Just the Tips for Preventing ED and Your “Pick a Charm” Tarot Love Readings
Ep 63
Just the Tips for Preventing ED and Your “Pock a Charm” Tarot Love Readings
It's disheartening to see that women have numerous ways to describe their hormonal phases, while for men, it often boils down to their performance in the bedroom. There should be more nuanced language to describe hormonal changes in men beyond just Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Their well-being should involve more than just relying on a pill. It's dismissive and shameful to treat men solely as sexual beings, disregarding their emotional and mental health needs as their bodies undergo changes. Nowadays, men lack a support system to navigate their emotional states and seek guidance from older, wiser men. This week, we delve into the topic of male sexuality. The similarities between the male and female anatomy highlight how we are designed to complement each other. Men face their own struggles, and by offering them more respect and understanding, we contribute to their overall well-being.
I engaged in many conversations during the readings this week, as I was in a positive mood! The arrival of spring has uplifted my spirits. In the Spatula Reading, we explore the aftermath of breakups and the significance of who keeps the spatula, symbolizing the transition from a relationship to indifference. The Dolphin Reading focuses on the power of your voice or a unique laugh in touching someone's heart, offering a sweet perspective on love as a search for a harmonious connection in frequency. Lastly, in the Whale Reading, I share intriguing whale facts and their desire to embark on an adventure with you, suggesting that things will fall into place with time.
Don't miss the final segment on penis facts and health advice. With a bit more attention, you'll be amazed at the improvements in your partner's energy and stamina by considering a few simple tips to enhance their well-being. Spicing it up a bit is all that needed.
Spatula: 00:09:20
Dolphin: 00:32:11
Whale: 00:54:22
Penis health: 01:27:49
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Just the Tips for Preventing ED and Your “Pock a Charm” Tarot Love Readings
It's disheartening to see that women have numerous ways to describe their hormonal phases, while for men, it often boils down to their performance in the bedroom. There should be more nuanced language to describe hormonal changes in men beyond just Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Their well-being should involve more than just relying on a pill. It's dismissive and shameful to treat men solely as sexual beings, disregarding their emotional and mental health needs as their bodies undergo changes. Nowadays, men lack a support system to navigate their emotional states and seek guidance from older, wiser men. This week, we delve into the topic of male sexuality. The similarities between the male and female anatomy highlight how we are designed to complement each other. Men face their own struggles, and by offering them more respect and understanding, we contribute to their overall well-being.
I engaged in many conversations during the readings this week, as I was in a positive mood! The arrival of spring has uplifted my spirits. In the Spatula Reading, we explore the aftermath of breakups and the significance of who keeps the spatula, symbolizing the transition from a relationship to indifference. The Dolphin Reading focuses on the power of your voice or a unique laugh in touching someone's heart, offering a sweet perspective on love as a search for a harmonious connection in frequency. Lastly, in the Whale Reading, I share intriguing whale facts and their desire to embark on an adventure with you, suggesting that things will fall into place with time.
Don't miss the final segment on penis facts and health advice. With a bit more attention, you'll be amazed at the improvements in your partner's energy and stamina by considering a few simple tips to enhance their well-being. Spicing it up a bit is all that needed.
Spatula: 00:09:20
Dolphin: 00:32:11
Whale: 00:54:22
Penis health: 01:27:49
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Is the Astra tired lately? Seems uninterested in sex. The bags under his eyes. Not going away. This man is, like, literally. Giving you his entire life for us every time he calls. What is in common is amazing. It is like a vitamin rich. It's like everything he's got. Everything he's got, he's given. Right. How do we take care of our men? How do we take care of their reproductive health, of their hormonal health, of their mental health? We talk a lot in the end of this episode about penises, just all the health aspect of penises, of hormonal decrease, of erectile dysfunction. He walked, and there are a lot of things you as a partner can do to help him. So many. One is encouraging him to rest. Men need stress management and the quality of sleep that they're getting is not appropriate for their overall health in general and their penises. So this episode is all about understanding. The Physiology understanding. You know again how to emotionally communicate and help your man find. The support he needs in a world in which male friendship is is, you know, is dissolving into nothing. That is the truth here. Men are becoming more isolated. They're becoming. Less communicative about what's going on within their their bodies, within their body changes. And these all. You know, the only sign you have right that anything's wrong with him is the fact that he can't get as hard or he has more difficulty time that he. That's again. And you as a woman, the moment your man starts to have hardness issues or erection issues in general, you immediately blame yourself. You're like, Oh my God, I'm not like this 25 year old fucking pornstar. Ohh no. And you take all of that as a rejection, so selfishly as a rejection on you and on your body. Or not being the the sex kitten that he married, right. Or that he you know. Um. Invested his life into you. It's not about you, honey. It's not. It's not all about you. It's not all about your sagging breasts. And it's not all about your varicose veins and your Cellulite and your double trend that's coming. And your weight gain has absolutely nothing to do with your physical attractiveness. Sorry. You're pretty. It has everything to do with him trying to manage his own hormone levels that are dramatically decreasing in a way that he can't even describe, because there's no words in our language to describe what's happening to men during this decrease. We're over here bitching and our feminist rage. You don't understand menopause. No, they do. They're hiding because she is fucking freaking out. She's hot. She's cold. She's dry. And anything he says fucking pisses her off, to the point that he's hiding in some basement or some garage somewhere without any friends. Alone. Scared. And he's going through his own hormonal change. He's feeling weird neurological fucking issues because of age, because the natural aging process and he doesn't know how to communicate these. All he can do is internalize the fear. And we have given him absolutely no way. To find support. And we wonder why men are at higher risk of suicide, especially the older they get. We wonder why. Why No one gives a shit about their stress level and no one gives a shit about their health or their penises or whether it's hard or not. This week, that is the number one sign. Because everything else is internalized emotionally. The only thing he can't fucking hide from your crazy ass is the fact that his penis is having issues and it has nothing to do with you and the fact that you're freaking out that you think he's going to leave you for a younger woman. You know what I mean? And he's sitting over there having his own internal. Meltdown. And it has nothing to do in his mind. He can't even get it hard enough for that chick to be fucking happy. He's gonna, you know what I mean? Or he's going to come so fast. Why does it even fucking matter? When it does work, well, actually there's this pill. But you know that feels are artificial and it can't be healthy for you. What women are over here really angry because we don't have a pill that makes us squirt? There's so much selfishness when it comes, you know, between the battle of women and men when the whole time we're going through the exact same experience. It just different levels. And men are going through they're dramatic hormone decrease, decrease earlier. And their capital. So this is, you know, we really need to bring more open herness, but awareness to the fact that men are suffering alone. And when I can go out and, you know, have him parties and talk about their hot flashes and talk about their emotional state, talk about how he's fucking watching porn every night, but that's why he's not sleeping. It's because he's gotta wait for me to go to bed and I want you comment anything. Well, then why don't you give a shit? Why don't you give a shout? Yeah, men have to come to go to go to sleep. That fucking Dick is going to get hard three to seven times. Overnight. You know. It's so awkward and I wish that we could all, like, get over it. And then in a way that is like, compassionate and is like, I want to take care of you and all your parts. Want to take care of you and your parts? I want to take care of you and your home. Right. What can we do? To encourage men to find good friendships. You know. Yeah, because your friends suck and you know it too. It's the best you got. Go over there and ditch. The Easter egg contacts would be great, right? Yeah. What do men have? They have the guy that their wife's best friend married. That's that's the one that they have been. You may be friends with that one because I'm friends with this one. No. You know what I mean? There are so many men out there that have absolutely no one to talk to about their. And there is a mental health crisis. Definitely. So we talk about penises, all the things that can go wrong with penises. We talk about how to help them, the man and the pen. I just see him. Funny. And then we have some really great. Really great terror readings spatula, which I just love. I was really in a. I'm really in a great mood the day I recorded all these. Then Dolphin and I don't remember the last one. I didn't write it down, and I can't see it on my face right now, but there's a third one. So just check the description, check the time, go get your reading, stick around, let's talk about data. We don't really talk about sucking them or touching them. We do talk about where they're they're most sensitive, but this is just really about being aware of you know what. What did they tackle? So enjoy the show. Welcome occasion, love, sex and terror. This week it's all about peace. Test. Beads
The spatula:
