“I Feel Safe with You." Relationship Readings and A Sovereign Tarot Love Note
“I feel safe with you." Relationship Tarot Readings and A Sovereign Tarot Love Note.
Sovereignty is such a gorgeous word. To protect your sovereignty is to make decisions in your life with your highest good in mind. How often do we surrender our will to others for peaceful compromise when it creates a battle within us? What we are looking for when we join forces with another is security and safety. Often, this involves a certain type of person, but not necessarily a good decision, leading to a loss of control. Living with a tyrant is exhausting and extremely unfulfilling.
In the love note this week, the sender imagines how you both fit together seamlessly and urges you to take back control from your current situation, thereby creating your own sovereignty. It's a beautiful concept, and I love supporting that type of transformation! Great relationship readings this week for our wind, earth, water, and fire signs. I'll be back next week with all things "penis"!
Wind: 00:16:30
Earth: 00:40:30
Water: 00:54:55
Fire: 01:22:46
A Sovereign Love Note: 01:49:04
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 62:
Ep 62
“I feel safe with you." Relationship Tarot Readings and A Sovereign Tarot Love Note.
Sovereignty is such a gorgeous word. To protect your sovereignty is to make decisions in your life with your highest good in mind. How often do we surrender our will to others for peaceful compromise when it creates a battle within us? What we are looking for when we join forces with another is security and safety. Often, this involves a certain type of person, but not necessarily a good decision, leading to a loss of control. Living with a tyrant is exhausting and extremely unfulfilling.
In the love note this week, the sender imagines how you both fit together seamlessly and urges you to take back control from your current situation, thereby creating your own sovereignty. It's a beautiful concept, and I love supporting that type of transformation! Great relationship readings this week for our wind, earth, water, and fire signs. I'll be back next week with all things "penis"!
Wind: 00:16:30
Earth: 00:40:30
Water: 00:54:55
Fire: 01:22:46
A Sovereign Love Note: 01:49:04
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
So does your self love have its own sovereignty? I would say interesting concept, proud of and love. Note this week they were on. They were urging the recipient to set boundaries, to say no, to create their own sovereignty. And sovereignties and trusting. Because you know, we, we, you know, we connect it with peace, right? You know that. You know that you have your own highest authority. And and the sovereignty means that the highest independent power given to a territory. And we live in a in a place in the world, right? That I don't know. I'm not going down the whole patriarchy and and property and all that kind of stuff. Because that's a whole. That's a whole can of worms. I won't get into into that. But the idea of sovereignty to me is is is beautiful. I I First off I love just the the wording of it. I love the concept of it. You know and I think that you know many relationships are are moving more towards that than necessarily that. You know boomer generation that 1950s and before mentality you know and how important it is to keep your own sovereignty in a relationship and what what does it mean it means you get. You have the authority to make decisions. That have to do with your territory, your body, right? And sometimes I wonder if you know, if we change the language a little bit. If that would help people understand it better, you know, we want to talk about issues like abortion. Women should have sovereignty. Right. They should have the highest say when it comes to their bodies. And I feel like the more we use like these political states of mind within. You know these these other issues that have to do with with females and females bodies and in general just creating your own sovereignty like not being in a place where you can be told what to do because that's what it that's what it means. Don't tell me what to do. I'm a sovereign fucking nation over. Right. There's independence, There's freedom. It depends on, you know what kind of sovereignty because. Because. You know, sovereign nation doesn't necessarily have to be. You know, of people, you know. You know, there was sovereignty or unity within the monarchy as well, you know. So it's an interesting concept, but I love it. I love that idea. First off, I think the word sovereignty is a gorgeous word in our language. Again, it stands for so many things. Stands for peacefulness, it stands for independence, It stands for freedom in some ways right freedom from other peoples and other nations views. And so this card came up again in in the in the love note this week. As stated the first one was. Them to find their own sovereignty, to set boundaries, to take their power back. So you know, we were dealing with themes where someone has given their power over and how easy does that happen when you're in a relationship, especially with a narcissist? Who again wants to make all the decisions? Again, narcissists have a tendency to to isolate you. That way they can control you. And so there's all these ways in which, and I know narcissism is overused, OK, we can just call him the son of a bitch or. Her current, if we want to for this discussion, but it's that same thing that you know they're. They're you're in a relationship. Sometimes what they want is more important than what you want. And when it comes to your body, when it comes to your stress level, when it comes to. Yourself love. How important it is to take your power. How important it is to create that sovereignty within yourself. It's powerful. And trying to find relationships in which. You know, respect your own sovereignty and your own peace. That's what we're looking for, right? That's why we're here podcasting every week. We're looking for relationships in which two sovereign nations come together, right, and make a treaty and compromise. But. There are some people that are like little dictators when you get into a relationship, they throw fits. They they get their way. I mean, everyone knows the classic cold shoulder women play when they don't get their way and they use sex to get to get whatever it is that they want, you know? So they're, you know, we. We fail our own sovereignty so many times within relationships. And again, this love note is asking you. Courage. To set boundaries to say no. So what happens when you tell someone no? You know they get upset. It's not something that. People like to do. They don't like to upset people. It's just people pleasing right is just so much easier. Just make everybody happy, do everything everyone else is doing. But the problem with that is if you live your life in a people pleasing mentality, especially if you've attracted a bunch of narcissists because you are such a kind. And generous person. Then you will find yourself in a place where you don't have any freedom to be yourself. Or do you have to? You know. Muster up whatever it is, whatever it is, just so that they're, you know, accountable to. And those are little tyrants. How many people are, like, dealing with tyrants in their relationships, but they'll be their girlfriend or their boyfriend. It's true. You know, there's so many manipulative techniques. You know, and there's already. You know, amount of arguments to be had in any relationship. And what's for fucking dinner, right? That's where that's that's where you see the truth of your relationship. And I always tell people that it's like, so important to find someone that is similar in their diet to you, OK? And I know this sounds, like really ridiculous, like you should just love whoever and love whoever fucking love. But you know, if two nations both like Mexican food. Then dinner becomes very easy, right? You know it. It can be that that simple of a thing. You know, my acts didn't like Chinese food. I love Chinese food. My son loves Chinese food. OK, it's a real treat. And we cook a lot of Chinese food and and Asian cuisine in general. But you know, when you meet someone that's got all sorts of dietary restrictions. You know or. You know. Doesn't wanna eat like you gotta find like if you want a good partner, you gotta find someone who's hungry for the same fucking shit you're hungry for. That's that's a solid. Union. Right. When you're when you're both, like I could go for some fried chicken, yes. Right. Yes, that makes it easy. But that that particular argument is one that really shows shows the control. In the relationship. Right. And we all know the process, control everything. We all know that. Like this whole idea that women don't have any rights. It's like you're fucking pussy gets everything done. Like, I wish more women would acknowledge that. Yeah, we need to be paid more. Yeah. You know, like we need to be like one of these European sovereign nations where we get, you know, universal income, you know, a year leave when you have a kid holiday. Few months off work every year, You know what I mean? Like, you go over there, it's like. This is the dream in Europe. Right over here. Like luck. What do you want? Like it wasn't hard. Right. But just little things like that like create your sovereign nation, decide what is your the foods of your people. Put your body right. What does my stomach like? Well, it likes this. But you know, like Sophus and heartburn don't like that gut everywhere. Every part of you has its own opinion on what you put into it, right? So yeah, you know, it's important to find someone that you know is happy to eat healthy, but also turn around and we'll smash an entire pizza with you, right? Or get ice cream for dinner or something crazy just because. Right, You. Start. I can deal with it. Right. And it's OK. And that's my point. Like you want to find someone that you're really compatible with with, with the things that you do every day, which is eat. And also shit like you. Like I was fucking shocked over here about how many women you. Farting, farting and shitting issues in the relationship, like you have to poop every day. Like can we get over that and can we make that? Like can we can we deal with the stigma that women shit and fart? Bodies that have to do that kind of stuff. Like, why is that such a big deal? But yeah, you want to be in a relationship with someone you're comfortable with, someone