“I am So Proud of You” Relationship Tarot Readings by Element and Tarot Love Note
Such simple words, yet they mean so much. They validate the suffering and striving, but so often those words are only spoken to those gaining some recognition. People who have suffered through trials, whether they be financial, emotional, physical, or mental, rarely get supported through their journey. That statement could save the world. Go out today and tell someone you watched overcome difficult obstacles that you are proud of them and create a moment they will remember always!
Great Relationship Tarot Reading this week, and the love note was so inspiring! It’s the things we don’t talk about that mean the most.
Water: 00:09:57
Earth: 00:33:42
Fire: 00:49:46
Wind: 01:10:55
Love Note: 01:26:26
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 60
“I am So Proud of You” Relationship Tarot Readings by Element and Tarot Love Note
Such simple words, yet they mean so much. They validate the suffering and striving, but so often those words are only spoken to those gaining some recognition. People who have suffered through trials, whether they be financial, emotional, physical, or mental, rarely get supported through their journey. That statement could save the world. Go out today and tell someone you watched overcome difficult obstacles that you are proud of them and create a moment they will remember always!
Great Relationship Tarot Reading this week, and the love note was so inspiring! It’s the things we don’t talk about that mean the most.
Water: 00:09:57
Earth: 00:33:42
Fire: 00:49:46
Wind: 01:10:55
Love Note: 01:26:26
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
“I am So Proud of You” Relationship Tarot Readings by Element and Tarot Love Note
I am so very. This week it was very sweet. As. Sitting here thinking about what to do with this central. And. Power. That statement, I'm so proud of you. It is. It's funny because a couple of weeks ago I visited with an old friend of mine. When I saw her, she looked at me, she said. I'm so proud of you. And. I kind of take him back a moment and as you know, I don't hear. Showed me up a little bit. And that was the realization. Yeah. When someone can make a statement like I'm so proud of you, makes your heart swell and she had to swallow. That a motion back down immediately. It brings to the forefront how difficult it is in our world to. To be proud of yourself or you. To do anything that is of. Value You know, we're so trained and patterned to think that there are only certain things that you can do. That constitutes the statement. I am proud of you. People, you know, we're talking about job titles and promotions or? You know, getting to 10K followers or? 10K downloads, that mentality. You know, getting that degree. Furthering Your education. Right. There's so many of those. Types. Situations and when you sit there and say, oh, I'm so proud of. But no one says. They're proud of you. When you survived. You went through something. Horrific or emotional or overwhelm. I am so proud of you. For making it through. We're going the distance. Standing on your morals for standing up for what's right, no matter how stigmatized. Was for you. And there's so many. Times in our lives where we're we feel more stigmatized than any. With the end of the day. People that need the words, I am proud of you. They're the people that. Just made it through another. Just kept their head. Kept standing. They didn't. These people out there. You were doing amazing. All. They're not even allowed to be proud of themselves. Her situation was so stigmatizing. It's something you. You're like ohh I. It's interesting because, you know, you get the people that. You know, especially. Sobriety. Supposed to be super. Right. Year, 10 years, etcetera. Sobriety, right? And that is something to be proud of. But again, that's the only. That's the only place that we see. That kind of I'm proud of. Going to hit rock bottom and come back up. Live that more. Disposition. Someone to be proud of. You got to actually overcome it, but no one. Sits there while you're overcoming. I'm proud. That's what got me with my friend. She knows all my details. She saw me crawl through the mud and she knew. Still crawling through on my own. And so when she said that to me, it had so much. So much deeper meaning because of her deep understanding. My situation. Control. So it's amazing because you get. Get to these levels of exhaustion. These places where your life. See you right out of this. Into a world in which I feel happy. There's some. How? And those are the people. You need to be spoken to. And the sad thing is. We live in a society where no one wants to share. Those. Testimony. The religious world where you go up in front of the congregation and you give your. You talk about the trials you faced in the mud on your. Overcame. God. Right. A lot of people out there that have tests on you they didn't get to go over. God, I mean, there's a lot of people that go over it with prayer, of course. Having no other hope. There's so many. Overcome. And no one will ever say. I'm proud of your grace. Proud of you. You have. How many? Tap out. How many of those people keep getting up and keep going out, keep keep putting a smile on their face? No one knows. Crushes them. Those. Right. Just want to take a moment and tell all my listeners and I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you for this shit. You don't talk. Water. Earth. Order this week. Of our relationship. Terror reading. You can find the time and the description. You stick around for the love. The person would pick up the phone. If you call them. A statement. In this day and age. So many people will let that phone fucking. Again, this show is about helping us heal, helping us. See through the bullshit lines that we get every day from people. Decide. And make good decisions about relationships, whether it's existing relationship, new relationship, or healing. Past abusive relationship. All these things we talk about during our six weeks. You know, it's about becoming a better love. Becoming a better person. And I do. Hope. That. Your own personal. Striving. Do you? They are proud of you. Difficult. Just. Definitely. Easy as a promotion. Masters degree. Continue to be a good person. You better. Proud that you're not. Is. Enjoy this show this week and we back next week with the sex topic. Figure out next week. Hurry. Enjoy the show.
