Just Disassociate Already: Managing Emotional Triggers for Sexy Leadership Success
Trigger warning! It was The Dirty Projectors! We talk about identifying and disabling your own triggers. What is a trigger? It’s an unwanted emotional response to a "negative" stimulus. Ultimately, it’s how people control us, and with practice, you can disable your own triggers, making you a valuable leader in a hyperbolic world.
This week’s readings were very triggering. Please be advised. The fire reading worried over STI fears. Earth talked about how religious judgments build walls of anger. Wind was a cluster # of ex energy. They want to talk. Water was a separation reading and zoomed in on an individual father that needs proper legal advice. Our readings start general and focus more specifically to help one person in particular. I’m really starting to understand that about my tarot reading style.
The love note is to a leader, and it was hot. They can’t wait to rip off your clothes. It’s important for your identity to recognize your triggers and stop letting people guilt you into their bidding. It’s time to go!
Fire: 00:13:24
Love Note: 02:07:08
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 66
Just Disassociate Already: Managing Emotional Triggers for Sexy Leadership Success
Trigger warning! It was The Dirty Projectors! We talk about identifying and disabling your own triggers. What is a trigger? It’s an unwanted emotional response to a "negative" stimulus. Ultimately, it’s how people control us, and with practice, you can disable your own triggers, making you a valuable leader in a hyperbolic world.
This week’s readings were very triggering. Please be advised. The fire reading worried over STI fears. Earth talked about how religious judgments build walls of anger. Wind was a cluster # of ex energy. They want to talk. Water was a separation reading and zoomed in on an individual father that needs proper legal advice. Our readings start general and focus more specifically to help one person in particular. I’m really starting to understand that about my tarot reading style.
The love note is to a leader, and it was hot. They can’t wait to rip off your clothes. It’s important for your identity to recognize your triggers and stop letting people guilt you into their bidding. It’s time to go!
Fire: 00:13:24
Love Note: 02:07:08
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
So what triggers you? This is what happened. Word stranger. Alright, just the word. Trigger, trigger, everybody. It does like you triggered me, Yeah, now you triggered me back, right? We're all over. Fingers on the trigger. That one song. What is that? It doesn't have a. God. I don't have my phone in here to look it up. God, what is it? When shit like that happens drives me crazy. Um. From Indiana, anyway. Yeah. What is it? Triggers an emotional response to to some kind of stimuli, right? It's triggers emotions. It's an emotional response. Right. It's our fight flight, fawn freeze mentality. Ohh. Or just, you know, upset, right? And we live in a world where people like to trigger one another because it gets shit done, or because they're just assholes, right? Or they don't even know they're living in their own triggered state, triggering other people, right? You know? Deal with people that are, you know, emotionally unstable. It's very trying to be very triggering, right? People like whole peoples are. Looks like crazy. It's crazy. I talk. I forget which one is whatever will have the. I think it was the. Or maybe it was the earth. It was the earth reading that it was about religious factors. And I was talking about how like, out of all, like, you know, all the different religious groups, the meanest are the atheist. And they are like go on Facebook. There's nothing meaner than atheist. It's true. Like, you know, they're triggering. They're triggering up about anything. Like you say anything like, God bless you there, fucking piss. And like, I understand it because we live in a liberal world and it's really important for people to have their own identities. And the old way of thinking triggers them. So like we got this like back and forth, constantly triggering one another mentality, but. But. Put. Yeah, you know. Right. We get triggered because people are mean to us, so we're mean or back, you know and that turned the other cheek mentality, right, just gets both cheeks sore and so it's it's an interesting thing but for our own peer support therapy mentality here in the show. I want everybody to start examining their triggers. And my friend called me dear the other day. I really pissed me off. Don't call me dear. I don't like it. I don't like being called here and it's because that's like how my ex spoke to me when he was being facetious with me or when he to him. The way he said it, it was like a blush your heart. You know what I mean? Kind of way it was, you know, implying that. Whatever I did was stupid, right? You know, it's that kind of mentality. So I don't. And it's funny because in my family, the deer is not a term of endearment. That we use. OK, so like, I don't know. I don't know. My family just doesn't like we call each other. Sweetie and show like that, you know or or. Stinger I'm always, always going, yeah, I was like a little stinker. That's. Speaker. So, you know, was it like that was their term of endearment? Sweetie, your little stinker is what I got. I guess those were two parts of my personality. But yeah, so there are certain, like, words that people use, right, That are triggering, right. And why is that triggering to me? Well, it's because it was used in a way for, you know, very many years, you know, in a sarcastic, mean way towards me, you know, implying. You know, and missed the market in some way. Supporting your mentality. And yeah, you know, so it's important for us to realize. Why were triggered? What triggered us? First and foremost, what in that situation gave you emotional response? OK, it was that. OK, why does that give you emotional response? Well, now we go back to the history books. When was that used before that upsets you so much? OK, now we know why that is a trigger word. Was that person using that trigger on purpose or was it just a happen chance type thing like my friend calling me dear and sweet? Way right? They didn't mean it that way. He didn't mean it the way. I knew that the moment he said it, but it's still. So it's important for you to understand your triggers, and when you understand your triggers, you gain more emotional control and you gain more control over the situation. Because if someone knows your triggers in a trigger and you want fucking purpose to kick you into a certain stage which. Gives them everything they want from you. Then it's a manipulative tool. Right. So the moment you take back control of your emotional state in a triggered state, so all these people sitting out there, I'm triggered, I'm triggered, I'm triggered, will take fucking control. Of your God. Take control of your emotional. Uh. South. Figure out why that triggered you and work on it. And yeah, there's a lot of things we can't fix about the world. But we can fix the way we look at it. We can do what we can about it. Right, to alleviate some of that stress? And we cannot let them. Assholes that are using those triggers right to get what they want, which is an emotional outburst from you, possibly to make you look unstable. So you must remember though, there are a lot of people out there are wanting us to look unstable. They're wanting us to look. You know. They want us to be easy pickings for whatever their particular motive is. Easy marks. So it's important for us to identify our triggers and then to be able to disassociate. You know the bad word. But disassociation gets shit done. Disassociation is where a leader stands. A leader stands in complete disassociation, unemotionally attached. And that is how you make. Good decision. That is how you see the see the situation without emotion. That's how the right thing gets done. That is the highest good. That is what creates sovereignty, right? So. Well, it's identified our triggers this week. Like I said, the love note was really sweet. It was to a bleeder. And there was a part of it in which we talk about, you know, identifying the triggers and realizing many times that people are actually mirroring to us their own triggers, even though may trigger us and this and that, they're dealing with their own stuff. So again, it is important to learn to disassociate. You know, we live in a world where everybody's allowed to be emotional now. And Gen. X, we weren't allowed. I'll give you something that you stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about. I know damn well. I have felt that energy in my life. OK, so you know this. These last generations were not treated to that way. They were not treated in a way that was like, you better disassociate right now so I don't look like an asshole, so that we can get through whatever we're trying to get through disassociate now. I'll give you something to cry a lot. Right. Yeah, it is a coping tool. Three Fight, flight, or disassociate. It makes more sense. Than fawn or free. Where is that? That is a coping mechanism and there's nothing wrong with it, and it is a pillar of leadership. So if you want to be this great leader, if you want people to listen to you, if you want your agenda to be followed, then you need to not be an emotional tyrant. You need to to not be triggered. You need to understand your triggers, and then the moment you understand your triggers you take all the power away from them and and in that way taking all the power away from the people that want to manipulate you and for many people triggers our guilt. So it's really important for you to start, you know, offsetting any guilt that is being placed upon you. You are responsible for yourself, your life, your emotions. Alright. Ohh, you don't. You don't have to be there for everybody. You don't have to. Take care of everyone and not yourself. No, it is time to stand up for yourself. Understand your triggers and take the power. Back. Get off go, Coach, Coach. Speech here. Disassociate motherfuckers. It's time. Sometimes that's all you can do, and it's healthy too. So let's not, you know, let's not use that trigger, right? Stop. Disassociate. Funk you. Disassociate all God damn day of our walking want to if it gets shit done. It is a necessary process. And yes, I can go and have my emotions later when no one sees them. In that way no one grasps anymore. Of the nature of my triggers that then can be used to manipulate me later, right? That's the. People's tools. The readings go Fire, earth, wind, water. You can find them. In the description water we got really legal. Water we talked about religion. I think it was in the. There was some concerns. We got to. Love that was very lovely. Off your. It is. So continue on your path, my little leaders. Take away their triggers. Take away their guns. Completely in control. But you know, we could enjoy the show. I will be back next week with something fucking sexy. Welcome to love, sex and terror. I am your host occasion again. I hope that every week you get some kind of tool to help you unburden yourself from the world you find. That helps you gain some knowledge that helps you get to where it is. And you know, these readings are powerful. I have seen very many to our readings come true. But does is every tarot reading for you? No. Is could that be the generalization aspect of the first card layout? Yes. But as we go through and clarify and the situation becomes more specific, you know, let's look at that as I am dialing down into the person that really needed that talk that day. You know what I mean and and I hope and I intend for everybody to get a personal style, stylized reading. You know, as many times as they they need it through this process. OK, that is my. No, but not everything's about you, so remember that as well. Just take from the readings what is meant for you and know that. OK. Alright, you guys have a have a great week. Enjoy the show.
