Mastering Kegals for Mind Blowing Orgasms for Him and Her
In this episode, we delve into the topic of pelvic floor strength and its importance for becoming better lovers in 2024. We discuss an insightful article from the Cleveland Clinic that sheds light on kegels and optimal vaginal health. To kick things off, we offer three in-depth "pick a charm" tarot love readings for you to choose from. Remember, if a reading doesn't resonate with you, feel free to explore another one. While these readings are general, they are tailored to a specific individual. So, be patient, and your reading will come in due time. And don't forget to leave a review and share the number of kegels you did during the episode as our inside joke. Let's pump that iron, ladies!
Charm Tarot Love Readings
Pentagram: 00:06:34
2019: 00:19:34
Heart made of Hearts: 00:42:06
Kegals and Vagina Health: 01:05:50
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Transcript Episode 52
Episode 53
Mastering Kegals for Mind Blowing Orgasms for Him and Her: How to Become a Better Lover and Your Weekly Tarot Love Reading
In this episode, we delve into the topic of pelvic floor strength and its importance for becoming better lovers in 2024. We discuss an insightful article from the Cleveland Clinic that sheds light on kegels and optimal vaginal health. To kick things off, we offer three in-depth "pick a charm" tarot love readings for you to choose from. Remember, if a reading doesn't resonate with you, feel free to explore another one. While these readings are general, they are tailored to a specific individual. So, be patient, and your reading will come in due time. And don't forget to leave a review and share the number of kegels you did during the episode as our inside joke. Let's pump that iron, ladies!
Charm Tarot Love Readings
Pentagram: 00:06:34
2019: 00:19:34
Heart made of Hearts: 00:42:06
Kegals and Vagina Health: 01:05:50
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
How much could you bench with your vagina? Wow. Seriously, how many pounds? Wraps. This New Year's Right 2024. It's the year of the ripped vagina. We're getting our vagina swole. Seriously. And go out there. And we're going to work these fucking pelvic floor muscles so hard that we can just clinch. Our fucking Dicks. So fucking hard, that's what this episode. At the end is about talking about Kegels. To talk about how to do them, I actually learned a few new things. Uh, from my research, uh, we Cleveland Clinic had some amazing articles on keels and vagina health in general. There's a few new things that I learned, so I'm sure that this will be very informative. So stick around for the end of the show. Talk about Kegels and vagina, pelvic floor strength and all that good stuff. Let's get rid of it. Uh, yeah. So that's, uh, that's that's the the sex segment. And it does help. Orgasm. It really does, you know, if you're having issues reaching orgasm with your partner, you know, doing a few sets of key goals a day could really help you know, help you become a better lover and also help you achieve orgasm with your partner. And again, this year is all about how do we become better lovers? How do we? And becoming a better lover is also learning where you're how to nail down your orgasm with your partner. Right. Uh. So we're learning how to, you know, uh. You know how to edge our partner so that we have an orgasm, right? How to like, you know? Go in there till it's time. Kind of mentality, but also once they get in there, we wanna fucking have a really fucking tight hole to make them come right, Make them make it even harder. Uh, for them to. But again, it does. Women that do Kegels do report having better and stronger and more frequent orgasms. So it's important. It's important to your keyholes all the way through this episode. The charm love readings this week were pentagram. Oh my gosh. You know that's yours 2019. That's such a weird, such a weird joke. 2019 means something to you. That's your reading. And then the heart made of hearts, The heart of hearts. Uh, those are the three readings this week. Uh, so pick pick your reading. I might move over and start doing some animal pick a cards. You know, crunch change it up from the charm jar mentality. It's a great episode. Welcome to Love, Sex and Taro. I am your host Akasha. This show is all about. Helping you make a good decision when it comes to, uh, you know who you're attracted to, whether it's worth it, how to protect yourself, how to find your orgasm. Uh, you know this is all about your fulfillment and love and sex. And uh, we use Taro you know, to to help bring up. Different, UH, subjects so that we can talk about them or I can talk about them and you can listen, right? That's what it's all about. There's multiple benefits. In this show for you and your vagina. OK, and his penis? Men can do candles. We talk about it later. So there is Andrew. Enjoy the show. Yeah, yeah. Tell me how much You Can Dance with your vagina. I don't know. I gotta have to get a key role ball and find out. What do they call you? One on Amazon? Just. Yes. Balls. Let's see Oh my God. Ohh like I said uh or you don't use the Yanni eggs. Uh I do not recommend putting a crystal in your in your whole teeth look pretty good training three piece balls. 17 bucks. God I could have it by Tuesday. Yeah, I just started my Kegel training. You should do go check it out. I should do Amazon affiliates and you can make some money off there. I'm on my losers and how white people. It's that easy, right? Again, I always recommend. Uh, sacks toys uh that are made with silicone. Uh, or plastic because in the in the end they're healthier for you. They they don't harb harbor bacteria like the the owner. I'm saying that correctly or anything Crystal. Don't put crystals in your vagina. Seriously. Stop being ask, God damn it. Enjoy the show.
Charm Jar
OK, let's pick out our charms for the week. We have the star or pentagram on the circle. We have. A year 2019, huh? Jesus gone back in time. And then we have a heart made of hearts. It's like heart, you know, shape and. That makes up the line to the heart, so those are our charms. This week we have a pentagram with circle 2019, which is interesting and a heartbeat. Alright, I'll be back to start the Pentagon.
