The Art of the Afterglow: Exploring the Magic of Post-Sex Bonding and Your Weekly Tarot Love Reading
After-sex cuddles are the best and so important for a satisfying relationships. Besides the chemical release of calming hormones, it provides a safe place to share feelings of vulnerability building the connection you desire. Whether or not he hits the mark, it can be made up in 10 minutes of intimacy. Mostly positive tarot readings this week. Always complicated, but so is life. Stick around for the sex segment as we realize the most important part of being a great lover is the time spent enjoying the afterglow! Easy.
Tree: 00:23.56
Handyman: 00:53:41
Post-sex snuggles:01:26:24
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 67
The Art of Afterglow: Exploring the Magic of Post-Sex Bonding and Your Weekly Tarot Love Reading
After-sex cuddles are the best and so important for a satisfying relationships. Besides the chemical release of calming hormones, it provides a safe place to share feelings of vulnerability building the connection you desire. Whether or not he hits the mark, it can be made up in 10 minutes of intimacy. Mostly positive tarot readings this week. Always complicated, but so is life. Stick around for the sex segment as we realize the most important part of being a great lover is the time spent enjoying the afterglow! Easy.
Tree: 00:23.56
Handyman: 00:53:41
Post-sex snuggles:01:26:24
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Ever need a hug? Times we need hugs. And they're really? To relationships are really important to our bodies and. Hugs release oxytocin. Which reduces stress and lowers our blood pressure. Actually has a physiological rest. It can stimulate the brain to release dopamine. It's like a really good hug, you know? You can tell a lot about how much somebody likes you by the way they hug you. If a woman likes you, she will hug you with her entire body. Like Smash, right? And that's how you can tell the level of intimacy, you know, we all know about that shoulder hug. You get that shoulder in there to kind of. Or you get the half round hug, you know? There's lots of different ways to hug, and all of those communicate someone's level of comfortability with of intimacy with you, right? It's a really great way for you to take the temperature of your relationship. If you say, can I get a hug? And we're talking about like a 37. You know, Pat on the back type of mug. You know, that's different than, you know, stepping in to really great. Right, We all know the difference. And you know, when you're tired, when you're stressed out, or when it's been a hard fucking leave sometimes that hug, it's, you know, it's exactly what you. They can actually cure depression. Yes. They increase the feeling of security, trust and they can increase your actual self. As well, the best thing about hugs is that they're. Doesn't cost anything to give anybody a hug. You know, we we're going to talk about. Post socks cuddly at the end of this show, you know, as we continue on. You know, on our journey of becoming the best lovers that we can become this year, and Tennessee and hogging and women, you know, like I said, there we are. The Queens of the cold shoulder, so you know, recognizing your own body language, your own cues, your own level of intimacy kind of will tell you how you feel about your partner and what's lacking. You know, So if like, if you get to the point with your partner that you walk in and the hug feels hollow. You know you need to do some work in the bathroom, especially after sex. And so we talk about after sex cuddling and how very important. That kind of pillow talk, snuggle, snuggle, love phase. How important is relationships at any age, At any age? You know what I always say? That we kick our boys out too soon from the nest, too soon from intimacy. You know we have. You know, men start to starve from intimacy, you know, during their early pubescent stages. You know what I mean? So. And then they continue on. Hardly, you know, learning to live without that intimacy. That they got from their mother from the moment they were born. And the women, on the other hand, have been manipulated and taken advantage of with such intimacy. You know, every woman knows the unwanted touching and unwanting hugs, especially when we were young girls that. Didn't really feel comfortable with how that person hugged us, You know what I mean? Like me, you know, Instead, hugging is, is the gateway drug. Too foggy, right? It truly is, you know? But if you want someone to engage in sexual relationships with you, you really need. To build on that intimacy and it and it all starts with a really great hog. So think about that as you're going through your day. About how important in friendship hugs. I mean, we're talking about platonic just as much platonic love and friendship and hugs as just as important. And those are important to your relationships as. Uh, I you know it's. Story. You know, there's some people are just huggy and some people that are not, but but in a relationship, even if you're not a touchy, feely, huggy PDF kind of person. You know you you need to get comfortable with it. It's. So even if you have been. Neglected. To the point that you don't starve or hunger for hugs or any. You need to realize that that again is a copy. You've come to because. But we want to change our patterns and move forward. Why that kind of intimacy? Those kind of. End to your. Break into your system so that you can feel less stressed, so that you're you. High blood pressure and lower a little bit. So yeah, this week the readings were interesting. Fishbone was disappointing tree. And then there was a handyman, which was kind of funny. So. What kind of charms do I have in here? I don't even know. So we got the the fish bowl and the tree and the handyman. So go ahead, you can check the description if you know. Pick the pick a card, pick a pick a charm reading that you want. Listen to them all because they're all great and they all have great advice within them. And then stick around for the, you know, stick around for the postero cuddle, cuddle session. Great. That's my outro. My outro every week is a cuddle session. After you're you're harsh territories. Why My best friend calls me the porcupine of terror leaders because I'm so sharp. And then you also have to be careful because. It could hurt if it's too sharp or you know that. I just want you to know that, you know, as far as this show goes, you know, I do a foreplay right here. This is me foreplay and right and we're going to get to the goods. And then every time after them tarot readings, no matter how harsh. Or ouchie they can get emotionally. There's gonna be going to hug you and snuggle you. All right. Enjoy the show.