OK, let's see what our first. The spatula. OK. But you know. Yeah, I mean we all got favorites. Bachelors. I got like 3 favorites back. One it's like big. That's like. Spatulas, but it's got holes in it. It's like really good for flipping shit, like cheeseburgers. And then I have this, like, smaller one that's got like. Like a Saber tooth side that ones like really good for like like slices of stuff like cakes and. Brownies and like meatloaf, you know? Yeah. Those are my two favorites. Get a card out. See what's going on in your love reading this week. Separation, apart from your partner, is on the horizon. What is that? Make sure you get the specials. Make sure you get your favorite spatula on the layout. We don't think about that stuff like you break up and it's like. You guys split a household, right? You know? Fight over this. Fight over the spatula. Just go steal. Just make sure grab that spatula. What's the situation? Oh my God there's gossip. It's embarrassing trying to get a grip on it. Jesus talking about. Royal family. Thank God Keith's OK. Alright. Yeah, so there's a separation. Title part is on the horizon. With your partner, it says your partner. So I'm going to take. You know, take that out. It's your lationship. So again, your current situation right now with this partner is again, there's going to be some gossip, right? There's going to be some embarrassment. Or or they're going to threaten, you know, it's it's always so messy. It's like you know you have to go out and like canvas. You know, and it's like real political who's, who's taken whose friends, which for, like what sides do people take, you know? You know, so like there's this situation of that, you know, you're trying to get a grip on it. So interesting. What don't you know that will help you make a better decision? I have to take this as your breaking because it's your partner time apart from your partner is on the horizon. There's been proof this is. Again, I don't know if this is talking about. Your current partner. You know, because I like to read these future, future style. You know, I mean like people. Diego. But the reality is I should do a whole set of terror readings just on your part. Like breaking up with your partner so you, like, know what they're going to do in their headspace. That's actually smart. Like how how bad is your partner going to flip out because you you don't know someone until you break up with them. The moment you break up with them that. Whole like facade that's been being held up, completely crushes and down to the ground, you know, and it's the reason why. In The House of Marriage, we talk about the Zodiac, which I think is Libra. Quote Someone probably knows better than I do, but it's also the House of open enemies, so you know what I mean. Like the moment you get divorced, the moment you broke break up, that person turns into your enemy. Because they have Insider information, right? What don't you know about this that will help you? Well, there's been proof, and it's it was possibly found in the history or in the trash. So they've seen this person has seen some kind of proof. It was in the past, maybe in the trash or it was in a past history like like a. You know, like your Internet history. Again, again, that could have been disregarded again. There was proof in the past, possibly a past Internet history or in the trash. Long story short, again this was discarded, but it created the rage that now. Simmers to the point of explosion. So it looks like they're you're on the verge of some kind of explosion, because, again, something was found in the trash or was found in your Internet history. Or vice versa. Or you found something in there, You know what I mean? I don't know who's whose side this is hidden for, but this is obviously a breakup. Who's going to get the spatula? It's not funny. I'm just trying to put a nice, funny spin on it, get this bad. Pantone. You're not. All tongs are the same. I have two sets of tongs, one's longer. I like that one. Anyway, sorry. How do they feel about your presence in their life? So again, there's something, there's something, something, there's been some kind of proof it was found in the hit. It's something from the past and something found in the history, something found in the trash. Again, someone's really angry about it. They feel like this, like you're broken. They think you're broken. And. That's not nice. They feel so far, they feel like this, this. There's lots of distance, emotional distance. But they know that you're a wise person. But you feel trapped, like you feel like there's nothing you can do and you ultimately regret they they all or they feel like there's nothing they can do. Emotionally, they regret this relationship because it makes them depressed. They they think they're that there is a. A possibility that you could find your way back to one another. Um, you know what I mean? Like that there, that there could be, you know, you could be, there could be some faithfulness in this relationship. Umm, but you know there are confident. So again they emotionally they they feel like you're broken and you're really distant. But they know that you're wise. Or they trust your knowledge, right? Again, there's they feel trapped by codependency and they regret the relationship. It makes them depressed. But you know. They think you can work this out. Interesting. How would they describe you to someone else? They would describe you as an orphan. That your independence is based on learning it alone. So in some ways they feel like you haven't had and like you could have had parents, but they just couldn't not been. They could have been those professional parents, you know? At work all the time, to the point that their job comes first. You know, there's a lot of jobs out there that. Again, children are, you know, accessories in their lives, Not, you know. It's not like it's part of their. Their life purpose, you know what I mean? There are people out there that are like that. They don't feel like their children are like. They would describe you as a trickster, so someone who again is tricky, you know what I mean. They would also describe you as the king, but you know you. You could feel entitled or, you know, be kind of. Authoritative or authoritarian? You know, you don't have restraint when it comes, you know that kind of, again, entitlement. So they would, they would describe you as again someone who was orphaned. The trickster. Someone who likes to play tricks on people. And someone that is entitled. They could sexy. This is your person. They should be able to sex you. Actually, hold on, I got another question. Reading style I'm doing today. Is there competition for their attention? Is there someone else? Is there someone else? There's a lot of anger and fighting right now. They're angry and they're fighting. They do have mutual emotions with someone else. There is also there is some something going on. She's real selfish. Yeah, there's massages. Yeah, if you saw these messages, it would change. Perspective. Change complete perspective on this. Yeah. You would actually be happy because you would know the truth. 8. Yeah. Do you ever really strong home though? But. And you're currently working through some depression. It's a real juggle whether to move on or just to heal it. There is a secret and that's the truth. So if you knew the messages that were happening. It would make you happy because you would have a reason to go. You would have a. If that makes. So there is someone else there. There's messages with someone else. They have messages. Is this person like, right for you? Like, right for your five year? Assuming you should be with for the next five years. No. No, they they're you're living in denial with this person. It's the truth is everything's gonna fall apart. There is a choice in love with the lovers choice. So no, this is not the right person. The truth is, everything would fall apart. With a lovers choice. Yeah, they have a really they choose. They possibly would choose to go back to a really strong ex. OK. So they might have messages with their acts. That is completely possible. Just make sure you get that patch, that spatula. Next. All that you all. And it's so sad like you can be in relationships, have families with people like spend, you know, 10 plus years with people. And and in the end, you'll look back and you'll just be like, I'm glad I got dispatched. That's all I really needed from that. That was the best part of the relationship. And it's so true because like after you're out of the relationship, like you don't have them love goggles on. You see shit for real. You see them for the real fucking piece of shit that they are. And it changes. Like you can't even walk on an axe. You know if if it's gone, if it's done, you can't even look like if you look at him. Yourself. Fuck. I on. Was I thinking? You know. Then you come back and it's like, you know, you flip your bird really fast, spatula and like I would have never. My perfect spatula. Was with this person and we went down to. Like out here it would be like ohh what's the place called? Please call. There's. This is like mall down in and all this country kids think of the day right now. Anyway, it's like got everything. Like you go there and it's like everything. Like all sorts of cooking shit like that would be the like. It would be like a going out to like, what is it? Layman's. Layman's. There's a layman's hardware store and they have like an amazing cooking section out in Amish Country. We like going out on a trip to Amish country. You know. Finding the spatula. And then having a 10 year relationship and realizing that. All you that was the moment of that. That was the pivotal moment of the entire relationship was finding your perfect spatula. What would they text you? What would they say if they could? I want my hands on your hips and I want to watch you cry me. Let me take control. Let's do it all night long. Let's get wet and wild. So, um, again, you know, is there more than just a spatula? I don't. Let's get you something. Good spatula. You know it is. What does 100 have a relation? Super sharp. Perfect. Flip on the burger and it got all the goodies and the good bits right off the grills and lifted. It was like. You know you need a good spatial. That may be. When you're in the end of this relationship and you're talking to people and you're dealing with the gossip that's coming down from ending it. You might want to just say you know all that time. That was, you know? I got the spatula. Yeah, and that this like it was still worth it just because of this fucking spatula. And that. May be the way. To deal with the gossip and this threatening, embarrassing energy and trying to get a grip on it, just get a grip on the look I I got the spatula. On my way out, maybe that will be like the final. Like people that fight over the dog, they're like all broken hearted, all it took the dog and this blah blah blah. You know, like I've seen people break up with like, God, you just took the dog, both the cats. I'm sorry your your breakup is not funny. Alright, but. If you spin this gossip. If you flip this gossip with your spatula. You know what I mean. Things might be. You know, the flip side might be. I have yet to find the perfect pancake spatula. That is. OK, umm. OK. Look at start with the page of pentacles. So like, there's a gift. There's like a gift here, a message, a proposal which is destined to create. Maybe it's an offer. Maybe there's a job offer coming, There's some kind of offer, gift, a small amount of money again that is destined to bring this burden. The sex is super sad. Heartbreak. Sad. You're committed. You're only committed in this relationship because of your fear of moving on and being successful. And that is what's slowing down all your progress. When it comes to your Armani and your apartments. There is a soulmate for you out there. Something very sweet. Maybe someone. Since you were a kid, yeah, maybe since school. Or something like that. Or again, it's really slowing down your progress. Towards your abundance. It looks like there's a soul mate when it comes to work or school. Or collaboration. Um. Again, he's very sweet. He's got some very sweet energy, but he's ghost. So you hold back, which is his form, our way of holding back. So. Again, there's some kind of offer. And I don't know if I'm talking about the other person again, there's some kind of offer. It could be an offer. It could be an offer of marriage, It could be an offer and. A gift. It could be an offer in a job, it could be collecting a small amount of money, right to move or something like that. Again, it leads to this destiny, this destiny of this burden. Again, it's really burdensome. Whatever this gift is and whatever this offer proposal is, the sex is heartbreaking, OK? The sexism, it's heartbreaking through one all sex is heartbreaking. You're committed to this relationship because you're afraid to move on. Emotions of the past. There's other lovers, too. Like as possibilities, because it's throwing the lovers card on that and again it's this is holding you back from your success and slowing you down. From having everything you want. From having this abundance. So this you know, there's so many ways this is a cockblocking relationship or placeholding relationship that's keeping you possibly from if you if you have a business or. You know what I mean? Or something with your work. It's getting in the way of your work and your your future abundance. I don't know why it's talking about this man here