Highway to the Danger Zone: Moving Beyond Ghosting Patterns
The Intensity Zone can be uncomfortable when you don’t understand someone motive or the connection. This week, we examine how we sabotage the growing type of love during the intensity phase of meeting someone new. Why is ghosting so prevalent? It’s the best way out of the intensity zone in a relationship you’re not comfortable in yet. It’s a pattern that gets in the way of learning about new people beyond the initial excitement that is naturally caused by meeting someone to mesh with. Many of us don’t fall in love easily. And when someone isn’t wounded like us, their extra attention can feel like a scam or fake in some way. It’s important to remember that you are lovable and deserve that type of attention, even if it feels strange at first.
Lovely spicy tarot this week. I was really in the groove! Hope they hit! I want to thank all my listeners for their continued support. I end the show this week by talking about eclipses, our summer plans, and having a thoughtful discussion on getting over the intensity zone and seeing where it goes, knowing that we have plenty of experience to get out of anything that’s wrong for us. But let’s remember, love grows rose-colored glasses, which means those ticks, sounds, and visual uniquenesses will turn you on in time.
Scotty Dog: 00:10:02
Cat: 00:27:20
Star: 00:50:21
The Intensity Zone: 01:15:36
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 65
Highway to the Danger Zone: Moving Beyond Ghosting Pattern by Embracing Vulnerability for Love to Grow
The Intensity Zone can be uncomfortable when you don’t understand someone motive or the connection. This week, we examine how we sabotage the growing type of love during the intensity phase of meeting someone new. Why is ghosting so prevalent? It’s the best way out of the intensity zone in a relationship you’re not comfortable in yet. It’s a pattern that gets in the way of learning about new people beyond the initial excitement that is naturally caused by meeting someone to mesh with. Many of us don’t fall in love easily. And when someone isn’t wounded like us, their extra attention can feel like a scam or fake in some way. It’s important to remember that you are lovable and deserve that type of attention, even if it feels strange at first.
Lovely spicy tarot this week. I was really in the groove! Hope they hit! I want to thank all my listeners for their continued support. I end the show this week by talking about eclipses, our summer plans, and having a thoughtful discussion on getting over the intensity zone and seeing where it goes, knowing that we have plenty of experience to get out of anything that’s wrong for us. But let’s remember, love grows rose-colored glasses, which means those ticks, sounds, and visual uniquenesses will turn you on in time.
Scotty Dog: 00:10:02
Cat: 00:27:20
Star: 00:50:21
The Intensity Zone: 01:15:36
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
You ever get, like, super excited? Maybe someone? New thing, right you're. A new friend shared that you just. Excited because you feel like someone understands you. And like. Excited all this energy. That's too intense. You guys have this problem all the time and they're like, This is why, you know you need someone to get super excited. She gets Clay right and then he like, goes, this is like too intense, right? This week we talk at the end of the show about how sometimes that initial intensity zone of excitement when you've just met someone new. You know something is stirring up all motions inside you. How? Again. From the other view, that can be, that can be intense, it could be a red flag right? And so many of us and men are are very. Deal with this. Not not well. But we've also deal with this the same way, right? The moment someone's just a little too intense, you're like, Oh my gosh, I need a boundary. Not safe something. Something's wrong here. The moment someone gets intense, it like, starts making you feel like it's like a scam alert. Right, like your brain is like it's fucking scam. This is a scam. This person cannot like me this much. This person could not care about me this much. This has to be a scam because nobody loves me like this. Nobody could care. I've never been loved and cared about like this my entire life, right? How many people have you shrugged off? Because you just assumed that their interest was a scam. Right. And like what's going on within us that like can turn our emotions to that into that way. We talk about like, you know, trauma response and patterns that we take for coping take off for COP. And it actually is sabotaging us from the excitement of a new relationship. New relationships should be exciting. New friendships should be exciting. Again, we all need to learn how to hold on to that excitement, how to hold back that excitement a little bit, because again, that that scares people off that intensity zone. Call. When you have that moment of realization. You know, this could be some. This could be a deeper relationship. This could be a a some some new way to connect. Right. But we all get turned off, men especially, right? That's that clingy mentality. The moment you're in the zone of of excitement, the zone of intensity, you're like, Oh my God, this thing's going to be clingy. And I don't want it to cling on to me because what if it's like an octopus? What if I can't get her off? We're all like the moment we have that, that pole, that magnetic pole. We all pull backs. We're free that the closer we get. That you'll just be like, fucking fused together and never be able to break free, right? And so a lot of us have a trigger response to that right away, right? 3. And then there's also the those of us that are like run away, see if they run after you. Right. Women like that kind of kind of mentality too. Men too. And how many men are pulling away to see if you're really interested? Right. Like you're like, Oh my God, he was so interested. Now he's disinterested. I am confused. And you feel that lut down, right? There's all these communication barriers when we're in that weird zone of intensity because we're trying to hold back intensity. We might be putting on fronts of disinterest, right? To protect ourselves from scammers. Or we may be playing these games to be like, What do you really? Are you? Is this real? This intensity for real? Do you really? Do you really care? Right. So there's this week's show. I kind of like, talk about everything. I talked about the talk about dyslexia and ADHD. Was very ADHD episode. Just like I talk about the eclipse, I talk about the summer. My summer plans so that you guys know what the Hell's going to happen here. And then I talk about this. That one of intensity. How we're supposed to traverse this? How we're? So what I'm working on personally, right? I need to. I need to work. I can get intense. But. Also Sagittarius, so like our broad really quickly. I can stand here for a long time and do something. See that? I didn't think she'd go fucking take off like that, you know? Maybe like I like I'm knowing I'm known to just take off. I'm not feeling it. So. You know, and again, I'm trying to figure out like what? Like how is that sabotage? How's that sabotaging my future? You know what I mean? And so yeah, that's what this show this week show about the the readings were great. A Scotty dog, cat and star. You can check the description find the time. I end every reading with it. We're cool of mystical moments. Which right? They really are mystical moment. Uh, yeah. I love this deck. It's really one. It's one of my favorite, but I call it my Sprinkled Back. So it's like adding like sprinkles on on the terror. So yeah, that's that's this week show. Hi, I'm Keisha. Welcome below Sexton Taro. I hope that you know this show gives you something to think about, helps you work on, you know these false red flags, right, These false flags that pop up. In the zone of intensity, because we're confused because we don't know where all these emotions are coming from, because we don't understand the intent of the person that is being intense with us, right. So yeah, you know, I always side with communication. Alright, and and communication gets me out of every. Really. You know what I mean? And then there was a beautiful woman at the end of the show this week. It was like, trust yourself. You know, like a lot of times, we don't want to get into things just because we're too afraid of of how to get out of them. Because getting out of relationships is so much, it's so much harder than getting into relationships. That's the problem. Once you've been in a few relationships, you realize how difficult it is to get out. Without you. Taken on some kind of scar without getting some kind of revenge, right? And so it puts us all in this like hypervigilant, PTSD it mentality within relationships. And then it keeps us isolated. It keeps us. You know from from possible relationships and which would develop into love. And you what you love someone, you look at them differently. Talk about the. Rose colored glasses. But it's true. Like when you finally and love doesn't necessarily just love. You know what I mean? Sometimes love can grow. You know what I mean? And to the point that you're like the things that you initially saw. Has deal Breakers. Once you love that person. Those things it might not the sound of their. They're chewing, might not have known. Little things that ICU out of possible good relationships, you know again or that zone of intensity. Let's let's let's let's learn. Let's condition ourselves to get past those moments long enough to to really see what the situation is, feel what the situation is. A lot of our instincts guide us once we get to those points of view instead of having the initial Oh my God. Water is too cold. The water is too hot. That's kind of like a. A Goldilocks We're trying to find the Goldilocks zone in relationships, and it's not easy. Right. It's not easy. So yeah, enjoy the show. I'll be back back next week with a love note and then I will come up with something sexy the following week. I'm sorry. I've been kind of in like, you know this eclipse energy and it's just like, I'm just. Getting reset. That's all. It's like someone turned it off and turned it back on. They lost all the RAM. Like sitting here like. You know, and everything's gonna work, right? Yeah. So anyway, there's a show. Enjoy. I'll talk to you guys later. screen just talk for the next two hours
1:Scotty Dog