OK. Fishbones. It's a fishbone. Interesting. OK. This one. I heard that our lobsters online business, that's like a bomber. Red Lobster every couple years, but still. It's better than fish. You couldn't live without Chaturbate. This I just don't understand. Calling in your soul mate. Your prayers, affirmations, and visualizations help bring you together. So yeah, you need to like. Imagine. Create. Affirmations. We will fuck visualizations. Calling in your soul. Describe the situation between the both of you right now. There's avoidance. There's some avoidance going on. Avoiding. Ohh. Move some running, trying to avoid some kind of little paperwork. OK, so there's this morning to avoid some legal paperwork. Everything is pretty much paused right now because there's entrapment either by pregnancy, children, money, or heart strings. So right now the situation between you and this person is it's being avoided because it would you know because there was there were there have to be some kind of legal paperwork talking about divorce custody etcetera. And so you know this thing has paused because someone. Them or you is trapped, right? What don't you know about their situation that would help you make a better decision? OK, there's where I talk about the children. Because of the children, there is a proposal on the table. OK, there is a, there is a commitment. There is a proposal on the table. But. Again, there's this like unexplained pull towards wanting to be spontaneous. OK. And that. And and that is making them feel. Like there needs to be some kind of prevention from harm. OK. So why don't you know about the situation? Well, because of the children, there is a proposal or commitment. On the table. OK. Um. Yet. Someone is being unexplainably pulled towards, you know, this some some something very spontaneous. They feel like they need to to prevent some kind of harm. And then it did throw single the single card available, but I put it back in the deck. OK so. If they're not married, there is possibly a proposal to be married. You know, maybe this. Are we talking about a Pisces here? Maybe this Pisces is dead Because again, it's the fish. It's the fish card. But again, there's like this magnetic being drawn magnetically to something spontaneous, but then wanting to protect themselves. And then the single cars were not really sure. What's going on here? How would they describe? Like how do you make them feel OK? They want, they want to fuck. Let's play sexual left, play straight out the car they want to fight. They think that this relationship and you are have a lot of depth and they want more of you. Umm. Emotionally, they have a lot of regret. And because of, and it's the they regret it. Because whatever they're regretting, which could be this, you know, whatever they've they're going through right now, is because it makes them feel very, very limited. Your strength inspires them. OK. And they are just very, very busy at work right now. So how do they feel about your presence in their life? Well, they wanna fork. Alright? They like your doubt. They're dealing with some regret right now because they feel so limited. You are. Your strength inspires them and they're very busy at work right now, right? How would they describe you to fathers? Your prayers. Nations. And visualizations help bring you together, so you kind of keep this person in your mind's eye. They would describe you behind your back as someone who believes in magic. OK, this is my child magical card and I always laugh on this control because yeah, it's really listening to it. Even manager. Let's see. Go with clean. They see it was a queen. Some they see that you radiate a regal feminine energy and you're very benevolent. And the way that you protect others. Very nice. And. Scribe Someone who's preserving knowledge and information. They see you as someone who believes in magic and see you as a as a queen, and then also possibly as a writer. Have they considered contacting you? Again, calling in your soul mate. So there's like a need to bring this soul mate into your daily life. OK, there's this one. Kind of table. It's been a lot of legal. Energy in the cards lately? Have you considered contact? This horror at work. There's a horror at work. And there's a whore. This horse continues to work. Some hours at work. And. And you know, investing so little in this situation that it's over. This working mom or this again, I think it's working mother because it's it's Three of Pentacles. So it's it could, it could be school it could be work it could be. Collaboration with this Empress is only causing some this is causing so much stress. The work. Of this mother we're working with. This mother causes so much stress. That's why they are wanting to protect themselves. In denial. They're wanting to protect themselves with denial. I didn't. OK. OK, this horse at work. This horse at work. As far as at work, I don't know what's happening. It's alright. The investment is they I I feel like. I feel like they. They couldn't invest very much and that's why it's a no. Investing so little and that is the end. And then we have this working mother who causes all this stress. Trying to defend themselves in a state of denial. But it only. And then here's this public message about reconciling with the acts. Consider. Sorry, but yeah it looks like. I don't know. There might be chores at work that they're that they're that they're investing in. And so it's no, it's a no. And then the the work of this mother is really stressful. Interesting. I don't think so. I don't think they're considering contact. Is there competition for their attention? This fish may be dead. Yes, they're loyalty that they hold on to. They. They're loyal though, and they so they hold on to this even though it's a lose lose situation. So they hold on to a lose lose situation. Competition. Loyalty card, but it's also the gas. Looks like they're holding back because it's a lose lose situation. It would be. We got some really sweet heartbreak. Sweet heartbreak. Sweetie, you'd be heartbroken if you saw. OK. Is this person right? They're gonna, they're gonna choose to deny it. They're gonna choose to deny and ghost it so. This reading's over. There's no reason to go into the fantasy. Staff. There's no reason to check to see what I mean. We can see what's the last thing that they come to. The last point, our last sexual. That they. They might be getting married. If they have children, they are not married. They might. Last thing they got off to was a porn in which he kept his shirt on. She grabbed his Dick. No panties. Raw sacks. Orgy. Some big. Tittied woman. So the last thing they came, they came to probably a porn with the guy kept his shirt on again, she was playing with his Dick. It had pussy hair. It was raw sex, unprotected. He might have paid money for it, could have been a fans only because we got this. This particular night, I read all the nights in this on this deck as unprotected sex. Uh. In this one, though, it's a it's the Pinnacles Knight and he's throwing money in there as he's walking her. So to me, that's like he paid for it. So he paid for a porno or he paid for like a an only fans or something like that. And that was over. Or two chicks. Now there's two dudes here. This one's. This chicks on the bottom. This dude, he's eating mass and then this guy's vacuous. It's for four people. Covering up an order. So there was. And again, I I'm assuming this is porn, but it it could be real life, you know what I mean? And then the last one was like, just looking at a pussy. So it could have been. It could be sexy. Got a pussy shot. So again, that's what he that's what he got off to. So he's like, you know, spending money. On. Possibly pornography. OK, so like I said, I really feel like this particular fish is dead and and it's probably a Pisces, so. Look there, there's a want need to avoid the legal aspects. Someone is really trapped here with children. It looks like they are going to get married. Uh, unless something's spontaneously stops, and you know what I mean. So it's time to call in your soul mate. I don't necessarily. We can ask, is this your soul mate? I mean, it does. It didn't say it was right for you. There's hours at work. Is investing what he's investing with hours at work? It is sweet and it it is a soul mate. Okay to someone you've known for a decent amount of time. But again, he's going to give so little and then he's going to hold back. It's not going to be the relationship you want. So you need to visualize the relationship you want. And I know this is hard for women because you know so many times we need a face. We need we need to be kind of, like, emotionally attached to the person. But in your visualizations, just go ahead and put a bag over his head. Alright. And then visualize the relationship with a man with a bag over his head. And. You know you eat. Uh, you know? And that will help bring in another soul mate. OK, I know. Maybe you know, like your fantasies have this this dude's face on it. You know. You can put you can just put a bag over his head. And you know, create some you know. Amenity with. Word out, right? And calling another soul mate. OK, just because you like this one doesn't mean it's the one for you. You know you can like a lot of people, right? What do they say? You can fall in love with a rich man as as well as you can a poor man. So. You know. You know, put a Rolex on you, put a bag over his head, put a Rolex on his fucking wrist. That'll help you visualize. I mean, this is this ship's dead in the water. It's stanks. Up to high hell a dead fish is stinky. Have you ever seen a dead fish on the on the beach? It stinks. So he's probably would prefer pusssy that stinks like that. Or he's been in Pusssy that stinks like that. That's the other thing, like if he's been in pusy that stinks that bad. Do you want that in your pussy? No. And like I said, he's investing in hours at work. OK, and then you're feeling trapped and stuck. You know, if he wants to get out of this particular situation, he's then let him go. What one of these horses at work be the be the, you know, be the catalyst. Ohh. You know. Don't go get a blowjob behind fish bone. On a date. I'm not reading. I'm not reading anymore. Turn off for this one. Alright, I will be back with the next one.
