The Greatest Love of Your Life is Yet to Come! The Great American Eclipse
You’re not going crazy; the world around you is crazy and has always been. As we shift into compassionate times, the tension always builds before it can be neutralized. There is lots of hype around this eclipse, and they are very powerful and profound celestial events that bring endings and new cycles into our physical lives.
You may feel like you have been a part of an endless cycle of bad relationships, but today's episode reminds you that you have learned that lesson and your greatest love is yet to come. That is exciting! I have so much hope for all of us.
The readings this week were all about letting go of people who couldn’t see your value, blinded by their own arrogance and the need for external validation. They weren’t right for you, and you know that! Let's shake off their energy and the insecurities they embedded in your heart because they couldn’t swim in the depths of your soul. You need a partner that is deep, with whom you won’t break your neck diving into.
The love note this week triggered me into our intro and led me to the most beautiful thought, “the greatest love of our lives is yet to come.” That’s an exciting statement, and I believe it with my whole heart. You should too! Enjoy the eclipse energy, let people be human, let them traumatize themselves. Stay focused on yourself and ride this wave of closure to the best era of your life!
Water: 00:33:26
Love Note:01:35:10
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 64 The Great Total Eclipse of the heart
You’re not going crazy; the world around you is crazy and has always been. As we shift into compassionate times, the tension always builds before it can be neutralized. There is lots of hype around this eclipse, and they are very powerful and profound celestial events that bring endings and new cycles into our physical lives.
You may feel like you have been a part of an endless cycle of bad relationships, but today's episode reminds you that you have learned that lesson and your greatest love is yet to come. That is exciting! I have so much hope for all of us.
The readings this week were all about letting go of people who couldn’t see your value, blinded by their own arrogance and the need for external validation. They weren’t right for you, and you know that! Let's shake off their energy and the insecurities they embedded in your heart because they couldn’t swim in the depths of your soul. You need a partner that is deep, with whom you won’t break your neck diving into.
The love note this week triggered me into our intro and led me to the most beautiful thought, “the greatest love of our lives is yet to come.” That’s an exciting statement, and I believe it with my whole heart. You should too! Enjoy the eclipse energy, let people be human, let them traumatize themselves. Stay focused on yourself and ride this wave of closure to the best era of your life!
Water: 00:33:26
Love Note:01:35:10
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
The Great. American Eclipse.
Finances and career financial issues are a factor in your love life right now. In your current wildlife situation, finances. The biggest issue isn't that. With your. What's your overall energy? It's raining. You're dealing with some kind of revenge or some kind of retaliation. Your overall energy, I feel like someone's. And their overall energy, they feel like this, Their overall energy is this is a risk. This lot, even though it's unconditional, it feels like a risk. And that's so interesting, right? That dynamic. It's too risky. The nightlife card gamble take a risk Vegas. So to me, I just read that overall as risk. But yet, there's this unconditional. I don't know if they're thinking about risking this unconditional love or if it's just too risky. Your emotional state is like you're running out of. So you're feeling very tech talking. Their motional energy right now is very. Playful. Useful. Emotionally or emotionally, you're thinking about your children. In your headspace, you're reminiscing, you returning. Their headspace, they're kind of. They're trying to rationalize this and having a very difficult time because of there's lots of denial here. It's a pair of sunglasses and it's the mirror sunglasses. So it feels like someone is hiding there. Invasion. They're looking. You need to overcome. You have some kind of negotiation you have. That's. What's in their way? Is a karmic situation. Some kind of party? So someone's in relationship here, whether it's them or whether it's you, you will overcome this negotiation by filing some kind of paperwork, making something very official. They will overcome this karmic third party lesson by projecting this relationship possibly into the future. Project. Between your emotionally is chemistry and desire. Bringing mentally. Kind of feeling crushed and broken a little bit. Seeing some proof. Some kind of proof? Between you and your you both feeling, you're both thinking about you. Feeling sad? The outcome is this gets disregarded OK. Dictation. Again, finances are an issue here. You're again. You're ready to explode. You're angry about this retaliation. However, someone has retaliated again. You're holding it. So like in your headspace, your overall headspace is dealing with this, you know, again, some kind of payback, some kind of revenge. Do you feel like there's a deadline