All They Need is Your Time and Your Kiss: How Self-Image Influences Success and Relationships
In this episode, we delve into the topic of self-image and how it can be influenced by past abuse. We explore the negative self-talk patterns that can hinder our success and relationships, and emphasize the power of embracing our uniqueness.
The tarot readings featured this week revolve around emotionally turbulent situations involving others in relationships. In the water reading, it is suggested that addressing anxious and negative thoughts will help improve the relationship, moving it towards a more positive and hopeful direction after a period of silent treatment. The Earth reading focuses on a memorable kiss, while the Fire reading warns about a potentially violent situation involving an unstable ex-partner. The advice given is to distance oneself from this situation. In the Wind reading, a higher consciousness takes over, signaling that it's time to take a break and enjoy some much-needed downtime after enduring enough challenges.
The love note of the week, carries a sense of regret, questioning whether the friendship can still be maintained and if the cry for help can be heard. The note expresses a strong desire for connection. Additionally, this week's predictions are done through tea leaf readings. We encourage listeners to share their thoughts and feedback by leaving a review, sending an email, or commenting on social media.
Song mentioned this week:
“Fate don’t know you like I do”
Desi Valentine
Prince and the Revolution
Water: 00:20:10
Love Note:02:19:28
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 54: All They Need is Your Kiss: How Self-Image Influences Success and Relationships
In this episode, we delve into the topic of self-image and how it can be influenced by past abuse. We explore the negative self-talk patterns that can hinder our success and relationships, and emphasize the power of embracing our uniqueness.
The tarot readings featured this week revolve around emotionally turbulent situations involving others in relationships. In the water reading, it is suggested that addressing anxious and negative thoughts will help improve the relationship, moving it towards a more positive and hopeful direction after a period of silent treatment. The Earth reading focuses on a memorable kiss, while the Fire reading warns about a potentially violent situation involving an unstable ex-partner. The advice given is to distance oneself from this situation. In the Wind reading, a higher consciousness takes over, signaling that it's time to take a break and enjoy some much-needed downtime after enduring enough challenges.
The love note of the week carries a sense of regret, questioning whether the friendship can still be maintained and if the cry for help can be heard. The note expresses a strong desire for connection. Additionally, this week's predictions are done through tea leaf readings. We encourage listeners to share their thoughts and feedback by leaving a review, sending an email, or commenting on social media.
Song mentioned this week:
“Fate don’t know you like I do”
Desi Valentine
Prince and the Revolution
Love Note:02:19:28
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
How do you see your? How would? Introduce. These are interesting. You know, we struggle with so much impose. In this world. You know, and that feeling of never. Right. And we need to realize. That is pattering and if you've been through. Abuse. That will shade your. Emotional. Here your parents. Right. Profession. You know when you've been talked down. Most of your life. These things. Talk. Where? Were very. Why am I asking this question to you? Well, because I'm going through. You know, a really interesting period of introspection. I'm going to. Trying to decide. Where to go? And I'm like really on this huge SEO kit. Absolutely. To get the edge without. Capital. And that's, I mean that's where startups all are. How do you get this? How do you start up when you don't have the capital or the business plan that? OK. Put money. Right. Like how? We're all over here asking Chat LGBT to help us. And you know, and all it's doing is summarizing. Articles and there's no new. Right. Creator. A creative person, a professional in any way. How do we sell ourselves, right? And I had this moment last week when I was. I was doing some self reflection. I'm 44. I've been, you know, getting older, right? So you're sitting there like. How do I? You know, keep my youth, but enjoy the fact that I'm getting older and I don't have to jump through the hoops that I used to and I can feel more comfortable in my own skin. You know, you're looking in the mirror asking yourself, how do you really feel about yourself? And the thought came to me as I was doing this exercise. We always face ourselves straight on. Whether that be, you know, in a selfie, whether that be in the mirror. We face ourselves. Other people don't face us. You know they're they could, you know they might look at us profile 3/4. They know us from other angles that we can't see ourselves. Right. And so because of that kind of blind spot we have, right, do we let that energy seep in and into insecurities? Into ageism. Sexism. Right. Into that capitalistic. And page. But the thing to understand here is they don't have the straight on view of you. You have the interview. Enter. Essence of what's going on with anemia. When they say that, you know. I love that song. Fate. Don't know you like I do. Right. I I forget who sings this song called. It's really great song. Ohh, but I mean, he's a cheating fucking guy, obviously. I just love that line. You know, and there is something like fate don't know you. Like you know you. Nobody out there with their 3/4. View of you. 3. And that's why we struggle, right, with imposter Syn. We're sitting there and we're taking feedback from people. Who don't see the entirety of you. You know that face too close to the mountain. Can't see the mountain from your nose? Mentality. So when we're sitting here evaluating our self worth. We're thinking about. You know how to sell ourselves to the world, how to show our value, right? We need to get a very clear view. We need to learn to love our direct, straight view of ourself. And there is all sorts of ways to encourage positive body image, positive, you know, intelligence. Image because that there's all different aspects. You can be pretty, but you could be fucking dumb, right? And then you have all the stereotypes, Pretty and dumb. Pretty dumb, right? They go on and on and on and we lash ourselves with these negative words. Every fucking day. For no fucking reason. So as I'm sitting here talking to, you know, my listeners and I know who you are, a lot of you have contacted me. You are. Valuable. You have something to offer. Man, a relationship. A business. You have something to offer all those things to your family, to your friends, to your children. Worthless. And as we go in, especially through this awareness period of suicidal suicide awareness, we have to remember that the way we speak to one another is important. Taking the time. To be mindful in a conversation. Taking the time. To check on friends you know. Taking the time. To be that good person that you portray that you are. Right. Because what is impostor centric? It's feeling like you don't deserve. That title. Right. And that might be based on your abusive pattern from an. There's a lot of people out there that will immediately go. And. Uh, you. Until the world has special they. There's a whole group of people out there that are extremely special. That you're humble or to abuse to even see it within them. I, for example, I'm sitting here talking to chat. This morning and. You know, I wrote it. I told it a little bit about. Um. You know. Where I'm successful, you know what I've achieved in the last year, so I telecheck TVD. This is the stuff I've achieved in the last couple of years. How would you introduce me? And then how would you put that on a resume? Because it's all creative. Stop, you know what I mean? And I was like Godsmack. How's that would introduce me? Introducing a highly accomplished podcast host and Facebook marketing expert. I have never been called an expert in anything in my fucking life. Yeah, you know that's a good resume writer right there, right? Yeah, there's stats. Stats to uphold that that word Expert. Again, you know, back to my dealing with my own patterns. And the fact that, you know, being dyslexic and being constantly corrected. You know, my entire life has put me into this like, mind frame. Right. That perfection is out of my reach. And yes. Perfection is out of my reach. Grammatic profession. It's completely out of my reach without chat. GBT, right? But here's a tool that's going to help me. But again, I've lived a life like. Where it's always been like my acutely. And so, you know, as I'm sitting here going through 24, you know, dealing with this, you know, Pluto moving out of my love sector and Capricorn, I have Venus and Capricorn, so. The planet of Death has been in there my entire fucking mirror the moment I got married and then Pluto moved into my love life sector astrologically. I'm kind of like stepping back here like, all right, let's look at ourselves from a whole picture. Let's do a very sagittary. And the and the fact of the matter is. Before that, this Pluto was in my in my main house, the Sagittarius. All right, so I've been focused since I. You know the fucked for like 40 years. I Pluto and now Pluto is going on to fight, you know, aquariums now, and I don't have any any signs of Aquarius. So it's like for, for once, I don't have this, like, transformative. Energy. Death. Energy. And like affecting me and my personal charts anymore. But it's like making me take a back. And look at. You know, life since 2008. And before and really. Seeing what all I've accomplished, you know, like I look back at the different. Levels of amazing, amazing accomplishments even through. My what I would consider minor career. I had some really amazing accomplishments and I continue. To accomplish what I consider. Amazing things for me. But that is the proof. I need to stop self sabotaging myself with imposters. So if you're sitting there thinking whatever, whether it be about your life, your status. Your parents? Your worth? Your net worth. Right. I want to remind you that. Stepping back and looking at the whole. Might help you a little bit. You know, disconnect some of those patterns and some of those negative thought patterns that are created by the abuse you went. All that shade. Right. Hear you. Into this beautiful. The fucking strong plant. You. Facing. The shade of others. She had others accomplishments. The shade. Jealousy. Poster syndrome. The shade of always. And that's always with shade. So how do we? Put ourselves in the sunlight. So that the world can see what you're creating. That's the question. How do you see? Are you shading yourself like everyone else has shaded you? And people who have been have had shade thrown on them constantly, right? They struggle with. So that's, you know, let's replant ourselves somewhere else. Let's find. Trying to place in which we received the sunlight, we did. OK. This week. We do element readings, they were. There's a lot of third party energy throughout all the