Episode 69: The Sex Position of Equality and Your Weekly Tarot Reading

It wasn't my best week of energy, but we made it through and I'm still proud of this performance. I might have cut out a rant... Anyway, 69 is an old-time joke that everyone loves and a position we can all agree is fun! Pull out all the stops when you engage in this whimsical foreplay. Have you orgasmed in 69? Leave a review and let me know. Solid readings this week, and though I wasn't my normal self with my usual energy level, we still reached it! Have a great week and giggle at the possibilities!


Baseball: 00:02:31

Heart locket: 00:18:22

Sea Turtle: 00:34:40

Sex position 69: 01:07:50

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions



Episode 69

Episode 69: The Sex Position of Equality and Your Weekly Tarot Reading



It wasn't my best week of energy, but we made it through and I'm still proud of this performance. I might have cut out a rant... Anyway, 69 is an old-time joke that everyone loves and a position we can all agree is fun! Pull out all the stops when you engage in this whimsical foreplay. Have you orgasmed in 69? Leave a review and let me know. Solid readings this week, and though I wasn't my normal self with my usual energy level, we still reached it! Have a great week and giggle at the possibilities!



Baseball: 00:02:31

Heart locket: 00:18:22

Sea Turtle: 00:34:40

Sex position 69: 01:07:50


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions






Ready to spice it up a little bit? Just a little bit, Bedroom. Episodes all about 69. We just talk about. My greatest show, like I had higher expectations. For my 69 episode but. Was like really awoken. Deal with that. And. Not on my game. And so the terror readings this week. Little variable. You know, but they're still good. They're still to the point. They're still done. They still get your reading. Stick around for the end of the show. I'll talk about all the types of 6090 that there are. Yeah, still little sweet little 69 show, you know what I mean? Followed in. That's all it is this week. Uh, baseball. It was a baseball bat and ball, a heart locker. Sea turtle. Those are your choices. You can look in description, find the time, but they're all pretty good reading, so listen to them all. Stick around for the 69. Did we achieve orgasm? I don't. I don't. I don't know it's possible. It's not impossible. That's the whole point of possible staff initially. You know a great way to show your love or that you know you're into, you know you're into. Beneficial. Pleasure. You know, it really is 69. Really is the sex position of equality. It truly is. That's what this is. 69 position. All right, Jack, how you're reading. Stick around for the 69. You guys have a great week. I've already put my demon back to bed. Yeah, you know. Life happens sometimes, right? We just gotta take it by the balls. Deal with that. So you guys have a great week. Here's the show.