Let's get the charm out. This got to be second. Eclipse. This is a Scotty dog. Scotty Dog. What? Let's just see. Past life relationship. Each other before, so this is someone you've known whether it's that. You know, spiritual past life feels feels like kindred spirits or? What is this someone you dated already? Which most likely? Let's go like that. Describe the situation between the both of you right now. This man situation. There's some toxic behaviors or toxic people that. There's like trying to avoid it. Trying to toxic, so you're trying to avoid it. So someone you know has passed. Yeah, because it feels kind of threatening in some way or embarrassing. Like, I don't know if they threatened you or their toxic behaviors are threatening your life or it's embarrassing. It's a long affair. So of course, yeah, you're worried about the parentheses. Yeah, so this is the past possible love affair or it's, you know, someone from your past that's coming. Relationship. There's like some kind of drastic extremeness to this. Maybe they're, yeah, they're in drastic pursuit. So this person is drastically pursuing you in some way or you know, or maybe you are to them. I don't know. So I never know. I try to read these in situation that anybody on any side of the teeter totter can. You know what I mean? Listen to the singing. Reading. But so yeah, there's toxic behaviors and there's a need to avoid them. Kind of worried about appearances here. The toxic behaviors might be threatening in some way. It's a love affair. It would be a love affair. You're having a love affair with this person. Because someone is drastically pursuing it. Like, you know, it's like extreme. You're. What don't you know about the situation that would help you make it better decision? The masculine energy here needs rescue, possibly an intervention, since that is what is under the toxic. Drink or. Trials are not sure, but there is a need to intervene. For this masculine and energy in the relationship needs some kind of rest. He's come to some kind of compromise, clear out all the negativity and the negative people and this has got. Locked down. And he feels that he's trying to protect himself as he goes through this. So whoever is the other that creates this love affair, energy they feel like they need. Rescue and they feel like there's some or this you know situations rescuing them in some. You know, they need to come to some kind of compromise, some kind of agreement, some kind of settlement, and that will help clear out the negativity. But they're really locked down. They don't know how to do this, but they want so desperately to protect this connection. OK, that is nice. That makes sense. How do they feel about your presence in their life? They're very confident that things are going to work out really well. They're feeling a little desperate, though, because we don't want to, like, play this game anymore, and you are very distracting to them. They can't keep you off their mind and it sucks because they're stuck. And they're like in this codependent relationship. It's created a lot of regret and you're feeling the distance. They know that they're going to be able to find their way back to you and they want to build this foundation. You know, build with you. Build something in the future with you. They have so much desire, they say I miss the way you taste your. So they're really like looking back and seeing. The right person. How would they describe you as to others? Describe you as someone who believes in magic. This is the child Magic card. Of course you're listening. I always laugh because when? You know, you're listening to a terrible, so of course you believe, right? Seeing the potential for sacred beauty of all things. So yeah, they see you as someone who kind of believes. And. Crazy. Stranger strange things happen. He was a gamble. Someone who is willing to follow their intuition. They like that, that's excited and they also see like their companion. Again, someone who's loyal and someone who's unselfish. So they see you as this beautiful person that believes in magic, that's willing to take the gamble and they see you as their companion. But when we use the word companion, what we're saying is this is someone who is compatible with me to the point that. We don't do the same things, but the things that we do come together, you know? It's like the salt and pepper shaker. Those are companion. You know having one without the other isn't right. Nothing feels right, but when they gather everything is covered that. Are they considered contact? Ohh to talk. Yes, of course, Big is. Talking. The This reconciliation is really. Reconcile with. Jack. It would still be very sneaky. Right now, whatever they're doing is kind. Is there competition for their attention? Clips of the couple days away. Everyone's freaking out like there's like. The only competition is how far you are away from one another's distance. The fact that these feelings are so mutual and you're so connected, it will defend you. So yeah, there's no competition. The only competition right now is the distance, or possibly the Internet. But I'm going to read that as distance. It feels like distance. This person. They're really sorry about the whole. They wanna move on from that. So whoever they're with, she's. There's a child, possibly expect, possibly expecting a child. There's a child acts. There's a child's expectation here. So I don't know if they expect to have children or if they're expecting a child because of this fucking poor, or if. The child is missed between you can expect there to be child. Yes, it's sad. It's throwing the depression after that. So is this person right for you? They're really sorry about this whole. And they want to move on from that, want to move on from the thoughts of the feelings the child was, the expectation or childish expectations, or they were childish to expect her not to be a whore. And that is sad. So that might be the reality. They might have had a realization like they expected her to. This would not be a whore when they knew she was a whore. You know what I mean? So. There that they expected something else, You know what I mean? I don't necessarily mean there could be a child expectation. They could want to have children. Maybe that's why they're moving away from this horse, because she's not, you know, gonna be suitable for that. I'm not really sure. I feel like it could be a child there because they feel sorry about her and they want to move away. Maybe because she is extremely has childish expectations. You know, so I. Is this person right for you? Well, they they're sorry about what happened. That doesn't really answer that. You know. So from where? I don't see anything. Let's do it all night. Shivers. And that that is true. Like when someone sends shivers up your fucking spine. Like that's something special. And they might not have realized that. You have no idea. To do you better get ready for. Yeah, you have no idea what they are sitting there thinking about doing. Let's look at the six cars and pull these out. Oh my God he is fucking her doggy style. Teddy and she looks like she's grabbing his balls. They want you to play with your Dick from like you. You know how to get their debt from flaccid to hard very very quickly. You can do it just by looking at. Oh my God. We'll put a pillow down for you. And that's your head. Yeah, they really missed all socks. They miss your blowjob. So again, you left this person in this past situation with an impression, and maybe they did not appreciate the level to which you could perform in the bedroom. And now they're coming to realize that this horror. They might have left you for or had in between. Got stuck in this relationship with Ohh. She's not doing it. Plus, she's a horse. Again. This again. It's like this She this cheating fool energy. She is a fucking cheating whore. And has caused a lot of stress. So whoever they're with, it has not been They call you my. Get some. This selfish bitch. You know it really is. Hoping that this works out. Uh. But this love has been very abusive. Someone they're gonna move. Because of of the tree, Because they haven't. Yeah. Because of the cheese, they're gonna. For a man, it's really easy once they find out that she's a cheater, you know, unless there's children involved, which then there's religious pressure to forgive her and blah blah blah blah blah. And then he's kind of got like a free ride to go sheet if he wants it, you know? But when you're not, like, totally. Part of this is not children. Ohh you know that is such an ego hit. Most men will go ahead unless they have an insecurity or you. They're beta type man. They found, yeah, you know what I mean? Like, if they have like attachment issues and shit, like they'll stay in relationships. But most men that are free to go, you know what I mean? They're going to go. They're going to go find someone else. They're going to go. You know, so again, getting single is the decision here. They've really, they're holding all, they've really held on to you. All through all this, all that they've struggled through, all the stress they have been. This relationship with you. Even though it feels foolish to them. It was really foolish for them to get committed to commit to this relationship or to get married. All it's just getting every day. It's just. The SAX is, you know, not great. Yeah, it's actually a bird. Family that they're connected to, that they feel stuck in is a burden. They're really wishing to start a fight. They possibly have watched you and another relationship. Yeah, you're gifted. You are gifted. They want you to be the mother in the. They're they're juggling to end this scenario with this lady. So it so this person again, is someone you've been with in the past. There's someone that you know, someone that you've had a relationship with someone. Um. And it looks like they are, you know, it looks like they're cleaning out, looks like they're to come to some kind of settlement when it comes to relationship favor. And I feel like there is a chance that there's children in this relationship. And again, why it's so sticky and hard to get out of, but they're really wanting to protect this connection with you, So if you see them, kind of. Um. You know. You know, if they're drastically pursuing you. Or you're drastically pursuing them and you kind of feel like this. Pause Energy. That's again, it's because there's some need to clean up this, you know, situation. I mean, it might just feel too dramatic to pursue a love affair, but it looks like again. This woman cheated on them and if they can find a way. They will. I'm pulling these. Oracles Oracle of magical Moments to end the readings this week. And you got the Little Miss Sunshine car you're such a. Light saw an energy courage. A woman rises high in the sky so that sky, excuse me, her hair shines bright like the sun. Her skirt looks like a huge build. She comes from a darker place. Beneath her lies, gloom and shadows. But. But her light is glow. She is like the energy of life and the Son. She focuses her intentions on positive. On the positive and is able to gain clarity, she leaves the. And. To leave the night and the fear. You're a little. Exactly like it. And this is how this. That's how they remember. Alright. So. Again, there's a need to avoid some toxic behavior and, you know, feeling threatened or embarrassed because of this love affair. But it looks like this will continue to be pursued. Either trying to clean. And come to. They're wanting to protect you in this relationship. There there's Scotty Dog reading. I will be back.
