Valentine Tarot Love Notes: Embracing Self Love for Deeper Companionship

Happy Valentine's Day! This week, we have some very special love notes that come in a companion set. Finally, we get to hear from the other side. We have two sets: The Heart and the Moon, and later, the Eye and the Chicken and Fox!

I want to remind my listeners that Valentine's Day is not a day to dread, but a day to celebrate love, freedom, self-love, and the ideals of deep connection. It's not just a day for declaring love, but a day to celebrate our capacity to love as human beings.

Don't fall into the trap of self-loathing that this very toxic holiday perpetuates. Listen to the whole show as a lover of love, rather than being solely focused on a complicated relationship. Remember, you are your own valentine, regardless of your relationship status! Take some time to do something special for yourself.

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions

Episode 56:

Celebrating Love: Embracing Self Love for Deeper Companionship



Happy Valentine's Day! This week, we have some very special love notes that come in a companion set. Finally, we get to hear from the other side. We have two sets: The Heart and the Moon, and later, the Eye and the Chicken and Fox!


I want to remind my listeners that Valentine's Day is not a day to dread, but a day to celebrate love, freedom, self-love, and the ideals of deep connection. It's not just a day for declaring love, but a day to celebrate our capacity to love as human beings.


Don't fall into the trap of self-loathing that this very toxic holiday perpetuates. Listen to the whole show as a lover of love, rather than being solely focused on a complicated relationship. Remember, you are your own valentine, regardless of your relationship status! Take some time to do something special for yourself.