readings. There was a third party, I think, at every single reading. So if you're struggling with someone that's in a relationship or you're in a relationship yourself, this week's readings are definitely for you. I I. I should do situations. I'm not going to do situations and solutions. Because everything kind of ran over a little bit anyway. And then at the end there's this really great love. It's sweet. Like they all. But it asks us amazing question. And the. And it it spurred again this conversation. Of. You could be sitting there. Right. Wishing to. Who's really? And if you're not being? That's the. So things to think on here as you go through this show, you know. Waiting for someone to get out of relationship. It's it's a safety protective mechanism at the very end of the. It's because. It's safer to to love someone or to to be infatuated with someone. That is. Or that it's going to continue the abuse of patterns that you've lived through in your entire life. So you're sitting there. Struggling right? Think about. How is this reinforce? A pattern you've been struggling with here. And then? Do you break that? Those are the questions that we need to ask ourselves. We're in these kind of third party situation. Are you worth the whole show? And you can't accept any. So at the end of the day. You know, identify who's throwing shade. And then step. Self accept. We see ourselves in the full light of. Half shot. Over ourselves. That's the. The family member. Felt. In Memphis. So again, we don't need to prove shit to anybody. All you got to do is prove it to your. So at the end of the day. Chat. I like it. I don't. Highly accomplished podcast host Yeah, damn right Eye. But last week's episode is in the Top 20 search results. For Apple Podcast Tarot. People on Apple Podcasts? Are you searching Parrot? And. Lowercase It's just it's a sea of. So what I have here to give is valuable. So are you. I can figure that out. For myself. After fucking four years of of crazy amounts of work. I come from. I come from a family where you're valued on how hard you work. So if you can work. You know, two people's jobs. Within an 8 hour span. Yeah, you're good. The generation that you have to work yourself to death. Standing here. Constant. Yeah, the boomers are still going to need me to run there. Printers and chilling. But. We figured out some shit here. OK, we figured out some shit, so we're going to continue. Figure out more. So again, take some time here today. After you listen to these readings. After you listen to the love. Look in the mirror. Say something nice. How would you introduce? There's a lot of people out there. Introduce themselves. Yeah. Crazy shit, right? Everybody's about. I'm OK. Highly. Pretty good. Highly accomplished podcast host of Love Sex and Chair. So. Please call me or Social Facebook marketing expert Which? There is. I do have a theory. You have a complete freaking theory about business pages. Someday I'll write it down. I. It's. My whole fucking opinion. So. We live in a world where all the reels are about how how we do this and how to be successful and how to use chat. Chats only gonna get you so far. Seriously, we'll do a bunch of work for you. That's nice, but at the end of the day, you're going to look like everybody. So there is a there is this important moment when you look in the mirror and you see what is unique about you. And you take that, you put that in the. Watch that. How would you introduce? Check the description box for the timestamps. Listen to them all, they're really good readings this week. I was really proud after I finished them. And yeah, and the love notes. You. Got me this week. Shotguns. I will be back next week with a sex topic. And pick a card. Love reading? So here you go. Here's the.
This is water episode. Alright, water signs, let's do your relationship reading for the week. What is your overall energy in this relationship? Carol Energy is like dream like again, it's alien cards. So I have such a hard time explaining this card because. Just depends like you know, is it intuition? Is it? Synchronicity songs make you think about what you're dreaming about them a lot. So I'm going to take this in your overall like you kind of have this like dreamy, you know, kind of vibe emotionally you're feeling ghosted, blocked for claw from this person. And mentally. Again, here we got the Twin Flame card, so it's really complicated. Mentally, whatever's happening with you is very, very complicated. On their side, they're just trying to survive the daily hustle, so they're on their. The treadmill. Getting the work done. Emotionally, they're still very much focused on you. Or, you know, there's some kind of emotional attachment here. It's borderline obsessions. There's like wanting to indulge so emotionally. There's really wanting to indulge in this. Mentally, they're just trying to get a grip on it. Right. We're feeling very weighed down there, this connection with you. Ohh what you need. What you have blocking you in this relationship right now is that you're feeling very locked down. You're feeling very confined. There's not much you can do, but you will overcome calm, this feeling of of, you know, confinement with love. So we will look more into that. What's interesting is they're overcoming their issues with with love as well. You both are going to use love to to to deal with this. They're what's in their way is something spontaneous, some kind of unexpected, some surprise pop up. Event or visit? So that's what they have to overcome in this relationship. Maybe something. Maybe it's too spontaneous for them, but they will overcome this. Again with love. So unconditional love. So again, there's mirroring already happening. With how you both are going to overcome your obstacles in this relation? Which that looks good. Let's see what's the overall energy here. OK, the overall energy is you're both needing to cleanse anxiety. And I do. I need to talk about anxiety because it's really been on my mind lately. We'll talk about it in just a second. You really need to remove the negativity because there's like some kind of it will help release anxiety that's happening. Emotionally, you're both worried that you're going to feel kind of embarrassed or you're you're something threatening happening. We will check that out between you mentally. He's not wanting to be crushed. Feeling lonely? Feeling sad. The outcome is history. Interesting. So there's a past here, you know, there's that you guys have been. To answer this dance for a while, First off, let me know one card on this why this feels so alien to you. Is there like this telepathic or subconscious dream connection going on? It has to do with the way that you're you're supporting one another, even financially. It's interesting. So there's some kind of. And your mind. Again, I feel like it's almost two issues. Like, I almost feel like your mind is split into two, like you're thinking about money issues. I don't necessarily think that this financial support card is a child animal. Ammonia or government. I don't know. It could be, could be grants, I don't know. But it feels like you're split between. Uh. Having this kind of. Connection and dreams, feeling them and songs like it feels kind of. Alien. I guess. You know what I mean. It feels kind of. Supernatural, right? But again, your your mental state, you know, your overall energy here is again dealing with a support issue of some sort. Maybe you feel. Like, you're like, mentally supporting this person. Or you're being mentally supported by them. I don't know There is. There's something going on there. Why emotionally like you are. Why are you emotionally in this, like, blocked off those? Throwing the single status available and the tuned in Internet connected so. Is there like, you know, someone single on the Internet? You know what I mean? Why is this emotional state here? There are signs, so it's like complete. I feel like you don't. And again, my water signs tend to do nothing. When they don't understand the emotion. Or the motive? So. Again, I don't know if this person is. I doubt that they're ghosting you because they're over here wanting you emotionally desiring this. It must have indulging you. Are you Jelly donut? Complicated in your head space. Remove this card. It's it's complicated. There's an offer proposal on the table or you already have a commitment on the table. Tell me about what's the embarrassment or worried about appearances or threatened to be embarrassed emotionally, and it's Why are you both? Because it's been a roller coaster. So emotions between you have been a roller coaster up and down, so I don't think you guys have been meeting at the same. You know what I mean? Like whenever you're meeting up your your desire for, you know, there's an up and down, You know what I mean? You're up there down, you're you're down there up, right. So there's some kind of miss. Connection emotionally and that is bringing this. Worried kind of back to this anxiety. So if you've been to Wishy Washy. Energetically, or you know emotionally that you know not having that consistency will create this. It's fear. It's fear of abandonment. What's this spontaneous, surprise, unexpected visit about that they have to overcome? Has to do with someone moving in a physical location change. So they're going to overcome it with love. Is that what you got? Back to this, you're afraid of being punished. You're you're afraid of the revenge. Or you know. Back to this roller coaster. OK, the outcome is history. What's that about? Crickets. Someone has a history here of silencing. Toxic people. Or again, it's cricket. So someone here has a history. Of doing nothing about toxic people or, you know, being, you know, it could be silent treatment. Toxic people. Yeah, someone might. So I don't know why there's a history here of silence. Toxic people. Well, if if it's twin flame, there would be like a there would be a toxic sense to it. You know what I mean? Triggering each other for healing. I just don't understand. Let's talk about anxiety and then we'll move on and talk about the emotions here. There's mental anxiety and then there's bodily anxiety, and they're two different types of anxiety. People don't talk about this as much as they should, but like, your body can. This is like from someone PTSD. Your body can be on high alert when your mind's not on high alert, but that and this comes out and behaviors like grinding of teeth. You know that knee shake when your body is expressing anxiety, even if like mental anxiety is normally like a. A circular thought that you can't get rid of, right? Well, bottle anxiety is a little bit different. It's it's you have to actively calm your body and do things that calm your body. This could be again, back to meditation. And that's again this is what. Overall energy. Saying here that there needs to be some meditation, there needs to be some clearing of space, there needs to be removing some negativity. For this to work, because the outcome here is, there's a history of of. You know, silent. There's a history of silent treat. Yeah, that's exactly what it. The history of silent treats. So again, there's a need to remove the negativity because again, it's it's creating this emotional instability between the two of you because you're over here dealing with this