“Talk Dirty to Me” From Nagging to Naughty: Using Dirty Talk to Transform Relationship Dynamics
Communication is incredibly important in healthy relationships, and one way to channel aggressive and pent up sexual energy is through dirty talk. Relationships become challenging when life, work, kids, social obligations, daily maintenance, and find time for intimacy are added to the mix. In this episode, we explore how embracing dirty talk can add another level of depth to our lives and fulfill each other's needs. Instead of resorting to passive-aggressive tendencies, we can redirect that energy into positive sexual feedback, leaving nagging at the door and the punishment in the bedroom instead of silent resentment.
We also have some great tarot readings this week! In the Dog reading, which represents the male perspective, we discover that a present is a better incentive than overplayed pick-up lines.
As for the Dragonfly card, it's time for a change. Wake up and stop pretending. Relationships without marriage are just placeholders. If you want this relationship to come to fruition, you must invest in it.
Moving on to the Mouse reading, this love affair has been put on hold, but time is running out. There is a need for compromise in love. The third party involved will receive a settlement and move on happily.
In our last segment, we discuss how to communicate properly by first examining the root causes of our anger. Anger is often just a symptom of sadness, hurt feelings, and insecurity. We then dive into using dirty talk to meet our needs while bringing fun and relaxation into our lives.
And finally, next week we have our Valentine's love notes, but this time they will be companion readings. We can't wait to hear these couples talk to each other!
“Pick a Card “ Tarot Love Readings
Dragonfly: 00:06:22
Mouse: 00:30:00
Dog: 00:45:48
Dirty Talk: 01:17:09
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 55 Transcript
“Talk Dirty to Me” From Nagging to Naughty: Using Dirty Talk to Transform Relationship Dynamics
Communication is incredibly important in healthy relationships, and one way to channel aggressive and pent up sexual energy is through dirty talk. Relationships become challenging when life, work, kids, social obligations, daily maintenance, and find time for intimacy are added to the mix. In this episode, we explore how embracing dirty talk can add another level of depth to our lives and fulfill each other's needs. Instead of resorting to passive-aggressive tendencies, we can redirect that energy into positive sexual feedback, leaving nagging at the door and the punishment in the bedroom instead of silent resentment.
We also have some great tarot readings this week! In the Dog reading, which represents the male perspective, we discover that a present is a better incentive than overplayed pick-up lines.
As for the Dragonfly card, it's time for a change. Wake up and stop pretending. Relationships without marriage are just placeholders. If you want this relationship to come to fruition, you must invest in it.
Moving on to the Mouse reading, this love affair has been put on hold, but time is running out. There is a need for compromise in love. The third party involved will receive a settlement and move on happily.
In our last segment, we discuss how to communicate properly by first examining the root causes of our anger. Anger is often just a symptom of sadness, hurt feelings, and insecurity. We then dive into using dirty talk to meet our needs while bringing fun and relaxation into our lives.
And finally, next week we have our Valentine's love notes, but this time they will be companion readings. We can't wait to hear these couples talk to each other!
“Pick a Card “ Tarot Love Readings
Dragonfly: 00:06:22
Mouse: 00:30:00
Dog: 00:45:48
Dirty Talk: 01:17:09
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Do you know what I’m going to do to you when you get home? You didn’t take the trash. Dirty talk can be, you know, it could be just about anything. You can. Literally deal with all sorts of communication issues in your relationship with dirty talk. Women do not. Take advantage of dirty talk. Enough. They really don't. Um. That's what those episodes about, you know, we're all talking here about being better lovers and is so important to learn, to communicate. And so in this week, Sex, sex, Sex segment, Sex segment, we talk about communication on how, you know, to deal with difficult issues. When you know when things aren't getting done right, whether it be at home or in the bedroom, sex talk, sexting, dirty talk and dirty talk again comes down to, you know. Yeah, baby, right? Don't stop. It's that simple. People are doing dirty talk whether they realize it or not. But you can take it a whole nother level. You can start sexting, and also, uh, you know, deal with some of your issues in your relationship while doing so. And taking that light kind of flirty approach you know, to spanking your boyfriend for forgetting to take the trash out. You know, it kind of brings home. Ohh. You know. Helped, you know, kind of brings home the idea that they need to help with shared responsibilities more, but in a playful, sexual way. Right. And you know, I kind of like you catch more. Bees with honey. What is it? But that's the whole point. Like you can deal with some really difficult issues. Wow. While growing intimacy on while being playful, it's actually speaking. So this this end of this episode is all about how to look at communication a little bit different and then also how to dirty talk. Great. How to start sexting, You know, taking this serious and making it a little sillier and a little less aggressive or passive aggressive. I mean, if you're going to use your passive aggressive bit, trace. Who's that? In a sexual way. Right. You know, if you're going to dominate the house, well, go ahead. Tail. So that's, you know, lots to think about when you take in the last segment of the show. Welcome to Love, sex and terror. I am your host, Acacia. This shows all about helping us become better lovers. You know, taking a look at our different relationships while using Taro to kind of examine and and kind of problem shoot what's happening and whether these are patterns that you can break or you want to break. You know and how to move. How to find the partner in which you know you can give them hell but also suck their Dick? Great. And also orgasm multiple times because now they're passed. We're going to. Right. You know, it's all about kind of connecting. The two roles together. You know. Yeah. So that's, that's the segment, the main, the main segment this weekend and then we have three really great. Love readings Now I've switched over from the charm jar to the Ant the medicine cards which are all animal based. So this week it's a it's a pick of animals. It's dragonfly, which is an insect, but still dragonfly, mouse and dog. So think a little bit about yourself, about the person that. You know you're thinking about, you know, what kind of imagery are you being attracted to, and go ahead and look in the description. You can find the timestamp to go to that one. Listen to them all, because they're you know you don't. Which one Switch for sure. So listen to them all stick around for the sex segment. And next week I will be back with our Love Note special. And I talk about a little bit at the very end of the show this week. So here you go, Enjoy the show.
Charm Jar:
OK, let's see what? Switch over and do. Yeah, let's switch switch right now. Let's pick some animals, this animal energy and these readings because it's there's a whole like nowhere level of depth. So let's pick 3. Animals for this week. Drag and fly our first one. Mouse. OK, dragonfly mouse and dragonflies #27 and mouse is #20. Two fill. I'm going to take the top Dog #14. So we got Dragonfly 27, Mouse 20 and Dog 14. Those are our pick card. Love readings for this week. OK, hold on, I'll be back with.