emotionally? Because you feel like it's going to get lost or ghosted or blocked, so you feel like there's a. This is a ticking time bomb. Moving the time that you moved. Physical location changed, so you're thinking back to when you moved or sometime in the past when you had. Again, you're feeling very up against the clock. You're angry. They're trying to deal with. This is a a dark haired woman. Sunglasses, they're kind of like. Point. Why do they think this law? Because it's. That's. The tragedy so. Whatever love story you have between the. What is a tragedy? What system? They're they're in denial that they need help, that they need rescued in some way, but they need. They're absolutely in denial that that they to to involve others at all. So their denial is not wanting to involve. Tell me about this negotiation. It's it's about your it's about, you know, climbing a ladder. It's about ascending to your path, so you're negotiating some way to ascend this situation. Again, it will. It will come in with some kind of legal document. 24. Through the pretend. So. More emotionally, there might be some playfulness. That they're showing you or emotionally. They're dealing with children again. They're kind of pretending right now. They're covering their emotions. Because of this friendship. So they're hiding their emotion. And pretending. Or this soul maker. What's this third party? Somebody wants to meet them. Having. Whoever this third party lesson is for them. This person has a new social desire to meet them. There's an over comment by pushing it off into the pushing. They. OK, so this ends in the trash. Gets trashed. Because they're too threat. For your tooth. Asked about social. So the outcome to this is it gets trashed. It gets thrown away because it would be too embarrassing. This is incredibly maybe. Maybe it's more about the career. Maybe they're worried or you're worried that this relationship would affect your career and. In a negative way. Maybe that's why. So this relationship is ending and being as being disregarded. Because of appearances. Because someone is being fake. Let's see what they're motional status. To. Amire your freedom. You feel very stuck. Trying to break out of this illusion. Really busy working. They wish they could surprise you. That would be. They. Describe you as a Good Samaritan. It doesn't. Power. They would also just grab you as a saboteur. So they think you're a Good Samaritan, but they think that you surrender your power of choice. And in that way you sabotage. So they feel like this is this relationship again, is being sabotaged for appearances. Back to this. You're too afraid. Of some kind of retaliation? Some kind of payback? Again, this has you ready to explode. What's up? I'm gonna forgo the sax cards because this is ending in the trash. We will get some advice for you. Again, I feel like they're just too it's too risky. Or maybe they think that you think it's too risky. I don't know who's the one with the ego here to say. The choices? It's too much of A burden. The expectations of work create this struggle and this feeling stock which leads to this relationship getting left out. Quote For work. It is very regrettable. Because you have a very true foundation, this. Here it is ghosted and it's. To have any hope would be a mind trap. Again, everything fell apart with this, with some kind of sneaky. Message Social media So everything fell apart. Someone sneaking away? Again, the public image of this the the social media. To the denial. So can someone like again? They're just. The Trash. Because career and finance. Because. And they feel this. They feel love for you, but it's too risky because it's forbidden. It's gonna be. Probably this reason that you know they have to overcome some kind of third party lesson or this like. I feel like this is outside of the relationship, this other third party lesson. Again, they're going to project it into the future because it's a little bit. Energy. What should you do if you want to save this particular relationship from ending up in the? I'm going to take those. What's the advice of this person Who wants? To end up in. These cheaters are always working. That's the decision. Cheaters were always working. That's the. That makes the decision to deny. The work. Seen. Secret. So there's this king of wands and he's working. He's working away and because of this, it, it creates the decision to. Deny it. To that to possibly deny a meeting. Yeah. Maybe you're wondering again. There's a cheater energy within this read. I can't. His meeting gets denied. Because again, in something was something was seen in secret. Or something. Just kind of secret knowledge. Uh, again, it's like the stock of card on the moon. So it's, you know, something was seen, something was. Witnessed secretly and it's a burden. So there's there's, there's some moving. The mother only causes. I'm sorry. OK. Is there love? I don't know where to go with this. It's just. The children are reason. That there's this holding back. If there is this beautiful foundation and that is why it is so regret. Yeah, I mean, it kind of sucks to throw away a solid foundation. OK, well there was my water reading. Kind of sad. Sorry about the energy, but it looks like finances in career. Either are more important to you or more important to them. Then the wall. Loving you seems risky. It would be a love affair. OK. I will be back with.