loss. Ghost card, single, available, connected on the Internet. They're trying to grip, you know, the situation, the obsession. Wanting to to indulge in this relationship. Overall you both are ending with love. So back to this finding ways to if you can relax your body it will bring. It will bring the clearing that you need in your thought patterns. Again, to understand this emotionally. You're trusting your You're trusting yourself. But you've been in denial. For a long time, you don't realize how courageous you truly are. Alright, what's their emotional state? They trust you. They are afraid that you do not trust them. That you bring this calming energy overall and it makes them feel free in some way and brings them a lot of confidence. And they do think that things are going to work out for you. They're working on becoming their healthier self for them, for themselves and for you. They think this, that this is a can be a very healthy emotional relationship. So they definitely have. A A much. Clear view of the situation that maybe you do because again, you're over here. You got. Extremely complicated thoughts going on in your mind. You have proposals and commitments that you're dealing with. Emotionally, you're you're completely cut off. From having this connection. There's again, there's a available. Maybe not available energy. Get You're only connected on the Internet, so there's like this. Really, You're not available. Emotion. You got a lot of money from that. But you are dreaming about this person. You are feeling connected. They're over on their side probably. Again, there's a lot of. Similarities, because that hamster wheel energy. It's very much that same kind of. Dealing with financial support. How would they describe you? As a Mystic, someone that reveals someone. As the athlete, someone dedicated to transcending their physical limits, so they see you as someone that works on your body. That's athletic and athletic. And as the fool, so someone who's who's fearless in revealing emotion. Can help you. Had absurdity and hypocrisy, So that's how they would describe you to someone. They would say that you're kind of mystery. But you're very athletic, an athletic body type, and that you're silly, so that's nice. Not afraid to be yourself. Get over. 20. These are about relationships that are, you know, a little bit more than just. Tell me what I did wrong and made me so sorry. So they wanna play a little bit of. Punishment. Spanking. Great. Thank you. I will. This is doggy style she is. Ourselves out. So it starts out on the right one there, which is a little bit more down, but she she's holding a mirror in the second body style at her vagina. So I always read this particular card. They would want to videotape you while sentence just because he's holding the mirror to work to see her vagina as he's walking. So I don't, you know what I mean? I these cards are old, so I'm trying to like make them modern. So there's very much that kind of energy. The next one, they're outside summertime. First, the first summer grass is. Is down. She's on top of them. That saves the next one's blowjob. She's just pulled his pants down back to the sun. Dress energy top town. And they they want to see you. This one, he's peeking into the bathroom, so there's like energy of wanting to watch it take showers and wanting they're into your feet as well, or there's some kind of like undress going on when you take your shoes off and you get comfortable. So again, there's lots of doggy style. There is an interest in watching. Yeah. Ohh, there's outside socks, blowjobs. And again, just kind of wanting to to watch you shower running on the. The cars actually say. They're really been through a lot. They've really been through a lot. Or they've had a lot of travels because it's the world, and in this particular card, you know. You know the world. I always read that it's it's a traveler part or it's an Internet card. But there's a a defensiveness here or there is someone who's been through a lot. We've been through a lot, so there's like they're they're they might be good at sneaking away. They want to take this action, but they're they're kind of sad or dealing with depression. When it comes to things that they've regretted, so they might. There might be a sense here that they've they've seen a lot of the world, or they've been through a lot of things. Um. And so they tend to sneak off. Instead of taking the auction just because, again, they've regretted so many things they've done in the past. So. There could be an energy of. Running away at the first red flag. That's kind of how. But back to this history. Of. Of silent treatment towards toxic people. So there there might be. This person might run away. Really. Sorry, we might have to run and catch up. Might not understand why they're going. Why are they running away? Because of because of the judgment calls. And they really juggle because in the end it would it would be death, so it would completely change the scenario. Again, there again, they run away because they're making a judgment call. They make a judgment call on anything that makes that. That's it. The judgment call on anything that that makes them feel like they're being juggled or if they're juggling emotions, just the fact that they juggled emotions and they weren't like 100% sure to them means that it will end horribly. So they might like this exact to gunshot. Back-to-back. Yeah. Back to this move, they need to move. All right, advice from our water signs and dealing with this person. What's the advice here? Sneaky Batch wants some sneaky badge sneaking around for. Follow the Boss energy here. And this selfish woman. New World. It's their world did meet these choices. OK. What is the advice? Well, there's there's some bench here. Sneaky. There's a sneaky, sneaky sneaky, right? Again, I feel like the focus is money. Ace of Pentacles. There's a emperor, a boss, or a father or. Could be an Aries. After this like there's just. There's like this energy, whatever this. The sneaky bitch energy. Offer money maybe up you know maybe only merits from my this could be sugar daddies. Number here could be sugar. Very selfish. Very selfish in their world and it's destined so. So whoever is this Queen of Pinnacles, which I think is back to the sneaky badge. She's making decisions in her world that are going to lead to the dust any. That she has set up. It says you'll see in the. Next you'll see the messages, you'll see the message. You'll see the writing on the wall, kind of energy. There is a fear of of there's a fear of commitment. There's a fear of sharing their feelings. Possibly about commitment. So this sneaky bitches out here for money. There's So this must be a third party. Another energy in this reading. So it looks like there's some destiny with this, with this third woman. So you'll see the messages. OK. So you'll see it. There was a There was something seen. Which ultimately. That message is that there is a fear of sharing emotions about a commitment or about a marriage. When I'm reading. The success or the return? Is like there's a fierce success or there's a fear to return. What was given was so little that there was a need to move on. Back to this sneaking away from relationship. So there, there is a tendency here. I keep feeling this energy. There's a tendency here to sneak off from things that feel toxic and that is like people that are just out for money or people. So there's like a high there almost makes me feel like there is. A scam alert? Like constantly. I feel like this person is really scam aware. And tends to believe everyone's a scam because back to this history of giving the silent treatment. To toxic people, toxic behaviors. So if you're not hearing from them. It might be a sign that they think you're toxic. You know, and that comes back to a fear. But there's also a fear. Of command. I don't know if that's on your side or on both sides. Again, you guys have there is an Essence of Mirrored, you know, whenever that Twin Flame card that comes out, I have to. Um. I have to read it like that, like mirrored energy, like going through the same thing. Here are your tea leaves, which again, they always kind of focus on something in the future. OK. Um. It's going to be slow. It's gonna be tortoise slow. But you will surely get ahead. And and it's gonna go slow because you're dealing with an older man. You're going to have periods of frustration. There will be lessons to learn you. There is hard work ahead of you. Um, you need to take, your gonna need to take a journey and it's going to be for your physical or mental health. It's going to be again, it's going to be, you know, for you. Again, back to this older man is very goal orientated. So that's again, I feel like you, you know, whatever you're dealing with, he's so go orientated, it slows down the process. You will be protected, though, by a powerful friend. Um. Why? You're going through some disappointment with this particular issue this is talking about, you know, some. I don't know if this is an older man that you're looking to date or if this is a man in your life that you're working with. It's an older man. He's Gray. And again, he causes a lot of frustration. And it makes it the work so much harder. That you're gonna need. Even though you're you're again, you're goal orientated, some friends going to come through to protect you. From being disappointed? In December, you'll you'll reconcile with this older man. By December, you're right. So it's going to take a year for whatever's going to happen with this older man. And this period of frustration that you're going through, it's going to take a year before you completely reconcile? With the dealings with this man. So. Ohh. Meaning it back to this, maybe it's it might take a year before they would talk to you again if they think you're toxic. Back to this, they use. This person and man in this relationship uses. This is right under this cricket. Use this silent treatment. Again, you both overcome this with love. So regardless of this, this this thing might go wrong. This thing might. I don't know. The tea leaves bring some question here and again this can branch out. You know the older man to 1 listener, but might be their father and the older man to another listener might be the the sugar daddy that they're interested in. Back to the sugar daddy energy. The third person in this is looking. Looking towards that there is it's This is going very slow. So. Maybe you just reconciled with this person and. In December. Like, maybe this was a reconciliation of just. So I don't know I can look at it like it just this reconciliation just happened. Or I can look at it like the This is gonna go downhill and then there's going to be a reconciliation. I could take it either way. Regardless, there's a need for for a journey. Free. So there is hard work ahead. So I hope that helps. I'm throwing in these tea leaves that help they don't. Never complicate the readings. Back Like I said, I keep coming back to the two main points of your reading is there is a need to cleanse anxiety. So do whatever you can to cleanse out that energy and you both are going to overcome whatever obstacles you're facing with this particular relationship with love. OK, so keep those things in mind. As you move forward. I'll be back.