OK, so here's our pentagram. Would you? Relation between you and this person. What is the situation? Right. Some of them are Verge. Of some kind of retaliation? Some kind of publishment? They're sessed with it. So what's going on here? Someone is on, is like about, is on the verge, whether to confess or whether to reveal. That there's been some kind of. Retaliation or payback or punishment? Um, again. The obsession card is here. These three cars are not good cars. Again, there's obsession. There's retaliation and someone's on the verge. What significant events or situations are occurring in their life? That you should know. Well, they're about to move. Either sold their house or there's a physical location change they're moving. And this is making them very happy because wherever they've been, they felt very trapped or confined. And it's been a mind folk for them. So that's something you don't really understand, that's, you know, happen. With your person, so they're getting ready to move, just making them very happy. How do they feel? About you in their lives. You think you're very innocent. But currently it's caused stress, put some pressure on them. Because there's a part of you that's very wild. And it makes them feel, it makes them feel their pain a little bit. And that gives them anxiety. So they think you're naive. They don't realize that you don't realize again, that you're that you've caused some kind of stress because of your. Wildness because you can't be tamed or or contained in any way. They have a broken heart. They again, it's it's under this feeling trapped, feeling confined in some kind of mental prison. They're going through a lot of anxiety when it comes to you. How would they describe you to others? Describe you as the Mystic. Someone who reveals an intimate union with the divine. They would describe you as an advocate. Someone that inspires them to put compassion into action and. Exorcist. Freeing yourself from others and other destructive impulses. Interesting, so they would describe you as. Something kind of magical, something kind of mystical. Someone who advocates for themselves and others and someone who reads. You know people of. I mean, that's the exorcism kind of energy, right? It's, you know, getting rid of negative forces. Interesting. Page. Have they contemplated or considered communicating with you? They're holding back right now. They're they're working. They're holding back out of some kind of loyalty. Um. But they are. Planning to move on? From some of the statements made in the past. There is. They would love to, but they feel like they would be left out like they would. They feel kind of. Impoverished in some way. You know what I mean? Or they feel like they would be shamed. If they took any kind of action towards communicate. So they're holding back out of some kind of loyalty, but they do plan on moving on from the words set in the past. There is love or they would love to. Again, but they're they're fearing or, you know, worried about. Are being shamed if they took any action. Elevation. Gentle gardener, this is such a sweet. Cards such the sweetest. The Gentle Gardener is visiting you at this moment in your life to remind you that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs create the reality you experience. She is the embodiment of the energy within you that is sent out into the field of Co creation and ensures that all that you are is reflected in the word world of form. You are aware? Are you aware of your thoughts? What is their quality? Believe in limitless possibilities and you will see that miracles unfold. So again, they're going to gently garden you, you know? And that's a lot. That's a lot of encouragement as well, which is really. What are their sexual fantasies? Call me. With me and I'll lick you. So they're very oral. Fantasize about you saying I'm calling. Here's a lot of nipple sucking. He's fingering her and sucking on her nipple. Again. They just. This is a this is not necessarily a sexual desire, but they want to spend time with you. Quiet. Like, I'm I'm going to read this card, just a little bit different. It's really sweet. It's like wanting to read books next to one another. You know what I mean? And that quiet like you're both doing. What you want to do, but you're doing it together and and you're comfortable in the silence, like there's that kind of energy to this. So I'm going to think about friend ring you think about sucking on. Teddies. But they also were thinking about the sweet moments of just being near. The times or not, you know, having sex or just. Ohh. Lots of faulty. Happening here towards the end. Like you said, they they want, they want to take their time. And they want to spend time with you. They also want you bouncing on top, straddling them completely naked. There's a lot of straddling this one. He's standing, he's got his leg up on something for support and she's like on top of his leg. Again, but they also they don't want you to be like really aloud when you come. You don't want that, you know. That kind of. Porn star ohh this kind of stuff. You know what I. They want you to. Maybe one noise is less moans and. Things like that, the cards actually say. They're really holding back right now because they don't want to be shunned. They don't want to be left out in the cold. This relationship is really hot. There's a lot of sexual energy and it's very strong. And they want to stand up. And defendant, they want to be a part of it. So again, they're really holding back because they're wanting it to be, to have a good start. Back to this, worried about retaliation. So if they're in another relationship, they're really worried that there's gonna be retaliation they wanna call. It wants you to come. They want to lick you till you come. Very nice cards. Sexually speaking, I personally don't want you to be. Put on a show sexually speaking. What's some guidance? Relationship. Well, there's a cable wands here. It's starting off with that is normally cheap. A player again, someone has multiple multiple size partners at one time. He's wretched, though. So you have this player here, this rich. Are you dealing with a rich player on top of this? Yeah, there's something that you need. If that is how you view this person, then you need to move on from. That view, or if you have another player that you're dealing with that is rich, you need to. Yeah, it's just a trap. So the other man that this that this is talking about. Ohh. He's rich and he's a player. You can move on. Your happiness, your fulfillment, it will manifest. It will come. It will come to be. So he's just a backup. And it will come to be quicker if you move on from this king of wands. Again, if you if you make the choice. He's just gonna flock some hot girl at work. So whoever is this king of wands again, he's a rich. Right. Or he looks rich. He is going to fuck chicks at work. So you really the advice here is to move on from this particular man. Because it's just a trap. It's just gonna get you stuck. Your happiness will manifest faster. Um. Again, if you make the decision to stay with him or to go with him, there's going to be this hot women at work. That's going to be a problem. Yeah. You can expect him to to to to cheat. Need to make that choice. And capitalize. Yeah. Yeah, And then again, he's the older you get. He's going to play that old game. Alright, so. Were we talking about him this whole time? Possible. He's going to. They're talking about could be a fire sign, could be a side saw wheel, lot of wheel and these cards too. Um. If that's what we're talking about here, he's rich. Uh, yeah. Alright. Alright, I will be back with 2019.