OK, fire sign. Relationship Really. There's a strong magnetic. Clear. Overall energy. Reporting something. They are in cricket. Complete silence. It's because they don't know what the. There's. Emotionally, like, you're needing a break. You need to dictation. Somewhere. So you're really feeling? Urge to run here because there's kind of. Emotionally, they're pretending they're acting fake. Showing you. Motion. You're focused on this person. Away. Is there in their headspace right now they're in ghosts. They're in ghost mode, which makes sense because their overall energy silent. I don't know what to what to do. They're pretending. Acting fake? And. OK. So then they're being a ghost. Or they're thinking. Moving a ghost again? You're over here fucking running the fuck away. You have to overcome this kind feeling connected. Um. Possibly only on the Internet you have, you know, there's some there's something here. You will overcome this because this is your soul mate, or because you have a friendship with this person, so you won't run because there's a friendship. That. You taste it. The vitamins we B vitamin today. Complex is still taste. Alright. They have to overcome kind of coming up out of this some kind of ascension, which means, you know, they have to have a new kind of energy. They have to get out of this mind blocked energy that they have and they will overcome that with love. So, you know, there's real love here between you emotionally is a family. So again, you you're either both emotionally, you know, dealing with family issues, or you're both emotionally feel like your family. It could be the other connection. Feel like you're familiar family connection. Where are you both meeting your headspace? It's so complicated, twin flame and synchronicities. So in your head space you both are seeing the signs of this is a deeper connection, that there's a lot of mirroring going on between the two of you. You know. They don't know what to do and you're avoiding them because of it. Possibly that's the outcome. Contraction. Awareness something, some kind of realization happens here, OK? Tell me why they're so confined mentally right now. They're having a lot of they're having panic, they're having panic attacks and anxiety. OK, so they're not doing anything right now because they're too confined to their mind. They're they're over fucking thinking this thing. The chemistry here is, you know started the chemical reaction. And I I always say this, I it's been a while, but I talk about love as a chemical reaction. You know, there's so much, you know, like two things can come together and the reaction can be really fast and really bright and really chaotic or explosive, and then, you know, the chemicals all neutralized really quickly. And then there's like these slow burns, you know, reactions that start and, you know, take a very long time to finish. So you know, every relationship wants it begins and that chemistry level. You know, it plays out and that's why so many people get into relationships and marriages And then you know that that mentality, the fire has gone out. Yeah, well, the chemical reaction has is now inert, right. And that is the problem with a lot of relationships like if you don't add, that's when you start adding shoot in. Like let's experiment in the bedroom, let's have the. Uh, let's save the you know, let's save the relationship, baby. You know what I mean? So you try to throw another element in there to continue the reaction, but depending on the elements, it may most of the time doesn't work right unless you pick the right. Now you're in threesomes zone, right? Or he wants a three? OK. OK, so emotionally they're acting fake. Well, what's what are they? What are they? What? You know, what's the real emotion? Why are they emotionally faking? Why? That's the cover up here. They're just trying to survive. They're faking it till they can make it. Yeah, and they're they're on. They're. Is about money, you know what I mean? Like, they're trying. They're in their daily life. Faking whatever's going on. So if they're in a relationship which so many times, that's. They're faking it, right? They're just trying to survive another fucking day emotionally. But there is angelic protection here. So again, they're faking it because they're trying to protect themselves and they're trying to protect their daily routine, their daily function. Again, back to this anxiety. Tell me about this. Lost goes to cut off. It's. It's throwing the single card today. Oh my God. So they're they might be. If they're not single, they're thinking about getting single. Current status available. So again, there's Like this, they're thinking about the ghost. Or they're thinking about what would happen if they lose this relationship with you. And if they're not single, they're or not emotionally available, they're working on it. OK, because between you is the Twin Flame card, this mirrored soul, It's complicated. And the sign synchronicities, which, you know, there's a lot of signs and really special relationships, right? What's this family card about this between you emotionally? That's about right. It's a roller coaster. There's financial support. It's, you know. Yeah, it looks complicated, so you both probably have family. Issues, alright. What are you fucking running from? Drama queen, you're You're trying to get away from some drama Queens. You're trying to get away from anything that's going to cause chaos or gossip, so you're really trying to avoid this kind of chaotic gossip mentality that comes from from drama queen. So you might not be telling people how you feel. You might be kind of avoiding certain people in your life. You know, you could be avoiding the situation a little bit because they might be connected to a drama. Or they are drama queen themselves. Who knows what's going on. Yeah, you again. Emotionally, you really kind of need a break. You need some kind of getaway. You need to clear your energy Emotionally, you really need to see proof that that this is. You know you need proof. Again, back to this person really needing to show you that they're available in some way. You're focused. What are you focused on saving them? We're almost. You're really focused on them and it's making you like making you feel alone. Your focus on them is making you feel alone, and that might be why you're trying to kind of avoid it a little bit. Uh, what is this? Why is being connected on the Internet or plugged in? Why is that your obstacle? Because there there's going to, there's going to need to be some kind of compromise. When it comes to the Internet or when it comes to the connection in general, I'm not really sure what that means. You will overcome this because you both are very similar. Um. In some way. So whatever is the stepping or the stumbling block here when it comes to the this connection, when it comes to possibly something on the Internet, I'm not sure if this is social media or like, you know, if you have two different ways of going about things, I'm not sure, but you will come to some kind of compromise. And that will help you overcome. Why is that? What do they have to get up out of here? Oh. Uh, they're running. They they're running out of time, and they're remembering how long that this thing has been paused. So they there's been chemistry between the two of you for a very long time. They they feel like they're running out of time and they're remembering, like, and reminiscing about how long this thing has been a timing factor, how long it's been an interlude, like you guys have been in this kind of maybe this ghost. Energy for a long time, you know. And back to this. They're silent right now. They overcome this with love. I don't need to. To clarify that you know. OK, tell me what's this realization? This realization is the outcome. There's going to be a really there's a realization about some kind of access. They have some kind of realization about it could be. Access has been granted and then access has been denied like so. I don't know if this person has has had access to you. Back to this needing to come to some kind of settlement and compromise when it comes to the Internet. This is social media fake profile hiding access granted card and it threw the drastic extreme harsh cut off. Energy and again something coming to realization. So did did someone get blocked? Is someone being blocked from somebody's life? I mean that my question here is do you have? Do they have more access to you than you do to them? Is the question. Because they're over here in a very silent lost. Ghosted blocked energy. So I feel like you have not had much access to this person. Maybe there's a realization. That might come to you if you if you access was granted. Maybe it would lead to. Maybe there was a fear here. If access is granted, it would lead to an extreme cut off. So maybe if you had access to them or they had access to you, there's a maybe a fear or anxiety that there would be an extreme cut off and maybe This is why they are in the silent anxiety mode. Maybe they're having this chemistry and they're having complete anxiety about what's going to happen once you have access. Is that correct? Yeah, because it's risky. It would. It's spontaneous, could risk. It might risk the relationship. So there's this energy here where? I feel like they're having a panic attack about how you're going to react. Uh, once access is granted. Half. Interesting. Let's move on with the reading. Why is there a motion like how do you make what's their emotions go with you? I'll pull up the Shadow cards today. I'll take it because it's flipped over right where there's love. I'm going to take it. Because it was. It was. I just flipped in it just the way that the way it fell. Are so merrily in love with you. Feeling very tired of feeling alone. Your light has helped guided me out of my darkness. There are lies back to this. They're acting fake and it's stressing them out. Been hurt too many times. So there again, this person might be in a protective mode. Um, there's real love and. It's maybe you don't feel lonely, all right. And you've illuminated them. That's very nice. But there's. There's some lies and some stress. You've been hurt before by someone cheating. And they're having a hard time. Getting beyond the dailies, the daily aspect, again they're concerned that if you have access, I feel like it's if you have access that you it would risk, it would risk the relationship. Entered. Back to this, you want to avoid drama. You don't need to avoid drama. Maybe you don't want them to have access. To your to your side of this. Maybe you don't want them seeing anything you got. How would they describe you? Because The Alchemist? Someone that can transform based motives into golden wisdom. The child of nature. Someone who has friendships with animals, who enjoys nature. And the Angel all helping those in need with no expectation of return. So that is very sweet. They see you as an alchemist, someone who loves nature and. This section. Wait, hold on. Before we get into that, what is there dark side going on here? Because there's just so