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions






So who's your Valentine? This is our Valentine's Day special. And your Valentine should be you every year. No matter your relationship status, you should take a moment and remember that self love. Makes you more attractive. It really does. It truly does. There is nothing more attractive than someone that's taking care of themselves. Someone that is working on themselves, someone. That takes the time, right, To heal. So regardless of whether you're in a relationship and it's complicated and that's why you're listening to terror or you're saying go and looking for a relationship, trying to swim through the see of, you know, tender douche bags trying to find a good one. The Valentine's Day needs to be about you. Not about the holiday, the Billion dollar Hallmark holiday, right? It doesn't need to be about feeling alone. It doesn't need to be about self loathing or self deprecation or any of that bullshit. That is the reflection off of. You know love, right? Right. This love holiday. I mean, this is, I mean, Valentine's Day is rooted in a fertility festival anyway. Pagan fertility fertility festival or you know. Men would darn. Call themselves and. Milk and blood and run around, run around town. And he slapped him on their fair knees. That was good luck. You know, like if you're trying to get pregnant like you try, you go out to this festival and get yourself a good spot so you can stop one of these young men's. They run by half an egg. Yeah, I mean that's, that's the root of this holiday. So let's not take it so seriously, OK? Yeah, it's all about self-care. So what are you doing? What are you going to do for yourself for Valentine's Day? Ohh, I have. I have all sorts of plans. First off, I already started Valentine's Day even though this is literally it's a week to state when I'm recording this. I went and saw my car Proctor. I got my my shoulder fixed. He's amazing. And then I'm going to get a massage later this week and I haven't had one in like over a year. And I'm excited to see my massage therapist. She is such a sweet and good friend of mine. And she hasn't worked on my body when it's been in full alignment. So I'm excited. I'm excited to go have some like, extra. Get in there like I'm not all like, you know, spasmed and locked in my, you know, she's starting to break it. Uh, to my muscles. You know, finally like in line and relax. And I've had some really good. Some really good results from from going to chiropractor, so that's what I'm doing for myself and then I got on the Canadian top 250 relationship at on Apple podcast. Uh, and I was so stoked about that. It wasn't very long, but I still got there. I still got my foot up there. So I'm going to have some poutine, which is gravy and cheese curd covered fries. I am going to stop at the Amish store and get real cheese curds. Awesome. Really excited about that. So those are a few things. I've either got a few things for myself. On Amazon. They'll be here shortly and got nice little Valentine gift for my special Valentine, which is my son. And he should be very happy. So it's again, it doesn't have to be about. Ohh, you know, it doesn't have to be about romance. It could be about romancing yourself. And you know what is so great about investing in yourself care is that when you do find the partner that gives a shit, right? You already know how to love you. You know, it's going to be very easy to be like, you know what I want for Valentine's Day? I'm gonna fucking massage. That's exactly what I want. And A and a box of chocolates. That's it. Happy with that. You know what I mean? Like what would actually make you happy on Valentine's Day? And through the process of self-care, you get to figure out what is your perfect Valentine's Day gift and how many Valentine's Days have you sat there in a relationship? This person does not love. Because right, this is like the moment for men and women in relationships to be like, ohh yeah, I love you. Here is. Here is. Here is your flowers. Here's your chocolate. Here's your blowjob. See, I love you. Right, but how many of us have gone through Valentine's Days after Valentine's Day is not feeling? Connected that feeling the love ohh in our marriages or in our long term relationships. And it's a really good. Kind of measurement. For those of you that are listening and you're you're in a relationship and and you're hoping that love will come to save you. I'm sorry guys. Love is not going to come save you. No one is going to save you. From. You're narcissistic, yes or no? Please holding relationship in which you settled yourself into. You know what I mean? No one's coming to to sweep you off your feet and have some kind of escapade and cheat and destroy your entire life so that you can get out. You know of this depressive lockdown state that you find yourself in on Valentine's Day. So the real question for those of you that are listening and are in relationships, So what are you going to do for yourself this Valentine's Day to? Move on from this relationship that is not suiting you. You know what? Is the list of things that has to be done. First and foremost, is this really where you want to be in five years? And that's what you need to ask yourself if you're sitting there on Valentine's Day? Going through, going through the, the, you know the song and dance. Like it's. Spend this. Enormous amount of money on bullshit just so she