All right, first sign. Relationship. Energy is usually very focused on this person. They feel like it's kind of risky, their overall energy maybe like, you know, going out at night, having some kind of nightlife. They may feel like this relationship with you is a little risky. We will clarify as we continue which sound motion. You're feeling alone. Differences final. Your headspace within Azure really wanting to get on the path. With them. You're wanting to kind of get up out of whatever it is? Their mental space. Excuse me? Either they're thinking about children. Right now or? They're very childlike, you know. They might be immature. Falling. What is, you know, the barrier here for you? Three divine, feminine. So there's a woman in the. They need to overcome. Their barrier is needing to cleanse negative. So. They have a lot of negativity going on in their mind space. You will overcome this female energy, this other female energy. With your magnetic pole. You got a nice magnetic energy to you, so you're pulling this person towards you. They will overcome this negativity with the sexual chemistry. Interesting. The overall energy here is keeps throwing too many cards, so I want it to throw one. Next week. Sticky. Use it. So much overhead. The energy is between you like over this entire relationship. Is single current standard status available? Between you emotionally? Is some avoidance. So there's. Right now you're both kind of wanting to avoid some. In your headspace, you both. And satiable. You both want more. Maybe you both want one life. Alchemist family. OK. First off, what is this risk energy about? Again, their overall energy, they feel like this relationship with you is risky in some way and they are wanting to protect themselves. Why? Why is this irreconcilable differences card and emotion? Again, it's something they're in pursuit of. So if you're in a relationship emotionally, they they want you to pursue. You know, or they're, you know, they wanted you to break up. Or if they're in a relationship emotionally, they're ready. To the, you know, end the relationship that they're in and pursue another one. They're getting emotionally set. To do that again, what are they thinking about the children? And it's got them very frustrated right now. Again, because of. Financial support some drama queen of again. I guess it's going to be the female that's in the way and then some, you know, feeling like trash or disregard. So they're if you're married with kids right now, this person does not want to be a homewrecker. Is they are the one that's in the relation, you know, in a in a marriage with children. Um. Day or emotionally or out of the relationship, ready to pursue other people. But they're still dealing with. It's still too risky with all of the players they have. Again, they have too much negativity around them, but they will overcome this negativity with sexual lust and chemistry. Tell me about this female that is in your way. There's a past, There's a, there's a history with this particular woman. You have a history with this particular. There is a history. Of them being connected or of a connection, again, you're being magnetically. Pulled or pulling towards the situation, so. You know there's nothing really for you to overcome the you know this unexplainable pool will do it. Back to what are you both of God? What are you both avoiding right now? Emotional. Years of both, kind of avoiding the signs that you're seeing. So maybe you're both giving each other signals that you're into this, but you're not getting the the feedback signal that says, yeah, let's do this, you know what I mean? So, you know, I feel like there is this kind of Gray area right now. From between you and this relationship, Again, you're both thinking about this insatiably so. It's something that's crossing both your minds. Yeah, there. There's a lot of reminiscing going on. The outcome here is family and love, so this looks good. This looks good. So it looks like again, there's some stuff to be to overcome, but emotionally. Again, they're already. If they're in a relationship, they're already like, checked out and they're. OK. And a lot of people do this. A lot of people check out, it can be months, weeks, years ahead of the time that they actually get out because it's so difficult to get out, especially with children. You know what I mean? It's hard to get out of those relationships. There's a lot of guilt. There's a lot of patterning. So again, you know. It's hard to tell. How long it will take. But emotionally they're already out, so there is a. Yeah. How long can you take it? You know what I mean? Like, why don't you have emotionally checked out of a relationship? It's downhill. You know what I mean? The the things going down. Let's see what their emotions are towards you. They want your warmth. But they're so busy right now. They're working on transforming themselves. They wanna surrender. They wanna come to some point where they surrender to these feelings they have for you. And you know, they're still in a process of healing right now. So again. Ohh. Again, I don't know. Without combining family and love, you know, will they stay? You know what I mean? But like I said, they're emotionally checked out. So I'm just from experience that, like I said, there's normally a time limit on how long you can put up with bullshit once you have no emotional reason. To do so again, the outcome here is love. So love is going to conquer whatever that you know means for you know my particular listener and your angle on this you see them. As naive. And you're dealing with a lot of rage. Um. I don't know. Back to this. Your emotional state is you're alone. You might be angry. Because of these feelings. You think they're very strong and loyal, though? So again, you're it's something about this particular situation has you angry. So that's something you should, you know, you should think about working through a little bit. How they describe you to someone else. As someone who loves nature. It's like, you know, has lots of friends. With with pets and things like that, animals, they also see you as the beggar, someone who confronts empowerment at a level of physical survival. Again, this is about humility, about compassion, about self esteem, but they might see you as someone that that's kind of begging. Possibly for attention. Again, you're over here, but you're feeling alone, and I want to remind anybody you know, there's this whole. You know movement, especially when we talk about social media where it's like ohh they're attention seeking. There is nothing wrong with attention seeking. There is nothing wrong with self promotion. No one is going to give you attention unless you go out and ask for attention. No one is going to. Support whatever you're doing unless you tell them what it is you're doing. We have to remember that that whole attention seeking mentality tends to be people's jealousy due to the attention that you're actually receiving from seeking it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking attention. Or support in any way. And again, it is a toxic part of our society. Umm. That. You know that continues to to. To act like you know you're not worthy of attention. You know. And it's alternately why relationships break down. Again, is because you know if you're not giving your partner. The attention they need, they're going to go somewhere else and. And it won't take much. Attention from someone else. To make someone feel loved. That's what we're talking about here. When you find yourself attention seeking, what are you doing? You are searching for love and validation. And connection and support. Or any of those things. Are you again not worth any of those things? That's not true. You're worth all of that. You have every right to go out. Let's see if that attention. So don't let that get all in your head. Little hides. Hiding somewhere doesn't get it done. Conversation with myself. All the God damn time. I'm like, First off, I'm not like, you know, social media that didn't come naturally. Health promotion. None of this shit came natural. I was always kind of a quiet person in general. But when I started podcasting, there was a need to to go tell people when I was fucking doing How am I going to expect to grow at this if I can't, you know, gather some listeners and things like. And you know, and I've also tried all sorts of different methods on Facebook. Just to create pause enough. To get some attention to my projects, you know what I mean? And so, like, you know, I I have these moments where people say different things and this and that and it's like, well. Nature Beast, really, you know, And there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. So a lot of times they're just Jelly. They want to put you down in some kind of way. So again, at this person sees you as a beggar for attention. A Long story short. Deserve it. It's a really good point about. Interaction. And the reason they're probably checked out emotionally from their marriage or their relationship is because they were ignored. You know what I mean? And because you're giving them attention. I need to feel your soft kiss on my lips. That's what they're like again you guys. And it's interesting because the desire card is mid kiss. So. Yeah, they're really. Prince Song. Listen to that. It's kinda. Yeah, your time and your kids. The song is called Kiss. Yeah. This feeling alone. It's actually there's like a. They wanted to cover up the fact that they kind of want to women at once. There's some tossing salads, so there's some asinine is, you know, and and. In the car. Blowjob. Doggy style. So again, like sexually what are what are the kind of fantasizing about? Again, they would kind of cover up the fact that maybe they watch a lot of porn that has to do with two women and one man. Because in this in this picture, it's the judgment card and his priest and he is covering up this order that's after. Literally with the sheet. The next card again is my tossing the salad. So this is a pass eating. He's throwing her on the table. Completely naked. Sucking. That. For what it means, right. Sucks. Again, we got, you know, blowjob. And the doggies? The cars actually say. The judgment here. About there's a judgment at work. And that's the truth. There's a judgment about work that then that's the. Um. Again, social media or the the public messages? Um. Are because you're being defend. So again, the judgment that there's they have some judgment about the work. And that's the truth. So there's some underneath all, there's some judgment. And again, there's about, you know, we're talking about social media with this. Page. And then the nine of ones, which is again to me, it's like. It's either defending yourself or have gone through so much. Again, there's some. They need to. So again, there's ash eating low jobs. Possible female, female, male threesome. Sucks kiss. See what? The father, the Emperor's boss. The authority here is watch. Which is best? So the authority in some way the Father. Boss, they're watch. This is a destined relationship, so that means the steps have already been taken to to create this relationship. Uh, it's still kind of a mind trap right now, but this is a soulmate. It's very sweet energy. Um. They'll take action and then they'll go. Again, there's like or the mind trap is. It would be sweet to take action, but there would be a ghost. So you know, I don't know. It's because the father is watching, or the boss is watching, or the baby daddy is watching. It makes it a destiny relationship, OK, I just even I don't remind you. Someone once something is observed, it's. Three more the jet, right? But there's still a mind. And there's like some sweet action to be taken. Um, but. There's a there's a steel here. You're still contemplating it, or they're afraid of the goat? In, the doctor said. But there's a happy mom here. This There's happiness. But be happy because this emperor, this emperor, is causing a fight. Going to cause a fight. Yeah, and it's regrettable. And it she causes this fight to defend herself, to defend the the, the marriage. So we got mother and father energy. So I don't know if we're talking about again, there's kids. Um. She'll be again angry. Almost want to throw this like it's throwing. So like again, there's upset at the four so again like. Ever. Here's why. Maybe they're watching here. I don't know. It's disgusting. It's a destiny relationship. There's destiny to share. Little Minecraft. You know about taking the sweet action, but then feeling like you're going to get ghosted after SATS, this happy mother causes a fight. Silver Credible. She tried defend the relationship. She's mad at the war. You know, we always like, we don't want to lose the other. You know, and the other woman is always the whore. There's no way around, you know what I mean? Walmart. Homework. But you know, wedges? Yeah, surely there'll be a public message that says unless we're still used for. Um. You gotta draw this person closer to. Regardless, you guys are looking out there. Alright. So. And emotional. And they they're out of whatever relationship they were. So. Ohh. You know overhead or what's ahead of you both? Is this current status available? So if this person is not available right now again due to relationship with children. Cards are looking like it will it's gonna be. They're really just bogged down by nativity. OK, your tea leaves. And again, the tea leaves always focus on the future. So these are. But I would consider. Just the word just flew out of my head. Ohh. You know, they're they're they are predictions. OK, this is perfect. So here we go. Uh, again, there there's. Uh, there's a meeting that you have with the stranger. It's going to be very important. It will be an older one. And this meeting will list that will will lead to one of your wishes being granted. If you really need to, pay attention to your finances right now. Um. Because if you don't. They'll be. They'll be an unsuccessful. This will be unsuccess. Whatever you have going on, it's going to be unsuccessful if you don't manage your finances. Umm. And if you do manage your finances properly, um, again, you it will be time to go out and have some fun. So think about that. Like instead of you know, instead of spending your money now, think about saving it so that you can have fun later, right? There's going to be some some discord among your friends. There's going to be some fighting here. Back to this unsuccessful plan. Um. It's going to lead to attend situation. Back to this you you really need to get your money in order and you're my arsenal. Um, so when you meet this this stranger, this is a woman you do not know? She is going to help you towards what it is we're wishing for, but you really need to watch your finances or this whole thing is going to be unsuccessful. It's going to put you in place with very, very tense energy through handshake, older woman, wishbone purse, broken bridge, grapes, mine small. So those are all symbols for you. So that was. Like I said, these are. These are either warnings or. They're looking to the future, OK? All right. So there's really or size I will be back with ohh fire, we're going to fire.