much violence and panic over on their side. I hope you're happy. OK, seems like. Sarcasm. You got them all fucking in complete panic mode. It might be because, again, there there's this. Ohh. Yeah, what they're thinking about is like, they have to be available or just get lost. So maybe, like maybe you. No, Just no one. My no one. My fire signs. If it's a if it's a if. It's a stubborn against stubborn fire signs. Going to win. You know what I mean? Like there is nothing more stubborn than a fireside. You can sit there and say torus. Torus is pretty fun. Start. Only thing more stubborn than a fireside is a. But yeah. Anyway, fire signs. Good luck, right? That's what we that's how we think about it. Let's get wet and wild. So they want to take a shower. So like they're saxy when all the about getting in the shower ride me and grind me. I'm gonna make you calm until you can't see straight. Oh my God. Gonna be blinded by the orgasms. OK. Sex cards here just to kind of see. What was there? What was the last moment they came to? It's actually a good question. Like when you watch porn, you come at all different. It's kind of interesting where you called, you know, at the. Through this thing. Oh my God there is OK they there is a desire here to make you come because I I got my son card here which is my gay sax card but I always read it as mutual orgasms so. Again. You have a way of taking their flaccid Dick to heart. They're definitely want to make you calm. They're going to wake you up, fingering you. And then the final one is he's got, he's got both his hands on her titties, he's standing and her legs, her ankles are around his head. So the cards actually say. Like this freedom and happiness. Is is working? All right. Yeah, he there's he's got emotions he's not talking about. He's not saying it, but whatever is going on this like fun, loving energy that you have this happiness, it's it's it's working on him. He's totally in love. All right. So again, there's like. You know, the last thing they came to was, you know, someone playing with their penis and then a fingering and then Cumming on someone's titties. I'm just assuming he's gonna pull out and come on. All right, this weather's got me in such a good mood. There's lots of good chemistry here, so he's having a complete fucking word that you're person. I don't know. It's clear she understood. Is having a fucking panic attack. Because of that, you're not see, there's a secret break up. There's some secret karma here. I appreciate this injustice. So there's a secret breakup or a secret secret karma? It's very maybe with the soul mate or it's very sweet. So there's this secret breakup. It's very sweet. And then there's this gift or this message from this deck. About sex. I have to check it is this fast? Yeah, it's really. Throwing. The gift of the stick socks and see I always read page about gift that keeps on giving. And then I asked her and said yes, I'm sorry. So here comes the secret break up. This might be someone they've been with since they were a child. Or, you know, not a child, but you know, teenager. There's, you know, they might, they might be a breakup between soulmates. It's sweet, whatever however it describes it. Some Dick in the scenario. Again, there's a gift that maybe. Maybe they're afraid that. There could be, there could be fear here because it's it's the high priestess which is probably cheating. So I don't know. Again, there's this. There's a possible STD here from a third party deck. It's sad create creates depression. So hopefully. You guys are? This person might your person might need to protect. It's really sneaky. It's really foolish. I mean that's it's so sad. Like I knew this. When people cheat and then they take home STD's to people is like fucking. You know, Can you imagine like having two kids? Like 2 fucking STD's or something. It's really sneaky and it's foolish. It creates this denial. It creates a denial of the beginning. It's heartbreaking. It's an expectation I'll lose those situation. The feelings are mutual and growing. I have to like. I have to clarify for you all my fire signs. Are you at risk with this particular person? Just grass. There's again, it's talking about the stress of moving on. You know, it could manifest in time. It's a joggle with this particular relationship. It's saying that you should protect yourself. There's a cycle in which you do need to protect yourself, so. Uh. To protect yourself. Just to be smart. I gotta clear. Trust this person. It's, it's. This person at risk. It's. It's not saying yes, it's saying. It's saying that. It. It might affect the manifestation. It could transform the manifestation completely. It's death of the magician. Might be the end of manipulation. It's a. Possibly a mother's wish. It would be a burden. Burn to take any action. Create. What's going on? What is the advice? Protect yourself. From the fight. Protect yourself during the fight. Protect yourself during the struggle and you will be successful. So just protect yourself during the struggling. And you will be successful. You will, you will manifest this soul. Again, there's really someone's really sorry about being a cheater. Someone's really sorry about this cheating expectation. Not this cheaters expectation. I'm really sorry about the cheaters expectation. The judgment is it breaks stress. And mine. OK. I don't know if they expect you to be a cheater. I don't know if this is their fear or if they're afraid they're going to lose. Again, there is there's dirty genitals somewhere in this in this reading. OK. So if you you know not to call, not to call anybody that has an STD dirty because it's they are as common as a cold. OK, one in four people carry or have cancer causing HPV. Same thing herpes is there are STD's everywhere. OK, so. Uh, truthfully. You know, the amount of trust that's actually this particular. Ohh. So. Again, they're they're. They're talking in their headspace is a single today, so I don't know. I don't necessarily see. Cheating on? On the on, on the board here. I do see a need to be protective to protect yourself through the fight, protect whatever fight it's going to happen, which I don't. I don't know why it's talking about a fight. Um. Or through the through the, you know the initial struggle. Saying you will be successful. And this manifestation of your soul mate is good, OK? There is just, I don't know if if you have a fear or if there is a fear in general. Again, really, there's this cheating man over here who's really sorry because that is the expectation. Maybe he asks. You know why this could be the third party, or I don't see the third party here, but. Just with their single card, I have to assume. And then there's family and child support and then. Again, there's this risky realization about, again, access granted that leads to it's risky. It's because it could be 200, like a harsh cuddle. Like I said you know I believe that it's it's better to be upfront if you are a carrier, know that you're a carrier. I just. Man, there is no task for HP. My doctor told me this this was correct, that you looked it up. There is no test for men HPV tasks like a man can't walk into his urologist or those GPS kind of. He can go to his list and be like, look, I gotta work and they'll take it off, right? So isn't that crazy? Like women get tracked for HPV virus every fucking time they go in for a Pap smear, you know what I mean? So it's like it's like crazy to me that something so prevalent. In Women's Health. Is not at all focused app. There's not even. There's not even a testify. Just it's insane to me. You know what I mean? There's like a lot of Dicks out there carrying each, you know, cancer causing HPV, cervical cancer that are passing around, cervical cancer, You know what I mean? Like that's scary. That's scary. That's why women have to like. I don't know why this is, like maybe that's the chemistry this or? So they're doing dealing with the four. This four first family is nothing but constant. Ditch. So we're talking. So we're scared that there isn't this other woman, is this Cara is is a risk of a sexually transmitted? That's a good chance. She's gonna it's saying she's gonna move because she's fucking angry and she's made her decision. She's gone and that's her judge. So this whore again, There's some kind of family fight, some kind of family struggle, and this bitch moves. Alright. And quickly, angrily. And that's her choice. That's her judgment. And she feels stuck with her children. And that's the message that, that's the public message that's destined to happen. Again. Sorry, but being single is going to manifest here. Being single, so your person, if they're not single, it is going to manifest. OK. One last line. One last thing. One last line. e-mail again. It's before you have unprotected sex with this person that you have so much chemistry left. You know you might want to just you know. Internet STD panels. Customer said he can't find tested. So just having the right doctor really go into all the cancer stuff, it's like, OK, so when can I have? The screening, can I have that screen like, you know, insurance, age and stuff like that? You know, so we are going through all the. Cancer stuff, we've talked. Well, you've already been tricked for those. Wonderful. It just came up and she said, you know. There's something wrong with the world right there. Again, the anger will be the anger has been invested in, OK, whatever is causing all this anger, it's been invested in. OK, there's a huge temptation just to move on here and for this stream to know, so they're definitely. It's over. It's got home. My God. But it's going to be over in text message. So weirdly, the financial finances included quote worked out of another debt just once. So again, financial issues have been an issue for this person and their relationship this entire time. It looks like she's gonna break up. Or betray him and messages so it could be that could be a word done tax breakout, tax message. Jesus, well. Again, there was no. There was no advice for you, but I want this thing happen. Alright. Protect your peeing and protect your vagina. Sorry. So you feel or have some kind of form of commitment? You feel like this person would not screw you. This great chemistry here so. OK, I'm pulling 5. Um, tea leaf cards to end these readings. Ohh my gosh there's a celebration coming. I have so much fun and enjoyment. Don't be tempted to lower your standards at this time. Yeah, don't lower your standards. Whatever your standard is, do not lower it. You are right. OK. And you are right on the path regarding this aspect. In May you're going to have a wonderful period of prosperity and London. So in May. And I'm not. I'm reading this short term. If it were me. If it were, You know what I mean. Particularly, I'm reading this in a short time. OK, so we're talking about this May You're going to have a period of prosperity. OK, that's excellent. You're going to be celebrating. So don't not lower your standards. You're on the right path. And May doesn't have a period of prosperity and abundance that was a. OK, I will be back with.
