It’s Never Too Late to Start Over: Tarot Love Readings
We explore the theme of starting over after your 30’s and the complexities that come with it. All of the readings this week were 3rd party situations with long standing dead end relationships. These aren’t necessarily cheating relationships, just coming out of dead ones that are looking for love in all the right places. Welcome new listeners!
First, we delve into the Seahorse charm, which symbolizes a secret love affair complicated by the presence of children. Despite the secrecy, you hold their attention, but they are burdened with responsibilities. It is important to work through any lingering emotions from your past relationship and stand in the light of your own integrity. Remember, your ex cannot control everything, so embrace your own sensuality and allure.
Next, we discuss the Hamas charm, which reveals that your person is dealing with child support issues and is angry about it. They may be searching for answers on the internet but find only silence in their current relationship. Their relationship is likely to end in a fight and betrayal, but they are eager to be intimate with you.
Moving on, the Infinity charm suggests that you and someone else are currently at a distance from each other. Despite this, they find you beautiful and are upset by their feelings for you. They want to take action to move on and stop suffering. The cards warn that karma will catch up with their current partner if they retaliate. While you will love the family you create together, it is important not to be a pushover and stand your ground.
In the segment on breaking up, we tackle the financial issues that arise from ending long-standing partnerships. We discuss the challenges of student loan debt and credit debt, and provide advice on how to manage these issues. Many women find themselves trapped in relationships without proper knowledge of budgeting or debt management, especially after relying on support from their parents in their early years. We speak to married millennial women who feel stuck in these situations.
We wrap up the show with sexts from our companion lovers from the previous episode and introduce a new couple to the mix, the clover and the ship. We also tease our upcoming sex segment on taking nudes and encourage listeners to subscribe so they don't miss an episode.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please reach out to us at Stay tuned for more exciting episodes!
Seahorse: 00:05:25
Hamsa Hand:00:23:50
Infinity Symbol:00:41:01
Breaking Up is Hard: 01:03:39
Our companion lovers sexts: 01:28:20
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 57: It’s never too late to start over: Tarot Love Readings
We explore the theme of starting over after your 30’s and the complexities that come with it. All of the readings this week were 3rd party situations with long standing dead end relationships. These aren’t necessarily cheating relationships, just coming out of dead ones that are looking for love in all the right places. Welcome new listeners!
First, we delve into the Seahorse charm, which symbolizes a secret love affair complicated by the presence of children. Despite the secrecy, you hold their attention, but they are burdened with responsibilities. It is important to work through any lingering emotions from your past relationship and stand in the light of your own integrity. Remember, your ex cannot control everything, so embrace your own sensuality and allure.
Next, we discuss the Hamas charm, which reveals that your person is dealing with child support issues and is angry about it. They may be searching for answers on the internet but find only silence in their current relationship. Their relationship is likely to end in a fight and betrayal, but they are eager to be intimate with you.
Moving on, the Infinity charm suggests that you and someone else are currently at a distance from each other. Despite this, they find you beautiful and are upset by their feelings for you. They want to take action to move on and stop suffering. The cards warn that karma will catch up with their current partner if they retaliate. While you will love the family you create together, it is important not to be a pushover and stand your ground.
In the segment on breaking up, we tackle the financial issues that arise from ending long-standing partnerships. We discuss the challenges of student loan debt and credit debt, and provide advice on how to manage these issues. Many women find themselves trapped in relationships without proper knowledge of budgeting or debt management, especially after relying on support from their parents in their early years. We speak to married millennial women who feel stuck in these situations.
We wrap up the show with sexts from our companion lovers from the previous episode and introduce a new couple to the mix, the clover and the ship. We also tease our upcoming sex segment on taking nudes and encourage listeners to subscribe so they don't miss an episode.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please reach out to us at Stay tuned for more exciting episodes!
Seahorse: 00:05:25
Hamsa Hand:00:23:50
Infinity Symbol:00:41:
Breaking Up is Hard: 01:03:39
Our companion lovers sexts: 01:28:20
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
How did your Valentine’s Day go? Send me an e-mail and tell me. To your. I don't know. Maybe. I don't know how was it. Mine was pretty good. It was just like it was Wednesday, you know? So it was normal Wednesday. Um. I'm doing a bunch of summer recording right now because it's so difficult to record in the summer. I saw that. Everything that's going on so. Doubling down on my recording. I got a summer showdown. In the morning. Winston Keep walking. 6:00 AM. He came home, made these really great pepperoni roll roses. It was real chill. I worked on embroidery, started reading this book. Like a book series that I saw on Instagram. All the people reading messages that so yeah. Serious. It was like real chill laid back. Valentine's Day to get hit on by. This yet? What I did Check in with all my friends, all my single friends, and make sure they were OK. I did. I like went through all my simple friends. Send a message. Felt some love today, earlier yesterday. Just checking in on everybody's. Things like that. Valentine's Day is such a horrible mental health holiday. Facebook and all I could see is like there's all these mostly men, which is interesting really anti. Single men really anti Valentine's Day. They get so lonely on Valentine's Day and it's so funny to me because it's like. They hate it when they're in their relationship that they got to do all this shit. But when they're not in a relationship, when they're not having sex on Valentine's Day, you know it, You know, it's just not the same. It's just. May get really depressed on Valentine's Day That was. That was the thing I I really saw on Facebook. Now I'm getting a little more bitter towards loving as I age. I just don't know what the sex is. Remove everything you know. But this week after the after the terror readings, I talked about breakups. It turns into a very financial decision. In the end, and so I go through a lot of. Just helpful things to think about. So if you're one of my population that's, you know, married in relationship with kids, you know your finesses are all tied together and you feel like there's no way out and all you can do is listen to terror. And escape into a fantasy of love. Go ahead and listen to this segment. Even if you're single, you might want to listen to this segment. I give a lot of great financial advice about debt and student loans. It's definitely worth a list of. At the very end, I tried to do this new like Taro Saxton segment. I got kind of inspired when I listened to the companion love. God. Of 16 parts of those notes were super hot and I was like, man, like how do I capitalize on that. So I give it a try. I don't know how I feel about it. I don't know if I'll continue. But at the very end of the show, our couples from last week and our brand new couple sexed with Terrence. Let's stick. I don't see what they want to do to each other. It's real quick. I'm just playing around with the idea. This week's love notes were seahorse. The hand symbol, which is like Hamas, is how they say it. And then the Infinity symbol, you know the figure, I do not do charm jars of this week of term jar opening. So I I don't do that, I'm not going to do that anymore. We're just going to take the charge at the beginning of the reading. And go from there. Yeah. Hi, I'm Acacia. Welcome to Love Sex and Tarot. This tarot show really about helping you make good decisions. When it comes to love, when it comes to relationships, when it comes to finance, When it comes to your mental health, your spiritual health. We're here for it all. We're here every week we're going to read some Terra. We're going to talk about different relationship topics this week. Again, the topic wasn't so sexy. It was about breakups, which post Valentine's Day. You didn't get what you fucking wanted, right? It's time to think about someone new. So there you go. There's the show this week. I hope you enjoy it. I will be back next week. Ohh. Love note? Special little peek. Figured out last week. All right.