knows I love her, You know? Ohh fucki gotta go down to my knees and blow this fucking asshole. It's Valentine's Day. If you're sitting there and you're resenting any kind of love that you have to show your partner on Valentine's Day, and that's not love. Even Fran is treat each other better than that. Think about that a moment. What would you do for your like if you were with a bunch of single friends? What would you do for them or do together on Valentine's Day? You would have fucking fun. Right. So like I said, if if Valentine's Day feels like. When you're doing it. Either with the wrong person or you're not loving yourself good enough because I for me, Valentine's Day. Any of my listeners have been listening for for a couple years now. No. Valentine's Day is my Independence Day is the day I got divorced. I actually went to court in the morning to Valentine's Day. And had my divorce finalized. We went out and got breakfast at IHOP and. Ohh that was it. That was it. You know, so there's I have this really weird. I don't feel depressed. Like if I'm single, I don't have some guy, you know, giving me chocolates and flowers. I don't. First off, I don't need some. I got my own chocolates. And I booked my own. Massage. Oh, oh, I'm taking care of myself. I don't need that. You know. So yeah, it's about independence. It's about not. We did. We did on Valentine's Day do strawberry champagne, and I normally made steaks or something like that. And I still do. I still do like I I treat Valentine's Day. Like an anniversary? For myself. It's a beautiful anniversary. You know, because it was, you know, a symbol of not pretending anymore. You know, and I tried, kind of. Hard to make my marriage work towards the end. I I tried all sorts of stupid shit, you know? I tried having sex every night like crazy. I tried, you know, incorporating some new things and yeah, you know what I mean. I tried to communicate. Tried to have the talk, like, we really need to fix this, you know what I mean? Like, I went through, like everything I put could possibly think of to, like, save my marriage, and nothing worked. I even did this thing where I got us a notebook and I was like, because I thought, well, maybe it's just too hard for him to vocalize and he's a writer, you know? More You know, we knew each other in high school, so, you know, we passed notes in high school. So I was like, I'm gonna get this notebook and maybe we can, like, write Navy to each other or at least like emote. Like, he could have called me a cunt if he wanted to, and we could have had a conversation about why I was so county. And that notebook, you know what I mean? It was, it was an opportunity for us to communicate. In a different way than the normal way we communicated, we podcasted together and you know, we communicated very, very clearly and it never really looked at our relationship like we had a communication problem. But you know, I was desiring more sentimental emotions out of him. In the reality of that, and I remember I read the book I write in at blah blah blah blah, this opportunity up for us to you know, talk dirty to each other, you know, and. And this and that. Like a road to have sex, he was and all that shit anyway. He never wrote back. Married with this guy who was about to go 10 years, didn't write me back 17 years, you didn't write me back. And I feel like sometimes I look back on the whole thing and it's like I wonder why I'm sitting here, you know, every other week writing love notes. Out of my truck. Like, I'm fulfilling, you know, my own need for something more, for something more romantic, or at least for someone to share their feelings. And it's so interesting because the millennials and younger especially romance is dead. None of them, not they all, think that it's stupid to be romantic. And. There's nothing more romantic than being stupidly romantic. Like they just don't understand. What? How? Like special that is. Like Boomers, they're sitting here writing love letters. I mean, I know so many boomers that are sitting there with a stack of love letters. Uh, from there you know, from their husband or their wife. And they were separated because he had to go to work. Or had to go off to Vietnam and they wrote each other. And so all these boomers are here with these, like, stacks of of love letters. You know. And you can sit there and say the reason that they're still married is because of, you know, being raised more morally than these other. No, it's because they weren't afraid to be stupid and love. And that's what it's about, right? To be stupid. And love with someone, so stupid. In love with someone you would stand outside their apartment with a boom box playing, you know, never gonna give you up or some shit like that, you know? And my son and I do that with each other. We. Gonna give you up. We shock each other with it. We don't see you don't see it coming. It's this really cute. It's a it's a viral thing where you know you make a meme and then it turns into a Rick Astley never going to give you up like you know video or the song pops in somewhere and it's like. Adam like you just told someone you loved him. With the with the clickbaits, switcheroo. And so my son and I do this to each other to tell each other what we love each other. Sometimes I I have it on when he gets in the car, on the bus, I'm like, yeah, so we get each other. That's time. It's sweet. It's sweet. And that's my point. Like if we don't