Towards. Religious factors. Your love life is influenced by your religious upbringing and spiritual path. Oh my gosh. My church. Your overall energy is very feminine. So you're feminist? I kind of read this card is. Communist. Feminine. You know, you could be overly girly, or you could be. We'll see. A particular female. Capture their overall energy is retaliation. Jesus. And again, like I, you know I have to start reading this retaliation card as. You know you when you break up and you read out, you know what I mean? I almost want to read it like that, like. Like using someone to make a jealous sorry. There's like that kind of thing. I don't know if that's the retaliation. Or if it's like, you know, being an asshole. Your emotional state towards this relationship is that it's a risk. Their emotional state towards this relationship is it is forbidden. Because of religious factors, maybe there are different religion. You think that this is, you know, this is karmic, this is a third party lesson. So someone here in a relationship, I don't know, they're in their headspace, possibly planning IT application. What is your answer this relationship? It's realizing that you've you've learned the lesson. They're asked to all this relationship is anxiety. OK, you will. You will realize you've learned this lesson once you throw out the trash once you disregard some. You need to disregard your own religious or anti religious beliefs. I can read this religious factor as maybe you're dealing with someone that is lightly lightly religious or believes in God. You're an atheism to atheists. There's something worse. Someone who actually believes whether it be. You know a. Like, it gets me all the time on Facebook because I have, like, I have both. I have people, I have all sorts. OK, I I got, I got crazy Christians, right? I got, I got Catholics practicing and non practicing. I have a whole group. Of. Yeah. Of Jewish people. OK, I have. You know. Everything. I haven't had. Ton of atheists, A ton of fucking atheists around. And so like my feed is like, it's like a mix. It's like a mix of it's so weird. It really is ohh and then I have all my spiritual people which are religious but not like in in Jesus name religious. You know what I mean? So it's like my Facebook is so weird because it's like it it goes from. You know Bible verse like memes to you know. You know, science wielding anti Christian groups are really. And then a bunch of spiritual people that are all like, they're open your third eye, it's like it's it's like like it was, I don't know, there's just some extra diversity. But the thing that I know. From my Facebook feed is that. The the majority of hate. Uh, I actually see that the majority of hate messages that I actually see are from the. So they're much more. They have much more hate in them than they want to admit. So again, this person, um, you have to overcome their anxiety and they will with some kind of long term relationship. So they might have been in a long term relationship. What's between you and motion? This is not looking good, by the way. Toxic behavior. OK, so emotionally you're both toxic. So whatever is going on, you are just as toxic as they are. OK. Immensely. You're both triggering each other into searching. So maybe are you on an Internet fucking fight with this person? You know how sometimes like relationships you you're attracted to one another, but you fight about, you know what I mean? You find yourself fighting with them and guys do this too, all the time. Like. Soon as there's like a spark and like initiates this, like. They start arguing over stuff and they actually like each other, but they're trying to find a way not to like each other. So they argue because we could be you might be arguing over religious things right now. Work is the outcome here. That someone's gonna write. About what you talked about. OK, so this person is going to write about your conversation. Maybe that's why they're thinking. I wouldn't trust this. Maybe that's why they're thinking about this as punishment, and there's a lot of people out there like. Again, this love feels forbidden to them they're thinking about. You know, or planning a trip or a vacation. Or they want to get away from it. Again in your headspace. Really this is the lesson I need to learn. How do you over your your in in a third party karmic lesson? Right now you have other people. Like this one over here has got your attention that there's religious factors here again, you have to come to some completion. I don't know why. Someone here is writing this is journal writing diary, keeping notes of the interview, of the talk, of the conversation. So in the end. There's going to be something written about the conversation that you have. You're over. You had with this person. It's very toxic. Why is your What's with this phone? You might be a feminist and you might be fighting with this person. OK, and again, they're going to retaliate, it looks like. Yeah, it's warning again. There's denial. Throwing irrational feminist energy on top of you? That might be. That's your overall energy. You might think that maybe if this is my mail reading, you might think they're irrational. And they're looking to punish someone. OK, so they might be the feminist here, and you might think they're rational. You're definitely like. I feel like you're from two different worlds. What's this Retaliation? You're definitely from two different worlds. Thought. Again, this retaliation is because they're frustrated. Actually, about loving you. Being forbidden. So this person might be mad at you because they can't love you for some reason. Because of some religious factor. And so it feels like they might be trying to to create anger, of trying to create a blockage to deal with their emotions. So again, you're over here like this is fucking risky. 11 on your climax. Situation. You're thinking this could be just a little. Again, it's just a yeah, you're like, this is just a wish to have gossip. Just wish to gossip. It would emotionally. You think this would risk your happiness? Your concern that this relationship would risk your happiness. That's why we're reading Tell All about It. It looks like it could, because it looks like they could write about whatever it is. What's their shot on it? They've been struggling, they say. So they've been struggling. What's their emotional state towards you? They're broken. They feel like they're broken out. They feel like they're broken. But there's some compassion because you cared when no one else did. Yet they feel like they've they're. Be made fool of. And that feels unhealthy to them. And they're nervous. Back to this anxiety. Why are they panicking? Overcome it with a long term relationship. They might be blocking you with a long term relationship. It will describe you as a goddess, so you know you. You express your feminine entity with wisdom. You're very sensual. You're also a servant. You delight in serving others. And let your shape shifter. Skillet navigating through different levels of consciousness now. Shape shifters. Maybe they're a Gemini or you're, you know, Gemini. This is not my wind signs, but I always like you know, Geminis will switch personalities depending on who they're. You know what I mean? So you might kind of shift. Your energy to make other people happy, You know what I mean? Or you are are working on your body right now I'm losing a lot of weight. I also read shape shifter as like bodybuilder energy because you're a different person after you're done, so they see you as a goddess of servant. And a shape shifter. They don't see you badly. And why is that? They're dealing with some kind of retaliation right now. They're really struggling. I don't know, like emotionally if you want to risk your happiness or this is a risk that's worth it because it it would make you happy. The reading is really. I don't want to call it bipolar, but it's it's. There's an aspect of either way here. So I almost feel like you could be on the I could you could be on this other side, you know what I mean? Like I feel like you could jump from either side of this. This reading is cut in half. I feel like you could be part of either side. Door. Naughty little school girl spanking. I'm going to tease you until you explode, OK? So. Maybe some Catholic energy? You know what are you using Is if I'm reading for masculinity. Catholic ohh. For eating for a feminine or maybe you're a Catholic. For originally can't I'm Catholic yourself. It's it's been great. What was the last thing that it came to? It looks like it was a voyeur. Take her, taking her clothes off. And then watching someone again, it's doggy style close up of vagina. There was hair. Alright. Card say. The decision is the world. The decision is the Internet. The decision will be the decision is the Internet. And so. They don't. They will decide about their. Get some advice. They've been struggling, so they're trying to make a decision about this world. OK. What is? There's there's a lot of fear that needs, There's fear that needs to be moved on from. Which is causing the denial and the Joel. So there's fear holding them back. So whatever we're talking about this anxiety, long term commitment, retaliation, feeling trapped, forbidden love, wanting to get away or you know, it's all a fear that they need to move on from. And it has to do with that's what's creating this denial on this struggle. But slowly but surely this white work. Because there is sweetener is sweet because you've known this person a long time. This might work because you've known this person a long time, but you know that it is a lose lose situation with the selfish woman's relationship. You know that's a lose lose situation with clear panels relationship. The mother. The mother again is divorced. Or is wishing for a divorce. You'll see. So it's going to be a choice in lovers. And the choice will be possibly Sagittarius, possibly an Angel kind of energy temperance. So the choice would be could be to reconcile. The choice could be to reconcile back to this. You know, there's there's a juggle, there's a fear. I feel like there's there'll be a choice, whether it be to reconcile or or someone new that it will. It's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking because it was a heartbreaking, heartbreaking mass of marriage. And then the the dream man's house from there. This bitch is this bitch. Is this the bitch? Is the truth? There's truth about the home. The bitch. And the truth about? You'll see. The choice will be to reconcile. It will be because it's heartbreaking, the marriage. Or the commitment because it's the dream of marriage or commitment. This dream of marriage or commitment manifests. This bitch is truth at home. Manipulates this batch. One last line. Rice. Vice for my Earth signs. There's just a lot of denial. There's a lot of anxiety. You have to you have to disregard something. You have to realize that you've learned something less and disregard something. This love, the love is, is kept secret. Or the love is there's a love, possibly of keeping a secret or a love of a mistress high priestess. The Mistress Card. So there's Ace of Cups, High Priestess Love and Mistress Love and Secret, and the need to move on from the past. So I don't know if you've been a mistress in the past. You need to move on. If you're having a secret relationship and then you're also looking at, this person is someone that you have. That you cheat with. Alright, if you've been their masters or they've been your masters, you need to move on. And that's the judgment. Because it looks like they're not getting divorced. If it's about religion, they're not gonna get divorced. They're going to reconcile because of religious factors. Yeah, defend yourself. It's over. That's the truth. Go home. OK, he's a cheater. That is clear. OK. So you've been? Yeah, there's the the kids are going to win. OK. Um. Again, you're not facing the truth here. And. There's a year wanting this. You're wanting, you're wishing that the gossip of this. You're wishing for the gossip of this. To hit him or her. OK. But you're going to really, you're going to realize that this lesson that you've learned with this one is done. It's religious factors. So if you're hoping that this guy is going to leave her. It's not going to work that way. He's going to go with the religious pressure to stay in the Catholic marriage. OK. He's going to be pushed to reconcile. This is this one just loves to have secrets. You need to move on. You need to make the decision. The judgment here is protect yourself. Stand up for yourself. Again, this is it's it's you've been manipulated to death, and that is the truth. Um. You need to go home. I don't know what that means. He's a cheater. OK. And he might have children and other relationships that are, it's possible. It's toxic, OK? And it looks like he's thinking, or this other person's thinking about some kind of retaliation. They have some kind of way to retaliate. They keep them. They keep it in a lock box. So don't go pushing this one, alright? So it looks like they might retaliate. If they think that you're going to. Start up gossip and it's going to break them up. They might. They might say, well, I got these photos of you, so you know what I mean. If you treated with this one, if you were the mistress here, this is going to be a lesson learned. Or if you've been a mistress before, you need to get over that lesson if you want this relationship. Because there's religious factors here. OK, I am pulling 5 tea leaf cards to finish the readings. This week, these are short-term. Predictions. Right now, what you really need to do is pay attention to your work. You're dealing with some kind of older woman right now, and you're going to really need to defend yourself. So it's important that you pay attention to your work. You might be misunderstood. So that's why it's so important right now for you to pay attention to your. If you need help, ask for help. OK, so right now you need to focus on your work. You're dealing with an older woman, and you're going to need to defend yourself so that there's no misunderstanding. And if you need help, ask for assistance. OK, don't try to go it alone. Ask for assistance because that will clear up any. If you don't understand the situation, ask for assistance. That is your. That is your reading. I will be back with wind.