The water size I will be changing the readings up. I'm sorry, I know like I struggle because. You know I want to keep everything similar, so. Count on it. But I also get really bored. We need to think differently sometimes. Like. So. So here we are going to do the normal relationship for you though, but I have my residence card, so your overall energy right now in this situation that you're asking about. It's Express your love, go ahead and make the romantic gesture. So if there's been something you've been thinking about doing. Express your love and someone, the cards say. Go for it. What is your overall energy here? Situation. There. OK. Like these? To turn left. This is my water. What is 0? I don't. But. You guys know? Realization. Something's coming to light, so they have they have come into some kind of aware. Look more into this. What's your? Feeling very sad, you feel kind of broken. They emotionally are writing or journaling about their emotions. So emotionally they are communicating with someone. In your headspace. Karmic third party. Relationship. What's in there? Happy. Um. Obstacle. You're angry. Pressure cook. Why is there into this relationship? Maybe you're either getting very good at shuffling. Cards are taking their time. They have to overcome some light need to indulge. Pressure. Because it doesn't match burning so. Back to this, express real love. So if you want this, you need to light the fuse. You overcome this with some kind of spontaneous unexpected pop up. How were they overcome this morning to indulge? Some people work. Your motion. A friendship feeling very similar to one another. Between you mentally is feeling both, feeling like you're needs to be a rescue of some sort, feeling kind of trapped or down in a hole. Ohh. I'll come here. Is love OK? So that's why it's safe to express your love. Where is the left? OK, on your side. Why do you feel so alone, So sad, so broken. Crushed. Because you feel like this person is. Again, you feel like this mirror energy. It's so complicated. But yet you feel like this soul connection, so like you feel kind of broken. All right now. And again, mentally, you're thinking about this, like this third party lesson, like this karmic relationship. So there's like some kind of, you know, karma here. OK, let's go over there, see what's what are those this emotional? What is this? It's about the roller coaster they've been riding so. Emotionally, they're communicating, possibly writing, maybe even poetry. People. Who knows? About the adrenaline rush, about the highs and the lows of what they feel emotionally, what comes to their awareness. Possibly start writing about their emotion. Something close to their weariness when it comes, when it's about the family. So there you have some kind of realization or somebody comes to the right and it's about their families. What what's the? About the deadline, the deadline? OK. And and their overall energy right now, they're dealing with something that's coming out that's you know that's a new awareness. When it comes to maybe their family or your family or this like inner circle mentality, the deadline here is running out and it's leading to. You know, a blocked off Ghosted energy. So whatever has come to the realization, it's. You know, there's this energy that time is running out and it's going to. And. And it being lost. OK, so back to this emotional roller coaster they feel they really thinking about happiness. Possibly. They they're either thinking about how they can avoid. The happiness because the Boyer running Carter, they're trying to avoid everything so they can be happy. So I feel like there could be this. This lost energy could be a way to avoid in some way to protect their happiness. I don't know why their happiness is. They're running to their happiness or whether they're avoiding, you know, there's some. They're thinking about. Yeah, there's like. It's complicated. They want to be happy. So they're avoiding things that make them, not that make them feel like blocked out. Things that are making them feel trapped. What's this legal scenario in which they'll overcome this obsession with? Session. It's hard because again. That, that through or you know about? This fakeness being done. Being done with. Whatever they're pretending they're about, you know it's about to stop. You know. Has to do with this level. Paperwork. Yeah, I mean they they they gotta get it. There's like they'll get up out of whatever. Obsessive energy they have and it could be like negative obsessive obsessive energy. It doesn't have to be like, Oh my God. You know I want this person. It could, it could be, it could be a whole range of different obsessions. So again, they're gonna they're something comes to the realization and it really kind of changes. The situation looks like they're going to. Overcome. This scenario. With getting up out of something. You know, if your person's in a relationship, again, they're this legal card. You know, it's court work paperwork filed. So it's talking about something. So I don't know if they're waiting to have to have some kind of official. It could be a contract to help them get up out, and maybe this entire time they've been obsessed with getting whatever they want to get. I don't know. Look at your side. Why are you about to flock? And explore Why are you so? Do you feel like there is just pressure building? You're just living the daily household, you're frustrated about the daily housing, OK? So just making it through the fucking day. You overcome this like just feeling like it's so much pressure doing whatever you gotta do to make money. You're welcome. This spontaneous breakup. OK, a pop-up, spontaneous and irreconcilable differences. Final divorce. So if you're the one in the relationship. It looks like, you know, there's like a pop-up breakup energy or if they're in the in the relationship, they're going to pop up single here. Express your love. Again, it's ending with love. Ask. There's just some kind of financial rescue. That's the rescue with the final. Emotionally, how do they feel? I swear it doesn't talk this much. They feel like this is kind of foolish, yet they love the distraction. But sometimes they're frustrated by it. So I feel kind of distracted by this. When it comes to their work. They know that you guys can fix whatever is going on here between you. But there's still a lot of self deception. And that creates this unstability. They're confident that this relationship would bring them. OK. So again, there's a lot of deception here. Distract. Almost feel like this is foolish. Maybe back to this like. Trying to overcome this by thinking it's fake. Again, you know, there's over here. There's some kind of obsession. But yet they are overcoming. The realization is just fake. Whatever they do. Whatever is. Obstacle Maybe This article is. You can express your love so they can't pretend. You can describe. Else. Yeah, as