Where? This is a cat. Silhouette of the cat. Popped out separation time apart from your partner is on the horizon. That was the main card. And then there's a getting to know each other card. As you reveal your innermost selves to each other, your bond deepens chemistry. There's a strong magnetic attraction. So it looks like someone's in separation. Possibly from a past relationship. And. The cards are urging you to get to know each other because there's a lot of chemistry. Describe the situation between the two of you. There's waves of emotion there have to deal with, you know, on issuing revenge. So I don't know if this is someone you're thinking about going back with. Or there's just, you know, and there is like, it's just really sad. This is again the situation between, you know, it's really sad because it's. It's triggering or triggering them, you know, that's triggering all this gossip. So, so again, someone gets separated here. And you know you're still in this get to know each other phase. And there's chemistry. There's a magnetic attraction, but there's these waves of emotion that are about. You know, dealing with retaliation and payback and revenge. Someone is really sad and broken here, feeling alone. Yeah, triggered. By all this gossip. But there's. Between the. So this looks amazing. Looks messy. So someone's getting separated. You're selling this. Get to know each other phase. There's chemistry. There's ways of emotion when it comes to retaliation. Still feeling sad? Feeling you're broken. It's triggering all this gossip. But. Genuine. Why don't you know about this situation? They feel blocked when it comes to the children. There's some kind of blocking energy, Yeah, they're. The they got blocked when it comes to the child. Or they got ghosts. Others like this ghost there, there's a ghosting quote cut off energy. I feel like they got cut off from the. Cut off possibly child. But again, there's but you don't know is that they're they're being blocked. Or cut off from the. They do feel this magnetic pole for towards you. Um. But there is some spontaneous there's this female that's, you know, doing something very unexpected. So. Yeah. I was very confused. Because it looks like I need to kind of. This is what you don't know about the situation. In some way, you're getting back to this revenge. It's right under the retaliation, whoever. Your person is separating from or or. This could be you again in the separation, but this is the part you don't know. So this is them. Um. They're getting cut off from their children. And that is the ways of motion that are coming when it comes to the retaliation and feeling very sad and broke. They are unexplainably pulled to a feminine energy. I imagine this is you because you're just getting to know each other in chemistry and it has been such a spontaneous surprise to them, it has brought them so much happiness. They are working on coming to some kind of agreement or settlement when it comes to the children. Um. That they are, you know. They're wanting to connect with you, whether that be on the Internet. They're wanting to tune in to, you know, to your frequency. They're wanting to to feel more connected to you. So again. They're going through something where their partner is using their children to to retaliate in some way, and it's creating this sadness. But again. Your energy in their life is creating this spontaneous happiness, and there you are the happiness in their life. How do they feel about your presence in their life? They kind of feel like it was like they've made a fool of themselves, but it was because they were so. And they felt so broken. So however they kind of came into this situation with you, they feel like they were being foolish, but it was because they were so lonely, because they were so broken and they were so misery. Really sorry. For whatever's hot. You make them so happy. You make this person. And a little bit anxious, so you give them some butterflies in there. So again, they feel kind of foolish, for however they led into this situation and it was because they were so long. It was because they felt so broken. And it was because they felt so miserable and sad. They were having to pretend that they were. And they want you to forgive them. If they have happened to kind of. You know. Side this a little bit. But they want you to know how happy you make. And they're having trouble sleep. Piece because they know. Part of their happiness. Some relationships are so complicated when you find something that makes you feel it's. Right. How would they describe you to others? It would describe you as the mentor, someone that's passing on wisdom. Students character. My favorite describe was the virgin. Maintaining symbolic purity of heart and spirit doesn't mean you have to be a virgin, but they would describe you as someone who's very pure sexually. Maintaining their purity, Maybe your chest or. Absolutely. So there's something very innocent and pure about. Ohh. They describe you as a warrior, someone who was who was strong, was skill, was discipline. Who has a very tough will, Someone who is heroic, stoic. And self sacrifice. That is beautiful. That's how they would describe you to someone else. As a mentor, as a warrior. Someone who's kept some kind of purity sexual. You're very picky about your partners. Have they considered contacting? I need to say that because not everybody's in no contact, but I always assume. We're in that place where it's weird. It's really sweet. It's really sweet they think about it while they're at work. Think about getting you a gift. Sending There's like a gift here on work. There's Six of Pentacles and three of Pinnacles, which is school, work, mentorship. They want to give you something sweet. This bitch is really put them into this ghost scenario, possibly with you. Um. Or this, which is causing them to really have to think and contemplate the situation because it's very much a mindfuck. So this batch is creating a mind flock. This really they have to think through it. But yes, while they're at work they've had very sweet thoughts. They are feeling very trapped by this woman. Could be a writer. Could be a teacher. Could be a lawyer. Could just be a bitch. Yeah, there's. They're going to, they're going to have to give money. They're going to have to give some kind of settlement back to this settlement, going to have to give some kind of settlement to this bridge. But the the reality is. Ever relationship they're in, whatever is going on with this retaliation with blocking them from the children. It's. It's their relationship. Their situation is destined to fall apart. So she and him have already made the decisions that are necessary for the relationship to to fall apart. Yeah, he this person will return to you. So has this person considered contacting you? Yes, they have definitely thought about it. Possibly even looked at Amazon for gifts or. There might be some kind of very sweet sentimental energy again while they're at work. If they do plan on returning, and so the ultimate statement is have they consider contacting you? Yes. Is there a competition for their attention? They're very, they're angered this, they're angry about this relationship. They're angry about the relationship. Ohh, you guys are so sweet. The queen and king of cops. These emotions are very mutual even though no one saying anything about it. Even though there's no action or words. They're upset about the relationship. Or they want or they. Is there competition? They quickly. I'm going to read this not as upset. I'm going to read this as quick Night of Swords, very fast. They very quickly want to get into this relationship with you. The feelings are mutual even though you haven't spoke them. This has been long and all long and and coming. Is there competition? No, because again, they want this relationship very quickly after they get through this settlement. This has been growing for a long time. It's been heading this way for a long time. Does this person right for you? Throw on the Daddy Card. Yeah. Umm. I mean, there's some, there's some again, there's some fatherly energy, some