See what's going on this week in the relationship. This person. Your pursuit. You are the cheese. Energy is moving. They're sold so-called location change. So again in your. In your focus, you're chasing some. Again, it might be them, I don't know. It might be something else, or it might be something to get them. I don't. But their main headspaces right now, what's going on in their life, is a a moving location. Emotionally. Where you at, you? Well, you're cleansing away negativity emotionally. In this relationship, so you're actively removing negative thoughts. Emotionally, they're reminiscing. Returning this recalling is also the return energy so. Mostly, they're reminiscing about the past. Planning to different things in their past. Mentally. If you're thinking about is a drama. So you're thinking um? Maybe this is their, you know, person in their life or something. Someone and yours. I feel like it's work focused towards them. In their headspace, they're they're just in a place where all they can do is wish and learn and hope. What is the obstacle here for you? What is the obstacle? Just wanting it, wanting more. Station. For them as children. Or their childhood, if they don't. If there's no children. Alright, what? How were you overcome? It reminds me of. And this is as a fire sign. You'll totally get this. Like the closer you get sometimes. Like, you'll grab before before it's time to grab and then you miss it, right? Uh, sometimes our impatience, our desire, our thirst, right, will make us lunge before it's ready. And so right now it maybe you're being universe, keeping you away because you would you would jump too quickly. Maybe that's why this is a. You know this mentality. What's stopping you? Well? You know. Again, could be that mentality. You'll overcome that. Parking to Michael Card, which is all about protection or some kind of divine intervention. So something's going to stop you from launching head first into this. Maybe that is not the way it should go. All right. Well, how are they going to overcome either their childhood or children? Today, card, So we will see what that means. Let's overhead this entire relationship. It's risky. What's between you and emotionally you've been through. You've both been through emotional rollercoaster. What's going on with seeing both? Space. I got the cards do this already get through like always amazes me like. And your headspace right now is is silence. Which is interesting. It's like crickets non action. So you're both in a non action. Frame of mind, right? Alright, let's see. Connected, possibly tuned in, Internet connected, plugged in. Could just be connection. We will we will clarify it. I don't even know where I want to start. What are they reminiscing about? What are they? What are these memories emotionally going? They have to do. With time running out, remembering different things emotionally. Again, again. They feel like there's something. Maybe they feel like there's a deadline to return. Yeah, they feel like times running out emotionally. Like they're they're reminiscing maybe about, you know, times when time has run out. Or they're feeling like they need to return before time runs out and it's all under this physical move. Location change. What are they wishing for? Right now. Wishing. They want proof. They're wishing to see some kind of proof. That's from you. I really wishing to see. Yeah. It might be. It might be so that they can deny commitment. Or it might be. They're afraid that they that it's talking about a long term relationship. They're wishing to see proof when it comes to this long term relationship. I don't know if this is the relationship with you or relationship they have with another person. Again, children are in their obstacle as a barrier to this relationship. Um. Again, you're the is this person not saying, well, this so typical. Because it has that feel like. They feel like they need to return before time runs out. And they they need to get on that path again so that they can be available. They're wishing. For some kind of proof so that I feel like it's so they could deny a long term relationship or. Or they're looking for some proof that this is going to lead to a long term relationship. I'm not sure. Children. Because this feels forbidden, it's forbidden love. What's with this today? How will they overcome this today? Again, they're going to feel magnetically drawn to this relationship with. So that's they're gonna they're gonna overcome this by living in the moment. OK. Tell me about this motional rollercoaster between the two. So again, this relationship is still a risk. It's been a it's been a roller coaster because it's really hard to negotiate. With these kinds of ups and downs emotionally. What about this drama thing that's in your headspace and this might be their first night? Have children. It gives you a lot of anxiety, the drama that she can cause. Yeah. You saw some? Possibly on the Internet. This is online. Yeah, you saw something that Really. Made you aware of? The kind of chaos. And I'm like, I don't. Again, the situation is giving you a little bit of anxiety. I think back to why you're feeling like you have to emotionally clear this negative. That has to do with this. On the anxiety she creates. Again, there's something you saw on the. This. OK, what's this protection here? We're going to protect you. To help you over this. Blockage. You're being protected from. Being sad. OK, so if you feel held back. From pursuing this, even though you're you have this insatiable desire that you want it, You're being held back divine. Uh, so that you don't, I feel like, so you don't get caught in the cross here because again, you're over here in your head space actively having anxiety. About this woman. This drama queen. Because of something you saw. The outcome here is connected. You guys are. The outcome here is you guys are going to connect and have a. Plugged in and enter review card so tuned in Internet connected conversation get on the same. Um. In the future, here is going. There's going to be a a talk. Maybe online? Maybe through Messenger? In some way. Again, it's going to deal with. It's going to be a conversation that's going to have to deal with the financial support of their karmic relationship, of the third party relationship. So there again, you're going to have a conversation with this person, possibly about a child support. Or you know. Some kind of support, Again, that has to do with the Karmic. Again, And you're going to talk about the the, the waves, the the way in which this drama Queens all under the drama queen. Can retaliate. So I feel like you guys are about to sit down and have an actual meeting. Uh, to address the issue of this woman. How to deal? Because she's capable of revenge. I just got this like. OK. Women are really violent. They can be. You know. Men can be violent towards one another, but women can be really violent towards men. And men have to take it like this whole battered woman thing. Yeah, that's horrible, right? It's horribly an abusive relationship. And be a woman because you have, you know, because of the the size difference, right? Hard to defend yourself against a full-sized man. What? Women. Uh, especially ones that you know have never faced any kind of abuse, 10 they, a lot of them can be very abusive. You know this is hitting their partner for being dumb, right? It's that kind of energy. And I really feel like this person can snap. Uh. And throw like a rage out tantrum. You know, like this kind of this is the kind of woman again that will throw a cup of coffee in your fucking face. Hot cup. It's like so sycho. All right, like anybody you throw a hot coffee in your face is fucking psycho. So. That kind of whatever you like, you guys have to feel like you're going to actually have a talk. Because you feel like this woman is capable. Of Sycho. That. OK, I like that kind of woman shows up with slashes. You're fucking tires and shit, you know what I mean? It's there's some energy like that. Uh. I recommend. First and foremost, how much do you love this? Like if they have a. Really. If they have a weird fucking axe, that's still like a guy who's going to have a complete fucking flip all. Uh. Over this relationship. Like. Any questions, ask yourself. A really good thing you can do. Let's go ahead. And imagine this person. Fucking someone else. Close your eyes and think. How? Heartbroken. We discussed it. Are you jealous? Do you have any emotional? Analyze. You know, that kind of emotion. How do you feel? Of course I could. Not fun. Those. Over here like I'm clearing negativity away, OK? Um, but. There's enough sage in the world for the strong clear. That's what I feel like. So, I mean, she could. First off, I give her space. I wouldn't say. Much to her, I would limit my words. I. People like that like to trigger you into getting having the fight, into making the scene right into turning you into the asshole. In those kind of situations, it's always better to hold your ship. Unless. What? She attacked you then? Then you can defend yourself. But give her space because like I I feel like this is the kind of woman that throws something at. So make sure that you kind of stay 10 to 15 feet away. So that you. It's likely you could be hit with anything, you know what I mean? Like, and people get in relationships with people like that because again, they feel the passion, right? But then they're, they're sycho boy, boyfriend, girlfriend that are fucking screaming in the parking lot, you know? And your person might be ready for a relationship that doesn't have a lot of online. So you don't want to come into this situation creating more drama. You don't want to come into this situation creating more anxiety for yourself. Let them the If they're if they're going to get out of this scenario, let them leave them their way out. There sentence. Portia, you're going to have a talk about how to deal with this pitch. Because of the retaliation. It's very. Court work, so the retaliation might. Alright, let's move on. There has been so much. What's their emotions? Like I said, you're sitting over here. You want this, You want to pursue this. After being. Crashed and. Tragedy. We trust. Yeah. Whatever. This is broken between you can be first and that's why. About. Conditional. The sexual Let's play. That's their motions towards you. They trust you. They trust that this is going to to heal them. Their motions are are very sexual towards you, they just want to play and have sex. Before and have fun. Uh, I can. They're starting to see beyond the illusion now that was that's been their life. They are determined to make better choices. And they are committed to this relationship, emotionally speaking. Listen. Uh. Because of this relationship. You feel like they have inspired you. You feel like they bring you balance. Maybe they bring balance as they did fall on top of the Bridge card. Maybe this relationship in some