Happened in 2019. Like, seriously, That was the year right before COVID hit. We had shut down, right? I know what I was doing 2019, it wasn't. This project. Well, it existed, just didn't exist. In reality, resisted the. OK, let's see what the situation is here. Why you picked 2019. The situation is really weighed down by something drastic. It's really way down there. The drastic directory for extreme cut off and then almost all roller coaster. 19 of the 20. Yeah, it's done. So whatever happened, it's done. You're really way down. Feeling like you were in chains, it was very extreme. It was a roller coaster and it is done, he learned. A viable fucking lesson, both of you. By whatever happened. What significant events or situations are occurring in their life right now that you should be aware of? Now on the verge to confess. But not necessarily. With the right alien. I know they're they're on the verge to confess that there's some kind of alien connection between the two of you, whether it's like they feel like there's telepathy or something. Their dream of you a lot. Or they think about you with certain songs they're writing. On the verge to the confess that they've been kind of, possibly subconsciously writing. They need to, they need to put to protect themselves. So they are. What you don't realize is that they've been on the verge. Um. To reveal or to confess? That they feel a very, you know, telepathic or they I feel like it's more like subconscious because it's it's followed by the journal card, which to me it's like. They're pulling. Emotions and words into their art, you know what I mean? And what it's about is about protecting themselves from retaliation, from some kind of friendship. So what you don't know is that there are. They're writing. To protect themselves from retaliation. Which is entry, but it's an interesting one. How do they feel about your presence in their life? They're really exhausted. I feel like there's some kind of codependency. There's nothing they can do. Their hands are tied because someone needs. They're really exhausted and frustrated. But you make them happy. And yet that brings them. You may from happy, but they don't want to play whatever games you've been playing anymore because it's making them miserable because they desire you so, so much. So. Emotionally, they're extremely tired. And they can't think about this connection. Without becoming drained in some way because their hands are tied, because there's some kind of codependency that they can't break free from. Maybe back to why they're right. Um. And they could be writing about this connection we feel with you, you make them happy and that is the problem, because if you didn't make them happy then they wouldn't be in a position to feel sad. When you are around. When you know because they don't have you in physical form. Again, they don't want to play these games. They're miserable. And they just because they desire. There's a lot of design. This relationship, how would they describe you? Over here. Passion to serve others by repairing the mind, body, and soul. As the alpha. And the lover. Transforms based motives and goals into golden wisdom and love of great passion and devotion. Unbridled appreciation for someone or something. Those are beautiful cards. They see you as a healer. They see you as someone that can change. Emotions. You can take sad and horrible emotions. And again throughout. Change those experiences into golden wisdom. Right lover. What a great, what a great. Alchemist. Beautiful. That's how they would describe you. It's beautiful. How have they contacted communication? Really worried about. Retaliation. There. Sorry, I'm doing transcripts now. Shows like can be end expired with Google. Your age or your wisdom or your experience? Is. Either protecting you or blocking you. For them, from heartbreak. So someone's got a has had a lot of experience. And again, the heartbreak they're really sorry about. There's a really sorry about the heartbreak, but they do feel the same way about you. It's causing them lots of stress because they feel like like there's. Destined. There's some kind of destiny between you and they They want to message you so badly it would make them so happy. So again, their experience is telling them to defend themselves. Against heartbreak and that is really sad. So I almost feel like this is someone who's been hurt before. Back to this. They're worried about the retaliation. But the feelings are mutual. But it's causing stress. It's it's it's these feelings. Keep them up, right? And they do feel like there's some destiny between you or you are destined to to communicate in the future And it was it's going to bring make them very happy. So have they contemplated it? Their experience is telling them to to defend themselves right now. But the feelings are there and it's stress. It's stressing them out because they know that it's best. To have this communication. It's going to make them very hard. So they have. You're just not. How will they look? Deep Freeze. Everything has a season. Now it's time to put activity on hold. The cold winter backends you to slow down and put a freeze on things that are not yet ready to bloom. It's time for regeneration. Hibernate. Forgo ambitious activity. A pregnancy pause allows ideas to justify. Projects to shift and change and relationships to go through a dreamy state. Going anywhere and not needing. This is a time to put all the arguments on place. Nothing beneficial will come from any of this. self-care is the most important. Reflect. Breast and dream. So I feel like your downtime with them is going to be. Extremely regenerative. It's going to be full of self-care. They're gonna make it. You feel like it's OK. And that is something that everybody needs. We live in a world of go, go, go, go, go. Um. And we're all exhausted. Really. Truly. Everybody's exhausted from this current pace. Alright, let's look at this. I want to wake up. I want to wake you up before. That is nice right away. So. As soon as you wake up, they want to. Going down. Cases. Alright. Again, they want to come on here like there's so much nibble play going on in the cars lately, they want to suck your toes. Could be a. This could be. Sexual relationship. Again, they want to like, you know, have that after sax bowl of cereal naked, like, so they're thinking about, they think that a lot of sex, but they're also thinking about, you know, the afterglow, what you'll be doing. So again, they they. They're really into sucking on nipples, playing with breast again while they film. But they're looking forward just to having, you know, a bowl of cereal with you after after sex. They want us watch you masturbate, but they don't necessarily want you to watch them watch you masturbate. So they might want you blindfolded, or they might want to put a camera on you and watch you. I'm not sure they're really into your eyes. They want to like, lift up your dress and see that you don't have any panties on back to. So I can on your levels. So they're really into the foreplay, they're really into bras, they're really into that energy, which is great. I'll wake you up with oral. I don't see any oral sacks in the cards. All I see is. Slap and type it energy. The cards say this bitch. Is causing a lot of confusion. It will lead to a breakup. It will manifest. This hermit hood, this wisdom, this a long time or this, you know, feeling older energy. And that leads to them holding back. So I feel like maybe there's some energy here where their partner has been gaslighting them to feel old. And somebody. To make them either to hold on to them or to hurt them in some. What guidance is there for the for this particular relationship? You need to move on from some emotions of the past. Some selfish. You're really upset about this woman. Because of the amount of money. Yeah, it's a lot of money. A lot of money. She. All right. So you need to move on from emotions about this selfish woman. OK, this woman again, she's only out for money. Again, there's a lot of upset. Because. Because she yeah, she took a big sum of money. All right. And she's already got money. Or she's again, it's. It's Ace of Pentacles, Tena Pentacles. So it's like you need to move on from, you know, this selfish woman. And hurt Either her upset or you're upset because of the amount of money. OK, but but again, there's cheating here. I don't know. It could be a friendship. This chick could be your friendship. Maybe she creates jealousy or something. Or she insisted on it's almost telling me, like. You know when you have that friend and they can't afford a pizza, so you buy the pizza, but then you have the friend that expects you to. You know. To pay for the pizza. Because you don't. Because you have more money. You know what I mean? Like there is like when you deal with really selfish people, They're like, I don't want to spend my money, I wanna spend your money, and you have more money than I do, so you should spend your money. It's got that kind of energy. Like this could be a friendship, OK, that you're having where you're, you're feeling nickeled and dined. And that's not really a friendship. I mean, friendships are generous. Um. Of course, if you're friends in a bad spot, you still want to go out and have you know. Dinner or pizza or brunch, right? Um, you know, you know, that's one thing. But to always expect it or that it's got that kind of energy to it. So you really need to move on from this particular woman in your life. This could be a friend. This could be, again, this could be