that you're comfortable with, their bodily fluids and how frequently they go. You know you don't like tube. Massive poopers are going to struggle with one bathroom, right? Cheers to your poop cycles match up. Do you like the same foods? And these are really important. Issues in this you know and and all. Once we get into science that is so amazing, we'll find out that most relationships broke down because of. Dinner. Right. Because not meeting at the at the major. You know, at the major moments of life, which is what do we want to eat? We eat every fucking day, all day long. So that's my whole point. Like, if you feel like you're in a relationship where you haven't gotten to eat your favorite food because it is not their favorite food you live with, you know, a tyrant. That won't allow you any freedom to go enjoy that food when you want to. And there are lots of compromises that can be made. Hey, it's our own food night. You go get Thai food. I'm going to go get Chinese food. You know what I mean? That's It doesn't necessarily mean you have to do the same things every single night, but my whole point here is it's important to have sovereignty. Because if you don't get to enjoy it the way you want to, so when you're picking partners. You know you're on these dating apps and you're doing the interview sections and getting to know people. The very first. Questions and things you should be concerned about should be their taste, what they like to eat. Touches you because again, that's going to be an argument and an issue that you're going to have every day of. We want to talk about waste in people's time. That's the quickest way not to waste anybody's time to have the food conversation right and be like, OK, we're not, you know, fuck, we're not going to meet up here. You're a fucking vegan. There's no way I'm living a vegan life. Like for me, like when I when I'm in dating, such such such scenarios I'm always like what do you eat? And like I have turned down at quite a few weeks. I have. It's like I understand. You know, I can cook vegan and I like to eat vegan, but I can't eat vegan every day. Like I need meat. Like I am a meat eater. I need like I spent. The whole fucking weekend and all I did was eat. Sloppy Joe's. I mean an entire parents. Sloppy Joe's. And that's all I ate for lunch and dinner for an entire fucking weekend Friday to Sunday. Sloppy Joe's. Yes, I was pooping. Straight sloppy. Straight like it just came out the way I put it in. It was wonderful. It was an amazing fucking weekend, you know, But with a partner that might have been difficult. I can't eat sloppy Joes for the next three or yeah, so the next six meals, yeah. That's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a man that could eat sloppy Joes for three days with me. Even though it wasn't, it wouldn't have lasted that long. But that's my point there is, so it's so important. You know, the you match with your taste. So anyway, yeah, Sovereignty. Yeah, at some point. So if you're in a situation where you feel like you've lost your say. Or you've lost control on some. Again, this this week show is all about telling you to to take back control by saying. And I want to remind my listeners that when you say no, you mean no, you don't have to give an explanation. No is is a fine explanation. You don't have to give why? If they ask you why, you would say because I said no. Right. We all know that it's Gen. Xers. That's how our parents like why? Why can't we? Because I said so. That we all know that no can end right there. That argument and you can go ahead and pitch a bit and become your own tyrant of your own country. And that's important because people pleasing doesn't please you and in the end the other person that is not going to be happy. You. And this life is too short. To live. So that's the whole point of that intro. Made sense. It always makes sense. When I lose my back. I'm like, OK, that. Welcome, I'm Keisha, your host of Love, Sex and Taro. Yeah, I mean, the the goal here is to find someone that you can, you know, eat dinner with. Peacefully, calmly, for the rest of your life, right. That's what we're looking for. So it's important that you know what you like and you know what you don't like. And it's important that you stand up for yourself. You, you, you are your own sovereign terror You get to decide. You know. That. You want your freedom? Alright, the love readings this week. Relationship Love readings. They come down Wind, earth, water, and then fire. You can check the description box. Ohh to see the time skip ahead process and whatever stopping you're the love note. Very sweet. We do a little tiny terror reading at the. And that's the show this week. I will be back next week with penises. All things penis. Six winners. Yes, we're going to figure out. We're going to read the, we're going to read the owners manual to. Here's the show. Enjoy.
All right. Two year relationship reading. You're dealing with codependency. It doesn't necessarily mean addictions, but it can. So let me comment. The other person is codependent. We'll see here what's your overall energy in this particular situation is. You've seen some proof. Their overall energy is there, They're their Internet connected. So this is someone that maybe, maybe the codependency is. Social media or TikTok or something like that. We're also dependent on our phones anymore. Or this is someone maybe that you know their overall energy is you're only connected on the Internet, you've seen some kind of proof to see what this is about. What's your emotional, you know, what's your emotion situation? A motional state. It's the feminine card. I'm tending to want to read this as feminism just because. Or toxic feminism if it if it if we get a clarifier that way. Meaning that card towards there or could be emotionally the other woman, I'm not 100% sure. There a motional state is nothing. Non action. Mentally, when you think about this connection, it's giving you anxiety. When they think about this, they're thinking about the the need to come together and reconcile in some way. All right. To reconcile something. What is your obstacle here? Happiness. Jesus. What does the obstacle for happiness? Their obstacle is a timing factor. And you overcome your obstacle happiness. Was it drama? Queen? Was God? Was chaos? Huh. Toxic. They will overcome the timing factor because they're really on the verge to reveal something emotionally between you, a wish or yearning to come together. Is your unhappiness keeping you addicted or codependent on something else is your happiness. My first energy is towards this. Um. Between mentally. Is feeling alone feeling sad? So you're both very feeling very sad about this connection. The outcome is social media gossip. Jesus. In this day and age, what is this proof that you have seen? You have seen proof of the obsession. So maybe you've seen proof of. Maybe you've seen some kind of proof? Maybe you've you've caught them stopped. One more. It has to do with the Karmic third party. So your overall energy is, you seem proof of some kind of obsessive energy when it comes to a third party relationship. So if this person is in another relationship, you have witnessed how their person is obsessed with something and and and what is the actual session. Back to this code dependent. Throwing them up session is. So there's some kind of again, like it's almost like there's seeing proof of some kind of obsessive energy and now wanting to avoid. Again, maybe you are. Maybe their person is this drama queen that exact she's actually helps you to overcome. Your obstacle here, which is to be happy. Why is this? What's the feminine card in your emotional? This. Or is it the? Feels like it's the other woman. Emotionally you feel like the other woman. And again, when you think about this, it gives you anxiety. Why are they so sad? Where they they can shut down, feels like they're shut. It's because they're actually ready to explode so emotionally. They're ready to explode. They have some rage and they're keeping it under wraps. They're keeping it silent, so they're sitting there in silent rage, emotional. Within their situation. Again, they might only feel connected to you on the Internet when they think about this. They want to come together. They want to reconcile. Yeah, they want to cleanse out the negativity. So I feel like this person. Has a partner, possibly a narcissist, that is codependent on them in some way, who's relying on them, whether it be for support, financial support, emotional support, all their support. You know what I mean? There's a lot of narcissists out there that. Or pretending right to be to be good, good partners. But they're actually doing it for their own benefit, right? There's a lot of using kind of energy, especially since, well, it's always been this way, but especially since COVID, it's like the narcissist came out of the Bush. Just. That time of year, snakes come out. Alright. Um, what's this wish between the two of you? There's this wish to wanna write and communicate. You both are wishing emotionally that you could communicate and write to one another. So again, you, you know, it feels like they're karmic. You know, whoever they're in their relationship with right now. You know, has a lot of obsessive energy. You seem proof of this for one on this drama, Queen was causing chaos. Again, yeah, like this drama queen. She just is trash. And it's been it's toxic, it's toxic chemistry. So the relationship she's had with this person has been very toxic from the beginning. OK with your person. Are they going to be able to break this codependency is the question. Because it ends up with, it's going to be gossip on the Internet. So this drama queen is going to go and spew her shit all over the Internet, right? And it looks like that might be the final stage, right? Because. Again, they're pause this because they got to get this shit figured out. It's a tiny factor of some sort. They overcome this with just being on the verge back to this pressure cooker energy. Yeah, they are focused on you, and very much so. Yeah, they love you. So they are focused on the law of between you. But again, this is going to go public on social media and there will be gossip. About it. Your obstacles, happiness, which is an interesting obstacle. And it's almost asking me ohh, for you, what is it that's going to make you happy? Is this commitment going to make you happy as a proposal, a marriage proposal going to make you happy? What is it that's