Lifetime. Right here. That color card comes up, I think about. You're a row headspace children right now. Playful. There were all headspaces. Physical location. Your emotional state is you want to take a break from the right. I don't know if you're right or some kind of writing that you. I don't want to. Little bit. Emotionally they're dealing with like financial support. Frustrated. In your headspace you're searching, You might be looking at looking for this person online. There had space. We're thinking about a drastic cut off. Thinking about taking a break from social media? Drastic come off social media. They feel like they need to intervene in some. You have to get over a need to have a conversation. There's a conversation needs to happen. That's your that's your obstacle and you'll overcome this, this need to talk by having. More people around. To overcome some offer proposal and they will kind of overcome it with, you know, something kind of spontaneous and unexpected between your emotional. Crushed, Feeling. Sad. Alone. Motions between you mentally is retaliation, so you're both thinking about how this love could end and retaliation maybe. Outcome is lost, God damn it. But it's the true love. It's true. Looking very good right now this is. Show. So I'm not surprised that. These three. Lipscomb. We're in clips. There is a tendency for relationships to come to a close. Where to go? Why do you both feel emotional? Because if you both feel sad with this connection. So there's real love here. It's true. But it looks like there's so much in the way there's children, there's financial support, there's a need to move. You have to have a talk. They get a spontaneous offered some way that they gotta deal with you. How did they deal? 4. It's risky. Pause. So this we can offer. Spontaneously pops up on them, right? It's a risk. So they pause. That's risky. Going to take a dramatic break from social media and so on. We do that. Because we were. Not raised with it, sometimes it's. It's like necessary for our mental health. What are you searching for? Space right now. So this is true love. This is a romance of your life. Walked. Toxic. OK, so. This true love won't come together because there's too much toxicity. That was interesting. I just saw this real love, this guy, these, this. It was a European and he was saying. When he comes to America, he eats all the same foods that he eats in Europe. But the foods cost so much more inflammation. And. Sam, he gained weight and the other guys like, no, you're you're gaining information. Because we live in such a tall. Environment in the United States. You really have to do everything you can do to detox. Like every American needs to be in constant detox to deal with the chemicals that we live with every day. Even to the point of our water tree, right? How do they feel about you? So I mean, there's lots of toxic, you know? She. They feel like this is the truth, like there's some truth in this relationship. They feel like this is true love, but they're very remorseful. Because they feel like they must. They feel like you'll find your way back to each other and that gives them. So they think that. Back. You'll end up together. Umm. They want to support you. They feel very broken. You feel stronger than them and this relationship makes them. How would they describe? Challenges authority. Arrival. Pioneer. I see you as an addict. So again, this relationship gets lost because of possibly your addictive behavior. So. Something to take into consideration. This true love. Worst. Because I think you. Let's get some. Nice. This acts and this rich girl. They really manipulate this situation. What they're investing in is the complete death of a drug. Death of this. So there is a axe that has poisoned this particular relationship. It's just heartbreaking. It's a huge. Just to just to take just want some money and is defending himself. So the acts again possibly is rich or. This symbol or this ex and the rich girl manipulate the situation. Giving, investing in, the death of. It's hard. So again, it seems like there's more people that are involved. Back to. I mean, this episode is really heartbreaking and there's a lot of. You know love that is not gonna be coming to fruition. In this particular state because of. Because of like, poisonous. People. Poisonous situation. And you're, you know, you're addiction might not even be an addiction. It might be blown out of proportion because. This relationship is lost because of it. Use. You feel like you got locked out and stigmatized anyway. And he stayed loyal to this. If you stay loyal to this, it will continue to grow. Surely, but slowly. So. Even though you might be turned down. Again, because. Stigma or because of someone projecting on to you their beliefs about you. And it's being picked up by this other person. Again, there was some. Between you, you're going to go through a period where you feel left out and stigmatized. But if you stay loyal to this feeling, loyal to this relationship possibility, it will continue to grow for sure. You'll have to reconcile the messages. You'll reconcile with by messaging each other. He's very quiet. You're acting this rich girl, or your ex that's single and rich again. They're really trying to manipulate