a bisexual reading, so. I don't know who she is, but she's always expecting you to pay because you have more. OK. And that's not, you know, it's there's one thing to be generous and there's one thing but when it's expected. It's we're talking about entitlement. Versus. Not, you know what I mean? She's acting entitled to what you have and some. You know what I mean? Because you have more. And that's not necessarily. This woman is also very afraid that you're going to be happy. And so she gives. She puts on more judgment. Um, again. And and it's causing you to ghost or to contemplate. Um. Some father in your life, whether this be, you know the father of your children or the father or your boss or some kind of energy, it's making you ghost this person that you love. So you need to move on from this woman because she's again she's only. She expects you to pay more. OK. And she's really afraid that you're going to find your fulfillment, and so she is causing you to. Ghost, this man who might be a father, who might be a boss, who who might just be a dudes guy, who should, you know, you might be daddy kind of energy. She's making a ghost town and there's real love there. So she is giving Um. She is creating. Upset. And again, she's very entitled. She feels entitled to what you have. So you need to get rid of her. I know it's hard because you're a healer, you're alchemist, right? But here it looks like you have some kind of narcissist. Again, you're you're afraid. You're stressing the feeling of being, you know, left out from this person. But you need to hold back. You need to save your money in some way, and she's manipulating you. And she has less obligations to pay for than you do. So by getting rid of her, you create she's a bitch. Anyway, the car just called her a bitch. You're trying to create more stability for yourself and she's stealing that from you in some way. Yeah. Here. Here comes this bitch expecting money as featured comes this page expecting money as feared. She fears your happiness. So you need to stand up for yourself and defend yourself against this woman. So this again, I don't know. I don't feel like this is their person. It could be. You know, if they have something else going on, again, they're they're really afraid about retaliation and in their situation that you're not. Uh, you've been on a roller coaster with this person since 2008. And the lesson is complete, but you need to get rid of this woman because she is like again causing you heartbreak because she she don't give a shit. She is the kind of woman that would fuck your husband. Never say anything. OK. So whoever is this other woman in this scenario, I don't. Again, she could just be a Friday throwing friendship. She is not someone you want near you. And yes, you are the healer. You are The Alchemist. So she is jealous of all of that energy. And she's always going to expect you to pay more because you you have more. But she has lost expenses. She is not taking her finances into consideration. So whoever this this person is in your daily life, this person is in your ship. What other guidance? OK, this is not like someone that's in another situation. You give so much. You're getting what you want. Your soulmate is in the process of. Of, you know, changing their perspective or they have fallen in love with you, or they are going through the process of breaking down whatever structure they built so that they can return. This is going to be a time of peace and rest, and you're going to be very fulfilled in this law. So. Again, this bitch is this other bitch. And again, she could be his bitch. I don't know. I feel like it's someone, a friend of yours. You don't want. OK. This, Yeah, protect yourself. The cards keep coming back to you. Need to protect yourself from these narcissists in your life. This love that you want is coming. It there. It's so sweet. They're in the process right now. Of again, breaking down whatever they had built to protect themselves from their from this law or that they built in their last life, You know, I mean every time we go out and we have new people or we meet new people or we start new relationships, we're starting a new life. Um, so they're in the process of letting go of their past life? They will return to. Again, because of this healing, because of the peace. Makes them so happy. With this love, you definitely need to protect your peace. That is really the the main point here and. All right. I will be back with the heart made.
The Heart of Hearts
OK, let's see what the situation here is with the hearts. The heart. A few cards describe the situation between you and this person. Ohh there's up session. You want, Yeah. You want this alternate. There is a drama queen in the midst, but this person makes you very, very happy. Needs to be some kind. Legal court work filed. So what's the situation there between the two of you? There's a must have indulgence. You're like a Jelly damage to this person. There is a desire here for a long term commitment. Or there is a long term commitment that's in your way with and she's a drama queen, all she does is. Chaos. But this this situation with you again, it brings happiness. So much happiness that it's worth doing the the, the paperwork. What significant events or situations are happening in their life right now that you should know about that you don't? They've seen some kind of proof. They have proof now. Of this connection. It's been a roller coaster. It's brought some awareness. It's brought in awareness. Something has come to light. Back to this, they've seen some kind of proof. Um, the masculine energy in here. Wants, wants to connect, and possibly on the Internet. You might be connected to this person on the Internet. OK, this something you don't know. So they've seen some kind of proof. I feel like it's it's because of this connection of your connection, or how otherworldly this connection with you has become. It's the Twin Flame card. It's the pledged Mirrored Souls card. So whenever this card comes up. You've been through something similar. This could be to an awakening. I'm not sure. It's been a rollercoaster. Yeah, those type of things tend to be. But this realization has really caused the masculine energy. To again to To really TuneIn? Especially to whatever is going on on Internet. I feel like you might only be Internet connected. So there they are. They are tuned in. Because of this realization that they've. They were last card is talking about financial support. So back to this lean to have some kind of legal paperwork filed. Again, they might have been in a long term relationship with the drama queen narcissist. It's possible. How do we feel about your presence and there? Even the Spire them. It's a secret, though. You're you are a secret, but they are not. Sherry and they want to know more about what's happening in your life, so that makes me feel a little uneasy. God, you're very inspiring. It's just another inspiring card They want to be. They. They're a little afraid to open up to you, but they want to. Here's another one. You you have inspired the fuck out of this person. They've been really bored. And have found their life really dull. OK, we're about to break. So emotionally even inspired, you illuminated their mind and their soul. They hate not knowing what's going on, but these emotions between the two of you are still secret. They're kind of afraid to open up, but they. I can't wait to unzip their zipper. You inspire my mind and fill me with like again another creative card. So you are a deep well of creative inspiration. You made me feel again amuse. So again, you're inspiring them and these emotions they have towards you. Make their life feel even more dull and unfulfilling, and because of that, they are about to. You're feeling very. How would they describe? Turn another purse. As the teacher. The ability to communicate knowledge, experience, skill, and wisdom. They see you as a teacher. Tell someone as an engineer. The ability to give creative energy a practical expression. Talent for design designing resolutions to common problems. So they see you as a teacher, as someone that can. Communicate knowledge, but also someone who can help, like engineer things. You know what I mean? Make things possible. They also see you as a slave, someone who has surrendered their power of choice. To the world around them. So they see you as not being able to make your own decisions, as being stuck or enslaved in some way. So they see you as a teacher, an engineer, and someone who's been in Slaved. Maybe you're a slave to your work. How will they show you? You will be getting rid of this question. So I got my new questions. Yeah. Field of Dreams. Your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs are always engaged, engaging the vast field of pure potential. This card. This is the perfect time to harness the feel of vast potential not yet realized in your life. Great abundance is yours if you're willing to do the work alongside the gentle gardener. Be clear about your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Concentrate on your best life regardless of temporary outer conditions imposed upon you by the greater. Which has its own story to tell. You have a basket full of seeds that are quite powerful, for your talents, are divinely inspired, and will indeed lead to Great Harvest. To be shared with others, you will reap what you have sown. So again. They're going to create this like, fertile land for all of your dreams to come true. They're going to again help you. So all those seats so that beautiful things will come. And they're also going to be very clear about how they feel and think about you and the situation. So you're not going to be in a place where you don't know what to say or what to do because you don't understand their feelings. You're going to understand that. Those are sexual desire towards you with. Grab those titties and jiggle all my bits. This one was really grabby. Let's see what. Whoa, he's throwing her on the table. There is a salad being tossed out of the wood. Again, he's throwing her on the table, maybe he's sucking on her breast and then there is a salad down there that is being tossed. So. To meet your acts. Again, there's like in the middle of supper she's. Press. This is a 69. It's such a it's at the hottest 69 card in here. She is fucking beautiful, gorgeous ass, gorgeous tits. And she is sucking his cock and he is licking her vagina. She's on top. Beautiful. Oh, and then this is the bouncing fuck. So they're kind of again, you know, in the throes of passion. She's naked on the on the. 69 robust per bouncing on top. There again, there's the masturbation part here. So I always put this as there. Open the watching. Watching. Let's do some oral socks. There's some sneaking off. Let's see what the cards say. So again, the what are they? Grab those tits and Jingle all my bed. Um. Starting off with the the woman. 