going to make you happy? Because your obstacle here is happiness. So you know, there might be a part of you that's like, OK, if this relationship goes forward, it's going to break this codependency. This bitch is going to freak out and start a bunch of gossip on social media. She's trash. She's poison. How are you going to be happy in this relationship? When you have this woman trying to cause so much drama on her way out. Right. It's like a changing of the guards in some way. How does this person feel about you? They they think everything's going to work out OK. They're trying to be very responsible, but it's making them very angry because it ultimately makes them look foolish. So doing the right thing here, this drama queen continues to make them look dumb. They think that you were very wise. They feel like no one else cares, though. They're going through a period of isolation. So they're really feeling like. No one understands them. In this particular situation, and they're just basically trying to do the right thing. Again, they might be trying to do the right thing, but the reality here is it might be what is set up by this. This narcissistic partner of theirs and a drama queen can be a man too. So, you know, if I'm reading. I mean, if I'm reading from my my wind mail signs just because I call it a drama queen, you know as well as I do that there are men out there that are drama. Not necessarily gay either, you know what I mean? So you know, again, there might, there could be Home Wrecker Energy here. But again, you know. That their partner is probably, you know, stocking them. Or any of their Internet connection, so that's maybe why. Emotionally, they're not doing anything right now. This person will call you a bully. And they would say that you're very priestly, but. You know that you're. Concerned about your spiritual commitment? But you might also bully people into spirituality. So they have a little bit of kind of a harsh view. They do see you as a mother, as someone who's nurturing, but they see you as someone who would would bully other people into spiritual commitments. OK. Although that's making people go to church. I know this is terrifying. Now don't. I don't have. I mean, I don't know. Here. Go to church and listen to tarot, but it's possible. What were they sucked you? God. Again, like you're only I feel like you're only this person. You're only connected to 1. And again, there's gonna be some God, so. They wanna tease you. Until you Expo. The smell of your wet policy. So they love your smell and they wanna tease you as much as they feel like you. Let's get some advice here for this particular situation. So it looks like you're going to deal with God. All right. Yeah. So. No, I mean it. I'm trying to think of advice because it's like. Well, if you don't go forward with this relationship, then you know, you might not be helping this person out of their codependency. They might stay in their codependency. If you don't go and wedge them out of this, you know what I mean? If you don't go kind of make it known that you know this is your soul mate, you want them and they want to come together and there is love between you. So you know, love doesn't just go away. Crushes only lasts a couple months. Love. If you continually have feelings for someone after a three month period, then you're not. Then there is more. To learn from that. You know what I mean? So it's like it's difficult because you know, my, my nature would tell you back off and let them. The author on codependency their own. You know, relationships that are. They're feel trapped in, but I'm coming to realize that a lot of people just aren't strong enough. To do that. And that is why cheating is so rampant. Most people are not strong enough to say this, to end the codependency, to figure it out, to end it. On their own, some people need a reason. And this is true. Like you always when you leave a relationship, you have to feel like you have a valid reason. Well, they cheated. Well, they end well. Whatever you do, If they didn't cheat, well, you fell in love with someone else. That's a reason. Or you, you know the relationship got cold, so you went looking for something else, right? So it's. There's all sorts of you know. Suitable reasons to leave a relationship and not suitable reasons to leave a relationship, right? But the sad part is the unsuitable ones. Are the ones that get you out of the relationship the quickest and the other ones you know you might fumble around and if you don't have a strong enough reason to leave someone, especially a narcissist, is codependent on you. They'll come back in if you're not strong enough. You really gotta be strong. To keep a narcissist codependency issue away from. And sometimes the only way to do that is through cheating. It's it really is. A sad reality. And then what happens there is again, you know, gossip. Your home wrecker. But let's just remember. Every, you know, even the biggest. This is why I always come back to and I'll give it to you. You know, in the end, friendly end. And I say it in the end all the time. But. It's only going to be gossip for a short time, OK? People move on from new information very quickly. I mean, what was the hot button thing two weeks ago? It was the Stanley Cup. Who's talking about Stanley Cup? Right. So it's going to be a flash in the pan that is Facebook, all right. They might go on and write their paragraphs and promotional. Vagueness. Or, you know, whatever. To to get the attention, to get the sympathy that they that they so deserve right for. And if you're dealing with narcissists, they're going to do that. They're going to go out immediately and count as their friends and make sure they got. You know the support they need. But the reality is they're just think. They're going to go on and find codependency somewhere else. So if you're talking to this person and and the relationship and the feelings are, you know, you know, playing that like, heart game, all that bullshit, right? They're they're watching your stories, yadda yadda. Um. Are you going to? You wanna make the next move is the flash. You're gonna help break them out of this codependency, narcissistic, abusive relationship with that. There's going to be gossip, but again, it won't last long. You can expect judgment. You can expect being judged for having as well. You can expect judgment from this law. You're gonna feel a little. But you'll keep working, you'll work through it. You'll work through it. You'll fight. The film ever really did. But your perspective is going to change. This stalker. Yeah, they'll continue to stop. What the It's saying the sax. Was abusive in some way. So they're gonna say that. The stock was going to say that the sex was abusive and somebody. So I think it's again back to this drama playing back to their other this codependent. They will make a public message about how toxic it this was toxic deck. So. They're going to again call your person toxic. Specially on. Right. Because back to this. Poison lost. Yeah, they're going to, they're going to say this person is trash and toxic death. That's what this woman. All right. So now you know what's going to happen. When they break up. And that's codependent. But I could be talking to you if you're in a relationship. So whoever is in the relationship here in this, in this particular reading. Is going, you know, is this is stocking this situation. And is going to call it toxic death on the Internet. It's going to be probably. That's going to create kind of a line trap when it comes to these feelings, to your feelings and to their feeling. Create kind of the smoke strike smoke screen. They'll be a little worried that, you know, this is a dream. Then you might feel some regret. And feel sorry. People from home will deny that she is, that she is a whore. And. Again, don't carry the burden up there. I don't know if this is a rich girl or independent woman or you're or you're the independent woman who the office woman. And again, she's taking care of her ship. Um. Again, she'll end up secretly being left out. So, OK, so that's what's going to happen. OK, you can expect judgment for this law? You're going to feel a little, a little trapped, but you're going to work through this. The fight that happens because of this, it could manifest a complete. She. This person is trying to manifest your relationship, falling apart. With their with this person. OK, you're going to try to manipulate it and say that this person is toxic Dick and they're going to say it on the Internet for people. OK, yes, this is about trap you in your head a little bit when it comes to your feels. Don't worry that this is an illusion. You'll worry that it's not real, you know about the love or blah blah blah. But again, it's regrettable. Uh. It's just really credible and so we've gradable situation so just apologize. Again, home will deny the home will deny this for. You know, so they'll deny that she's a whore. You know, so you might have no other information, right again. Social Secretly get left out over time. OK, so go ahead and let her have her emotional breakdown on Facebook or Instagram or wherever mean she does tick box. Who knows? OK, let her go ahead and call this motherfucker. Coxib. Call you toxic. Whatever it is. Whoever stuck in relationship is the toxic. Or maybe. So there's going to be that kind of benefit. OK. But sooner or later, she will get left out. So being so toxic, OK. So go ahead. The romantic gesture under that card wasn't here. But realize that there's codependency here and this this BICH is codependent on. Chaos. OK. Go off this person you that fucking way. Are you strong enough to deal with a little bit of shade on Facebook? You know, on some big some fake post. Some shit like that. The whole time we're here with the dumb bitch. Stayed in the toxic Dick situation for so long and you have to remember at the end of the day. Like. It's victim blaming, so. If if this date goes to goes to court, they're now literally look at you like you are with this toxic deck. For how long? Didn't seem so toxic to you year ago, did it? Now this one wants to move on, and feelings are hurt. They're sick of the codependency, and now your person is. Right. But uh, it looks like there's real love emotions. So again, if this thing is over three months old and the feelings are still, you know, percolating, they're still growing, they're still, they're still stealing everything. So. Realize that there's something. Alright, I'll be back.