this into a heartbreaking burden. So your axe is really in the way here? Or their acts is. Creating this burden again, they will call you the addict, so I assume your ex has been talking shit. Um. I mean, if you're an addict. That makes things right. So. I struggle with this one because. That's true. It should be able to overcome. They need. You know, people are. The more focus. On the upper. More focus. Look at. So you know, there's this energy where true love doesn't win. Someone who's. And that is the the biggest issue right now. You have all these people out there that are struggling with. Emotions are addiction. They're just trying to survive another day. And people will take that face value instead of seeing the person. And so often. The addictions are just a symptom of deep depression. And so many times, like if we got into a healthy relationship. I do believe that most addictions will. Would phase out. But if you've ever been in a relationship with. It's. Because then you turn into their codependent. Complacent again? What it is we're trying? It's difficult. It's a difficult situation. And if it's been poisoned by. You know. It's hard. Like that person's really. To deal. Exit. That. You might be better off. Moving. It might be better long. Going about it a different way. I want my person. Trying. Especially if we went to school together. We were ever friends. It's. Why bother drinking? To change their mind now have to struggle against this. It's already been. So. Again, I feel like they're this, you know, this particular. Sets of readings are about eclipsing out these old. Relationships that really have been poised. To the point that they're. To the lost causes. He asks his true love. This could have been a romance of a lifetime. Life. The Stronghold. This is how this this is how this shows already going. I should do a whole outro just on how do. Start over. You know we have some. This is the first time I've ever felt. This kind of emotion. That be completely. Trash. It's. The love would have to be so. That's what you gotta ask. This eclipse happens later today. We're writing to town. Think about relationship and that you don't. People's paths to use a few weeks even if you're not out. Trying to. Great. Or. Create a new narrative for yourself. If you. This is patterns. Let's see. And that particular. View of you is going to be very difficult to get over and that. To go. Use. Legion to true because this person truly did love. Alex could say sure. She may. Close. Maybe it's not true love and use who always made him just. Submission. yeah
Something. Oops. OK, extend your lighthearted energy. Yeah, the world being beautiful or? All right. Remove. You're thinking about the past. It's the roller coaster. Right now, lowercase. Emotionally, you are focused on. You. Notionally, they're magnetically drawn to you. So emotionally, you don't. You do have focus. Mentally, you insatiably want more. Thinking about how you want. They're thinking about how they want to take a vacation. They wanted to go on. You have to meet some deadline. They have to. They have to overcome happiness, so they just have to find their. Ohh, you overcome this deadline. By a meeting, Meeting with a couple of people. That is some kind of payback. So, like, give me, you know, some kind of meeting. It's. It was retaliation. It's the meaning is retaliation. So that's how you. Interesting. They overcome the blockage of being happy. Again by. This. Alien card. I don't know how to read it. Sometimes I read it as like subconscious connection. I could read it as like a parent normal relationship or something like that. So and then like you they they overcome. This happiness, I don't know. What was clarify? By feeling trapped in this like otherworldly connection with you, this paranormal ship was. I don't know how to read that alien telepathic dreams. Except, you know, it's not the single Mesquite song, but it's. It's like you feel it. You can't see it. Kind of energy, you know what I mean? You feel it, but you can't see it. So they. That's a great way to describe that you feel it, but you can't see it. That's how I want it, that I finally figured out how. Aliens do exist. Victory, you motional. This unexpected surprise is it. You. Both are thinking about. You know, some kind of lost ghosted. Blocked. It was an extreme cut off. This is how the readings are going this week. It's true, though, this We're clipping out of these old, these old relationships, these old connections. Have they done us any good this far? You know what? Kind of depressed because every fucking reading is everything. Either being trashed. Ghosted blocked, Lost stream cut off. Tell me about this roller coaster. Yeah, that's why you see it's. It's why there is not an action on their side what are. Others feel you're reminiscing about how you needed rescue. You're thinking about and remembering how you needed rest. Emotionally, everything was really lined up today about this spontaneous emotion between. Pull your. Focus on. This spontaneous thing comes up, whether it's a visit, whether it's just unexpected. You both feel fucking trapped, So this relationship felt feels unexpected. Insert any above filter. They want to get away. Adventure. You want more? In between you is thinking