69. Balancing on top, masturbating, Taking you off to someplace really nice. Again, oral sex. Top off all Sats and again, this this part is always. Questionable. Homosexual. Um. On this one, it's the secret, so she's throwing him out the window while she's trying to get dressed, so there might be some cheating. Energy here, so I don't again back to them. That sounds fun. Yeah, support. And there's really long, long term commitment to this drama. So. I feel like they don't give a shit. They. So this is so hard. The cards actually say. There needs to be a meeting or there needs to be a conversation. About. Transactions and. Because that will lead to the breakup to the justice. There is a you have a foundation with this person, but there's still a lot of things to worry about, things that will cause anxiety that are unknown. So you need to have a conversation or a meeting. Um, and it's mutual about this mutual love that you have with this person? It will lead to a relationship. It will lead to a breakup. So your relationship will lead to the breaking up with this drama. You have a beautiful foundation. Uh, this is the four of ones. This is home. So this is you have a beautiful foundation for them to to come to, I guess, or or for them. But there's still a lot of things that are keeping them awake at night, because if this is still secret, so there really is a need here for the two of you to connect and to have a conversation about this. About these feelings that you're having. They will lead to this relationship. What is the guidance? You are very independent, possibly independently quality. I'm not throwing. And that's been seen. Or it causes you're either beautiful or you you. Portray very opulent energy, you know and that's been seen or it's causing. Need to have staffers. Uh, your independence, possibly your family. Again, it's possibly causing. This emperor, whether it be the father, the boss, uh, your father, your baby daddy, or them being the father or an Aries. Again, they are not they. They are in denial of the truth. About this bitch Back to the straw and they're still denying. How big of a bitch this woman really is? They still can't see how big of a bitch is, but they do love. There is love here. Ohh yeah, it's very mutual. Their feelings for you are just as strong as your feelings for the. It is going to manifest. So right now there's still it's working. Right now, this father that we're talking about, I don't know if it's him. This man we're talking about here, or? That's what this is again. Back to this drama queen. It's got to be him. Because he he doesn't see the full truth of what a bitch. What a big bitch she is. So he's still in some kind of denial. You're over here standing beautifully independent. Maybe you have a very strong family. It's been seen that independence and opulence, whatever you're projecting, whether it be. Wealthy or stable, it's been seen. OK. Or you possibly have. You could possibly be watching her stocking. Or you might have multiple staffers. Again, he. That he in in this reading. Is still in denial. The truth of what a bitch. This woman. But the love is mutual between the two of you, and it's manipulating the situation. And it's working. It's almost done working. Yeah, he will be free the full. Right under the Emperor. Yeah, it's going to be over because he's going to realize that he just got stabbed in the back. Back to this. What a big bite she. So it's yeah, she there's cheating. There's definitely a cheating wish. So this person definitely wants to cheat with you like they would cheat with. That's obvious. This person would totally freak out. So. Again. They're still in denial, but what a huge bridge. They're so on their side. But they they would still cheat with. This love is gonna work out. It is almost done doing work that's going again too. Free the amber full, the full right under the hand. It could. It could be saying don't cheat, even though that's the wish. I don't know this this Queen of swords over here could the truth. Could still have this back in the back. You might not see. Let's come. Back to this legal paperwork and you have to support they feel like this. This woman's got a plan. One more line. 4. Sorry, off with the sacks. OK, it's saying that she it is. Says the sax. Is going to defend you. With this person and if it is a twin flame energy assets is supposed to be. Ohh. Because you're connected by sharper energy. So it's it's like feedback, you know what I mean? It's like energetic feed. Together. Open charms are completely goes. Yeah. Awakening. Uh. Sexy. Yeah, so the sex is gonna is really gonna defend you in this, in this. Going to make the decision, that decision. You need to prepare yourself though. For the break up. You have to be a little bit stronger again, yeah. Again, the break up is. Death. You're the sex is going to defend you. The decision will be made that you know you want, alright, but you're going to have to defend yourself a little bit during the break up. There's some kind of death trap here on energy. Death and human I would just death trap. I don't know what that means. This bitch. This page has. That might be the end to this bitch. Traffic. You might have it's it's saying prepare yourself because this breakup is going to cause. An end to the trap. This bitch and this asshole. There. Stop. She might go back to her. Ohh, that's the hope. There's a hope here. The axe has a hope here. It could be about, could be. Could be dealing with Scorpio, Pisces, Libra, Virgo. Well. Choice would be this situation. Right. That you'll have to. You'll have to be prepared and you'll have to stand up for yourself. You know, some kind. Green bound. During this breakup. But it ends the trap. That was laid by this bitch. Who I, I think are getting older. I think I've been in on this for. Again, this is back to the hope. Of the acts. And then there's the timing of the acts. And then there's the timing of the office, which causes the mind trap. Yeah, and then the expectation or the the the fantasies of this fucking cheating. Dream of the fantasy cheat. The children will surely be a gift. But there's definitely going to be sinking away. For work and that creates the job. With work, school or the collaboration. So like I said. It looks like you have a choice here. Did she? It looks like the the sexual definitely defend the situation. The love here, we must remember, is mutual and it's Ace of cups, which means it's unconditional. It looks like someone's death trap or someone's trapped till death is done. Someone feels trapped to death. So again, back to their energy. They feel trapped or you feel trapped, you know, I I don't know, you could be the one in the relationship. Regardless, there is a relation. There's an old relationship here with a drama queen. It's going to require. Legal paperwork and financial support. Um. The mail in this scenario has come to some realization about the roller coaster he's ridden because of her. Um. And again, he's wanting to remain connected to you, but I feel like there's a a need to keep it secret. So that there won't, you know this drama queen and energy has been haunting a lot. And again, what do we mean by drama? Thing we. You know someone trying to get what they want. Alright, and to the point that they'll start chaos to get it. You know they'll pitch a bitch. You know there's no patience. A narcissist has no patience. If you want to know if someone's a narcissist. You know, took them off and see how patient they'll be. No, they're gonna fucking have a freak out to get their way. They act like toddlers when they don't get their way. So if you're wanting to know if someone in your life is a narcissist. Tell them no and then watch them freak out if they freak out like a child. OK, they're not. There's no maturity at all on that person. I will be back. We're going to talk about vagina strength and health. Umm, we don't have ridden yet. Tomorrow, so it should be good. I'm excited. We're gonna talk about how to make our vaginas stronger. Especially talking about the pelvic. Floor, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So come back for for a Google chat about your vagina. Alright, alright.