That your friends have. And. Support. Others, this could be the one you've already met. So when this bullet comes out like this. Tell your friends that you like. That's like to friends, don't tell your friends you like, right? No. This would be the one Cortana. Energy is feminine, so see what that means it anymore. Immediately reading that, it's shamanism. Or the other woman. OK. They're kind of soundtrack. You might be. Uh, emotionally tick tock. You're like, this is emotional. You're running out. Emotionally, to have me panic and anxiety about this. What's your headspace? You wanna come gather? You wanna reconcile? You wanna come together? There. OK, their headspace. They're trying to survive the day they're in pursuit. um or our house So your person's house hunt. Mentally. It might be like escaping by looking at Brazil or something like that. I don't know. Very frustrated and having society. Trying to make it through the day and their house hunting. Interesting. You are reconcile. You wanna come together? What is your obstacle? Well, it's this maybe only be connected on the Internet. There are obstacles of karmic third party relationships, so this one might be in a relationship. You will overcome this like only Internet connected or energy, by by pausing it in some way. They'll overcome this karmic third party lesson, whoever they're possibly in the relation, another relationship with by becoming completely obsessed with you. Emotionally, you've both projected this into the future and it and it's feeling like it's building pressure. You're definitely building attention motion this time. Between you both right now, mentally there's a a ghost of a blocked cut off field. So you're right. Now you're both thinking that this particular connection is lost. Again, back to you wanting to reconcile. Uh. Outcome here is that there's going to be a compromise and then a risk. And. That this is a compromise. You're compromising risk. Like, it's almost like a risk assessment. To come to some kind of compromise because it's so risky. And again, back to why you have to let your friends help. So I really feel like you need to. If your friends are connected to this person in some way, telling them I really like this person, it could be the one, could be the one I marry. Telling them that and letting them build a tray. You really. Might help with this scenario. Because again, it will create obsession in this person. Right now they're feeling very frustrated, so they need some kind of obsession to get out of this karmic for the party situation. Why is your overall energy feminine? Feminism. Or is that the other woman? It's an irrationality. So you're being rational with it. The beginning of rational. So I don't know if feminine irrational it's OK. So your overall energy is the feminine energy is being rational. OK. Why is this running out of time? Because you want a long, it's you're running at. It's hitting a deadline. Because we're talking about long term relationships, this for someone you've already. I don't think so. Tell me about the risk here. There has to be a compromise because you don't want to risk being embarrassed. OK, so. So whatever you tell your friends. You have to again. It has to be in such a way of I think I'm catching feelings for this person. And I've been catching them for a while. You know, we talked in the wind about, you know, crushes that last over three months normally have more going. Not necessarily, just an obsession. As soon as this person finds out that you like them, though, they're gonna be collapsed. With. OK, so. You know, you might be emotionally wanting to put a deadline on this because you feel like there's only so much time left for you to get married and have a family and kids, so you're feeling very rushed. About this particular situation, again they're they're busy thinking about work and then also trying to house hunt. So they're very um. You might feel like this is lost between the two of you, but they feel. Very. Distracted. By their life right now. I mean, by asking your friends to help you, you do. Mitigate. You know again like if you, I mean if you say it in such a way like go find out if if they like me back. You know. Play off as I'm. Feeling like I'm catching feelings for this person. They have. You know. Do you think it's, you know you can do it on the down? Again, because you're not wanting to come out and tell this person I have feelings for you because you're afraid that you know they're in another relationship because they are. An obstacle to this relationship is a relationship. OK. Emotionally though, this is going to to explode into some. So I guess that's why there it's urging you to let your friends help. You have good friends that have some tact. You know. Notionally, they feel like they can't do anything with their hands are tied. They're really filled with regret. Because of that, they regret the fact that they're with this person. It's made them feel very depressed, but they want to stay faithful. Because they don't want to be looked at like, you know, like some kind of cheater. They do feel very confident though and their feelings for you. That makes them feel so guilty. So they're over here having anxiety, feeling guilt. You know, there's this rage building up of anger because they can't do anything about it. You know, tension is definitely rising here. Between the two of you. They are determined, though, to try to do better here, but they're very worried. So yeah, I feel you know, again, the cards are telling you to let your friends help. How would they describe you? As a Prince, someone with romantic charm. So they would, they would say that you're charming. This could be my father reading because it said they would say that you're a charming. Romantic and your father? If you're not a father, it's just that you carry like an authoritative energy like like a father would. And they also look at you like a Mystic. So what would they say? They would say that you're very charming and romantic, that you're a good father, and that you believe in mystical things. OK. So yeah, I'll go tell your friend. Do the Sarah you know what I mean? What would they sexed? Do you want my hands? My. Tell me why, how and where? They want you to tell them. When you're off all your clothes. OK, so they are again. Violet only wanting to take your clothes. Very quickly. So again, maybe emotionally they feel like you know, you might be heading into a much more long term relationship. Either or. You know what I mean. It's like they got this third party scenario tick tock. Here comes this long term relationship. I mean like you're almost feel like there's this energy of speak now or forever hold your peace kind of energy here. And that I mean it's better in the long run. It's better to go ahead and. It's better to take a moment of embarrassment. That you shared your feeling. Than to sit and wonder what if for your entire. There is moments in life where. The reality sets. Right. Anyone you talk to when you talk to older. The guy has the biggest regret. Is not going ahead and telling you. What's the worst that can happen? They say no and then you know and then you can move on. To tell your friends about this and let them go. This happy phase is over. The relationship is just. So the happiness and fulfillment are over. So what our existing relationship that we're talking about, it's over. Again, the relationship now is just because of money and there's a lot of sneaking away. They're holding back, or are trying not to be. They're holding back from their freedom because of the children in the divorce. So they might, yeah. And they're horribly, and it's causing lots of stress. Stress, it's. Again, there's this destiny. There's this destined move coming because of the mob. The truth is, they're moving on. The truth is, there's some moving on. The offer to reconcile will be successful. So if you offer to reconcile with this person, it will be successful. This is someone you've already been in a relationship with. They'll return. OK. So go ahead and talk to your friends. You know. OK. So go with your friends. Alright. Whatever you got between you. Let them go ahead and take the initiative for you. My life like. There's. Feel like going back, You know what I mean? Don't do it. Right. Or you could just, you know, tell me. Feelings. All right. Alright. You know, these feelings have been going on longer than three months. They're not going to go away unless you take. Worst case scenario. Uh, they say they're happy and they're scenario. Can you? You know, you don't have to be in this. You know, waiting to pursue other things mental. OK alright i'll be back with
Or something. Express your love. Go ahead and make the romantic gesture. Did you get this two weeks ago? Thoroughly used scratch. Go ahead and make the romantic gesture. OK, So what? Go ahead and do. Very alone. There. On the hamster wheel, they're just trying to survive the daily hustle. They are in pursuit of something. I know what they're pursuing. Commonally, you're feeling trapped by children. Children entrapment. Emotionally, they feel like it's a huge risk. Mentally, you're being triggered. You're thinking about all the triggers. Park please. Mentally, they're thinking about family. What is your obstacle moving? Physical location change? What was their obstacle to this relationship? Some drama. What is? How you overcome this needing to move this physical location change? You will feel way down by it. You'll get a grip on it though. OK, how will they overcome this? By being just as toxic. Being toxic about. What's between the? Two cards down for you, but I'm taking I'll take two cards. Realizing that you need a vacation, emotionally or both. Coming to the realization that you need to hide away, you need a vacation you need. Both between you. Today. OK. It's paused for the future. The outcome is paused for the future. So if you don't express your love, this will be. This is going to be. This is going to be. Pushed into the future? OK. So the longer you wait to express your love, the longer you're going to wait. Why do you feel so sad? So. You're just dealing with a lot of negativity. Emotionally again. It's emotionally dealing with children's children, young, playful childhood, but entrapment, pregnancy, money, hamstring. So emotionally you feel trapped by your child. And you're being triggered mentally. You're thinking about things that trigger you, so you're, you know, you're upsetting yourself. Yeah, you're in some kind of denial. You're getting triggered out of this denial phase. So the universe does that sometimes you're a water sign, so you know, you get the whole. Metaphysical