teach. This next generation how to to be sweet to one another. What does What chance does love have? When love is not on the table, all that's on the table is a 20 meeting, a 20 minute meeting to Falk, and then to awkwardly go off and ghost one another. That is love today. Why are people attracted to Tarot? It's because deep in our heart, we're trying to fill a need. For love. You know, so at the end of the day, it could, it could be stupid. But everybody loves my love notes. They do. I get. I get notes about them all the time. When I stop doing love notes, everybody was very, very upset. That's why they came back. And so this we got for Valentine's Day. I did companion love notes. And so there's there's two sets. The first set, they are very hot and heavy. They know what they want to do to one another. The other set of the eye and the chicken and the fox. The one was like, we could do whatever. And the other ones, like, I'm, I'm not like, I feel like a virgin when it comes to talking about this stuff. You know what I mean? Like they didn't know how to talk dirty so much. So it was a cute it was a cute little thing on the end there. But so yeah, they're companion left notes, so they're love notes. To one another. I may do this more often. Uh, just because I think it's we were missing the other end of that. And even that fulfills like a deep need within myself, right? To to find someone who feels the same, who wants to have more feeling in the relationship, who wants to talk more, or even just do things that communicate. Deeper atomicity and in the end, what is Valentine's Day But a way, A desperate way. To bring intimacy back into existing relationships. Right. So if you're sitting there feeling sad that you are alone or down one times day, realize that. There are multitude. Of couples out there that just jump through all the hoops, spent a bunch of fucking money because it's everything's more expensive. Just so that they could give the bare minimum C. I love you. And they didn't. Sitting there. You know, on Facebook. You know, making sure that they like a post of their bench, their bench Cedars, you know, the day after Valentine's Day. See you. You watch these guys and do this shit. They don't do a Valentine's Day because that's where they're that's for the that's for the primary chick. But then they have all their secondaries and go through and make sure they get a little bit of attention and aren't mad. This really is just a holiday anymore to whip men. Seriously, think about Valentine's Day is now just a. Waterboarding event. From you know to to. To torture me. I shouldn't bring us joy. Right. Shouldn't. But as you're sitting there alone eating your bucket of fried chicken, whatever you decide, I think about that a minute. Eat didn't have to jump through any bullshit hoops you didn't have to open up. Your wallet or your? Your bank account. You got to spend your money on you. Do something for yourself and it's not fucking stupid. To go out and take care of yourself on Valentine's Day, even if you don't have. Significant other to fake it with. You know, go get it, go get it. Manny, Patty. But we didn't massage. I did. I would go do them. Anybody. But they're really. But yeah, go out and get yourself a flaming yawn and cook it yourself. You know what I mean. Or get amazing take out sushi. For yourself. There is. There's nothing wrong with walking into a sushi restaurant and getting enough food for two people. Nobody knows. Nobody knows that's what you're going to do all weekend. It's just show sushi in your mouth, but do something special. Spend your money on yourself. Sit back, have a laugh at all the. The fake the declarations of love on Valentine's Day, because they're not receiving those declarations. OK, so very sweet companion. Love notes. Like I said, I just think it's so romantic that they talk to one another. Now my cars are all like, I mean, so we got two couples. So like this starts a whole new like intriguing storyline. We have the and maybe we'll return to these two. We have the heart and the moon. Those are our first two. And the the Lenorman card was picked right before I did the reading. And then we had the eye, which is like an eyeball, and the chicken have a fox, which I feel like that is a person that's kind of like struggling between, you know, being wanting to be the fox, but also feeling like they're the chicken, you know. So that person is still kind of unsure. Exactly what to do? So pick a set that feels like you, you know and and even if they don't just enjoy them as entertainment. We will check in on these two couples again. Maybe again and again I'm excited. Just think it's to eat. It's a neat idea. I might do, I might I might just do all company. I just think it's a quite. They're hot. So enjoy the show. Welcome. I'm OK. You show love sex and tarot. This show is about helping you become the best you helping you locate a partner that's going to be like you, that's going to help fulfill your destiny and your sense of fulfillment. You know, over long it takes. You know, however long it takes. And in the meantime, we're gonna work on our mental health, we're gonna work on our emotional health, we're going to work on our sexual health, and we're going to become better lovers. That's the plan. So here's the show. Happy Valentine's Day. There's a kiss from me to all of you. Thank you to all of my um. Loyal listeners, I really appreciate it. Enjoy the show.