daddy energy. They're getting older, getting wiser and wanting to protect themselves and protect the situation. So is this person right for you? They'll be your daddy. They'll be that kind of daddy energy, that kind of boss man. Alpha Energy, they have a lot of experience and they do want to protect us. So they do want to protect. Yeah. They want to end your. They want to end the. The depression And they're gonna hold on and they're gonna hold on to. Yes, they return. They're just going to regret the destiny that happened. OK. Um, let's see here. Let's get there Sexy. Let's start off with a mass. Lick me. So that's what they would suggest to you. Start. Start up. Stretched out. Let's see what are the kind of. Oh my God. They wanna eat your pussy. They love the smell of your pussy. They wanna eat it. They want you blindfolded. They want to eat your pussy. Oh my God. They want you on top 69. You can stick a finger in their butt hole. They ask as they're reading or studying or doing whatever work they do. This guy's. In a Meadow reading. But you know that kind of same kind of energy. They might look like they're reading. They might look like they're. In doing work, but they're thinking about eating your pussy. This one has gorgeous breasts they're thinking about. You know on top and thinking about 69. Some guidance? Relationship. It has. There's on conditional, genuine, certain laws. So you just have to get through, yeah, you wanna talk about this bridge and get through this pitch. This pitch is open. This bitch is she's everything she's hoping for is going to make her sorry. This page is gonna this page and time is going to be sorry these messages. Are going to betray her again. She's been sexy and possibly and betraying. So in time this bitch, this bitch is really got a big hope and but her hope is going to lead to her being sorry because these messages, she's either going to be betrayed by the person she's messaging with or these these messages are going to completely end the relationship. Here comes this new beginning or her getting this. Her getting any kind of settlement or any kind of money is going to be done because of the messages, because of her text messages. Again, it's a gift. It's being able to move on from. This bitch is a gift that you're going to give this person. Yeah, the axe has been nothing but an absolute. There's another axe in this scenario. It's been a bird. Maybe the whole time, maybe publicly, like this shit's going, this is going to be a public breakup, public breakup. OK, so whatever she's doing or whoever she's messaging, she's going to be betrayed. They're going to betray her in some way, and this hope that she's going to have some big kind of settlement or big kind of payout is going to end. Uh, it's going to be very small. Ohh. She might just get child support. Get back to this. She's blocking this scenario. She might be, you know, in some way, cutting this person off from the children, but the courts don't play that way like they could. You could. You could be with the most abusive piece of fucking shit, asshole. And the courts will still give him partial or visitation at the very least. Like, I mean, seriously, he has to be. He has to be. The way the courts, family, courts see it is that person has to be convicted of a crime. Otherwise they get visitation rights. That it comes down to that. Like no amount of, I mean maybe if you have these messages, it's whatever she's messaging, it's going to make her look super, super fat. So if you're talking to this person, you want to make sure he or is screenshotting all the messages from this batch when it comes to the children because. Those are going to make her not have this big payoff. She might be trying to get more child support, but it's only going to be you know, what is considered the state limit or the state Max, which is, you know, just rent. Again, there's this energy of needing to move on from the axe. I don't know if this is your axe. We could be talking about right now again and the burden of our public. I mean, there's again, moving on. Here's the acts. Now it's a burden of a public break for public divorce. Back to this, triggering the gossip. Again, you will move on from this, full Both of you will move on. You will move on from this foolishness, and you're going to be committed to one another, yeah. Yes, all this. Sex. Sex. There might end secret. They might juggle with this thing because their mind trapped, and we'll feel pushed to reconcile. But again, you're going to get into a relationship very quickly with this person wants this situation with the children kind of. Or you might be already in a relationship with this person. And you know, I could reading Carol on their particular situation, it says that it either it would be foolish to marry this woman or to to commit to this bitch, all right, Just for sex. Or saying they're going to move on from this absolute foolishness of the axe and this batch and the messages and yadda yadda and then, you know, there's there's a commitment here. There's a commitment to being a mother, there's a commitment to being an Empress, there's commitment to the sax. In secret, there might be juggling a little bit. With the mind folk, but they're going to reconcile. You might be mindful like, Oh my God, maybe they're gonna write us up. But again, it's just reconciling the mind trap. The the the message is from this bitch. 10 of Swords and Death. So it really puts this shit to an end. Any guidance for you? Guidance. Yeah, sure, it's gonna fall apart here. Quickly. It's going to fall apart very quickly, so just hold on, OK? This ship's going to fall apart very quickly. Just hold on if there's distance or you're only on the Internet. Yeah, they're good. Your world is going to be set free. There's a whole freedom from that world. Yeah. It's only it's growing towards that, yeah. Just the hope for cheating. But it doesn't look like it doesn't look like it's going to end like that. Yeah, you can expect. To you can expect the defense. You can expect there to to defend. Once you've, you can expect to defend yourself a little bit with some regret. Or they can expect to defend themselves and just regret it. Again, being left out that here comes Amani again. She's trying. She's using the children for more money. OK. So again, she's using the children as a way to retaliate. As we get to get more money, this thing is going to fall apart very quickly. OK, so if they're not separated, A separation is on the horizon with this person. I'm getting everyone an Oracle Magical Moments card here to finish the reading. Along way. Savage to go with a long way home and feel attracted to that one this reading. Long way home. Journey remembrances, Experience passage. Look at this little elephant on his journey through the sky. He lives in a huge ball. And has his castle. Flights guide the way while he slowly passes over the horizon. Ohh, how long? Is his journey and when, when? When he drops his anchor again and contains or continues his trial. This card reflects how we pass through our. During our Pilgrim pilgrimage, we collect memories strong enough to fill the council and light. To to. Boats are voyage so it's like. It's like your experience is filled with hot air balloons, but they also angry you. This is such a cool card. It's a hot air balloon. It's this palace. And an elephant, and it's got anchor, right? In the fall bath is another one. Long way home. So in the end it's gonna just feel like they took full. I love that. Queen of the Queen of the Stone Age song. Feet don't fail me now. One lines is that is in that song is We We Took the Long Way Home. So you know, if you're wanting to avoid some of the concepts, if you're wanting to avoid this like triggering that you know, you know this plane, was that children and using them as you know as some kind of leverage piece. Remember that you know you can choose the long way. Take a little bit more time, take a little bit slower as you get to know each other, as you let the chemistry. You make this person. Both. Two different. Happy. You know what I mean? So you make person. I will be back with the last.