ghosting and holding back so. Because he's just really sorry about the truth. So there could be cheating here. It's regrettable. Yeah, this man is is. You know, ghosting in some way and holding back his apology, feeling very regretful and wanting to say sorry for the truth. Again, there's some regret here. Back to. I don't. Again, I don't know if there's cheating or it said there was massages, so. You can expect it to be a lose, lose situation, cause a fight. So whatever I talk to you about right there again, it's going to end up being a lose, lose situation situation which you always are fighting or arguing. So there's a lot of, and that is true, like if you're constantly arguing with someone, if you're to the bicker stage. Uh, the bickering stage or relationship. You know you're on the way out. Those are some of the final like puts that machine makes right before before the. Before the end of the relationship, we'll start arguing more. They'll start being more like hidden kind of quiet energy, where they don't want to spend time with you anymore. You don't want to spend time with them in the end, get your spatula. OK. Like that in the end is the most important part of this relationship. It was you meeting this bachelor of your dreams. You know, and there's nothing wrong. Good. You're going to need that spatula for your for your next relationship, and you're going to be more abundant without this person. And it's true if you were with a person that again. You know finances is. If you're not on the same page when it comes to finances or trying to grow or trying to prepare for future, you know, issues, whether they. You know. Alternator, hot water tank, whatever. You know what I mean. Those rainy day funds, like if you're not on the same page with your partner and your partners, the kind of person that's like going out and buying weird fucking shit. And I can't say much because I got Amazon from who does it. But yeah, you know what I mean? There's some people out there that don't give a shit at all. You know, they just want. The staff like they they don't give a shit. I'll just buy another spatula, but that spatula has meaning to you. Something special about that. Special. Did you get that in the past relationship? You know what I mean like. There, I want you to take some time this week and think about your spatula. And this relationship, Now what? What enzymes? You know inanimate object. I can give you about your relationship. OK, I know it's a weird thing, but this will have meaning for somebody, you know. So yeah, there's going to be gossip and yeah, you're going, your appearance is going to be threatened for a little bit and that is weighing down the situation. But go ahead and take the plunge, Let them go out and. Try to canvas and you know. Campaign for on their behalf. You can or you don't have to. Like I always remind people your integrity Stamp. Whether you're there to uphold it, whether you're there to defend it, people will remember how you treated them and they will make decisions based on how you treated them. So at the very end of the day, if you whoever, you will lose because you will leave this person. It's good that you lost. Just approves that. Alright, I will be back with.
he came out like one between the fingers. It's a dolphin with a ball. Let's play football. I just think they. You hear me, people. This is the penis shows it is what it is. Distinctly annoying laugh. Like you could hear that person laugh. In a group of 100 people and pinpoint exactly who and where they are. It was funny. The story of actually doing travel stories for my summer shows all throw one in here. This shrimp with my friends. Uh. And one of my friends brought his girlfriends the first time we met her. Uh. Get in like we're all like, yeah, all those van. Into the mountains, right? It's actually a sad reason that we've been going on the trip, but I'm not getting all into that. It was like a two week trip. Anyway. The car. Are you start on here or laugh? And I'm like, Oh my God. And like within the first like couple hours I was like, I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle this. Anyway, we all wound up and got used to it real quick. It wasn't a big deal, and it's funny because I had a very similar thing with another friend from the same group, the Craziest Girl. You gotta love these women. Because their labs are so off putting. Like I'm over here like laughing like some. Like evil, like animal. But yeah, you just have to beat those people. You're like God, like you just really don't know someone. Like that, you know what I mean? Like, like I look at both those people, both those guys, and I'm like, I that was my first size guy. If you can. And there was like solid laughs like that. You try not to laugh at their laugh. It's nothing holding back extra like you're supposed to laugh with like this weird uncomfortable moment when someone has like a really crazy laugh because you want, like you don't want to laugh at their laugh, but you're you're laugh at anyway And a lot of times it's a nervous laughter. You know, already, but it's just like this weird moment. We're like, Oh my God, like people with like, you know, also laughs or. Isn't that love? Like, you got to be able to like, like, that's a love language, like being able to put up with someone. No. Your cards are free yourself. It's time to take control back of your life and true love. This is a romance of a lifetime. They're going to love your laugh or you're going to love their laugh whenever. Alright, I described this. Right now, there's some faith, faith pretending going on right now. Maybe that's why. So what's your What's your crazy laugh? Fill the room and that's how you're going to find the one that you love. It's like, it's like almost like that echo rotation. They hear you laugh and like it goes straight to the. Yeah, there's a lot of pretending going on. And as you're pretending, time is really running, running out when it comes to. Possible. Yeah, whatever. However you're mentally locked down, you really need to get up out of this. So whatever is bothering you, you know? Yeah, this is actually making you happy. So this person, like, you might need them and be like, Oh my God, I don't that their laugh is horrible, but within a couple hours it might be so fucking endearing that it might like, you know, attract you more. So there's like this pretending phase still happening in this relationship. You need to take control back of your life some way which I don't know what that means, but you need to the times running out on that. Uh. You would get out of this mental prison that you that you put yourself in. You need to get up out of that energy and realize that that this is something that really makes you happy. What don't you know about this situation that would help you make a better decision? They they've been reminiscing about a past long term relationship. And. They see it now. Uh, they situationships kind of raised the see there's something risk. Um. So they're really wanting to negotiate. OK, why don't you? Situation. Well, there's like returning to these memories about a long term commitment or possibly like about their marriage or you know, they're like returning to memories on the right. And in that way they might think that this situation with you is risky or there's some kind of gamble energy. You know what I mean. Or they see that they they're reminiscing about how their commitment before was a real gamble. It might have had some kind of indulgence or need to indulge or obsession within it. And they're really wanting to negotiate. They're negotiating this today. They're negotiating this emotion. Um. About a past relationship being risky. But still being kind of obsessed and wanting to indulge it. So something happened in their past where they had a past relationship that they really indulged in. Uh. And it was risky. So this kind of feels like. OK, like that. Like it. There's a red flag that you're not aware of within their past history. And you might be waving that flag, not realizing, you know, there might be something similar that makes, you know, pulling them kind of way. Again, there's a tick tock energy where you really need to. Realize that the time is running out on this. How do they feel about your presence? We feel quite desperate. Do you feel very desperate for sex? You're desperate for sex. You make those with desperate. You'd like to usually mean invitation, that anxiousness like youthful motion. To be with someone that makes you feel safe. Not anxious. They are about to break, though they really there's some. They really need to be relaxed like they really are needing this sexual interaction. So again, like their emotions are back to this, you know, recalling how commitments in the past maybe were risky because of a certain obsession, they have, maybe a certain sexual obsession. Again, they're desperate for yourself. Because it helps team all their anxious energy. They're weak and about to break, and you break. They just scribe you. To someone else, this is true love. It's not love each other's. You would describe you as a fool, someone who, like, is fearless. And revealing their emotions. So they would say that you're kind of foolish when it comes to your emotions. You would say you're kind of a damsel. I don't know necessarily know they would say you're a damsel in distress, but they they. Would be held that you want romance. And you're beautiful. You know what I mean? That Denzel Energy. Ohh, they threw out prostitute on YouTube. Again, I would read this prostitute card as we think you're sexy. As far as sexy enough that you could sell your sex to like a sugar daddy or have an only fan. Or maybe that you. There might be that kind of energy, so you know. Again, I don't read it necessarily prostitute, but you know it's it's saying that you're that you could sell yourself. So again, it could be would say that you're a damsel, but you're also kind of foolish. How you reveal yourself this foolish. It's they're kind of trapped in their heads right now. It's kind of a mind trap. I fear you would dose that. So you know they haven't considered contacting you because they're trussed up in their head and I think that you would go something. So they have insecurity issues. Like I said again, when that prostitute card comes up thinking through that fucking hot, like think you're too hot for them. That you could go. You should be going to find a sugar daddy you're finding someone with. You know what I mean? Like, you could be taken care of, but how beautiful. So again, they're really afraid that you're going to ghost, but yes. Yeah, they have considered. Is a competition for tension. There's a there's a Hore. Some for support, and she's also a mom. So she is. He might have like this. All the booty call energy. Yeah, but she moved away. There is a swarm mother that. She moved away. And again, it could be. Baby Mama. Ohh again they moved. And left. This person out in the cold. But yes, there is. She But she plans to return again to break his heart again. So he's had this on and off thing with this. Yeah, she's getting older too. So there is this. There is another woman. But she's very manipulative. She's already broken his heart or their heart, but she's getting older. But she isn't. She isn't really. Manipulates this person really well, so she knows how to manipulate this one, OK? But again she moved and and left this person out, but returns to break this purple her heart. Whichever angle. Madness. But again, it's getting old. So there is there is competition, but it's getting old. This person. It is a soul mate. You really need to think about it though. You need to take time and really consider this. It's sweet and there is a soul mate. Um, you're getting older, it's saying. It would be a wise decision. It's still kind of a jungle. But secretly, the motions are mutual. So even though you don't know how they feel about you, see greatly, yeah. Secrets. The secret land we got feels for. You really need to think about this though, because I mean, this is a very sweet soul mate, so this is something that would be. Which would be a wise decision. OK. That's what they would