OK, let's start with the Dragonfly. Now the medicine book for the the Dragonfly card. It shows that something needs to change. It shows that you've, you know, bought onto some kind of illusion. And within that illusion is, you know, possibly a habit or. You know, a mind frame that needs to change. Again, it could mean that you need to find more mindfulness and thankfulness. So it's like you it's again the dragonfly medicine here. Medicine cart symbolizes the need for some kind of change. So we will start out with that kind of energy here. So this relationship needs some kind of change, some kind of transform it, You know, transformation. You know, when you think about the Dragonfly, I love that story. Like. You know a dragonfly goes from the water. You know, as whatever larva or whatever it is before it is a dragonfly, right? And then never returns back underwater, you know, so it lists half its life submerged in water and the other half of air. And you know how transformative that would go and be from those, you know, that's the kind of transformation you need. You've been living under the surface in some way and you need to again come to the surface and go through the transformation that is becoming attractive. Alright, what is the situation between you both right now? Give me 3 cards to describe this situation. It's the On the Verge card Someone's ready to confess. The right of female card. Ascension. Spiritual path. Awakening someone on the average, maybe to wake up a woman. Um. The situations vary. You're pretending. There's lots of pretending going on in this situation. So what is the situation between the two of you now? Um, someone's about to confess or reveal something about a woman. Again, it it's could be an awakening energy. It could be, you know, on the verge of waking someone up too early. But again, there's this energy here in this particular region. Someone needs to wait the fuck up. And stop pretending. And that, I mean that goes with the situation, that's just that goes with the the car itself. Something that's to come to the surface and be revealed so that you know, whatever, fake. Pretending is going on can stop. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make a better decision? Boxes. There's lots of signs. We're seeing lots of signs. The signs of commitment are there. Sentence for commitment there but if they feel. Possibly there's like this threatened. Embarrassed energy here. When it comes to coming together. You don't know something you don't see are all the signs of the commitment. So. Again. There are signs of an possibly another commitment or a long term relationship. Again, there's this threatened, embarrassed with appearances card right after that, so I don't know if they're. Embarrassed by this particular commitment that they have with someone. Or. If it would be, you know. Again, the next card is about reconciling, about coming together and then it being done. Because here's the entrapment card. So it's it's a it's a calm, it's complex. There's situation that you don't know about. It's complex. All the signs of commitment were there. And so it's again it someone's embarrassed and maybe this was the last person they were with. It kind of comes to mind. Again, if he does not. If you're in a relationship with a man and he does not. Ask you to marry him after you know. After five years it becomes embarrassing. Every woman knows that if you've been in a relationship for over 5 years and there is no. Fiancee and Margie or going you're not gonna marry that person. There's a reason they're not. You're a placeholder. So I feel like what you don't see is that they have all the signs of this commitment, you know that maybe they have a house, maybe they have children, maybe they, you know, have been in a long term relationship for, you know, 7 to 10 years. But there's it's embarrassing because there is no. Yeah. There's no official commitment like marriage. And again, they're done with this particular relationship because this person entrapped them with pregnancy. Or heart strings. Or buy it with money and. So that's something you don't see. What you don't see is. Possibly being or feeling embarrassed. This could be that, you know. Again, men will not. Again, that's what they tell you if and women will go out. And this is so, you know, we're talking about, you know, subtle signs like when you reach like year four or five and you're thinking, OK, this is the person I'm going to be with. I'm committed to this relationship. I would like him to ask me to marry, you know, I'm go buy him a watch. And it's a symbol of its time. OK, and so normally, and I don't know, maybe this is like just old school mentality. I don't know if people realize this or not but this is, this is how the subtlety of of that kind of energy goes. And if if he does not ask you to marry him again within five years of commitment. A lot of times the female will feel embarrassed. She'll look like a clown. In front of everybody, they're like, OK, so you're you're just at that point, it's obvious you're just a placeholder until you find someone better. So that is part of the situation that you don't know about. OK. How do they feel about your presence and their life? Back to this on the females probably on the verge of awakening to the fact that this is a complete fake relationship. How do they feel? They feel like you're ruminate them. You help guide them out of feeling dark darkness. They they don't really know what path to take or what choices to make. Currently, they're feeling miserable, and they're really tired of pretending that they're not miserable. They feel your strength, though, and they're worried that they're not as strong as you. And that makes them feel foolish because they feel like they've kind of made a fool of themselves in some way. That is an interesting like concept like. You know, you could have children with someone and not get married, You know, I mean, I mean, I know it's like more common now in this day and age, but again, there is like, you know, social rules. And if there isn't a. You know, a contract on the table. Or even like a civil union of some sort. Just a very feminist way marrying someone these days. You know. Again. They're not in it for the long haul. Burn it till they find someone better. Emotionally, they're still like feeling some kind of hostile feelings because they don't want to play whatever particular game that you're playing, and you make them feel anxious. So. What I'm not seeing in these emotions cards are good. OK, so whatever they're going through is really clouding the entire situation for you right now. Again, they feel foolish, they think you're very strong, and you've illuminated a lot of things for them, but there's some anger and some hostility there. To be aware of. How would they describe you to others? As a priest and interesting someone who facilitates spiritual commitments. So they see you as someone who again has a lot of spiritual energy to them, someone that is like a priest or priestess. You know. How would they describe you to someone else? Like a beggar, Someone begging for attention or begging for, you know, basic survival needs and they see you as a shape shifter. Skillet navigating through difficult levels of consciousness. Now I normally read Shape Shifter as someone who's gone through a major body change who does not have the body that they had before. So I always read Shape shifter or as that or someone that can. Shape their personality for the group of people that they're they're with. You know what I mean? So excuse a priest or priestess, A beggar and a shape shifter. Are they considered contact? Well, if you're in a relation like if if they're in a relationship with someone else, that's a placeholder. And you've known this person for, you know, for a while. Now. They stayed with placeholder. Yes, they have about contacting you. Ohh. Maybe while their children were home. Or there's children at home. Yeah, sure, they surely they have thought about contacting you, but there there's children at home. That they have to, you know, invest their time into. So I don't know if it's a time. It would be secret and it would be quick. It would have to be secret and quick so. Yes, they have thought about contacting. But they have children in their home. And so they would only be able to give a very, it would be very little and it would have to be very quick. Is there? Is there competition for their attention? Do you have competition? For this person's attention and affection. Yes, the mother. There's an Empress, there's a mother in this scenario. And there is little, but she is loyal to herself and her independence. So yes, there is competition for their attention, but this woman is loyal to her own independence and freeing herself for some kind of foolishness. So. Yeah, there's competition, but again, this woman is focused elsewhere, so. You know. They you know, as far as you know. Your attention towards them. Good. What? You know what I mean. Because they're not getting attention from this woman, this mother. This person right for you? Um. There's a there's some manipulation in the messages. Or you feel manipulated by certain messages. Um, it's kind of a line trap. But yes, this person is right for you. It's a it's a ace of pedicles. So I have to read that as yes. OK, what do they want? So again, this person's had had a placeholder. I feel like the placeholder tried to and tried to trap them. Right. I want my hands on your hips. Wow, I watch. Deep Throat. Deep Throat. This is morning sex, this little blonde guy. OK. Missionary. Section. Doggy style. Teddy. Back to this, he's on top. He's falling off the bed. Eating pussy. She's like serving someone and this guy is eating her pussy. And then left. And what's interesting is, you know, grinding cards here, but the cards actually say they're really juggling. You know, with cheating and being a duck. But they're trying to recover, but they're really struggling. They want to be a cheater and a Dick, but they're trying to reconcile or find balance with this Empress. So they're still trying to find balance with this person that's, you know, in a in a place holding position. But they want that, you know? They want their hands on your hips. Why are you crying there? Now the question the the new question here is. Um. If if is there any. Sexual or addictive? Voices you should know about. Is there anything? Addictions or sexually? Ohh. They might have an addiction to social media. There might be a place where they go to fuck up a particular person. 