OK, let's get let's get to the meeting. Just so you know why. Beautiful fucking king. What is this? It's a baseball and a ball. It's a baseball bat. I can swing. Baseball bat. Baseball bat. OK. Sorry for that. We can't control alter. All we can do is control ourselves. Release your acts. It is time to clear your energy. Get rid of next. Let's see here. Describe the situation between the both of you right now. I don't know again if this is your reading for your ex, or reading for the situation, or for reading or another new person that you like. It's saying the situation current status is available, There's a need to talk, there's a need to get on the same page. And cleanse the negative energy so. There needs to be someone single here. OK, there's someone. Someone's status is now available. Over, you know, continues to be. I'm not sure there's a need to get on the same page here. There's a need to talk and and then talking it will clear the negativity. There's insatiable. There's a. This person's insatiable and there's a need to negotiate this. There's a need to negotiate and then take a rest. Take a vacation Hideaway. There's a. There's a need to negotiate. The highway. Right away because of the children. OK, so currently the situation is first card off the deck, single current status available. So someone's available. There needs to be a conversation to help remove the negativity. Again, there is this What is the insatiable desire about? There's this insatiable desire, and because of it. Because of that, there needs to be a negotiation. A vacation? With the children. There needs to negotiate. This needs to be negotiated so. So someone can go on vacation. Again, be more playful, being more. Childlike or this needs to be negotiated, but needs to if this is. We're talking about your ex right now. It looks like you need to negotiate. You need to talk to when Clemens cleanse this negativity because it looks like there is a problem with the fact that someone wants to go on vacation with the kids. And that there's stuff like that. So that could be what's going on. We'll see. What don't you know about the situation? That will help you make a better decision. There's. There was love in the. There was love, there was love. And again it happen. This is history past. It happened. So there's a lot of it happened. Or there's there's love and there's a history. Or there's real love here, but there is a history of silence and pause. And cut off. So it looks like someone. Again, maybe we're talking about. Their act, situation, or. The situation between it looks like there's been real long. OK, it looks like it was very genuine, very certain there is a history here. Ohm. Again. But it it's followed by silent treatment. It's followed by pausing, It's followed by a harsh cut off, some kind of extreme. Situation and that is happening today. That's what the. OK, so it looks like what you don't know is if there was love in the past, possibly. There is love here, but there's a need to deal with the history. That. I hope, I hope that helps. I guess I am tired, very tired. Get all these. My air conditioning. When you get to the age where you're like. Ohh shit. My chiropractor appointments coming up. Let's go do stupid shit that could hurt me. That I don't have to be hurt for a while waiting to go to the classroom during always go to the conference. You know there's a part of you that you go to chiropractor once a month. With the crazy shirt I got. How they feel about you right now, they're really distracted. You are on their mind a lot. They're just really they're miserable. And they're they're tired of pretending that they're not miserable. You make them so happy. You inspire their mind. They know that you are. They know that you have great empathy and great heart and you give them great courage or. Again, they think that you're curious. They say. You say you're a scribe. You preserve knowledge and information. Preserving. They would call you the king, someone who is is in lightened, someone who is the novelist, someone who is a lead. I think there is no just to talk to my women a minute. There is no greater. There is no greater compliment. I mean, lots of people like she's a queen, but there's no greater compliment to a woman than saying that she's a king, because that means she stands alone. So someone call it if you're female and you're listening to this and they call you again, and that means you stand among amongst men as a man. And there's no higher honor between men than to be part of the hierarchy. You know what I mean? If you've ever hung out with boys for a long time, they'll talk. They'll talk in their group about who could win a fight. There's all this aggression. You know, and they all play this out. They all wrestle to see who's strong, stronger than one another. And it's all because they're figuring out the hierarchy, who's alpha and then who's number two, who's number three and and and down the list. And so they're they're used to. When I used to hang out with my old friends, my old guy friend, there used to be this constant discussion about. Who would win in a fight if these two went on a fight? Who would win if these two were in a fight? Who would? You know what I mean? And so if you are there, you know there is honor to be placed within that list. You know what I mean? If you can beat out a man. That's in your group, to the point that, you know, everyone thinks you could kick their asses and yeah, then you stand among. All that. You know. They also call you a martyr, someone that is learning to transcend nature and the rescuer, someone that provides strength and support to others who are in crisis, scribe, can martyr and rescuer. Those are they have very high opinion. OK. Have they considered contacting you if you were? The situation says we need to have a talk. No. They're just watching you be happy. They're just watching you happy and. But yes, it is growing. So it's regrettably. They're not considering contacting you, they're just watching you be happy. And watching you grow. OK. They say it's fast, slow process. Ohh, is there competition for their attention? They're friends, there's friends. But. They would. They would choose quickly. To hold back. So they have is their competition for their attention. There's there's they have friendships. But if they had to make a choice, it would be very quick and they would hold on to. OK. Is this person right? Yeah. Yes, this person is right for you. Fulfillment. Today is what day is next year? I'm gonna put the porn question. On ice but among let everybody know. That the summer shows there are that questions. And some of the. That question is in some. Of the. They want to smell your skin. They want to pull your hair and slap your. Tie you to the bed. Take full advantage of me turning to the bedpost and take full. So they want. They want you to to take control. They want you to tie them down, they want you to pull their hair and they want you to slap their. Like you said, we're putting the. What kind of? Question. Nice. Let's look here. Don't worry, it's in the summer. When I come back. Will be fresh enough all the questions. My recording. Um. What you don't see is that this is a really lose lose situation. OK. The one that you like here, they are going to move. Or passively take a trip. I don't know, it's just. This burden that they have carried is over. Burden at this camp, says Kerry. It's. The X is going to. You're going to find some balance here. You can expect to find balance. And you can expect them to regret it, because you're. Yeah. You're gonna be so happy. These, this, whoever, this axes in your life, they were wishing for you to be depressed. They were wishing for you to be sad. But what they don't see is this one. This one's coming for you. The burden is over. The axe in this situation is gonna fucking crumble the tower. You're going to find balance. And you can expect. The. Expect them to regret it because you're going to be very happy. Because they were sitting there hoping for you to be so. Yeah, you're gonna be very happy. There's this song. Be happy they're watching. Yeah, yeah. Be happy. Be even happier because they're watching you. OK. And that's going to be part of their car? OK. All right. So let's see here what is some advice for what should you do about this situation? I feel like you might be fighting with an axe. Just so that you can take a fucking vacation. Almost feels like that. People. Um, again. There's on the Internet. There is a fear here of something going public. This came off warns is going to move. King of warns is going. So again, that might want to be talking about your ex right now. You know, again, there's this, there is a fear that something is going to be made public. In some way page of ones is the public message. And because of that, this came along. To whoever this is in your life, you could be an instigator. He's going to move on. And you can expect. This single independent moment. And this trial? There's a job. But the friendships or the family? The sisters, they decide. Make the decision. Vision is to help. That these feelings are mutual. OK, I hope that helps. You out in this particular situation, I will be back. I don't know why I wanna say playable but. OK. Uh, go ahead and play ball with this one, alright? Maybe that's the negotiation that needs to. I didn't even know. Alright, I'll be back.