say. My eyes and rub my. On the count of the couch, the floor, lips across the necklace. So that is the line of. That. You might have a very. I'm not saying all you need. I'm just saying. Your life is. You need to return home where there's a need to return home. Uh, and work on the distance. Because that is causing the denial. So you need to return back to possibly your you're like, you know where you grew up or something like that. You know, find work in that world. You know or work on the distance. You need to work through the distance so there's distance between you and this person. That is what's causing the. This the the the Dick here the man. He will manipulate the relationship. Um, he's trying to manipulate the route. There's some Dick here trying to manipulate manipulate the relationship through messages. Uh, you know, back with this. We got a selfish mother causes of flight. So we have you need to return home. And work on this distance because that's leading to the denial, right? That's part of this TikTok, part of this lockdown. The Dick. I don't know if this is who you're dating right now. You know what I mean Because again, you need to free yourself. It's time to take back control. So you might be with an asshole. You might be dating an asshole right now. He is trying to manipulate a relationship with someone else through messages this selfish mother being selfish mother is causing. Will cause the fight and then the need to sneak away. Back to why this this four moves? And again. And there is a wish to take some kind to take control. This horror moves and wishes that she could take control. That she could take. And the fan? Defending this bitch is regrettable. So whoever the Dick is in your life, this could be who you're with now or, you know, you're, you know, messaging or some some other asshole that's closer to you. He's trying to manipulate another. He's trying to manipulate a relationship with a very selfish mother, OK? And he's actually fighting with her. Alright, so he's actually creating. So if you might be being used to make another woman jealous to create this because they're actually fighting, OK? And again, this is like, you know, there's this need to sneak off because here there's four moves in because she's wishing to take the action. If you if this, if, if they, if there's defense, if they defend this pitch, it will be regrettable. Sending this bitch would be regrettable. It might be talking about the Dick. I just called him a bit. Or something. Yeah, it's over. OK, so it's saying you need to return home and and this might be taking a trip back to where you grew up. OK, you really need to work on this distance because it is, it's what's causing the denial in this relationship is the fact that you're so far away. So if you want to get back. To this person. And right now you're in this pretending. And then there's this whole like other people are using you guys, whether you it's you or it's them to make other people jealous. So you're like these, you know what I mean? You're like these arm pieces for each other, but it's just to make some other person, man or. Or woman jealous because they're having a fighter but having a fight longer than you realize. So there's like a lot of that kind of stuff going on. Whoever this is for you though, the the person of your interest, this is a true love scenario. They're going to love your stupid laugh. You know what you mean there? Or you're going to love their stupid laugh. Whether it's one of those, you know. Kind of scenarios, but you need to free yourself and take back control of your life. This deck right here is using it makes someone else angry. OK, that's the advice. Yeah, you should be angry. Uh, you need to defend yourself by moving on. The public messages are just a loose, loose situation anyway. Just manipulate the situation and sneak off. Yeah, and that's that. OK, so whatever. You're kind of like if you're kind of dating someone or you're living with someone, they're using you again to make someone else jealous. So you might as well just move home and go back and and find this person that is your true love and you know it because. There is something very special. Ohh. About your last or or their laughter, or like within each other's laughter. Feel. The connection and there is like you had someone's like. Like resonate within? Like. You know, I know, I know. I have a lot of listeners. Like, I love your voice. Resonated with you, right. And that's kind of a very similar to what we're trying to get to here in your particular read. something about your voice or something about your laugh. Um. That makes them know in their heart. You know, like there's a matching of frequency. In your within your verbal frequency, which is completely. So go for that. Stop pretending. That you don't know that the sky is. And go back to where it all started. With this. Alright, thank you could free yourself and go get your too long. That's
Make sure you stick around the show. It's a way all God, this is a very seizure. We got spatula, dolphin, and this is a cute little. Kidding with, you know. Two things. Two things. Two days. What about workers? Uh. She. OK, that's really interesting. Workers don't see underwater with their eyeballs. Their eyeballs are more for when they're below water, which makes sense because, you know, they're not stealing stuff like that. We need to see it. Well, when they're above water. But they use echolocation underwater. That's interesting. Oh, that was it. That was it. If you take bird sounds and you slow them down. Big sound like real soft. Yeah, so like, all these like, fail, you know? Shirt and things. They sound like chirping bird. There's like. Difference between wheel sounds and bird sounds? So. All these songbirds, all rattled up, song or song. All songs now. Up in the. But yeah, it was really interesting. The white patch on the killer whales eyeball. Is this completely unique? Like a fingerprint, just like they're they're fans, they're backgrounds, which is really interesting. Like I said, like my algorithms know, I like stuff a lot. Do like whales go. I have been on that wailing, you know, watch type thing. That was really cool. That's the only chair move I've never seen. Work is out. See how. I want you to last this summer. Going to be traveling with my son on and off. So I'm like currently recording all my summer shows right now and I'm going to do and all the all the all through June will be intros where I'm going to share different stories from my different. Through my life, because I actually the stories. Travel stories. So. So I've been dealing with it. Clear. Still don't like seeing them? I can cook. I cook this amazing. Ohh. It's a, it's a. This. It's a brown sugar and crusted roasted salmon. And so, like when my sound comes out of the oven, it's got like, it's like it's like blue, like it's like brown sugar brulee sand. And always serve it with asparagus or some rice. Or. Goat cheese risotto splash. So it's like a kind of a it's a balsamic vinegar. Lemon. Cream brulee, salmon. It's really good. Like I've like I've literally watched people like wicked plates after. It's like when back when you from the days when I was married. That was the that was the meal everybody's requested. Like I have a a dinner party. What should I make and go like this salmon. To make the salmon everybody loved, I didn't even eat it. I didn't even like it. So I'm not like a guy would eat a little bit. I'm not a big salmon. Really. It's like crunchy, so like as soon as you hit that top layer of the salmon, like crunches in and flakes off, it is real. Like if I eat salad. Like that. It. But it's like when I go to it's like if I have a show stopper, you know, like. My husband called me Connie. People coming over. It's like work thing and. Did you to impress them? I can pull out. The beginning of the little bit. It is solid. OK, sorry. Let's give to your fucking Megan. I'm chit chatty today. I feel chit chatty, so I've chatted through all the readings. Maybe I'm nervous about the penises. I haven't even done search. Pink. Make the African Great Love is worth taking the steps for guided to take, OK? There's some serious passion here in this relationship and allow your heart and soul. To indulge in those PowerShell. So those are the that's the overall energy with you and this person. Make the effort it's going to be. Um, there really is what's going on right now in this situation. There is like you are wishing to go have a vacation or the height of way of going and eventually with this person, but you are currently on your hamster. When you're trying to survive, you're hustling the Magnum. But this law that you have with this person is unconditional, it's very genuine and it is being protected possibly by. A higher power, so it's very sweet. Again, you're wanting to protect this love. Again, there's this wanting to go on and eventually really wishing. Why don't you know about their situation? That would help make a better decisions. It is something you don't well currently. The idea of being single creates A creates anxiety, creates so again so. Forget single anxiety. I would say that the the idea of being available on single gives them anxiety. Oh, it's so complicated because comes with 20 playing cards. There's something, you know. The connection is very deep. It's complicated. So again, what you don't know is that single player possibly gave this person a lot of anxiety. I don't like it. I to be honest, I kind of get that. Like I have moments of like. You know my singlehood like cutting situations. I don't miss my accent. Whichever. The situation. Uh, but yeah. So single thread again is kind of this anxiety and kind of. Again, it's very complicated. I'm going to leave that comes in here. It's complicated because again, there's some spontaneous. Surprise. Visit offer proposals so. Yeah. They want to talk to their soul mate. So what is it about their situation that you don't realize they're single? If they're single, they're single. Who brings them anxiety? And it it complicates things for them because they have all these spontaneous offers that come out and they really want to reveal that. What They want this friendship in this romantic partnership with you. If they're not single, the idea of becoming single gives them lots of anxiety because of all the complications. Um. In this situation with you is spontaneous offer with you and kind of spontaneous unexpected to them, but they are on the roof so fast that they want this romantic partnership with you because they feel matched in some. And again, there is genuine, uncertain love on the table back to this passion, that outfit. How do they feel about your presence in their life? Just look at this show. Next next time we do that. They feel like they kind of. There's so much down and fear when it comes to this law, but they feel this love right. They kind of regret the love they have with you. Because they feel like it. Because they want to keep them. They want to do the right thing They think you're so. They feel very. Tired of. You know that. Because you're bored. We wish to support you and stand next to assist you in all your success. Stress. Hello. Because it's so deep, there's so much doubt in this relationship. We want to give you more of themselves and they want you to know that you've encouraged them to become healthier. Those are all. How would they describe you to someone else? They call you the Destroyer. Someone who releases what is potentially destructive and prepares for a new life. So they see you as someone that clears the way, you know, almost like a Wrecking Ball kind of energy. Clear the way for new things to be. Is he was a companion? So they would say you that you would destroy something to build something else. They see you as a companion, someone who's loyal and unselfish. They see you as someone who believes in magic. And see sacred beauty. They also see you as a gambler, someone who is willing to follow their intuition. They see you as a nature lover and as an alchemist, someone that would transform. Uh, your base motives into golden wisdom. So they see us being very wise, being able to to transmute. Simpler