2. So they might have like a side chick on the side even from this place. Yeah, they return to this one particular person because they're pretty strong. And they may have an addiction to social media. Yeah, and text and messaging. Yeah, that they obviously will regret. So they again they have like some kind of, it could be any social media, but you know that they have kind of a who doesn't have. In this day and age, but they also have. They they're get messages that are regretful, so I feel like they have done some sexting. Um, maybe they're there's some regrettable messages there. And again, there's one particular place they go and fuck a certain person. They keep returning to that person for some. So I might be like there. Their rebound person, you know. What guidance? Particular situation. I mean, you're trying to. It looks like you're trying to. Like dethrone, a standing placeholder that's, you know, played the kid game. Make a wish to be happy and hope for destiny to to to take root. Make decisions that help it grow. There is mutual attraction and love here between you and this person, but it's still very much a juggle, so that's why you need to make decisions to invest in it. Um. The truth is. I don't know if they want to sneak away from their family or if. They have family members that are very sneaky. There's some kind of sneaky energy here. There's like a. It's a wish. Just continue to wish for it, but be happy. Today. And hope for destiny to take place. When you make decisions, make decisions that will help it grow. It is mutual. There is mutual emotions here there there is a connection, but it is a juggle because of there's some either, there's some truth. With the family. Maybe the family has money, you know what I mean? Maybe that's why. They said they sit in this particular situation being very fake about it. But again, there's like a sneaking off to rest. They sneak off to rest. The truth is they sneak off to rest from there, from this family. Or from this whatever this tenant panels. So. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what that means, but. Wish for it. It's safe to wish for this one. Ohh. But be happy. You know, Project happiness. And in time, maybe destiny will take take its place, especially if you make decisions that will help it grow. Just so you know, this person does you know the truth is. Their. Their family is either. There's a sneaking off. From this. They want to sneak off. Again, if they've been trapped. Then yeah, that is definitely going to be the energy, anybody who traps anybody in a relationship. There will be resentment and the resentment will grow, so make sure you're not growing resentment. Right. Again, there needs to be a transformation. This relationship is still under. It's still in larvae. You know what I mean? You have to bring this up. And, you know, go through the entire transformation. Off so that this relationship can have some. OK, you know, and you don't want to be the next placeholder. That's sad that that is the truth of. Millennial generation, and they all got their hooks in someone else. Just in case this doesn't work out, but this is the best trainer they came across, so they're just running with it because they're. Clocks are ticking, etc etc etc. You know, so there's a lot of like settling type energy, but if they are not married. If there is not, a man will marry a woman. He does not want to lose and he will marry her within. That's what that is the type I mean that is. You know that's the mark to hit. So if you're looking at other people and you're like, ohh, why aren't they you? It's because they don't think that's that's not the person they want to get into a legal binding. And people are less likely to get. Days. Just because. Lots of. 1. Of marriage and. alright i will be back with mouse.
In our mouse set so the medicine but for the mice it it talks about. You know how many enemies monies actually have? Predators? That are after them as a personality type. It can feel nitpicky. They might have a sense of hoarding, but they tend to store knowledge and things or in an organized way so that layer they can go back and pull more knowledge from it. Um, the mouse energy here is there's always more to. So if you pick the mouse, there is a need to organize. And. Take some time later. Yeah. To delve deeper and into what those things mean for you and for them. So again, if you picked Mouse, you know, they're very social, you know, very much build their own civilizations, you know, under the ground, right. So yeah, there's like a lot beneath the surface that all people don't understand about. You in particular describe the situation between. The both of you, right? There's some legal stuff that needs to be taken care of, some paperwork possibly filed. That legal court is very official. And there's kind of a deadline when it comes to this paperwork. Energy is out. I don't know. What do you mean there's some kind of legal paperwork that has to be dealt with? Again, it's there's kind of TikTok energy about this. There's a downline, but the situation has a lot of happiness in it. But the happiness right now, it feels like it's being paused because of this timing factor of needing to get something very officially laid out. You know what I mean? Yeah, so this this is kind of a love affair, but it's been paused. It's been pause. It brings them a lot of happiness. Brings you both a lot of happiness. But you posed it. But it is kind of relevant. So it looks like someone needs to deal with some legal paperwork at the time is running out, so there is a. That kind of energy. What don't you know about their situation that will help you make a better decision about? Ohh there, one of emotional rollercoaster. And they're trying to come to some kind of agreement. Uh, that's based in some kind of unconditional love. So they're trying to come, They've been on emotional work, roller coaster, and they're trying to come to a settlement based on on love. They're having lots of dreams right now. Or they're feeling lots of connection to certain kind of music. And that's currently what they're focused on. So the overall situation, something some kind of legal? Official something needs to to be done for this relationship too. To happen there is happiness between the two of you and happiness that there is a situation, though it is paused. Again, because and it's paused and it's secret. I don't know if it's really a love affair or not, but it's see, it's secret. Whatever you have between you and this person right now, what you don't know is if they've been on an emotional roller coaster and they again would love to come to some kind of compromise or they would love to find compromise. In a loving way, this is the unconditional card. So it's like, you know, being able to come to some compromise because there is love in the situation or for for whatever is within the situation. But there is this. Very. Subconscious energy that keeps bringing their focus back to you. That makes. How do they feel about your presence in their life? There's just some details. You know what I mean? They want, they feel like you've been very compassionate towards them and they want to thank you for caring. Let's take it cooking. You make them very happy. They want. I want to make you smile. So this relationship is to happiness. They are. They are dealing with some regret. For being unfair. Are wanting to. Makes them feel guilty. So if you did have a little affair. You made them. It's so interesting because the next two cards that come out are balanced and unstable. So there is kind of a contradictory, contradictory contradiction and emotions here. I'm really trying to find balance and love and life. I'm walking a thin line between being OK and being a complete mass balance and unstable. I mean really, like when you're balanced, how how quickly can you become unstable? Isn't that the truth? So again, again, they've been on this roller coaster energy that you don't see. So I feel like. They that you bring some kind of balance to them. With their unstable emotions that are coming from whatever this situation that requires a legal settlement. You make them happy though, but they regret again. Either they've you know. There's been an essence of unfaithfulness here. You know, I don't know if there was a love affair for sure, or if it's looking like it's going to be a love affair, or if the groundwork for a love affair is laid. Again, there's some regret or some fear again about being unfaithful, about feeling guilty. Again, but you really cared. And we're compassionate towards those. How would they describe you to another