spiritual essence of of life and how? You could be like, I don't want to work on that, but everything in your entire fucking visual field is telling you that, you know? It's like being fucking reminded. You know any you know of of of something you have to do, right, right. And feeling triggered by? OK, let's look at what is between you between you. Mentally, is thinking about today being in the present moment. Let's throw. You both need. You're both exhausted. They're over here on the hamster wheel, emotional. You're feeling trapped by children, ear feeling sad, broken. Surrounded by negative trigger. Trying to get you out of your denial phase. Today you're both concerned about punishment and retaliation, Revenge. So you got nasty people between the two of you. Why is that? Why have they decided that you're on motional? Too risky. Motional risk. Because they feel like they'll need some kind of financial support. And then there's the memories. It's a risk because. There is a need for financial support. There's also some memories. Emotional. That again. Maybe some wounds. You realize really need. You. You really need to have a talk. Emotionally, there needs to be a talk. OK, they still emotionally want to indulge in this relationship, so there's still some, like, obsessive energy between the two of you. But they have. They have emotionally decided that it's a risk. Financially. They want more family. So we're thinking about wanting more. So when they think about this situation, they think about. There were desire to want more fame. So they have a desire to want more family, but emotionally they still feel like it's a risk financial. And then there's the memories that also make it a risk. Again, there's a need to have a, a, a talk about this. What are they in pursuit of it? Because it looks like they're just in their overall energies, just trying to make it through the day, getting the things done. Um, they're in what they're in pursuit of. Really has them mentally drained. So they're trying to pursue something. And they're feeling very confined and mentally locked down or locked into that particular thing. They do have a desire to want more family, so you may feel trapped by your children, they may want them. Which is interesting. Yet they still feel like it's a financial support liability. Today you both are concerned about revenge. Back to this drama. They have to overcome this drama queen. And they're going to overcome that by being toxic. Tell me about this draw. OK, this drama queen. Tell me about this. This this person that's causing. Yeah, this is of some fake fake asses, bitch. This energy they have to overcome this fake ask bit. That's really the obstacle for them in this relationship. All of comment toxicity. They're going to be taught maybe they're going to be more toxic. Then this, then this. And again, drama queen could be any narcissist, male or female. I should just use drama Queens narcissist. I need to I need to get my pens out. Sometimes. They're going to be just as toxic. That's how they're going to overcome. Whoever is this toxic person being fake with them, they're gonna be just as fake and just as toxic. That's how the little. How are you going to group on the fact that there needs to be some kind? You're gonna want rest. You're searching. You'll get a grip on it and realize that you're that you're searching for rescue. And so you're going to let your friends help you, your friends and family rescue you from this particular situation with this narcissist. Again, you're over here feeling trapped by children. Maybe they have children and you're feeling that that that is, you know, triggering you into wanting to deny this relationship. You know what I mean? Express your love, it says. If you don't, express your love. This relationship will continue to be paused. And projected possibly into the future. One more on this policy and projected into the future. Yeah, I mean it's. Again, the outcome right now is that this can't happen now. All right, The outcome right now is that this is paused and it's projected that you will come together reconcile. In this relationship in the future, so even if you you express your love, it's not going to be rushed into. They are still in, still trying. They're still dealing with their daily hustle, they're still in proper suit of something that's really mentally confining them. So again, they have a desire for more family. So that is interesting. So if you're feeling like you're trapped by children and no one's going to want you because you know you have this added burden, yes, emotionally they are taking into account your added burden. Your need for spinal support? Possibly. They're thinking about the memories. And they wanna talk emotionally. They wanna talk this out with you because they do again want. More family? Interesting. I don't know. But maybe they do. You know, some people, again, they get sick of being. OK, hold on. Where am I? Did I talk about their emotions now? What are their emotions? Towards the end. They have some kind of concern about sabotage, sabotaging, or being unfaithful. So again, they've been hurt many times. So I don't know if emotionally, um, you know, dealing with unfaithful energy. And yet there there's maybe feeling like this is sabotaged in some way. Maybe it's because of the distance. You do give them a lot. They have courage. They think that this could work. They think that there could be some healing here. That that you could heal. But they're very they're feeling very foolish. For having, for loving you. So they feel foolish for loving you. Probably because it would require some kind of unfaithfulness, possibly. There's. They feel like you sabotaged us. Yeah, it makes them again. They feel foolish about loving you because they're they're apps. They're so limited. There's a limited amount amount of. Of reason possibly. There, there's they can only do so much, they're limited and nothing they can actually do about your situation. They feel foolish to love you because they're absolutely limited. They do understand that you're manipulating them. And it's adding some extra stress. Because again, they feel so far away from you. OK. They think that you're very attractive. So they see you, they're very attracted to you, but they feel like there's nothing they can do about this situation. So back to you need to express your love. If you express your love, then you give this person a reason. To step in and and intervene. But they're not going to step in and intervene. And play this toxic fake game. You know. What? The same working cards shuffle. These cards are really sticky. If he was an engineer, someone who was the has the ability to give creative energy a practical expression. They also see you as the rebel this challenge someone who challenges authority. To effort, to effort and social change. So they would describe you as someone that's kind of engineers thing, someone who has that kind of knowledge to make things work, and they also would say that you're a rebel. And a mother that you have, that you're very patient, that you have lots of unconditional love, that you're very nurturing energy. Alright, so those are nice cards. OK. So I mean, they do have a desire for more families. That's, I mean, that's what I'm seeing. I'm also, but I I'm also seeing that they're they're hesitant because of the past memories. They're hesitant because of the financial burden. They're hesitant because, you know it's a risk, but there's still they still don't talk and there's a realization between the both of you will lose. You're both need a break because you're both exhaust. I love watching you folk, me, so they might want to videotape. Be careful on the counter, on the couch, on the floor, on the stairs, wherever. I miss the taste of your call. Look deep into my eyes and rub my inner thighs so they want again. They would sex you by saying they want to rub up against you. They want to taste you, they want to fuck you everywhere and they would like to videotape it so they can watch it. OK, what is the? Is. Read that as quicker. Quick. Again, there is. They are there. I have. There. I don't know exactly how to read this because. It's telling me that like if you rush in, it would make them very happy, but the cheating would be a burden. So if you rush in. It would make them happy. Like if you were rushed in, we're like you've expressed your love, like I love you or there's, you know, there's romance in the air, whatever is your romantic gesture whether it's jumping them bones or or what. It would make that it would create happiness, though the cheating would be a burden that you would care. So. Cheating with you? The choice is to move. Want to take a trip? Possibly home. The decision is to move home or to take a trip home. OK. Back to this realization that. Dictation. Sure. A hideaway. It will. This will continue to grow. Back to this. The outcome currently is that it's projected into the future. This is going to continue to grow as long as you continue to stand up for. Again, there's regretting the work in some way because it gave you so little and all it did was cause a fight or cause a struggle cause you to compete. In the world or on the Internet some? And this has really been a good experience for you. You've gained some wisdom from this particular situation. It says you can keep watch or you can rush in. Again, you'll be happy regardless, even if you have to carry the burden of cheating. It you'll still be happy the choices here to move home or to take a trip home. Or to take your vacation from your home. I can read that in three different ways. This relationship is going to continue to grow, especially if you defend it by expressing your love. There will be some regret when it comes to work. Or there will be regretting the work, or regretting the meeting, or regretting. Something again, because it was so little. Because again, there's regret, There's regret for. Wherever whoever's working back to this, they're caught in this hamster wheel. And they're in pursuit. Whatever they're in pursuit of has got them confined in their mind. They'll just regret the work that they're that they. You're going to bring some realization to them and then they'll just regret the work because it was only going to bring in. So little or was it? Was um. It could be like philanthropy work, like they might be like trapped in their head in some way about. Um, how to pursue it? Could be familiar entropy work? You know what I mean? Because it's Six of Pentacles, so it's someone you know given money. To the work, it's regrettable, whatever it is, for the causes, the struggle, it causes a fight, It