a slave. Someone who surrendered their power to someone else. Gambler. The willingness to follow your intuition. The for the eternal child. So this is my forever young. Determined to remain young in body, mind and spirit. The abilities to see with fresh eyes. So they would see you as someone that's younger, eternally young someone. Likes to play even if they're an adult or not. Too adulty to. To play. They see you as a gambler and I'm supposed to sleep. Next. Pulling your. What you want me to do? So they're 16 would would you know would say that they want to pull. It won't wake you up with oral until it how you tell them what to do. Charge. Here because again the outcome is low. The The overall energy is expressed. This looks complicated. It's complicated. Cards throughout the entire thing. There's long, fair car with that. The karmic third party relationship drama. There's obsession, there's trying to survive the hamster wheel, there's break up card, there's legal card. Happiness love cards. So it's like really complicated because there's multiple different positive and. Negative. The father is watching this, mother. The number is watching the numbers. Alright. And there's this, And there's this trap. And the trap. Or, you know, feeling stuck just keeps growing, keeps growing more depression. So this relation, whatever relationship is, is the, you know, the one that's being pushed away or pushed aside here in some way this karmic scenario. Um. It's because it's only been growing and depression. So and and again, you know the symptoms of depression. Only grown. So there, there's this juggle right now because his father is watching. OK. Page of Swords. Watching. This emperor is this mother. There's this trapped. The trap keeps getting worse. And then growing more. There's a need to move on. In the trap. Yeah, but the choice is so heartbreaking because they have. There's so much happiness. So, so much for. It looks so pretty like whenever this tack cups comes up, you know, it's it's about the rainbow after a storm. But it's also like, look at everything we have. You know what you mean? Like. There's this essence of. You know. Creating the reality, but it's missing something, You know what I mean? So there, there's this need to move on and choose the heartbreak. You know? And again, this happy ending is happily ever after, which a lot of times is an illusion in itself as much as a rainbow. You know what I mean? Just how quickly? It's a It's a illusion of. Maybe that is the realization. You know that they're going. Anyway, it ends with this, You know someone feeling left out with someone feeling poor or crippled in some. Was given, so just given so little. There is a commitment to family. Family is committed. The song. To the fifth again. It's a real juggle because this father is God is watching this mother and either he catches her. Or gets caught. Or feels trapped. And the Depression only keeps growing as they share feelings. Again, there's this need to move on. From you know from where they were at, and the choice will be heartbreak. Because here is the 10 of cups. There's everything. 3. And then. But it's crippled. It feels sticky. There's like some stigma. And again, if it's love, if you don't mean this could be. Very much. Stable of harmful to be given. To. Interesting. From my father's. It could be that there's like a vast investing into the family. Move on, but keep warm. One from your. And keep walking and keep an eye on this step. Job was with fatherhood and messages from. Selfish. Size. Decision. Loyalty. Loyalty is only to the mall. Answer the popular. It might be this interview. They're only loyal to the money in the popular. Moving. Portrait. OK. What you've seen this day again? Struggling with father? Selfish woman size. The decision was took to swap. Because they're loyal. Translate. A move. Anything else? The ghost they're committing, they're they're committed to the ghosting. But a ghosting is because they're committed to carrying such a heavy burden and must stand up for themselves because of. Of abusive house is abusive kind of woman. Ace of ones, Queen of ones. These are, you know, women of sticks. You don't know what that means. But you know what I mean? Violent women like women that, you know, are really negative. So again. If there's dosing going on, it's because they're already carrying. They're committed to another burden, they're carrying heavy. But they're still, and they're also defending themselves against these abusive women, abusive pictures. Use the force. Alright. I will be back
The overall energy is here. Relationship reading. It is safe for you to love, open your heart and give and receive the highest energy of. OK, so you're not feeling like it's safe to love this person. And the urine? Some kind of denial. You're not wanting to face the truth. They feel like it's a risk, like it's a gamble or nightlife in some way. So their overall energy is, you know, risky. Maybe that's why you feel like it's not safe to love This person need to take on a lot at night. Margo. Emotionally, you feel like this is such Brady, like this was forbidden. Again, over here, they feel like it's a risk, but they still emotionally want. To meet. Possibly with more than one person, there's a need to discuss and plan. So you're trying to you're in some kind of denial because you feel like this is forbidden, but it's saying it's safe for you to love this person. Space. You're just trying to get a grip on this, this ship's winding down. Their love. Think about this. So motional again, they're wanting to like, meet up with you but in a safe, in a much more safe way, OK. There's tension, there's love between the two of you. They feel like it's a gamble again because you're over here in some kind of denial. Emotionally feeling like this is forbidden trying to get a grip on yourself. And then, you know, over here, they think it's a gamble. But they really emotionally want to like, meet up, have a plan, you know, talk, you know, two or more people talk about this. OK, so they want to have a meeting. Emotionally, they wanna meet. What is? Protecting yourself. Yeah, you're right. You're being overprotective. It is safe for you to love. They need to clear away some negativity like they have a tendency, probably. More negatively. You will overcome this like. Fear and need to protect yourself and your heart from. How? The Protect the feeling that you need to protect yourself. Can you overcome it with a wave on? So we've all motion is going to come over to you and it's going to help you get over. You need to protect your. They will remove negativity by ghosting or blocking other people that are maybe cause. Between your emotionally is you've both learned some. You're feeling very complete. Between you mentally is cricket. You're not talking to one another. You're not thinking about talking to one another necessarily. There's some silence on