about. It's being lost. Because of of the. And her. So this relationship is getting lost because there's a drama queen between you? She's obsessed. Why is happiness a fucka? Obstacle. Because they're suffering from horrible anxiety that they can't, they can't find their. They overcome this by feeling trapped in this. You can feel it but can't see it relationship. And drastic cut. Oh God, because there is an embarrassment when it comes to social media to talking. There's some searching. Answers and crackers. So. Again, there's status issues that are getting in the way. And. And maybe that is the overall energy here in the readings this week. Maybe it's just like, why do we want to be with people who only care about how things look? You know. Back to the skin beat kind of energy I feel like it's all about. So how about what you can? Project. Their emotions are they want you. They want it all. You give them courage. They want to commit to this. You're very naive. Or innocent one in the adore. Yeah, they're bored and stressed out. So motional only they want you. And they want this. And you do give them the courage. But. Because you're so sweet and so nice. Their life is absolutely boring. And they're under a lot of pressure. So it looks like. Ultimately, the relationship gets ghosted because it's too threatening or embarrassing because of social media in some way. You both are looking for or searching for a way to talk to one another. It says. If he was a mentor, someone that's passing on this. They see. Someone who's enlightened and benevolent in their leadership. Men dominated, and they see you as a Mystic, someone who reveals into. With the divine, those are nice. That's how they would describe you as a kid. But again, it ends with the drastic Colonel. They don't want to be. They're searching for a way to. It doesn't involve. Other. Let's just see here. It's just a real it's a mind trap. This is a soul mate, but it's a fucking. It's going to be a burden on. It's a burden on yourself. There will be a. And that is the fear. Fear. It's a mindtrap. It's so sweet. But it is going to be such a fucking. On your. Again, there's this fear. Of the Independence, the fear of being single, or the? 1st. It's a lose, lose situation. It's so fucking. That's why it's. For the dream. The dream dies because of this. There will. So in the end, this relationship, you know, again, it's it's saying. They're having anxiety again because it makes them happy. But this relationship will actually. Be a burden on your actual happy. Probably because it has to. I really feel like these. All this, this entire SAT here is all about not fitting some standard. Being too and again like that is that is the issue. Social. Secretly, you're actually defending yourself against this? And that. The money. That's why this guy. Secretly, there's this. There's someone trying to defend themselves against the selfish. Because she wants a big. 7. And there's some, you know, or a big offer. Or maybe she wants a big fucking right. You know what I mean? So. Again, someone's over here. This came over here holding back, possibly trying to save the depressed. Then here comes the break up. It is regrettable. Just this big just dawned death to this batch. Now this. Fans versus. Defends herself by stalking. Watching. It is stressing out the more. Some area, and now this. So. Someone's trying to block the stalking. Are you trying to block this? Pages. Trying to block. Happiness is. Last bit of advice. Cheaters get left out in the cold secretly. X. Has a gift. I'm sorry. It creates A struggle. Excess gift. Where it creates the uncensored. Here's the fight. Here's this struggling mother. Here's the stressed out mother. Hoping. To return. Hoping to be. Advice for my fire signs because the advice here is to flirt. So just go for. Yeah. They wanted to die it, but you were so strong. There is wanting to deny your strength, but you move. In such a way that your star and you're going to be. You move into this in. The judgment is this for and her children. Our mind. And now she's working. She's working. Towards getting she's working. It's it's heartbreaking because her work is causing this. Like, again, it's the hermit, so this work is getting old. It's heartbreaking. The massage from this guy. The messages from this guy just make you feel more trapped. You need to block. The Father. So little. Pause. OK. Again, it's complicated. You feel magnetically pulled to this person. They feel magnetically pulled back. You're focused on them. You know, there's this alien entrapment feeling this. I feel it, but I can't see it. This paranormal, you know, connection. And so the advice here for my fire signs at the very end of the day is just go extend your lighthearted energy to others. So stop focusing on this particular person. They're riding a roller coaster of their own. According to their own apps. Silence. So go flirt. Go flirt with other people. Go see what all what else is out there. This person, obviously. You know. Happy issues, emotionally providing a roller coaster. There's other people involved. Again, this this episode is all about. Total eclipse of the heart. He's kind of dead end. You know you might have been. You know. Time for you? Not this. All right. I will be back.