Let's see what's going on with the wind side. Release your axe. The time has come to clear energy. They talk about. This. You feel like you need rescues. They're right. Keeping keeping notes. Motional energy is completely frustrated. They're seeing the signs, the synchronicities. You're locked down. Oh my God you're full funked up. Holy shit. You gotta overcome a long term relationship. They have to overcome the talk. You will overcome this with a third party situation. OK, cheating into this, they're not overcome this with a wish. You're just gonna wish to talk to you? Between your motion is avoidance. Between you mentally is a need to compromise. It ends with searching. Is this Are we talking about your axe? Is this the one you went back with? It's OK if you are currently in a relationship. Is this the one? Is it? Have you gone back to this one? Because if so, like that's. OK. You might be carrying energy from your axe. Time has come to clear your energy. You need help. I feel like I need help. I need rescued in some way. You're in pursuit of some. What? Chill, like cold. It's beautiful. They're they're writing stuff on the Internet. Where they have a fake. Information. We talk from my question I need to know are we talking about your? This your acts on the other side. It's regrettable. Regrettably, we're talking about your Regrettably, we're talking about your ex Okay. Regret, I regret to inform you, we're talking about your ex, right? OK. What's the science? So we're talking about your. Clear. Emotionally, they're seeing all the signs that you know that are making them realize something here, OK, what's what's their focus? What's their focus? It's that. It's that I feel it, but I can't see it. Energy. Restarting you. Again. You guys need to come to some kind of compromise. Emotionally, you're both in avoidance. You're both avoiding one another. You feel like you need rescued. I don't know if you want to ask your ex for rescue. That's why you're even interested in this situation right now. Maybe because someone's pursuing you too much, I don't know. Emotionally, you're trapped. Mentally, you're trapped. While you're. You need someone to come in here to save you by pursuing. OK, that makes sense. All right, so you you are flocked in your head when it comes to your ex completely and you feel like you need someone. To intervene someone to pursue you, to help you. Release your axe. Well, that's hard to come by her. Know how many people are going to get into that? Right. Your, your, your. Obstacle is to get over this long term commitment by again, there's a third party lesson here. So I'm gonna throw one, let's just third party list. There we go. Third party last sentence. Yeah, you've been in denial. You've been in denial. And it's denying your future. So this, whatever focus you have here on the axe, whether you want them back or whether this was like the love that you think you needed or whatever, I don't know what's in your fucking head. Space. You're fucking air sign. So. It could be one thing, one day, another thing went, and then next. But this acts as a not. You're not shaking his acts always. The fox is the fucking problem. It's leading to issues in your relationships or having relationships in general. It is the obstacle. In the way of you having long term relationship. OK. Again, THX wishes to talk, and this creates the trigger in which you're now fucking trapped in your fucking head. It's telling the outcome here searching. So again, I almost want to be like, yeah. You're searching for an adrenaline rush. You want desire and you want family connection. OK, so at the end of the day, what? However your mind fucked right now, it's because you're searching for an adrenaline rush. You want some chemistry, but you also want something that has like a family, like bond. And so the reason that you're hung up on your ex is because that's the closest you've ever gotten to this feeling that you're searching for. Right. And now this X stands in the way of you having this commitment in your future. So it's going to be really important that you, yeah, there's like the legal card is on the bottom of the deck like that. OK, your ex right now. Emotionally. What's their emotions towards you? I'm really busy working. So I'm I'm. Yeah, and my life is boring. Unfulfilling. You're so innocent, so they're fucking with you. One minute they're gonna be too busy working, the next minute they're gonna. If they're in a relationship with you, they acted board. You're too NSF. Ohh, I'll never. I'll never stop trying to do better. There's lives. And they're all lives. OK, so everything that's that, you know you're fucked in your head about. It's lies. Get you over your fucking axe. How would they describe you behind your back? They would say you're a Good Samaritan. Yeah, you're an easy mark. You know what I mean? They would say you're a beggar, so you beg for attention. And they say you believe in magic, so they would say you're a good person, but you beg. Uh, you know you you're you beg for things and that you're also. Could be a nagger as well. Bigger Nagra, same thing. And you also believe in that. So that's what they would say behind your back? You're not part of my plan. You. Going to pour oil all over you and slide it in. I miss being inside of you. Bend over. What's the last thing that came to? I said You're searching. You want something that's feels like you had adrenaline, rush of desire and chemistry and loss, but you also want it to feel like family. Um. The last thing they came to. Was bloody. It's. Sucks. It's like that's my period sucks. So I have to read it as that. And then a blonde. Ohh. Playing with some guys deck. That her right? Burnett That looks like bullet. OK, if that helps. That helps. Let's get some advice here if you are a part of their plan. Defend yourself. You've been through a lot with this person. They are going to return, so defend yourself. So if. Maybe you haven't. It's retrograde. Maybe you haven't yet. But here comes your acts to to to see. Here comes your ex to fuck you in the head. Alright, so if you're not actively going through, you're an Axe in your inbox. It's common for you whether you might have came in here for thinking about someone else, but your axe is going to be knocking on your fucking inbox. Protect yourself. This one's going to return. Protect yourself. It's me. It's a home of a cheater. OK, he cheated in the home. He cheated in your home. It's a death. Sees snaky. And he It's just a wish to make a decision. The wish is just to is to make it. The wish is the wish will all. He'll always choose the whore. He'll always choose a whore over you. So he is as faithful as his options. So the moment there is a better option, a hotter person your ex would shoot would fuck. In your home. OK. Yeah, and that's only a matter of time. So there. He wants to talk. You want a long term relationship if you don't want. Children in that kind of home. The children in the home, it's it's over. It's like, betrays the mother. There's some. It's a little situation. It's so selfish. OK. Your ex is coming back around, so release them. It's a catch and release. You might have been out there fishing and you caught your ex again. Right. Release the axe. Release the hounds on your axe, all right. All right, either you get it or wind finds. You totally get that. Here comes your axe. release the hounds
Ohh. I forgot. To do the tea leaves for wet. So here we go real quick and then we'll go right into. Everybody's getting tea leaves this week. These are short term protections. That's how I've set the intention. OK for my walk or wind signs. Look, there's going to be successful. There's going to be successful outcomes to your problem. So if you're sitting there thinking you need to go back with your acts because you need rescued, no, OK, a family wish will come true. There's going to be a very exciting event and you have a secret admirer that you don't know about a path with money. Is waiting for you to find it. So if you're sitting here like, Oh my God. I can't make it. I'm going to have to go with back with my ex. The terrorist is telling you no. When signs, you do not need to go back with your ex. He's just going to treat you like shit you're going to have. You're about to find the key that you need that's going to lead you to the this money path. All right. Whatever family wish you had, it's going to come true. It's gonna be a very exciting event is coming up in which you're going to meet someone who secretly admires you and you are going to be on the path to money and abundance. Beautiful. These are short term that I'm reading them right now. So we're talking. I'm short term to me is three to four months, OK? All right, let's go into water. Sorry about that water sign. Don't forget your tea leaves. OK, separation. Time apart from your partner is on the horizon. So we're talking you're talking about a separation. So I don't know if you're separated or if they're separated or if you're thinking about getting separated. We'll see here. We'll see what this towards to tell us what is your overall energy. You're trying to get up out of something. So it's essentially spiritual path awakening, kind of awakening and getting up out of something. Maybe it's this old relationship. They are feeling very frustrated and trapped right now. Emotionally, you're wanting to prevent harm in some way. You're wanting some divine intervention. You're you're emotionally wanting to protect yourself. And I don't know if this is the person that you're going to be on that you're separating from me. Ask, is this? Is this the person they're separating from, or is this a new person who's on the left here? It's calling it a king of wands, so. This. Is this your significant other? It's seeing you really need to move on from all this stress. OK. Will continue. It's not giving me a complete. Really. Stress. Um, emotionally, they want to talk. They want to get on the same page. Mentally, you have you unquestionably want more. Mentally, this person is running out of time. Hitting a deadline? Thinking about their deadline. Your obstacle here is family. There obstacle is some paperwork, possibly filing kind of legal paperwork. You will overcome the obstacle of family. With your past history. With the past history. So family is blocking you. Something about the history is going to unblock you. They will come. They will overcome some need to do some legal paperwork because something's going to come to their awareness, which is going to trigger it. Something comes to awareness that triggers it. And in between you two is similar friendship, romantic partner, soulmate, so emotionally. They're similar. Or this is a friendship or a romantic partnership between you. Mentally, you both feel like you're in a pressure cooker right now. I'll come here is an is a meeting two or more people so discussing and planning back to this, they want to emotionally, they want to have a conversation with you. The outcome here is having a meeting. Why do they feel so trapped and frustrated right now? Why did he? We need a vacation. Lots of meeting, vacation throughout the right trigger everybody's like. Vacation from the children or they need a vacation so that they can be playful. OK. What's their deadline about? It's a deadline, that it, it's a cut off. A blocked ghosted loss. So they have it. It's like a tick tock down to this. Ghosted. Blocked. Cut off energy. What does he want to talk about? Rescue. How to enter? They want to talk to you and and there's like an possibly others involved or maybe why they want to get on the same page. But emotionally, it's going to end in silence or silence. OK, what are you? Some kind of denial that you want it. What do you need to get up out of? This anxiety. You're having a lot of paradise and anxiety, so you really need to work on getting above the anxiety. Yeah, I mean, talk about anxiety. Just a minute. Because it's it's on your side. It's going to be. It's going to be. You know what? You can you can sit there and and have a panic attack. Having anxiety all day long and it is not going to help this situation. It is not going to get you up and out