people out there saving the world to what their vegan cheese budget will allow. Do you, no regrets.
Pacifier: 00:08:02
Handcuffs: 00:26:25
Fan: 00:43:21
The love and light threshold: 01:22:34
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Did you masturbate today? Mad. Therapist. And. You drink enough water. You do shadow work today. Right. We're annotated right every day. With. You know, things that, you know, people think we should be doing right. You know, there is this whole movement to better yourself and there is absolutely nothing wrong with bettering yourself. I'm not sitting here. Yoga pants, bashing or anything like that, I wear. I'm wearing yoga pants right now. All right, I got my work done. But yeah. We live in a world where it's like you gotta do all this shit to be a happy, happy, healthy human. And you know, we talk at the end of the show this week about the thresholds in which these things become unhealthy. In which you know, we don't get the benefits from. And so it's really important again to find moderation with yourself help mentality and the self help dialogue that we're all, you know, eating tons of, especially on TikTok and Instagram. Through YouTube, shorts, etcetera. Like we want to have a better ourselves in the moment, these algorithms to find that out, it's like throwing this shit. I mean, even to the point that chat TBT has a whole section on being your personal trainer, right? You know we're not robots here. You know, we can't heal really, truly our childhood trauma. Let's just like. Deal with that. It happened. You can't go back and unhappy in any. You know, So what we really need to do, instead of sitting there and harping on all the stuff you should do to heal, what we should do is stop picking at the Boo boos. Just put a nice fucking bandage over it and let it fucking heal, right? Let's also find acceptance. So that's going to be a scar forever. Right, that is part of you instead of like, making your trauma. Your self identity. You know, it's taking the trauma and making it more about. A stabbing stop. In your. When we talk about this stuff, this, this New age movement, and the pitfalls and the constant state of I'm not good enough, because what happens when you're inundated with all these things to improve yourself? Well, it's subtly telling you so, consciously telling you gaslight telling you. That you're not good enough. You're not doing enough. That you're never you. That you're not gonna heal. Some things don't ever heal. Like my fucking knee will tell me when the weather is about to fucking change, and it will do that for the rest of my. You know what I mean? Like that. That I feel it in my bones and mentality that doesn't go away. Right. And there's so many, like even in the medical field, there's so many, you know, people are pushing all these medications, all these antidepressants, all these things for arthritis, right? Ultimately, you know, hurting or harming our liver and. Kidney function. In all reality, no one gives a shit about the kidneys. But you know, my freaking arthritis feels better. You know, we, we do so many harmful things for the short term gain and that is the thing that we need to be kind of aware of with all of these, the social movements. Towards bettering yourself? Yes. Just take what it is that you want from the Alicart Chart of Better Betterment. Right. Enlightenment. And do what you can actually do. You can't do it all any. That's what we talked about this week. It wasn't necessarily as next week, though I do talk about masturbation, cause at the end of the conversation that is really important. You want to do things that actually give you chemical balance, that make you feel better. Masturbation is one of those masks, one thing that is still socially. You know, statements. These aren't supposed to touch themselves. And like I said, if I had any like, cause or something to make my life work for, it would be to encourage women to find their own satisfaction. Because once you do that. It limits the amount of desperate energy you you feel when it comes to the. Companionship. Right if your needs are met without a companion. Then how important is it? It's only that they're only going to accept a companion that that is so much better for you. Than someone that's toxic and is actually going to create bonds with you that are not healthy. Right. So, yeah, we talk a little bit about trauma bonds and things like that at the end of the show. So stick around for just a basic conversation on on moderation. Right and and therapeutic threshold that that. The. The readings this week were pacifier. We talked about manipulation in that one handcuffs, which it just feels like someone's in jail there. But I don't know. I mean, it could be red meat, you know, it could be sexy. I don't know. And then fan which? You know, just so you guys all know, I am a fan sleeper. I have to have a fan. Have to Can't sleep about a family. Need that. I need that fresh air. I don't even give a shout if it's working 50°. I still need still need. But yeah, pick one, see if it resonates with you. Yeah. Welcome below Saxon Terrell on your host Acacia and this show we try to find. The balanced approach really do, and I'm hoping to again push. Push us towards. Having an actual. Actual realistic. Do able. Relaxed approach. That's my whole. The end of the saying. So yeah, I'll welcome to the show. Let's let's, you know, let's work on, let's work on ourselves in a healthy way. Let's look at our relationships. In a way in which we only accept things that make us feel great about ourselves. Uh, it's better to be an optimist than it is to be a pessimist, right? We will use. Some sense of real realism here. As we continue. Ohh yeah, I I'm, I'm a little tired throughout these readings. I was. Daily savings. So hopefully I'll be back next week with more energy. In the following week we're going to to do all things penises and talk about talk about Dick and Dick care and all that kind of stuff. So stay tuned for a couple weeks from now for for the next sexy segment, those ones more about. Mental health. And here. page
Get to know each other, as you reveal your animal selves to each other at the bond deepen so. You're in a period of needing to get to know this person better. Take three cards. Describe the situation. 2. You're pretending you're being fake. It's risky though, Yeah. As soon as you like, tell people and like, I've been actually working on this, maybe this is what? At the end of the show. You know. Some people get to know you, especially narcissists, just to get information to use against you later. So it's like really important and you know that. You know what you're, you know what you're giving out and how it's going to be used against you. But there is this really great technique where. You know, if you're strong enough, you go ahead and show weakness. And I do this with people. It's it's it's, you know, it's definitely, it's definitely, it definitely works. So I'll show people weakness. OK, so it could be like, I'll show him a few. You know, ohh this is happy. Feeling and if that person is a good person. They won't try to use that particular statement or that particular theme to strong arm me or to manipulate me into doing what they want to do. Now the moment you're dealing with someone and you tell them something, a weakness per se, a feeling, you know, because that's all that's what a weakness is, right? Um. You know, and they go and they immediately start harping on that. Trying to trigger you with that. You know, trying to get their way by using that, then you immediately know what kind of person you're dealing with. And you know right away this is not the kind of person I want to be with. And so a lot of times, you know, we live in these worlds where we're pretending to be fake. So first, you know, we don't want to send red flags. We don't want anyone to use anything against us, right? It's risky and that's what your cards are saying. You're pretending you're living, you know you're you're you're being fake because it's too much of A risk because the emotions are coming and going. So when you're dealing with this person, sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. So you're not wanting to open up, but saying you need to get to know each other better. And that is a really great strategy. To know if someone is narcissistic. So go ahead and pick out a motion that you know. It's almost like a bait and switch. That's what you're doing. You're going to bait them with something that could be used to strong arm you in some way. And so you got to think about it because it's got to be something that really can't strong again, you're like, you know, throwing it out there to see if they, you know how much of A vulture this person. Is. And if they turn around and immediately start like you know, triggering you or using that to to soften you up in some way or they're circling around whatever it is that you gave them. Then you know that person doesn't have good intentions for. It's very simple and easy way to know. So I want to encourage you in this reading, Yeah, get to know them, go tell about yourself and then see how quickly. They use it against you and then you'll know. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make a better decision? So right now, you're just pretending. You know what I mean. It's too risky. They're getting where you take a vacation. They're thinking about a vacation. They want to hide away. We'll see. One pursuit or something. That will help us. OK. They're they need a vacation. They've been in hot pursuit, They've been chasing something and they actually. Need some kind of intervention? Because they're feeling so much, there's so much denial. So it's like they need, they need a vacation because of from, from the pursuit, whatever that is. They they again. There's this. I don't know if they're pursuing you for their own rescue or pursuing you to rescue you. Were there again. They're they're needing, they're needing a vacation. They're needing to hide away. They could be hiding away from a pursuer right now. Maybe something you don't know is that you're not seeing. Maybe you're not seeing them around as often. Maybe it's because they're hiding away from someone who's pursuing them and they don't want to be rescued. You know, and they don't want to face them. I feel like that is the energy. There, yeah, they're hiding away. Yeah. Yeah, they're on the verge to to tell someone about this, to get up up out of it. But yeah, so you're not seeing the real them right now. Again, they there could be pretending because it's just too risky. It it's emotional for them in some way, but they are hiding. I feel like this is the truth though. They are hiding from someone who's pursuing them. And which they feel like they need rescue from, You know, this person's pursuit. Maybe it's too intense. Again, they were just not wanting to face it. Because in the reality they're on this verge to to awaken, to, to get up out of something. How do they feel? About your presence in your life. They're really trying to find balance right now between their, their life and their and their love. So. You bring them some kind of balance. They are very afraid of you. They fear this because they don't. They're they're afraid you're going to make them feel foolish. They're afraid that you are going. Um. To make them feel like they're yeah. There's a fear here of of foolishness. Um. Do you feel like your greed is manipulating? Or that. You know they're feeling manipulated by you in some way. So they're really trying to find balance emotionally. They're trying to find balance with the situation with. They fear it because they fear that you are going to make a fool of. They're dealing with aspects of greed and manipulation when it comes to. They feel like you would manipulate them for your own. OK. Or. Yeah, that's that's the. Probably describe you to others. There's a vampire. Makes you aware that someone or something is draining your life force, but also, as a pioneer, a passion for doing and creating what has not been done before. So. They would describe you as someone that's kind of it feels like they're they're stealing your. That you're stealing their energy. I mean, you know, this is something to to think about. You know, to introspect about. Why would someone think that? You're trying to to suck their energy away back to this pacifier They trying to. Maybe they're just trying to pacify you. Back to this, wanting a break from being pursued. Have they considered CONT? The Empress. The mother. The mother, the mother in the scenario is feeling very trapped right now. The mother of God mother gets caught in someway. We'll see, we'll clarify that. The children's there's children, and the truth is that makes them very happy. Some more gets costed, some slight gets ghosted. Because of experience. Tell me about this track. Sampras. I don't know. If she gets caught, does she get caught or does she set her trap? Subtract. It's betrayal, so. So this Empress gets caught. At home, it's betrayal. The children, though. There's some truth and some happiness here. The ace of swords and the sun. But the children are happy. Truth is, the children are. This work gets ghosted. And then? Again, there's some wisdom here. This bitch is treating it and it's causing a lot of stress. This bitch cheats that cause. Stress. There's a lot, so there's experience here. That's being shared. It's a little it's not like they're giving back to this being fake, trying not to give too much. There's the experience here is not to give so much of themselves to the world. Alright. So. And then we have this other batch. In this scenario, I don't know if it's the mother who who's again this gets caught. At home. With betrayal, but it might be because she's over here cheating. That's pitch is cheating and it's causing a lot of stress. So the batch keeps treating that cause. OK. Doesn't look like they're caught. I mean, have they consider contacting you? I don't know. It's not telling me, it's telling the story. It's a mind trap. Mind trap. You gotta be patient because of the acts. All right. Have to be patient because the acts. Is there competition for their attention? Yeah, there is a. There's this fuck boy with a gift that wants to give a gift to this rich girl. The Gaft. It's sad. I know it's not reading off as an STD, but it's sad. Whatever this. This king of wands gift to this lady of the Pinnacles and calling her rich girl. We even call her and the independent lady just depending on the characters in the play and how you perceive. Um. Again, he gives a gift and it's the gift of depression. Back to this, you know. There's some. Energy sucking going on. And some people do that. Some people feed off of energy. You know, we're dealing with a narcissistic and Prof scenario. Again, there is mutual feelings about work and about collaboration. It's a decision. So is there a competition for for their attention? Well, there's this guy who's who's right, who's given this, who's given a gift. Who's working on something physical with this rich group or with this independent woman Could be an entrepreneur. But it's very it's causing lots of sadness and depression. So it is a mutual collaboration and it is a decision. So they it looks like they're collaborating or some kind of collaboration going on? That would take their attention away. This person, right? No, it's heartbreaking. No. So you know when when this question comes up, No. Um. You're going to get heartbroken. All right, so there's all this. Pretending it's a risk, it's emotions are coming and going, There's this. They want to escape the pursuit, feeling like they need rescued from it in some way. Ohh not facing the truth, wanting to confess that they want to get out of it. So I feel like. Ohh. Whatever, you know. Getting to know each other better is going to lead you to this, to this realization that this is only going to be a heart heartbreaking situation. Do you want me to continue and see what they wanna tax you? It's going to be heart. More you get to know him, get to know him better, you'll figure it out. I'm gonna watch you ride my tongue. I can't wait any longer. I need you now. Yeah, if you're feeling pressured. By this. They're feeling pressured by this. You know. There's there's no need to do everything today mentality. Go ahead and like we said. Get to know each other better. This is going to end in heartbreak. That's what the Cards say. We'll throw some guidance here. How should you deal with this situation? It's a lose, lose situation. If there's children involved, again this pacifier. Yeah, again, you can wish and you can expect. Fear to always be the job. There's the there's fear. The fear creates the emotional jovel. Between. Should you trust or is it you like? There's a fear whether it's even mutual. Jawbone with these feelings. Lose their situation, you can wash by. The expectation here is it's got to be fair. You're going to juggle between feeling like it's mutual. And then there's these shores. Even though the horses might get left out. Again, money is going to be a struggle. Yeah, mine's going to be a struggle with this camera once. Player It's cheap. Could be married. Yeah, I mean it's going to be struggle to be happy with this. It's going to be a struggle. To find the security money is going to be a struggle. So if you get to know this person better, you'll see that. There's more struggle than you might realize. So if you're interested in this person because of what they can offer you, what you think they can offer you, they might not be able to offer you that. There might. Again, they might be pretending that they have more than they do. I'm not really sure. Long story short, this relationship is heartbreaking. The more you get to know each other, the more you're going to see through. The the fake mass. OK. I will be back within next week