Heart locket:


OK. This is a heart. With a keyhole in it. Locked up. Engagement. Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment. This is getting serious. She's getting serious. All right. Also. Situation. There's obsession. Set up session here, most indulge. It's forbidden love or obsession. And in the tragedy. This law. Again, it's magnetic pulled towards it. Yet they're feel stuck on, you know, and they feel stuck with the daily. Just the daily survival, OK? Just getting to work and shit like that, but they are searching online. It's just a timing factor. It's just a timing factor until it's legal. So let's leave court. People filled out again. Again, this is an engagement, so. You know, once the marriage happens, it does turn into illegal. Situation. Bound by law and love together, you know. So the situations, you know, saying that there's this obsession, there's this indulgence. I don't know if it's in the tragedy or if it's in the forbid or send the fact that this love is forbidden. You know, there's this obsession and. Drawn to it. You know but. There's this guy, just the hamster wheel, having enough money. Search and look and. The reality is that that's just a timing factor until the paperwork can be filed. What don't you know about this situation that would help you make a better decision? Someone got lost, pasted, or blocked. There's some focus. Lost focus here. It was kind of some lost focus on the masculine, either on the male and this scenario, or the masculine looks like they lost focus. So someone's lost their focus here. The the masculine energy in this situation has lost their focus. Lost their focus. They moved. They lost their focus on law. There's this lost. Focus on the masculine energy. That is the law of column. And then sponsor unexpected of that something spontaneous. Surprise. Twin Flame It's complicated card. Which is leading to crickets. And then also until they can prove it. Show it. Into the silence until there's there's proof. Remain silent till there's proof. I feel like someone's got their heart again. This is about the. The Heart's got a keyhole on it and it's really sweet. I don't have these cards out, but one of my favorite dots. Has these two Penguins. It's the Soulmate card. One holds the key, one has the heart with the law. So. Like there's this energy here that love is locked away, safe until. Some kind of timing factor or some kind of legal situation can. Dealt with. So someone lost their focus. The masculine energy, either on the masculine energy or the masculine in this scenario lost their focus. Whether it be on love or but here's love, here's this unexpected event. Here's this complicated situation. Now it's silence until there can be proof. OK, how would they? How do they feel about your presence? They want to build. Stability. You're feeling very tired and alone. You definitely have seduced this person. They feel seduced by you. In their dreams. They're dealing with a lot of rage, though. Uh. But they intuitively trust you. Like intuitively there's trust because of the way you tame or make them feel calm. Again, this this tame card is it's about a horse, and horses are hard. To break. There's a saying a horse is never truly broken. There's all this idea that you can break horses, no? You get to a point where you've gained enough trust with a horse that they trust you. Of course we call it breaking a horse, right? But what you're doing is you're breaking into their heart and creating trust. Like you can't break a horses spirit. Horse can always fuck. It is sad that horses can truly go back. To be. Unbroken. Very quickly. So they want to build with you. They're feeling very alone. You've seduced the hell out of them. It makes them angry. OK. So your sexy vibe has worked. How would they describe you? As the damsel understanding the nature of a healthy romance. As the hermit, someone who seeks solitude and the goddess feminine expressed through when with wisdom, nature, life, force. And and sensuality. So they will call you the Damsel. They would call you the Hermit, and they would call you the gossip, the gossip, the Goddess. Are they considered? So this is your. Your relationship is accepted is ascending to a higher level. Umm. Yes, they definitely have thought about contacting you when they return. This is my 6 of 1. So it's success and it's successful return. This person is returning to and there's a parade for this person because they've come back from more successful. So yes. They are committed to finding balance with you. They've been through something very sad which made them take some action in destiny. All right, Ace of Ones, Wheel of Fortune. So yes, they they're, if they are, when they return to you. Or return in some way? Or once they're successful, maybe with whatever they're dealing with, they will contact you? Is there competition for their attention? It's saying you can