A tree. That's cool. I just did this tree reading, but it's for summer. This one's got leaves there. It's so cool. Like it's all spring time and now like all the trees. Everywhere. Breeze come through the trees and it's just a weird thing. You know. These following, it's so quiet, you just don't hear a rustling in the leaves, you know, they're different vibe. Just happened over this last week. Chemistry. They're so strong magnetic attraction here, so you got a lot of chemistry with this person. Let's find out what's going on with you. Describe the situation between the both of these right now. Fuck. Excuse me? All that. The last reading was. It does. Carry on. OK, so. What's going on right now? There's like a negotiation. There's something kind of begging here for maybe some kind of Internet connection or Internet interaction or to connect in some way. Again, there's like a negotiation to connect or a begging to connect because there is a unquenchable thirst here that to want more there. And to get up out of this situation, which makes them feel embarrassed. Which has to do with their history. And this is projected. Into the future a little bit. OK, so describe the situation between the two of you right now. There's a real there's a real wanting and begging. It's what's funny is this negotiation. Cart is a water fountain OK? So again, there's like, I don't know if there's like a begging for to quench this thirst because in the insatiable car which is a bunch of ice cubes. So like, there's this energy here between the two of this chemistry and you guys are both fucking thirsty as folk to connect in some way, even if it's on the Internet or to plug into to one another and there's like this. Want desire here to get up out of the situation that you are in? Because it feels threatening or it feels embarrassing in some way because of the history? OK. So again, there's some kind of history that that needs to be overcome here, but this is projected. Into the future you both are, kind of. The situation is projected into the future. You got chemistry, but you're not like pulling triggers on it yet. What don't you know about this situation that would help you make a better decision? They're really trying. They're really weighed down right now. They've been on an emotional roller coaster. OK. Um. But they feel this magnetic connection to. Something spontaneous has happened. And it wasn't. It wasn't positive. So there is something, something happened. Something unexpected happened. And now there's a need to remove negativity today. So what's going on in their life that you did not that you don't know? Well, they've been trying to get a grip on this thing, or trying to get a grip in general. Life has been an adrenaline rush, a roller coaster of ups and downs. Yet they still feel magnetically drawn to you and to this chemistry. But something spontaneous happened or someone visited unexpected. And now they have to clear. Their energy. They have to clear space or they have to remove negativity from their lives like it's the meditation card. Cleansing meditation, Clearing space, removing negativity. So I feel like whatever happened unexpectedly, unexpectedly that you don't know about. They're in the process of trying to to. Why did they say delete? Their process of trying to delete it, I don't know what that means that came out like. Like a Freudian slip of some sort. So they're desperately trying to delete something today. OK. Alright. How? You feel about? I'm gonna reshuffle. Really feeling. How do they? OK. They've been lying to themselves. About. They think that you're wild, that nothing contained you, they don't want to play this game with you anymore, and they actually envy you. A lot. And they feel bad about their choices. You are amused to them. You've made them feel alive again. And then here's the illuminate card. So again, you have this like wild. Muse Eliminate energy. Again, they're they've been lying to themselves about you. They don't want to do this anymore. They're feeling kind of hostile about this, and maybe your wildness makes them a little bit angry as well. They do envy you and that makes them feel bad about themselves and so. But you do inspire them. There's a support card on the bottom of the deck. You would? Whatever you're doing. They say about you behind your back. They would see that you're forever young. For every young child eternally determined to remain young and body minded spirit, this is someone again who has a who has a youth folks spirit about them. That is light hearted, that looks at things with a fresh point of view. Again, the eternal child energy. So they would say that you're like this forever young energy, you know what I mean? You act very youthful. They would also call you the Warrior. That you have a lot of strength and skill and discipline, and you're very tough and you're very heroic, stoic and self sacrificing. I want to. To me, a warrior is. There's their difference between a soldier and warrior. Soldier doesn't know about war yet. Warrior has experience or has been through war. And the mother? Nurturing, patient, unconditional love. So they would they would say that, you know, you have this, you know, you have this youthfulness about you, that you're a great mother and that you're also a warrior. You fight your own battles. Have they considered contacting you? If there is. Yes, on the. Distance from this. Yes, they have made the decision. Is made. Yes ohh this is big bagel space of. The world Two of wands Ace of Cups. To me, that is a yes. How do they consider it? Yes, on the Internet, yes, the decision is made that they might or will contact you. At Ace of Cups they you can expect this person to contact. Definitely. Is there competition for their attention? Word. The ghosting card. OK. Is there competition? No. Absolutely No. 10 of Swords? No. Is this person right for you? Chemistry. Chemistry. Their acts. Their ex's world is there. Where am I at? This is personal. The access world or the axes? Like Internet presence. I it's the world. So I always read that as worldwide web, you know what I mean? The X's world, or the X's presence on the Internet is. A Dick. So they think that your ex is a Dick on the Internet? Is this person right for you? Well, they think your acts as a deck on the Internet. Alright, so they've they've stopped you enough to know who your ex is. And you know what I mean. This is secret, though they they wouldn't tell you this. Secretly. There is like, this cheating man, this king of wands, and he's got a lot of hope. This person right for you? Well, your ex is on the Internet being a Dick. Secretly, you got this king of Wands. He's got hope. He hopes to break up. He's hoping for a breakup. OK, so you got your axes on the left. Secretly, you have this King of Wants whose hoping for breakup. Person. You've you've, you've manip. There's manipulation. It's foolish. Bleeding is foolish or. The manipulation in this situation is foolish and this is under the Acts. Yes. OK, all right, all right. So I don't know if this is like checking off boxes in your head. He must hate my axe. He must take my axes. A Dick. OK, check. X. He thinks that you know this person thinks your ex is a Dick. OK, check. There's a secret. King of wands. I don't know who this is, If this is someone that you like cheated with, or there's someone that wants to cheat with you again, or they want to cheat and then it hopefully spurs on a breakup. So I feel like you guys, this is a few different things going. And that is manipulative and you've freed yourself from that, I guess. Or that manipulation was foolish and you understand that. And then it's throwing Wheel of Fortune 6 of Wands, which is the decisions have been made that this will be successful. Or for them to return. All right. So it's successful returns, you know what I mean? So that's if you invest in this. It will be. It will come back with successful returns. It will be good for you. So is this person right for you? Yes. Successful returns. I would read that as a good investment. They think you're a Dick. Good. That's good. What would they sex you right now? Contact. I was a bagel, yeah. Grab all, I'm going to grab those tickets and table all. So the graph. Toggle your bit. But. Well, let's get wet and wild. So they'd want to talk about, like, getting in the shower. You know less there's. That's the only thing Let's get wet and wild to me is like either like squirting wetness, like where you just need to make huge messes on the bed or shower or socks you. I'm gonna make you pump until you can't see straight. That came out last week. So. Tease me, Please me all night long. Spread those legs as wide as you can. So yeah, if you like. Spread out, spread eagle. Let's see what the last thing they. This could be porno or sexual and need to. Narrow it down. That we're talking about. What's the last? Fine. I like this question. I'm going to fuck with this question for a little bit, all right? I don't know if I'll keep it up. But it's a good question. It's taken. So maybe they actually 69 was the last thing they got off at. And this is the sexy 69 and our 69 show is coming up. I know this is the sex week. But this is episode 67, next week's episode 68 all of Note week and then we're going to do 69. So episode #69 is coming up. So last thing they got off on was a really solid 69 hot chick on top. Looks like she is hairless. Braided hair. It's like such a style right now. The two grades, I don't