You can blame it on the water signs because they started this. Eclipse of this past toxic relationship. The little clips of this bullshit. True love. Oh my God. How many people think that it's like, Oh my God I'm in love. It's true love. Let's see. Maybe you'll have the only good reading this week. Uh. You're right, he's proof. You've seen some proof. They're wrong because they've come to some kind of realization. Emotional state is like you need to protect yourself. Their emotional state, they're happy. Your mental state is you're in denial. Mental state. Shuffle the card card. Their mental state is there needs to be a negotiate. Your. Schools meeting two or more people discussing. Was gossip petty? Jealous. Envious. You will overcome this meeting having to meet with multiple people. Have a conversation about that. They will overcome this gossip by pausing this relationship. Between you emotionally is the desire to move. Mentally is trying to get a grip. Again, because of there's a drama queen in between you causing trouble and. The outcome is harsh extreme cutoff, so. Yeah. We're closing out of these particular relationships. You think it's true love? Great. It feels like it's. Romance of a lifetime. It could be a bunch of twin flame type of scenarios coming to an. Because they tend to anyway. They're toxic. Ohm. That's the realization they've come to. About toxic masculinity. Their masculinity. Feel like the masculine energy's been trashed because of their. They come to this realization that men, men of the past, were trash. Move here. You're done. You've learned this fucking lesson. You're emotionally protecting yourself from this person. The. They feel happiness though with you, and there is a desire to move between the two of you. What are they trying to go to? You're in denial that this that you need to come to some kind of compromise. You're denying the fact that you don't want to compromise, so you deny this relationship because you do not want. Again. They overcome the gossip of this relationship by pausing it by, you know, again. It's like kind of a ghost energy too. You overcome this need to meet and have a discussion about this by, you know, having it, having the talk ahead of time. Y'all come here is extreme. Harsh cuddle. Yeah, you see this? All the red flags are there. Yeah, you need to pursue your own single hits, so. Again, maybe neither of you are in or neither of you are single. Anyway, it's it's saying that you will pursue your own single status. Back to this this episode is really going to be about eclipsing people that only care about status. You might have been attracted to them in the 1st place because of their status, and then you realize that you're not going to to, you know, come to their status. That's why might be true love, but it's not true love if they won't accept you. With status. They know that you're manipulative emotionally and that really makes them sad. They regret. Ohh. They regret. This. And they're in denial. They have been hurt too many times and they're absolutely tired. Though they think that your loyalty is very sweet. Your loyalty has been very sweet, but they know that you're trying to. How are they described? Describe you as a warrior, someone who's very strong and skill. They would describe you as the advocate, someone who would advocate for others. Passion as the scribes, someone who's been preserving knowledge and information, that's very. Would you still like? Again, between you is being, you know, weighed down by some drama. Here from my website. There's a lot of manipulation going on which is ultimately going to leave you stigmatized and out in the cold with this secret. You need to hold back from this. Really, there's a holding back from this relationship because of this juggle. Because it's the juggle feels foolish and that's the that's the judgment. It just feels foolish. Because you're afraid you're going to have to defend yourself in time, and you're going to be sorry once this whole thing falls apart. After you move. So again, you're afraid that you're going to move into in with this scenario. There's going to be gossip and then the whole thing is going to fall apart once you get together anyway. Loyalty will be denied. There's nothing but a fight and stress when it comes to this. Mother, there's nothing in there gonna be. There's nothing gonna. There's nothing else but fight and stress. You're destined to look like a bitch. That's why it's over. You could continue to grow and work on this. Continue to be sweet. But it's only going to create a bigger bird. There is a complete Minecraft because of the children. It's going to go very soon. The selfish woman and her word. It's all because secretly she wants a payout and it's abusive. You're not going to be happy because it's going to be a lose, lose situation. It's only going to make you angry. So. So you see the writing on the wall. Still have feelings, but you see the writing on the. And that's the truth. I mean, how many times do we get into a place where it's like? You have the the chemical reaction, you have the Oh my God, I have love juices for this person, right? And then you then you you know, you act out the