person? As a slave, someone who surrenders their own power of choice. As a saboteur highlights the fear of self improvement. And the Destroyer. Wow. Nice. Releasing what is potentially destructive, preparing for a new life. So they see you as someone who again you know is a slave in some way, is a slave to their work or slave to their family. Which you know is about giving over complete control to something else. They also see this as being sabotaging what it is that would bring you true self empowerment. And they look at you like I destroy your so I don't know if you're a home wrecker. Or if you destroyed. You know something? Something for them. I don't know why they would call you with destroy. OK. Have they considered? Yes. Table Yes, it's 8. Yeah, but they feel like it would be a lose, lose situation. OK. Is their competition for their attention? Surely, yes, home. There's something about their home, so yes, surely. There is competition. For their attention. From home. Yeah, and children. So they may ghost. There's a cost card here too, so there is some competition. Yes, they're home, whatever that means. Could be people from home or could be their actual home. Could be children in their home that need their attention and they might also need to rest or they might go that kind of. So, you know, yeah, there's competition. Happiness. It's going to be stressful. It's going to be stressful. And and the judgment is there's going to be a real juggle here. Motions. But it is very strong connection. And it will work out. OK. So is this right for you? It's going to cause you some stress and it's going to cause you some more ease. And the and the judgment here is that you're going to juggle with these emotions. It's very strong though. And and yeah, you continue, you'll continue to work to work on this relationship. Deal with you sexually. Looking looking. Sorry this morning Sex. She's on top. A lap dance or you know. She's sitting on his lap, so ate my they couldn't be flocking, but I read that particular parts last sentence. All right, another one with her on top. So yeah, there's a couple on all these cards. She's on top, all right, whether it's, you know. There's it's cowgirl that refers and. And then, like I said, there's the lap dance. But again, she's rubbing her booty. I mean, she could be flocking. I'm sitting the last card. He's he's, you know, he's sitting there relaxing. He's got his hand on her naked. The cards actually say it's growing. What's growing or what's been invested in again, as Empress motherhood? The wish here is to manipulate the wishes to manipulate one more. So there might be a mother here who's wishing to manipulate the situation. Two more cards. She's making pancakes for him naked in the morning, and then the next crew she's laying out completely with. There's like silk straps for tying down, and she's blindfolded, so there's kind of that tactile taking your eyes out of that. Sensual sacks. Again, what's growing is this mother's wish to manipulate the situation for money so that she can be independent. I just think that. Destiny 2. Charlie is Beyoncé. Testing. Sorry, what? Vices do they have, they should be aware of sexual. Addicted. They really like seeing women make. So they might have some kind of. They're asked to be dad. They're really they want the acts to be dead from the manipulate. Into it. So what kind of? Deals do they have go on it. They're really angry that they got trapped in and commitment. OK. They want their acts dead. Get there. There could be some subtle. Aggressive sexual energy to this person. You don't necessarily know if it's scary. Just be like. What guidance do does the terror have for you? Situation. Fuck off. Councillor out with 916. It says the section be held back from until they break up with this bitch. So don't have sex with this person again until they break up with this pitch. You should forward this actually be held back from. Until the break up with this fish and it's completely dead. Dead. Surely. There's wanting this woman wants money so she could be independent back to this. Whatever they're dealing with once a settlement wants a lot of money. They cheated with their acts too, so. Sack should be held back from. Until they break up. And it's completely dead. That is with the territory. So. So don't have sex with this person. If they're still in this relationship. They need to have complete settlement. Surely they'll be independent, or surely independence will come to this woman. I'm not sure I think it's pointing to her. She'll get a small sum of money. She again cheated with her ex. So there's should go back and chat with the access show go back and yeah that's what the yeah, he's a dead. Again, it it crushes everything. Uh, the judgment will be to move in a sneaky way to move on, kind of sneak away from this situation, so. Don't fuck this person until they break out. Uh, if you don't fucking get. Um. It looks like this bitch is going to get. Looks like she gonna go right back in front, right? And then this person will seek off from this particular situation. OK. Ohh. Yeah, all right. They they got to come. alright i will be back with the last one dog.
And we got our dog group here. Dog is symbol of loyalty. Considered a servant of humanity. Gentle best friend yet half wild protector. Ask you this, this particular card ask you to dive. Deeply into your sense of service for others. $100 Describe the situation between you. God, this legal card will not go away. Right out the gate, just like Mouse, there's a there's legal. Some kind of legal paperwork that needs to be filed, but there's real love here. It's in silence. Evils are on the hamster wheel right now. There's like financial support, child alimony or government. And then there is this is access granted. This is my being stopped from the inside card. So. It's like, you know, you know what? Trickster. Passwords. So what is the situation here? Well, there's some core, like some fucking core orphans. We've done some paperwork, some kind of agreement, some kind of very official documentation needs to happen. But this is real love. There's real love here between the two of you right now in this situation. But it's silent. Because you both are trying to just survive for another day. There is financial support that has to be dealt with here, child alimony or government and someone has access. To like I said, it's it's social media. So either they got a fake profile. And they're like stocking or I always read this stocking from the inside, you know, being hacked in some way, so. It is what it is, I guess. What don't you know about their situation, help you make a better decision? So if they're being stocked in some way that you know they people who are being stocked tend to climb up. Especially when they know they're being stalked. So if you don't see a lot of action from this person, just know that they're just trying to make it through the day. About their particular situation, that will help you make a good decision. They're focused on. Something you don't realize they're focused on. Ohh there. I feel like they're racing to get a grip on the things that are really holding them down right now and they're doing a lot of research or searching, maybe even for you or records online. They feel very trapped. Right now, but they feel magnetically pulled towards the situation with you. So they feel, yeah. They. Um. So. Don't you know? They're focused on you? They're watching you. They really are. They're. They're racing. Towards a solution to deal with all the things that are, you know, have a grip on them and things that are weighing them down in chains. They're looking or searching online in some way, whether it's for information, whether it's for answers, whether it's for records. What they're feeling because they're feeling so very trapped and frustrated. They are magnetically pulled towards this love with you so even though. There's this cricket, not action, hamster, wheel, energy. There's a lot of love still. Between the two of you, how do they feel about your presence in their life? You give them so much strength back to this loyalty. Here's the loyalty card if we're talking about the dog. Your strength inspires me and loyalty forever yours, so they feel a very deep loyalty to you. They are sad, though. But they're strong. And they do, and they do kind of deal with some envy issues. I don't feel like. On top of their game as much. But they're really you make ohh sorry, sorry, they make you. You make them want to be more responsible. And they're they're feeling this need that they need to save themselves before they save another person. So motional you give them a lot of strength. The strength and strong card are here and the loyalty card. They are kind of miserable right now. And they're dealing with feelings of envy and needing to save themselves. How are they describing? As someone who was wounded as a child. Who? Who believes in in magic or secret things? Also an engineer, someone who creates practical expressions. For solving. Dilemmas. So they see the problem solver, they see you as a child that's been wounded or wound someone who's wounded as a child, and they see you as someone that believes anything is possible that believes in magic, possibly. Can you watch Tarot? So a lot of people, you know, we live in a world where spiritual things are thought of as mental health issues. Just being honest and it drives me crazy because. Tara was looked at that way, too. You know, from an atheist point of view, but we live in such a Christian society and like, they're all, you