unless the anxiety is something you're running from and then run up. Um. It's. It's causing you to be very confused. You really need to to combat your anxiety or? Great ways to combat anxiety. OK, walking, meditation, taking a walk. Especially now that it's getting nice outside, taking a walk and getting fresh air. These things help with anxiety. They help you to think meditation in general. You don't have to quiet your monkey brain, listen to music, get into the groove and allow that to bring answers to you. To me, it feels like you're really worried about. Emotionally protecting yourself right now. Even though there's something you want, you're denying it to yourself. You're going to overcome the blockage of family with history. Like I always say, like if you're dealing with fascistic people. Ohh. You know. They like to like get in. Alright great. Going to get in between you and your support system and my water signs really rely on the support system so you more than any other sign or more susceptible to being cut off from your support system for the for a narcissist to get further ahead. So if you are in a relationship and you're looking at coming through a period of separation and you're finding it difficult having all this anxiety, maybe how is the family going to react etcetera, etcetera? You need to come to the realization that your family knows you. OK, your family knows you. This new person, however long they've been around, whoever you're with that you're trying to separate from. Umm. There you can get in there, right? And they can make the, they can make the crack bigger, right? But. Those two pieces fit together. Alright, all you got to do is motion back together and right. That's how it feels like when you have your support system intact so someone could come in and try to get between you and your family. But. You know, they can't fill every crack. They can't get in the way of every single thing. Ohh. You know what I mean? So if you're sitting there afraid that your family is going to be upset with you. In some way if you if you go through the separation or you know whatever is happening here or their family is going to be upset from separation. I'm not sure who's who, but you know they're over here. Feeling like they need a break to bring their playfulness back, or wanting a break from children. Feeling trapped by them possibly, I'm not sure. It it's not telling me if this is a new person or the old person. You can't. Something something comes to this person's mind and it triggers. It triggers the situation. Into overcoming this legal paperwork. Tell me about this. So yeah, back to like, if you're concerned about how your family is and this could be your parents or your brothers or sisters, etcetera. Anybody who feels like blood ties or you're part of your inner circle, you need to realize that no amount of mud throwing, they know what you look like covered in mud. All right, you know what I mean? They're going to love you. And they're going, and that's when you get to the end of a narcissistic, abusive relationship and you finally break free. And you've been broken free long enough that they know that you're not going to go back, that people start opening up and telling you that the whole time you weren't yourself. Or it's so good to have you back. Like that was the one thing that was said to me by my family. After my divorce and my break after my breakup, like I remember I was sitting outside talking to my parents who were having wine on the porch and my mom looked at me and she says I'm just so glad to have you back. That's what she said. And it's like I didn't even realize that I was going like, you know what I mean? I had no idea. That I wasn't the same person. And that he had changed me that much to the point that my mother was like, I'm so blind. Like you were before. You know what I mean? So this is my point here, your You have to overcome family here. That's the obstacle in this entire situation for you. That's what's creating this lockdown, that's creating this anxiety. But what you need to realize is once you get up out of this basement of torture that you're in. Possibly. Again, I don't know. Because you're over here emotionally trying to protect yourself, I I feel like you're the one feeling attacked here. Your family is going to be so fucking happy. And that's what they're going to say, once it's safe enough. That's what they're going to say to. Again, there's this is ending with a meeting, uh two or more people and having a discussion. And there is the proof. There is the proof you need and the proof they need. OK, let's continue. What's this person's emotional state towards you? Help me realize. Like I said, I don't know transform. I'm not the same person anymore. They're saying not this thing. Courage. I think I can fix this. Can we just forgive and forget? So I feel like that. I feel like that's almost like. Not the same person anymore. I think we can fix this. Can we forgive our forget? You know, I'm. You know, it feels cycles, I believe. There is cash in here. And so they feel they they think you're very passionate. Ohh. And they think you're very deep. But there's a need here to be responsible. OK. Water science not being clear so like muddy water here. Reading. And remember that too, like when you're dealing with a narcissist, they go around and they muddy the water so that people can't get a clear view. And you don't need to defend yourself. You don't need to go out and canvas for support. You can and your water signing. You should, and you need that. You know you need. To collect your people back up. But the more you defend yourself, the more it appears that you've done something wrong, All right. Remember that people that don't do anything wrong, that stand in their integrity, they don't need to defend themselves. The truth will defend you, OK? So you're having a lot of anxiety. Remember that the truth will defend you. This person would describe you as a martyr. And as a father. Talent for creating and supporting life. If you're not, if I'm talking to my female listeners here, it means that, you know, maybe you've had to carry the weight of the fatherly figure in in your family as well. And as a warrior, someone who is very strong and skilled and disciplined, so a martyr of father and a warrior. And again for my female listeners, that father means that you just carry authoritative energy. What would they did I look at their. What is their shadow? I hope you're happy. That earlier. Sarcastic. What would they text you? I ready to feel my hard thick dog rubbing up against your soft lips. I'm gonna tease you till you explode. Here. I'm gonna do you so hard you can't walk. Talking to him. Jesus. What was the last thing I got off? That's looks rapey. It's raping this one. He's picking her up and throwing her native body in bed. He's looking at her knee in the next one. She's he's like got her by the jaw and he's got a knife in his hand. Let's get some advice. Have. Let's come out the gate with the strange cards. So. You really need to defend yourself against the selfish woman. You are strong enough to defend yourself against this selfish woman. Just make the decision. We need to make a decision. You are strong enough to defend yourself against this woman. And again, it's Queen of Pentacles. It's she only gives a shit about the money. OK. She's selfish. The decision is made. The decision is made to suffer. This cheating man king of wands, the decision has been made to stress out. Of our cheater. And that is the hope. That is the hope. So. Strong enough to defend yourself against this person. It looks like she may have made a decision. See some Definitely a mixed sex reading. So she's definitely made the decision to stress or to have like lots of worry over this king of wands over cheating manner. I don't know if she's seeing you as a cheating man. Or if she's, you know. God, guilt about another man. I'm not sure. There's hope. OK, there's hope. And now we have this king of cops, which and if I'm reading these by the signs. You know, this is the man with the feelings. Him and this whore worked together. There's this whore again, working with this whore. Again, loves to get trapped slowly but surely. You are strong enough to defend yourself against this one. Because the decision is made to suffer this. Because the decision is made to suffer this cheating man. And his hope. That this, you know, the one with the emotions, the King of Cups and the Queen of Wands work together and there's love and it's they're going to get caught. Slowly but surely, because they have. Mutual feelings. 4. Works full collaboration. Again, it's a a desk destined to share feelings, a destined relationship of betrayal. It's destined for the relationship to be betrayed, or for the relationship to. Again, there's this meeting that creates proof. The meeting creates the proof. There's a real juggle happening here. So there's like someone's holding back during the juggles, someone's holding back. It's sneaky, but it everything falls apart. Back to this king of wands and his hope. There's some cheating man here who's got a lot of hope. Seen again? There's this need to defend yourself. And Vastine just a little bit. And wishing. And wishing for, wishing for the strength, hoping and wishing for the strength, the judgment is. The judgment the the judgment is growing old. There's a judgment about possibly you growing old. Or there's, you know, you got this. Kyle wands here who's got a lot of hope. Because maybe he thinks that you're growing old. The judge manager growing up, but the judgment growing. The wish is strong because the judgment is growing old. And that creates the fight. And the manipulation. And the public messages. The decision. The choice. And the choice of work. Which is a burden because it leads to cheating. Here's these Single Ladies in secret, or the Single Ladies and mistress. We got nine of Ladies of the Pinnacles and High Priestess. Right after the cheating card. So it's like there's. Causes all this stress that needs to be moved on from. Um. You're my water sign, so I'm talking to to Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. No, cancer. I'm not really concerned about you here because. Yeah, I mean, I guess you, I guess. Yes, you can be offline. I think about it. Um. Trust. You know if if you're currently if we're talking about a relationship that you need to separate from. Coming to the realization that you may have never had the trust. OK, if you are a. Highly sought after individual. Which my Scorpios and really weird way would be, or you're good, you know, you're good in the bedroom. I don't know, like whatever. Like you know whatever spectacular about you. Right. Has your partner ever trusted you? Because that's that's it has that feeling like there's a huge trust issue. And maybe always the assumption that you're going to be a cheater. Ohh. Calling you a cheater. I'm not call. I'm not calling you a cheater. I don't see anything over here that says that you cheated, OK? I see that you have an an unquenchable desire. There's something that you want, but you have been denying yourself that. OK, I don't see anything on your cards that say that you are a cheater. OK, I'm just saying. It's really hard. To come out of someone's got, if someone thinks you're gonna cheat, it's really hard to to change their mind. OK, Like it is. It is a seed that is very it's a weed in your garden that is very hard to get rid of. Right Thistle, right. Does that shirt. It's so fucking hard. It's beautiful when it blooms, but it's like you go fucking pull that and you're like hand is full fucking. Needles. You know what I mean? The the mother's home is really regrettable. It's really regrettable. The mother's home is really, it's really sad. It's something that you think there's a lot of regret. There's something that you've done some again. Page of Pinnacles. He's holding up this. You know, gift or this something that they've made, right? It's. That's coming after the tenant Pinnacles. So again. There is this page of Pentacles, this physical massage. And it's it's showing permit, it's showing age. Yeah, back to this getting