Alright. It's the pentagram, but it's not in a full circle. It's almost like a moon, but it's. It's not a full circle. Let's see. Playful. It's important for you to remain playful. Both of you right now, Yeah. You've been so way down, both of you. It's been that fucking pressure cooker. Ready to? Yeah, but it's OK. You really felt like you needed to protect yourself. So this connection is really been weighing on. Creating some pressure. To protect yourself. Um. But you know, and that's because you feel like the time is running out. Someone is possibly in a long term relationship. Relationship. I don't know. Tick tock. Long term relationship, so I don't know if this is someone you are with currently and you're wanting to know if they're going to commit to you. Again, whatever is going on here, it's really been weighing on you, whatever life happens. Yeah, you don't want to be. Or threatened by commitment. This person may have commitment issues if this is like a new thing. And you're wanting to know. The cards are telling you, relax, be playful, OK? Because this is going away. It's going to weigh it down, alright? And if you try to put a deadline like this person doesn't fucking ask me to marry him in two months, I'm out. You know what I mean? Or it could be a situation in which you're feeling very much. Weighed and possibly angry. Needing to protect yourself because it looks like they might. Be in a long term relationship. And that is threatening. So I could read that two ways. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make some better decision they are focused on? OK. There could be gas, and there's already gossip about it. It's risky. They wanna take the game. They want to get. Yeah, it's projected. They're thinking this is their future. They're going to take this gamble in the future with you. Alright, yeah, you guys have a history here. History between the. Third party. Yeah. OK. All right. So there's now there's other. One of these days, these readings, all these I watch all the loving someone who's in a relationship with. Like technical? They're focused on you. There's already gossip. They're going to take this risk and they're projecting that in the near future they're going to take this risk. There has either been a history of love affairs between them and the person that they're with in this long term relationship or you two both have a history. In which you've loved one another, maybe from afar, maybe a little bit closer. It's kind of a secret, the feelings that you have for one another, but they are focused on. OK, so again, maybe, you know, maybe they're in a relationship and the deadlines running out, you don't want to fucking feel this embarrassment anymore. You know, this connection has been really weighing you down. Wanting to explode, but you're also wanting to protect yourself and them. But here's this Tick tock tick Tock tick. Ready to recapture romance? Allow your inner youthful spirit to shine. You need to relax your back up. You need to get playful. OK, stop taking this thing so fucking serious. Right. They're going to take the risk if it feels safe, if it makes them happy. Right. Maybe your you need the risk. I don't know who the fucks in the relationship. How do they feel about you? You're so strong, your strength inspires. Yours can't be. I really need your help because I'm unhealthy. You make me so. I'm so sorry. So. You know this person is apologizing for being broken in some way. That's why they're staying or have stayed in committed relation. This is still secret. Possibly. But you're strong. You're wild. Have you ever broken your heart before? Or if this is breaking your heart, or that they have approved. How were they? They would describe you as a Don Juan. Spotlights House with your positive, seductive quality. They describe it. Say, described as someone who's seduced. They describe you as the servant, someone that serves others with the three. Someone who? Just. Someone might use their lack of money as an excuse not to. Alright. Uh. Too. Many. Bulky. The Mystic reveals the intimate. Right. So they would say that you you've seduced them, that you're a servant. Maybe you use the fact that you don't have much money. Excuse for not moving forward. And. You're mysterious. Have you consider? They're really. They've juggled with it. They've juggled with it because, but it would lead to sex. Like they feel like it would lead to sex and it would be really strong and they would love to. OK, so they would love, they really juggle with it. They would text you. Maybe they write sex to you. It would be very strong. There is love. So yes, have they consider contacting you? Yes. They juggle with it a lot. You're saxy, you're strong. Is there competition? For their attention. Is there competition for their attention? They might feel kind of embarrassed because you're. Or them. Is there competition? Their anxiety. They're really stressed out, right? Something is growing something. They're getting ready to do something, possibly with their family. It's seven of pinnacles, 10 of pinnacles, so they're really stressing right now. They're waiting or they're growing something that has to do with their family. They have feelings for you that they're not expressing, but they're carrying a very, very heavy burden right now. So the competition would be. Would be the stress that they're feeling when it comes to their family. Or when it comes to money, OK, because we got 7 of Pinnacles, 10 of pinnacles. So they might be trying to make money. OK, a lot of money. 10 pinnacles is a lot of money. So they're really stressed out. They're trying to grow whatever they're doing into a lot of money. Or they have something growing something that they have to tend to. With their family, they have to tend to their family in some way. It is a burden. So the only competition for their attention right now has to do with making money or which is stressing them out. They need the money something. It's stressful. Or something with their family, which is stressful. It's a bird. So is there is there competition? There's not another person? Stressing out. This person right for you? Yes. Oh my God. Um. It's throwing 10 Pinnacles temperance. So like this is this is family money, abundance and balance. Temperance is mix and a drink. She's about reconciliation. She is about that higher, that higher view. It is our Sagittarius card, so. This person right for you? Yes, they're family, they're abundance that it's a it's a very stable physical. Ohh yes, it's a very big yes it's this person. So we're going to bring you a lot of balance. Next. They're focused on you. There's already gossip about it. They're going to take the risk. They're planning to this risk in the future. It's a gamble. Possibly a gamble just because of there's a past history of welfare. They might they might be worried that you might be a cheater. Could be it could be more risky because. There's a history of. They want you to tell them what to do. Tell me what to do. Send me some. So if they were to sexually, maybe like tell me what to do and then you're also. Pulling hair. Horizon My nipples become extremely sensitive in your presence. OK, let's see. Section. There's a Spartan card. This is the star. The next one is the hair effect card, which is about commitment. And it's like the Pope and the non is, you know, she's got her hands under his robe, she's sitting there, she's he's gently caressing her head and she is tending toward his officers Rd. OK, this is a standing flock. It's not necessarily like, I mean he's got his leg up, so he's he is holding her weight on his leg. Standing flock. And then there is she's laid out naked, and then there's all sorts of like silk ties. She's got one on. Um, this is being woken up. Socks. They're on top. Oral. So. Better they. Were they fantasizing about, Well, there's this, there's my squirting card here. And again, it could be just like, you know, being comfortable enough to urinate from one another. I don't know. I mean, if there's no squirting in this scenario, then it's just that kind of comfort. You know, just being naked. Then there's the Hair Thing card. Which again. You know, dedicated, dedicated to the folks, Pennis, the strength card, which again, the standing folk or supported standing fog. The nine of panicles. Again, she's got the cutest little triangle. It's lately. All laid out, ready to be tied up with with silks. Being woken up for sex. Riding on top and then oral cards actually said there's a real hope here to commit to this because it's so strong. Again, there's like this really strong independence and beautiful single woman. You know, again, this single woman stands up for herself and this is her wish. That she has suffered for. So it's again, there's like this wish that's being suffered for. So again, you know, there's a lot of hope that this will be a committed relationship. It feels very strong. There's a lot of independence though, and this need to stand up for oneself. But the wish here was worth the the stress. Was wishing for the stress to be relieved. So maybe there's a lot of sexual tension between the two of you. Back to this, there's needs to be playful. So if you come into contact with this person, I want you to just be playful. Don't. Don't bog it down with this. Worry about gossip, this any kind of. Pressure to commit, pressure to get married. Pressure. You know what I mean. It looks like they plan on taking this risk when it is, when they're approached with it, even though there is a history of possible cheating or love affairs or or a history of secrets. Um, they're still very focused on this, so be playful. What is the advice? There's a lot of abundance of wisdom. And that scenario. And there's a wish to make a decision. They wish to make this decision. It feels like destiny, and it will be destiny because they're wishing to make this decision. They wish to be able to make this decision. Emma. Yeah, they wish to make this decision because they love you. There's love here. Again, they're a little bit afraid about what has to be given. Or about, you know. About there might be a little bit afraid because maybe so little has been given this far or they have to give something, I'm not sure. So there's kind of like some fear around what is going to cost, you know what I mean, whether it be for you or for them or. For that kind of scenario, it's