Handcuffs. Retreat. It's time to disconnect from the world. Yeah. So there's a there's a need to to retreat here. Let's see what's going on. Describe the situation between the two cards here. What's going on between the two of you? It's pause. There's a timing factor. Someones in lockdown this person in prison because. It's paused because someone is. You know, something is locked. Trapped. Frustrated. Wouldn't be surprised. They're really struggling right now and frustrated when it comes to children. They want to reconcile. There is love here and desire, and they want access to you. They they want access so they don't have access to you in some. Because they feel too close and are frustrated by your children. So there is a timing factor here. And there's a need to retreat, a time to disconnect from the world. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make a better decision? Situation There's a drama queen. Some. There's receipts showing proof. Situation. She's got. 6. There is a whole legal scenario. And they're trapped by. Pregnancy. But today, they're wanting, they're wanting to get up out of this. All right, So what don't you know about the situation? Well, there's this drama queen that they've dealt with. They either this is in the past or this is currently, I'm not sure. Again, there's some kind of proof. Maybe this person? I don't know. Again, there was some kind of proof and then there was some kind of court legal scenario this is and then feeling trapped by pregnancy. Heartstrings today. There's a want need to again get up on out of this ship to ascend above it. So what you don't know is that they've been through it with with this drama. Queen of theirs again, spurred on some kind of legal scenario, Feeling trapped. There's proof. Um, Today, though, in the moment, they're really wanting to to get up out of the basement in some way. So. Again, there's still a need to retreat. Right Right now, though, there's a need to disconnect. Possibly from this world. How did he feel about you? Over there's Dark? Chris Darkness, I'm afraid you're not going to want. That's the truth. Kind of a dark bleeding. They're sorry. Please forgive. They're filled with her grade and. They're very distracted. They can't stop thinking about. They're very weak and unstable. OK, what's their emotions towards you? They're dark. And they're sorry that they're so dark. Others, they've done something. To make to make them feel sorry again. They're they're regretting it. They can't get you off their. They're very weak, about to break and unstable. This person is unstable again. Back to this. They're wanting again to reconcile because they feel like there's this love and desire. They want access. To you. Maybe it's good that things have been paused and you have been frustrated and locked in with children because this. What's going on in their past? Again, all this kind of. Negativity. How would they describe you? People. They would describe you as a child, wounded, you know, someone that's been wounded as a child. They would describe you as a father, a talented, a talent for creating and supporting life and the night, someone who's loyal, romantic and and has a love of honor. Interest. So they would describe you as someone who was wounded as a child, possibly. Again, orphaned or. Abused in some way. But they see you as a knight, someone again, that's romantic and royal. Need to retreat? Stop. They consider contact. This. Are very strong family. Wish is just a dream. So they wish. I mean, there's a wish here, but they're it's just a dream. How they consider contact? Again, there's some Dick here and he's, he's got family and money. It's kind of powerful. So it's either longevity or heritance or. You know what I mean. There's money. And so I feel like that if I'm talking to a man right now, she might still be loyal to some Dick. Because of money only. There is a wish and a desire. It's just a dream. They're just dreaming about it. They want to actually do it is a competition for their time. It's just a really bad breakup. It's a really sad breakup. Yeah, it's been a very. Why anger? They need to move on. From the abuse that they had, there's a need to move on from abuse. Of the child or or they need to move on. From the emotions of being an abused child, I'm not really sure. They have to work on that to be happy, so. Is this person right for you? There's money, there's a money home for. And straps. This person, right? Um. The home, the family, the longevity, the house, the job, the again, it's going to cause a lot of stress. Again, there's like. There's that. He's almost like a desire. This could be a very greedy desire. You know what I mean? This person might want to trap you with handcuffs. You know what I mean? Like they might want to keep you as a prisoner in some way. You know. Where they sexed you? I just keep coming back to the fact that you need to disconnect from this world. Just the thought of you makes me. Look at and all lick you. I'm still in love with you. You trust this person? This. Yeah. This bitch in the pass is a real lose lose situation. Yes. Which is confusing. It is a song. Whose children are causing the frustration? Pause. Again, they want access. There's hope. There is hope here. This is a soul, mate. It is sweet. There is hope. It's just this bitch is a lose, lose situation. Further dispatches who's the pitch in the background. That is what's causing the trapped Ness, so it might be baby Mama drama. You know what I mean? Let's see. Uh, what guidance? In this particular. It's a job all you're just really juggling. You're traveling with the judgment. The Dick here. There's a Dick in this scenario and he causes lots of depression. And that. And then there's the breakup, which then is a huge. Then there's the carrying happening to carry the burden. And that is the mind trap. So there's a real juggle here with with the judgment. Um. We have this deck here sat all right and depressed, but the break up. Would cause him to carry a heavier burden, and that is the mind trap. So it feels like this guy here feels like he is a prisoner. OK to his family in some way. And the breakup would just be you'd have to carry the burden. This would be very popular. Get back to why there's a need to disconnect. Again, there's like this public. Massage. There's public. There could be public messages about how strong they are or how loyal they are. It's manipulative. Something to be sorry about. It's the cards keep saying. This wish is just a dream. So we might be dealing with men in relationships. That's right. And I mean, there are lots of classic scenarios where you know, married men in particular. They like to play certain. Like I've heard from, I've heard from Mary. Men, she's so. My wife is so cool. Like they're my, they're my inbox, you know, bitching about their walk. My wife is so cold and that's why I. It's like, well, what came first, You cheating or her coldness? Like, I literally had a guy tell me that one. That I should cheat with him. Because his wife was so cold. That was the reason like I was supposed to feel sorry for. His wife was so cold and also was to give up. As a while ago, but it was one of those scenarios where it was like. He was very clear he was never going to leave his wife. That's one thing I did respect about that conversation was like, I can't ever leave her. Well, why? You know what I mean. But she's cold, so, you know, I'm going to go ahead and go have. Ohh fairs. You know what I mean. He was very blase about the whole thing. You know. Tell him no. Of course, but. But it's amazing to me. Like when, like the reasons that these married men come up with to make it OK. Um. To not, you know, to stay committed to someone else because they don't want to carry the burden, whether that be alimony or child support or even have to take care of their kids alone, you know what I mean? There's lots of men out there that don't want to handle that kind of stuff. Um. And they also want their Mama to take care of them. You know, their baby Mama. So there's like a whole group of men out there that, you know, they don't want to make their own dinner, they don't want to do their own shoulders, you know, around the house and stuff like that. So a lot of people that get stuck in these, you know, really. These family situations are these relationships, situations and marriages. Where they're not really happy, but they don't want to take those steps to actually free themself. So it looks like there's going to be some kind of frustration. With this scenario, like I said, if you know if the if the statement from the married mayor on manipulation ship is she's so cold. Uh, Or you know. You know, whatever scuse you know he's making for, I'm a good guy. I just need love. And I and I agree. Like, you know, there's a lot of men out there and relationships where they turn their wife or their partner, Cole. Um. You know, and then they live in. Some kind of like prisoner scenario. And yes, these people have made themselves prisoners and they hold their own keys. To their handcuffs. OK, so you can sit there, he can tell you whatever he wants to. But why he's in the situation, he's in it. But why he can't get out of that situation. And at the end of the day, I want you to remember that he's holding the key to his own handcuffs. His hands were tied because he has tied them. He doesn't wanna go through the headache. Of the breakup. OK. Rather cheap. And again, they're serial cheaters. She's all. She's accepted him as the cheater because, you know, she's probably. They're in a partnership. There's there's, there's the difference. Between love. And a business partnership, there's a lot of people out there that are married and business partnerships. OK. So anyway, hope that helps. I will be down.