a. And that's over in that. Mentality. The outcome is trash. Something being. Disregarded today. OK. How come is district feeling disregarded? Enemy again, like there's a fear. About. And. So there's a fear of being. That's why. Yeah, but you're it's this will make you. But this makes you happy. Is it safe for you to love? The cards are saying yes, it's safe for you to love this person. You need to get out of this self denial. Or denying it because you just think it's going to end in tragedy or if it's forbidden. So you're really work. Getting emotional grip on the feelings you have for this. Again, they're over here thinking this is a gamble, but. You had a chance to talk if you had a chance to meet up. That surely there's love here. And they're doing a lot of negative self talk and so they're going to have to block that kind of negativity, whether it's coming from other people like their friends or their family. But they'll get over that, and you have this overwhelming fear and need to protect yourself. But it's going. You're going to overcome it with the emotions of love, yet today, something disregarded. And maybe again you, you know, there's this fear of being embarrassed or feeling threatened in some way. But this is going to lead to happy. The last card is happiness. So are you going to trash this entire thing because you're afraid you're going to be embarrassed to be happy? OK, I almost feel like you have a head game. Where you know you're not wanting to show your hand or show you know, like it's not cool to have feelings, you know what I mean? But there's nothing more charming and more. Romantic than someone who knows what they want. Emotionally. They're feeling like this is very unstable. Or that this makes them feel unstable, but they are very lonely. Uh. You make them want to be healthier. They are focused on you. But they feel like there's like secrets that they don't know about and they hate not knowing. Back to this with them wanting to have a conversation. So they really wanna talk to you about these feelings? You want to have a conversation? Deal with this. To someone else. This gambler card keeps coming up. That's a gamblers lately. He as a gambler, as an engineer, and as a servant, someone who delights in serving. Someone who gives great, you know, has creative energy and gives it a practical expression, and then someone who's willingness to follow their intuition. So they would say that you know, you follow your intuition that you can. You have a talent for coming up, coming up with resolutions for common dilemmas, and that you are serving, you serve others. Those are all very nice things. They could sash you with these. I can't wait to slide my fingers over every inch of your body. OK. It's foolish to be upset. When you can. You know this. Again, this is a happy. You could be happy. It's foolish to be upset. When you could be happy. And strong and. Get a lot of experience with these. With Dicks tasks you had a lot of experience with household. And you've been betrayed when it comes to love. It's really what ultimately is making you struggle right now, and you need to move on from that. Keep working and keep dreaming about this. Just love. Think about how it is so safe for you to love Expect. Expect it to be successful. OK. Expected to be successful. The course of selfish woman has. Massages. Decision. The decision will be leave him at all. Sean. And move. Because he is abused. So it looks like there is dudes getting gasoline. And. It says it's foolish for you to be upset. Just be happy, be independent, be the gorgeous person that you are. You have a lot of experience with Dicks. And you've been betrayed by love so many times, it really makes you strong. You need to move on from this and continue working towards your dreams. Expect to be successful and happy. Realize that this selfish woman, her public messages on Facebook about this dude. It ultimately are going to lead to the decision to to shun him or to leave him out. Again and move away because he's abusive. So I feel like there's going to be a flip flop. You know what I mean? Flip flop here when it comes to the energy so. So it's foolish for you to be upset. It's foolish for you to be angry. This fear and anger you have is foolish. You need to free yourself from. It's just a mind trick. You need to free yourself from this mind trick. That you because you've been messaged by so many deaths. Messages from these. Are problematic in some way. And it's it's a sweet secret about there's a secret about home, and it ultimately manifests this defensiveness. You're going to be successful. Whatever you're doing, it's going to be success. So you're sitting there having a lot of internals. And that right there is. You know your need to protect yourself from this is cause. The blockage. So whatever you have to do to realize that, it is safe for you. Even if it doesn't come back to you, it's still like, have you ever seen that meme? It's like. Giving your love away. And you know, it's like. You know, it's like something like. It's never wrong to give your love to the wrong person because they're very easily could have needed that love. Even if it wasn't there or did not turn into the relationship that you want. And there is something like when you're dealing with people. And they're attracted to you or they're attracted to your attention. Um. You're healing guns. Even if like love is always healing so anytime you give love, affection, attention to someone, someone. Even if it doesn't come back to you. It still goes into the Universal Bank of Love Give. It will come back to you in a different. Even if it doesn't come back from that particular person. So there's really a need here for you to open your heart. So that you can give and receive love. Because right now you're blocked. You have blocked this. OK, so work on that. On. Baby steps to, you know to opening up to. Feeling. If you've been hurt. And that's what it says. You've been through a lot. You've been hurt repeatedly by men exact same. This is made you close all. You know to the even the idea. So you know you bought. Make you. Fight. Sorry. That love you gave those sons of bitches. Is going to return to you in a different. OK, it's going to return to you and in the. OK. So it was not wait. And yes, you've had lots of experience and you've. So when the right person comes, the right love comes to you. Appreciate. And you? You know. When you finally. It makes you feel the feelings. You're. Because imagine if you would have gotten the one that you want. You know, let's say he's a little different than the view. Had the all the emotions and have all this. Imagine if you had gotten them. To the same exact as some. Heartbreak. It is only after your heart breaks that you. Before that, it's all superficial. Craft. Someone who actually loves you feels it. So. Mark on yourself for allowing. Accepting help. Agreed. Alright. Alright.