Vagina Health and Strength Kegals
Alright, this weeks. Sex segment. It's about heels. Yeah, Chinas. So strong, So strong. Have to. Forgive me, I'm fucking tired. You know. I'm gonna bitch just for like a foggy. Martin Luther King, David. Answers Day When we have It's too cold because of the polar vortex. So like, I had three days where? I didn't have to get up at before the crack of fucking dawn. And today I had to get up at before the crack of dawn and I am moving so God damn slow. Gonna workout was like. It did it, but it didn't give me the bounce back that it normally does. So I'm like sitting here and then like my son had this sore. Throw. I woke up this morning with a fucking sore throat and I went fuck, you know, he went over to these fucking assholes houses and we always get whatever fucking new strap fucking bullshit that they pass. Back and forth, you know. At least it's not the fucking asking strap that you know. You're like vomiting for fucking three days. Like seriously, ladies. The highest genz eating fucking ass. I'm so sick of watching these fucking reels and I I had fucking strap. Five times this year from eating out. Stop eating at us. You know. Seriously, I I it's a pet fucking peeve of mine when I sit there and get the strep stomach flu and I'm fucking vomiting for days. And it's not just a little sore throat that goes away in a couple days, you know what I mean? I think to myself. Them damn fucking asses eaters. And the whole that whole fucking man Eater Ask Eater song goes through my head and I change it all. She's an assy or. People are crazy. Stop eating asses, bitches. I swear to fucking God they're laughing at you as you're licking their fucking asshole. Think it's a fucking feminist? Like I'm strong woman? I can Like a fucking butt hole? No. Holes are not made to be fogging. Licked finger is focking. Butthole massage is fucking butthole. Don't lick his fucking asshole. God dammit. Seriously. You can die of diarrhea. These people are going to create for COVID. The worst thing going around right now is this ask eating strap. It really is. Sorry. Tired, tired. I'm a little. I got a little bit of PMS going. I wrote Fucking 4 fucking bitch out rants yesterday. And I did not post them anywhere. So I've been in control of myself. But I am. I am fucking annoyed. Talking about Keels. Let's. You're my best friend, you know? You don't listen to me bitch a little bit. That's fucking ask. Eating shit just always just fucking pisces me off just because they're making super bugs. Superbugs now, asshole. You know why everyone's obsessed with the asshole? Because you're a vagina is. Not strong enough? You should be able to clinch her on his fucking Dick with your vagina so fucking hard. And he's like, holy shit, this is as tight as her fucking asshole. You know. Seriously, let's talk about Keels. So this what is a key? Go awards. It's your pelvic floor muscles, right? How it holds up your fucking organs, alright. This is like the muscle group in your pelvis that keeps all your organs in fucking place. It's extremely fucking important, these articles that I. Uh, referencing our all from the Cleveland Clinic. Very reputable. Very reputable information. Um. Why do Kegels? Well, it can improve your sexual health, and it can improve your orgasm. So you're having trouble orgasming. Or you're having issues down there like incontinence, whether that be PP or Poopoo or if you had a kid, it's probably both, right? Kegels are, you know, that's what they say to use to help strengthen those muscles. Now how do you know if you're working your Kegels? Well, you can stop. Your urine stream. And when you stop your urine stream while you're peeing, those are your kegel muscles. OK, so so you can do that to see what that feels like, right? It is not recommended though I've heard lots of people say, Oh well, if you go while you're going pee, pee if you like, stop and. Hold and then release and then hold and release and then hold. It help with leakage. That is not healthy. Cleveland Clinic does not recommend that you do a keggle while you are urinating. You can do it once. Again, to see what it's like to to, you know, tighten your cable muscles, your pelvic floor, but you should not be stopping your urine stream. It's actually can start infections, UTI's, etcetera, etcetera. So that is something I did not know. Law before I did my research, so I would something I definitely want to. You know, to pass on to you guys. Um. Again, you can put your finger up inside you and squeeze that right there is your kegel muscles alright. You will kind of feel it lifting up, so you should literally be able to take a dildo and push it out and suck it back in you. I can totally do this, alright? It's called milking this again, but it feels great to a fucking debt. So you know, yeah, you know, you're working on your apps, you're working on your your booty, right? Well, go ahead and strengthen your cleansers so that. You know, so that you can, you know, make his ride tighter right? And also if you are doing Kegels while having sex, it will intensify your orgasm. Again, you don't wanna bear down. Or squeeze your inner thighs or buttocks. Uh, that's not a cue. OK? It should be a lifting up inside of you. That is the keel. So if you're sitting this, you can do this during the most boring conference meeting. If you're even on zoom, you could be sitting there talking to your boss. And you could be doing your fucking Kegels the whole fucking time. Just keep that in the back your mind. Like, yeah, not this boring fucking meeting, but I'm gonna do 20 fucking Kegels during it. And there's there's your Kegel workout for the day. They say you should do it 10 times. Once in the morning and once at night, you want to hold it for three seconds, so lift up 123 release. That is one key goal, Alright. When you start, you should be able to hold it for three seconds, and then once you get to the point, you should be able to hold it for 10 seconds. That's the top. End of the Kegel set. So you want to hold it for 10 seconds, That's the goal here. And then release and then do that 10 times, once in the morning and then 10 times again at night. And that will help you can again, you can do these sitting, standing, laying down during a zoom meeting again, if you're doing a job where you stand. You can do kegels during something else. There is also kegel balls. Again. It's like there's this while I can't. I can't remember right now. I'm too tired. But she goes around the world with her kegel balls lifting fucking shit like weights and awards, like she's in these beautiful like ball gowns and these gorgeous places and she's my hero and I can't even remember her name right now. And she's lifting like 10 packing pounds with her, Kegel with her fucking. Can you imagine that? Clinched that fucking Dick so hard. I bet she can make man fuck her cum by the 3rd. Fucking push, you know? Or pump. But yeah, she's amazing. Go like check her stuff out. I'm sure she's got like amazing shit. Just that's her fucking name. It's like a meal. Yep. Ohh. What is her name Was the Kegel Queen. Keyboard lady. I'm checking my phone. I know it starts with an A and I feel like it's a meal, a Mealia. Yeah, where's the key? That's not her. It's Amelia Kegel. Chick named Amelia Kegel. Her fucking