Fair. Who sleeps with the fan on? I do. Seriously, I can't sleep. Like I can't. Cover their face. I can't do that. Like, I have to breathe. Like I can be completely covered and just have my little face out right at the fan. OK. Angel. Release your axe. It's time has come to cleanse or clear your energy. OK, so you got your rid of this house. So describe the situation between you right now. If you OK if this is an ex, OK, let's say you're not living with. If this if you're in a relationship, release your ex. I'm talking about the person you're with. I always you know this is a. The time was kind of to use this particular card, but for those of you that have, you know, your ex is gone, your, you know, fresh and new. There are, if you've been with them a while. There are so many reminders. Of your acts throughout your home. OK, like I had this big issue. When I got divorced, I'm like, you know, 17 fucking years of a combined living. Luckily I don't get like the memories because I deleted them all. On Facebook and shit like that. Um, and like he we had a combined. Cloud. So you know, when I finally got my pictures back that went on the cloud, they weren't like in order, You know what I mean? I don't like it. But that's my whole point. Like there's so many. Um. There's so many things, you know what I mean? The chair you bought together. The. You know, like I'm down to the point that really the only thing that's left in my house that have anything to do with my ex or my couch. I do need a new mattress. But everything else is mine. Came from me, from my other life, you know, before that or you know. So there's like this difference, you know, But a lot of like the memory items and things like that are very sentimental. That really does help. Cleanse your energy, because no. No more are you constantly reminded of that. You know what I mean? Like. You know, so it's it's a it's important. My whole point here is it is important. Once you break up with someone that like, you're not using the same. You know, it could be something as stupid as a. A paperweight, You know what I mean? Like if you're sitting there and. Or. And you still have items from your axe that are like on your desk and things like that. You know pictures and shit like that. You know whatever it is, right? You know it. It is constantly triggering you back into that other relationship depending on how it how it went right will affect your overall mood and continue to affect your mood until. You know it breaks in. Your You know every part of your life until you like you're fucked. You know what I mean? Until you're like your temperaments flocked and you've allowed this acts of yours to continue. To upset you the the situation between the two of you right now, the reason you need to release your ex. Maybe I'm talking about your ex. Again, there was this entrapment, feeling trapped by pregnancy money or heartstrings, so there was no skill. Right now, someone's single current status available. Now you're magnetically drawn and you can't resist. There are something again drawn. You were drawn to the gossip. You were drawn to some kind of pettiness. Which is now running the now running towards the deadline, so. What's the situation between now though? Someone was trapped? Someone is single. You're magnetically pulled to one another, yet there's all this gossip and the time is running out. So you need to release your ex, whatever that. What don't you know about their situation that will help you make a better decision? There's a move coming up. Some kind of physical move? Ohh. It's connected with their family. So there's some kind of move coming up. It's connected. This is the plugged in tuned in Internet connected, but I'm reading it as it connected with their family or connected with their inner circle and someone. So there's some kind of move that happened or it's going to happen? And maybe it's made it so that, you know, they can only be connected on the Internet. Uh. Or again, it's connected with their family. Or because of this move, they could Only Connect with their family over the Internet? It's created this denial. It's created this. Extreme cut off. So, so something's happened here. Again, with this that you don't know about this, it's causing this extreme cutoff. It's causing this denial and this cuddle. When it comes to a long term relationship and need to clean. Negativity. So what don't you know about the situation? Ohh, there's some kind of movement happening. Again. It's either connected with their family or because of the move they can Only Connect over the Internet with their family. It's created them feeling denied. It's created this this cut off. To this commitment. Um. You gotta cut off to their commitment. But it's going to clear so much, but it's going to clear negativity. OK. That makes sense. How do they feel about your presence? They're they're tired of being alone. They're feeling lonely. Ohh, but they're healing that. They're trying to open their heart again. But it feels so foolish to do so feels foolish to do. They want to open their heart, but they feel like it. They would. They, you know, they would be making a fool out of themselves. They're still very angry about something. They're working back to this, maybe needing to release the axe. Still some anger. Because of the truth. Still angry because. OK. You take their breath away. But they're still planted by some kind of misery. How would they describe you to others? Talking about you, they say behind your back. They would say that you're like, forever young. This is my forever young. So this is someone that can be silly. This is someone that can. It remains young in body, mind and spirit. These are people that. You know, never seemed to age and it's because we have. A childlike disposition? They don't. They call you the shape shifter. Someone had that is skilled at navigating through difficult levels of consent. The ability to see potential on everything, so they see you as a person that can that can shift and shape for whatever environment you're in. I kind of read Ship Shape Shifter as. Someone who again is working on their body, I kind of I normally because people can go from being overweight to the, you know, a shape shifter like I take it kind of literally, you know, they can shift their shape. Someone that's dedicated enough to that so they could say that you're shift, that you've kind of shape shifted in some way. But you're also very capable of being indifferent. And this pioneer, this pioneer card, is wanting to come out so much. Passion for doing and creating things that have not been done before, so they see you as someone who's like forever young. You know that's silly. And someone that is is shaping, shaping and shifting their own reality and a pioneer. Sittard. There are two defensive. If they're more concerned about defending. So they have they considered contacting you? They are very they would. There's this need to defend themself. Against manipulation. I'm sorry, I have to defend myself again. They consider. It looks like they're. Defend themselves. They do. OK. Is there competition? They have something. They're working on something. Something's growing. They're working on something, they're growing something and they're very defensive of it. So whatever they're working on, that's the competition for their attention. They're very defensive what of whatever they have been sewing. This is the Seven of Pinnacles. He is growing these pinnacles he's growing this month. So. And he's waiting, right? So. And then then the night of nine of wands, which is defense. Lots of experience defending oneself, creating a barrier which no one. Can breakthrough? So is there competition? Well, what's whatever they're growing, they're very defensive. They would defend it. So is there a competition? Yeah, with whatever that is and there and the choice to be a mother emperor. Uh, and also they they their choice to be a Mama. So yeah, there's competition. Possibly. Whoever their baby Mama is, or if this is a male, the female reading you know their choice to be a model. They again, they they're juggling. Their drug on lots of stuff. Is this person right for you? It's saying it would be a wish come true. You could just be wishing for a loser situation. This year. Just personally. Again, this is the wish. You wish you there's a wish here that this that there is. I mean, you have this unexplainable pull towards one another. It feels like it's a lose, lose situation because someone wants to sneak off. From being betrayed. OK, so I feel like someone is. We got either a fear of betrayal. Again, it's a lossless