I'm picking charms at the beginning of the meeting. This is. It's a seahorse. Ohh, seahorse. This situation between the both of you right now, three cards. Oh my God. Horse obsession. So there's a break up here. Escapade. OK, what's the fuck? What the fuck's going on between the two of you? There. That. Uh. So there's a divorce. I don't know if this is. Premium or? Because of the two of you, there's obsession in the middle of this and need for some kind of escapades, kind of vacation, kind of a venture, the need to hide away. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make a better decision? They are focused. On you. I'm trying to get a grip. They have a lot of things that are weighing down right now. One being that there's access to their social media. And there's a need to drastically cut off if they either have to cut off from social media to get through the divorce. Or they're focused on you. They're trying to get a grip. Someone has access to their social media and so they're, you know, there has to be this drastic cut off or something extreme. So like I said, I feel like they're not. Yeah, they're trying to cleanse the negativity. They feel kind of threatened and embarrassed and walked down by this whole situation. So. Might be. They might definitely be going through a breakup, right? How do they feel about your presence in their life? They're just tired of pretending they're not sad about. They feel isolated. They feel like there's some lies between the two of you. Yeah, they've been deceiving themselves, so maybe they've lied to you. Maybe in kind of a creative way, in some way? And they're really worried because it feels like they're carrying the weight of the world, right? So how do they feel about your? Well, they feel miserable right now, and they're sick of pretending that they're not. They feel isolated. There's lies, deception. They've been lying to themselves, you know, and you and some way emotionally, these lives might be a little bit creative. You have inspired them in some way, but it feels like they're carrying the weight of the world. How would they describe you to others? I feel like they're they're obsessed with getting away. They would describe it as an engineer, someone who takes creative energy and gives it a practical. A practical sense? They see you as an eternal child, and this is like playful. I read this card to someone who doesn't let you know, doesn't let things get them down, doesn't take things too seriously. A determination to remain young. So, you know, so they see you as an engineer, they see you as a child. You know that forever young, kind of. Kind of. Have they considered contacting you? Yeah, they surely have, but it would go very slow at this point. Surely they have. There is a wish. They wish to they wish. So sure, yeah, it's a wish. They don't want to be adept. Is there competition for their attention? Position. Yeah, when it comes to the children. Will be competition for their attention. It's also feelings are mutual that they're watching you and they're very sorry that you're upset or sorry that they made you upset. OK. The right person. That's hard to say because it's starting out with the child card, so. Was the right person for you. It seemed The children might make it successful, or they might return because of the children and the manipulation and the need to defend themselves in some way. The feelings are mutual. But their secret? They want to keep it secret. So is this the right person for you? Well, there's children involved. They'll either return to the children, there's a possibility they could return to the children. Because they're being manipulated to defend themselves. Uh. Or the children are going to make this relationship successful? And they're going to create a defense for these emotions. Again, the feelings are mutual, but they're keeping it secret. There is like a need though to kind of move on and some way, so I don't know if this is the right person. Is it? It's going to come down to a decision. I, the sun did want to sneak out of the deck, so it's possible. It's it's highly possible. Highly likely. Let's. Actually. More of these cards because I feel like it gives us a better idea of. Oh my God, they're going to pull your hair. They're going to call you their dirty little girl. You make them feel alive inside. And it sends shivers up their side. So. They're gonna pull your hair and they're going to call you there. Yeah, they want you to come. They want, they want, they want, they want to vote cards, right? Ohh, they'll eat pussy. So it's like they want you to come, but they don't. Jobs. They will eat your body. When we reset. Yeah, they just really want their dead. They just want you to feel comfortable enough to grab their deck. They don't care if you get caught in the kitchen. Right. That's that's sweet, the cards say. They're really happy. They think you're very attractive. They're stressing this. That they're stressing over what to do and it's coming off as like, denial, but everything is going to tower and change. Um. They have invested in this. And they are very. Try. So you know, you've given this person a lot. Temptation. Dirty little. Make me feel alive. So you give them fruition, such a powerful sexual emotion, and get Frisian from. Uh. You can get friction from like listening to music, you know? Have you ever listened music only? 2/3. 2/3 of the population. Can feel friction. It's like when you get goosebumps from listening to music and things like that. That is. It's a neural pathway. I forget. I've thought it's been so long, so I did the research on it. It's also like from Connolly, he feels that way too, but like when you send shivers up someones spine if you. You know, make their body react. Another chemical thing going on there. What vice is sexual or addiction Should you know about Their biggest addiction is? Queen of cops. They didn't start once death so right now they're they're worst vice is you. That's. What guidance? Does the Tarot cards have free on this particular relationship? Keep working. Keep working through things through your denial. Keep working. Keep working. Um, you're working, you know. There are some denial happening when it comes to the the manipulation from your acts. So you feel like you're getting denied because of the of the manipulation of your acts. So you need to keep working through that particular feeling, like if you feel like your acts of sabotage, your relationships or your future relationships. That's something you really need to work on because you're feeling like you're getting denied. Because of your axe. Yeah, again, he this axe would be so happy if you were heartbroken. And that's like the the truth here. So you have a you have an X here that is sabotaging your relationships because it would make them happy for you to be broken. That's. Yes. Ohh, exes are nasty. Like there's this. Was thinking about this the other day. Like I said, you're fine. Line between love and hate. You know, I mean, and there is no place for love to go but hate. Like in the end, no matter what you love, you'll come to hate it. And it's this weird, like thing I'm working on right now on my head. Like how do you deal with that that you know? Just think about how, like if you really love chocolate cake and you just go crazy and eat chocolate cake all the time and then you fucking hate it, you can't eat it. You know what I mean? So like, there's this. And that's the thing like you can have all these relationships with people, but there are only place for those relationships to go is down. Like so many relationships never bounce back once they start trending down. It's saying you need to invest and fight more. Need to fight this. Whatever is happening with your ex and this denial and this this manifestation, you need to fight it. Um. You might have invested in a fight also, you might be pushing this fight along a little bit more, it said. It says that you know there's an expectation that you're going to get ghosted. And you know that you're just struggling. That you're you're struggling, mother. With truth is you've been stabbed in the fucking back. The truth is you've been stabbed in the back. So they want to make this like you know your ex wants to create this, this manipulation which creates your heartbreak, right? Because they would be happier, heartbroken. You have invested in this a little bit. You have fought back or you need to fight. The expectation here is that you're going to get ghosted. Um, that's the hope again with this the axe. Because you're a struggling or stressed out mother of some sort. But the truth is, you are betrayed. You were betrayed. You should wish for more money from your products. There's a wish here for money. Maybe that would shut his fuck. Go after him for more money and maybe I'll shut it's fucking mouth. Um. Let me collect these parts, because I feel like you're missing just a little. Uh. That was the guidance. You need to work through your depression or possible drinking. And that will end this stress that you're fearing. There's some kind of stress, something that's keeping you up at night. There's some fear that's keeping you up at night. So you really need to work on your depression atmosphere that's keeping you awake. It will go slow, but it's it's surely you will find balance. In your home. How does this help you? Yeah, the the feelings are mutual just throughout Queen of Cups. So at the end of the day. My feelings are mutual. With you and this person. So even and this is the truth, like if there's like real valuable emotions or valuable feelings, no amount of shit talking. I this is this is like the most important thing I can tell you. Your integrity stands. Always. They can throw fucking model on you all fucking day. And try to make you look dirty. Right. But I should all wash it off. And what stands there is your integrity. So you know your narcissistic acts can go out and try to sabotage your future relationships by spreading lies by saying horrible things. I mean, I know people who are fucking horrible, you know, look around telling people all sorts of lies about you just to hurt. But the truth? Stands. And so if this person is genuinely focused on you, they're going to see through the lies. That are created by your acts to to hurt you again that your axe hopes that you get ghosted so. You know, work on that fear too. I mean, like who gives a shit if they ghost you? They go shoot, they're fucking lost. You know what I mean? Like, Oh my God. Have to go. That was common. Fucking thing done these days out. That hurt, right? Fuck. So get get over that. If you have that fear of all, he's just going to fuck me and ghost me. Get over it. Go ahead and fuck him and ghost him first. You know what I mean? Or it looks like this. There's real feelings here. So different. Still. But you know what I mean? Like there's just this. Of course, your ex doesn't want anything good for you. Hey. This person needs a getaway. They're obsessed with having some kind of vacation or hiding away, possibly because they're going through a breakup. So this is someone you've been, you know, got your eye on, and they've been in a relationship this whole time they are moving towards. Final situation. Final breakup. Final divorce. And again, remember that. You know your integrity stands, so go stand in the light so that people can see your integrity. Don't go hiding because you think that your ex is out there talking shit about you. And the more you you appear insecure. The more you appear hidden, the more you hide away, the more room you give those kind of lies. Room to grow. But if you're out there living your best life, live living your life of integrity, making new friendships, etcetera, etcetera, then. His bullshit is going to fall on deaf ears and they're all going to look at him like he's so fucking psycho mad. But her ex? Which is the truth. Right. Yeah, that's the fucking truth here. So stand in the light of the truth that your ex is nothing but but her asshole. Fucking narcissist. Go out and do your fucking. All right, this person's watching you. All right. I'll be back with the next one.