drama or that you know, or the tragedy, whatever it is. Only to find out, only to come to the realization. That is just like. So this episode really is about moving on from these, you know, these situations. Which have kept you? In the Taro. Cycle. You know, this next episode we're going to really talk about new relationships, finding new people, getting some fresh blood. And I always come back to this. If they loved you, if there was really something, then they would decide to talk to you. They would desire your attention. They would desire. Much, much more. So you have all these people that are in these like silent states, right? You know where they're encouraging people to to love them, right? They're encouraging people to have these emotions towards them. But yet if it gets to be any more serious. It ends in a ghost, right? So you know, they're playing games. So many people are out there playing games because they like the attention of having people that desire them. So how many relationships are people in situationships? Because they're not real relationships where they're just being held captive for their attention. That person has no real. Desire or intent to have a relationship with that person. In the end, it's just about feeding their ego. You know what I mean? You don't have the status that they would expect anyway. What is it that men want? I don't know. The women want, I don't know, there's a lot of men and women out there. That wants you to be, you know. Their financial backup plan. Guess we all want security. We all want to know that if we got a car accident, got sand that we would have a partner that would hold up there, hold up our end of the of the foundation we needed to, right? But there are a lot of narcissists out there that again, they're looking for relationships that they can get into them immediately quit their job. So there's it's such a struggle, right? But there's a whole group of people out there that just want admirers. Because it makes them feel good. Because it makes it feels it feels their ego. So. All the relationship readings this week ended poorly. Even though the true love card came out. 3. Please. The water alone was up front with. It's about finances and career. Everything else is true. Love gets denied because. Sad state law is not. These people even. OK, there we go. I will be back with Lovenox. Probably gonna break up now at this rate. I'm gonna probably read it as a break up now because. This episode was all about eclipsing our hearts. Right. Total eclipse of the heart. It's time for us to take our hearts. Out of these dead end situations. Move on. Find something that will value. Whatever is left. After you've been. These. I'll be back with some.
Love Note:
Ohh. Alright. What is? Move note is interesting. Here in just a second. But. This eclipse energy. And. You know, we do want to. Take a balanced approach to our emotions, to our future. Into relationships, right? I don't really mind my listeners that. We live in a world where everybody. If selfish, everybody. There's just no way not to be, especially with social media. And just the nature of capitalism. So, you know, let's just, like, take it easy. Selves and. As we go through this eclipse. You know and do some cleanup. You don't have to dramatically. Can do that, the friendly ghost. Saw real about. And people do this all the time where they ghost you, but then they. Like you're. Their way of patting down. Uh, you know a Divit, right? Um. And yeah, not all of us are going to make it on the. Right. Not every situation is going to be. So it's important that. You realize that that life in so many ways, is again. And we do our best. Just because you have your heart set on something. Doesn't mean it's not going to come true. It doesn't mean it's going to come. Set out with our intention. Set to our high. Right back. So, you know, as we go through this season of emotional upheaval, they. Astrologists are saying. April is very. For us. So you know, cut yourself some slack. You don't need to make any fast or hard decisions, right? But. Keep your goals centered, and this is what the love note kind of starts with. So let's get into this. The card is it's two birds. Creating a nest. Panicles which is about. Investing or waiting for things to come, things to ripen before you pick them, right? It's about tending. So again, this love note is all about tending. And so you know, we could be in a place where we're thinking that we're getting a friendly ghost. It could be a lack of being ready. That could be them tending to. Connection that. May see themselves in the future. Or you. We all do. The thing. Hedging our bet? You know, and you don't really know somebody until you. Right. Have a fight with somebody. So it's it's important that again we take a balanced approach here. As we go through this season and as we think about our world life as well. So let's start the bird message here. Your dreams. Soon will become your reality. I want you to trust your heart and continue to follow it. Step back, though, and look at the bigger picture. When you get bogged down by the details, when you feel. It's never going to happen. Stay focused and hold your course because over time. Nothing can stop. Continue. Your daily activities. That are helping you? I want you to reflect on. Times in which you felt or experienced love. And I want you to hold on to those emotions. There's a part of me that feels like I've lost you completely. I just thought I was so impoverished that you would never. You can please forgive. 