situation because someone's sneaking off. Betraying A commitment hairpin, everything falls apart. The tower changes perspective. So I feel like this person right for you. Well, there needs to be a change in perspective when it comes to commitment. Again, there's a wish that is. The wish is that it would. There there might be some fear here. Animation and the sneakiness and betrayal. Commitment falls apart. This person right here, Can you get a definite answer on this? Yes or no, this person? There's an expectation of there's an expectation of move. There's an expectation that there's going to be a trip, or there's an expectation that there's going to move to be a move. There's an expecting to move. You have to expect to move. And then there would then there would be stalkers, but yes. OK. So this would be a wish come true. This is like there's this wishful energy again. There's like a loose, loose situation and need to sneak off from being betrayed. Or, you know, these sneaky thought there's like, there's like thoughts that have to be worked through when it comes to betrayal, to commitment and there needs to be a change in perspective, so. Yes, this person is right for you, but there does need to be. There needs to be a a change in perspective. Again, there's an expectation that someone would move. Um. There might be stalkers, but yes. It's a ace of swords. So is this person right for you? Yes. I have to take it as the you know A swords cuts through every other card on on the table so yes. Um. Next you. Release. So this situation. It's calling for, you know, for this ex energy to to be gone. Right. It looks like they're moving. It looks like it's denial or caught off of a commitment, but it's actually removing negative. Kissing you makes me so. Turned. Add. This person. Deep into my eyes. So it's pretty tame energy, but there's lots of kissing. Again, there's some oral energy. There's some some intensity. Which is very. OK. What kind? There's some fear to overcome. There's like this fear of the rich. Care of the independence, fear of the entry. Or temptation. Here. Again, like I'm reading her. I know that's. I gotta take like I need the the the interpretations grow and they adjust, right? But you know, when interpretations change or adjust, it's for more clarity. So again, there is this real fear here. You know of this very independent, possibly rich girl energy. It feels like. You know it's it's seen six of Pentacles, so either someone wants a handout or someone really didn't. Didn't give too much or there's begging. Again, there's like this fear here. With again, this rich girl card and like, I feel like it's like this begging. Energy. But, you know, getting so little. But it's the truth and it creates anger. So there's like this fear of this, but yet the reality is it's so little. Because this can be read as breadcrumbing. It can be. I mean, this guy is throwing pennies at these baggers. You know what I mean? And I it's not her. It's half. The truth is it creates anger. Truth is its anger. And it creates the mind trap that leads to the denial and heartbreak. So. This devil, this rich girl, is either fear of her. Or the demonization of her in some way. Went in all actuality, you know, there's either being, you know, generous. Or really, not really being that, you know, receiving that much. I don't know how to read that. I'm gonna throw one. That's the truth. That makes that makes that that makes all this anger. Yeah, it's something public, right? We could be talking about social media. We could be talking about, yeah, it's whatever is being given here. What in the public realm is so little? All right. Again, it creates this anger. It creates this mind trap that leads to the denial which led leads to the heartbreak. So I almost feel like this is a. Back to this theme of release the axe. You know, this could be an abusive, narcissistic energy that they're coming out of or that you're coming out of, OK? Um. Again, there is so much of that. Kind of energy, like anybody who's jealous of anyone else. You know, start to throw that kind of energy, that kind of shape, right? It's part of society. It's part of it's just like the fact that, you know, like Taylor Swift, people love to hate her because she's a billionaire. You know what I mean? But she worked her fucking ass off that none of that shit she did was fucking easy. You know, and creating her fan base was not easy either, right? But but yeah, like they're, you know, people love to hate. That's why I should probably went and wrote that fucking song just for her fucking haters. Like, that's badass, but there is that kind of energy. Um. You know again that create, it's created in the denial. There's really a need to move on from the regret and again, this could be something that the ex left behind, whether it is a judgment. Or a feeling? Whatever the acts perpetuated is the problem here. That's why there's this need to release. Whatever it was, the access judgment, either from your life or from their life. Again, home at the home is very successful. There's a home and possibly a return because it's four of 1/6 of 1. So this could be. Homecoming. This could be a successful home. This could be returning to home. Um. Again, there's a need to move on from the regret. And realize that you know. This return home or this success at home? Again, it it changes everything in the world. It changes the world in some way. It changes the perspective in a worldly way. So I feel like there's judgments. Even though I don't see the judgment card, I feel like there's judgments. Residue left by the acts. That's what it feels like. Because you got this gossip, you got this denial. You got this like meeting to to cut. To cut this shit out to to remove negativity. So whatever the axe has in this situation needs to be removed. Again, there's this holding back. There's holding back here. There's a holding back card. This horror sends messages. So. And it's foolish. The whole sends messages and it's foolish. But it's destiny. It's destined to create this Moving on. What's this? Hold back from this. What's this? Hold it back. There really needs to be a holding back from this particular slot. She has the gift, a gift, A gift that keeps on giving. So this could be HPV. This could be. Yeah, she got that again. Like there is. Um. Yeah. I don't think this is either either you or them, but there's this need some someone again is holding back. Because here is this horror with this gift. She's got two men. That she's walking right now. An axe and a married man. And that's the judgment. Her messages are foolish, and it will force. The energy to move on. So this must be the third party maybe? Who that Who is trapped? Or if I was really sure. Again, the relationship with this rich girl or with this independent woman, that's your I don't know how to read her yet. In your particular reading, it's there's work. Working with selfish people. It's almost finished working with The Selfish. It's gone so slow. It in our family of cheaters. The whole family. The trail. And that is the sneaking off and. The manipulation talked about earlier, which ultimately makes the decision. So. Wishing to make the choices. Whoever this this single independent rich rule is. Possibly never married and. The relationship. Her wish is to make all the decisions and the work is very selfish and makes things go very slow and again there's like this. I don't know if it's a family of cheaters. Or if it's. You know, all this work to grow, all this wealth just to be, you know? Just to cheat. I don't know. Long story short, it's secret, yet it's public and it's betrayal. It's the betrayal, the sneakiness. And the lose, lose situation that we spoke about earlier. And that makes the decision. 