OK, we're picking charms at the beginning of the reading. It's the hand hamsa sign. Hmm. A. This one's got a circle or sun on the palm. OK. You can go read about that particular symbol. Names for you describe the situation between the two of you now. Someone's looking for records or is online looking for some. For you, it's there. If they're about to explode, there's like some pressures. Lots of pressure. Lots. They're angry. Searching, they're angry. There is a projection into the future that there is going to be a need for financial support, child following government. Someone's on the online and they are searching. Searching for. Person or someone to fuck? Who knows? Or records Or your stocking. Stop. I don't know. They're ready to fucking explode because it looks like in the future they're going to have to pay trials for. What don't you know about their situation that would help you make a better decision? So what's going on between the two of you? There's like this. Umm. They're thinking about and remembering this settlement or this compromise they came to. About being silent. And saying all. So they're reminiscing or returning to a memory of this time, where they compromised themselves with silence. And then there's this single. Status and the masculine and legal paperwork on the verge. So this person's probably got children or has been through the legal system with children because like I said this legal card is coming right underneath the financial support card so the reminiscing about the past and the way they they used to. Or maybe they used to compromise with this particular person. If they're in a relationship, they're remembering how they used to be able to compromise. But now there's all this silence. This. There's a single status here, so someone single. It looks like it's the man. There's a need for some kind of court work, some paperwork, something to be filed. It's right under the financial support card, and someone's on the and they're on the verge to confess. What are they on the verge to confess? Do they need help? They need rescue. They need an intervention. OK. How did they feel about your presence in their life? Recover Morsel. They feel like they've messed things up because they were really doing unhealthy things. They really needed help. And now they feel like they've made a fool of themselves. You're feeling very. I feel like you've you see the truth. And it makes them very upset, like they don't want to play that particular game, they just want to have this passion. So. So they feel really remorseful, like they've messed things up, right, That they were really, and that was because they were living in a very unhealthy way. They really needed help and they feel like it now that. That actually made a fool of the. They feel very alone right now. Do you feel like you can see through them that you know the truth? And this creates even more hostile energy because like I said, now that you see the truth, they don't want to play the game and. They have all this passion. Talk for you. How would they describe you to others? As a slave, someone who surrendered their power. Choice and as the mizer or the Midas, so someone who is entrepreneur and creates the ability to turn anything into gold delights and sharing. But is a hoarder. So these they see you as someone who slaves. Everything you touch turns to gold, but you hoard it for yourself. That's an interesting combo. OK. Um. Have they considered? They're fucking trapped in their head. About. Like, again, there's like this passion. But they feel like they've done something stupid. Yeah, they're stuck. They're they're stuck in their mind right now, but they want to fuck. They really hope to folk and they're really juggling. They've juggled with it. They're juggling with taking a trip for a move, right? So have they contemplated? Communicating well, they're really fucking trapped in their head. It's kind of a stupid mind trap, but they're the sex is really hope. They're really hoping for those six. There's lots of passion between the two of you. It's really made them juggle. Right now they're thinking about either moving and or taking a trip. Yeah, for sure. But it might take a little bit of time. Surely. Surely they have thought about. Is there competition for their attention? They're loyal and a relationship. Our relationship is loyal, the relationship is. Ship is strong. Happy. Yeah. Is this? It's it's weird. It's a competition for their attention. Is there competition for their? Well, I don't know if they're saying that this relationship is really strong. It's going to make them happy. And there is a gift. It's a gift towards their destiny. It's throwing Sun and ace and Pinnacles, but. Um. But the question is, is there competition there? If there's if they're in a relationship, the relationship is strong. Or appears to be loyal again. They're very happy with the gift. Are there very? Yeah. There's there's fulfillment, some gift. Which was destiny, and it was destined to make them happy, and then also to provide abundance. They're throwing the, but then it ends with the fight. Competition. If they're there, looks like there's a relationship here. Very loyal, you know, relationship or everything looks really good. It looks like that could be, but even in their upper cards here, they're searching for a way to fucking deal with their anger. And in the future they do. There's financial support and again there's a legal scenario, so I feel like. Is there any relationship? You know there's not gonna be much compromise. Like I said, this might all end in a fight. So right now. Is there competition? Right now? It looks like they're in a relationship. But it's going to end in betrayal on a fight, and if they're not in a relationship right now, it's saying. That in a relationship they're very loyal. And they're fulfilled in just that simple relationship, you know what I mean? So I I'm thinking it's saying that in a relationship, this person doesn't open up for competition. You know what I mean? I, you know, I feel like that is kind of the energy here. They really made a fool of themselves in some way when it comes to you, and it might just be how they deal with relationships. So I don't know if that answers the question, that is, it's complicated kind of the answer. This is personal right for you. You. It's like dreaming of this relationship, but you're really kind of afraid of death, that it's destined to be very strong. This is personally for you. You're you've been dreaming about this relationship and you have you. You fear it's just. That it's going to be strong. So. There's like this. You're afraid that this is relationships gotta be very. It's a dream relationship. You're gonna be afraid. This person. You're going to be afraid that it's going to be too strong interest. What do they want to do with you sexually? So it looks like they're projected in the future to again come to some kind of. Situation I feel like it's with children. But again, they're recalling a time when they they used to have a compromise. This is what you don't know, and instead they're just getting silence. Here going licking your nipples, I want to run my. On your special spot, and so you shake. Once you more than any other toy or any other boy, I missed the scent of your skin. Let's Make Love and then make war. Just want to keep undressing her, taking her. Close. So we're definitely fantasizing about taking the clothes off. And kissing you. And then writing. I feel like this now is like. Pussy going off to the country. And the middle of the night, or possibly morning 6. Cars actually say. It's just really regrettable. How selfish they were bringing the selfish decision. To have this relationship, if you worry about, they're gonna regret the decision to have this relationship, feel like it's going to be selfish of them. The messages have been very successful. They're really juggling with what to do. Faces are addiction, should you know. There's other men. Committed relationship. There's been investment. Over time. They've invested very little in it over time. It's calling this guy a deck. They sweetly want to sneak away. So. Do they have any vices? They have, they have some married man that. You know that they've given some attention to over a period of time, but he's a Dick. So he's like emotionally? You know, not available Dick. And they're wanting to sneak sweetly. They want to sneak away. So maybe this relationship will give them the out. From that, whatever that situation is. So it might be something that happened over time, right? So almost interested in. That kind of shit. What guidance does Terrell have for this situation? This guy's really sneak some guys. Really. Sure. That is taking it very, very slow and it's created lots of depression at work. The depression It's slowly ending. End crash. The decision will be to. To get to commit or get married and have a whole. Feelings are mutual. Have been invest, they've been invested in. That all falls apart. Because there's a jungle because of a juggle with some horn, it juggles with some horn. Again, the world the the distance grows as the distance the distance grows because of the work of the mother. And check the ends and. Anything else? They'll they'll return for sex. Sex would be very successful. Sex is going to be very success. Whoever they're dealing with is a whole. And Mary. Will possibly get left out. As far as planning to leave out some selfish woman because she's getting old? Create. Break up. So it looks like it's saying the sex will be will be very successful. This came along that they're dealing with, he's able. OK and. You know. It looks like there's going to be some kind of shunning of some other woman because she's old. This creates anger. It creates the breakup. And it's just. Same key. Keep. Dreaming about those relationships keep this relationship. Continue to be. Thought this relationship. It is. It is good. It is the truth. So it is true. Alright. So again. Whoever this King Awans is, he is going to get fucked over, right? They they're wanting to go start anyway. There's probably some reason that they're not. Sex is going to be very successful. OK, the end of the day, SAX is going to be successful. Uh, keep daydreaming about it. It is the truth. It is ace of sword. And.