causes some kind of competition on the Internet or that creates lots of distance. This has given you lots of experience, though. Alright. It's not charity, I don't know. Sex is kind of a mind trap. Sex is kind of a mind trap. We have this father. Sex is kind of a mind track, because, again, there's a father here. And it's very public. This emperor is very public. Again, but this creates the end of feeling trapped. The sex is a mind trap in some way. OK, having sex is a mind trap here. But again, because this person, this emperor, this father in this scenario is a public, has a public persona. But that ends the trap. It brings a complete end of feeling stock. And sad. So this will bring the end being to feeling stuck and feeling sad and entrapped. You will be more independent. Though your feelings, you will continue to juggle with because of the heart, because of the heartbreak. It's why you hold back. You're holding back this denial. This denial that you're being triggered into this. Again, you're dealing with all this sadness and negativity, feeling trapped and triggered. So it's saying that the sex is going. You feel like the sex is a mind flock or a mind trap in some way. Because again, this emperor has a public persona, this father has a public persona. But this will end the trap and the depression. The independence of this man, this emperor. Again creates the juggle with water to create the juggle and heartbreak. Do you have break the heart? Don't I break the heart? Yes. So that is why there is this whole back in denial. But the holding back causes the denial, which triggers and the denial. So the more you hold back, the more you trigger into being denied. So the more you hold back from this. The more you say to this person. I'm denying this relationship. And that is why you have to express your love. You're sitting here feeling sad, feeling broken, and you're triggering them into denying you. So that you can stay in your trap. When what you really want is for them to come rescue you. OK. That's really what you want. You both need the fucking vacation. And they are, you know, like I said, they look at this like a risk. So they're not going to go out of their way because it looks too risky. But they do want the family. So whatever family you mean to them, they want it. So go ahead and express your love. Even if you express your love now, this is still projected into the future because of some kind of timing. Back to this, you're triggering the denial. And with this decision, this whole relationship falls apart. All this love and happiness gone. So if you do not express your love, then the the love and happiness that can come to this person or could come to you. Will be gone. It will be your decision because you triggered the denial. You trigger them to deny it. You're triggering them to deny you this. Relationship to deny their feelings. When they know damn well they like you. And again, if you're worried about how they're going to deal with your toxic. You know, chaos causing energy, whether that be, you, whether that be. Um. The people around you are a narcissistic partner. They're going to be just they're capable of being just as toxic as soon as they see the signs. They're going to turn on their toxicity level to deal with it. So, and sometimes the only way you can deal with toxic people is to become more toxic. That is how it's done. Sometimes it really is, it's true, true, if you want, sometimes like you can't. When you're dealing with super toxic people, sometimes you can't play the martyr because they want you to play the martyr because they're pushing you into the martyrdom. And so if you play martyr, a toxic situation, then you give them exactly what they. So sometimes when you're dealing with toxic people, it's extremely important that you don't play martyr, That you become just as toxic as they are, that you gaslight just as hard to shut them the fuck up. Sometimes fighting fire with fire with a toxic drama queen is sometimes the only. If you become more toxic than they're capable of. The North. Then again, you you create an inertness in the amount of toxicity that they can spew, right? It's almost like a toxic a toxic pissoff. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, see, like a pison pison fight. Who can piss the farthest? You know if if you are, if you could turn off toxic. Again, they're capable of being. The toxicity level that they need to be to protect themselves. OK, so if you want this person to ask you, like to rescue you. From your track, you need to express your love because that's the only way to get them to take the risk, especially financially and emotionally. Um. In their in their headspace, they think maybe this is just a enough session, just a crush or something that comes and goes, maybe when you're bored. So again, you need to go ahead and express that if you want this person to rescue you. OK, I will be back with our final reading Fire.
Keep an open mind. God, didn't this happen? These events, these are really this is. Keep an open mind. How many times keep an open mind your soul mate may differ. Visual type and expectation. Second time in a row here. I I I have got to have to go back and and look I need to write down these. Particular. Yeah. Your overall energy is commitment. Long term relationships. So you're looking for long term relationships. So there's something about this. That's off putting to you in some way. And so again, it's asking you to keep an open mind. Their overall energies, they're feeling magnetically pulled to you emotionally. There is an offer on the table. There are motions are telepathic. They're trying to telepathically tell you through dreams and songs. Or there's some kind of. Alien connection emotionally like you're there's some kind of emotional connection that's that's going beyond. Your senses and their senses some way. Mentally, you're you're in a bargaining, negotiation energy. Umm. Do you think that you know this is a very deep connection? And they want more of it. So this person is in pursuit of you in some way. It has that feeling because, again, they're feeling magnetically drawn to you. They're feeling some kind of otherworldly, emotional connection to you. So there's like, you know, something kind of metaphysical feeling like it's going on or they're thinking about you a lot. Emotionally, when there's certain songs or they're dreaming about you right now. Again, there's the Twin Flame card, which I normally read as it's complicated, but I could read it as a very deep understanding of having similar situations okay. And again, they want more, so they want more of you in some way. What is your obstacle of? This relationship besides keeping an open mind. Your obstacle here is possibly being only connected on the Internet. Tuned in Internet connected, they're obstacle in this relationship is having a conversation with you. Getting on the same page. You'll overcome this Internet connection with some kind of gossip. Interesting. They'll overcome this need to talk and get on the same page because it's weighing on them. So it will. It's weighing on them so much they're going to want to talk. About this between your emotionally as a friendship. Possible romantic partnership of Soulmate card. Three mentally. Happiness and wanting to get up out of where you've been. Get up out of the. What's? Signs of obsession seeing. Signs of wanting to indulge. OK, keep an open mind your soul mate, you differ. The usual. Spectation are you in a long term relationship? That's the question here because that's what your overall energy. Saying you want a long term relationship, so maybe you don't think this person is capable of it. Ohh, or there's something again kind of off in some way back to this. You got to keep an open and I'm talking to my fire signs and like that. I just feel like this is like an impossible. I just feel like this is an impossible task trying to talk the fire sign into anything. Like I said, like I'm sitting here like, OK, keep an open mind. Well, as a Sagittarius, yeah we are. We we are very open minded anyway. But when we close our mind when we may come to a decision, it is very hard for us to undo that because that decision. Overnight. That decision was made over time. And so there is this energy and you're reading right now. It's like, keep an open mind, keep an open mind. Obviously you've already shot your mind. You know, especially from my side, Italians here, Leos and Aries as well. You might have had your heart set on a certain thing or a certain mindset and maybe that is the issue here. I don't know. Let's go into this further. Why is your overall energy, commitment, long term relationship? These are two people standing at the altar except your wish, your wishing for something long term and committed. They don't want. You know you don't want to fucking go, and that is the problem here. You feel like this is a fucking go. And you're wanting something more. Tell me about what is this offer or the proposal on? It's a trigger. So maybe someone it's a trigger or so? Again, emotionally, you're, you know, we're talking about an offer, We're talking about a commitment. Something's on the table, right? Again, you're wanting to negotiate this in some way. Uh, you're feeling triggered into thinking that this is not necessarily a long term relationship type of energy? Um. You're not wanting to to deal with that? Alright, let's get this negotiating on into to bargain with this particular situation. It's like you're wanting to negotiate the breakup before it's even. You're you're negotiating the breakup before it's even. Is this person in a relationship? Are you using the divorce as a bargaining chip or the breakup of the bargain? I don't know why. What are they on? Like? Why are they like so on the spleen of magnetically pulled? They've had some really. It's come to their awareness. Something has come to their awareness, and that is why they're feeling so pulled to you. What's with this alien, like other worldly connection emotionally that they have? So, you know, again, like there's they feel like there's some kind of spiritual connection. Again, they're emotionally they're taking. They're not taking any action, but emotionally they are writing their feelings down about you. So again. They might be, you know. They are. There are dealing with their feelings for you. They want more of you. If there are focused on you, they feel like this is. They could be like, yeah, this is twin flame energy. This is, you know, mirrored the one. This is my person. It's still very complicated energy nonetheless. OK, tell me about your obstacle being connected on the Internet. Why