1. Release. That's the truth. Just through Asaurus, right after I said that it's time to clear your energy. That is the truth. So let's talk about clearing energy real quick. Back to what I was saying before about getting rid of their ship. Um. You know. Also just getting rid of the friendships. If you are, all your friends are all linked into that relationship, going out and making new friends. Uh, getting away from that social group will help you cleanse her or his energy. I don't know what's this gossips about. What is the? And advice? List. There's a very strong secret. Or this is over or very strong drain? OK. So there's loyalty in that stream. There's strength in this stream, there's strength. Maybe you both have had dreams about one another. I'm not sure. This there's strength in it. Alright. Um. You are working towards this relationship. OK, and the family and the longevity. It will be a long, it will be an abundant relationship with longevity, which means like. You got your grandparents there? Parents, the dogs, the house, the state kind of energy. Like really building something of value for a long time. And having, you know, your, you know, maybe even your parents there, you know what I mean? Like this is all this is multiple, multiple generational energy. So the dream here is very strong and there is work being done towards it and the work is getting closer to being done. There's, you know, we're only talking. Couple months. Of work energy. There's two he's he's working on the one and he's got one on the ground. Again, back to this eight of pinnacles. It will work. This relationship will create this wealth. Again, there's a world of cheaters out there. And it's foolish. So there's a world of cheaters out there, and it's foolish. So don't cheat. Maybe it's saying back to this rich girl. Success. Yeah, there's like, again, there's a world of cheaters out there, and it's foolish. This Lady of the Pinnacles gets denied success. Yeah, she gets denied success. Money, love and happy. Now she's committed and watching and fear. Committed to watching in fear. Well. It looks like this is a good relationship. I don't know who the characters are here, but I'm sure it means something to you. Afternoon. Means right? Ohh. Again, the overall energy is it's time to clean your energy. All right, it's time to take your energy back from your ex. It's time to reclaim your life. It's time to start feeling trapped by. Guilt of anyway and live your fucking life and with this fucking statement right now. Nobody wants to see you happy. Nobody wants to see you being success. They want to to to fucking spit on you. They want to fucking stomp on you. They want to gossip about you. They want to be petty. There are more people out there in the world that would laugh. At your pain. Then would patch you on the back for your success. That is the way. So at the end of the day, who gives a flock about Your ex? Who gives a fuck about his friends or her friend? Who gives a fuck about what they say as you walk out the fucking door cause you're free? At the end of the day, yes, you might have moments in your day or you feel like. Right. Deal with that. But the rest of your fucking day, you're free. You don't have to deal with that. I got was like. One of the best fucking things ever about getting divorced. I woke up. The day after my break up and I was like. With any of them. Again. It is. One of the most sweetest relief. You can come out of after a long start with a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a husband. When you realize that you know longer, have to sit out of obligation. Or polite through any of them or their families walking bullet. It is. So whether you're in the process of clearing your acts. Or you need to break up and make this person your axe. I don't know, all right? I want you to focus on the fact that you don't have to deal with this bullshit any fucking. Longer. OK. That's it. So no matter what gossip or. Or what shift comes down the pipeline, whether it be social media or whatever game they want to fucking play, male or fucking female. That ship off your fucking back. Your little ducktail. I'll move to flock off. And enjoy your life. Do what you want to do, and if that is never leaving your fucking house and robbed rotting, then do it. If that's going out every fucking night fucking a different man, then do it, right. That's getting rid of all your old friends and getting new ones. Do it. But that's never quite committing to anything ever again. Do it. Whatever it is, do it. Do it, you know, unashamed. Do it with class. Do it with some pizzazz. Give them some shit to talk about. And don't even listen to it. God like channel your inner tailor. You just kind of hate. Regardless of what you're going to do. You know, and sometimes you can, like, take that hate. And you can write a song about it, and you can make billions of fucking dollars off that fucking emotion that one first one fucking person gave you. You know what I mean? Like there was once people out there making money on spite. Spite is fucking powerful. So clear if at the end of the day, the best thing to do clear your acts out of spite, right? You have Fuck it. Get rid of that shit. Get your own fan. Put it right where you. Right next to the bed so you don't have to share their fans, you know what I mean? There's all sorts of great things. That happened once. You're standing in your independent rich girl energy. I. And if that's the worst thing they can fucking say about you, and that's pretty funny. Right. That's the other thing to remember. Whatever you'll get, whatever you give them, they're going to take and they're going to use. Call you slug, rich girl. Call you whatever the fuck. Crack or whatever. OK, you could literally drink one drink would be like she's drunk. What I mean? Uh. There is no. Limit to people's pettiness. So at the end of the day, I want to remind you that this is your life and you have every fucking right to enjoy it. OK, that's the whole. Of that trial. Go fucking enjoy your life. Get rid of your fucking ex. Go through this fucking shit. All right. Alright, I'll be back with I don't know. Thoroughly in the week it's like. Anyway, hold on, I'll be right back.
I don't have anything sexual. For this week. First off, I just want to barge about daylight savings time. Anybody else just like over it? I'm so over it, I'm I was exhausted. Just now, like getting my feet. Like new. Like taking one fucking hour. You know it it's amazing. What mental health issues is daylight savings? Starting how many people how to fucking freak out this week? I have not been. Exhausted and annoyed. And I'm tired. I'm just fucking tired, you know? And you know, just think about all the dogs out there that are fucking starving for an hour and all the kids out there that have no idea why the routine has changed, you know, It's just absolute. I think it's an actual mental health crisis that we need to. I am going to talk about mental health here a minute. My friend wanted me to. He asked me. He's like, God, are you doing? Have you done a show on love and light bullshit? You know how that shoots all bullshit stuff? And I'm like, I've talked about it from here and there, you know, here and. Never ever done a full segment. So let's go ahead and we're going to talk about this whole like New Agey. You know movement and how and how it transfers it. Healthy in a healthy way, you know. I first want to talk about mental health. In general it is. You know, of course, there's been this huge like awareness building, there's awareness of everything. What? You know what ribbon are you wearing this week, right? But what's the awareness? About and you know, yeah, it's great to bring awareness to these things. It's great to try to to, you know, end stigma. Like I said, the you know, the gay community has really done an amazing job. You know, over the last few years to really, you know, normalize. Their culture and you know there's and the same thing is happening for mental health but there's a lot of cultural like pushes that are actually toxic and and. You know, therapy is great. You know, I've went through a lot of therapy. Done my freaking therapy hours right? And I had some amazing, you know, a couple amazing realizations, too. Really, I don't know all those hours, but they were helpful and they helped me, like, place things in the right perspective. And it was useful. And if you need someone to talk to, it's best to pay someone to talk to you. But I want my. Listeners that are mothers. And toxic relationships, especially. You know, I do want to make a nice little warning right here. Whatever you say to a psychologist is not, it's not necessarily HIPAA. You know what I mean? So it's important that you do keep a level of. This tax. It is important that you watch what you say. Those things can all be used against you later on, especially if you get into some situation. All those things can be subpoenaed very easily. So there there is no like true. Level of. Confidentiality. And everybody needs to realize that you know, we live in this world of privacy policies and HIPAA forms that we have to sign. But the reality is, if you're pushed in a corner, it's your signature and you know whatever in your history is available to be seen. Right. So that is my warning for anybody in it and it is you know, therapy is great you know. Again, it's the movement towards therapy, but there is something called. With the therapeutic threshold. What