It's getting old. Getting older. I don't know if you're having a getting older for you. The mother's home is really regrettable. We have this page message back to this. What's growing is age. Here comes this secret, this high priest. This could be a mysterious. It's just Destiny Dastin to end the juggle. And then there's taking action. Ace of ones, the world taking action. Ohh, possibly on the Internet. It's still a dream. This Single Ladies are tempting. The Single Ladies or Tempting United Pentacles these rich women attempt. This is Rich. You know girl is. It's heartbreaking. Heartbreaking to the Empress, to the mother. Heartbreaking. This. Then there was this sweet soul mate secret or dream. Gets left out in the cold. Left out in some way, it's because it's a burden. The bitch moves. And and again, it's. Dreaming of this selfish woman. Cheating. There's the stream of this selfish woman and sheets for her friend. This is what this bitch takes a trip, but it's it could be a. A smoke screen could be a dream to cheat. I don't know if she moves or takes a trip, but it is a dream. It is a selfish dream to cheat. The selfish train Which? I still don't what is the advice. Everything's OK. This is why I don't see. You can deny that this is a You can deny the burden. And the stigma? And continue. You're gonna deny this burden. You're gonna deny that you feel left out. Um, but what? It's continuing to grow in secret. Here it's descent and. Um, it's destined to ghost or lay to rest. It's destined to lay to rest the fear. It's destined to lay to rest the fear. It is a lose lose situation, so you might as well pick the best option. The reconcile the reconciliation will be expected, but it will be. But you've been manipulated to death by the children. You there's a need to move on. From the dreams of this selfish. Queen of Pinnacles. Could be an Earth sign. You have to move on from. Whatever is her dream. You put manipulated to death by the children. It's a cycle of getting trapped. A cycle of getting caught. There's a cycle of getting caught. Oh. It's saying you need to invest in your defense. If your mind thought. You're here like in panic mode, and it's saying what you need to do is. Investing in the defense. So I don't know, maybe you need to go ahead and put the word out. Get a. Get a lawyer. Because on their side there's there, there's legal there. They have to overcome some kind of legal scenario. The some kind of something comes to the realization that triggers them. Triggers it. It's saying you need to invest in your defense and to me that says you need to go ahead and contact a lawyer and put down put down the line. The moment this shit gets triggered, you're going to need. It feels like you're going to need legal advice. And. 12. This this will take care of your anxiety. OK. So sometimes the best way to protect yourself through a separation is to go ahead and get your legal team together. Alright. Yeah, I mean it's it's telling you to put them down. OK. And you're the one in separation, so I have to assume that you're there's a possibility here of divorce? Separation comes before the force. You know, hopefully just a breakup. You need this, But if there's children involved, you're the father here. Um, whoever this message is particularly for, it's telling me to to go put A to go put money down. You can't move. Yeah, it's normally. You can shop around, you can shop around, but there are these. You might. You might be able to get a consultation quickly, but you're going to have to have that lawyer on. Can't think of the word right. Clear out. It's like, Oh my God, damn time. It's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking and it's just regrowing. Remind. Again, too old for this. It's telling you. I, I, I just it's very clear because they they're over here. It's. OK. Yeah, it's all about the money. So again. Yeah, she's been. Through this. She's gonna try to get. It's. It's a she's been. She is a fucking bitch. Jesus. Retain or yeah. You need to go get. OK, the moment. The moment you catch our Falcon with. Uh, of this shit. Go get a lawyer. Like I said, you can find you can find one that's $115.00. That's the cheapest. Don't go to any firms. They're any firm is going to be. They don't necessarily help you anymore. Any firm is going to be 250 to 350. OK, you want to find go go to Google. You want to find your you want to find a lawyer That's not. That's like. Themselves OK that they that they're either like. There's lawyers out there that they kind of band together in a building. But they all run their shit separate. Like they'll have their own assistant, their own paralegal, but they'll share an office with other lawyers, with their paralegals, and if they need to, they'll come together and work as a team and bill ours together. But as far as their own, you know, business plan, each of them is separate. And because of that. It keeps their overhead low so you can find like a lawyer like that you can find at 150 an hour. OK, so if you're going out there to find yourself a lawyer, you want to find a lawyer that's not part of a large law firm. That's more likely you know an independent contractor kind of lawyer. You know what I mean and you will find something. That is cost efficient for you. OK. But once you see. Emotionally, you're over here having anxiety, feeling like you need to be emotionally protected, all right? Having your lawyer on retainer is you. You will feel emotionally protected. Me tell you, all right? And then realize that your family understands the history and will be standing with you. Um. You know, for whatever you're going through here, someone needs a fucking break. Looks like. Looks like she needs a break from her. But then it's going to, like use them to manipulate like you're saying. You're being manipulated to that. OK, so it's working towards a separation. Here are your two leaves. This is short term. Per job projections, OK. It's the Camel Card Preserve Preserve here. You will overcome these problems. OK, so whatever you're facing, whatever is giving you anxiety, whatever's locking you down, like, Oh my God, I need protection. Uh, you will overcome this. You need to get back to basics though. So whatever's been like you know. Boil it down to back to basics. What does step back to basics mean to you? It means self-care, self love. Back to your basic, back to your basic crew, possibly from talking to a man. Get back to your support network. Back to your basic dudes, OK? Here's the wishbone A wish is granted, so whatever you've been wishing for, it will be granted. Beware of being too greedy though, so if you're in a legal situation. And you might feel really strong. Don't be greedy, OK? Be fair. The judges and things like that, they look at that. So the fairer you are throughout this scenario, especially in the initial separation and how fair you're being, like if you know they're going to look at the situation, be like, who the fuck is the asshole here? Make sure it's the it's. Make sure it's the other person that you're separating from. Looks like the asshole. So be fair and don't be greedy because that is the sheer giveaway of of of that scenario. You are going to be disappointed in this person. But you are going to have some great happiness. Um, with another one. OK, you're going to have, you're going to go on and have a relationship with her. So there you go. OK, whatever wish you've had is going to be granted. You will overcome this. You need to get back to basics. Don't be greedy. Yes, it's going to be fucking disappoint. OK, but you're going to end up being having great happiness with with, with your dealings or relationship with. Some woman. OK, that was definitely mostly a male reading, OK? Almost family and stuff. OK, I will be back with love now. Separation is difficult. The quicker you get through it, the better. When we're talking about kids is on the glycerol children in separation in in the state of Ohio, when you're married and you get separated, you have to take to take that. Of course, Harry looks like a you know. It's tell you all the stuff that you know doing as a parent, you know, there's like hoops to jump through and they tell you, you know that. It takes about six months for kids to adjust. To the separation. You know, depending on the age and whatever you know, just take your time. OK, that's what it's all about. Make sure your children get plenty of attention. Kids have survived breakups. Divorces have. Really great. You know, my son was extremely resilient. We talk now. He's like, Can you imagine if I would have stayed? He's like, no, Oh my God, that would have been horrible. Like that's where I'm at with my son right now. It's like, imagine. We were all together every day. No, no, that's not, yeah, you know what I mean? Kids are really smart and especially these Gen. Alphas generally too. But Gen. Alphas especially like these kids are like, you can think that they cut through sarcasm and passive aggressive so hard. Or it's like if they they have this like hardcore way to deal with passive aggressive and it's probably because their parents are geniuses. A lot of them, you know, they they're like really kind. Um, but kids adapt. They're more adaptable the younger they are. And remember that when you create this life, back to basics. That you create this life that you want for yourself. It will be healthier for your children. You know, that was one thing that I reminded myself when you know the initial breakup happened. You know, I got contacted by, you know, his support network to, you know, about to go back. OK, his best friend called. Try talking it back for about half an hour. So I had, you know, so I had to deal with that, right. Of course. My family wasn't like that. He was like, oh, my God, I can't believe she actually did it. You know what I mean? Uh, But the other side there was a don't do it. You know what I mean? That I had to combat so. But what I kept coming back to was. You know, it was going to be better. In the long run from my side. And so and your father. Payment of some sort. And so that is a really important thing to keep in mind. So and remember that the court scenario is set up to make you tired. It's set up to drain you financially. It's set up that you so you don't want to go back. And so the only people that continually go back are extremely dry greedy. People that would vindictive attitudes. So most people go through that system once they don't have one, fucking touch it again. So we know that it's going to be hard and they do this like. Yeah. Pull the baby apart and then toggle. All right. So you you want to walk through that scenario? Again not being greedy and also just you know, day by day. If this does turn into a scenario where the court has to decide because you guys can't come if you the best advice. Before her retainer. This come to a fucking agreement. To not go into the courts because if you go into the courts. You know you're gonna blow through your retainer probably by the second quarter appearance. OK. And you can probably expect. Like 5. You can expect it to last six months to a year. By the time that they have the continuances and this and that, and they go and do it, blah blah blah, you get your character waiting. It's a whole. The best thing for you to do is try to make a deal. Between the lawyers. And immediate. Then go into the court scenario. That's why I don't be good. Because the moment you get greedy and you guys start to have stop burn about it, that's the moment the court has to decide. And once the court has to decide, it's completely out of your hands. And what's even more so, out of your hands is the overall cost of your lawyer. OK, and everything is like crazy high expensive. So that's my best advice for anybody getting ready to go into like a custody, like somewhere, especially with that legal card triggering and all that kind of stuff. Your reading is messy. I'm sure that had some value though the first time through for anyone who's not. Going through that kind of scenario, but I know we got specific to to help somebody. OK, I will be back with a love note. Alright, hold on. You can do it. You're strong enough.