a lose, lose situation though, because there's going to be, it's going to be successful, so whatever they're afraid of. It doesn't matter because it's going to be successful or whatever you're afraid of. So if you have to give, you know, some kind of money or you have to give in to this or you have to invest in it and so you're afraid and you think it's going to be a lose situation, it's going to be very successful, very strong. And 10 of panels or you can decide to leave yourself out of this relationship, but it's even if you do that, it's going to continue to grow. So there's a lot of energy this cheating. And there's cheating in this hoe are very sneaky and the judgment is denial. So. It's going to be successful, strong and it's. Even if even if you feel left out or stigmatized in some way, the relationship is going to continue to grow. We have a match pair here. We have A, a cheating man and a horror, a king of wands and a queen of wands. They're very sneaky, and the judgment is they create some kind of denial, which is a. Huge burden. So there's there's other players in this in this scene. Back to this, there's an abundance of. Experience. There's an abundance of wisdom. And this person wishes to make a decision. Towards their destiny, with you and and love. Again, there's a little bit of fear. About investment or fear about what they're going to have to give or or that they don't have enough to give you. And so that could be it. They're afraid they don't have enough to give you. And that kind of creates this, this this mindfuck for them, this lose lose situation. But it doesn't even fucking matter because. Here comes great success and such a strong, loyal relationship that leads to to just Techops fulfillment. So this. King and Queen of Wands. And they're sneaking around. And their judgments and their denial and their burden. This might be what's Wayne style, what's creating this pressure cooker which, you know, again, there's this need to protect yourself from whatever is going to explode, and it's going to happen with this cheating man and this war. Yeah, there again. They they have some hope for money. So again, I feel like you know, maybe your person or you again is being manipulated by by very couple people. But it looks like you're wise enough. In this relationship. To be playful on anymore, you know what I mean? Yeah, you're gonna be really happy. It keeps throwing this ton of pentacles out and the tone of. Cops. So this is going to be a very abundant, stable, longevity type relationship, one that you can build a home with and you know, have retirement plans and have your children and your grandchildren and your dogs and your pets all around you. You know that it's that feeling of fulfillment. Of all that it is that you should be, should be becoming or life has to offer. So again, you know, really. There's been a lot of stress, so there's a there's a need here just to be playful. OK, so when you have. Access to this person or you become, you know, in contact more with this person. Be playful. Don't bog it down with the past, with the history, with the fears of you. Know of the history or fears of feeling threatened or embarrassed or fears of. Are they going to commit or are they going to commit to another person? You know what I mean? So your card is cool. It's balloon card reading. Everyone's getting an Oracle of mystical moments today. And you got the balloon. Self-confidence, femininity, individual fulfills. A woman gazes into your eyes with pride and self-control. She knows what she wants and this certain. Blooms out of her being like a beautiful, bountiful garden. Her hair is thick, like the branches of the tree, reaching out with controlled abandonment. The power of nature surrounds her, flowing both into her and out from her. What? Would it be like to feed this connection? And confident. Disconnected and. Ohh feel sorry. What would it what would it feel like to be this connected and kind and confident? What would you accomplish? Your inner strength? Blood. Into future achievements. So this person is going to bring you into a whole another level of confidence. What are you going to achieve when you're with someone who's going to feed in? To your blood and you're going to give you the nitrogen rich soil. To. To blossom, To bloom more. What are you gonna do when you're being locked up? Property. So many of us sit here. Not knowing what it feels like to truly be loved. And not knowing you know how. Fulfilling that is in every in every way. You know what I mean? Ohh. So many of us are living in these, you know. Intimates list star like work or starving for intimacy. How many of us are out there starving? Close to someone starving to be touched. Starving to to feel that intimate fog, to feel like you're connected to some. You know what I mean And what would you do? If you had the confidence that came with that kind of love and connection. You know, feeling so secure in yourself. You know, beautiful thing. Something that feeds your into your independent spirit feeds and encourages you to to become even more than you ever. So many of us live and neglect. So what would it feel like tonight being? Suppression. So be playful. Think about that. Every time those fears come off with that make you want to pull away because if you. To protect yourself. What a beautiful thing is America. So go after this 1600. History. I'm gonna call it the star. It doesn't have the full circle, but it is a. What? That's what we all should be. Our relationship with which we can be. Playful. Be ourselves. Be authentic. Wow. Share emphasis around one another because that's the goal. That's where everybody said. We're all relationships going, you know. Right. Alright, I will be back with some kind of. Sex segment? I have no idea. I have no idea what. go figure it out that
I don't really have. Anything. Plan. I don't have a sex topic this week. Sorry. Right. We're running out of sex topics and maybe we'll find something sexy to talk about. After I get done, just kind of. Just got to talk for a little bit. Finish this episode off. Tell you what's going on. What, what do you can expect? What you can expect? For the future, we will talk about love just a minute. But. Uh, yeah. Watching the transcript go I did. I started to do transcripts. So this supposed to help with my SEO but I'm using word program and I think I need to use Google. Because when I read back through it, I'm like this this shift gibberish. Like this show was called Love, sex and terror. I say there out reads it as terror. So anyway, if you want a good laugh, check out the Chance. I don't have time to go through and correct those. I'm not a proofreader in general anyway because I'm dyslexic. We just can't. We can't prove ourselves. Thank God for chat. Oh my God makes life so much easier watching all these reels because my my Instagram algorithm has figured out that I'm dyslexic and so it's like sending me. Every dyslexic real that there is and like this one lady I really like, really don't like her. They don't because she describes dyslexia, ADHD and it's like, no. No, it's not. The reason that this lexic sometimes appear ADHD is because it takes so much focus. To read and to recall, especially when it comes to like spelling or any anything like that like. Like. You know, it's it's interesting because there's people out there that think in words and then there's people out there that think in pictures. And then there was dyslexics, which kind of do both. You know the way The best way I I can describe it is. Instead of my eyes going to my occipital lobe and making a choice. To only see the one side of things alright, which is how most people are either right brain or left brain. That's what side of the brain you see from right dyslexics that goes through their temporal lobes. I'm pretty sure you know there's no science no one to figure it out how that that to that extent but. That's why I think that somebody just lacks things have a problem. Focus because we're actually thinking with. Our ear brain. And so because like when you hear, you hear simultaneously from both ears, but when you see you only see from one eye from 1 neuron. You know. And so I think that's why it causes so much confusion and there's like this. You know, they they call it reading blindness. And it's, it's true, like I don't store words. Like I I don't. There's some, there's some words that I'm better at. But I don't store over 4 letters of a of a single word. It's weird, like if it's over 4 letters I have to use. And even and like all this really was like when your spell check marks, you're dislexic, flock up and it's like, yeah, I know it's like a nightmare. Like there's this nightmare moment when you're when your phone starts to spell it wrong the way you spell it, because you're wrong. You're supposed to correct me. Auto correct. Don't stop. Like it's like by Auto Correct? Just started believing me. No, you're not to believe me. That's below that. What else? Funny, because I watched as from this guy was freaking out about the word certain and I'm like, I understand and like it takes a real like I do a lot of. Stupid stuff to remember stuff. You know what I mean? Remember that one time when the disc and that and that is now how we spell certain. Because we're. That serves gonna focus. I don't know it's like this weird thing but like I but the The thing is everyone's like oh you're you know you have ADHD qualities. No. What's actually have these We focus. We have to focus because we are taking in so much content. They see the the, you know the most. Flexible brains are working four to five times more. Than an average human brain has to work to do the same task. So there's like this overpowering thing that's happening and so it's like it only takes like if I'm reading it only takes one sound. And. Every bit of focus that I had to have to get to that point of that paragraph is gone. And then I'm then I'm like grasping at the last meaning of the words. Trying to hold on to it and then I gotta start over. And that's and that is the reality for most dyslexics. It's like it takes one little. And the whole staff of cards falls. That's why it's so fucking frusta. I could sit down and focus my fucking ass off. I have no problem staying on task cause you have to. That's what I M saying. Like when I see these dyslexics reels. If you're like it's like a