know. 44 Like I was. Get the mammogram. And my my technician. Mammogram tech had you know she wears 22 braids. Uh, that's cute. My hair is long enough I could probably pull off 2 braids, but I'm like it feels like too. Feels too like I'm 44 years old, like, I don't know. I feel like I can pull off one break, but like pigtails. It's cute. I'm about to go and do a bunch of shit like I'm not going to be able. Probably should start. Sorry. Headspace is like right leave. All right, what was the last thing they came to? OK? So, so solid 69 card, I said. It's beautiful 69. This one is so I think they got off to 69 and then. This one she's making pancakes like. You know, this could be kitchen sacks. Because again, she's making pancakes topless. You have big titties, like big nipples, you know what I mean? Just sitting there watching her. Cook up some pancakes so I don't know like. That much? Pouring cooking food. I don't know. And then, um, OK, full pussy hair on this one. Full Bush. So they getting off on full Bush and then they might have gotten, I'm kind of reading this. Hermit card should read it as alone. Last time I read it was like they got off to a posty shot, like, you know, text messaging. But that card. That. Just some good good. Trump. But he's like lifting up her dress to look at her vagina. It's not like a sun dress, right? So I don't know if I could think about what that is for pornography because it kind of might make it. They got off on like, you know, a teddy pick from sex. The different like vaginas because so they last point, they got off to all the guys. It was a solid 69. There might have been some cooking in the background. This is a weird card. I don't know like that. I just don't. There's so much column that does not have. I'm gonna have to go search. The card say. It's Mutual 10 of Pentacles. This is really solid stable Chariot Hermit moves along. Moves or goes on a trip by themselves. So there's this really mutual there is a lot of stability, there's a lot of abundance, and here comes a trip alone or moving along. So maybe this did. Maybe this was something they got off on last time they were alone. That 69, we will be talking about 69, OK. Um, guidance for my listeners commissary here. The access back to the X's world. The X on the Internet. There's this X, the X on the Internet. Or the distance again. This X. Whatever is going on with the X on the Internet, I don't know what's happening here. There's X on the Internet. OK, that's all I can get. Game. That statement again, trying to defend yourself this selfish bit. Why would you defend yourself against a selfish bitch as judgment? OK, so whatever's happening with your ex on the Internet, there's no reason to defend yourself against this sad, fucking selfish ass person fucking judgment. Right. So if you're having any, like triggering or emotional like you know Ness about your acts and getting in the way of this relationship, you need to realize this person thinks your ex is a fucking asshole. And it it's it's to to defend yourself against someone so selfish. And their judgments, You know what I mean? It's it's beneath you. You don't need. Yeah, you don't need to. You don't need to. We need to justify yourself. Again, the trip or the move? Then we got the single lady card. There's a There's a denying that you like this denial about being ostracized. So again, I don't know if you're if we're talking about the X on the. Defending yourself against this selfish walking asshole, This selfish walking bitch and her judgment or his judge. You need to move on from this, or move away from it, or move or take a fucking trip. You are possibly a beautiful single woman and extremely independent. There's no way you can be ostracized. Or stigmatize. So whatever you've done. You I almost want to sit here and say your integrity has stood the test of time. And this is so true. Like if you are solid gold. If you are this you know marble. You know, statue. Right. If you stand through all the conditions, if you're strong enough and your integrity is strong enough, they can sit there and sling mud all fucking day long at you. At the end of the day, that's nothing but a cleaning power wash. That shit off you look just as good as you always have. They can't. There, they have not been able to deteriorate your character. Is my point. So whatever you have like Oh my God my ex is on the Internet, on fucking Facebook or this talking fucking shit blah blah blah on. Your integrity stands. OK, so there's no way you're you're getting stigmatized or ostracized in any way or left out in the cold. All right. So if that was a fear that you've been dealing with, don't don't be afraid. Yeah, that it's over. That shit is over. You are gorgeous, you are independent and yeah, you're moving or you're going on a trip. I want to talk about this emperor of the Father's judgment. Gosh, my father, boss. Ohh Daddy energy, right? That's the judgment. The judgment is they're just offset and that was expected. You can move on from this now. To your dreams. There's again, you need to move on from this, seek from the secrets from these decks and just ghost it. Just continue to ghost these decks. Alright. So you need to move on from this secret. About these Dicks and just ghost it. Yeah, Your family, your longevity, the the stability that you're growing, you know that that's been protected. You've protected that. You've protected your level. You're a warrior. You really are. Yes, that's yes, exactly. Ace of sorts. Yes, that's the truth. You are a warrior. So again, your integrity stood through whatever battle you had with your axe. So at this point you just need to move on from the dreams or the secrets of these Dicks and ghost it put lay it to fucking rest because you have protected what's yours and that is the fucking truth. OK, what now about this relationship? Any advice about this relationship? That's all about your ex. We got this Emperor energy. I don't know if this is talking about you. You know, being the boss, this is again, this is boss, father, daddy kind of energy. You know it's alpha male energy again. And then we have temperance here, which is about, you know, finding balance, reconciling this, this father, whoever this is in your life, whether this be the person. Like I said, this supposed to be about the person that you have chemistry with. So um. They're going to reconcile how they feel stuck and regret. They're working on it right now. This other woman, the Empress here, this mother, possibly. It's a lose, lose situation, which is only getting worse, so you might as well do whatever it is that you want to do. And it's a cycle, yeah. That's the cycle you will be successful. So whatever you're setting out to do, you are going to successfully defend it. Whatever you're setting out to do, you will success, you will be successful, and you will defend it, and you will defend your home. So your home has been defended? OK. The way you live your life, surely your wish will come true and you will be freed of of this, of whatever you feel like you need to be freed from. OK, so again, keep standing. Whatever you're doing, it's working your chemistry with this one. So again, you feel like your relationships are being. Um, Sabotaged by the history, By your past history. You might have had an embarrassing history. You might have gone through an embarrassing breakup or had something with your ex and their bullshit. It could have been embarrassing. And that could be again, you know the. Speed bump here that you're trying to get over. You will get up on over this particular motion. This relationship is projected in the future. You're both lying first. Night and day #1 card. First reading didn't get that message. Didn't get a mystical magical. Day and night. Uncertainty. Fear, worries, decisions to be made. Follow your instincts. The girl we see on the card is holding the sun in her hands while the moon is at her back. She looks uncertain, as if she has a question in her mind, but does not know the answer. What is it? What is she thinking about? Is she afraid of the answer or the inward process to find it? Many of us struggle with making decisions, but where there is shadow, there is also light. After a dark night, there will always be light in the morning sun, warming the past we have chosen. This card reminds us that we already hold the answers. Hand we should trust our inner judgment and know we will be able to handle any situation. So if you have any fears, again this card is reminding you you got plenty of experience. Again, they describe you as a warrior, so I have to sit here and and think to myself that. You have enough experience here to overcome whatever uncomfortability that you face, OK? Those are really nice reading and keep growing. They're beautiful tree. Just keep growing, OK? You have too much integrity. Don't let those insecurities make you feel less about yourself. Just because one person is upset that they lost you does not mean that. They get to sabotage all your the rest of your relationships for the rest of your life. No, they got their fucking chance and they couldn't fucking hold on to you. Alright, they fucked off. And have a warrior by your side. Around every day. So yeah, we realize that whatever shit they're talking is most likely. A reflection of their own failure. Hold on to you, OK? You got new love coming. You got chemistry with some. That's nice. Good health chemistry. OK, I'll be back with the last reading.