is that the obstacle for you? Overcome this. Have you only been? You know, connected to this person on the Internet. Your unconditional love is what it said. So you have to overcome this like connection. Of unconditional. How do you overcome this with costs of this? So. Like you feel like. I mean, if we're before talking to walk around Twin Flames here, there is a. You are somewhat. I don't like to go into this stuff just because it's really like. Metaphysical right? We want to stay realistic. But um, the Twin Flame connection does have. You are connected because you're the same soul. You are connected through your chakra system. There is a what they call. Some people call it the silver thread. Some people call it the gold thread. Red thread. Again, it doesn't matter. There is a literal thread there that connects you through time and space that can never be destroyed. No matter how much you want to clamp it, cut it. Certain connections can't be unbonded until the Karma is cleared from them, and even then twin flame connections can't be. Can't be suffered. All right, so I have this feeling like the issue here is you can't sever. This particular connection. That is the obstacle. You the obstacle here for you is keep an open mind. There is something about this connection that you. 7. And maybe that is and again another. There's again you're you overcome this. Unconditional connection. Ohh well, whatever is like holding you. You. At Bay from this relationship with. With ghosting all the gossip. So you ghost the Gaza you completely cut off? The gossip. That's how. Overcome. The connection. What is again? What do they want to talk? You want to talk about the lessons that they've? Again, they're getting a grip right now. They'll overcome this needing to talk by getting a grip on the fact that they need to. They're in some kind of denial. They have to face this desire. Because it is running out of. OK, the outcome here is seeing signs that and again that make you wanna that there's an obsession. There's an obsessive karmic partner. Back to this, why you probably want to move on. It's telling you to keep an open mind, yeah. You see all the signs of the karmic partner in this relationship, whoever is the other person. Um. The other person? Other person. Uh. You see? You see it as fake. So back to this. You're wanting to negotiate? The fact that there needs to be a divorce here. Or a breakup of some sort, Or a final phase? So they very easily might be in a relationship. Maybe you're not just wanting a cheating thing. Again, the outcome here is that you see signs. That their that their partner, whoever they're in this third party relationship with. Is obsessed with pretending. The obsession is the prep. OK. What? Are there any motions? They want you to know that they understand your pain more than you know. They would love to surprise you. They think that you're incredibly strong. And your strength inspires them. They're very long. I'm sad. But they're using that loneliness and sadness in a creative way to use it to create something. They're very nervous. Because you feel so distant, so far away from me. So you're backing off from this scenario has made them feel very worried and anxious. Because they feel you distancing yourself. Because you're not keeping an open mind. They have a lot of compassion for you. Those are nice cards. How would they describe you to others? Again, you're looking for a long term commitment and you don't know if this person is is long term commitment. Material. They see you as a king. Someone who's enlightened, Someone who's benevolent. They also see you as a martyr, learning to transcend your nature of service. So they see you as a king. He was a martyr and that is quite a compliment. And we play that whole queen game. But to be a king that's actually, you know, a female is quite, it's a different level of it's like standing with the men. They also described it as a virgin. Someone that has maintained spiritual purity doesn't necessarily mean a real virgin, but you are symbolically pure. And you're enlightened and you're benevolent, but you are a martyr. Or you have been through some kind of martyrdom, OK? You. Keep. I love your. Your legs, your hip. You're. So they would tell you what? Every inch. I want you soaking wet and ready when I get there. OK, so they want you. Moved up. Soaking. OK. This thing I just learned about more. What's soaking and allowed to have sex so? Before marriage. So what the kids do now, This is when it's cold soaking. He puts his penis inside her out and it's not in and out because that would be suck. It just puts the penis inside her. It's called soaking. And then you can pay a friend 50 to $100 to come and push and jump on the bed. To simulate facts. But you're not actually having sex because sex is in and out, right? So that's. Yeah, I know, it's funny. So Mormon teams they they they put the Dick in and then they have their friends push up and down on the bed to simulate. They're getting off these days. It's not tax. What is the advice when it comes to this person? Soaking wet when we get. It's a trap. Just wanted to tell my fucking fire signs. It's a trap. Keep it over my neck. It's a trash. Go runners over here. And that's the truth. Yeah. Before. So again, someone gets caught. Someone is trapped here, suffering. The wish is so strong and the dream keeps dreaming. This is a dream at night. This is a Daydream. The choice is to be happy. It's so sweet. In between you is always happy. This father is really moving on, moving on. OK. Someone's trapped here. Or gets caught. But I think it's trapped. You feel really trapped. Suffer. How do you feel trapped in this? They wish for something. Loyal as well. They're wishing for something. You know, really strong and really low. And they are dreaming about this and daydreaming about it. So they're dreaming about it. At night, there's consciousness dreaming about you. And then in the daytime they are fantasizing about you as well. The decision will be made to be happy. So whatever decision, whatever situation this person is in, you know, dealing with this karmic. Fake obsession. They're going to choose to be happy. They are your soul mate. The father in the scenario is really going to move on, move on. The emperor moves on, move on, move on from thoughts and moves on from the field. So this is someone who really moves on. The love and this relationship. There's a lot of love in it. There's real love in this relationship. Leaving out this king of wands. Really shook everything apart. So this, however this someone got stigmatized, someone got left out, it's this came along, this sheeter. This player man gets left out and everything falls apart. It really changed the perspective. There is wisdom, and of course there is an expectation of a mind trap. Here they expect it to be kind of a mind trap. Expected it to be a mind trap. Get it? Got ghosted. So you might have just ghosted a cheater. Recently, did you just ghost some other man? Some kind of cheater you didn't, you know again, you did. Fall for it. It's saying that there was wise because the expectation is that you were going, that you were trapped in your head. But here's this ghost. And again, it it created this heartbreak, this absolute transformation. Of the because they were working with your axe and and these other decks. So whoever, whatever, man, you just left out in the cold. This king of wands. This. Cheater It really changed the perspective. On the. And there's some wisdom. And the expectation was that you were trapped? By that you were going to, that you were going to get trapped or caught in some way by this king of wands. And you ghosted it. Ohh, so heartbreaking. But it was absolutely, absolutely transformed the work of your acts. What a deck. So whatever you, whoever, you just turned down. Or whatever you just ghosted. Was an extension of your acts. They were working in the same energy as we're at. Keep an open mind, your soul mate may differ. As long as they it's telling you, go ahead and deny. It's really, it was really manipulating your dreams and that's why it was causing you a mind flock. So whoever you just got rid of, it's got this person. But whoever you just moved on from. Again. It was, yeah, they weren't. They would have. They would have mined fucked you into thinking you were a whore. It was a it was some kind of core trap. So they would of course change you. And you defended yourself. So you just defended yourself from some asshole that again was working with your ex and some. And when you defended yourself. What you did was you defended your love, you defended your happiness, and you defended your your ability to make a choice. The fight. The competition. Has now moved on from. Yeah, and you're now you're moving on from your depression. Into something more happy, with something with more happiness. You'll make new connections. You'll make new friends, possibly with people that again, 10 of Pinnacles. Almost feels like. Could be high quality it could be. You're gonna make friends with your longevity. So whatever this fight that you moved on from, it was really sad anyway. You are stepping into your fulfillment again. You're creating a friendship and a connection with your abundance and your future. OK, so whatever you just went through. Again. And it's almost like. It's almost like you're holding that lesson from this, this last scenario. And the cards are saying, OK, you just went through that, but I want you to keep an open mind with this one. So go ahead and keep an open mind. This one might be more committed than you realize. Even though it feels. Like. You know you're over here wanting to negotiate a break up. I don't know if you're negotiating your own breakup or if you're wanting them to negotiate their breakup again because you're you're really hoping and and wanting a real long term relationship, not just a flame. So again, you have to overcome some, you know, some connection that you had. Um. That you felt like it was unconditional. Ohh. On the Internet, it probably wasn't right. I don't know. Keep an open mind. At the end of the day, that's what. And open mind so though you may be like ohh I see. Say this before. I've seen this before. OK. Yeah, maybe. Maybe there's some pretending, some toxicity. That they're relying on that may not be so truthful, I don't know. Long story short, that one makes sense to you. When you receive that message that makes sense to me, I'm a fire sign. Press 2 now. Thank you. Show. But yeah, I mean that's that's why the cards are singing. Keep an open mind. Right. Sorry. Alright, I'll be back with the love note. Alright, you guys have a good.