emotions and negative emotions into something higher. Nature C was a gambler end of destroyer, which is interesting companion and someone who believes in manager. OK. We consider contact. Publicly, yes. Facebook. Facebook. Instagram. That kind of energy, So we might be. Like. You. I'm not sure. Again. It would be public so. And and they feel manipulated by the children or the child and that's why they hold back. So. Again. If they if they contacted you or communicating with you, it would be in the public, it would be in some kind of social media. Ask energy, whether that's a like or a comment or something like that. They feel manipulated by by a child or children and that is why they would that though they have an expectation. Expectation. Expectation. About. Expect some cheater. It goes into some expectation about some kind of cheater, the breakout with their acts, I don't know. Maybe they don't want to be seen other cheater. Again, they feel manipulated. Childish. Is there competition for their attention? It seems they're moving forward. This because it it makes them sad. And the family is such a burden. They're going to defend themselves by move. They're they're defending themselves and their their choice to move on. As far as throwing a Lovers card out again, they're going to choose someone that feels the same way about them. If you're kind of trapped because they're getting older and. There are some have to suffer with stress out. Uh, through the reconciliation. Through the balancing, you know they need to start again. They're feeling pushed because they're getting older and it's stressing them out, but they're trying to be patient because they want it all. Do you want us help? This person I didn't really see much competition. Except for the competition with them. Is this personal? Through. Let's talk about the father, the father's girl. There's a gift. To this. See. So some some of this person's father is going to give them a gift and they're going to see this. Right. Yeah. The father gives this gift to the to this man that you have feelings for, to the man that again you were feeling. Cancel. Speak. And it's going to be seen. Back to this axis expectation that there's going to be a cheating or this cheater, this cheaters karma. Your axe expects this cheater to have karma. For this cheater to break up. Return home for work. Foolish secret. So. Because. Again, the expectation was that you were going to get caught by some kind of cheating. Maybe they're, maybe you ask for their aspects them to achieve, I don't know. Again, so here comes this gift of There's a gift here. A big gift. Either from a father or a father. Let's see what they would Saxon all find out. So you should make the effort with this one. That's great. There is unconditional love. Angelic protection. I can't wait to start. So they wanna sex with you? They. Happy. To. You want to use their. Watching. For the situation. This one. The boy massage was simple again. She's mastered her messages. The message, The text message. Text message. This guy that you like? It's slowly but surely becoming heavier. This is really sad. X's World. Access. That's all. It's really it's, you know. That's sweet. It's a manipulative secret. It's really regrettable. It is abusive. It's a fight for the death. So whatever is going on with your ads on the Internet is abusive and he is a flocking. Whether this accidents, he or she is. Because it just starts. It's it's just just secretly. So this horse met the sword messages. Has messages that she. It's slow for this guy. It's slowly becomes. Ohh. The Depression. World Cup in November. What is the? So what steps? What steps should you? How should you make this? Again, the children or child is why there's this energy to hold back and defend yourself. Because of the children, there's this need to hold back, save money and hold back, hold on. And defend yourself. It's going to continue to grow with very little. Invested. You will move on to your happiness, this selfishness. Defends herself. With word. And spirits. Because she defends herself. Because she loves stress. Lives. And secretly cheats. See. Dreams of truth or secret. Dreams. Yeah. Secret Crush is definitely cheaper, so. How should you make the effort? Well, the children again cause you to hold back. Or the child causing you. But you need to defend yourself in some way. Uh, you know, you need to stand your ground with this relationship. You need to make the up, right? It will continue to grow, just continue to give little bits to it. So if you're you know. Whatever you're doing, um, which is a small token of your emotions or of your care and love, friendship for this person, continue to do that. Whatever small thing you're doing to tell this person that. That is a good that you're making an invest. Continue to move on from shift that really bothered you in the past and continue to be happy. So, you know, continue to work on things that make you happy. The selfish bitch in this scenario. She defends herself by create, by her love of drama and stress. So she is creating and loves to live in a stressful place and a stressful environment to make her environment stressful. Because secretly she's cheating and wants this. All this shit hits the fan. It all falls apart. So it doesn't look like you need to do anything but continue to make the small efforts that you're doing. Whatever. Small. Yeah, that's the truth. You're doing small things to tell this person that you are. Care about? Yeah, continue to do that. They're watching. This person is watching you. So whatever you're doing, it's coming off a lot bigger than you realize. So yeah. Continue to do these basements. It actually means the. But yeah, hold that and be happy. Saying you're happy. This selfish woman. In the scenario other woman. She was being so much. She's really sick. Sleepless nights and lying, flocking for hours. Feels abusive. She's got a good. There are people out there that. Love like. They love to love to live in panic mode. Like, I know people like this, they just love to live. Like I can't live in. I can't sleep it in my panic mode. I can't sleep. I can't function, I can't make good decisions if I'm in pain and people who put me in panic mode, they immediately see the door. Or get locked up. Good morning. There's some people who like again, they thrive on drama. They have little money. Everything's up. Yeah, everything's about them. Everything's about. They're the kind of person. And this is the truth, like, I don't. I'm recording all those summer shows, so I'm like, in this morning. Shit happens, OK? Reality of life. Like you go on a trip? Yeah, that's when your alternator is gonna go right? Right. Um, like there's there's just so much stuff that happens just because it happens. Like, why did you all change Top 20? Well, you know it's because you're pushing your car, your vehicle. You know what you mean? It was time, right? And of course it it it, it correlated to you leaving on a trip or something like that, you know what I mean? And so. You know, there's people that would take that moment. First off, get attention for poor me energy. It would literally ruin the entire trap. They have to turn around, you know what I mean? It would just be like the craziest thing in the world. Where other people would OK, let's problem solve this. They're going to call around and see if they can find alternative, find someone to fix to fix the alternator out, no big deal. And then back on the road and now you're going right and you don't look back at that. You're like just like you look at like, thank God that I found the alternator. For my 20 year old car, and thank God I found a person who was able to put it in quickly so I didn't have to wait a week and run my trip. And then my trip is still possible now again. And then they're not going to think about it again. They might tell the story down the road and like, yeah, of course that trips even new funding alternator. That's just like typical right there, right? But there's some people that cause more problems. Then they need to have because they like to live in a world where everyone feels sorry for them because they're old and everyone out right when they left on the trip. You know what I mean? And there's people like that. There's different kind of travelers. There's people that again, if they live in that people want to be called that, that fight or flight mode. I call it panic, panic. Like unnecessary, unnecessary panic line. And if you've been through another bullshit enough life when you fucking know unnecessary panic land, it's not where you want to Fucking. That's recycling. Alright. The problem comes to to site. You do your best to fix it you. Plan ahead. And then you roll with it. You can only play on so fucking much. And then you have to just roll with the universe. People playing. Heading out first and then get there and the whole fucking day because it fucking word. All day. There's there's unforeseen shift in life and if you don't know how to fucking roll with it, then most likely you're eating off the attention it gives you, which is the panic mode. Attention Oh my God or blah blah blah then panic the choices. The choices that this is a gift and this is a gift that's going to continue to give. To the point that this relationship is a We're talking longevity. This relation this is worth making the effort because in the end. Your investment. You choose to make this investment in this relationship with this person. It will lead to abundance and to a family in which you're sitting there as grandparents, in your estate, in your house, or whatever you've created with this person. And be very, very happy. So definitely continue to think and wish and and imagine going on vacation and adventures with this person. You know. You know that meditative? You know. Power of manifestation is important, so continue to think about taking this person. When you're adventures and you know and think about those walls between, there is something really great here. And continue to make the effort. Continue to invest in this person. Continue whatever small way you're showing this person that you like them more than anything else, OK? And then whatever. The single footed Anderson. Anxiety and most complicated mess Again, they're on the verge to confess that they just want their full console. Alright, that's what they would say. They would say being single gives me lots of anxiety. I just want my fucking soul. What's your favorite? Say? That's what you don't know about your situation. They just want their font. So continue to make the effort because this kind of passion doesn't come and doesn't come with longevity, which is amazing. What this little while so cute. Stay to talk about deck sticks with every size. Sticks of every size. We're going to do some research here. Find out how, like, what did you do that do Dicks like to be steamed? Did they? Can you facial a penis? I know you can. Facial vagina. I don't know. Like one towel. It definitely like little massage. Could be stroked, that's. I know. Penises like to be stroked. They don't care if they get spit on them or blood on them or peepee. They'll give a shit about poo. Poo they don't give a penis is really don't give a shit. But we're going to learn how to take care of this because he might not even know how to take care of this. You might be able to take care of his pennis. In ways that he could never imagine. We want our men to have healthy and happy penises. And if they, I mean they don't even know what this is. I'm gonna save this. Yeah. Men, men have they're, they're men out there. They don't realize the difference between. A vagina and a urethra. I think the key out of the same hole, you know what I mean? Like. That's kind of like. I get it. From their point of view, they P and come from the same hole, so I understand why they're like, isn't it the same hole? It's not the. They will. Uh, but But yeah, I have a feeling that they are just as dumb when it comes to their own deck. So we're going to talk about what's the proper soap if they need exfoliated or I'm going to figure I'm going to go do the research right now. I'm going to do the research. That.