know, Jesus Christ Superstar all fucking day long and no one thinks that's fucking crazy. You know what I mean. Drives. Drive personally drives me. Like, come on, you believe in Jesus, you can believe in. Alright, how do you consider contacting? The feelings are mutual. Yes, there's a lot of hope. In the right. Again, there's this. Like the cheating would be, it would be a loser situation. They want to return, but it's causing lots of stress. They want to, but causes too much stress. They don't might stress out an emperor. A mother in the scenario they will cause stress. So the question is, so they make the decision to. To be sneaky so that if they communicate with you, they're communicating through gaslight. But yeah, the feelings are mutual, so there's a lot of hope. Or in time, they hope that they can. They again. It would be a lose lose situation to create this kind of want. Which is the cheating? Is there competition for their? There's a little there Should. Yes, for sex there is. There's competition for sex. Yes. Sexually. Emperor and Temperance. So again, there's like some kind of boss energy. And then some kind of reconciliation and some kind of balance. So yes, there is some, some competition when it comes to sex. Maybe they have, you know, maybe they have a boss that requires a lot of their attention. So they may have very many sexual suitors. Suitors. It could be if we're talking about a woman here, she yeah, she could have very many emperor type men that. Don't want to have sex with her? So. You know from a, from a the other point of view. Um. But from the other point of view, yeah, there's other, there's other sexual partners. Then there's this box. Yes, definitely. But it would be regrettable. So there is competition, but it would be regrettable. So if they went with any of those other options, it would be they would regret it. And so whether they're smart enough to know they would regret it is another question. Is right for you? So yes, there's competition. For this person, but they know that they would regret it. So is it really competition? Back to this. Is this person right for you? This Empress will fight. And bring balance to the situation. So if if we're sitting here talking about a woman right now. Ohh yeah, she'll fight for this. Is it right for you? Yeah, she'll fight for it, if that makes any sense to you. And bring balance and pour you a drink, Temperance. Right. Temperature. Yes. This is definitely right. The sax is kind of be good truth, yeah. Yeah, any other man. This is obviously for a man. Any other man, she would regret so. There's your answer. Is this person right free? This Empress here, she might be a mother. She might just be on top of her game. Would fight for this. Would compete for you. She'd also pour you a drink and bring balance to your life. Yes, the sex is going to be ace of sorts to the truth. Any other emperor she would regret. Any other? And it's throwing emperor. It could just be throwing emperor to to say that she's not dealing with boys. Again, we have the King of Cups. We have the King of Swords, the King of Pedicles, and the King of. Uh, once. Uh, they're all aspects of maturing stages of men. Maturing Emperor is a matured man that is a full blown man. So there is energy there that any other man. Kind of energy. The deeper the better. The faulty. Actually. But some butt grabbing. This is the Death card. She's End. 4 wands, which is about stability, but they want to again take you. They want to take you to nice places. Read this. OK. So. Yeah, they're really to ask. Grabbing they They would fuck you to death. Ohh, that's how I read the death card, because he's a fucking, you know, skull on the ground. She. She's naked on top. Almost almost naked. Basically. The card here, this four of ones. I always read this as like taking someone to a nice place that you know, could be to a hotel, could be on nice trip again. It's like countryside, but it's real brick and mortar kind of energy. The next one is the tower, which they're sitting out in sun and she's just playing with this deck. There's the masturbation card, pussy eating and then also High Priestess, which is secret knowledge about, you know, you and you sexually, so the cars actually say cheating. This friendship would end. Or or transfer transform this entire scenario when it comes to home, it would break it all apart, there would be a break up and then there would be a denial. And then there would be some kind of have to die that you're the mistress. Or just some kind of denial about being a mistress? Or denial about a secret. So again. If you cheat, it would really fuck up the entire scenario, but in the end you would deny that. You would deny the secret. OK, but anyway, like I said, there's lots of you know, she's playing with his Dick. Pussy. And this one, like the high priestess, she's adorned with penises, so. I always read that as like secret knowledge of how you like. OK. What, like vices? Are there any voices, sexually or addictions that you should? They fight with some anger. The circle is a little bit of anger. With this because with sharing feelings. So they get a little angry or they they struggle with sharing feelings so they could be very quick. Or omitted when it comes to sharing. What guidance? They are watching you for sure. They are focused on you. They just swords right under this focus eyes for you. Um. Surely this person is attractive. But they've definitely. There's like. There's a permit hood and I don't know whether to read that as old or. OK, what is your voice here? Either keep watch. This device, so I have to read it as keep watch. Not that they're watching you, but we already know that they watch you. But this is keep watch on them because surely. Um. I don't know why it's asking alone or this queen of wines here. You need to keep an eye on this one. Again, it feels like the cars are saying they're very attractive. Um, but again, it's throwing. Hermit Hood. Energy. I don't know. I'm not sure this is. Need to keep an eye on this one for sure. Um. There's, you know, home. There's massages about sex. Needing to defend themselves and move on, so I don't know, there might be. History of sexting. It's throwing. Umm. There might be some sneaky here. There might be some sneaky energy. So you need to keep watch on them. That's the choice. You know what I mean? Keep an eye on this situation. Surely um. Queen Wands hermit. So I don't know if it's like, surely there's other women involved? Or if there is another woman involved, you know. I can't miss like Hermit, so terrify that. The whole back. Yeah, the whole back. And prefer to be alone. Um. You're gonna have to keep up on this on this particular person, because if they see other situations. They're more likely to pull back. So they're likely to pull back. So you're gonna have to keep on top of this one, that's for sure. If they're if there is a whore around or other kind of energy like that around, they'll pull back. Again, it's talking about home and messages and sex. So. There's maybe a foundation of messaging here of sexting. Maybe if you if you build a foundation of of sexting. I don't know if they would defend themselves and move on. Or if they would, or if that would defend the situation it leads into moving on. Um. Something about a proposal, an offer gift. You know, kind of sneaking off. So. It looks like they might give. I feel like the energy is like they would maybe give up and I don't necessarily know if Bilina Foundation of sexting. Is gonna defend you from them moving on. So it feels like you like if you. I don't know if you're trying to make a choice here on how to. I don't know if you're making a choice on how to. How to come at this person? It's looking like a foundation of sexting. You might have to defend yourself later on. And they might move. You're gonna have again. You have to keep watch and make a decision about this. Because surely if there's other if they see others. They'll they'll pull back and stay and stay in Hermit. So again, you got someone who will pull back. OK, so it's telling you whatever your next move is. Ohh you have to think about the how that will be seen if that again will cause them to pull back. Again, we're talking about a female right here. She's used to Dicks and their public messages. OK, she's used to men being Dicks about their public massages. And again, they'll she'll just. Again, justice. 