What is this? Wow. The guy with a ladder and a top hat. OK. Yeah, it's yeah, it's just what this is. It's a guy with a ladder. And he could be out. It could be, it could be a top hat. He could be a chimney sweep. Again, it's a guy with a ladder. Right with the ladder. Where you got like got some guys working on your house or something like this? What's with the guy with the ladder? Hot. What is in this charm jar? There's so many weird I did. I bought this enormous bag of fucking charms for like $7.00 off of Amazon and I'm still fucking been. I've been doing charm terrines for years now. You know, we're talking like multiple charms a week and I'm still pulling out charms and I'm like. You know, could be a Carpenter. Like I said, he's got a top hat. The wedding. Oh my gosh, you're getting married. Involves marriage. Either you're getting married or someone's married and he's married. The guy with the ladder is married, OK? All right, let's subscript the situation. Ohh, real love. Real. There's real love here. Did you ask this guy for some help to bring over? So again, there's there's, it's starting out the situation as unconditional love. Someone searching online, possibly for this guy. That's the latter. Or again, you know, there's like looking online for for each other. What did you find out like where you were? So I know women are crazy. Like I wish I was more like this. I can find information if I needed to, like I'm not like helpless on the Internet. Like my parents or something like that. But like some the extent that some of these women go to to like find, you know, to find his name, find out if he's married, blah blah blah. I mean I have done like Facebook searches. Just. If they have a Facebook or something like that but. It is amazing what you know about somebody. This person could be married. Involves marriage. What's the situation between the two of you? Well, there's some, like, genuine feelings of love. There's love. What's the situation between love? OK, they're searching online for records, OK, there's a need to to kind of intervene or to, to this person come to your rescue in some way. Back to this, they had a ladder. Is it a fire? Top hats. But you know what I mean. Tick tock. It looks like this person rescued you. You were on a deadline, maybe at work. Hamster wheel, so there's some real love. It looks like you've searched or they've you both searched for each other online to get the details. Someone here has come to someone's rescue when they were on a tough deadline. Uh, you know. And this hamster wheel I kind of read as umm. You know, just the daily and an out, you know what I mean? At work, kind of you know what you do for money, you know, it's daily possible. So maybe this person came and helped you out. What don't you know about their situation that help you make a better decision? Well, they're recalling A reminiscing, a time in which they were that they were helped. To this person, whoever helped you. I feel like this is someone that I feel like this is like a handy helper or a handyman. I feel like this person came in and helped you in some way. They might be married, I'm not sure. OK, but the situation could involve marriage. You know there's some genuine love here. You've definitely both searched for each other online. This, coming to this rescue at, you know, on the short deadline with your work. You know that's the situation, right? They're recalling a time when they were magnetically drawn. You know to to needing help. OK, There is kind of a projection into the future here. So what you don't know is that they they remember a time when they needed help, you know what I mean? Or they were drawn to help you because they again, they they remembered when they needed help. The projection though for the future is that this would be too risky. Whatever you guys got going on, it's kind of risky. It would be a risk. OK, let's see how they feel about your presence in their life. I should ask if they're. You make them feel kind of weak. Your strength makes him feel a little weak, or, you know, feel a little weaker than knees don't know. This is the one carrying the ladder here. Maybe you came to someone's rescue with the ladder, You know what I mean? With the way to help out and way to help someone giving someone you. Yeah, emotionally. They want to support you. They want to. They want to stand beside you, assist you in your success. They want to break away in some way. They want their they want some freedom. You make them want their freedom. They have again there is they are focused on you. They're kind of sad that they that they have to pretend that they're not sad and they feel kind of lonely. But they've been hurt very many times. But you are really have a lot of freedom. You they really admire your freedom to be who you are. So they admire you for being who you are. You make them feel kind of weak in the knees. They want to support you. You encourage them to break free. They are focused. They're sad. Sad and lonely that we feel sad. Isn't that true? Like when you like, feel, feel connected to someone sometimes makes like you can go around and never feel lonely. You can be single and never feel lonely. You know what I mean. But the moment like you connect with someone. And then you're not, you know, able to to get that relationship going. That person that makes you feel lonely. You know what I mean? It's a weird dynamic. How would they speak to you behind your back? What would they say? They would say that you were a companion, that you're very loyal, that you have, that you're very unselfish. So he would say that you're not a selfish person and that you're a really good company. What else? You're handy. You know what I mean? For this person, It's handy. This person is very handy. That's that's probably the best way to say it. Like a handy man. You know Jack of all trades where many hats, so they look at you as very or you know you look at them as very handy. Do you say you be a good companion? They would also say that you're a pioneer, that you have a passion for doing, integrating things that have not been done before. And they would also say that you're a great mediator, you have a gift for negotiating fairness and strategy, personal and personal and professional life. So they would say that you really mediate and respect. Both sides of an argument. So you're, you know, you're really good at in those kind of, you know. Bridging the gap kind of places they that you think about things differently, that you're pioneering. You create things that have never been created before and they would call you a companion. There's this really beautiful color combo that is coming through your reading. Lots of these, like yellow ochres. Yellow and yellow ochres. Colors. Like if I'm looking, I'm looking at the cards that are out right now. And then this really pretty like it's like a Gray, blue-green, like a Gray blue, but it's more Gray than blue. But it's darker Gray. You know what you mean? So it's like this Gray. Like your cards have this really neat color screen color scheme of Gray and yellow. You're really pretty. Maybe that's what you like. Maybe you like that color scheme. Tell your little handy person that you like that color scheme. Pain here. Go over and give you the exactly what you want. Maybe this. You know, there are lots of really handy men out there, you know what I mean? And. As soon as you like, tell them like what it is like you like, like watch him like go and make, like make like make you a whole bunch of stuff, right? Color scheme. You know. Honey, I need a shoe rack, OK? Baby. We'll do it Gray so that all your shoes. All right. Have they considered contacting you? So this is someone you can marry, or the situation itself involves marriage. So I don't know if we need to ask if this person is married. First and foremost, is this person married? You're a little handy, man, married. No, they've moved on. They've moved on from their emotions. They may have been married, but they have completely moved on from that. OK, so they're not married. Have they considered contacting you? Yes, but they feel like it would be a lose, lose situation right now. I feel like it's a lose, lose situation, yes. They have. They have. We feel like it's a lose lose situation. Like it would it it might lead to a weird destiny. You know what I mean? It might it might start a weird chain of events. But yes, they have stressed about it. They have. You have kept them up at night. They're stressed about the marriage or the relationship or the commitment. They stressed about all If you're OK. If you're in a relationship, they. Or maybe you're in relationship? Have they considered contact? Yes, that's it's a lose, lose situation. Until destiny plays out, I guess they have stressed about they were stressed about this. Marriage or commitment coming to an end. So I feel like if you're if you are in a relationship or you're married. Yes, they have thought about contacting you, but they were too stressed about. You know, stressed about you being and commitment. Or um. Yes. Or they maybe they have commitment issues. So it's a lose lose situation. Because there may be they have commitment issues. But yes, they wish. There's the wish card at the end of this. Yes, they wish to talk to. So they have considered it, yeah. They wish it would be a messy situation looks like though. Maybe they weren't ready. Maybe they weren't over their marriage. I'm not sure. Is there competition for their attention? They sneak away. Let's see. Go away. In favor of great having, they regret these feelings. You're staking off and just and just going to regret these feelings. That they have for you. X is a whore. Gives gave so little and kept so many seats. Seems like they got some more. It's really over so you don't have to worry about their acts. Their ex was a four. Or fuck someone. It's like X and then the four car and. There's a small amount of money invested. Secret death. So again it it it. Whatever's going on, their ex is completely out of the scenario. OK. Um. If there's any competition, it's that they like to sneak off. And and and regret, it might just sneak off and deal with their emotions. So if they disappear. They're probably dealing with their emotions. It's saying that. The feelings are mutual. They like you. But again, it looks like if there's any competition, it's