day. Hugely. Live sweets. She's like, well known. I know I have her on my Facebook. Oh my God. I can't find her right now. Hold on I gotta go to Facebook. What the fuck? It's hurting me. I don't even know. I will find her. I will find her Link. I will put it in the description. If you want to go ahead and follow her. She is an amazing she's a queen, OK? She's a fucking queen and she's sitting there lifting all sorts of heavy shit just with her vagina so you can get. Toggle balls. Like once you get to the point that you're like holding your shift for 10 seconds and you're like your vagina super strong, that's the next fucking thing. It takes 6 to 8 weeks of doing this stuff daily to, you know, to get ripped. Ladies, let's get right. To get abs that are vaginas so they can get to there, it's like I can feel her fucking apps. Means that. Men can do Kindles too. Yes, it's the same muscles that stop them from peeing. Again, they should not stop their urine stream, but men can do kegels. And it will help with their reactions, it will help with their stamina, and it will help with their ejaculate their ejaculation. So if you have any problems with your penis, a key goals Cleveland Clinic says man can do Kegels, it will increase your sexual pleasure and increase. The you know the length of your stamina when it comes to your erections, You'll have a harder, better erection. So yeah, kettles are amazing. So, like you can listen to my show and keep go all the way through it. That would make me so fucking proud of you. I hope you I hope you did three key goals just while I was talking and bitching about Kegels or and my life but I I did at least four key goals while we while we sat here. OK so but yeah so like I said you can you can get to the point that you're you're that strong you you can literally push out and pull in. A pennis, yeah. And again, that that we're talking about. This year about becoming a better lover and and having a fit and strong and rift with China, don't look floor. Yeah, that's going to bring lots of of pleasure to your partner and pleasure to you. So it's a win, win. Uh, you know as far as the kegel balls go? I always wanna I always want to say like there's like a lot like there's like the Kegel eggs and and you can get like you know like crystals and stuff and egg don't not use crystal. In your vagina? Uh. Crystals have little tiny holes in them. They harbor bacteria. Again, silicone. Uh, plastics that are made for your vagina. Please do not be putting crystals. In your vagina. They're not healthy. Um. Well, you know, in the long run they they're pretty. And it the idea of having a rose quartz up your pussy like sounds like it would be great. You know what I mean? Get that crystal vibration and on and on, but it's not. It's not sanitary enough, OK? Let's talk about vagina health. I know we've talked about it before on how to maintain an appetizing vagina, but we're going to go through some of the talking points just again, because this whole episode here at the end is about having a healthier and stronger vagina. And again, these tips come from the Cleveland Clinic. So. And you know, we need to talk about the difference. Like the vagina is actually the within part of that system, OK? Uh, the Volva is the outside. It's the clear. It's the Aretha. It's the labia. Your actual vagina, though everyone calls it a vagina, is actually the whole. And you don't see your vagina. OK, your vaginas. Not something you see. Right. It's really feels so, so understanding your own anatomy, you know, that also leads to better conversations with your healthcare provider, of course, eating right and exercising and doing your Kegels, those are all really great. They help with your vagina as well, of course. Eating right? We know that whatever we eat, a lot of times, we will affect the taste of our vaginas. You. You know. Sorry, my brain. Just like went somewhere else for a second. Routine screenings. Pap smears, right? Anything to catch. Anything early. Protection. Not having unprotected sex. I mean seriously, you know you wanna have a healthy vagina. Don't trust any man to be like I don't have any STD's. I don't even his pH or his. This it can affect your vagina. Always use protection if you don't, if he is not your living fucking boyfriend. Or husband? Use protection. Just it's a blanket state and I've been, we've been dating for three months and I'm, you know, I have a, you know, an IUD and I am on birth control and blah blah blah blah blah and we're all sex. No. Make him fucking commit. If he wants to feel you know you're natural, soft, and wetness, fuck out. Make him commit. You want to know why all these women are sitting out here like no one is going to marry me because you're giving them the fucking a full access. Don't make him wear a fucking condom. We'll make him last longer too, unless you have a latex allergy. Ain't that motherfucker wear Connor. Make him last a fucking another 30 fucking seconds. Cleveland Clinic says do not use SOAP. Um, only wash your vagina with water, which I thought was interesting. Now I normally say don't use antibacterial soap. Use very mild soap like face wash. I love Avino personally because I have really. You know sensitive scans or word Avino household, you know, face wash, body wash, everything's a venom I'm you know I'm all kind of no. By, you know person because I have sensitive skin and that really, really helps. So you should not be using any kind of of abrasive soaps, antibacterial soaps and any soaps that have color or dye or fragrance. Those are all not good for your vagina. Like I said, Cleveland Clinic says just use water. Your vagina is a self cleaning machine and it will clean itself. So you do not need to put soap on the outside or inside your vagina. OK? And they really do not recommend Douchin. Um, or anything like that. That douching is like back in the 80s. That's what women were trying to you know, you know, you know, get that fishy fucking smell out his back before we were, you know, more educated on bacteria. You know, we know that the. Um, that's a bacteria that's really great for the vagina, comes from dairy. So if you're like a non dairy person and you are having constant issues with your vagina, you might want to have a little bit of dairy, eat some yogurt, or get those probiotics that come from dairy. If you're, you know, vegan or whatever, make sure you're taking probiotics that are lined up with that. It's like, lack. What is it? I write it down like lactic acid. What is that, China right now? Write it down. Um. Yeah, so like I said. Soap is a really big deal here with our healthy majority. They are also still consider using natural Lube. A lot of Lube is not good for your vagina, which is interesting that you know. I've heard people say you're better off using that water based Lube than oil based Lube. Lube can really fuck up your vagina. Cleveland clinics that use olive oil. It's like. Ohh well. That's all that I'm a, you know, I like to cook. I totally cover Dick and all. Like, I like, I like. I take I could. I do Castor treatments once a month where I cover myself head to toe with Castor oil. It's great for your hair. It's great for your skin. It's great for detox. It's uh, it hacker Casey uh recommendation. But after you Castor oil, you you take 2 tablespoons of