OK. Thanks. Relationship reading this week. Keep an open mind, your swimming may differ from your usual type of expectation. What's going on here? Which is that? You're you're overall energy right now. Is wanting to negotiate. Their overall energy. Your motion. Today, I'm notionally you're in love. It's Friday. I'm in. You know what? What's? Today you're in love. Is it Friday? I don't know. Um. Their motional state outcomes. Mentally, you're a little obsessed. You want it. You're thinking about it. Um. Mental state Is this the third party list? Karmic. So there's a karmic scenario. Maybe they're dealing with your past partners. Clarify what is, what is what we mean by. Trying to keep an open mind? Yeah, you feel threatened by these emotions. You fear. You fear being embarrassed by showing your emotions. Yeah, I mean, if you've ever been through that kind of shit where they like get this thing and get your emotions. You know what I mean? Inspire signs like we'll we'll throw our emotions out there and it's like, ohh great. There's like this emotional wave. But today? They have to overcome the signs. Last person, right? They'll come to some kind of they'll overcome the sign. The signs are It's a bunch of Infinity signs. With some kind of realization. Keep an open mind. Between the emotionally is proof like you, there's some proof of the emotions. You have proved your emotions. Extreme energy. What's the outcome here? Feeling crushed, OK. What are my first songs trying to? You're trying. You're trying to negotiate all this negative. So you're sitting there trying to deal with all this? They have. Kind of contract phosphate and start reading this legal Curtis contract. They got some kind of contract in there. It's called the pressure cooker. It's all sorts of triggering. There's a need for a vacation. There's a need to. Get lost. They want to get. They are under a lot of pressure and they're getting triggered and they desperately want to take a vacation and get. OK, so they are. Again, whatever contract they're under. Um. Whether that be a work contract or a family contract or you know what I mean, whatever kind of contract paperwork they are wanting to. It's really makes them upset. Go on adventure they want to get. That. OK, you make them happy. What's this? It's about being rescued. They feel like mentally they want you to rescue them. From another person. Another situation. What are you obsessed with? Needs to be addressed. You both are. You might be. You need to drastically cut them off. They might be thinking they need to drastically cut off whatever their contract is. You're like obsessed with going back and picking out the memories. You're abscessed with the memories. Yeah. You'd like to confess, but you won't. If nothing changes, it's ending with something. That's. You know, there's looks like there's lots of policy energy. So you're feeling like today you're in love. OK, OK, First and foremost, today you're in love. You're trying to negotiate all this negativity. You're you're having obsessive. Thoughts about the past? So again, your past keeps coming back and it's really got you on the verge and there's something you're not facing. That is why the past memories keep bugging you so much. You have to overcome. Feeling embarrassed about these emotions. You're going to do that by realizing that you are done or you've completed this lesson. What's the lesson you've completed? You've completed the lesson of this of a friendship. You've completed the friendship list. I don't know what that. What are these signs of sickness? Cities that are standing in their way? Back to this some kind of wish for financial support? That's the realization. The realization is that they need to have a conversation about this desire. So they desire you. If they want they, they're they're coming to the realization that this desire needs to be talked about. They're seeing the signs that are, again, you know, linking to financial support of some sort. But there's still like a yearning or or a wish. Again, the outcome here is feeling crushed. Because again, there's another pause. When it comes to love. Love gets pause. Yet the man is really connected. The man in the scenario is very connected on the Internet, really tuned in, really connected in some way. So again, there's like this feeling sad and broken because this this relationship gets paused again. The man in this relationship is was was feeling very connected. So maybe, yeah, yeah. And as focused on. So you're letting your thoughts about the past, your memories about the past. Lead you into this denial of this relationship. Again, you have been threatened or have been embarrassed multiple times with these waves of emotion. OK, and you really are done when it comes to friendship. They want to get lost. They're feeling triggered and pressured by whatever contract that they have signed. They want you to. To rescue. And you're sitting here saying. Trying to keep an open mind. Your soul mate. May differ from. Your usual type or expectations. So whatever it is you expect from this person. Are you expecting love? This is going to be very, very different. Your expectation and love could be very negative. You know. After a few bouts of bullshit, right, We tend to think that. Well, there's a fairy tale, right? So. You know you may be in this place where you don't believe in. But it looks like. I don't know why this is being paused. I think because you're over here, just like I don't want to be. Today. They think you're beautiful and they're they're going to be greedy about it. They want it all. They want it. They they deserve it all. So you're emotionally, they feel like you're you're gorgeous, you're natural beauty takes my breath away. I want it and I deserve it all. They want to be very greedy when it comes to you. They're feeling very desperate in their situation that they can't do it anymore. And this makes them very. They want your support. They feel your support, but they also envy you. And what you have and and they're feeling very anxious because