OK, here's our first log note for Valentine's Day. These are companion love note. I try not to look at the cards until I'm ready to to piece them all together. Like, I'll pause. I'll try to take pictures of these. And post them on my social media so you can kind of see how the cards layout. This one's from the Secret. And I'm throwing these on. Good morning, Carl. To give a signifier and this actually through it's a heart. On fire. So. But it's the king of cops. I'm pretty sure it's the kind of cops. But anyway, so have you ever seen the? Ohh, it just flew out of my mind. You know, the heart, the Jesus heart, You know, the one that's always depicted in Catholic imagery on his chest as one with thorns. There's one with fire. And so it's got that kind of. Not that kind of feel, but this particular heart looks like a heart. Like like our human heart, but also like hearts. So it's like kind of a mix. That energy, OK. That's fire coming on. Bleeding. That's the truth, OK? Secretly. Coming so much deeper. The sea was just., Awesome so much. I see you. Discretion. Relationship. His friendships. To ensure that every. Making. Relationships. After all this confusion. I know the tide of time will. But. I know. Hope that. Forgive me. We just kissed. Constantly. Nature. And our connection seems to defy explanation. And. What? Keep myself so busy. Pause. Feels like. Passage. Some kind of connection? Feel like you're. I feel like. You are my soul. Our past are very. Purify them. Different addictions. Because. Past. Will fight these together. Help us. OK, sorry. Need that sound. So they you know you have not. Had a relationship with this person. This is for you. This is the secret. The secret of our car? I picked hard cards. The very first cards I picked out and I and I planned to use those as the first card as the. That way into the love note you know it's. The corner piece in the puzzle, right? Um. So it starts out secret admirer Someone has deeper feelings for you than they're letting on. And then there's all these cards about being a wise leader. You are a beacon for others, official person, person and community and gloss. So they see you as, you know, as a leader. That's. You know, that's very official American community. They see blossoming, and they see you blossoming because you're using discretion. Uses the discretion card here. Friendships are fantastic when they're equal. Maybe it's time to undertake a quick audit of your friendship to ensure the recipient so they see that you have gone through a period of time here where you're only investing in reciprocal relationships and that you realize that all that glitters is not gold. There's another card here, not for you. It's a fortune cookie and in between 2 they're playing chess. Game has not started yet. Ohh. So again, they feel like, you know, there's this energy here. That they're ready to start. Ready to start this game? They see how much you both have grown through the confusion. There's a sad Embrace card here. Time of time will always bring you back to me so that you feel like regardless of what happens in life and in time and how they're pulled away and etcetera, the tide will come back in and it will bring them back to. They know that you're watching. So they they have. You know there's an reciprocal admirer. Admiring. And then there's a forgiveness card. Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments. And I think we should slow down. Can you, can we just kiss and make up? So it feels like in this relationship someone put the brakes on really early. Maybe they had other things going on in their lives and they're they're wanting you to know that they're really sorry, but they know in your heart that that you'll just kiss a makeup. No matter. What you go through. And then there's this synchronicity card constantly reminded of you so and and I felt I don't know where to put the animal card, so that really felt like you know a loving. Let me wait to say they see you and and and animals are reminded by you by certain animals on the deck. As far as animals go, there's only two Penguins, and that's in the Soulmate card. These sweet little Penguins are so cute. One is holding a key to the other one who has a heart on their chest with a keyhole on it. So you know there's this energy that. There's only one other person that can get into this person's heart. There's only one person. As far as the Architect cards, it through Companion and Addict, but I'm throwing these cards and the reading to communicate energy so they feel like you're a companion. And when I say Companion, to me a Companion is someone that you can travel with. Someone like the travel companion you know. Someone that you know you fit so well together that neither of you is compromising each other's goals or compromising. The the fun time you wanna have, like how many times do you get in a car with someone and it's just like ohh fucking track because they bitch the entire time or yadda yadda yadda you know what it means to like there's this traveling together, there's this like. Unison of the two of you, which is really interesting. You excite me in ways I never knew existed. Pleasure and then, I mean, they're really thinking about their. And then there is a very hard flock in their mind. You're going to do you so good, you will. Just. I love the smell of your hot, wet pussy. My cock rubbing up against your software lips. Your feelings are correct. So you're sitting here thinking that this person is admiring you. And you're marrying back. That is correct. They are excited to flirt and just be lighthearted. And then there's this beautiful card dance with life. Do something that changes your energy. So I feel like, you know, they're trying to express that when they, when they come together with you, your energies are going to dance with one. That are really. You're going to feel this, you know, energy underneath. Ohh, I've skipped some other parts here. I'm so tired of being without you. I'm empty without you. So they feel isolated and secluded right now, wherever they are. And they want you to tell them how you feel because how you're acting towards them is very confusing. They're just keeping themselves very busy. They feel like this is a rite of passage, or they're going through some kind of rite of passage right now. There is a clear sense card here or clear audience card, which means they feel they can hear you. Notice a loving guidance you hear inside your mind. So there's an energy here. Where the? They. Feel your guidance almost like. Whatever they're doing, they know what you're going to say about it. So they hear your guidance. Again, they feel you with them. So even though you guys are a part, there is a companionship here in which you're. Your thoughts, your emotions, your support are feeling this person's mind, which I just think is so, so fucking sweet. And then down here right at the end they, you know, they knowledge that there's a need for purification. And I'm I'm reading this with the attic card, so I feel like you both are struggling. Um. You know, with something that you feel addicted to, and this could be anything. It could be shopping, it could be alcohol, it could be food, it could be, hopefully not drugs, but it could be drugs, you know what I mean? It could be some kind of habitual behavior. Uh, that you both need to work on, but I feel like you guys have through through your life. Had to lead on things to get through certain situations. And once you guys are able to lean on one another, I feel like the need to have something to escape is not going to be there. You know what I mean like. So many times we use different things to escape. But when you don't want to escape from your life, when you're dancing with life and you're dancing with this. You won't feel the need to. OK. To self soothe. And that's really what addictions are they're. They're an adult way of self soothe. So again, they said don't let your past hold you back. You know there's a need for purification. There is people that are struggling with addictive behaviors, but they end it so sweetly with, I promise. Will never let you. So this person has been holding on to you some in some way this entire time. Ever. Like I said, it's. It's the heart is the overall. Imagery for this reading and it's very sweet. God, they can't wait to fucking touch your pussy. Hard font in your future. OK, I'll be back. The love note.