Love Note:
OK, so we love Note this week it's really. Encouraging. It's interesting, so I'm gonna just jump right in. OK, the. The symbol for this is the Rose, which is the. Three of spades, which would be. 3. So again it's like. You. The yard work here a little bit, so like totally gonna hit my 80s next. OK. I'm sorry. Here we go. I need you to have. Once you completely accept your current situation. It will. Transformer. It's time. It's time for us to unite and work together. It really is. It's time to go. You need to surrender to this journey. Release control. Clear. Love. Guide to others. I trust that you. To get there. Continue to. And. Those simple acts. For your. Your kindness. Energizes you and brings. Around. Remember to be kind to yourself. To nurture that inner. Have some. It works. You. When something triggers. Trust the situation. Trigger. Let's take. Take your power away. Is it? That you need. Is the question. I know it's because I. As in. My frustration? Against it. Obsessed. Transcriptionist types. Ohh, that's very nice. It starts out with this trust card. Transformation occurs through acceptance. Once you accept the current situation, it will automatically transform. So again, the note starts with this. You know, whatever you've been in denial of whatever you feel like is working against you once you accept it. You know, as and we will object. Then you can start to really think about how you're going to get around it. You know what I mean? There's a huge Ace of Pinnacles card here, which is a new beginning, you know, a gift from God kind of mentality. So this situation is really. With this new beginning. Ohh. But they have the reconciliation card here, which says it is time to unite and work together now, time to go. So there is an urgency here that it's time to get this going. That what is holding you back is your past and you have to really release that and release control. There's a surrendering to the Journey release control card and then the leadership card. So and that is such a there's a. You know there's a give and take here about the importance of leadership, but yet the importance to take care of yourself, to nurture your inner child, but also to see where your power is being taken away, if that's acceptable or not. You know and the trust your own, your feelings as know. Right, there's a Talisman and house card. I took that, as you know, the way home to the Talisman. Or, like to me, a Talisman is a compass. So it's like following your heart compass so your heart knows the way home is what they're trying to say. This lovely community card which I put with this practice compassion and simple acts of kindness. And again, right back to you need to be kind to yourself as well. So whatever you do for others. However you practice compassion, Whatever acts of kindness you do for others, you need to make sure you do those for yourself as well. And there's a need here to nurture your inner child. And to see what's triggering. Again, they they're sorry because, you know, they pretended that they didn't care, and they pretended that they that they were indifferent to the situation. But really, inside they were frustrated and so it it appeared as indifference. OK. So there's something that was holding them back as well. There's they don't even know if you really want this with them, if this is something that you really want to invest in. So there's a big question mark here because you know. They showed you indifference and frustration through, you know. Manifest it, you know, it's frustration. Manifesting has been different. Um. Again, but there might be an issue here where you were showing very similar. Qualities because they don't even know if you want this, but they do. I get butterflies every time my eyes lock with you. I am obsessed with your body. Dress up sexy so I can tear it off of you. Um. Fish tanks are so fun. It really. I dream about you all the time. Very sweet. And I ended it with this humor card. I love how you can always make me laugh so they think you're you're so sexy, but really, what makes them? Ohh. Turned on what really attracts them to? What is your sense of? So they see you as a leader, they see you as needing to let go of controls and. Control freak. You need to see who's triggering you and why, and this is really good. Uh, thing to talk about like you know. We have wounds, right? And someone who can walk into our lives and make certain statements. And I remind myself of this all the time when I'm dealing with people because. Like, they have no idea they're they're poking out of Booboo, you know what I mean? They're just being themselves and blah, blah, blah. And there's like a lot of times where we go ahead and we take someone else's judgment and we place it on ourselves. So someone's like, oh, I hate it when people do this. And then you think of all the times you do that and then now you're like, Oh my God, they hate. Right. There's all these different ways in which we mirror. Other people's. Own damaged parts onto ourselves, right. We see the similarities and then we go down the rabbit hole and then spiral into depression or insecurity. And so it's so important that you know when you're feeling triggered, when you're feeling emotional response to something that's happening or some something that. Want to say to step back and first try to see it from their point of view, because you may have nothing. You most likely have nothing to do with their own inner dialogue. OK. For the their own triggers and you have to remember when people are triggered. You know, they like to go around and prayer others, you know, we the trigger is such a triggering trigger word anymore, You know what I mean? It's overused. But what are we talking about when we say the word triggered worse? Well, we're saying that. We want to close off or we get upset or we get depressed, right? It triggers an emotion. Right, that's the whole point. What is triggering it's? The bubbling up of an emotion. That otherwise wouldn't have been there, hadn't that situation occurred. Hadn't that person said that? And again, we need to remember that. It has very little to do with us unless they're coming at us, and even then when they're coming at us. With their bullshit. It's their bullshit. It's not our bullshit. We don't need to carry anybody's bullshit with us, right? So yeah, there's a real need to separate yourself from the emotional response page. This is actually a little bit that's such a naughty thing to do. But how else do we survive if we don't disassociate from our emotions? Every once in a while and gets you done. That's how we get shit done. I mean, if we lived in a place where we were always emotional, what would be done? You know, we're survival mode of survival mode for up for a reason and it's a completely disassociated mode. You have no emotions. Right. Yeah. So it is OK to back up and disassociate from whatever they got going on. All right. Or whoever you're helping, whatever they're dealing with. You know, it's very important that if you're a leader that you take on that leadership role, which means to to disassociate emotionally. Because a leader has to make unemotional decisions, the right decision, the highest decision for the sovereignty of the community, right? So it's really important. So I'm talking to a leader here right now. It's really important that you don't want immaturity that's around you emotionally. Or an applicative type of energy to to affect you trust what you know, trust what you feel and go from there. It's really it is time to go. All right, It is time to go. To get going right? We've waited in in these healing modes long enough, right? But these eclipses come through. You know it's time to The world is waking up. Nature is about to be about bountiful again, right? It's time to get to get going on this. All right, it's time for you and this person to come. So. Follow your heart Compass home. Wherever this person is. Continue to practice compassion. All right. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. My God, I'm. I can always use your support on them. If you were one of my Podcast Addict listeners, I could really use some reviews on that particular. Platform I'm doing Spotify. Solid. Apple Podcasts is solid. Ohh, that's the next biggest outlet for me as far as my numbers go. So I only have one review over there. So if you were one of my listeners listening on Podcast Addict, please take a minute. And hook me up on that platform. I mean on Spotify it's amazing. You put in love and sex and my show comes right up, the word love in their in their. Search engine brings my show up which is excellent. You know. So yeah, like with top on the top looking results, which is fucking sweet. So I'm actually doing free. Uh, so yeah, you know, continue to to hook me up with those those reviews. I mean, they mean the world to me. Also, your letters. Anytime I receive a letter from a fan, it really makes my day. I just had a fan recently asked. For a show from 2 years ago. They went to go find it and of course, you know, like I said, I clear, I clear off my old shows off the feed. So they're no longer available. But I was able to e-mail it to her. Because it meant something to her, so. If there is an old show that you cannot find and you know the date or the name of the show. Right now as of now. You know, you can e-mail me and I will go into my I got a really nice six. Terabyte hard drive. I keep all this shit off. And it's all very well organized. So if there is a show that is no longer available that you would like to have. Forever. Uh, just e-mail me I'll I'll try my best to locate. I can't promise 100%. Uh, but if you have enough information about it, I should be able to find it. I've done like 800 fucking recordings I've had. I have one full TB full. Yeah. Reviews. Yeah. Hook me up, Send me an e-mail. I always appreciate that. Gives me lots of. Yeah. Gives me lots of energy. You guys have a great week. Next week is this next week? I will talk about some sexy I will. I promise. Hello, great week. I'll talk to you.