that it's. The regret they carry. Sneak off. And regret. It was there's a they had very there was a very strong destiny that they went through. OK, this is personal, right? For you. You really need to think about this. This person is very independent, possibly single. And they they are very healing or would provide you with balance. You really need to think about this because it's something has to be like singlehood in some way. Has to be reconciled. Yes, yes, the Ace of Panicles. Yes, you need a new beginning. You'd have to have a new beginning. But yes, you should really think about this again. There's like some kind of single independence that needs reconciled, or this very single independent person will bring you a lot of balance. And healing, the overall answer is yes. Ace of Pinnacles Ace of Pinnacles is a definite yes. Text you. So this could this could this could be? So this could be a marine target. Type Person. You just get sexier and sexier everyday. Wake me. Get sexier every day. They really wanna grab you. There's just really there's a lots of grabbing. I want to tease you till you explode. All right, so they're going to tease you till they explode. They want to lick you and have you lick them. They think you get sexier everyday and they want to grab you so bad all over the ground. What's the last thing this person called? I'm I am going to frame this in pornography. OK, like in masturbation. Alright, I'm not gonna frame it in the left person that. Fingering. Chronicles like she is. Doing kind of a back yoga pose, You know, like a bridge he's playing with her pussyy hill pussy hole. You know when you lay back on your back, it's a stretch it. She's laying back on this ball. Maybe we have some exercise ball. But then the the coin that's underneath her is what, naked woman? With one braid, you know, bending over. Katie second pussy eating. OK, so the last thing they got off to again like pornography was. Again, if there's hair Bush, I'm just calling out full Bush when I see full Bush, so. Fingering so and then some tity sucking and fingering and then pussy eating and then these two are in costumes and they're running off to flock somewhere. So these two are at a party. Looks like they're running off to flock ohh and then. This one is he's on top. She's kind of falling off the bed titties out. Badly. OK, the cards actually say this new beginning is being held on to, so it feels like denial. And it feels like, like even though there's kind of, there's like denying, denying to move on with this deck, dying to move on with this deck, there's a new beginning that's being held on to the denial. Moving. Interesting, but like I said. Pussy eating, fingering, tity sucking. Just sleep. Situation. Should do. Loyalty is the truth. Loyalty again. There's loyalty. And that's the truth. OK, it's loyal and that's the truth. This person will be loyal and that's the truth. It's childish to cheat. Childish to cheat? The gift, the offer, the proposal, the physical item which they hold. Um. Slowly but surely. This bitch gets caught. Bitch gets caught. Sorry, it's polite. This bridge gets caught. Reconciling this. Go start to record speaking to reconcile this. Then it gets ghosted this Empress. Everything falls apart. The mother everything falls apart. Crops this stressing about this. OK, instead of this situation, it's loyal and that's the truth. This would be loyal and that's the truth. It would be childish to cheat. The gifts offer the proposal. Slowly but surely, this bitch gets caught. And it's it's sorry because it is public itch gets caught. Sorry. The pitch and. You can rack inside if you you rap inside, there's there's reconcile then ghost or reconcile and contemplate how this Empress has. Run her shit. So there's another mother in the scenario that's that's literally everything falls apart because I think this is this bridge because it's the Empress is right under the Queen of Swords card, so it could be an air sign. Again, she gets caught. It's public. Everything falls apart. This guy, the guy in the scenario here, The king of cops stress. Stressing over. Over it, stress. Over it. It's it's Stress is tasty. Alright, stress is due. This would be loyal. It would be childish to cheat. That is the advice on going to keep those two cards out. A little bit more advice. Maybe this is what happened to your handing out. Again, the burden is carried and it's heartbreaking. So carrying this heavy burden is heartbreaking. Carrying such a heavy heartbreak. It's good for all. For the proposal, it is usually situation. Are you? I don't know. There's a wedding that there's a budding. You know, that's part of this scenario. I don't know if this is this this situation involved. This gets here is serious. Getting out of this serious connection. Carrying this. Sharing the burden is heartbreaking. Carrying the burden alone is heartbreak. The gifts offered the proposal the physical item. It's a lose, lose situation. Here from. But then there's this task that destined to give only so much. Was destiny to give this little? So give this little. Justin to give. Moving on. There needs to be a moving on. Here's the soulmate energy. Here's all this abundance. What you're actually juggling with. Is. All this sweet. Bond deaths and death. So right now you're juggling between two things. Ask me this person has come to your restaurant. Now you're juggling between 2:00. You're carrying a burden on your own. To carry a burden on your own is heartbreak. To carry the burden. What you're really juggling with. Is. Something like a soulmate and the sweet family, the sweet abundance, like creating this longevity of, you know, grandchildren and dogs and estates, you know what I mean? Like creating something, you know, that you passed down through generations. What you're really juggling with is this. This energy of family, and the sweetness of this soulmate with death. So. You know what I mean? Like that's your decision? Your decision is everything or nothing. This person would be loyal. That's the truth. And what's your juggling with now? The decision you struggle with now is everything or not. One more. That's the job. That actually kind of like. Clear off your head. Yeah, that changes everything, Tower. Change that change. That thought changes everything, right? What are you juggling? Death of everything or you're? Everything falls apart sneaking off. Speaking off to regret. That their feelings are mutual. Holding bats, stressing and secret stressing alone. The decision will be. Heartbreak. Decision is hard. The twist? And it's. Perforations. Everything falls apart. There's this way and just regretting and the feelings from your trust cell. Everything fall apart, sneak away. Just regret it. The feelings are mutual. Or you've been holding on to stress. And you're just doing this in secret alone. Yeah, the choice is heartbreaking. But. This is your soul mate and you're gonna move the chariot. Six of cups of cherry. This is a sweet move. The sweet move for you. You might feel trapped by this selfish woman. Why it's selfish person? Sexually. But the sex is the sex is over. There's a feeling that you could be trapped by the selfish person sexually. But that, again, that's all the sex is already being moved on from. There's stigma or you're being left out in the cold. And then you really should fear the fantasy. You should fear the fantasy because it is abusive. You should fear the fantasy because it's abuse. So it's speaking to this really selfish person, which I think is the third party. If you saw, if you saw the fantasy. It would make you afraid because it's so abused. Yeah, you. This energy is going to nurture you, is going to bring you a lot of balance and it's going to help you all. You have big time success. Six of wands and the 10 of Pentacles. So whoever we're talking about here, whoever is your interest here, it keeps throwing 10 of pentacles. That's money, OK? This person is going to help you create. An immense amount of stability and money. An abundance is going to be a very rich relationship. OK. Yeah, so even if they are a handyman. Uh. It's going to. It's going to. You're going to live in abundant life with this person, even if they are not. Some corporate. You know, lawyer or something like that. Uh, this person can fix this. OK, two cards fell for you. Here's your magical mystical. Protective nest and tiny triumphs and you're getting to. Nurture, Motherhood, protector, Incubation. This is her serene expression, This woman's hatching more than just a creative thoughts. She is a mother, a creator of all. A giant birds nest. On her head holds 3 eggs and an older bird already born into the world. Under her skirt there is a glimpse of a large ADD. This card symbolizes motherhood, protection of children and how children develop under a mother's care. Be aware of how your actions and words affect a fledgling soul. Yeah, so there's something really important about. Her dress is all made of. On this is someone who, again, is going to really nurture your soul. Alright, uh, and possibly the source of all those. Pleasure. Aware of how your actions and words can affect the fledging. I won't say that. All right time, Trump triumphs. Attitude, belief, power of preserving. A big mouse dressed in a circus circus trainer, dressed as a circus trainer trainer, excuse me, is holding a small eagle. The situation is inverted. The predator is small and the prey is big. This card urges us to believe. And ourselves. Don't ever think you're too small or too unmatched. Inner size is what? Think back to the time when you felt good about. With patients and you were trying. To protect this, now that you have with this person, protect whatever this love is. With your hands. Again, this person is gonna put, this person's gonna build a protective mask around you and you know there's a lot. It's going to turn the the predator into the. If that makes sense. OK, I'll small triumphs over. OK, I will be back. The sex talk this week is about post sex cuddling. We're here. We're talking about, you know, the moment right after everybody comes. You know. Talk about that. And then my next segment will be. Alright, well I hope everything goes well with your hand. Fix your, fix your write up. Alright. And it doesn't necessarily, it's not going to work out a little bit more quickly. OK. Ohh, I will be back.