10 of swords. So there's just a a karma and a cut off and a move on. So you need to. Uh, this is again for my mails you need to. You need to move on from how you did it in the past. Whatever way in which you go about, you're going about Ness. You need to do something different here. Because. The same. It's funny because I was just. You know, I was just talking to a friend about this the other day. Like. There's this like certain tendencies that certain groups of people use, certain types of pickups like OK, so like anybody I know from elementary school that I run into here in my now order life, their pickup line is. I had a crush on you in elementary school. I had a crush on you in high school. So, like, that is a pickup line you hear all the fucking time. And like, this is like, Oh my God, you know? But that's how they would push into the conversation of would you folk me? All right, You know, so it works for them, but, like, it's not as successful. Pick up wine. It's not a successful route into someones mind. Especially if you're like the 10th person to be like I had a crush on you and then you know got pissed, you know? When you know you didn't crush on them back, you know what I mean? So there's gotta be a different mode in which you attack this particular situation again. You need to move on whatever from whatever past lines that you've used and come up with something new. You need to do it alone. You need to think about. Entrust back. Let's see if the cards will give you any guidance towards. Again, it looks like they have. Yeah. Upset. Start with a drink. Have a drink. Whatever illusion was created by the ex was foolish. And regrettable. So whatever if, if, if you know their acts. Whatever illusion they created, whatever, uh, smokescreen got. Damn it. Please. Um. Whatever. Smokescreen. Their acts created was really foolish and regrettable. So don't go by anything you've learned from their acts, or you'll immediately be thrown into. Into the pit of snakes that they Yeah, it'll be over. Boom. Tennis swords. Mediately cut your throat. Energy. OK, so like, whatever happened with their ex is cutthroat. So stay away from that, have a drink, but stay away from that particular subject. There's already kind of a sneaky. Gift or sneaky proposal here. That was really the mind trick. Kind of brought everything to a different perspective. And created here or temptation. It's so again it's saying have drink, OK, it's really starting off with you need to find balance and peace. From the right temperature. So whatever temperature you think this person. Is needs don't go by anything they're ex said or anything you know from their ex because that will immediately end with tonsils. So you kind of need to be sneaky. Maybe give a gift. Again, don't overthink it. You know, whatever you do, think about it trying to overcome some kind of fear. So whatever, whatever line you walk in with, you know, make sure that it's balanced. Make sure that it's rid of any. Any shade from the axe. Maybe give a gift. Um. Yeah. Lot of Dicks. So they'll hold back if they think you're. If they think you're being a Dick, they'll hold back. So if you say something and they don't. Open up, then you've hit the. You've hit the dip button form, so you're going to need to come back around, circle back around. You know, turn out to be a Dick. So again, the advice here is don't be a Dick. Yeah, yeah. You'll be successful. You couldn't even fight. So you'll be successful in the competition with the with the factories. They'll be broke. So this is, again, this is a valuable person that we're talking. OK, so whatever you have learned. From their acts, you need to erase because that's not going to get you any. Um, And then also you know you need to be careful that you don't use any line that's been overused, because that again, will create. Um. Right. Even be dealing with kind of a dog. There's a little bunch of gunshot. Uh. How do you do? How do you get a dog to come to you? That's a good question. You're bringing a treat. That's true. What's the best way to get a dog to come to you? A loyal dog? You ring on a tree? So what kind of treat with this person? Like that's what you need to be thinking of and that is, you know, a language of love that maybe this is leading you to. So what? What can you give to this person? That will. You know, be remarkable in their mind that will be something different than what they've. You know, probably from the school. You know, that's how I feel like whenever I get that line, I'm like. Next. You know what I mean? So whatever. Don't go in there with the fucking same old line. That's my advice. Alright, if you want a loyal dog, bring a treat. That is the best way. Together. Right. I'm sure there's some advice on there that will that will work for. Ari, I will be back with the sex segment. It's too early in the week so ohh well I'm talking about. Something good. It's something.
Talkin Dirty
All right, so the sex segment this week is all about dirty talk. You know, we know that men especially love dirty talk. And this, again, this is all about how to become a better lover, how to build intimacy, how to build interest, how to keep the fire going in a relationship. Once that initial, you know. Dopamine phase runs out, right? And that's where so many people find themselves. You know, stuck in a relationship where they're no longer getting. Ohh, the chemical release from it. And that is a big issue with why relationships don't last past that. You know, honeymoon phase and the biggest problem. Really comes down to communication. And so here we're going to talk about dirty talking. Like what he can't even talk about is emotions, you know? And it gets frustrating. So but it's asking us to become better communicators. And in a way, we have to model that behavior back and forth. So let's first talk about, you know, really good way things to practice when it comes to just basic communication with in your relationship. First off, you need to know why you're angry and women have a very difficult. Time. You know, cognitively figuring out why I'm just angry, right? You said this, but why? Why are you angry? Because of that? You know anger is a secondary emotion. Normally when you remove the anger, what's what's behind it? Hurt. Feel. Right sad. Some kind of fear, Some kind of insecurity, some kind of anxiety. So the very first thing we need to do as women or as partners is to examine why we are upset. When we're talking about conflict resolution, really understanding that. You know. This anger that you're that you're wanting to deal with? That you're wanting removed is actually. A much deeper wound for you and knowing why that upset. Well that upset me because I was treated like this in a last relationship and that triggered that emotion from that, you know, being able to self introspect and. Dissect. What it is you're actually truly upset about. And when you get down and boil it down, you might find that it has absolutely nothing to do with them. They're a little innocent statement sent you over. Over the wall, right? Just because it reminded you of a of a wound or it hit a booboo. Or it created some anxiety within you. So that is the very first thing is to check yourself. Before you even begin to open up the conversation to deal with why? It hurts you and to be able to communicate to them when you say things like this. It's not your fault. You don't know. Right. This opens up this wound for. This creates this insecurity within. And then you can, you know, communicate how if they love you, they'll make they'll be mindful of that, and they'll try to stop now. We can't get mad at them if they're in that kind of pattern. We have to patiently and lovingly respond with when you were like this. We've already talked about this when you were like this. It makes me deal with these. Right. And you know, the moment you slow it down, the moment you bring it back to you? And you can then break them up that pattern. If they love you, they will break that pattern. Right. Again, we have to learn the difference between thoughts and emotions. So like, let's say your partner says something like. Or you say something like, you know, there's no communication, They just come home, they eat, they do their thing, they get in bed and they're just doesn't seem to be that connection. And then you're sitting there like you don't love me, like you're going, you're out of that phase. You don't love me like you used to. That kind of statement immediately puts your partner on defense. And they're immediately going to defend themselves. That's not true. You know, I'm going, you know, they have their own stressors, right? And they're all lives. Their own thoughts, their own worries. So you have to remember that if you make those kind of statements, they're going to feel attacked and they're going to defend themselves and your emotional state is going to be dismissed. Instead, what is really what? What are you really saying? You don't want to sit there and be like you don't love me anymore? No, you want to say I don't feel the connection like it used to be. How can we connect? Right. And with men, you have to think about side-by-side play. I notice this sounds weird, but you know, like men get together and. You know where communication happens? They're always doing something else. So, like, guys will go out and throw a football and they'll talk about actually fairly deep things while they throw a football. And then they'll go up, you know, and joke with one another and and brush it off, right? Even though they actually touched a subject that was very emotional for them. So doing a task that they like to do might pull out. You know more emotions from them, so if your partner likes to fish, suck it up and go fishing. Enjoy the silence. See what comes up out of them. You know, while their hands are busy. You know. Again, you're showing interest in them. You don't want to do it every time because there's probably a reason they're going fishing this they need some alone time. But if your partner has something that they really like to do, going and doing that with them might help kind of open the doors to more connected connection and intimacy we must remember. Two that. We're not just talking. We're making eye contact. We're we're touching. We're holding our bodies in certain stances, whether it's arms crossed, arms down. We're communicating so much more nonverbally than we are verbally. Just like a woman could be. Like, I'm fine. Well, you know, she's not fine. Her her hands are crossed. She's got her bitch face on. Right. She hasn't really spoken to you or touched you in days. You know she's mad. She knows she's avoiding the. But she's still got that. You know, twist it up within her. So again, realizing that we're communicating in all