expect things to grow. Develop with this bitch and. The Emperor. And the father of the boss when it comes to work so. It's a competition for their attention. It looks like it has to do with work. If there's competition for their attention, it's because they were they were growing. They're working on something. They're dealing with this bitch, this bitchi boss at work, so they got this boss bitch that they work for, so they might work for a female. And so and they're they're working on something right now or they're letting it develop, but you can, you can expect there to be. You can expect them to. To be you again, I'm sorry. You can listen to the reading before in a while. Why? I'm not reading The Terror so good right now. You can expect this. They either they're either calling their boss a bitch, which he could be a man and he called ditch, or they're working for this female boss, this bitch already at work. So whatever you can expect the that you that they're going to be distracted, or this boss, this bitchi boss at. Work is going to be the only competition that you have. So as far As for their attention, OK, so whoever is there bit you boss at work. That's your only competition. This is personal right for you. There, I feel like I'm I feel like this is saying they're being manipulated by a certain they're being manipulated by work, but that work is almost done, OK? Um, this person right for you? If they stand up for themselves and break up, so I don't know. It's it's interesting because you have this engagement card, your life is ascending to a higher level of commitment with this person. But are they in a relationship? Because it looks like, again, there's the Forbidden love card. There's the need for legal paperwork to happen. Someone's losing focus here when it comes to the masculine energy, yet love pops up. In their face. It's so complicated. Here comes the silence. The silence is the proof. So if you if. If this person's gone silent, then you can, you know. This person right for you? Well. If you're in a relationship, or they're already in a relationship, someone needs to stand up for themselves. Or defend themselves with the justice card, so someone's got to defend themselves. Um. In a breakup or in a legal situation. Right for you. Well, yes, they are the son. So if they if they they have to go through, it looks like they have to go through some kind of legal situation which could be divorced most likely. But if they go through that, if they stand up for themselves and they go through that, then yes, this person is right for you. Next year. We're putting the form question on ice right now in the summer readings. There is some of that. That question is within the summer reading some of the. Let's do it with the lights on so I can see everything. Let me get you off. All my. Some coral in your future? OK. The action is being moved on from whatever happened, whatever action. Is being moved. It was just very sad. The action is being moved on from it comes to the home. It was just very sad. There will be, there will be some reconcile. Just keep watch. And stay loyal. To your anger, stay loyal to what makes you upset. For staying loyal to your quick action. There's definitely fear here. The devil. The X and his messages. The Ex's messages were are very defensive. I'm sorry, the Axis messages were very defensive. Defend it, Yeah. We're very defensive. They're sorry about they're sorry about this period of silence. You can expect. What you're dreaming about? You can expect that again, the Daydream. The vision, The DOS, possibly. You can expect the dust to settle. Maybe. You can expect them to make a very passionate choice. You can expect that this dream will continue. And the choice will be twofold. OK. So. Something going on with this person? It doesn't necessarily mean like engagement. It could, I mean. Reading to her to see if he'll ask you to marry him, I don't know. I just feel like whenever this card comes out. It's talking about taking another step towards a relationship. Or towards something more serious. So if this person gets through or you get through the legal situation. Um. You know? Or the fact that everything's paused, you know. Until there's a divorce or until there's a breakup. You can expect this person. Choose. To to to fog. It will make the choice to follow. So if you're like, would this person even talk me? Yeah, he would. Their heart might be on lockdown, but it might be on lockdown for you. On the bottom of this deck is the playful card and I really feel like. There is a need to like back up, take a break. Would be more playful. Rest, et cetera, so. Keep your heart and the Locket. Right. OK, I will be back, right? This is episode 69. I will not. I will not be this tired when I talk about 69. I still don't know. The mood today. Hopefully I'll be in the mood by the time I record it. OK, stay tuned for the next reading.