olive oil by the mouth. And the first time I did it, I was like, I'm good. This is fucking weird. Like just to to like, you know, take a spoonful of olive oil. But I've been doing it for years now and like, I actually like it like. It's the olive oil stage, like where I've soaked in the oils for, you know, an hour and then I've taken a bath and I've, you know, washed my hair and then it's time for the olive oil. So olive oil is amazing. I mean, we put it in all of our food. It's very much safer for your vagina than store bought lubrication. So go ahead and buy out little mini bottle of of fancy olive oil. Put that in your bed, your bedside. Different right in it. Never ignore UH post menopausal bleeding. That was a really big thing. Like Cleveland Clinic says, if you're bleeding when you're not supposed to be bleeding, you should be going to the doctor and talking about that. Especially postmenopausal, because that could be a sign of, you know, intermediate. Should I say it right? It could be a sign that you need a hysterectomy, prolapse and incontinence. They aren't usually dangerous, so if you find yourself leaking a little bit of pee or having prolapse issues, a prolapse is when. You know. That's it. Happens a lot, uh, after you have a baby and it's like when the tube kind of goes up onto itself. Like if you have a prolapse in your esophagus, that's called like a hiatal hernia. Or it could feel like heartburn. But that's like upper, but that could happen down below. Again, those two things are usually not dangerous. And again, Kegels will help with prolapse and incontinence. Um. Cleveland Clinic also says if you're going through menopause, vagina, vagina. Estrogen. They recommend that. Um. Also, if you're having any pain during sex. You touch your vagina inside and you feel a mass or a bulge. You see a a massive color change in your vagina or I mean in your labia, if there's a a different kind of odor or discharge, if there's itching, or if you're extra bleeding when you're not supposed to be bleeding. Those are all signs that you need to go see your health care professional now. Healthy discharge should be clear or white. It will be clear and more gummy. Kind of like mucusy closer to your period. OK, so. All I did write it down Black to back Cilia. back-to-back Cilia LACTOBACILLI. So if you're a vegan, you wanna go find a probiotic that has that. Again, Vagina is about having a a solid pH. You really don't want to throw off your pH. It should be. Your pH should be 4.5 or lower if it's over 4.5. Again, that's something you you want to address with a healthcare professional, and that means you need more of that bacteria. And there are pH kits that you can buy at the drugstore and check that out, but again. As long as your discharge is clear or white. Yellow discharge is a sign of infection. Um. And again, it could be a sign that you know things are off balance. Here are some don'ts when it comes. When it comes to that region, don't scratch. So if you got an edge, don't scratch it, Don't douche. Don't wear nylon or rayon panties. Cotton and they say white because the fabric dyes are not good for your vagina. So if you have any issues with your vagina you should be wearing white cotton underwear. I don't use scented tampons. Or scented anything. No scented sprays. Don't leave your tampons in longer than 8 hours. Don't you sentence soaps? Don't use detergents with fragrance or dyes. Don't use feminine sprays, bubble baths, or powders. All of those things do not help with the health of your vagina. So. How many Kegels did she just do? So I thought that was some good information. Like I said, I didn't know that men could do Kegels too. I thought that was really interesting. And again, I didn't know. You know that you shouldn't stop your urine stream. So those are two things that I learned personally just because. Just because I was preparing the segment for you guys, so I learn new things every day too. So there is a little bit of, you know, a conversation about Kegels, about vagina health, especially as we're going through the new year here. That should be a priority. And every woman's life, how do I make my vagina smell better? How do I make my vagina healthier? How do I make it stronger? And definitely you should be having a regular yearly exams with your gynecologist, so make sure you go ahead and get that schedule. I need to schedule my. I need to schedule my path because I do everything in the spring so. Gotta figure out where my computer is gonna be, All that fucking bullshit. I need to go see a new one anyway. My brains already like half of that. So you probably need to go to the doctor too. So let's go have our skin. Sliced off the inside of our vagina. Uh, and make sure you know inside there we're all good. Uh, let's not use any kind of fragrance or dyed anything near a vagina. Yeah, let's clear Clinic is a good resource, so I trust anything they say. And let's get up in the morning. Let's do our ten key goals and then when we laid out in bed, let's do our second set of 10 Kegels and let's see if we can rip some fucking Dicks off. All right, let's see how fucking strong we can make these fucking vaginas look. Just grab that. This is the hard as we can, right? Let's make all the blood rush to their fucking heads. Uh, yeah. The other head. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, I got up. I could always use your support. You guys made me feel better today. I got, I sat down to do this and I was like, yeah, I get all the way through it and I actually, I actually feel better. This is, you know. And it's and its own way. Yeah, I got all that social media fucking bullshit. I am going to start doing reels and I just have not had the time to invest and I'm I need to get a few done so that I can start working ahead of myself and blah blah blah blah blah. And I have to put makeup on. And that's the great thing about podcasting. You can sit here. Braless. My yoga pants. It was my third day, not washed hair. No makeup on and I sound beautiful, right? Great. Put yeah, yeah, I should just, like, do AI stuff. Yeah. Reviews I I need reviews. I don't have funding reviews at all. Really need reviews. Whatever podcast app you're listening on, you can. There's stars. There's reviews there. It's somewhere. Come on why you're sitting there. See how many Kegels you can do while you're trying to figure out. How to leave a review for me and then when you leave the review be like Keisha gives great information and then just leave the number of kegels that it took. That's fine. Either to find their review will be a secret. No one will know why I have all these reviews and and after each of them is this just like random number? But you and I will know you just did 15 kegels to figure out how to leave her review for me. And we all know that your vagina got stronger. You don't even have to use your real fucking name. OK. I need that shit. You guys have a great week. I'll be back next week with love notes we'll be doing. Situations and solutions again. I have rewritten some of the questions for for Hollywood. I'm creating a really beautiful. Love note special for Valentine's Day. Ah, so that's all the stuff that's in the works. So you guys have a great week and I'll be back next week with love notes. Alright, alright. Goodbye.