Penis. Penis. I have to laugh because. Life in general. Sometimes so normally. Don't talk about Winston on the show. Because, you know, I don't want to keep his confidence, etcetera. But this week was sex at OK, He's right. He's getting very start huberty and we've already talked about this stuff, you know? We're very open here. While ago we had a good chat about. So I watched a video about how it you know how those Nat geos on how those cell. Baby, we we had the baby, how babies are made, discussion. And then, you know, we did talk about penises for a while and again, I think it's interesting because his main concern was how do I get that, you know, erection to go away. That was his main concern. You're not even to the point of any of that stuff. You're just like, how do I get it to go away? And and it's it's, it's an interesting concept and like again, it's something that motherhood kind of brought to the surface for me, these poor guys. First off. They have appendage on their body that sticks out when they just for any reason. It doesn't necessarily even have to be that they're aroused. Or thinking sexual thoughts. It just happens. If that's what that thing does, it fills with blood. You know, they pitch a tat, right? And you know, you know, here these, you know, as a woman, we're all sitting boiled blood. We're gonna wake up covered in blood. Yeah, like that mentality. Like every woman has this. You know, nightmare, Carrie. Nightmare, right? And but you know, for the most part, you know we're hidden. No one knows if we're turned on. No one knows if we're bleeding, right? Ohh, but you know men can't, they can't cut, you know, they can't catch a break unless they wear big T-shirts and things like there's like all sorts of different ways you cover up an erection and you're sitting there thinking about, you know, math, trying to get it to go away and stuff. But he just had it anyway, he said. Just had a sex that class and half the boys got. They couldn't stop laughing. And luckily, earlier in the week, you know, we were talking, I said it's going to be uncomfortable, yeah. It is what it is, you know. Everybody. This is a rite of passage. Everybody does sex Ed and school. It's important. You know what the deal is with your body and stuff? It's like he was nervous, like what if I can't stop laughing, which obviously is the biggest problem for Pre Teen Boy. I think it's like I said, like I couldn't have half the class got detention. Jesus. Um. But lately we just. I just started screaming out words vagina. Vaginal canal, canal. Uterus testicles. And we just had a really good laugh about it, just about the words and stuff. So he luckily was able to bite his tongue as half the class after bunker house off for testicles. But this is the this is like. Like what the like? Why are we so like? You know. Like, I get it. I get it. It's fun. You know, during my sex in class, you know, all we were concerned about was menstruation, knowing where we can find pads. It was like it was like a sit down here's OK, when this thing happens, you're never going to, you're never really going to know. You're just going to start bleeding and shit. So you have to be prepared. So like you know every woman carries a pat that we all, every single woman has. A pad or a tampon hidden on her body at all times, if you know for the most part. Truly. You know, I have them in the car. They're my purse. Like I go to to to pack a backpack to go do something for a weekend. No worries, state pads are still. But it's it's Andrew Sting because you know, pubescent boys were boys versus girls is a different story, but there is like this. There is this like embarrassment and not wanting to communicate about, you know. Males penises. Even though, like there's stick jokes and there's we talk and joke and laugh about Dicks and that's the problem is we're sitting here and you know the butt of the joke is the Peanuts and throughout all of society. Because why? Because it's just Patreon attack wherever it fucking wants to, right? And so. You know that is in that. Sense of embarrassment, A joke is created, a joke is born, right, but it's really serious and maybe it's some kind of stigma that we all need to, like, relax about to the point that maybe our pubescent boys. You know, could take it a little more seriously. And not be, you know, laughing hysterically out of embarrassment. You know, that's there. That's, that's the problem. You know what I mean? It really. It really is. And there's a lot to penises. Penises are a lot more like vaginas. That I had realized I sat down to do the research. Of course I want to come at this from. A health point of view as well, and I was kind of shocked because the the recommendations are very similar to to vagina health, which is incredible. First and foremost, I didn't realize all the problems that penises could have. I had no idea. Like, OK, we all know Ede erect erectile dysfunction. We all know that, right? But did you know that there's like all sorts of ejaculation problems? There's premature, of course. Everybody knows that. That's a joke. Haha. Right. Painful ejaculation. Delayed ejaculation, reduced amount of calm. There's this thing called retrograde retrograde moment. Where you actually calm into your bladder. Yeah. Yeah. Like backwards. You know they're they're and that's why they don't understand we have two holes because they everything is 1 hole for them. You know they use that. You know that tube is both very Aretha and is where they come from, right? And that's probably why they don't understand that we have a pee hole at the beginning. You know there are women that put stuff in their. But there is times, like the inability to achieve orgasm, like there's penises out there that can't, that no matter how much you stimulate them, they can't come. Um. Decreased libido is huge issue, of course. Then there's the old STI and STD's wards. Gonna greet gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes. They all lead to painful urination. Penis discharge and blisters. You know, so like it is just as fucking nasty. They can get yeast infections as well and it can cause an itching and burning in the head of their penis, just like women. And on top of it they can break their peanuts and it is very, very fucking painful. They break their penis normally on a woman's pelvic bone. Imagine. Again, there's like there's painful reactions that aren't even caused by arousal. There's problems with foreskin, which interestingly, I thought this was interesting. Ohh. So you have to give me a second. Get to the mall. There's about. Circumcision. I thought this was amazing. Ohh yeah. Only 15% of the world is circumcised. And that's about 58% in the US. So 58% of men in the US are circumcised. Only 15% of men in the whole world are circumcised. So there is a lot more Dicks that are fully intact. And it's just crazy to me that, you know, it was, I'll tell you this like. There was a part of me that's like, you know, we freak out over, you know, African countries and tribes that mutilate vaginas, you know where they will cut off the clip and then use thorns to grow and to fuse the the labia together all the way down so that. You know she's as tight as possible and like everybody fucking freaks out the fuck about that, right when it's normal here to cut off the tip. You know, skin of the penis that has all the nerves in it, maybe even the control or sitting here like bitching about, man, you know, you know, not making it a a full 60 seconds and things like that. But what if those extra nerve endings ultimately were able to give them extra control or extra, you know, sensitivity to know? Right, like a we're taking half their, you know, whole section of their nerve endings away. What is the long term effects on that in society is really interesting. But yeah, for the most part, the world is not circumcised. So there's all sorts of things that can happen with this uncircumcised penis, You know, the the skin may be able to retract, it may not be able to retract, or it may not be able to retract after it retracts. Or, you know. You know back and forth and forth. Right. Also that you know, there's peanuts, cancer, which normally starts as a blister and that kind of grows into a wart like there is they are they're they're Dicks. And all actuality are just as sensitive. As a woman's vagina, which is which I think we need to bring more awareness to. Again, the that was the list of all the things that can go wrong. The pain is. For the most part. Things that help, you know, make these issues happen. It could be as simple as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, the medicines that they're on, prostate cancer treatment, smoking, excessive drinking, a change in their hormonal levels, psychological factors. You know what do you mean you can't do nothing about that? Neurological factors. Getting older. Having unsafe sex? Pierce. All of those things will increase the probability of these horrible penis issues. These are all horrible pennis issues. They're all extremely painful. That was for the map. But yeah, there's just so much more to it than and and and and and in general. You know, I want to talk about men's mental health here for a minute, you know? I just saw this thing. It was a real about, you know, Men's Health and back in the day. And all had. You know, twice a week they would at least go and see their other male friends. At least twice a week. That was normal in the 50s for a man to have like a group of men that he visited with at least twice a week, that now is nonexistent. Men don't have the support network of other men. Like, I mean, I remember growing up and they would always be like that, you know that. King of the Hill mentality of there's like 5 men over there standing and drinking a beer. Right there that's male bonding, but that is extremely healthy and and it provides them. With emotional health and stability. So when you look at your man and again you could be upset, but when they have a. Our support network of other men, they are happier and healthier and we don't have that. A recent study asked men how many friends do they have? And the the by far majority answered, the most answered and that was 0. So our men are now in a complete state of isolation where they they don't count any male bonding in any male friends at all. And I have to wonder, like why? Why are males even less sociable? Why are they so much more inverted now and introverted now than even 20 or 30 years ago? Like what's going on again? They don't have the support network that they used to that that Boomers and Genexus find themselves with. It seems very lonely and again, this is a mental health crisis among men. And then on top of it, our men currently are being whipped for the patriarchy. Because of feminism, which is very, very sad that you talk to men about in an open state about, you know. Women in this, they're like, well, I don't know what the fuck to do. If I do this. Mansplaining. If I if I show interest and I explain something I know and I