DH. No no it's not. I'm not getting. Yes it is to the extent of its that easy to to distracted. Plexus. You know what I mean? It's very easy because we have to focus so, so hard. Was ADHD people couldn't muster them the amount of focus needed to read paragraph when they can't see a fucking. He said I I describe it as a. As a a changeable word search. So there's no like, breaks, periods, it's just all letters and some of them are changed. And just imagine reading something like that, you know? Crazy to me. I like, like back up and try to figure out where I'm different than everybody else. Like, God, that. And my notes are horrible. I was like I'm writing code over here. But anyway, right? Do you know what that word means now? OK, just get the code. That's the code. Alright, it's Zagna. That's why I say it in my head, trying to remember there's a God damn G in lasagna. And not Z. Vanya. Anyway. I'm often energy. I slept. Really. Was the first. It's the first day of the. 2024 that you put my fan in the window. Just asleep with that, like outside air blowing on me all night. Oh my God. I slept solid for six hours and woke up at 4:00 PM and then fell back to sleep. Which was the most? Actually had a dream and then woke up. It was a great night. But which is which is awesome because I've actually had issues sleeping last like couple days. I don't know excitement of the eclipse or. What? Collapsed. I've seen partial eclipses. I once got up at 3:00 AM. In January, stood outside for an hour and watched a total lunar eclipse, which was increased. Beautiful. There nothing. Then compare. It was. Like First off, like the pictures, don't do it justice. And then to also be staring directly at. It's crazy too. And I was like, I there's it's it was indescribable. This is incredible moment. No wonder people flipped the fuck out. Back. Wonder there's like all this. Sacrifice. It's a perfect time just to sacrifice God. They really it's a beautiful moment. I see why. I see why. There's so much craziness around it, I hope. My I'm I'm like as soon as it was over I'm like Oh my God. I'm now going to have to plan a fucking trip to some to next time this thing's in the United States, I'm gonna have to fucking plan a trip. I'm gonna have to go through the crazy just because I want to see this. Before I die. Because that was that fucking cool. It was amazing. It's just a little bit of cloud cover. It's like. All these hues are purple. Think it was going to be so purple and ultraviolet? I did not like think it was. I thought it was gonna be. My son. Those. It was so neat. Asking in the afterglow the clips. Uh, yeah. So if you don't get, if you have, like if you get an opportunity. And it's only one state away. God, go do it. Totally fucking worth it. I see why. It was chaotic. Why so many? Over the sea. So anyway. With the show on the summer. Um. Really. My parents bought. Just recently. So they're going to be moving in. And we are so excited for him. This was their dream. My parents met. Missouri. My dad. College. Very. And moved to Tucson. And they lived in Tucson for a while before coming to Columbus, OH. And they lived in Columbus, OH before moving up here in Northeast Ohio. And they always wanted to go back to Tucson. It was one of those things where they were like, we'll just go and work this job in Ohio for a little bit and then we'll get back to Tucson. Like in their head they were getting back to Tucson, but they got into Ohio and. It's possible, yeah. Of this state once you're here. It really is like Ohio is like they call it hell. It's questionable here because it's it's easy. Everybody who's from here talks about how hard it is. Uh, to leave because you won't like it, pulls you back like there is this. Uh, everybody who lives here ends up coming back. I don't know what it is about the state. It's like there's a magnet. It's like a magnetic. Frequency or something like that. Everyone talks about the track. That live. But anyway, they got, they got stuck here for, you know, for good. You know, 40 fucking years. And so anyway. So we got this house like this has been their dream since they were like, in their 20s. All right. And so it's so great after all my, my mother and father have been through and their entire lives that they get to experience, you know? I don't know. It gives me so much hope because it's like I've watched them go through all these battles and all this suffering and to see them still like. Go after their original dream and then also get it like this place is. So anyway, this summer my son and I are going to go out there and visit with them and help them move in and get them all settled in really nicely and so we're going to be out of town for a while. Traveling and doing some other stuff throughout the summer. So because you know when this happened I was like, ohh shit, I gotta get this show figured out. And so I have been recording summer shows all through March. I got June is June's tarot readings are done. I'm gonna try to get July's done this month and then double up to get through May so I can give myself a little bit of space. So the plan for summer? Because I'm going to kind of go on autopilot here. Like I said, I've been pre recording shows up and doing double, double duty here through the through the, you know, end of the winter into the spring. And those shows, they'll they'll have all new terror that you've never heard. Uh. I'll have an intro which I'm going to do all these like travel story intros. So all summer I'll start the show off with like a travel story intro and then we'll get to your tarot reading. And then I'm going to pull my Zodiac lovers. The first time I did that series, none of those recordings are on the feed anymore because I had to remove shows to keep the price down when it comes to my hosting. So I can only keep about a year of shows on the feet at a time. So in this, so those have been long gone. So I'm gonna pull those out and then those will be the end segments and then I'm going to pull out some super. Super old love notes, especially for my new listeners. There might, you know, I might have recorded a love note for you a long time ago, You know what I mean? So that's going to be my intent. So the intros and the terror will all be new. You'll have never heard it as we go through June and July. The the outros will be if you've listened for a long time, you probably don't Remember Me anyway. But just to make those shows will feel complete. You know what? And I really loved when I went through and did the Zodiac lovers the first time. That was a lot of fun. So the won't be so much kink and sex talk. We will be talking. I do talk about each Zodiac and their kings within those segments. So. So those will be the summer shows. OK. So once we hit June. I'm kind of on autopilot and I might go ahead and share stories and things like that on IG, kind of help build that base up a little bit. So make sure you go over and follow me on IG so when we get to the summer you can. Ohh see, we're in the. Occasion once we. But those those readings are really turning out well. I'm good. And so if you've wondered why, I feel like I've been kind of. All over the place. It's because I'm doing double duty right now. So those are the summer shows, just so you guys know. Going on when we get there. So I'm excited. I just have to. Finish up. Finish up July. And then do those traveling intros with from Excel. You know, as far as, you know, talking about the love and sex segments here, I do want to talk about, you know, I won't start talking about long little bit more and like relationship dynamics. We're kind of like chill on the sex unless something really comes up and I'm like inspired. You know, we've handled all the all the basics since last year. So let's kind of like move over and talk about relationship dynamics and things that are like stumbling blocks. And this thing kind of came over me yesterday as I was trying to think what am I going to do this segment about? And it was about. What kind of type of love do we? And especially for those of my listeners that are coming from a place of narcissistic abuse, physical emotional abuse, sexual abuse, you know, where do we come like for those of us that are damaged, you know what I mean? In some way where someone has come in and. He can trust or the ability to trust away from us. How does that affect? You know us when we are picking a partner, how does that affect the relationship? Once more, Annex, You know, those deep seated trust issues never, never pan out. So it kind of got me thinking about that aspect of love. And so we might, kind of. Veer off and talk a little bit more about relationship dynamics, but the one thing that I came. Kind of came to was like, you know, it's an interesting dynamic when someone is too eager. Right. We have a tendency to back off from that and and we all can be eager, right? We can't be eager Beavers over here, but. But when someone's really eager, there is this energy of, Oh my God, this person wants to take advantage of me. This person is a scammer. This person is going to, you know, that love bomb energy kind of mentality. So a lot of us have this initial like when someone shows us interest, right? Immediately were like they're too eager, something's wrong and it it like. Flips all these red flags up like there's no, there's nothing wrong. That person is allowed to be excited. To meet you. They are allowed to be excited in their love for you. And this new connection with you. Why do we back off so quickly? When someone's eager. To to beginning relationship. And we tend then to find people that are disinterested that that could give a shit or that are focused on other things or other people. We tend to to to fall in love with that asshole, right? The one that's never. And those are safety mechanisms, right? OK, let's fall in love with this fucking deck. That way. You know, there's no way you know that she's ever going to work. Right. And then I'll be safe because in in the back of my mind I'm like, ohh, this guys a deck and. I'll be safe. I'm already expecting him to be this way. Right. Where we're more afraid to let someone that's eager and, you know, ready to people please us, right? We're like when we meet ourselves sometimes, right? It's a turn off. Like, why is? Why is eagerness? Or interest such a. That's something we really need to ask ourselves. Is it? Is it