Alright, our last child. This episode, it is the Infinity So. The Infinity symbol, OK. Describe the situation between the two of you. Mark this. This situation. The two of you. There's some triggers that have to do with another woman. And this feeling like tongue is going to run out. It's an affinity somebody all the time. Ohh, there's a deadline when it comes to a a long term commitment. Which is? Pay back more Evange. So there were some triggering going on between the two of you has to do with another woman? The deadlines running out on this long term relationship or this commitment of some sort? Retaliation is is definitely a problem here. What don't you know about this situation though? How do you make a better decision? Their romantic partner gives them a lot of anxiety. And they wanna escape it. They wanna hide from them. They almost like want to leave and go to a bar. Because they're being given so much anxiety. Yeah, it's toxic. So their romantic partnership that they're in right now, Yeah, it's karmic. It's just a lesson. They got trapped. So. Again, you're feeling possibly triggered by another woman. Could be this comics scenario. There's a deadline running out on this long term relationship leading to retaliation. What you don't know is this romantic partnership gives them a lot of anxiety. They want to hide from it. They want to, like, go out to the bar because it is so toxic. This karmic relationship, this lesson that they're learning with this person, they were entrapped either by pregnancy money or heartstrings. How do they feel about your presence in their life? They feel determined to be better. They're dealing with some hostility because. They have so much passion for you. And it feels foolish. So it makes me mad. All this passion for you, it makes them mad. They think you're beautiful. You're actually takes my breath away. And they feel kind of manipulated by how beautiful you. So there's a lot of sexual energy here between the two of you. They're mad because you're beautiful. Isn't that so typical? A lot of men do that. They get mad because they're beautiful. How does it OK? How will they describe you to others? As a healer, someone with passion to serve others by repairing the body, mind and spirit. And as the lover. And companion fell too. So they they see you as a healer, as a lover, someone with great passion, devotion, and they see you as a companion, loyal and unselfish. Forwards. Definitely feels like they're in the. Have they considered? There's a lot of distance, possibly on the Internet. They wish to. So they've thought about maybe contacting you over the Internet, so that could be. You know, like Facebook or Instagram or e-mail. In the world, so it's by Internet or there's just so much distance. So it's complicated. But they really wish to, They really are wishing. All right. Is there competition for their attention? Their competition. They've made their choice. So no. You're their choice. So no, there's no company. Yeah, there's no competition for their for their attention. If you're their choice, there's no competition. Right fucking answer right there. Person, right? They're touting for some fear in here. Yeah, afraid so. That's what the cards say. Afraid so. The devil and the sun. Yeah, it's like overall, yes, with the sun and I'd almost say like temptingly so or. As you feared, yes, this is the right person. Go in the card, skip by eating like that, you know. Alright human for a minute. OK, when do they want to do these? Can't wait to slide my fingers over every inch of your body? I want you to dress. So they're into the dress up. To the dress up. The cart cart just didn't want to go on. It was the faithful card, so I feel like this person has real faithful energy to them. Again, they do want to videotape having sex with you. I always read this world card again, you know, Internet. And he's holding up a mirror so he can see her pussy while he fucks her. So I always like, you know, modernize that to a phone. It's Acer ones. The next is the next card, so she is like all over his deck. And then the next card is him undressing, her taking. He was wearing a costume. Looks like a dog head. Ohh yeah, it looks like they want to get direct. They really want to play dress up this one. They're all dressed up, running out of this place to fucking the closet. So they really want to role play. There's some role-playing energy. They want to have fun, yeah. And they want oral. I want you to love their deck. They want to videotape you having sex, They want to take your clothes off, they want to get dressed up and play role play games, They want oral and they want to see a policy the cards actually say. Um. They would. That's like world into the ace one. So there's really like they want to make this decision. To move on. From suffering. And move. So they feel like there's a distance and they want to take action and make the decision. To move on and stop suffering, stop worrying. So there again, whoever they're with right now is it's a lot of suffering, they're suffering. Uh, their long term relationship. TikTok. I feel like this long term relationship is about to end. Coming to a close. So again, like you might be triggered by their other, their other. Or, you know, or you might be triggering their other. And it's making this you're going to hit this down line here and then there's going to be, you know, some retaliation at Holland. Any vice is sexual or addiction. You should know about this person. They've moved on from anything that's really been they've moved on from their addictions or their licenses. They were. They had some drinking, There was some drinking on the. But they went through some kind of karma, maybe even got a DUI or something like that. But they've healed. So that's what's saying. What guidance does Terrell offer for this situation? The full. Just. They want to be free from their work, or there's this need to be free from the work and to be independent. Possibly going they want to free themselves maybe from some kind of day job so that they can work on something, some kind of entrepreneurial business. Yeah, it's still a secret or it's still a dream right now. So there's this desire to free themselves from work. By starting a business, which that's like, that's the idea was like, I'm going to start my business and they realize that it's like 5 times more work than going doing the fucking 9:00 to 5:00. What is more fulfilling? Umm. You're enters this selfish. This selfish bitch. Job. Some selfish woman at work. Move on. That's the truth. So they're trying to free themselves from some work. They want to be independent in some way. They might go freelance. It's a dream of theirs or you know, start a business. This selfish woman who I feel is, is the other is the the the toxic karmic partner that trapped them either with money, pregnancy or or heartstrings. Her work, whether it be or collaboration or meeting or, you know, mentor, apprentice, energy, whatever, I'm going to read it as work. She's using her work to move on and that's the truth. So she's gonna use her job to move on from, possibly from this attract. Relationship. That's a sad thing, like these women. They trapped these men and relationships and they don't even like them. That goes. There's a lot of unknowns going on. There's a lot of things that are that are confusing the situation that you don't know about. So continue to be sweet. Continue to be the sweet person that you are. Realize that you are a gift. Or there's gifts. Or the children or gifts. Any children in this card but with? Entrapment pregnancy is possible. Yeah, home will be very happy. OK, so currently. They're trying to free themselves from work. OK. They want to be more independent. They want to have a different schedule. That is their