sorts of ways, not just verbally. You know, being mindful of how you're communicating. If you don't want them to be defensive, don't walk in in a defensive stance or in an attack. Got your fucking finger out? There is nothing more attacking. Then fucking pointing your fucking finger there are there are like gurus and spiritualists that say there is there is no worst. Worse. Then you can do Then .4 stick your finger in someone's chest that energetically on their chakras is an attack. Just it's equivalent to punching someone in the face energetically, spiritually speaking. So, you know, don't pull that finger out unless you're fucking ready to fight, right? So we really need to to match our. Our body language with our words. Otherwise we are confusing our partners. And then when they're confused, they're not going to communicate properly because in fear of upsetting the situation. So we want to be clear with our body language. We want to be clear with our words. We don't wanna hide behind words like I'm fine, it's OK, whatever. Those are all known trigger words, right? You know, hard conversations. Having these sit down moments. They're difficult. It's difficult to bring up things that are bothering you, things that are, because you know that it could cause a fight. Because you've been together long enough that you know how each other thinks, and sometimes actually it's going on on purpose, right? Because, you know, we live in a world of passive aggressive. And that's something really to realize is that, you know, there's so much passive aggressive. Anger. That we deal with in relationships. And there is a real need if you want to have a successful relationship. To communicate past that, it's better to have the fight. To sit there and be passive aggressive about it. Because passive aggressive is a form of gaslight. Because the moment you're like, you're, you know, you're being like this. They're going to get it. And then you're like, I didn't mean it that way, you know? And you're crazy. Again, back to Gaslight. So if you catch yourself doing passive aggressive because that's the way you were fucking taught to deal. You know, with your emotions to get back in little ways, right? That's something you know you really need to work on yourself. And calling it out And someone else. Uh, you better check yourself first. I always try. And I'm not perfect at it. I'm not perfect at anything, Sagittarius. I'm over here fucking bluntly pissing off people all God damn day. But yeah, you gotta check it. You gotta check yourself first. So if you're going to bring something up. Uh, you must admit that you do it to be ready to to, you know, to surrender to that point. It doesn't have to be who's right or who's wrong, right. It's just has to be about listening. And that's the most important part about communication. So many times we're starting to talk and we want to jump in and say what we want to say for a number of reasons. We're afraid we're going to forget and and miss the opportunity to say it, or we're defending ourselves or we're needing clarification, right? Those are all reasons why we jump in. Before someone is done speaking with man, if you keep your mouth shut. They'll continue. So if you're sitting there and saying he never talks. I don't know how he feels. I feel like we're disconnected. On and on and. Make sure you're listening to. Make sure that you're taking the time. To not respond. All you're there to do is listen. Compassionate. And you might learn more about him and you might realize that the tactics that you've been using to control him, you know, we're the same tactic tactics his mother used. And that, you know, somewhat upsets him and turns him off. And that is the barrier to your greatest. Enter. So you know there is an evaluation. And then there is changing your behavior. So again, it's really important to realize. Yeah, they need to shut. And then from the well. All his emotions. And again, and I talk about this when we go through the whole privacy conversations, how important it is to keep the confidence of your partner. You don't go telling your girlfriend this. You don't. Telling your mother you don't go tell me that because they all fucking talk behind your back. And then they're going to treat him differently because they now have access to. Secret knowledge about his emotions and this is again going to make him clamp off. In the future. So it's really important that you, from the very beginning, you keep his emotions private. Between you and between. Be that. Be that friend cause to man. Friendship and loyalty means keeping. So instead of him having a bunch of other secrets you don't know about. Be here safer. And then maybe you'll find that deeper into. Now as far as like dirty talk goes. You know, it's another level of flirting, right? It's a it's a section. It's the next. It's like flirting foreplay, you know, dirty talking, sex, right? It's gonna be second or third base, right? Between that. See that right? It's important for couples and people get all up in their head about it doesn't have to be vulgar. Dirty talk can literally just be words and sounds you make while having sex. So far right? A good moan. Ohh I you know. Right there, Right there, right there. Don't stop. Right those. That's all dirty talk. So if you're talking to your partner during sex, you're already dirty talking, right? So. And again, it can be, you know, single words like fuck, it could be sounds and moans. Again, it could be describing at something like I just really love it when you do this with your time. It really turns me on. That's dirty talk too. So it's not as complicated as everybody thinks it is. Of course there's the whole fantasy creation that's like that's like the next level dirty talk. So you've probably already. You know, completed the 1st 2 levels of dirty talk. Now it's time to get into fantasy. Now fantasy is much easier to do in text because you don't. You mean it depends on the level of intimacy. Like if you're if you're in bed, just having sex, talking about. What you want to do the next time and creating that fantasy is, you know, in that intimacy is a great place, but you know, while you're sitting there at dinner being like. I'm going to suck your Dick here. This can feel a little awkward, right? It can feel a little weird, but that's why intact. It's almost better. And this is a great way to excite your partner during the day. If you texted your partner in the, you know, whatever, in the morning or at lunchtime or towards their break or whatever, it's a great time to get them a little turned on. Good. I'm a little excited to come home. Instead of being like, what's for dinner, right, We're having the dinner fucking fight. You know, be like, I'm gonna suck your Dick after dinner. So what do you want to eat, Right. You can change it up so you don't have to fall into these same struggle and and fight patterns when it comes to just the daily in and out of a relationship and live. You know that hamster wheel mental. So you know again, if if you're moving on to that next level of fantasy creation. You know, it's important for you to listen to your partner and to kind of understand what kind of fantasies. Right. And the best way to do this is like to ask them. So after you have sex, be like, do you? Do you like it? When? Do you like that? All right, scream, right? Like, find out what they kind of like as far as your sex sounds go. This is also a great way just to learn about your partner and their kind of sexual love language. So let's say he's not like he's more. He's more of a monitor. Unless of a booty slapper, I don't know right and like there and that is the language of sexual love. Like if you are getting ready to comment, he slaps your fucking ass and that's like turned you on. And then right you have a a similar a sexual love language we don't talk about. The you know, the non verbal actions within. I mean you don't necessarily talk all during sex right? It's all not. So like getting to to have that conversation after after sex again, it helps you home helps you, you know? Find out what your partner's particulars are about. Again, you want to if they and if they don't know. And if you don't know, try different things out. Try something more. Sultry. Try something very serious. You know. Get that dumb mentality out. You know. Get get into your kinky, you know? And again, even if. Your king. Kinky talking out of your like, necessarily realm of comfortability or you know, you know. They know you. They know you. Really want them to? OK, go to that extreme. Also, being very innocent is sexy, so there's lots of different ways that you can communicate, like it doesn't have to be, you know? Fuck it doesn't have to be. Fuck me now. It doesn't have to be. Uh, you know, lick my balls and shit. It doesn't have to be that long or it can be more innocent. So play with the different types and see what they like right? Compliment your. What a sweet and innocent and and little thing you can do to make them feel great about. What are you? You know, those are my favorite pairs. You know what I mean? Like, play it up if they're turning you on, if they've got that. Going down there. A lot of them know. Especially women, too. Like women need this just as much. Even if it's the simple, I like the way you're. Is today. Um. Born again? Perfect set of breasts but don't get too particular. This is some something like if you're building if the man is building the the thing he you know you got to be careful. You don't want to be like yes I'm going to take your size sees and motorboat on right. You