cultural? You know why me? Is it that that we want what we can't have? Because that one wants us. We don't want it because it you know. Is there that kind of energy? Like what is going on for those of us that are damaged goods? Eager to me is like, Oh my God, this person wants to fuck me. This person is going to scam the fuck out of me. I must be I must put up my barriers. Gonna be your coldness. That girl. All that person did was was show me that they cared. Show me that they're interested. And and pay attention to. Why? Why? Why do we sabotage ourselves? Because that's what. That's what a relationship should be. That's what you were like when you find someone you like, right? You're eager. You want to get to know them more. You want to touch them. Right. You want me? Just like it doesn't even have to be clingy. It's just interest. It's like when you find something new that you love. If you can't get enough. Right. Why do we look at someone who is eager to get to know? It's like, why does that clip us into the protection? Or click us into our. Speak it. You know, just because someone wants to needs to get to know. That is a pattern, right? Right. Falling in love with people are disinterested. As you'll know, even as we must now start to see eagerness. As a part of the love that we need. Because that's when you're in a relationship, you want your partner to pay attention to you. Right. You want them to be eager enough to understand the dynamics and be like, oh, they're in the bad mood today. Some chocolate cake. Right. Like we want people to be that fucking interested in this. Yeah, well, that one person comes right? There's something wrong with them. Either fuck, trying to focus over or what? They're not good enough. They're not hot enough. Like, I don't, you know, close your eyes. There's a whole feel aspect great to love. You know, and I'm I'm, I'm, I mean, I'm really guilty. Really. How am I going to get fucked over here? And that's my my post traumatic stress, OK? What does this person want from me? What do you want from me? God damn it, what do you want from me? I don't have anything to give you, so go go the fuck away. You know, and it's like Oh my God. And then like you sit back and you're. Really just like. Just want to be your friend. They're just interested. You know, I'm like, no. No, there's mountains here. Something wrong, I know it. And where when we fight with the we fight with this like the instinct of it. You know. And then they then you know how that that feels, right? And yes, we're not we're not to take every eager Beaver that comes our way, right? Or no. No, we have to be. We have to make a choice. But if we stand back and look at ourselves and look at the patterns we have, maybe a few of us are. Being way too. Way too strong with our boundaries. Maybe we need to step back and be like, OK, let's let's just let this happen. Because there's always, like your mom, one of excitement. And then everything got closed down. You get like, comfortable, right? It's like that. You can look at anxiety two ways. You can look at it like, Oh my God, what's going to happen, or you can look at it like, I'm so fucking excited. What's going to happen? So you could take Insanity and play it off as excitement. They're the exact same. Right. So where they're showing excitement. It's giving you anxiety, right? Because then you're like, I'm gonna disappoint this. They're so excited. There's no way. There's no way. Yeah. Match whatever they have. You know, I mean, there's always those. That's right. And you just start. It happened in friendship too. You just excited? Excited to have a new friend. Right. Yeah. So I mean, I guess, I guess the talk today here at the end of the of. On the show here. If someone is eager, we need to step back and have a discussion with ourselves. And maybe try to overcome. Some pattern we have about pushing people away that actually. Actually. Relationship. And instead we focus on people that were there. You know? There's no fucking way. You can see it and you can see it. It's all about you. You're still gonna like that one? Yeah. So again, that right there right is a trauma. Mechanism is a way to keep yourself safe. From anybody, anybody. Because there's people out there that are going to be eager and they don't have ill. You know what I mean? The ones that that are really good, they don't want, they don't want to hurt you. They're just excited to meet you. They're excited to be around you. They're excited to talk. And every single one of them. That's just grew you over and that is the problem when you've been through. Poor relationships or so many in our. So that's the advice this week. So next time we have someone that comes into our lives, that is very. Very interested. Uh, let's slow down the pace to make ourselves comfortable first and foremost. Everybody knows from just slow it down just a little bit. The intensity will will fade and then you can see this person in the proper perspective. And maybe they are exactly what? Maybe you need someone. Yeah. So, you know, there's a lot of memes out there that are like, let somebody love you. Even if you don't love that, and that's such a weird dynamic, let someone love you even though you don't love them. So weird. You know what I mean? It feels like if you let someone in to love you, and you know you don't, you're not going to love them back like the way they're. Then you know. You know you're going to just hurt them. Part of it, but there's so many people out there selfishly doing that just to have some. It's just an interesting dynamic, so I want you to examine yourself today. With that either one. OK, and realize is it your? Kobe mechanism that's creating the moment to step away from that person. Because that might be all that it is. And if you can go ahead and self-control that, you might be able to get past that intensity zone. And that's the reality. We're all hitting this intensity zone when we're really connecting with somebody and that is the problem. It's the it's the intensity. So let's try to get through those zones as quick as possible. By slowing things down, by remaining calm, by reminding ourselves that not everybody wants to take advantage of us. And that might help us get past these. These subconscious crushes and setups in which we don't get anywhere, which we find ourselves in cycles, which is cycles created by our past trauma. So if we want to break this cycle, we have to get in that intensity zone, that little bit of uncomfortability. With that person that thinks that you're just the coolest, right? And just like the friendship. Develop. And let's not be afraid just because we've been hurt in the. So that's the talk, which that's how people are really sabotaging themselves. I know I sabotage myself that way. Definitely, definitely. Like, OK, that's intense. OK, that can't be healthy. And then I talk myself completely. I'm gonna do one. Call Mr. Cole moments, too. To end the show, because we did the, we did these all through throughout. It's the first car, the deck, which is cool. Kind of a ramble. And I'll travel by. Uncertainty. Fear. Worries, decisions to be made. Follow your instincts. Stay and. The girl we see on this card is holding the sun in her hands while the moon is at her. She looks. As if she has a question in mind but does not. What is she thinking? Is she afraid of the answer or the inward process to find it? Many of us struggle with making decisions. But where there is shadow, there is also. After a dark night, there was always the light of the morning sun warming the path. This column reminds us that we already hold all the answers in our. We should trust our inner judgment and know we will be able. Situation and that is that and maybe that is another aspect. We don't know. How? You don't know how this relationship. Develop. But let's have. What's? That's no. In our hearts that no matter what happens. As we allow these things to develop as we get through the intensity zone. That we will know how. And our instincts will kick in. If we are in a situation. And that's what we're That's how we're. About this sabotage that we find ourselves. So when we see someone that's eager, let's go ahead and let. Breathe through the intensity and let's remind ourselves that if it does turn into a situation in which we have to get out of, we have enough expert. You and the. To get. OK, so nothing. Nothing has to be. 3. And one, we're dealing with people with past trauma. Uh. All or none. It's how it feels. Everything feels very. Because that's how it feels after the event. But yeah, we have enough experience that if we get ourselves in a situation that we do not feel comfortable that our instincts are going to tell us. Much further evidence and someone who has not been. And so we must look at that like it's a super. And we must walk out into the. And allow this eager and intense energy. Two common. And hold. And see what comes. That's right. And if we get to the other side? And that's something we have to get out of. Pony of experience. That way before it turns out like it. That should have. So let's try. All right, lots of trust. Ourselves. Whatever intensity. This project. That's saying turn out nice, right? That turned out. That makes sense. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and make sure you go over there for all of my Instagram account. Ohh and I'll put my private Instagram account up to. You know, maybe I'll post some pictures. And stuff like that. So I just want to have the whole summer completely on autopilot with this show and it will be nice because all I'm literally going to get a two-month, a full 2 month break from recording. On the Force again. I am excited because I put a lot of work. And getting ready for this summer. And it will be relief not to have to worry about any terror reading. And take a take a two-month fucking break. So when I get back it's on as we head into the end of summer and. Next fall, ohh my gosh, I might be completely charged. Full of new. This phone. I'm excited. I'm excited. I have not been to Arizona. Time. Half the time. I'm excited. So, so yeah, that's what's coming this summer. And yeah, let's trust, let's trust. Ourselves and let's trust our powers of intuition and our power. The power of our experience. And that makes us feel whole life strong. Alright, you guys have a great week. I'll be back next week for the.