dream. This other lady that is in their cards, she's going to use work to move on. OK, and that's the truth. There's a lot of fun knowns here that you don't know about. But it's there's this really sweet gift when it comes to the children. And the home. And it's going to make you very happy. So if this person does have children. And they come into your life, their children will make you happy. They'll bring some kind of fulfillment to you. Because it was 10 of cups. I don't know about that. More kids, more bullshit. Everything. But if you don't have children, then yeah, it would bring, you know. Let me check another joy. You gotta love them to do all that work for them. So you need to hold back while this whole moving on is happening. There, there's this. Really again, this the strength of your family or the strength of the. Of your establishment. It hasn't hasn't been seen yet. OK, so hold back, save up, but hold back and move on. OK, from whatever. You're very strong. You have a very strong family. You have a very strong. Um. Legacy ahead of you. That is not being seen. And it is regrettable. That they can't see the legacy. That you're creating. It's still secret. There is a hole though. To ghost any fighting, and that's what's gonna make the decision. So anytime there's a fight, there's going to be a an essence. There's going to be a need to ghost in some way. So secretly there's a hope that there's this going to be this ghost every time there's a fight. And that makes the decision. So maybe it could be back to this silent treatment, which we've been talking a lot about over the last few shows how people deal with people silently. There's there's something growing with another axe. So they have still. Their other person might still have hooks. And an ex partner. There's just a lot. Again, there's a need to move on from the Internet or from the fact that there's so much distance. This person's at a distance, yeah, because the judgment is it's creating more fear. Far off is a bitch. Wow. That's how it ended. Karma is a bitch. So there's this energy here that you need to move on from, from, from this world. Or from whatever world you're in. With the judgment that they should be afraid because karma is a bitch. So if this bitch up here tries to retaliate, this one, this bitch that's, you know cause this entrapment that it is so toxic. The cards are saying just move on from all of that world. And the judgment here is they should be afraid because karma is a bitch. OK. I don't know if that helps you. With this relationship, but if you're if you're in a lose lose situation and there are others very retaliating if they're going, if they're going to regret it because karma is a bitch. Yeah, this independence. Is still very, very secret while this selfish woman does her work. She's working on a way to defend herself at work. Like, again, this is the Three of Pentacles. So this falls. Anything in school? This is a teacher if this is. Someone who's gone back to school trying to get another degree, they'll they'll use that, whatever this three of pinnacles means to this situation, they'll use that to defend themselves. When it comes to the children. So again, they might say they're too busy. For the children that they I mean, it almost has that feeling like this bitch used, you know, got these children to to control the situation and now doesn't even want to deal with them. You know what I mean? That's why Karma's a bitch. You know what I mean? It has that feeling. So to you, children might be blessing. You might naturally do well with children. This woman in particular, it looks like she used children to get her way. Toxically, OK? And he's having all this anxiety, trying to escape, trying to go to the bar at night to get away from all this toxic. Behavior. So. Yeah, it just like I said, you're reading items with commas batch. So whatever this woman set out to do, it's going to come back and get her. You know, if she set out to travel the man with children. She doesn't even want the children, OK? So you know what I mean. You want the children? Can you imagine? Imagine that. Could never like. I was separated from my son for just a little, a little while during our custody battle and it was like. The worst thing that ever fucking happened to me in my entire fucking life, and I've had a lot of horror. But it was by far like, you know. A different level of suffering than I've ever felt. So. Yeah, you know, like some people, some people, they they want to. They're sick of their kids. They wanna like, get away from them. That's why there's so many women go back to work. That's why so many people use, so many women use feminism because they really don't like having children. And this is the thing, like babies are great, like babies and children are wonderful, they're great to play with and blah blah blah blah, blah. But when you are responsible. For something, it's not a poppy. You can't just put it in a cage and go leave for three fucking hours and go get your latte and go to Target and do whatever you want. No, that kids got to go with you everywhere. It's not a pet, it's not a dog, it's not a cat. And so many women, especially selfish younger women You know, they they have that baby thinking, you know? Clocks ticking or I want to keep this man, you know? Or I want child support and I want my rent paid for for, for, you know, 18 years, whatever. But then they get into it and they realize that this is a lifetime fucking commitment and you have people like I love my children and shit like that, but then they'll go drop them off. Daycare for for 12 fucking hours. When they've only have to work for five, you know, you know what I mean. Or they leave them with the grandparents and the grandparents are in this weird position where they got to stand up and say we're not taking, you know, we're not doing free childcare, so don't. So just make sure that you don't get taken advantage of when this person flips out of this relationship because it looks like. Their partner is going to try to. Ohh. Get rid of the children. You know, I mean like. Off that responsibility on someone else, so be careful. Make sure you stand up for yourself. You're not a free, you know, child caregiver. So if that kind of shift comes up in your life where all of a sudden you're taking care of his fucking kids because? You know, the bitch that tried to, you know, trap him. Doesn't want him anymore because it didn't do what she wanted him to do. You know what I mean? So you just need to stand up for yourself. And it looks like you'll be happy with these children, though, because they're going to create the life that you want to want to have and want the life you've been trying to create for yourself this entire time. So that will be very great for the children because they'll they'll feel like they're actually what they actually want them. I mean, just think about that for a minute. Children know when they're not wanted. Children know when you don't have time for them. Children know, like I said, I came from a family where my parents were busy. They were too busy. You know what I mean? So yeah, you love them, right? Yeah, I all that. But children need attention. There's something amazing. When you sit down and give a try all the time, show that is so desperate. Like real attention. Found attention from being, you know. A bad kid because a lot of kids will will, you know, will lean back to negative behavior because it gives them attention from when they don't have any other attention. All right. I will be back. We're going to talk about breakups. I just feel like this is the natural state right after this show right after Valentine's Day. Ohh. A real bad, but I think we need to have a talk about breakups. So we will be talking about that when I.