know you don't want to get too specific because again. Two specific might pull out insecurities, right? Well, I love to serber your belly. Well, they might feel like their belly is a little bigger, a little bloated today. So you might want to stay away from zones in which you know your partners insecure about and you know, and beef up the other zones. Like they're both. No, you don't even. You know you can. You have a warm. All day long. If you're looking for ideas. Go do some research. Great. Go get some ideas. Go get some inspiration. Um. Yeah, I mean that The world is, is your voice, right? And again, remember to check in with your partner, especially after sex, because men, they're ready to have emotional conversation. After we've had sex, women tend to want to have the emotional conversation before sex, and that is, again, is a disconnect. Ohh. And it's really important, when you're talking dirty not to take everything so seriously, not to take yourself so seriously. It's OK to feel silly and stupid. It really is. So yeah, so start off on your at your own pace. Decide what it is that you find sexy. Think about things you can say to your partner that fit into the realm of of your possibilities. Focus on what it is that turns you on. Because the remember this is about being a better lover is also about finding your own orgasm and your own satisfaction. Because there's nothing worse for a man than to get to put all this work. I mean, having sex is is work for a man. It really is. It's work. All this work just to be. So again, just work on your orgasm, focus on you, Get there for yourself, and your partner will feel so much better about them knowing that you left. Exchange with positive. Yeah. This is all about getting comfortable with. Whole number. And again, it doesn't have to be like phone sex. 1. Right. Doesn't have to be that kind of sex line energy to be like. Yeah, I'm sitting here touching my lip. You can. You can. Men are quite simple. So you do that and they're going to yeah, you're going to give them a chubby for the rest of the fucking day. And again, you know if. If they're, if they're, you can. You can play out your aggression. And dirty talk. So let's say you're fucking pissed because. Uh, they left the toilet seat up and they didn't clean up after they shaved right and you did the cleanup right? And this is like the 4th time. Right. So like, you're subtly like, again, you're gonna need to bring that up and talk about that. Later, right? But let's say you're actually angry about it now and you just don't. You know you don't want to. Yeah, whatever, right now. That shit, right? You wanna go into that same fucking fight over and over and over again? Uh, again, you can. You can. Dirty talking like you left. When you. Now the. You got your web. And that's either gonna wait. More, right? Or not fucking up, or being more mindful or starting to fuck up just a little bit to play the game. Now you go in and he's actually cleaned up everything but. He left a sheet. You know what I mean? And now it's not a big deal. You put the. You know that now? Right. So you can play, right? And you can get out a lot of aggressive energy through sex. So if you're having a lot of mismatch and you're having a lot of anger at your partner. Try to channel that anger into sex play. And what you might get out of it might be so much more beneficial than holding all that anger in avoiding the conflict, then pushing them away, and then coming back with the You don't love me anymore. What? You've been treating me like fucking shit for months. And I don't know why. And it's like because you leave a fucking mess in the bathroom every God damn day. Right. And that is the simple. That's baseline the simple. That's the problem. It's as simple as that. Right. That's really why you're passed. Because you wanted to pull out your makeups and shit like that. He may be just as fucking pissed off at you for having your makeup all. I don't even have the fucking room here to clean up my hair because you're, you know, lipsticks. And then next thing you know, like you're leaving your lipstick. Are you sure? Anything can be made into OK. And you can work through lots of emotional turmoil in the bedroom. And you can bring up these things. And your sex and dirty and dirty talk. And and might actually get you where you. And the long run, it's very important when we talk about communicating with our partner to respect your partner enough to know when it's the time to have the talks. So you know everybody hates the We need to talk mentality, but it does show respect, it shows. I have something that I need to communicate with you. When is the proper time to communicate? And if they get all fucking freaked out, then they know they did something wrong, right? Right. They know you're about to go into some spiraling down pattern, starting to fight right? But it's really important that when you decide. To have a conversation, a serious conversation about your emotional state with your partner, that you picked the right time when they walk in the fucking door or when you walk in the door, that's not the time to have that conversation. After sex? Yeah, that's the time. When they had a couple beers, yeah, that's the. When there's nothing going on tomorrow and you can fight for the next two days because this is a really big fucking issue that should this fucking bitch end, Keep sending up. Right. If it's a really bad one, right, you know, it's gonna take like three or four days of talking. That should help to get to resolution. So give yourself plenty of time. Uh. You know, if you know it's going to take a while and if you get through the first part of just bringing up the situation and how you feel about it and how it's making you feel. You don't need to go any further into resolution. That's step one. Be OK with coming back around? Come back. Great. And bring up the next issue. Well here, can we talk about ways that we can, you know, mitigate others in our relationship? Can we figure out how to find more security? How to create more privacy? Lock ourselves into one another. So that nobody can get at. Right. And again, then the next one and then the next one and the next one. So you don't go into, you know, a session with your partner, your lover, thinking that you're going to find resolution at the end of the conversation. Accept that fact and and walk into it with the mentality of I'm. Clean up. This issue and it's it's sticky, right? And they're going to have, they're going to feel defensive about it, right? But we want to work through that defensiveness. We want to stay open. We want to talk about our feelings again, back to eye statements instead of saying you always do it like this or you're always like that or you always avoid. No, no, no. Uh. Feel. Like you don't want to talk about this, but I feel like. Alright, so use I statements when you're trying to communicate. So. Yeah. Sprinkle in some dirty talk. When you're getting, you know when you're getting down and sticky business, all the relationships and you might find some amazing results. Again, anytime you can. Whether it be, you know, in a relationship or sexually in a relationship, it's about. Right. So remember at the end of the day. To laugh at yourself. Especially forgetting that. It's. So yeah, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. I got these users support, but what I really need is reviews. So start. Always need those. It's been a while you want to say thank you for this information. This knowledge ohh yeah. I did. The articles I read to to make that segment were from Alchemy of Love. Master class. Two really great articles about communicate. Keep the jump jumping off point for this segment. There's a lot of great resources out there. So go read up on Dirty Talk on different things you can say. Get inspired. You know. And you remember that you can, just like all the languages of love, you can bring all those languages into your sex life. You can give sex, gives gifts. You know that your partner will move, like if they're into food, you know, bring me home. Chocolate cake or chocolate covered strawberries? Again, you know Valentine's is is almost here, right? Knowing what your partner. You know, they're like Netflix and chill, but they really love a certain kind of popcorn flavor. You know, again, bringing in those gifts, showing your partner that that you know what they like, right? You know how to warm them up, how to come on to them. Those are all different types of languages within. Your sexual relationships. So bring that mentality into the bedroom. And see what all you can do again, where it's affirmation. You're so fired up, right? Acts of service. You had a rough day, Let me take. Um. Gifts. Two more. On it. Think about how you can bring in that dirty talk and that. Into next relationship. All right. You guys have a great week. I'm pretty sure next week. Yeah, next week's the Valentine's Day Special. Yes, it is. And what I am doing is Companion loveness. So I'll read one love note and then it will have an answer love note back to it. Alright, so they're companion love notes. So I'm hoping to do 4 love notes. Maybe if I if they're short, maybe I'll do more. We'll see how it goes and started recording it. Yeah, but it's all about companion so they'll be. You know that communication, right? And again, back to this about being a better lover. And being a better lover means communicating what you want and also listening very well to what they want. And then? I could talk forever and what's funny? Not this like. Person. Yeah, you guys have a great.