way helps you balance out the anger you've been dealing with or that you've had your entire life. They make you feel a little worried though, because you feel it. You feel like this is heavy, like I have to carry a heavy. Um, you feel like they're MSN, though? They don't get any food or something? They got themselves. Little money. Back to this eighteen they tame you in some way, and that makes you feel very confident. Uh, that this is going to be a healthy relationship for you because of that feeling of peace and harm and painting. That is why you're attracted to this relationship, which is good. It's about the highlight. So they're in transit. Going down the memory. They have. Let's see. Some They kind of like to get caught with you. I. They want to wake you up and. They want a lap dance. So. You know, that kind of thought too. Again, they just want to kiss your body finger you. There's a lot of fingering going on. After this I'm going to teach you during this. But again that's that's their plan. There's you know he's waking her up in the in the middle of the. Fingering her and she's little spoon again. There's lap dance. Or are we? We're sitting on his lap. This next one, she's just laying in bed and he's kissing her body. Again. Lots of their interrelationship, right? There's a part of him that kind of gets all. So. And and there is an aspect of forbidden love is sexy. I mean, there's This is why there is a. So much porn. Cheating porn. You know what I mean? There's a crazy amount of cheating format. It's probably like the the far. Enjoy. Best friends? Husband's Best friend's wife. Great. Ohh, so they might there's like you know there might be kind of an asset. So I hope that. Doesn't look like that's the only. The card say the truth. There's a truth here, and it's either secret or it's a dream. The truth here. Is. This dream or this secret is working. Ohh. The Empress here gets to make a choice. So the mother here is going to make the choice. So the truth is, this dream is work. The secret is continual, like it's working. It's eight of. Pentacles, which is work almost complete. Again, his mother gets to choose. Members gets the choice. Ohh, is the mother the choice? I will ask that is the mother the choice? There could be a reconciliation. She's a bitch. But the reconciliation, she'll move on from the reconciliation. So it's, yeah. There'll be a wish, uh, because of a wish to cheat or because of the OR the wish to salvage the friendship or something. But again, there's like single and independent energy. So this woman ultimately wants to be single and independent. Drama Queen? Uh, it has that. So like I said, will they reconcile with the mother, make the choice here and says she's a bad Should they reference to the reconciliation will be moved on from? Because again, there's a wish here for three of Cups, which I could. It's throwing sneaky sneaky right next to it. So I have to take that because there's a wish she. Where, you know, there's some single woman's home, some single end of independent woman's homes, so. Not sure what that. Let's get some advice. Lots of angulation ship readings this week. You're just trapped in your head. Be happy. This is a minor, minor minor. Um. There's a family secret when it comes to the acts. It is a losing situation. But it's. This. The dream will be moved on. So you're you're you're a little trapped in your head. It says be happy. Be happy there's a family secret you're not aware of when it comes to that. It's a loser. So. The dream. Ohh, move on. When it comes to this. And sex. At work. That's. So again, you're trapped in your head right now, but somebody. Where are my? Overcome this just be yourself be. There's a family secret here when it comes to that. I don't know if this is this. I feel like we're talking about this. It's a loser situation. Good. The smoke screen or the the illusion is going to be moved on from. Uh, there's a Catalans. It's talking about sex, It's talking about work, it's talking about messages. And it's talking about it too. So. That, you know, just be happy. Because it looks like there's stuff that. You don't know how the Highness of nothing to do it. So continue to remove negativity from your life. You're being protected from a shit show. I feel like, yeah, this selfish woman is, is this whole thing of what she's receiving is going. OK, yeah, you have no idea. You have no idea. To reconcile would be to choose. So it would be to choose to have a global. So like I said, if if, if this person goes back. Kind of energy it it. It would be a choice to be built. Again, someone needs to anger. This woman needs anger manage. I just so clearly popped in my head. In here, and even the even the Father. Is afraid of the anger. And so. He's almost if we're if this guy, if this guy were talking about. His drama queen. He's being abused, straight straight out. He's being abused. Uh. Because if he's not quiet, if he's not well behaved, there's anger that comes out of him. Is afraid that out at him there is anger. He's afraid of the anger out. You know the. Anger. And so he ends up giving her money. In some way. And so the relationship has been he's dealing with a narcissist that's clear sucking that They get upset, they get angry again, they get abusive. When they don't get what they want, he tends to hand over what seems to be like some A lot of money is a pinnacle this huge amount of money in. Um, And so there's not to reconcile he. I don't think he has. After all this is said and done, I don't think he has the means to reconcile with her because she's so much money that she would require to be happy after. Ohh. There once again, OK, so it's got that fucking kind of energy, you know what I mean? I'm pulling to you. These for everyone. These are predictive, OK? So. I just feel like he does not have. The means to like. This is a moment. Moment he breaks away from this relationship, it will not reconcile because it will cost too much to the. To pay off her anger. That there's not enough money in the world. About. And I go that's such a turn off. Yeah. Yeah, I even have this problem. So my asking big. It's it's there's intimidation. So like you know and and that's again how they've caught up. The tabs and like, it's it's our system. Yeah, it's a bully. Who uses anger and angry, you know, outbursts to get what they want? And I said like very clearly feel the energy of this woman is capable of throwing. Piping coffee. Good morning, physical woman network. Crazy shit. It's crazy. And also make sure like when you were around this woman. Uh. She's. Start. Sure that you're out of here? Share. Keep yourself. I always come back to all my. In different social situations. I do. Just. Just. Right. I followed that when I get into situations where it's like. They're suddenly. An aggressive energy. Alright, Um. It's best to leave. You know, ohh, I've had different things where it's like. There's just so many women's opinions going on and me coming in and saying everything. Just anything. Just like flips the whole God damn thing out. So I've come to this point where I'm starting to realize my life at sometimes. It's too many cooks in the kitchen. There's 3 cooks in the kitchen and they're already fighting you. Coming in at all two to that is insanity. You know what I mean? I've had, I just had this experience this last year where I was like my presence in this situation is not cause. It to be bad. Just even my presence makes it worse. You know what I mean? So like I I took a step back from the situation. It was very difficult to do. But I was like, I'm, you know, this is not. For this entire. So I just took myself out. Took it. Took my own anxiety. Yes, I had my own guilt over it. But again, too many cooks. In the kitchen. When you get that going on, add the 4th person into the scenario of fighting. It just. Nothing. The whole thing. This is done right. Right. And when you're trying to work with the team? To get something done. Sometimes it most important thing that a manager or someone in that kind of position can do is walk away and let them to. Because you could literally be like good job and they would flip out. What, you don't think I was doing a good job this whole time? You know what I mean? Like when people get upset sometimes there is nothing you can say or do to make it any better. Even a positive statement from a person that is a negative mind frame. They're going to take everything you say positively and and flip it negative because that's where they're. So that's my whole point in this discussion is if you see a situation in which you're very standing there. Is not going to help? Then don't be standing. Stay in the car. OK. Like when you're dealing with crazy narcissists like this. Or too many cooks in the kitchen, or too many control freaks at once. Or uh, a crisis situation where? Leadership has not been completely defined properly. OK. And all of those situations the best thing to do. Nothing, Not even a Hague doing. That again. Because you're there as competition. Alright, here is your. Teenagers. We're about to receive a compliment from your admin. For some. You're dealing. Right now you're dealing with relationships with women. A fair. You really need to pay attention to your work. Right now there is a chain of events that is coming that's going to take a take effect in your life. So there's always there's already been a chain reaction has started and you have certain events coming into your life. All because of that. Uh. There are so many opportunities that are waiting for you. Romance is definitely. Someone knows how? Uh, you're going to find deep personal strength. Peace. And and when you find that that is ultimately what's going to assure your success again here emotionally you were on. You know you're on the path of pursuing removing negativity. This is all by February. Or something happens in February. It will be a small. Anything else? So back to your to your cards here. Ohh you heard about to receive. You're going to be dealing with a fair woman, possibly in business. So you need to really pay attention to your. The chain of events is has already begun. That's going to affect your. And there are so many. And. But. Again. I don't know. Uh. But you must remember that your patience, your strength, your peace is what is going to assure you success. Possibly successful February. And then I read it that way, but also if there is any issues in February, they will only be temporary. So if you come come into a money crunch in February, don't worry, it's only temporary. And remind yourself you have plenty of material effects, so. And. So it's like. Season so far, but Amazon gets me. January is so bad, don't even. It's going to give me a moment. Of gratitude. Happiness when it arrives. You know that chemical reaction. Sorry, Bouquet. Chair Empty. Clouds Valley, George Chains February Rose Bowl Desk Fair woman there's lots of flowers and you know. Alright, I will be back.