Break up:
So. We're gonna talk about breakups. It's just a difficult subject and it has to do with love and sex, right? And. We just got through Valentine's Day and I know there is a portion of my listeners that are. In relationships married with children. I mean it's it's it's the nature of tarot and the nature of reading love, like when I was in my, you know, beginning stages of. Moving out of my relationship, I started watching Terra, especially on YouTube, and that's interested in like the whole aspect of how endless. Terrell reading could be especially for podcasting. All I could see was like, ohh God, I could tear or read for 20 fucking years. You know what I mean? Endless possibilities. I was so attracted to it professionally and as a podcaster. But you know, women are attracted to terrible when they're not being fulfilled in their relationship. And so there is a whole group of you out there that are sitting in a relationship feeling unfulfilled, feeling like your partner doesn't think you're sexy anymore. Um. Facing great odds. One being. The break up. Possible divorce and the means and the exhaustion and the sheer. Ohh. Side Cliff of that experience. So it takes a long time for women to get ready to make that leap. And in this day and age, it is the women that leave the men. Men will stay with a woman up to like 80 to 90%. Of the time. And it's women that leave and there's a lot of men out there and and different professions that you know they want to say that pre menopausal is the reason why women leave their husbands at such a great value. Now they're sick of their fucking bullshit once you reach 10 years of the same bullshit. At that point, you there's no hope that anything's gonna change. And once you get into the hunt, humdrums of a fucking relationship and you still feel. Void. Within you within your partnership. You realize you're having a midlife crisis. It's not menopause, It's not pre menopause. It's not post menopause. It's a midlife locking crisis. Just like a man. Here's where I am going to. Put up the the feminist soapbox for a minute. Men are just as fucking hormonal. I don't think we talk about how testosterone. Appears in a man's behavior. I was just football. Of all testosterone. You know, and a woman says I've had enough and they're like menopause. You're going crazy cause of your hormones. No, you're going. Your midlife. How much of this are you going to put up with this? This is not the partnership you see yourself growing old in. And then these days they don't want old women anyway. So you have that whole you know, it's more ageism than it is sexism. They'll fuck any pussy. Hasn't been through the rigors. Right of life of wine, right? Of 30 to 40 to 50 and on pounds. Right. And I have to carry the weight of resentment. Those pussies are still kind of dry. Just be honest. Let's just be honest so you reach this point here before you're like, fuck. You look back. You're like, fuck, You look forward and like, you know, I don't want to continue this journey with this person anymore. It's not your hormones. That feeling isn't going to go away. Once your hormones are in, are in, you're not. That's The funny thing because like, it's hormones. It's like, no. Once their hormones come back into balance, don't go fuck. That's not hormones anymore, that is. That is depression and a crisis, a midlife crisis. So let's see. That's the thing. You know, we got, we got in relationships, we tried to get married before we were 30. To have our kids before we're 35. Right. We rushed our asses off to to to procrastinate right till the end. Of those windows, didn't we? Because the generation before us, they were married at 22. They were all their kids were done by the time they were 30. You know what I mean? I'm the last baby in my family. My mom was 33 when she had. You know, I was her last child. I my first child at 33. So, you know, there's just this. We've we're having our midlife crisis. That's it. You know, I started curling my hair, and that's like when I look at my hair now and keep it all nice, like this is, this is the, this is the. Curl my hair. I like it curled. I do because when I look in the mirror, I'm like, it looks nice, even. No matter if it's on the third day hair, it still looks nice, right? Makes me look younger. It's again, it's part of my midlife crisis, right? Got their fucking tits out, that's where. The whole Cougar mentality. I'm still a tiger though, because I have a kid that still needs rear. That's my. Description of the cat I guess I fall into right? Cheetahs are no fucking quick ones, right? Those are the in and out. Never really got married longer than a year or something. So yeah, what are you? Do you wake up? Door. I still got time. That's that's the that's the thing to hold on to throughout the entire process is you still have time. You still have time to have fun. You still have time to be kid free, at least on the weekends. That's the greatest thing about divorce is you get a little bit of utime, you get some time to yourself. It's like the first time you're going to have that since you fucking had kids. That's the best thing. Divorce. Of course, everyone's like for the kids, yeah, like the kids were really gaining from the constant back. The fighting that they were. You know, don't want every day. You know what I mean? And depending on if you're within narcissist or not at all detrimental, that is to children over continued years and years and years. So like, let's say like how do we, how do we break up though? OK, like your finances are all intertwined. The cost of living? Is a second right? Like, what are you going to do? After that's why cheating and tendering and that kind of energy and just getting caught is actually, you know some of the some of the the better bats for most women that are you know, having their midlife crisis. You know. Yeah, you go through the divorce, you can try to get alimony and child support and those things will definitely help you. You know, set up your own scenario, but the best thing you really need to do is and this is. First things first, don't don't tell me you're about to leave them. And I want you to sit down if you're not taking care of your own books. All your accounts. That is the very first thing you need to start getting in charge of your own money. OK. So if you've been in a situation where they were better with numbers and you just, you know, took care of the house, whatever. You know, depending on. You know what kind of level of relationship you're at. If you're 5050, great, then you already have an idea of what the fuck your finances look like and maybe you're completely in control of everything, regardless of where you stand As far as who's the accountant and the relationship, you need to again, prepare for both options if you're the one who's. We want all the accounting. Then you need to start splitting everything up, you know, and making sure that you can make it on what you got, etcetera. If if everything's going into one, yeah, it's time to, it's time to prepare. For the moment of split and the best thing you can do is, you know, go out and get your own bank account. You can get a PO Box if it's going to be fucking messy, this person's abusive, etcetera, etcetera. So everything up to your PO Box and then that way you can at least get your mail and let's say he's let's say you don't have kids, let's say he goes fucking psycho. You know, have everything go to the PO Box. That gives you some level of security and safety while you're moving around trying to figure out what is your next move, right so. So yeah, First things first. What's the money scenario? How much debt are you with how much student loans do you love? A few things I want to talk about financially first and foremost. Do you have any credit cards? Like, you know, if you have an available balance that would cover your student loans. Let's say you have $20,000 in student loans. Can you pull out $20,000? And credit card is the question because you're better off. This is not, you know, good advice, but you're better off using. Credit. A little bit down the road, however many months, but it's still OK, which I think is 6 months or a year. Don't quote me, go research it yourself. And then just go bankrupt. And then from bankruptcy, what you want to do is you want to get a secured credit card. If you need a new card, that's a great time to get a car. Both those things. You can rebuild your credit in a couple years, but you want to secure your home. Um. And your bank account first. You know what I mean. If you stop paying your credit cards or paying any bills, and this will give you enough money. To to leave. That is definitely an option, which you do there is you want to keep your bank account under $400.00. Again, you'll have to check by state, see what the rules are and things. It's all Google rule, but you can at that point just keep, you know, just keep the minimum in your bank account that way, no? Lenders can come in and put a lien against it, actually take your money and you can live in a state of. You know. Delinquency for a number of years that way. And if you start a business that's very easy to do and go in and start a business