of this anger over the sabotage. Um, you're sabotaging this in some way and you're angry about. All right, so fire signs, You're out there and they're feeling sabotaged. You're sabotaging it. You're not keeping an open mind. There is passion here. You filled me with you make me feel things I can't even describe. But again, there's this unfaithful card being hurt too many times. How are they describe you? As the judge balancing justice and compassion so they see as a little bit of judgment involved. Back to this, I went over mine because you bet your judge you're judging, you're judging. Because he was the Midas or Midas or the miser. Someone that again, whatever they touch turns to gold, but also someone that can hold back and again be cheap. And I also see you as the gambler. This gambler card just keeps coming up I. There are so many cards in this deck, I'm just shocked. How many gamblers I got listening right now? If you see with someone who's willing to take a risk. But they also see you as someone that's got good judgment or compete a little judging. Again, whatever you touch turns to gold. But you're also stingy. Talk. Alright. He sucks, Keeper. There's proof between you. Whatever happened today made them happy and made you feel. Go deeper. Legs above the head, teasing you with just the. Do it with the lights on so I can watch. So yeah, they want. You want to see it. You know they don't want that closed off dark. They're very visual, so they're wanting, you know, they want to be able to visualize. Also, see everything as their fucking. You want your. Legs above their head. Be balls deep, alright. So like I said, if things continue as they are. There's gonna be this feeling very sad. Because again, love has been part. And the man here is very connected and tuned in and focused on. So keep an open mind. You might not think that they have any focus towards you. And again, you have to stop recalling all these fucking thoughts. That are making you deny this relationship. The family, the. The money, possibly. Longevity. This is tackle, so it's like real physical. Again, there's family karma here for the you know again family justice. So I want to say almost like family karma or the family breaks. I mean I could read this family breaks up but yet. Be patient. So there's there's family karma here. I feel like there's the same there's family karma here. You need to be patient. It's going to go slow, but it is surely. Going to happen. The world of the Mother of the Emperors. Cycle of mother. Again, is about. There's about to be an offer. For the gift she gave, she feels sorry. There's family karma. Be patient. It's gonna go slow, but it's a sure thing. One of the mother. I don't know if this is your mother. Or if this isn't. Their baby Mama or their mother? Or if you're the if you're also mother who you know this is talking about. Um. Again, the world is a mother of the offer. The gifts, the proposal that the money, the small amount of money it it's really brings this feeling of. For Mars. So be happy. So whatever this mother is doing, she's going to be. So. This little page of pinnacles. There she's created. Possibly she's going to be sorry. The messages or whatever this thing does. This page of pentacles, it could be messages, it could be writing, it could be. Um. You know something? Something you can read or see. It brings the end of sex. It brings the death of the sex. And its abuse. She's a rich girl. And she's defending herself against some some death. So again, there's money, there's family, there's karma. Be patient. This is slowly, slowly but surely, the world of this mother and her, her gift, her creation again, this page of Pentacles. So she's holding it. All right. Something you could hold, right? Something physical. It again, it's it brings. It brings remorse, so be happy. So whatever this mother has created, it brings remorse. So be happy. The messages, whatever they are, they're normally written in some form. It's eight of one, so I read those written messages. Bring the death to the sex so they completely end the sexual relationship. Because of this abusive rich girl. I'm sorry, related. This rich girl is defending. Herself against this deck. Who she's been sweetly stalking ever since she moved. Or lose her soul mate and she's stalking, so this mother is stalking this dude. With someone else. So if this is a third party scenario, yeah again, they feel like they need to be saved. From this woman. And so I guess we're talking about this woman right now. So whatever she created, whatever this gift, this money, this, you know, physical item is, it's going to make her sorry. So we have. The messages. Bring an end to the sacks. And it's abusive. This rich girl defends herself against this deck who was a soul mate that she's been stalking since she since the move. Stalking. There was a ghost. And ultimately goes to it's alternately going to ghost her own happiness this batch. Is so sad. This speech is creating depression. It's so sad, this dude that you're into. He's going to choose law. So back to this, you feel like this love. You feel you feel crushed because you feel like this love is being paused in some way, like you can't have it right. Do you really need to realize that the man in the scenario is very connected and very focused on? So be patient. There's karma playing. Keep an open mind, alright? Today, emotionally, you're in love. Keep an open mind and yes, you might have moments in which you're afraid of this love because you don't want to be embarrassed by it, but this person, ultimately. Ohh. What kind of contract out? You know, there's some kind of contract here. It's causing them a lot of pressure and it's triggering them. But overall, there's right They want to get along some vacation, they want to go on vacation and get their mind is venture. They wanted those, everything that they've been doing. Other. So keep an open mind. You might be sitting there thinking, Oh my God this is me not. Working great, but it's saying. So just be patient. I will be back with.