Alright, here's our companion to. That last three in the heart, because that's what. This one. It's actually. Parts. Interestingly but. It's the Moon Card. Very sweet. And again, I'm starting with these hard hearts and they're so hard to show. I'm starting with these hard cards as a way to. The corner piece right to the start. OK. So again, this is the answer. To the. Always understand. Certain things. This. Sadness. Higher purpose. Whatever. Sad. So I did not. Feeling here is like. Another sadness. They know there's purpose. So it's like an acceptance of the. For the. As you go deeper. So that's. There is a. Yeah. That's happening. That helps them offset the pain that they have. 1st. You've helped me understand my. Events. Giving me so much. To go through this. Overcome so many obstacles you don't even. Struggle. What I'm doing is. Think. I'll be the one. Giving me so much. He helped. It's been so. I don't know what to. I'm sorry. Great. Axis children. Between. Do you? I'm saying. Ended all your power. Amazing media. With pressure. Would be neutral. Living between 2:00. Black and. I've traveled. So many times. I am so far past someone initiation. Passage. Cross. There's a window. I'll come in her future whether. 3. Success. And all that. Providing this sense of security and so. Will. Stand up for myself. Decrease. For one minute, I would. yeah I need to feel you. This dictation fucking thing is going to drive me fucking crazy. That was good. That was a good. See. OK, so it starts out. You're trying to get into the headspace. Right. You may not always understand why certain things happen. However, there is a higher purpose to the events in your life. Through turmoil, blessing soon be revealed. So there's this acceptance and this love. Note that they've been through a lot, they've been through a lot of turmoil, but they know that at the end. Of tragedy. Understand. And. You helped me understand myself, so whatever you've done. Has triggered them into into self introspection has helped them. Navigate their their issues. You've given them some kind of valiant courage. They want to take action with passion. They've been through some kind of metamorphosis and they've overcome a lot of of obstacles, one of the obstacles being feeling foolish. You were worried that by letting go of your frustration, those who are responsible were perceived they have won. Well, they have one because you're the only one suffering. But you've given them daring. Find your voice and use it nice and loud, as if it makes you feel uncomfortable, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable If you don't use it now, nothing will change. So they're they're speaking to how they felt so foolish, but you've given them. The courage to speak. Even though they don't know what to say to you personally. I'm sorry. So I think that comes to mind. So whatever they did, they're very sorry about it because it puts you into an uncomfortable position. They said I was so afraid to tell you. So I don't know. What they're apologizing about, You know it now. They were. To tell you. Again, there's two cards here. Children, Your love life is affected by children and release your acts. Time has come to clear your interview. So again, there is an issue here with children and an axe. They want to know. Do you think about me too? They miss you. They see you as a slave, as someone who surrendered their power. I read it to this main female either they want to be your main female or there was another female involved. And again, there's this like slave energy and trying to mediate. Or negotiate for fairness. In someone's personal and professional life. Again, they're trying desperately. They think you're trying desperately to. You know to respect both sides. Of an argument, but it's put you in a place where you looked like a. You've looked too neutral and it's so true. Like I I struggle with this all the time when you take the neutral stance. In a knot in a black and white scenario between worlds is black and white and color when you take a neutral position and a black and white scenario. You've taken. The side of. You've taken the side of whoever is the attacker. OK. Clear. So when you play neutral, it's it's a type of victim shaming. Can you play neutral in a victim? Scenario. You know what I mean? You give power to the person that hurt the other person. So playing both sides, playing neutral is not necessarily just you're just as bad as the other person. So there's that kind of energy in the note and I understand that because it's a very black and white situation, whatever they want, however, they felt as black and. And again, you can't mediate between black and white, and all it does is create Gray areas, right? People. They speak about this into unknown and the initiation and again I feel like they have been through so much. They they understand that this is a win win scenario, even though it doesn't feel like a win win, there's going to be a win at the end. They want you to imagine the success. And here's another moon. So this is second. There's multiple moons. How many moons are in this 123? 4. 5. It's 5 means. Um. The next card is Love makes a difference. Love helps heal past wounds and provides a sense of security and self worth. So again, whatever they've been through. Whatever wounding that this relationship has done to them. All they found within it is security and self worth. Balance and Will and these are. The next two cards? Courage. Be courageous to stand up for your beliefs. So, again, whatever they've gone through here. It is just made them stronger, so much, so strong that there's no way they could ever give up on. They ask you not to give up on them, please. But I don't think it matters to them much. I can't wait any longer. I need you now. You make my temperature rise and then there's a big just sax SEX sax card. Time to ground yourself. So I feel like however you affect them. Sexually is almost overwhelming. Overwhelming to the sense that they have to ground themselves out of that emotion. To move on with their life in some way. So you have like a very almost when I say root chakra. Connection with this person. So you might be again kind of like tangled in that, you know, sexual root of this connection. I need to feel your soft kiss on my lips. Which lips, I don't know, rub my ass and slide your fingers down into my wet steamy. And these cards just fell this way. OK, so this is so again, so romantic. The fact that these cards are talking to one another, They want so badly to surrender to that present feel. So as you're sliding. Please. Tire sensor. Of being and to that particular emotion they say I am true to you at the very end. So regardless of what they of what you think, they're very true to you. This is a very courageous person who has overcome a lot of obstacles. And again, they see you as a slave because you because this person possibly has used your need to mediate the situation against you. So again, anybody who's trying to people please, too many people will end up turning into a slave. You can say what you want, but at the end of the day, if you try to please everybody, the only person that will not be pleased is yourself. And now then we'll be pleased either because there's sometimes there's not. Enough things you can do in the world for nurses. They miss you. That is very. So if you've been um. Hiding. You. Seeing. They want you to imagine the success. So there's the moon. Terry. Let me know. Companion. That was good. That was a good set. That was a good set of off. I'll try to do the next one. OK, let's get ready to do the Next one.