Sea Turtle:







All right, 69. You know, let's talk about it. It was funny. I was getting in the car and go to the bus stop. And my show was on because I was doing quality control. I try to listen to the show before I put it out Quality controls. It was last week show. Winston says. Episode 69 is next. I say, yeah, you got to talk about 69. It's course, so you got to. I don't even know if you knows what 69 it is. As far as that shit goes, you know, I told him. So once you're interested in that stuff, you can ask me anything. But everybody knows, right? 6960 classic segment, right. It's, it's foreplay and so many ways. And it's like if if you're 69, like you're married couple. Yeah, you're really, you're really going out at that time, right. That's the bills, you know, pull it out all the stops, pull them, pull it out the 69. It really is universal pleasure. It is one of the most It's the sex position. Of equality it truly is, um. Just like anal, it's universal. Everybody can enjoy. You know, 69, it really is mutually beneficial and I can't, I gotta call out my Pisces here because you know, they are the sign of 69. That's what their Zodiac sign looks at, their symbol. So it's supposed to be two fish, but. They bet they all better be good. At 69, there's lots of like styles of 69. Of course there's a classic that everybody knows about and then there's the standing 69 where he holds you upside down. I have seen those in porn and those are impressive. They're normally black men that can do that though that are strong enough for that bodybuilder type, but they're also is like the. Everything I read about 69 didn't talk about yoga, 69. That's when you know she is on a handstand, right? You know he's sitting. He's can't stand there, whatever. We're playing Twister, right? That's kind of what it is. There's the sideways, the sideways 69, which is really great. For people that have height differences, because height is really important for this particular style of foreplay. And then of course there's the inverted, but who? Who wants a man on top? You know, I was never fond of the, you know, inverted 16, right? I just don't like balls in my face, hanging in my face. I just really don't. Not just might be like because I. Grew up with a bunch of drummers who were, you know, teabagging each other every time they got a chance to do it. That shit was hilarious. Maybe that's why Molly don't put your balls on the face. Kind of. There is the squatting 69 as well, which is very much kind of like. You know, it's like the, you know, it's like the setup for Deep Throat. You know you have one person, you know with the three got one person laying, one person standing. But it's that same mentality. You have someone sitting facing the same direction and they lean over onto you right then there's the penetrate of 69 which. Uses sex toys. You know, if he's like into that having his. Played with the sex toy. There's analingus. All you ask, eaters out there, it'll Lingus 69 that To me, that's even funnier than 69. These people out there. You know Lingus. I should leave. You have a survey. And then of course, there's the Threesome 69, which looks like a triangle. And then there's a swing 69 too, if you're like, got, you know, a sex swing out and things like that. So there's lots. You know, really, it's up to your imagination. However, you can get your genitals both together. At the same, you know. High ratio to each other. It works throughout history. It was discovered. OK, yeah, sure. Discovered and named. In France in 1790, I don't believe that because I when I read about blowjobs, we know that there was a brothel. Degrees or was it an Egypt where 69 was actually mosaic on on the wall as part of their brotherman menu? So we know that it wasn't like, you know, it was named 69. By the French, of course, you. Right. And like it is in the Comma Sutra, it's called the Congress of Crow. Congress. They call us sex conversation. The Karma Sutra is that, isn't that like, I like that mentality. It is a conversation. You know and you know one of the things about 6090 is it can be really intense because like you're both, you know, giving annual or not annual or or what this is going to be. If you're using toys, you're both giving oral at the same time and that that can be. You know. You know, it could be a little bit too much activity. And one of the things that I came across a lot in my research was to go ahead and kind of take turns a little bit, you know what I mean? Like you do oral for a little bit and then just keep your hand on it and then they go up in intensity and then you come back with intensity. So you know, if you look at 69. Like a conversation. For, you know, achieving orgasm. Will be more likely and that was one of the myths that was repeated throughout the research was that you can't need a partner comes in a 69. I mean, again that's why it's like labeled as foreplay. I I know that's a myth. I've come in 69 before so. That's. You know what I mean? But. That was. That's the only match that's. That's. I think just I don't want, I don't understand I mean. I I don't understand why that myth would be there, you know, I don't know. Maybe I don't. Can't get my head around it. Like I said, this week is all off. I kind of needed a good. Anyway. As far As for couples go, this is a really great way to spice up your sex life, kind of adding that into it. It really helps improve coordination and trust in the relationship. So again, as you 69 you're, you know, you're