One last thing. So I'm just thinking took my break before the next reading. My fire signs is again, you know, we're talking about a highly volatile situation. That's the cards that were that worked out here and in your situation. When you're dealing with highly like. Aggressive person. Again, take yourself out of the situation. So if your person is going through something like that with with another person or in a really bad breakup kind of energy. Would be. Be in here. Be neutral. OK, don't get involved. They don't need you to fight their fights for the unless they ask you to get involved, and even then. Think about it. Think about what is the right decision for you in that situation and for them, and you don't have to be an arm piece through a Massey scenario. OK, if they want you to be, you know they're wanting to piss that person off and then obviously they're still very passionate emotions. Concerned. But. You know. Be their peace. So when they get home, don't remind them of that bullshit. You know what I mean? You know. Would be a compassionate listener. Don't offer anything as an advice, but patience. Go down, make sure that. Stroll through. Those are the ways in which you can help the situation you've ever been in a situation. You know. You feel like you? You get shit on for doing the right thing or being nice. You know what I mean? Sometimes there's nothing right you can do. Again, do the right things. Very, very far away from that situation. That. Volatile. Emotional state. OK. So like I said. If you love this person, be the piece that they need at the end of the fucking day when they've dealt with this fucking bullshit all day long, you know what I mean. Or for however many years they've been in relationship with that person, that's. You know, coming out of a narcissistic relationship is really difficult because you're left with. All the insecurities that they used against you constantly body shaming. You know the the threat of violence. The threat of manipulation, the threat of I'm not going to be a nice person unless you, you know, do everything I want you to do. Again, there's healing that has to be involved when you come out of an abusive relationship like that. So instead of being involved in their continued stress and drama. Create a different envy. One in which they can transition into as they're transitioning out of a very toxic situation. OK. That's just the last thoughts there. So again, you're not powerless in this situation, but just know what kitchen you cook in. Right. You cook in your kitchen. You don't let anybody come into your kitchen and fuck it up. You don't allow three or four cooks in your kitchen at once. No, it's your kitchen. You cook in your kitchen. That's your fucking triangle of workspace. OK, so keep your kitchen sacred and let that bitch fuck off her own kitchen. On the wind. OK. One side. What's going on in your relationship? You are reminiscing about memories or returning. Just some kind of energy. Their overall energy is to talk. We feel like there's a deadline running out or they're on the dead. Emotionally, you feel like this person is like part of your inner circle. They almost feel like family to you. You look at him that. Like unconditional energy. Emotionally, they're feeling kind of embarrassed, right? They're worried about. Motion. Mentally, you're writing or you're keeping notes or you're journaling about this. Mentally, they're on the verge. They want, they need to talk, they need to confess again. But emotionally, it's they're pulling some. Your. After quote here in this relationship is a long term commitment. I don't know if you have fear of commitment or fear in a commitment. Like I said, this entire show has been so third party. The thing they have to get over? Ohh. Yeah, totally third. Is retaliation their fear of retaliation and what I just what I just read was the fire signs may have yeah it's throwing some of that very similar energy. Um. Very similar. So far. We. We. Talk a lot about this particular. Feeling. Umm. You will get over this long term commitment which is standing in your way. Uh, with preferred. They're just gonna be a tragedy. They're gonna overcome. Their fear of retaliation or punishment. With this drama, this drama queen and her sexual chemistry. With the fact that she's there's a drama queen here, I don't know if the drama queen and the sex are. Together or separate them? Overhead is a pressure cooker. OK, this is this thing is coming to a head. Between you emotionally is some need for some legal paperwork, Court, court card. Ohh. Between you mentally is a third party relationship. There's lots of this kind of energy. Good ones are always. Today. OK, TikTok, what the fuck is going on? Why do they feel like this right now? You feel like turning out to pursue to pursue this? What are you wearing? You're really messing about like you've been together with this person before, so you weren't thinking about coming together. Reconcile. Yet it still feels risky. That's why this person probably feels like probably. You're writing about things that have made you sad, so maybe you're journaling this into this new year, working through some emotional stuff again. There's some kind of writing that you're thinking about, some something that you've written. Um. You know it's bringing about sad emotions for you. What are they? Embarrassed. Emotional. The man. The man. This table. You're being something, you're being pulled toward. Something that's gonna. Can't control. Party lesson here. Yeah, it has to do with. OK, why are they on the boards? That they've been. There's like social media access like this. Stalking someone on the Internet or stalking them from the inside of their account. This could be like, you know, that kind of energy where your boyfriend or girlfriend. Checks on all your social media. Passwords and shit like that. Um, I always read that as underhanded social media stalking or and or having it's access granted. So someone has your computer passcode. Again, someone's on the verge to confess or real something that they probably found out. Ohh. About this access granted. I'm gonna split these What's going on with this drama queen? And Desire Card? OK, the drama queen wants to move. She desires to move because again, there's some kind of desire. It's there's frustration, There's a timing factor. She might have another game going because again. She might like the retaliation might be. It's throwing that intervention card, so there might be like alcohol use or drug abuse or something like that. Or it could just be that she's going to play. The victim here and that she needs to be rescued. I don't necessarily. I mean, what might help them overcome this worry about revenge is the desire they have with you. But I feel that and how this drama queen reacts. I just feel like. Energy. Today, there's another association. Try that because you want you want this and wish your wishing for you. There's a good denial here. Until there's proof. There's lots of denial. There's proof. Isn't that the truth? Just kind of do very weird headspace with your reading. Um, I'm gonna describe it just because maybe it's gonna help you. Like I said. Ohh. Tasha. Awareness. It's awareness. That's. Never. That means it's about the. Emotionally, how they feel about you keeping it secret, but they don't like knowing what? They hate that they. Every day. They're a little afraid to open their heart again because of what they're going through, but you've inspired them and and intuitively, intuitively, they know they can. State. Awareness. I don't know if I call it mindfulness or it's not really mindfulness. You are emotionally involved with this person. Um, that she's been through. They've had a lot of people being faithful to you. That's difficult. And you feel like you. You feel like you need to save yourself and you don't really feel like you should be saving this person. And I agree with you. I agree with that. There is a heightened awareness. In this particular relationship. It may be very like cerebral. You know what I mean? Like I'm feeling like I'm not in my heart space. OK. Um, when it comes to this relationship? You know what? As I'm reading this terrible I'm not. My heart speaks. I am. My mind's race. You know what I mean? And maybe that would help you overcome this pressure cooker feel. They would describe you as a Samaritan, someone that does good things. Like I said, you have a you have an elevated. Have an elevated. Have an elevated consciousness That's there we. You have an elevated consciousness. I don't know whether that's to tell you that you. Are. Except you have a depot. There's you have some kind of deeper awareness, some kind of elevated consciousness. Ohh. That you're working. They were also seen as the mother. Like I said, you're not coming from a heart space, you're coming from a headspace. Very analytical. They would call you an Angel, they would call you a mother, and they would call you a good smile. Back to this, yeah, you have like this higher. So. It's hard to. It could just be the pressure differences. My. In my science properties right now, just because we got different weather, but it's moving through. Sometimes that happens right before I get a migraine. My sinus cavity will like open up. I could be whatever. No, it's different. It's like a it's a sometimes you can feel the pressure difference at certain moment. Whenever that happens. I'm like breathing from higher in my face. I don't know how else to describe that, but it's a sense of of higher. I want you more than any toy or any other. Here. That's a good size. OK. That's what. There. And there's like a want to show you their pusssy and how you like, because this could be the mail. Like my brain already switches energy. Maybe that's the energy switch. It's very masculine. It's very analytical. It's very, are you doing listening to it? The right. To. Think about it. As. Do you have a like? This is a different channel, which is. What I'm saying whatever, whatever your energy is coming from, it's a different channel than you used to. Is it really clear? Um. Pressure. OK. So yeah, there's this real love of peanuts here. Sucking Dick again. There's like, even though he's being humiliated in this card, she's still got her kids wrapped around his fucking face. Wanting to show you, you know, wanting to show off the pussey. Wanting to have clothes torn off. Then there's the Ace of Cups, which is by Drunken socks again, the high priest that she's adorned with penises. She has secret knowledge again about, you know, how to do it right. And then there's the hair font, which is like this devoted woman. Devoting herself to this man, so on her knees. Please