Alright, this this one is labeled. So it's just it's the Four of swords which is about grass recuperating and there is like a healing restfulness that is within this, within this. I feel like this is the mail. Male to female. Masculine energy. The speaker here, so we will. I've had to look inside myself and exam. What is causing me to feel this way? I feel like the need to be cautious. And the reason is because I feel so. Feels so cold. Actually. Through. Trying to remain calm. Trying to dig. To make the decisions. To me. I've been so cautious just because. Really taking some time to rest and to think and try to heal this. This anger inside of me. Inside my heart. But it's just been so hard to find. The rest and relaxation I need. I need to take a break from everything. Work is paying off. Your timing is perfect. You're getting ready to take. Be patient. Great success. Clear your. America. To expand your horizons. I could lose myself. It's just been this nagging. I want this. You're so special to me. Back in my life. If I could express this. I can't hold back. Anything for you? You tell me what? Unish me. Explore. Ring my. They've really been struggling with some RDMS. Again, the first card that I'm using is kind of a corner piece. In these in these love note puzzles is my heart parts. And this one says look inside yourself, examine. What is causing you to feel this way? And then there was all these deep cards. You know, the void, the deep freeze, caution, anger, decisions. So it's like. You know, I feel like they have been dealing with. It almost has that feeling like. You know, if you're looking at a control panel and all the the controls are off, you know you mean I feel like they've been dealing with their own control panel being out of whack. I love this idea of. Through the Warrior and the beggar card. But I felt like you know where where this kind of, you know, flowed was. The the difference. Between those two, how a warrior can feel like a beggar? You know, it's an interesting. That's an interesting combination. Emotions. You know. To have thought so. Violent. And. Still feel like you're begging for? For survival. Then they have this whole section here about meditation and healing. The Ouch heart Healing, rest and relaxation is essential. Um, so they there's a real they're really exhausted. Whatever they've been going through, whatever war they've been fighting with them or without, they're really exhausted. There's a real need here for rest and relaxation. You may feel that as well. Then they go on to talk about how. All your hard work is paying off. You're poised for great fortune card spread your wings. Do not hold back right now. The timing is perfect. You're ready to soar. Believe in the impossible miracles and vast vistas. So there's this whole like, even though they're dealing with their own anger, trying to make decisions and being cautious with. This session. And trying to find some healing. There is this whole line here about how. And how? You're poised. 2. To accomplish an amazing. Thanks. And then they go into their emotions for you, you know, feeling that's afraid I will lose myself. In the vastness that is you. And then this trusting this feeling. You know, they have this feeling that is reoccurring. It's telling them that they want this with you. They want to call their soul. They think you're very special. So anyone they wanna be in the here and. Come back into your life. So this person is not in your life, right? They don't want to hold back. And then they go into this fantasizing and I let the cards really like if a bunch of cards fell, I love them. And this is 1/2. You know, we have like 9 sex cards that fell. So there is also so much passion and what I feel in this particular note is like they they're looking forward to again to you being dominant and then also they are happy to take control. So there's like a real balance. And equality within the way they fantasize about you. They want it both ways. They want, you know, you taking control and they want to take control. It's, you know, the sex aspect and this partnership is very. Mutually beneficial, you know, and then it ends with this. But really all they want is a. Long tight hug. Would be perfect. Sounds good. Graduations. Your work is really paying. Was grateful. Which one card is so cool? That's a really good old. Really. So whatever you are personally doing right now, continue to pay attention. They're still working through and they need to rest. So again, if you don't see much activity from this person. Or, you know you're feeling disconnected in some way. You need to realize that they're they're in a state in which they need some very, very deep. Because they were a warrior that's now been turned into a bad. That is. Sad reality. Continue to work on yourself, on whatever it is you've been pouring yourself into. There's a lot of chemistry here. And they are, you know, in the process of healing them. And maybe you two need some rest and relaxation. So, you know, inspire them. To rest as well by showing them that you're rest. Alright, I will be back to the with the companion to this level.