So we're going to talk about. After sex. Because it's it's working important. And I know, I know, it's not some kinky, you know, for our sex segment, but, you know, this entire year is about becoming better. And one of the most important. You know, Phases is the post sex intimacy phase. And it's really, it's really important. It's really important for women. It's really, really important for. Couples that have small children. It's just healthy and general relationships that have lots of cuddly and intimacy, of course reported as being more satisfactory. Now there's a little bit of a difference between orgasm hormones and. You know, cuddling hormones. So when when you orgasm, that's a release of dopamine, right? That's like kind of like getting stopped. All right, So and that is released for men and women both once they orgasm. Now, if a man. Loves a woman. Really loves her. He will have a release of oxytocin as well when he orgasms. Now women will have a release of both dopamine and oxytocin, regardless of what they love a man or not. The sexual experience for them really says both. Hormones. Now what happens when she doesn't come right, Which is like the fucking like being. Of women's existence, she at least gets the oxytocin. Whether or not she comes or not. She gets a release of hormone. So that kind of offsets, you know, the disappointment of not getting the dopamine buzz. From the orgasm, but more is released during the cut off the after sex cuddle phase. And so it's like it's extremely important. It's a key element in sexual and relationship satisfaction. There was a study done in the University of Toronto and they had about 300. 30 some people 18 to 60 and they they proved that even a small increase. We're talking like 5 minutes of cuddly. Substantially substantially increased the reporting of satisfactory relationship. So, you know, for our men out there that don't feel like they're hitting the mark. You know, every time they have sex with their woman, they need to remember that they can make it up in the cuddle face. You know, she can get a really nice release. Of oxytocin during during those post sex post. You know, Sasha's now again. You know there's a huge drop off when we talk about becoming parents when it comes to intimacy and body. It's just part of it. You just don't have the time. To cuddle, to be intimate, to think about your partner. You have, you know, one kid, Two kids is twice as many, twice as much responsibility. Their kid is not such a big deal, you know, that's how parents talk, but you have to get through. You know that needing phase because all your extra cuddles, all your extra intimacy is going to child rearing. And so there there is an aspect that it does take energy to love and cuddle and you know, kind of, you know, swoon a little bit. That pillow talk, you know it takes energy to do that and again men have to work against their natural bodies when it comes to you know, after sex cuddles because the moment they come they are like when the when the testosterone is released it is an extremely. Um. Soothing. It's what happens when they when they fall into REM sleep, you know. This is why men. Get erections. Which is amazing, three to seven times overnight, where as they dip into their dream phase, and it's because of the release of testosterone. Which is extremely relaxing to their entire body. So we have to remember this is not so much it is psychological, but what we're actually talking about is chemical is the hormones and and this, it's these hormones that make you feel satisfied. It's these hormones that make you feel loved. And again, they're that they're release is dependent upon touch and intimacy and cuddling. And and granted, you know, we all need to respect. Ohh, the energy put into fucking us, right? I mean, have you ever planked and thrusted? For two minutes it's extremely fucking difficult. Even just a flat out plank for a minute is hard. You know, and This is why women. Um, struggle and die more from heart disease at younger ages is because we're not sitting there getting the workout. That comes from folking. I mean, you can, you can get on top and it's hard, you know, it's going to take it out on your knees and your thighs if you're right, you know, and you're bouncing to that, to that extreme. Yeah, you got to be fit to folk. Otherwise, you're just a fellow Princess. Spread your legs. But something to masturbate on, right? You know you want to. As much as I talk to my women, you know it's so. You know, disappointing, right? My God, you're you're kind of turned on. Oh my God. Yeah. OK, let's do it. And you know, 5 minutes later. It's. Handed you the towel and he's walked off to go watch the game, right? Or drink a beer Or chill out before you. Or he rolls over and falls asleep immediately, right? They're exhausted. So you know, there's this, you know, again, this moment where women don't feel loved, They don't feel like. They have taken the time to make sure that they have had an orgasm. And this is what I want to encourage my my women listeners, you know, you really need if if there's a feminist movement to get behind it is about closing the orgasm gap between men and women and the only way to close orgasm. Is to master rate, is to learn how you come. Everybody comes a little bit differently. Certain things will turn you on more than others. You have spots, right? You have your G spot. You have Where's the clip? Where is your Where's your clip? And why is there so much confusion about the clip? Well, because the clip is an entire, you know, segment, right? It's this horseshoe wishbone. Shaped nerve. Uh. Pathway, right. And then there is a one spot that's got the most nerves, right. It can either be on the tip there or it can it can go the entire length of the labia, right. And so for every woman, Now granted, you know, if we were to do a you know. Dot chart here. We would find that most women have you know kind of isolate out. OK, it's going to be in this region right here, right here, right. But how you like your clip to be touched is very personal. And again it depends on. If you have masturbated a lot in your life because most women have been taught do not touch yourself. That is vulgar that good Jesus is watching you, master. OK, he's a fox. Right. But the whole point here is you train those nerve. I have some women like it to be pulled to the right up. Some women like it to be patted some. You know how you the the rhythm, the type of touch and the touch, the type of touch can go from soft to very, very like once the once the whole area is engorged by blood. If you fucking want to. Ain't gonna feel that. Right. It can be pounded to death. Great. Like, yeah, I got this, you know? Close here right and open up wide squeeze out of Focker baby if it's got it is an amazing organ. The whole the whole reproductive system in general is incredible and complex. Right. So my whole point here is, you know, you know, you want to become this. You know, I can do it all energy. Yeah. You want to bash men when they don't even have the parts to understand what the fuck, right? They're just dealing with their decks and their Dicks are actually a little more complicated than we realize. I always thought it was like a Fonzie moment. Like you just pound the fucking. Do box in a place. Just tap it. This starts to it starts playing music, right? They're actually get more complicated the older they get because they get all in their fucking heads, right? And now it's what's the take and to get him off. You know, and but the question here is, was it taken for you to get off? It's taking you 2530 fucking minutes to get off. And your partner is only investing 10 minutes. And you you're never going to reach orgasm with your partner. The goal here is to reach orgasm before your partner can reach orgasm. So you know how long it takes for your partner to come inside, right? Yeah. Well, there there is your, there is your mark, there is your timing. So what you need to do is practice. Find your spots. Because if you hit those spots over and over and over and over and over again within two minutes, you'll come too. Alright, and the more you use it, the more lubricated it becomes. The more turned on you are regularly. I really want to encourage women to masturbate. If you can get it in every day, I know it's it's really fucking hard. We got kids, we got lives, we got jobs, we got hormones, we got periods. It is very hard to get. Eight and once a day, but that should be the goal. And then at the very end of the day, when you're like adding up how many orgasms you've got in the month. Uh, you know you can count that 3 orgasms in one session. It's 3 organisms. Each orgasm stands because we're. We're going up against the guys. You only get one year, one shot at it, right? So, So yeah, it's really important for women to first and foremost study their bodies. No other spots. You know what it takes for them to reach orgasm as fast as fucking possible. And then once you know you're kind of schematics, you know your manual to your vagina, then at that point you can teach your partner what you like, how you like it, where you like it. What kind of foreplay do you need? You know them. Down there and then stick. You know it's wet enough. Stick their Dick in, then don't. You have to make him respect your orgasm. If he wants to be played with that pussy for 10 minutes and calm, then you have to set the boundaries, OK? If you want a fucking play with my fucking pussy tonight, I'm going to need you to pregame it. You know, four or five minutes and I and