you're practicing, you're working on. Your rhythm with your partner you're working on understanding your partner's body. You know, there's a lot of coordination that goes into into 6090. You know, in porn, it's a classic and orgy porn. Like every there's always gonna be a 69. Situation happened to in like a threesome. Or or just kind of scenario. You know it just it just is. It's just part of it now. They got all this stacking point and it dawned on me I will now read that pancake making card. As stacked pouring. I don't know if you know how many of you guys are actually out there taking in mail content, sexual content, but you know there's this whole thing now where he'll stack. Three girls on top of one another and just have that whatever hole, you know, that's like six holes right there all lined up for. But that's like the new kind of heterosexual fantasy or. Scenario anymore? I don't. I mean, it's it's stacked porn pancakes. Stacked porn. Like they just feels like I'm going to label that card as that particular part of what we go back to. To the foreign question, I don't know. I like it, but it feels. It feels intrusive to me. You know what I mean? Like. I don't mind, you know, I like people keep their secrets, like confidentiality mentality. But you know, maybe I should ask a more linear question like would there is anything in there porn history. Would it turn you off? You know what I mean. And the answer is to that question. Every man is watching porn that he's ashamed of. Every single man has watched porn that he's ashamed that he's watched. I have watched porn that machined like I watched this one and I was like, is she fucking? I didn't get off to it, but I did watch it and that was a big question like she. You know what I mean? There's so much porn out there. Like everyone's got. Every man's got a list of porno that he's watched, that he would never want anybody. Watched. Not even. We're not even talking. You begal, though some things are probably borderline. Illegal in any way. Or they're made to feel like illegal porn, but they're quite legal, You know what I mean? There's a lot of that. Barely legal. Photography out there, you know, And it's an interesting thing. Like, I don't mean to get off on it on a tangent here about porno, but you know. As a as a psych. This is like a psychology minded person. There's a part of me that's like, OK, well there's a there's a a level of attenuation which means that the stimulus no longer has the same effect. So it's the same idea like if you heard a loud noise for a very long time, you would stop hearing it. You know what I mean? You would attenuate. It's just like you attenuate to pain you attenuate to. To just noise around you like you don't always hear your your refrigerator. You know, sometimes you can if it's certain quiet and your attention is brought to it. But it's, you know, it's not something that you hear in your range of hearing all day, you know, and so there's like this part of me that's like, OK, so you know, you have that natural building of tolerance for anything that induces dopamine. You know, like calming. So, you know, pornography really is a type of drug, right? That again, men use religiously. It's like caffeine or aid or hair. Carol. But. The reality is there is a. Stacking type, you know, energy that's going to happen where? You're gonna ride a certain kind of fuct train to a certain fucket stop, and then you're going to get off and be like, oh fuck, how did I get here? You know, and I think that that journey is something that every man has taken, whether he got on the next train. You know, back or whether he took the OR he got back on that same train and took it. Even fathers is the you know, his own question of his own. Values, right. But again, you know, that's why it's a. It's a telling question. And the Taro, you know what I mean? It's interesting to me because I mean it gives you an idea of where. Where on the foreign train? What Car? The porn train, are they in? You know what I mean, Which is good to know. Because, like I said, if he's only watching, barely legal. Girls, then. That. Or if he's only watching Gay Socks and he's a heterosexual man, that's another you know? Or if he's only watching an orgy. And again, I don't hold orgy porn against men just because it's everything at once. And it probably is the healthiest out of every train car you could end up in. As far as getting to that level of tolerance, I think orgy is that is the healthiest. Ohh. Is the healthiest. You know, so again, you got a lot of women that are going to be in that position with the He Watches Orchid. That's disgusting. And how can he, you know, obviously wants to flock more than one woman at a time? No. No, no, he can. Only he can. Hardly. He can't even satisfy 1 fucking woman at a time. He's not sitting there fantasizing. About fucking. Three pussies at once. I mean, there's never going to get. He's not even getting one off. He's the only one getting off, you know what I mean? You know in that in reality for man is is this you know? Chances, right? But I don't know. Like I said. So I I I struggle with the question because I I want to respect men enough to give them their privacy, but I also want to know what train car they're in. Just for my list of safe. You know, because if he's. I mean. There's just so much. And then, like I said, at the end of the day, every man feels like shit about himself. Turn off. OK. And so they're dealing with, they're all involved with.