Fox and the chicken:


OK, so this is the the companion note to. To the eye. And it's the fox and the chicken, so I feel like that might be. Kind of a symbol of this relationship, maybe a little bit. Or is or is this person like feeling like sometimes they feel like the fox and sometimes they feel like the chicken? Are they making fun of the other note because there was this essence of? You know, you can be in control or I can be in control, you know, so there's, you know, that kind of. Mentality. So anyway, let's begin this now. You're trying too hard. You need to give it more time. Just have patience and you'll. I know that you feel like you go round and around with the same feelings over. What you need to realize is it's not your fault. Clear round and round is because you're blaming. You have. You are breaking. New ground by working on this. Easy. This is a voyage of. Working through your fears. You're going to. Receive so much love once you can open. How can you be a mother to yourself? How can you give yourself that? And that. You're such a poet. I feel, I feel like they're. I feel like this little part is talking because it wouldn't when we read through their sex card. And there it was kind of politic, right? They kind of all felt like it was like a sexy pillow. So I feel like this person is like talking about the sexy poem and and the other. Because they they, they throw the poet and the virgin, so it's like, you know, they feel like they can't, like they don't know how to talk like that, so. They're making a statement here in this note that you're, you know that you're a poet. They kind of feel like, you know, like a virgin to this kind of energy and they say I can't find the right. To say what they want to say. Say I never used to look at you that way. Now when I think of you, I smile. Right now. Your. Dream of. Just drives me crazy. Magnetize. To you. Return. I need to. Bring me. Today. Kind of sad though, because I am not free right now to pursue what I want. The answer that I can say is yeah. I can't. Family situation. You're going to. Here. Relationship. Knowing that we're going to be able to have healthy. Our events and conflicts we're going to be. This relationship would bring me so much nurishment and joy into life. Very attractive. Something special together we just. Action. But at the end of the day. I feel like I'm free to pursue what I want. I don't care. The situation. They're coming from a place where there's something going on. There's the two cards that came out and these are kind of always described the situation. In a way, adjudication and family. To me, this feels like family court. So I don't know if there's kids involved or there's a marriage or there's some kind of court scenario that. They're afraid. Like they because of this, they're not free to pursue you the way they want to pursue you. And they might be also afraid that. You know, once you understand the situation, you might be like here now. You know what I mean? So there's an insecurity within that card. They're really like. They're happy that you're working through. Everything you're working. And again, they want you to know that. They don't see any of the issues that you're fighting right now is your fault. You know, they see you as a trailblazer, someone who's breaking new trail, and that is difficult and they give you all sorts of encouragement. To work through your fears, to realize this is a voyage of your heart, so it doesn't make sense. You know, the star mother card here says, How can you mother yourself? We talk about this, I I just got done talking about this on Facebook. It's very simple. Like, it's a simple little thing about fruit. OK, like I make my son fruit cup all the time, alright? Like daily, multiple times a day I make him fruit to eat with his meals. But I never made myself right. I'm sitting here like eating fruit like, Oh my God, this is so good. Why am I not like making myself fruit when I make him fruit? Because. I'm really enjoy eating fruit too. Like, why am I? Ohh, holding back and not giving myself something my mother would give me or something I would give my son. You know what I mean? Like we live in these worlds where we pull back self-care. We don't think we deserve it in some kind of martyr state, you know? And just how the simple act of making yourself a fruit cup. Just like you make your a child a fruit cup you know provides so much extra nourishment, So like, there's this. Call for you to nourish yourself. In a motherly way, and that will help you heal whatever it is that you're going through. And like I said, I like this like uncomfortable poet virgin cards, I feel. You know how to be like they don't. They're not really so good with their words, so they feel like a little insecure when it comes to like, telling you how they feel about you. You know, and there was a long period of time where they didn't look at you that way. But now they do. You know. Sex cards were simple. You're so good with your tongue, I want to return the favor. You've made me wait too long. I am going to tease the bitchy right out of you and punish me. And then there was 2 joy cards lighting up, finding the hidden inner child and have a play, date, laugh, be silly, dance, saying it's time to have fun again. So they feel like they're going to be able to like embrace some kind of childhood kind of joy when they're with you. Like that's how they feel. About this relationship and again they go through and they're really worried about this this situation with the adjudication. They're cold without you, but there's all these really great relationship cards. Relationship, Harmony. We angels are opening up hearts to everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are now being resolved. Nourishment, Healthy boundaries. Joy and delight. Open your heart to joy, Attraction. You attract romantic love by enjoying this moment. There's all this like wanting to live in the moment, wanting to find joy in the moment with you. And they want to take this action and they want to build this. I don't care how complicated it gets. I still want you. Please don't give up. So you know you've been in a state of healing, of closed off, of self blame. You know, I'm fighting whatever anger you're dealing with and this person is saying. You know, they're they're afraid to affect your healing. Uh, but they're supporting you in your. As well. Like I said, they're they're they're a little uncomfortable. You know, kind of looking into. Sexual aspect, right. And and being more open and communicative about it so that but they're but but in the end they still know that it makes them feel like a kid. This could be a Capricorn. Or you could be a Capricorn. It has that feeling to it. So the fox and the chicken and the eye. It's interesting combo, so I hope you guys enjoy the love notes. Just the the communicating to one another, which I think is an interesting concept. I will be back next week with a sex segment. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, I got them. I can always use your support on them when I really need, of course, our reviews. So go find out. Where you can leave a review, leave a review. You can even leave a review on Facebook. Instead of them fucking spam bots, you know, Anything's appreciative, appreciated, and you guys have a happy Valentine's Day. And remember that even if you don't have a Valentine's Valentine to be your own Valentine. Make sure you take yourself out. Make sure you get yourself some chocolates. Make sure you're doing self-care items that make you feel great about yourself instead of wallowing and depression. Pull yourself off out of that and enjoy. It's a holiday about love, right? So if you have no one. To splurge or to you know, to love, love yourself. That's the best use of that energy. I I will be back next week. More terror readings. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Thank you.