Two cards. Unrequited love and trust ohh. Traction. Chemistry keeps relationship going and trust you got two things going on. See what's going on? What's your overall energy here? You're coming to some kind of realization? Pause. They've taken some interview during the timing factor. You might think it's unrequited, but to them it's just not the right time. Emotionally. Motion. Little show and they feel blocked in some way. Motions are being. Mentally, you feel like you're in a pressure cooker. They're having anxiety. OK, so when they go into these anxiety attacks, you don't know what to do. What is your? Something kind of beyond you, some kind of alien telepathic dream songs. There's like something beyond you that is. It's holding you back. What's holding them back is the fact that they're running or avoiding this. Overcome this telepathic like other worldly situation you will. You're going to be unexplainably pulled through it. They will avoid running because they will feel embarrassed if they do. They'll stop running because they feel threatened or embarrassed between you emotionally. There's an offer on the table. Possible proposal. Uh, between you mentally is a love affair with female heart is having a love affair. Something on her love affair. And. Contrast. God. Outcomes crushed. Sad. Broken. What's this realization? Situation is calling for you to have faith. You feel like you feel like you don't feel the same way, but you need to trust. You've come to some awareness about someone's wish, someone's yearning, or your own yearnings. Why are you feeling like you're under so much pressure? Why are you thinking about? Because you've been, you feel like you've been disregarded. So they've paused this? You feel like it's unrequited? Um. You're coming to some realization that this is, you know, that you're really wishing and yearning for this. Emotionally, you really love this person, but you feel angry because you've been disregarded it so. They paused. Faster. The times are running out. It's the tiny factory hit. The times running out and what is the time running out? On the fascination. I just feeling so much. I'm gonna go listen to The Cure. I'm feeling so many, so much cure vibe. From these readings today. God damn it. What? Fascination. Did not have. OK. I'm sorry. Fascination Something. Is it Fascination St. Clicked a memory. Yeah, it's Fascination St. Yeah. Second Cure Song. That's going to be while reading these these today. So yeah, at times running out on on this Fascination St. More so, why are you feeling so blocked? Because they have a history of dealing, of feeling way down by relationships that are breakups and having to come to some agreement. All right, so they have they have pain that they're. Yeah, they're having anxiety over negotiating this relationship. And again, there's a love affair here between the two of you. This doesn't have anything to do with you. It's a love affair with a feminine it is. Which is between you. The love affair is feminine. It's creating the front. It's creating the lockdown. OK, what's this alien telepathic theme songs like? Something Beyond You that is your. Obstacle. Really needs to be cleared away. Fear. Retaliation. OK, so. You're like telepathically or subconsciously you're you're afraid of retaliation. You're afraid that this is some kind of punish. Punishing. Because you continually feel magnetically pulled back to this. They again, their obstacles are avoiding, but they're going to stop avoiding this because they feel threatened or embarrassed in some way. The outcome is crushed, heartbroken. I want to single takes a risk and now writes the emotional roller. Writes emotional roller coaster. So this is paused again. Time is running out. It's ending with someone being crushed. Some kind of single hood is the being single is a risk. It's a roller coaster. OK. Very complicated. Might not be unrequited, might have to deal with trust. Having a trust issue. Emotionally, they're feeling miserable right now. They've been hurt so many fucking times. Feeling illuminated, you have really guided them through this darkness. You seduce them. But they feel so much remorse. Because it makes me feel foolish that they feel this way about you, so they're like again appeared about their. That. What is? They describe. As the centre town, yeah. Got some beans and leaves? Seductive. Ascribe someone who is preserving knowledge and information. You think it's unrequited, but Charles said it's not. They think that you again will break their fucking heart. Rebel. A rebel. Sorry. The challenge is the authority. They think you're a rebel. They they see that you are preserving knowledge and they see you as a femme fatale. So again, this is a very strong female. Um. Again, that you know, is attracted to money and power and uses her sexuality to get that. Interest. So they're really having like. Trust issues. There's a trust issue here. It's it's not unrequited. It's the fact they love you. It's not unrequited love, it is trust. There's a trust issue here. If they could set you right now, they'd be like, I I want to follow. Do me now and punish me later. Punish me later. So bend over so I can play too. So they want you to bend over. They want you to punish them. And then? If you wanted to know, but there's there is trust issues. What is the advice? Someone's carrying a burden here. Someone's carrying a burden of all these whores. The decision though, will be to be to to love and be happy. The decision will ultimately be to to to to love and be happy and just regret fatherhood and work and the work with the children. But his work with children to regret fatherhood in his work or to work with the children? Someone's carrying a burden dealing with these horses. Dealing with horse. The decision, though, will be the law of and be happy. OK, at the end of the day the decision will be to loved and be happy will be to trust. They'll regret fatherhood. Or there's a regret of being a father. Or regret being the boss when it comes to work. I could read this as boss, but there's children here so they again they will regret being the father because of work. But the children they are loyal to, and that is the truth. So there are children involved here. They're loyal to the children. OK, so if they're female that they're in a relationship with back to this Lawfare card, she definitely is having affair. It's growing towards a breakup. OK. So they've invested in the breakup. He's carried the burden of this horse this whole time. Or knowing that she's a whore. So if this person has been in a relationship. They have carried the burden of knowing that she was aware that she cheated this entire time. So yes, they're going to make the decision to love and be happy. They'll regret fatherhood. But they will continue to work and teach the children because they are loyal to that and that is the truth. But what's been invested in is the breakup. So you might think it's unrequited, but there's a lack of trust. Again, because they've been dealing with, you know, you're a female in their lives that's having a lot of. Again, back they will regret fatherhood. It has been a burden because she is a whore. In secret. So no one knows, but she's probably got a Tinder account. She probably goes Fox when he's. Yeah. They're gonna, he's gonna move away from this relationship because of the secrets and he knows them and he's struggling with them. And they're manipulating. She manipulated them with motherhood, so she got pregnant trying to hold on to them. All the while, it was she. She's a bitch and she and she she's, it's heartbreaking because it's just about the money. OK, this is major trust issue. The decision was to continue to work but let everything fall apart. The feelings are mutual. Because of experience. OK. So you are right to have your love for this person. The time with their other partner. That is coming to an end. OK, so you might feel like this is pause. Uh, but it's paused so that you know it's paused. Other things could happen. They're not going there again, they were. They've been trying to avoid embarrassment. But I feel like, and they would like if you found out your partner have been cheating on you and let's say it went public in some way where you know like like let's say the guy who walked her. No. People alright. Even trying to avoid the embarrassment of that particular situation. And they might have put you on the back burner. You might feel like this is unrequited, but it's about trust. So again, how can you instill more trust in this person because you you're dealing with a wounded person? The end of the day, you're doing. OK, so. What can you do to help this person? You know? What can you do? To increase trust. You know what I mean? I might need to do that. Let him see. Your phone. Hand over your phone. Give them the code to your phone. You're going to have to work. Are openly with this person. To give them trust, and they might need it because they have no trust. They might need to see. So give them access. Because you know you're trustworthy, right? See your messages that I'm seeing? Who contacts you? Who talks to you? Let them know where you're where you're at. Go ahead and show off. And that might help. So when this relationship comes to that point. You should think to yourself, what can I do to grow trust with this relationship? Because he's been screwed. He's been screwed for money. He's been screwed over to, you know. Drama. Most definitely. He's got kids. If not, he's getting screwed at work. OK, so yeah. Alright, stay tuned for the.