this is exactly how how I want you to pregame it. I want you to do 2 shots here right? Once you're rob here. Lottery. Your little network. Right. Yeah, OK, so know what you need so that you can tell your partner and then that way you can reach the goal of coming and then having your partner come and you're getting your second orgasm or possibly third orgasm would be the best case scenario right by the time he nuts wants. That's the goal, right? And then then you get that dopamine too. And then maybe you won't be so upset if it's only a 3 minute call to afterwards. But cuddling is so important. And so for my men out there, I know it's hard. I know you just came. I know you're tired. You know, you've been at it all fucking day. You're just happy. To get your last, you know, workout. I'm sure it's actually less. Uh. I'm sure it's actually less. Of a workout to jerk off than it is to folk. But again, men have you has. How often do men say no to sex? Horny. That. That's enough. They're horny now, too. Ohgi wasn't horny, but now she's horny. Now I'm horny too. How many men? No, man. That has you know. A healthy erection is going to say no to Sax. I don't feel like it tonight. No, you're dead. Looks like it. Feels like it. Right. So good. And then, you know, pregame yourself. OK, you know that it's sex night. Now he knows the four play game OK, so he's gonna do his best but warm it up for him. Get into the bathtub. Touch yourself. Get it all warmed up. You know, get your little waterproof vibrator out. Get yourself turned on real good. Because if you're turned on real good, you know you're going to come. Right. So this is my whole point, really. For my women that won't work orgasms within their relationships. You have to do some other work. You can't just lay there. Expect to happen. You know, I mean, you gotta get. For yourself too. You gotta take responsibility of your own sexual satisfaction. God knows they're getting. Right. And then again, encourage your partner to do that cuddle time. And it doesn't have to be him cuddling you. Remember that he can roll over and you can rub his back. Just get just cuddling someone else. It is a mutual release of oxytocin. Alright. Just touching someone else will give you the same fucking release. So remember that you know you can instigate the post sacks cuddling. You know, make make sure they they don't get up. Get all sorts of cleaning and I want my ladies to remember this is an amazing time to talk to your man, to have emotional conversations. Men are much more likely to open up. After they have sex, then before they have sex. So if you have some issues that you want to talk about or you don't feel. Like yourself anymore, You know that I just don't feel like. This relationship, yadda, yeah. Or you're having insecurities about your body or about the relationship. Right after he comes is a great time to to talk about those things because he is going to be more emotionally open to give you that, that type of intimacy. Type of intimacy that comes by opening up and let's remember that that type of communication and that type of intimacy helps a man become harder, helps him with his erection, helps him with his own mind game and he's playing on himself. So as you you know, work through these different relationship. Issues in the afterglow of socks. You know. You both are getting so much. Finance Dopamine. Oxytocin. You're getting mental health. You know vibes, you're getting emotional health vibes from this relationship. This will again create this satisfaction. You know, in your relationship and your sexual life, you will sit there and fill out a survey. Yes, I am sexually satisfied. Have a survey I know sexually. You're always been 5. Don't you mean? I mean that's that's it. And for my men, you know, stay awake. Do whatever you gotta do to stay awake for five more fun. Make it through. Anything, right. Get through that pillow talk phase. It is really important. It really is. It's a It's as important as the foreplay. Afterplay, this is important. You know and make sure that you tell your man how much you appreciate. Just the things he does for you. Men go through their day barely at getting any accolades, barely getting recognized for the work they do. In the home, outside of the home, in the yard, you know, they don't get recognized. Women want to be recognized all the time, and if they want to have sex, you know, you do a great job, you look great. But you know, men are over here placating women with all of these. Nice statements and little men receive nothing. You couldn't make me fucking come again. Right. So make sure that before you have sex with your partner, you know, while you're doing dinner and dishes and everything, you. Tell them how well they mow the lawn this week, how lovely it looks and how much you appreciate that. And all that. You know that they work all day and then they come home and they take care. Tell them that you appreciate them, you know. Flipping a load of laundry for you or carrying your laundry basket. Upstairs. Tell them that you appreciate the fact that they come home directly after work. Help. Especially if you have young. You know, so again, when you make your partner feel more appreciated, that is the moment that he is going to, you know, pick up his foreplay game. He is going to think about his grandma's, he's fucking you so he can get an extra 30 fucking seconds in and then he is going to call you for 10 minutes before he starts. And make sure that you. He says. The dress is sexy. And actually more because he loves. Right. That's relationship with, that's relationship everybody's after. So, yes, intimacy. Pre post sax, sexual intimacy, all of it is so important. It's just as important as the vagina and the penises enterprise. Good old fashioned. You know, and I wanna remind my men that women are constantly put in this position where we're sucked in by cuddles and then all it always turns into sex. And of course we understand that you're touching our bodies. Of course it's going to make you hard and you're going to want sex afterwards, but it's really important for men to mentally back up. And realize that there needs to be cuddled, tied that has absolutely no sexual intimacy with it. You know what I mean? That's just plain old antimacy. So when the day she's on her period, go ahead, hurry up, go not, and then get to bed early with her so that you could rob her back because she's crampy. And gave her Ashes novels. Those little things or even, you know, making sure that one time. During the week, you spend 5 or 10 minutes snuggling her and, you know, telling that tennis food go down. We're just snuggling. It's not going tonight. She gets turned on grabs. Don't get hard until she grabs my deck. Listening. So yeah, you know something to consider. It is such a small. Such a small little thing. But the studies say that just the tiny samples. In this kind of column. Substantially increase the way they talk about you and the relationship. So if you want her going out to the wine night with the ladies. And saying that you're faking praises and we're talking about 5 extra minutes. That. All right, yeah, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, like, always use your. Support on the UM. You know what we're talking about here? Respect respecting. So if you found yourself getting into these houses, I just saw this. It was amazing. They're talking about resentment in couples and the number one reason that couples resent 1. Is because like. One of them is doing something with, the other one actually wishes that they could do. So, like when he falls asleep and you resent him, you're actually upset because you wish you could fall asleep that fast. Right. Or if he comes home from work and sits on his fucking ass and has a fucking beer, you're actually mad. That he gets to do that because you gotta make them. Right. Uh, so you know there's this understanding when you're frustrated and feeling resentful and your relationships that the actual resentments come from the fact that you're not doing your own self-care. And you resent your partner for prior prioritizing their their own needs like rest. Everybody needs rest. Everybody needs downtime. Everybody needs a moment to themselves. Right. And so you know when you're looking after your court down here, you're upset with them. This is the third day. Drink beer. Didn't help. Remember that you too comfortable. And that your resentment is in the fact that. You're not taking care of you. He actually resenting. So instead of looking at your partner and resenting them for taking care of themselves and and investing in their own self. Make it so in the. You're not a perfectionist. The dishes can wait till tomorrow. The laundry can wait. You can order a fucking pizza tonight instead. OK. So take your needs into consideration number. Realize that your resentment is Amir to your own self-care life. Alright, yeah, and reviews. You know I need them. If you're one of my Podcast Addict listeners, you know, go sticker that out for me. You don't want to be over there, so look that up. Well, you guys have a great week. Next week is Love Note and then it's episodes. About 69. I don't know what angle I'm going to comment the 69 whether I'm going to do. 180 You don't even do top view of 69. History of the 69. I don't know what angle I'm coming out this 69 show at. I gotta figure it out. I got two weeks to do it. But yeah, I'm already promoting Big 6th episode #60. Yeah, and it's a six episode, so of course it's going to be about 69. All right, you guys have a great.