1. My love for you. Need to clear space. Cluttered with energy of others. Check your. Extreme. That brings me so much joy. And relaxing. Strong. Spring Blossom. Reminded of you. I know. This connection feels. Because of the signs I see. Normal relationship. Sometimes I hear your voice. Like a memory of a past life. To come. Person. OK, so this person is concerned. Did a new love might come along? And yeah, they should be right. You know, here we're dealing with. You know relationships that you know are ending, or situationships that never came to fruition that need to end so that you can move on. And have a new love. I think it's interesting that that this reading ends with. The card that really triggered me the most in this reading was. Turn on your heart light. Reflect on a time when you experience. This card. Because I was like. Great to put it, but it was like. Whenever you. Card number 36. I might read it. Please. Read this. From the book. I don't know where the park is right now. Ohh. But. If you're like me and you're sitting there like I don't. Experienced. That's true. Anybody else feel? Like you look back at your past relationship. And then you look at, you know what I mean? Like, I'm sitting here looking through my romantic relationships, my friendship relationship. My familiar relationships and I'm like, when the fuck have I ever? Account Can you Turn your heart? When you don't even know where the switch. There's. And I'll be reflecting. When I experience love. Rightly here a day unified the moment we'll see. Uh, but the the UM again, the overall message here. You know is you're manifesting mirror. So whatever you're working on, your dreams are going to come true. Stay focus. Look at the bigger picture. There's a chopping wood covered, which to me that is something you gotta do every day. So. If there's something that you can do every day that will help you manifest what it is that you want in your life, continue to do that. Do not get. And that is why. That is what this is. Reading. Their love for you is really deep. Again, they they feel like a an impoverished man and so that was probably something. Is the reason that maybe they? Maybe they backed off from this relationship with you. They felt, you know, poor in some. The car. We will find each other one day. Again, I don't know if you found this person or not, or if you're trying to find them again. You know, this might be this new love. Right. Again, this person has a need to clear space to make. They are checking your social media all the time. It feels like magic to them. There is a I'm Craving you uncontrollably card. I love this longing for home belonging car. It's a really sweet card. So they want they long to be, to belong. You know what? They're free about, you know, a new person coming Easter. And again, like if we're talking about some of these other situations, you know, where the relationship hasn't come to fruition. You know, you're either bench seating, sitting, or. Your backup plan or something like that. But it's time for you to no longer be a backup plan for anybody. It's time for you to stay focused on your own goals. And have faith that real love will find you on your path that you're already on. We shouldn't have to go out. And seek or search for love. When we're ready, love should be found. You know, like falling over into something, right? And you fall into love. You know, out there looking for a way to fall into the right. So have some. You have some faith that as you move through this season here, but the eclipses you know that you are removing. Relationships that don't serve you or do not put you in the number one seat. I don't how do you starting the game? Right. There's someone out there that would have you. Conclusion. So again, we shouldn't look at. The relationships that have come to this point. As a reflection of your lovability. Just because you haven't met the person that is going to honor you the way that you deserve to be, doesn't mean you don't deserve what? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. My God. I'm like always use it. Use your support. I think everybody on Spotify that's left reviews. I now can see them. Excellent. I wish. I can see that they're there. I haven't gone. Looked him up. Yeah, to do that. Thank everybody listening on Spotify for. Hitting the reviews and etcetera, you know. I mean, e-mail was that sentara at Gmail would love getting letters from you guys. They really stoked the fires within me to to keep on keeping on with this. You guys have a great week. I'll be back next week, but it's a six week. I've no idea. And recording multiple shows during the week. To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing until I get there. I'll let inspiration spark one with off the readings. Yeah, you guys have a good one and I'll be back.