happens in that moment is therapy no longer is therapeutic therapy is no longer helping you. It's actually making you, you know, sad. It's not putting these emotions away. And I like to use the analogy of if you fell and had to have stitches. And then every month you went in and they cut those stitches open just to see. How that wound was looking right and then sewed it back up. And if you did that over and over and over again, you would literally have wound that would never. Right. And there is something and that's that's the the best metaphor for for that that threshold like you get to a point where. Your therapy is no longer helping. Anything. It's like re establishing your triggers, you're going in once a month to be fucking triggered with the same emotions, the same trauma over and over and over again. So there is a real happy medium. Therapy should be in doses. Therapy should be seen like going to the doctor. You do it when you need to. You know, if you're struggling with thoughts, if you're struggling with negative thoughts, if you're struggling with trying to get a different view on your trauma, yes, pain. A professional to assist you with that is amazing, but. You know, it doesn't have to be a lifelong. Ohh. Commitment. And that is such an important thing that we all need to realize, I mean. How many people out there are living in a reenactment constantly of the things that happen to them and how does that affect your personality over time, right? You become trauma bonded to your trauma and we hear those little hot button. For the trauma bond and yadda yadda yadda, but how many people are just bought, find themselves completely bonded? To the identity that comes from from traumatic experiences or having post traumatic stress. And there is no way to go to a therapist and not leave without some kind of diagnosis. Right. So that's how they get paid. A therapist will go and give you a diagnosis, and then they go to this book, they find the I CD9 code and then they use that to bill your insurance. To why you need therapy. So, you know, at the very end of the day when we're all sitting here, you know, coming out of COVID, everybody's got general anxiety disorder now. I mean, it's like getting a piece of candy as you walk out of the therapist, general anxiety. A piece of candy, right? But yeah, that's something everybody needs to be aware of that there's no way that you can walk into therapy and walk out label free. It's just it's a it's about money. And that's what I want to really talk to everybody about. This week is how much. Were controlled. Just for money. So like all these problems are created. So that we will pay for the solution. Well, these problems weren't in the past. Oh, that's why we're bringing awareness to. Bringing awareness to the. Which is propaganda and marketing? So that everybody knows that they have a problem that we can solve. At $100. $450 right? In the same kind of goes for this, like love and light, yoga and vegan and this new age. Let's get into our fields, Let's go, let's go do the shadow work. Let's, let's you know, just. You know, go through our dark night of the soul, right? Let's be, let's ascend. So that our souls can become 5D whatever on and on and on. Right. You go on Instagram and if you're at all connected to the metaphysical, you know, algorithm, this is the kind of stuff that you're going to see over and over and over again. So like what? Like how are you supposed to to deal with that? Like to sit there and be like, I need to go do my shadow work? Well, when you're shadow work is constantly making it so you're you're living in your shadow. Right. Where's the light? Where's the log? Right. And yes, there is a need to go back, especially for Jen absorbers and even boomers and and look at how they retreated and look how that's created patterns in your life that you're now as an adult, still dealing with, still fighting, still finding yourself in the same situation. Over and over and over again, right? So there is a need to moderate, right? The old fashioned way you would just go get stoned or get drunk and that's how you do That is not a horrible locking option either. You know what you mean? Except you know you don't have to have rehab, right? But everyone is so like. Again, it's like no one heard the word hyperbole in a while, but it's that mentality. You know. You go on, you know online with these kids these days, right. They're all pitching about Gen. Alpha and how they and Gen. Z and how they go to job interviews with their parents and how they have these helicopter parents and. Yada, yada, yada. Right that we're taking our children's independence away. You know, and you look at older generations that were extremely independent, well, that's because there just wasn't all this. You know. I mean, the shirt we went through is probably considered illegal, if not just like that. Kind of. You know. Right mentally. But yeah, my whole point here is it's important to. Pine moderation. Moderation. You need for therapy, for moderation and your need for love and and light and shadow work. And realize that you don't have to check off these boxes to ascend. What does this? We're talking about them right now, while people who go through extreme enlightenment, they're not. They're. You. And yeah, you want to come to realizations and yeah, you want to come closer to the. You know and sync with Earth and then sync with. With the spirituality of birth. Feel that connection. But at what cost? That years of sitting there feeling like you, you don't know how to do your job or you don't know how to heal. Well, the best way to heal sometimes is is the old way. Leave it alone. Move on. Think about it. And that's the point. If you sit there and you see yourself constantly going back to square one. I would look at your relationships. I would look at your patterns. I would look at your thinking patterns. It's so hard to change into positive thinking patterns, especially when everybody around you is extremely toxic and they don't want you to to to be not not like them, right? We don't want to fit in. There's this deep knee. Right. For everybody to feel like they're part of community and that's a whole nother fucking shebang. Community, community. We're building community. This is all about building community that does nothing. You know how many people are sitting in communities? That are completely fake as folk. You know, so it's not a one-size-fits-all mentality and so I don't want my listeners to sit here and think, Oh my God, I haven't done my emotional work. Or. Not doing anything. You know to assent. No, you don't have to live your fucking life. If you want to do things that make you feel better, get away from people and things that make you feel bad and thoughts that make you feel bad. Exercise is is amazing and I I would not have. Even invest at anytime like I was the kind of person I was like, I get my exercise by doing physical labor. You know what I mean? Taking care of things I need to take care of, that's how. But as we get older, right, A lot of us are getting into our 40s and like, fuck, you know, my metabolism slowing down and I want to be able to have flexibility, you know, into my 70s. We're watching our parents become elderly and our grandparents and you know, they, you know, like I remember my grandma not even being able to put her arms above her head. You know and and she was a strong, did a lot of work. You know, and we're all going to get to that point where mobility is going to be our biggest fucking issue, more so than if we did our shadow work and we're supposed to. So yeah, excise is a really great stimulus. It's it leaves you with good brain chemicals. It leaves you with a sense of satisfaction. Um, it's hard to start. But once you get going, once you really get into the routine of it, it's hard to stop. And that is, you know, there's lots of healthier ways to deal with your chemical imbalances, your emotional imbalances, your mental imbalances, then going and reopening childhood trauma. And like I said, I wouldn't have necessarily felt fallen into this. Let's exercise. Group almost. I really hurt myself. Was actually because I was feeding the birds and I and I slipped on some bolts and thick ice. Did the split. And my legs were like, don't do that. I pulled. A very deep groin muscle took three months and karacter and lots of stretching. I had to actually get up and stretch every day. You know, to work on healing them. And I finally did heal it. Amazing when it stopped hurting because it hurt every fucking step I took. So. Yeah, you know, And so like, I look back and like I can