account, they can never, they can't come after those accounts for your private credit cards. OK. And again, those are just different ways that if you're within the system and you're working within the system, these are things you learn. And bankruptcy is not a horrible thing. If you have a lot of credit card debt or you and your partner have a lot of credit card debt, you might want to think about like inching towards that. Especially since we're going to go into a downturn and things are going to just get really shitty here not having all that credit card debt. Will help you pay off your cars. Like during bankruptcy, they can't take your house or your car or your tools of trade. You don't want to receive any money from like an inheritance or anything like that within a few years of your bankruptcy. It can be caught in recapture. So there's a whole there. There's rules, but if you're smart. Like I said, you can play delinquency. For a number of months to years. You can go bankrupt. The sooner you go bankrupt the better, because then you can restart, rebuild your credit, which is really important like I said, if you already have your house taken care of. And so again, you could get divorced. You could get your house, your new place taken care of. Let's say you split your house in half. You both. You sell the house. You split the house in half. Right. You take your half, you take, Yeah, you downsize. You get yourself on your own mortgage and then from there you get rid of your credit card debt. You know you should not be carrying over 20 thousand $30,000 of credit card that you could knock that fucking off. And if you have that kind of available credit and you still and you have a lot of student loans, lump sum payment is only way out of student loans. So what you need to do is you need to save your money and a high yield. Bank account and there's tons of reels on some of the there's a couple Internet higher interest. Savings accounts now that are really making people a lot of money that are legit. So you want to go search Google legit blah blah blah blah blah, but what you want to do is then save. You want to you, You know you want to get your student loan payment as down to as small as you can. Alright, go through. Make sure you've taken your deferments. Those are you are. You wouldn't take your deferments. And then, you know, go over here and mouse away your entire. Student loan debt. So let's say you get to the point that that accounts now $30,000. Now you take that, you pay off your student loan. Boom. Now it's absolutely done and you don't play that interest rate. Bull shaking that they have. So you really, when we talk about breakups, especially people that have been married or in a relationship for a long time, money is the very first thing that you need to consider. How are you going to split this up? How are you going to support yourself? And if you don't know the basics of accounting, or check writing or keeping a budget, you know that's definitely a tutorial that you might want to go check out. So. Yeah, those are the first things you want to think about. They're all of course you could always move home with your parents. Wants to do that, right? Like people already in that position, but if you have kids? And you're about to be a single mom. Yeah. Move at home with your parents is a great idea. You have kid care. Parents of millennials are getting to the age that they're retiring, so they have time and they don't care. And sometimes they're gone all winter, Right. So. If that works for you. Do it. Whatever you do, at the end of the day, you need to make sure it is within your budget. And that will give you such a great feeling of security when you do step off. Down the road of divorce. You know what I mean? So why cheap? And this stuff adds up. And if you're already living paycheck to paycheck, how are you ever gonna leave this relationship? Without some man coming to take you on. Here ohh all you are. Is a student loan payment a car payment? Right, So I mean, that's what I'm saying. Even the best women. Uh, you know, in this day and age it is hard. It's hard to not have to. You know, so there are things that you're gonna have to cut. But you guys be really realistic when you roll down that way. And that's how you take. Measured, stable steps towards what it is you really want. So again, these are for my people that find themselves trapped. Trapped by money. Trapped by debt. Trapped by kids. Trapped. By fear, let's talk about all the women that are in relationships right now because they fear being alone. And having to protect themselves. So you went and found the biggest fucking meanie bully you can, and now you're trapped. Right. And that's when those those kind of situations are when you do need to move towards someone, whether that's your family or a very special friend of yours. You know there's safety in numbers when you're dealing with the psychopath and the breakups of all that could get very, very mad. Right. So this is the thing we're sitting here, you know, listening to tarot or? Imagining having a a new sex life or wanting to be sexy and be seen as sexy. We're wanting to go after our dreams and you know, find a different Rd. that doesn't lead in the dead end that you find yourself in. Right. The best way to think of it is five years from now. In five years from now. You can have your own place. You can, whether you have a man or not. That. OK. They do great and when you pick them it won't be out of desperation. Right. You could be out of debt and already have your credit renowned. It's possible. You could have half. Of your student loans and a high interest. Savings. Ready to pay? Turn your 45. 50. The age range. You know, we do our best. Right. Go through life we don't know. We do our best to make the best decision. And we are all. Dumb. Dumb for affection. All dumb for attention. So you can't sit here and be like I got in this situation? I'm so fucking dumb, No. You believed you trust? And there is nothing wrong. With trusting and hoping for the. This crap. So these are things to think about. Now this is a little article on actually. And I do a really good show about narcissist that says, you know, forget what the episode title is. It's like how to how to deal with the nurses or? I feel like it's. Or so um. Yeah. Go listen to that. You're dealing with processes, but this is the. Since the nice Internet says this is the nice way to break up, be true to yourself. So accept your feelings right? Be ready and know this is the right decision to for yourself. Think about how the person might react. Or do they have a temper? Um. Might they cry? Might they beg? Have your backup statements ready. So if they start begging you, don't leave me. Don't leave me. You have to have something to reinforce your decision. You have to have that final no. We're done. Energy. You can't let them weave back in, right? Be gentle, be aunt, but be honest. Get yourself a Sagittarius and like this working shift for you all day. Say it in person, because that's just nice. I mean, you can go. This is Person. And definitely tell someone you know. OK, that's just a safety feature right there. Tell someone you know that you trust that you're about to break up with someone. That way, when if shit goes to shithole. So I'm gonna least knows where he goes. What the fuck happened? OK. Those that's just we just live in that day. So again, uh, if you're sitting there wondering, should I break up, right? Where do you want to be inside? In this exact position you want right now. Or something new, possibly out of that, possibly ready to embark. You took. Shit. Midwife fucking crazy. If you can, if you can, if you can afford it, that's why I say it. You can go through that whole process, take a nosedive financially, pop back up, get yourself a new car. Because. Post That's about one of the best things you could do post bankruptcies is good car payment that really helps build your. And also secured. Credit cards, which you can get at any credit union. You can't get them at the big. So you just go on $1000 because you haven't paid your credit card bill in six months. That down, you asked for secure credit card, then you take that out. Leaving only about 30% available credit. And what that ride and that ship will build your fucking credit faster than you. Some season. So. That's something to think about for all my ladies. Better dreaming? Listening to the. So what do we think about the? Need. You know, I thought those were cool. Almost like Terry was sexy. And I feel like I might do like. Saxton. I might come back. I may take a break. I may come back and do. The little mini segment, Terribly sexy. Yeah, I kind of. Alright, I'll be back with something a little to bring the mood up. And break ups and financial losses. Now. But you can really protect yourself if you don't have much and you're and you're sitting there. Giving money to these huge corporations. That are making billions and billions of dollars of profit. 4. Literally sucking the life out of people. Banks are, the banks are. They're the biggest mobsters. Just. 30%. What it was at the height of the. Stop. Do you want it? I argue that this something.