help her now a man's playing. If I am considered an open up the door and you know, blah blah blah blah blah, that's not romantic. I'm, you know, I'm living in the fucking 50s and and trying to take her rights away, making her property right? So there's all these men that are out there living in the state where they don't understand what women want from them. Because really, women don't know what the fuck they want. At all. You know, I want to be respected, but I also want to be choked and told that I'm a naughty fucking whore. You know? They don't know, like, what am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to treat you with respect. But yeah, I'm supposed to choke you and call you a whore. I don't know what to do with that. Right, so you have all these men out there that are completely frustrated and their mental health is struggling because they didn't, you know, they're not perpetuating the patriarchy, They're not perpetuating anti feminist movements. They're not sitting there basking in their toxic masculinity. Um. They're just trying to get late. Find a good person to have family with. Looking for a friend because they have 0. Let's cut these fucking dudes so fucking slack. They're Pennis has just as much problems, can cause just as much problems, and we look at them like, you know, getting over it. Their penis can be a completely in pain. We're like gives a fuck about you. That's how we treat. So yeah, lots of things go into peanuts. The major issues in Pennis health are as STI STD's. I don't come from STD. Generation LED and those are all affected by hormone levels, age, health condition, sex, medication and hygiene. And we're all sitting here talking about menopause, but nobody talks about the dramatic decrease of testosterone. We don't even have a fucking word for male menopause. Every male over 40 has this. Drastic decrease in testosterone leading to lower libido. Um, and and Ed in general. So like 50% of men over 40. Are struggling with erectile dysfunction. I mean, let's just instead of like calling it erectile dysfunction, can we call it menopause? Because that's what it is. It, you know, women get, you know, they have to take this shit on the chin, right? Our fluctuating hormone levels. Men are going through the exact same thing, but they're actually going through it 10 years earlier than females I mean, if you're talking about 50% of men in their 40s struggle with getting an erection. Yeah, like, why aren't we talking about that? No, we just hand them a pill and tell them to shut up. If that pill lasts longer than four hours, you didn't feel the hospital. Right. Uh, tips right for keeping a hat a happy and healthy penis hydration. Yeah, they need to drink the right we need to get. We need the Stanley for the men with the Stanley Cup. Be for the best. I need their own stamp. Totally, totally a balanced diet there. There was a study done in 2016, 25,000 people, men with Ed. That's a long, that's a huge study. OK, that's a big study. I wouldn't trust these results. It was found that over half of actually more than that. Most of the men that changed their diets. Were able to reduce their issues with. So there is a drug rat connection between diet and erectile dysfunction. So men over their 40s, their diet needs to be for their erection. You can help your man over 40. Uh, with this by feeding him more fruits and vegetables, it was found that flavonoids which are found in fruits and vegetables again when they were increased and diet was taken into consideration, all of those men now had a normal erection. So there is something to be said for a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables. Spinach, spicy foods and avocado are known to increase testosterone levels. So. If you're taking care of your man over 40, you wanna feed him a greeny like great spinach and avocado salad with some spicy nuts. You know, or some spicy sweet chili Asian dressing. That right there, you're packing a lunch if you're cooking dinner, if you're thinking about his libido being last. What you need to do is go look up his spicy food. If he eat spicy food, most men do his avocado and spinach ante. And give them lots of fruits and vegetables, that alone. Helped 25,000. Participants in that study and all the men that took on this kind of diet were able to regain normal use and have normal erections, just like they were before they put you that they have. So. Mind blown. It's about their vitamins. When we learn about come here in a little bit, it would make sense. Regular exercise men need at very least to have a brisk walk three times a week at the very least. When I ask him to go with deadlifting is actually really horrible for you. Nobody, no man should be deadlifting. You buck up your entire fucking spine. And the rest of your life, right, Dad? Left. No man should down. But brisk walk, getting out in the air? You can do some. You know some calisthenic acts workouts. This this again. What was it? If. It reduces your chances of a mitochondria infraction, which is known as a heart attack, which again is one of the number one causes in erectile dysfunction. So anytime a man starts having heart disease issues, that will immediately begin to have an effect on his erection. And back to the fact that diet is so important. Diet is a big part of heart disease and cholesterol and blood pressure. So, I mean, for men, it really is about the diet. It really comes back to men need to eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables. Yeah, they need, they need, they need the protein. That they really need those bright green. Vegetables. Candles and we talked about this in the Kegel Appisode pelvic floor exercises. This was an interesting study. It was only 55 men. But it was a a study in 2005 and men that were having LED in this group of 5540% will we were able to regain their reactions from doing pelvic floor after size. So again regular exercise. Hydration. Healthy diet and then the Kegels and those are again that is far and health. That's a healthy weight. You know we've been getting back into whatever you feel that you have. Never go back. There are five ways in which you can protect your erection. Also Strep stress management. There is a link between sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction. So again. It's about stress management and your sleep needs to be. There. So again, if you want your man stick to to remain it, really that's his diet. It's actually size. These are the things you can encourage him. To do and think about that will help him keep that. Um. OK. This maintenance. Take care. He doesn't care. There's a whole thing here about just how to wash. Of course he was starting to chew of mound, move down through the base, get between your thighs anywhere that sweat collects. It's the 1st place you want to clean up and you hit the shaft and then it's all four skin gently pulling gently clear. Your scrotum. Onto your taint and then your emails about treats. That is the proper order in which you should clean that area. And maybe again, if you're thinking about your man and sex or oral or manual stimulation, you should think that way as well. All right, leaving. Reading that frosty clear. For the end now just like women. Gentle, mild soap. They're not recommending DIAL. Back to this, men can get yeast infections as well. So gentle soap. Nothing really excessive or um, you know, it didn't say anything about exfoliating, so you just want to use gentle soap. And then you have to remember that men's penises will become less sensitive over time. Again, another reason why the left child dysfunction is an issue they recommend for men to only wear cotton underwear. Anything else that you know? Those workout type underwears, you know what I'm talking about. The ring on and show you shouldn't wear those. It should be caught and cotton will actually help protect the sensitivity level. Of your penis. We can go into a whole thing about brewing. I don't know any man. I know some men that shave. I don't know very many that wax. I wouldn't use a chemical hair removal on my penis if I have one. That one. Most men just trim and training is just fine. I'll just keep that bullish nice and clean around the front of the house, right? Uh, again, recommendations. Men should get vaccinated for HPV. Again, HPV vaccinations are for kids that are 11 or 12 years old. But they they say you should go talk to your doctor because well, what would it hurt, right? Even if it's not affect that affective to the same extent as it is when you give it to a 12 year old, it still will protect you from cancer. Uh, getting tested after every single new sexual partner is a really great idea. And I would actually after like the moment I broke up with someone, I would. Again, between between partners is a great time to have yourself checked out. Always use a condom, that mentality. But you got to use it or lose it. No man can go through periods of chastity and not lose the use of their penises, you know, That's an old wives tale. That's quite you know, again, outdated. OK, testicles, which again are rather really important part of our guys system. There's so many things that can go wrong with the testicles that can cause testicle pain and general nerve damage. STI's gangrene, swelling, hernia. Uh, Kidney stones. Inflammation, Enlarged veins. Fluid in the testicles. These can all lead to testicular. Torsion, which is horrible. And. Medical emergency. Uh, yeah. Now, as far as Texas testicular cancer, it normally does not. It's normally not painful. You do want to feel the testicles if there's any Lops. That is often the first sign of testing. It's all locked in the testicle, so go feel free to, you know, gently touch and know what his balls feel like and normal. That way, the moment you feel something off, next time you're giving him head, or the next time you're rubbing his deck, you'll know, Oh my God, he needs to go. Have this locked out because there is no pain associated with testicular cancer, only walks now as far as about penises in general. You can't suicide. You know, like real show mentality is completely legit. The most sensitive side of PSC, say, is the underside. Around the left and so you know you can play with that shaft all day. There's not much. And go ahead and make it not hurt, get wet. But the shaft really is not the most important part of that whole scenario. You want to concern yourself. With the head of the communist, the underside of the pennis and the ram. That is where all the nerve endings are. Shrinkage is real. Yeah, they all. You know, it gets cold. Everything sucks right back up into them. Penises can break. This is a legit. A problem. So you know, don't be going crazy. Don't think that thing's gonna move with you if you are on top. Thinking your mind, I could break his peanuts. So go Jack one, right? Even though he's banging you like crazy from behind, try not to move like really quick within any sexual position, because if you move and then his peenis hits your pelvis, you can break his pennis. So while you're talking, you know, try to keep yourself in the same position, especially if you're on top. Because if you fall over on top with his penis inside of you. Yeah, you could break a penis. I mean, if you move suddenly while he is, you know, ramming you from behind and he hits your pelvis, I mean, his penis is done. That could be a permanent fucking issue. Ohh see. Is 90%. 