do that and I know she's she's always under this world so there is this like service and to the relationship. The cards are actually real. There, there's an action that is to be expected. Action taken is the action taken is to be expected. The Emperor, the Father, the Boss Energy here. Is upset. This selfish woman. The love is secret. Um. This love is secret, but there's commitment, haircuts, commitment. So it's like high Priestess, Paraffin and Ace of Cups. So this love is being hidden, but there it's there's commitment. Yes, she loves the king. This one she's got. She's got the necklace, so. OK, let's get some. You're trapped. There's like this feeling of being trapped in some kind of fantasy, and that is the that. Something that needs to be moved on from emotional. So if you're tracking some kind of fantasy, you need to move on from that those emotions. Uh, maybe you were denied that and it's led to some depression or possibly drinking. The same. And some anger. So this dream, some kind of like, again, some kind of illusion, some kind of, you know, could be a Daydream. Some kind of fantasy. This got you fucking trapped. You really need to move on from that. Uh. From that there's there was denied. There's denial here. And then, you know, there's depression. OK. Need to make a way. Format you by yourself to introspect. It doesn't really feel like it's really page. There's like this, wish to be alone. And it would be. Slowly but surely. Um, that creates the barrier. You create superior or creates the defense against the acts. And the break up for the. The war. Again, there's some freedom here to move. Or some freedom to take a trip. It's really sweet. Destiny. OK, so. You need to move on from. Whatever was the fantasy before it got denied? You know what? I'm. OK, you you're already working through that. It's causing it's been causing you depression. Uh. There's a a line that says there's a wish to be alone and that it's a gift. And surely you've been through enough. The wishes to be alone, to get show you've been through, that's clear. The axe, the divorce, The break up. It's throwing full next, so I don't know how to either frees you to move. Freeze you to take a trip. Or uncommons you in some way? Could read it as done with foolish. But again, there's they're talking about a trip or a move back to this emotional state of the man needs a God damn vacation. You know what I mean? Again, this trip or this move, whatever. Is this the activity here? It's very sweet and it's a dasta. So whatever you've been thinking about, and you know it's coming into Polish, I'm going to read some. Tea leaves here, these are, you know, these are for prediction. Stop. So interesting. Again, there's some emotional. Paperwork. I feel like you two would need to go through the one on the other side and this could be a homosexual relationship as well. This one needs a fucking vacation. And they're feeling embarrassed. Maybe ask for one or. Ohh, you know, because they've been threatened in some way, but they really need a rat. Awesome. You look at this person like their family, but need to do something legal. So again you have. There's third party energy here. It's more than one person. You will. End up in the doting as possible today. It says. Dictation. Seriously. Uh, you will you will preserve. You will overcome. When it comes to. In March. So coming up soon. Find a way that's going to help. Animal. March might. You might overcome these problems and also market. It's Blue Bell. So you you're gonna overcome whatever hardship you're overcoming right now, you're gonna overcome, and you are going to produce more wealth for yourself. Maybe by March, if not the wealth, Wealth. This is going to be a change for the better. It's the butterflies and we've done some. Metamorphosis. Asyncio wish. Will be granted and you're going to get some great advice from this plan and it's going to be right on track. This friend to give you this good advice. They're powerful and they they will protect you. From having a disciple. In some affair. So whatever advice this friend gives you, it's right. So listen to. OK. Um. It's actually going to protect you from disappointment in some of the. That either happened in this in this last December or is going to happen and and over this next year. So you're going to overcome your money issues. You are going to. As we receive more wealth. Possibly by March or and or what? Really made a huge change for the better and your sincere wish will be great. Listen to the advice from your friend. Because it will save you. You got it. You got it. You got a good head on your shoulders. Yeah, I can tell. Um. It's just weird for. Me to go real petty and. Side of my brain, I feel like you just made me read from the other. Like. Almost felt like I mentally had to get. Approve it. You know what you mean to reinforce it. I don't know what that means, but you do. You know. Sometimes. When size. So again, this is a very. You might want to see. For one another, but I feel like there's. Alright. Stay tuned from OK So.
Love note:
Alright. I pretend you don't mean that much. Always felt. Like. This is. Perfect. I know that action speaks. We need. Foundation. We need the building blocks. Boundaries. To be successful when our emotions are high. Because we have so much sexual chemistry. Your touch. Nights. And every. Everything just dissolves. Like. Everybody. Shelter. OK. You're just about everything. Just keep. You're already doing. Already. The material. Parity that you desire. Computer stuff. Wow. Emotional. So again, they're pretending I pretend you don't mean that much. But again, there's this. A. Hurt. You don't even know if you're still. Sorry. Actions speak louder than words. Express your love through action. Again, they see that this relationship needs the building blocks to be. Relationship. Boundaries to protect the building blocks so the relationship can come. Emotions are running high, It's throwing a Super moon card. So like, there's this really heightened emotional sense. To the to the two people within this love. Through my sexuality card, your touch ignites a son within. Imagine all the unwanted thoughts dissolving into like creating room. Possibilities. You get butterflies, they're upside. I said there's a real hot kind of emotional Ness to this. And like I said, when they break off into this, they're all waiting for you. So I don't know if there's. Somebody waiting for you? If. There's some reason you need to step up and do something with your life. Because you're already doing it. Whatever you're doing right now, it's going to bring the prosperity into your life. And so they. That you're doing. It ends with this Can you hear me card? And it is solid. This card is so long. And it's so sad. Woman floats in a seashell on the big sea. She looks to the horizon as if she's waiting for somebody. She holds the trumpet in her hand, ready to blow up when the time comes. Ocean symbolizes her feelings, fast, seemingly unknown. It's surrounds her. She looks lonely and deserted, but she. Has a way of connecting a tool for training. Passive silence into supportive communication. She just needs to raise her trumpet and. So. Maybe. That's what you need to do with this. They're waiting for you. They're all waiting for you to ask. So go ask. For you. Already doing that. Motion. Seriously, this row? Nobody emotional because. It's telling you. All the resources for your prosperity. Are waiting. All you have to do is. And if you want this person packing your. They want. That means. The words between the words, the pause between the. Sometimes. The most important things. Today with this one. It's a Cold War. Don't forget. So yeah. Self promotion? More here. So Facebook, Twitter. Instagram I've got. Your support on it love no don't really kicked you in the butt. Motional. Let me know To write a review about it, you don't even have to use your fucking name. That should helps me, just the fact that someone like a real human took time. It means something to the algorithm gagement. It's only it's the only way you can engage. With my. Actual. Podcast. It really is like you can go on Facebook and you support me over there, blah blah blah blah blah. Zuckerberg just wants more money. At the end of the day, same thing with Instagram's even worse. You gotta pay like you see someone that's not popular on Instagram, it's because they have a fucking pain. Answer gotta pay like fucking bitch. Zuckerberg will let you go if you entertain his folks, You know what I mean? To the difference between those algorithms. But like you said, the moment you write a review, that like, goes right towards my album. My actual. Podcast. Fucking algorithm in the world that fucking matters here. The world in which you hear me speaking to you from where you go get that line. That is me, OK? That when it gets reviews. Seriously, it's good stuff. It's good stuff for me. It's good stuff for my numbers, and it's good stuff all around. So go find out where you hit the stars. OK with you. If you're on Apple Podcast, you go on to the page, which you Click to find my podcast. You scroll past some of the episodes. Scroll down, you'll see my description from my show. And some of my stats are not, you know, like where I am. And then it's tiny little purple like brackets towards the left. It's just leave it review and they're stars, right? Give us that. Using Otherwise we're too long. It's been too long. You be that person. You be that person takes action to this. It was good. This is. Which what is that state? Do you understand? You. End. This shouldn't be so. I'm not even emotional. I'm just like, it fucked with my head and that fucked with my. This week show fucked with me. It was really good though. I'm proud of this show, but, like, emotionally. Channeling on that stuff. Interesting. So yeah. You were really good week, OK? Go out there and kick some ass. Ask for help. They're all waiting for you to ask for. OK, so if there's something you need help with, go ask. Amazed who will step? OK, you have your work. You're doing it. Whatever you're doing it, you're doing. Alright, You're fucking doing it, bitch. You're doing it. Keep doing it. I want to keep doing my my bit too. All right. So that's all, ladies, gentlemen, we're all out there. January has felt like 3 fucking months like Jared. January should be over right now. I don't know why. But there is. Right. But we're all out there. OK, at the end of the day. That's how you get there, OK? You don't get there by not doing it. Alright, keep doing it. Right. There's my pep talk for the week, even for my. Alright, there we go. There's a show.
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