OK, we got the love note this week. It's very sweet I'm not doing. Just straight up on. Let's do the scribe into the mentor. So someone who is preserving knowledge and information and then someone who has a passion. To pass it on wisdom and refining a student's character. So this person looks at you like someone who's preserving knowledge. And someone who has a lot of good information to share. The one Lauren card that. Name this. No, is a safe. OK, so I feel like. You know, overall there is like this. A protection. Need. To protect you, the law. Something kind of this, you know something this special away and the fairy stone came out and the fairy stone is sitch. Sweet rock. And they're actually formed in Canada. Canadian native. They were really good luck when you found. And they would give them to to people they loved. It was very normal for a lover to give. Together with the, you know, love of their life, a fairy. They were meant for protection fertility. Prosperity. And they also are known to stop bad dreams. So, you know, it was very normal for someone to give their fairy stone to a child. That was how you might. So I feel like the overall energy in the note is that. That you are special and protected. Almost so much so they would lock you in a safe. I actually have a fairy Stone is 1. Favorite rock? Only have one It's me. They're really cool looking. Go look them up. Ohh. Barely white. And they're not normal, you know, they're not like a normal rock, you know, they're like. Like I'm like a mud puddle. That's been fossilized. It has that. They're just really, really cool rocks. There's like one of my favorite rocks that's cool when that one comes. All right, so somebody what, what would they put in the safe? They definitely put the fairies. OK, here we go. I'm so very proud of you. I first met you. Honestly, I didn't know that you would become this important. Your feelings? To trust. You know that. When you take the inventory of your life. Even though you might feel. You need to change or to find balance. Every moment in your life was was purposeful, even if it feels like it brings you out about. In the entirety. It was. The energy around us is gaining momentum. I want you to know that. All the chaos and conflict. You've brought me so much. Spiritually, practically. Emotion. True, authentic self Will you Really? Amazing. And you are so very successful, you're already. Doing answer, I hope that you stop over. Just. True north within yourself and continue to. I know more than you. I can't. Dreams. See this? Beautiful. It's worth waiting. That makes me. Kiss. Make. OK. It was. I don't know how to read this ending. With this answer, the call because there's like there's. Two cards here about waiting, about it being worth waiting. About waiting. So there's definitely energy that they're waiting. OK. Answer the call. The time is now, so. They're saying, you know, maybe they're saying, you know, when this. Comes together that they won't answer the phone or they won't answer your call. So if you called them and they will answer, I feel like it's more like that. The necessarily. And we live in this day and age where someone calls. How often do we just let that phone ring? I feel like they would, that they're telling me, like if you called them, they would answer the phone. You know, I think that has really special meaning. You know, we have this beautiful. I'm so proud of you card. Yes, your feelings are correct. So however you're particularly feeling about this person or this situation, you know, your feelings are correct. There's like this homecoming card in which it promises that they'll be back to you soon. And to trust your inner trust, your inner knowing. There's this Life review card, and I feel like they're telling you. That. You're being too hard on yourself. You that through the chaos and conflict you always brought them balance and it was because you were so authentically yourself. Whatever you're doing or whatever you're trying to do, you are doing. Remind you to stop over thinking and to keep facing your true north so whenever you feel off kilter you feel like. You don't know which way to go. There's a part in you that knows there's an inner truth, there's an inner trust, and they're urging you to follow that feeling. They say that you are wrong, though, because they know more than you think they do. Maybe about you, or maybe about your situation. And only time will tell. So they they can't wait to have the time. Tell you. This is a beautiful card. In my dreams I see a beautiful future with you. Worth waiting for Divine timing is at work in your love life. I think about you constantly. And then there's this. Hungry. Card which is a a wolf howling of full. Kissing you makes me so hard or what? Lick me and I'll lick you. Just thought of you makes me. Kind of washed out a little bit, but you know. Creative. Right. I can. I can adjust the cards a little bit to make it fit right. You know, these are just. Inspiration point. So beautiful letter. You're so very proud of you. They would. They would put you in a safe you're that valuable to. Yeah, and go look up a fairy stone. Go pick up a fairy stone. They're not the easiest things to find. But they're gorgeous and they bring prosperity and they don't want you to suffer. Needlessly stone. Always. That warning to stop someone suffering. So. Yeah, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. I got out of my boys. Use your support on them. Next week will be. I don't know if I'm gonna do the special next week or not. I haven't decided. So yeah, stay tuned. Come back for next week and see what's going on. I hope you guys enjoyed the last one. Lovely. Lovely note here from, you know, again, someone who would. You wanna say? Again, they're waiting, so they're all for you. Might be locked within the. Energy. OK, so just a beautiful note. Really appreciate the sweetness of that. OK, And you guys have a great week and I will be back next.