Alright. Let's try this sexting thing. We'll see. Guys like it. e-mail me. Love, sex and terrible at Gmail or leave a review. Go on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and tell me if you liked. If you want me to do something different. OK, so. We're gonna do sexting from our Valentine's Day couples and we're going to add one more couple here and the couple we're adding is the Clover. This is a three leaf Clover and the ship. So we will take a look at what they will start them with. Sexy. Maybe we'll get their love note next week. All right, so we had. Last weeks love note was with the companions. We had the heart and the moon, and then we had the eye and the chicken or the hen and the fox. OK, so let's just see what this. Little little texting. All right, from the heart, I'm going to pull your hair. Stop. What do you want me to do? What is? My legs around your. I am going to. Let's see here the eye. I want my hands on your hips watching you grind. Punish me, God, This fox in the hen really is into is into bondage. OK, then we have this next set, the Clover. So one of these love notes really resonated with you. We'll we'll continue this and see. Let's get wet and wild. So I think Clover wants to get in the shower. This is shit. 8. 2. Six of pinnacles which is giving like it's like. OK, what does the ship say? I want you to dress up. I just want to hear. So let me know if you liked. If you like this idea of the Saxy, I'm not sure, but we give it a try. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Yeah, go tell me what you think. You know, review. I'll be back next week with love notes. What do I do? The. See. Just like something kind of different like talk to feel like. It like, you know, it creates drama. It creates interest, you know, it's not just like this one sided thing that we've been doing this entire time, you know? It's dangerous. Like 2. It makes it almost feel like there's really two. These are just tarot cards, guys. At the end of the day, I must remind everybody this is for entertainment purposes only. It's just some tarot cards and sometimes we need. Do we need that carrot, whether it is real or not, great to get? So you know, at the end of the day that's kind of how I look. Do I think that there's power and truth into us? Have I seen terror come true? Yes. Is that self fulfilling prophecy or is that destiny? I don't know. I can't. They're. Spiritual life. But uh, is terribly valuable, especially for introspection and healing, yes. Give us the hope that love might be real in a day and age where everything is in our physical. And our very real reality tells us. Love is a man. So. Yeah. It is. It is. It has value. Is every single tarot reading here about you? God? Are you that? You know, I mean, no. I'm reading for a number of different people. Some people are checking in, you know, weekly. Some people are checking in monthly. You know whether the Taro feels. Repetitive or not, it depends on who's listening. I do believe in that. So yeah, let me know if you like the Saxton I need to put on my sex, my sexy voice, my love note. Or do we want to do? Or is this sexting just better in the love notes because there's emotion? See all the different that felt like the love notes from Valentine's Day? They felt powerful. Even the sex part felt more powerful. Because there was other emotions that made-up that entire package, right? But when we're talking about sexting, and I just read those off, did it feel as powerful as in the within the love? No. No. It felt cheaper, right? Cheaper in this, in this position? Without the emotions, without the other terrible cards. Right. And so again, that almost, you know, brings to the surface the reality of the of the world we live in where. Men devoid. The situation of all emotion. To be done with, right? And then we wonder why we feel so much resentment. Because all they want. At the end of the day. The only reason they're going to next is so that they can see your post. And it's interesting because we are going to talk about, we're going to talk about picks in the next 6 segment. How to do pix? You know how to protect your picks, you know what you need and so on and so forth. So that will be our next leg sex segment. But, you know, there's a whole group of men out there that are just, you know, focusing on policy. You know, collect them all right mentality. And and that's detrimental to women. I mean, I can't tell you how often I watch like friends. I saw this go down like this about a year ago. Mutual friends, right? And it was like, OK, they're definitely sexy. I can totally tell. Alright, just like it's it's just the way they were talking. And then it all abruptly stopped. And she kind of disappeared. From social media for like a number of weeks and they were like on each other's ship. Like, constantly. I'm part of part of multiple different sex groups. And it's not sex groups. Like, they're not like it. Let's get together, have sex. They have sex meme groups. So like, I'm like, part of, like, multiple. Local dirty meme groups. And so you see these things like these people come into these groups and then they get to flirting with them. Another of course, it's like a hotbed for for cheating. But it's interesting to watch. Like, I sit back at the end of the day. That's my entertainment. I'm going to go through and watch people like, flirt with each other in these groups, off these sexy. And like I said, I watched this thing go down. And then the next thing I know is the guy that she was walking with. Like she disappears and then he's all on. He's all on the group making fucking jokes about messy looking pussies. So every meme he posted after that immediate shut off of her was about messy pussy. All right, so he basically saw her pussy and then went into this group and God knows every man in a in a dirty name group. They have a side chat where they talk about the girls in The Dirty mean meme group, OK, because they're chores and stuff, you know, and but the The funny thing is, like, there's lots of these groups because. It's like you can't share these kind of memes on your public profile. You know you'll have a bunch of creeps in your DMS. I know one group that I'm a part of actually within their rules it says you are not allowed. It's one of my favorite groups. They're like you are not allowed to private message any female or male in this group and and make an advance on them just because of a sexy name they posted like a sexy name is not. An invitation for sexual harassment. Which is, like I said, in this particular group, I love how it's stated that way. Other groups, they don't have those type of rules. Yeah, so it was like, it was like a sad moment when I saw what the fuck happened. I'm like, God. She showed him her place. He went and showed the other dudes in this fucking group, and then they all sat there and made fun of her to her face. Ghastly about having a messy. And like, you know, there's lots of messy pussy memes. Like anything like roast beef sandwich tacos, ham sandwiches, all those kind of like into Windows all mean messy pussy. All right. Or old or used. Uh, you know, like you go on these reels and these guys are like, yeah, I destroyed her pusssy. Meaning that, you know, no one's gonna want her pusssy after that. After they've used it so hard and so, you know, there's this really. Interesting dynamic when it comes to news and sexy. You need to realize that when you are in these like it's fun, it's hot, it's great to socks, but at the end of the day, most likely that man will betray you. His group of men is going are going to see. So like, if you send a sexy pic, you should think to yourself, I'm sending this to 15 men right now. Easy. 15. And that might make you think. Or double check and make sure your pussy looks great. Or that you don't send the Pussycat, you send an aspic, or you send a teddy pick. You make sure you cut off your fucking head so you can't be defaced. That. Anybody can face because you're a little face is right next to the fucking message here with your bushy shot. You know what I mean? Like, like just think how horrible that is. You watch these two people flirt for like over a year. You watch it catch fire. He finally gets the pussy pic. Immediately starts making. In the group that they're part. It's fucking just insane. And it's all gasoline. You know what you mean. You can't prove it. You can't. But God, the way it went down, you know? So you really do need to be careful about who you show your needs to again. Like once they're your boyfriend and want your fucking nude with them all the fucking time. Just having sex, that's that's fine. You can send your boyfriend. You know, pussy pics all fucking day. Hey honey, I just got a Brazilian. Look at her. She's shiny, you know what I mean? Like you. But if you're in the beginning stages. Of a relationship. You know what I mean. I have a flirtation ship. I'm cheating relationship of a sexting only type situation. Double click that. You know what I mean. Or you might want. I always send ask pics. I do like First off, I have above my house. Bend over for anybody. But. Exactly. You know, I mean, like my whole way of thinking about it is if this is all you fucking want and you know, there's my ass as I fucking leave. So a lot of times I get to the point with these guys already know, like I don't want to fucking date this guy. I don't want those guys hands on me. So I'll just send him a fucking picture of my accident. All goes down. What do you do? A lot of times when I ask is fully covered, like I put some booty shorts on or something like that, but once they see my ass, I'm out. I'm already out the door. They never saw my pussy. I'm already out the fucking door as there's other pussy pics of of us out there somewhere, I'm sure. Because who the fuck could have sex in this day and age and not be filmed in some way by some fucking scumbag tender. You know what I mean? Like it's fucking impossible. But that's the whole point though, like. Men have, It's not emotional for them. It's just another pussy. They are totally. Conditioned by pornography. So next week we'll be talking about pornography that we should watch, so that we know what angles men really want. They love that POV ask pose that that goes all day long. I mean, you can. You know what you know, They all want to spread eagle Spread Eagle for these articles. Pretty good for your boyfriend. Being good to your kid. That's. So. No matter how much he wants you to sit on his face. Wants to see the picture of what that will look like. Don't send them that one. Show me your fucking asses and know that in your heart and in your gaslight language that you just showed him the flocking. You know, so we'll be talking more about that and then in the in the next section, but first we're going to do something sweet. Next week. That's next week, this week. All right. There you go. Hope you enjoyed the show. I know we were all over the place with breakups and sexting and. That little interlude of. Booty pics.