·      Yeah, but yeah, If you're looking to spice things up in your relationship, um. You know. Jump on top of them 69 style and have some fun and joy. The process, right? Enjoy the foreplay of it and it is like the greatest thing about 69 is it's like it's taking the time. To have foreplay because it's, you know, if you're getting get into the 69 position, you're going to stay there for, you know, at least 5. Please cause. You're doing it off that. Tips for 6090. You know, being in a comfortable position or on a comfortable surface, yeah, that's important hygiene. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's always nice to be freshly like showered and. Especially if you're the man in the 69, like you gotta scrub your undercarriage because she's gonna be under that. You're going to be doing the inverted. She's going to be down there like. Your bottles better, honey. You know, taking breaks and finding the rhythm and taking turns That is, again, another really good tip. Just as a reminder, you know, if you don't know this person well or this is just whatever you know a barrier is. Always great for safety. You can still contract things like gonorrhea. So. It's such it's so simple. It's a simple sexual act, right? And what else can you say it is? It's universal, it's universal oral pleasure. You know. And it is the sex position of equality. It really is. It's fair. It's just. It's a myth. That no one can orgasm. We have broken. Yeah. So that's the show this week I have to apologize for. The low energy. Readings this is not my best week. However. But yeah, I'll be back next week. Still still full speed ahead on this show. You guys have a good one. Yeah. Next week's a love week and then we're on to something else. I don't know, do I? I go through all the weird. Shit. We should do. Just for the asking. I don't know. I'd have to figure that shit out. That's that's next week. I don't have to worry about it this week. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, I got them. I can always use your support on whatever app you're listening on. There's a way to review this show and the moment you review this, show my algorithm. Momentum. So please take a moment, especially if you're my one of my pod beans podcast addict. Especially those two. You can always use reviews. Couldn't use another Apple review, Wouldn't hurt. It's been a while since I got another Apple. Review of the good kick in that. I know the show went out early last week. I think I'm going to let it out early this week again. I'm just trying to see how it goes. Alright Ohh. Yeah, you guys have a good week recuperate. Get a 69 in there, you know. Partner jump on top. Don't be tickled pink. I don't know any man. She just got on top of me and sat her pussy right in her book. All right, there we go. There's This Week show. Sorry for the Off Energy. It's not my fault. Talk to you guys later. Bye.