thank. My love of birds and my fear that they would be hungry. And sub 0 temperature. You know for finding, for finding the help. Flexibility and the pain. Also, learning new new hobbies, learning to cook, learning to cook just saves you so much money and it's a lot of fun. It's not a chore. It's not anti feminist to cook dinner or to provide a clean environment with healthy food. There's nothing anti feminist about that. So again. Investing in yourself and in your skills. All they do is make you feel more independent. They make you feel healthier. You know, they they give you the sense of accomplishment. And there's a lot of people out there that are doing that. I'm better than you mentality. I'm better than you because I go to yoga three times a week. I'm better than you because I meditate every day. I'm better than you because. You know, whatever I had crime been in therapy for 10 years, right? It's, you know, there's a lot of people that need their sense. They're getting their sense of accomplishment. Their sense of self by putting others down. We don't need to do that either. Do what you want for yourself. Like you don't need to go and do a full fucking workout routine that's an hour long every fucking day. No, you start with 5 minutes, 10 minutes. Just stretching, just shaking. I start my workout routine with just shake and I shake everything. I wake up and I just shake everything else. I can't tell you how much that helps my neck and my shoulders and just getting loose and that's what it's all about. Like you could just do a shake routine or shake your fucking booty every fucking morning. Ohh imagine. You know the benefits. That come from, you know, getting your blood movement, getting your blood pumping, getting the lymphatic drains, you know, doing their thing, taking the infections and bacteria away from. From your left notes, you know what I mean. There's a lot of other ways. But again, we have to be careful because, you know, there's a whole society out there trying to make money off of you feeling inadequate. All those reels. All this you got to do your little travel work. All this you gotta work out. You got to do this. You got to do that. You gotta drink this mushroom tea. You got all that kind of work. It's all marketing. So the end of the day, I want my listeners to think. How much am I being judged by societal marketing? Right. Much of my being shamed by marketing. How much am I being controlled by marketing? At the end of the day, God is not for you but a bike ride through a gorgeous place. I just saw this thing where hugging trees. There's a whole scientific reel about why hugging trees is so good. All the all the chemicals that will release and how the tree energetically can can you know, connect with your own magnetic field and make you feel better. But yeah, it was this whole scientific thing. That's my whole point. Yeah. If you do, you don't have to hug trees. But if you need a hug the trees. And it it there is science that. So that's my whole point if if it's as simple as hugging a tree. Great, that's free as I'm gonna tree. Let's stop taking all of this stuff so. Stop hurting ourselves with the movements. Of the community movements of mental health community movements of. Love and light the community movements of yoga and veganism. All that stuff is again. And it's marketed to make you feel it. So. Stop that. Stop that. Stop letting these things make you. Do what you want to do, what feels good. If you get up and you start shaking and you like, that feels good. Part of my routine. Great. You get the. You don't need to go reopening your trauma. We're really try here to move on. From some of these narcissistic types of relationships that some people find themselves, you know, in. Whether they be friendships, whether they be. Love. Boss, coworkers, etcetera. It's about. Pretending. At the end of the day. There's a lot of. That empathic type language out there and you don't have to be in it. Have to be. That's. So, and sometimes it's easier to to move through life thinking, what is it that I don't want? What is it that is making me upset? It's a lot easier to ride yourself. That kind of energy. And the and the use that, you know negativity to rule out. Negative behaviors and negative situations in your. And leaving the wife behind the stuff you. I always tell you guys every week whenever this stuff comes off. How do you feel? You need to ask yourself. After everything you do, how did that make me feel? And then you can start making. Decision. On what to keep and what to. So yeah, I know this wasn't enough necessarily the sexiest. Sexiest. I'll try. I've ever done. But you know, masturbation is really important. I throw that right next to meditation. And if I had any, if I was going to build a community, if I was going to live for A cause, go from one ribbon to another ribbon with the color of the masturbation. I think all women. Literally. To get, you know, increase. Their sexual satisfaction. There's so much good research on, you know, keeping the pipes going. Just the mental health aspect of having an orgasm regularly. More like every other day to every day. The health benefits of all the chemicals that are released. With orgasm so. I mean, at the end of the day, if I was going to be like, you know what you need to do? To feel better, I would tell you just need to go. You know, all the guys have it figured out. Calm, eat calm and sleep and those and drink water. Those three things are like, we all need to live like. Because those three things are really some of the most important things you need to have a good diet. How would you feel fulfilled then? Even if it is all you know, cheat days, every other day, you know what I mean. And you need to call. And you need to sleep. A lot of us aren't getting enough sleep and This is why so angry daylight. So yeah, if there's if I had to, to tell you what you need to do. It would be to eat good fresh. It would be too calm, at least every other. And it would be to sleep. Go to sleep earlier, turn off your phone earlier. If I had any recommendations on how to make you feel better, how to combat depression, Post traumatic stress? Seasonal depression? Clinical depression. Any type of disorder that requires, you know, patience, tolerance and balance. Those things are are gonna help you so much. So at the end of the day, yeah, if you need therapy. If you need that wild and my fucking bullshit to get out of whatever you're dealing with and feel like I gotta go through my darkest, go for it. Go for it. But at the very end of the day, even as you're doing that shit, make sure you're eating well. You're coming. Some meditation in there. It's a great way to relax. It's a great excuse to relax. We live in a world where no one's allowed to relax, but you're allowed to. Go make sure you're taking your medication. Even if you're not finding your center or or quieting your monkey brain, at the very least you're resting. Permission to. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, I got them. I could always use your support on them. Reviews. Hey, you know. You know. There's some new listeners out there. I want to thank you for any letters. Uh. My listeners upset recently They mean the. Truly, do I send the letter to me. It makes my whole fucking day a week. Not like I can live off A1 fucking weather. How much? How motivating those moments are. So if you take the moments right and you love sex and terror, female really appreciate it. You guys have a great week, make sure. Make sure you eat while you come and you. Alright, uh, leave that shadow work and you know, reinjuring same booboo along with the booboo. And if when it does heal if these different toxic situations you find? Dissolve. That's the hope, right? Get yourself out of some tips and difficult situations. He didn't answer that. Is the great thing about this. This will be. I'm sitting there and guilting myself to death. Put yourself there, isn't it? Range. Are you swapped off my girlfriend? That does bring me something that's fixed. And so, yeah, you know, if you're having a difficult time with intrusive memories or. Remember that there is a threshold to every single. Exercise has a threshold. Love and light have a fresh threshold. So when you reach those therapeutic thresholds, it's OK then go, it's OK to move on, It's OK. Continue. You guys have a great week. Will be back next week with a love note and then I think we're I'm going to prepare the Peanuts show. Like I said, I was tired this weekend. I just, I want to give you really good energy. So just a little too busy right now. Alright, you guys have a good one.