Love Note:
Very sweet love not the sweet ohh my goodness. Terrible after. Little closer to you. It's for the rescuer and the Mystic, which I thought was interesting. Provide strength and support to others in crisis and reveals intimate union with the Divine so. Entresto. OK. And it's it's when normal card is the letter OK? So excuse me. Over here, alright so. Read this little note. All right, all right. I feel like when we finally get to embrace. All these missing pieces. Like a union. I do feel safe with you. There's so much I want to tell you. You're ever wondrous things emerging right now. I wish I could share this with you. I feel like we tried this path meaning to go. You would actually understand why. That would be. Miracle. This time has really been regenerative for me. So much. Young, Concerned. Everything. I'm truly sorry for my words and actions. All these expectations. That come. I don't know how to read this because I want to read it even. It's like because I feel like I had a lot of mail. Energy and the readings this week. So I'm going to read this two different ways. OK, that they were dealing with expectations of having having to be a wealthy man. You know like trying to to get their wealth in order. So there's like, again this, this expectation. That they have to be rich, right? That was something that that they were working through. Or if it's from a, you know, a female to male, it's the other way around. It's this, you know, I'm, I'm sorry for my actions and words. I thought you expected, you know? A wealthy mayor, you know what I mean? That kind of idea that women only want men that are wealthy. So there's that idea, but it's it flip flops for whoever's listening. OK, so. They're sorry for their their words and actions because of that expectation that they're a little bit concerned that they have lost everything. So, you know, there was the little catch in that in that part of the reading, OK. They continue on. Please continue to be patient and have faith in this process. I want you to know that I am so tired of dancing. I feel depressed. Without my. All this hard work, I know it's pain. I'm feeling. My place with nothing but peace. Like the spirit of my. That's been really important. You need to take your power back. Again, I feel like they they have witnessed something in your situation. And again, this could be for you or them, but I really feel like they are encouraging you right now in this life. So whatever they've seen, this is their line of encouragement to you, which is you need to take your power back. You need to say no. You need to establish boundaries in your own sovereign. So if you're going through a period right now where you know your sovereignty is at stake, or you've given your power or boundaries you know to someone else, they're urging you to continue to keep your boundaries up. To say no and and to take your power. And to create that sovereignty and again, a sovereign nation doesn't like. They can hold their own, You know what I mean? So there is this encouragement in this letter here that you need to take your power back. I see. And you need to create boundaries and create the sovereign piece within yourself. And this, they say, is the best way to find self. OK, so that wasn't like a really sweet. Part of the letter where again, they're. You need to create these boundaries for yourself because you're. OK. Then they get into the sexy. And again, I can read this both ways, male or female. So we'll go, we'll go both ways. They're thinking. With their lips across. I just want to smell your skin. And then there's this energy of You make me so wet I want you to peel off. Or I want you soaking. There. So there's again there's there's sexy part. They end the note by saying I am true to. So again, they're letting you know that. They have some true feelings for you. They want you to know. Again, it's really sweet because it all starts with this embraced card through each other. You find the missing pieces, so. You know they're thinking. Embracing. Being able to hug you that. Coming together, the next card is Union of Hearts, a love connection that defies explanation. I feel safe with you. So again, you know they're, they're talking about. Moment of intimacy. They're really excited. They have so much to tell you. Miracles are happening in their life. Wonderous things are emerging. They wish that they could tell you all about. Again, they recognize the fact that you guys have a lot of meaning. You've been on very similar paths, or you've traveled the same path, maybe in different times and spaces. Again, back to this, they they've been through a period of regeneration and it's been very it's taught them this time is. So. Again, they're concerned about this. That they've lost everything with this expectations of a wealthy. Energy. And they're sorry about their words and actions, so they do apologize if they have. Going through a period. They're asking you to be patient, to have faith in the process, but they want. The payment. Of. I'm missing you. All the hard work is paying off. The spirit of the place and peace came out together, which I thought was really sweet. They're letting you know. They're they're the place that they reside in is very peaceful. And that they're, you know, that they are keeping that piece safe. For you. I like that lips across your neck whisper. Set. Get there. Underwear with your teeth. Hot energy. Let's read a little bit of Taro about this. Slow What's the advice for anyone who really felt this love note? Of course. There again, there's this. But turn off with 10 of pinnacles, which you know is. You know, it's the wealthy card, the rich card, the. You know the family and generations, and it's clarifying it with the hermit. So there's like, and that's the judgment here. So again, someone is, I don't know if they've been on a journey. You know, to collect wealth in some way or to to create some kind of stability. But that's what they're telling you. They have a lot of or they have a lot of experience dealing with. Wealth in some way or wealthy people in some way, and that might have created the judgment. That they have. Yeah, that created the mind trap. So whatever was going on back to the expectations, wealthy man, I'm truly sorry. It's it's saying that there, you know, that there was a lot of experience. You know, in this kind of realm and that created the judgment which. You know, it was the mind trip, but that's over. They're really working and going towards their destiny. Talk about some cheating. Cheap hotel with the axe smell. There's this destiny. The cheating of this. You know, she's the, she's the slot, she's the other woman kind of energy, you know, she's the one that that hurts. That hurts them, right? I was only there, you know, 4. Immediate satisfaction. Umm. Again the mind trap ended, which was destined to. Again, when this cheating Hold on. The cheetah with this hole. Cheetah with her axe, OK, and now carries the burden of that sex. Carries the burden of that sex. That's an interesting thing to say. Because, like to me, like carrying, the burden of that sex would either be carrying the guilt from shooting could be carrying, you know, a child, it could be, you know, carrying you know, the burden of that sex which could be an STD or some. That's again uncomfortable. Why? But slowly but surely. It all it did was cause suffering. This rich badge, Rich girl card in the badge. So again. Ultimately it was it was maybe there was suffering because of this help. OK. That's slow suffering. Now they decided to defend them. They are defending themselves. And they're trying to come up with a little bit of money to possibly move or take a trip. So again, you know, there. They're frustrated because they feel like they've lost everything with you, again, with some kind of expectation of money or wealth. Or dealing with wealthy men, or you know, having having to be a wealthy man to to to gain that kind of energy. Again, this person's had a lot of experience. With this kind of energy, and that was what created their judgment, that created the mind trap that created the issue. But that is done now because destiny is coming in here with this cheating. Hoe cheats with the axe carries the burden of the sax. Suffering for a very, very long time, possibly over a year. Again, this independent beach, I'm gonna say this. I'm going to say rich bitch. What those cards now mean makes the decision to defend herself and. Again. You know, holds this little bit of money or this little, you know, something. You know there's like an offer for a move or or trying to get enough money, a little bit of money together to move. That go. Yeah, and that again crashes everything. That changes the they changed their entire perspective. So again, they took this period of time out and something happened, OK. We might have been with someone who didn't see their value unless they had more money, you know what I mean? There's a lot of women out there that. Will be, you know. Just value man based on his salary, right? And that goes both ways. What is the advice for my list? Resume. Put them back. One last let's see advice here. Yeah, it's my intro. You know. There's a real mind trap. There's a mind trap when it comes to being generous. It really needs to be moved on from. Because all it is is a hope they moved on from. All it is is a hope to get trapped, to get caught, possibly with massages and massages. They're really wishing that they could make a decision. They wish that they could make a decision. Again, that would end this slow suffering. They are destined to move and carry the burden. So whoever this is from again, they're they're, there's a again, there's this destiny that they're going to carry. They're going to move and carry some kind of burden back to this. There's miracles happening. So what there looks like there has been some kind of. Break. For your person and this and this particular. So again, they want you soaking wet. Get there. Or maybe they want to be soaking wet when you get there. When they get there. I'm not sure, again, that the energy here is very. Um. It's not necessarily one way or the other. I feel like this reading is really. Unisex and. So yeah, nice, nice note. I really like this, you know, starts with a hug and and fitting those, you know, those missing pieces together, which is such a sweet. Such a sweet picture, you know? And they're excited. They're really, there's something they really wanted. They really wish they could share their excitement or share their news with you. So that's kind of a bummer, right? Yeah. They back to this. Whatever you're going through right now, it's important you take your power back. But you say no when you don't want to do something that you create these boundaries, you create this sovereign state within yourself and this is the best way to achieve this like energy of self love, which I think is very sweet and that that right there is. Very much. Aligns with you. Aligns with what I try to perpetuate with this show, which is about, you know, creating boundaries and creating your own sovereignty. And the stronger your sovereignty is within you, the less likely you are to be taken advantage of. Find yourself in situations that you wish you were. So that is good. OK, well, you guys have a great week. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, I got them. I can always use your support on them. But you know, you know, I harp on this every fucking week. I need to fucking reviews. I could really use a new review. If you're one of my new listeners, welcome and go leave her reviews. Wherever, whatever app you're listening on, there should be like a review somewhere. I don't know. I don't want Apple. You just keep scrolling down and there's a little purple thing that says right to review. It's right under where you get so many episodes and then it it takes you to the stars and then there's leave a review. And then underneath that it's like my description. Extra information about my show, so if you're listening on Apple, that is a good way to. Support me. It's best way to support me is through those reviews and through those stars. You don't have to use your real name just so you know you can enter whatever you want. Again, I appreciate recipes. That is Easter time. So, like, what's your favorite Easter recipe? Just leave that in the review slime. Appreciate it. Yeah, you guys have a great week. I'll be back with all things pennis. We're talking about the penises. Next. I think every woman should understand penises. They should understand penises care, I'll just say you know. Whatever. Your penis. Understand the penis a little bit better, so I'll be doing research on next week. Great. I will talk to you then.