2%. There's fruit. There's sodium bicarb. There's proteins. And using. Tasia, vitamin C and zinc. This fucking motherfucker is giving you a vitamin. So yeah, swallowing your partners calm even though. It he's giving you all the. Every. That. Ohh vitamin. His body he is offering to you and a tablespoon. So that column is seriously, there's only like 2%. It's got sperm in it, the rest of it. Is like this, you know? Booster. I just think that's amazing. It's amazing. Like how much? Nutritional goodness and like I know there's women out there that will create cookbooks. Use comment. Everybody knows, is really good for your face. Uh. Currently the car is good for your body. Like everyone says, you could get over the taste. Calm is a really good. Is really good for you. No doubt it. It is a fucking. It's a. Shot shot of vitamin. The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds for them. But the average penis 3.5 inches long Placid. Ventures Iraq. That is the average. That is the overall world average. He's got a 5 inch. Right, that's good stuff. Sleeping. After that. Erection all night. It is natural. From the time they are in a room to the time they die, they will have three to seven reactions every single night as they sleep. It happens naturally during REM sleep during their dream face, and no, they're not dreaming. About fucking someone, necessarily. Yeah, they have subscript, but it's probably after their fetus already gotten hard and it probably switches them into that mode. But what happens is the moment they hit Rev their bodies and stitched a deep relaxation mode that they have a natural release of testosterone. In that phase of their sleep and so that is why they're panis gets hard in that dream phase and again it doesn't have to be. It's not like the dream stimulating your or the the erection. It's more like the erection that naturally occurs from the stipulation state stimulates the sexy. A horny man is a healthy man, so you shouldn't look at a man that wants to fuck you or is touching you or is like all up in your shit constantly as a pervert or as over sexual. A horny man is a healthy man, so if he's coming on to you regularly, that is a sign of his help. Back to the most important part of the tennis for most women to realize is the ram and the underside and the head of the Communist. So as you're sitting there taking care of his tennis. Thinking about his health? You know. That is something you know. That's the. Turn about? Yeah. And you're bringing that kind of energy into the relationship and the more we, you know, look at our man and look at his penis like it is. I guess right? And God, the vitamin value of his come alone, you know? The more we treat. Are men and their vagina or their? With respect, right? Like last. Like, let's be good stewards of one another. Yes, we're over here angry because we're on the third week of our cycle. We've been right in this freaking crazy ride for a while, and it only gets crazier right before it's right. But men are definitely going. Own ride and they there's no words for it. Only word. Uh, that's for Their decrease in hormones as they get older is called Ed. OK. So men haven't even been given the words to communicate what's going on inside of their body. They haven't been able to communicate the feelings that they're feeling as they're hormonal hormones change as their testosterone to creases. They don't even have a group of guys that they can go stand over by the propane tank and have a beer. And talk about the fact that it's harder for them to get erection than three years ago. Or they read, you know, in GQ magazine the last time they had their hair cut. They're dressed like women. And we make them sit in silence when really, you know, a good laugh at the word testicles. You know, yeah, it's funny, but when a man sitting there wondering why he's getting sharp pain in his testicle every once in a while, out of nowhere. You know what? Are coming to realize that maybe he shouldn't crack his neck as much because neurological damage, you know, effects all of us as. You know. Arthritis in our joints and in. And spinal cord. You know, all of these things. Lead to this, Decrease mobility this. Reaction. And then there's the natural decrease. Point is there only bunch of men out there going through scary thing. And their bodies are changing as they're getting older and their menopause is started in 40, which is 10 years. We don't have any idea. About. Just we're just like, here, eat better food. But the reality is, all of those recommendations could be for women. So we are so much more alike than we are. Now that's a favorite take away. From this conversation, women need underwear just as much as men do women need. Not abrasive, gentle soap just as much as men in their tennis. They have yeast infections as well. They feel just as insecure about their bodies and their bodies, their ability to perform. As women do about, you know, not feeling as young or as well as they used to. So we're all. Need to look out for each other and then over there doing breast exams all day long. Bombs and yourself. So let's get over the stage. Of, you know, the word vagina and the word penis never falls. Over the terminology of our innate sexuality and reproductive health. And let's help one another stay healthy. What's the courage one another to have that great spinach salad for lunch with the spicy? Cashews. Great. So anyway, I hope that was helpful. Hope you learned something about penises. Don't scare anybody want it comes to all those things that. Like you said, it was pretty good things I want. Things I learn. I always. I didn't know come had so many vitamins. Like that changes my whole view. So like, I can take a teaspoon of anything, no matter how bad it tasted. How many of us just turned into swallowers right there, You know, that's a that's a good question. And then also testicular cancer. I had no idea. I would assume that they would have been pain. But just like the brass. And just like, you know, having. Assist or a growth in the grass. It's very similar, you know, and I have had no idea. All the things that could happen. You know women are. I didn't even know that they got less sensitive over. I mean, I just. So yeah, I'll go out and buy. Create song. Percent. Just like how he likes it. Make sure to wash those underwear and detergents that don't have dyes or fragrance. Make sure that he's got access to soaps that are more gentle from his skin so that he could create mean. There we have that whole idea. Like, I don't want to throw off my. For my floor, for some blocking asshole, You know, make sure that you're helping him. Create a healthy bacterial. You know, he's not just in there watching with that. He's thinking. A mild a video or wash all this. Ohh. Yeah, last thing. Stinky match. OK, really stinky. Uh. If his whole area really really smells. Like, really? You're like, yeah, it's that pungent of the smell. He could have UTI, he could have yeast infection, he could have gonorrhea or chlamydia. All of those things will put off a very strong odor. So if you know this, that your man is got a. Very pungent. And this is pungent with he didn't go work out in the garden. OK, that's different. This was just normal daily and he is more pungent than ever before. Those are those are things you should be concerned about. Definitely UTI needs professionals, not cheater. Picked up some flocking chlamydia or something. Men don't. Get tested for STD's ago especially we got this whole generation of pork chops. You know, and syphilis and gonorrhea and chlamydia are on the rise. Also, if your man is frequently urinating, it could be a sign of UTI, It could be a sign of. Diabetes. Yes, diabetes or cysts. OK, assist within the and within the relief area or into the the bladder. So real frequent urination that they should go see a doctor. Really, really pungent smell. But yeah, make sure he's managing his stress. Make sure he's getting enough sleep. Ohh, increasing caffeine. Will help a man get ohh. Yes, I missed the whole thing. How to help man get farther. This was a great article. It was all about how to help your man get harder open communication. When men feel open and feel safe to communicate or to talk about their feelings, they will have a harder penis. That was a number one that was interesting like that psychology. The logical aspect is so important and it's underplayed when it comes to erection, but when you have open communication with your partner, that will make them harder. Bringing some new experience. Experimentations, bedrooms, little excitement, excitement that will help him be harder, increasing his nutrients back to this. Beat him in avocado. He needs decrease his fatty foods. Mediterranean diet is by far the most recommended diet for erectile dysfunction. He used to decrease his alcohol and increase his caffeine. You can make him, you know, another coffee. That will help him be harder, exercise, better sleep quality. So this means going to sleep, staying asleep. It's about the quality of sleep. It's not just it's not just about sleeping, it's about hitting those different. Levels of sleep. In a night. Also not smoking in the morning to manage stress. And another thing, I know, I don't know if I'm going to start working on myself on this one, but if you want to limit things that could happen to your PS, you should wash your hands before and after you pee. So if you go to the bathroom. OK, you should wash your hands and then go pee and then wash your hands again, washing your hands before you handle your pennis, before you touch your you know the. Those germs will fall into there, give you UTI, so it was a really great recommendation that men need to Start learning to wash their hands. Ohh. Before they can check up your screen, all four masterbate. So if you're one of my male listeners, think about that. So before you masterbate, picture, remove picture, tissues, picture videos all figured out, but wash your hands and then start mastering. That will help limit your exposure to. To Jersey and possible UTI. As you get older, those things become more prevalent and lead to more issues. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, I got them. I can always use your support on them. Maybe review how did I do on this pennis pennis thing. I mean occasionally having some ship about. Don't have to use your real name. Yeah, we will do our really appreciate it. E-mail me well, Secretary at Gmail. I love, you know. React next week with a love note. Alright, go take care of your penises real well. OK, whether it's your your actual humans or your partner. Make sure they're clean and spoiled. It doesn't.