Decisions, Decisions and Your Weekly Tarot Reading and Love Note
Look, there’s a Win-Win Situation ahead. When we don’t make decisions, decisions are decided for us, which is why I use the 7 of swords as a lose-lose situation. So, you might as well do what you want. The longer we wait to make decisions, the easier it gets to make them, and that's where the rub on your ego, your morally imposed guilt, comes in, but in the end, you're just gullible. It's always a good time to make a good decision, but hard decisions have many outcomes, often better than the alternatives. So, write it down and figure out the possible outcomes. Are they really so bad?
Great Love Note this week. It’s the last one until I return from my recording break. Have faith that everything will turn out just perfectly for you! That’s half the battle! Enjoy your tarot reading and send me an email if it resonates with you!
Wind: 00:12:20
Fire: 00:31:59
Water: 00:51:12
Earth: 01:15:30
Win-Win Love Note: 01:28:47
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Episode 70
Decisions, Decisions and Your Weekly Tarot Reading and Love Note
Look, there’s a Win-Win Situation ahead. When we don’t make decisions, decisions are decided for us, which is why I use the 7 of swords as a lose-lose situation. So, you might as well do what you want. The longer we wait to make decisions, the easier it gets to make them, and that's where the rub on your ego, your morally imposed guilt, comes in, but in the end, you're just gullible. It's always a good time to make a good decision, but hard decisions have many outcomes, often better than the alternatives. So, write it down and figure out the possible outcomes. Are they really so bad?
Great Love Note this week. It’s the last one until I return from my recording break. Have faith that everything will turn out just perfectly for you! That’s half the battle! Enjoy your tarot reading and send me an email if it resonates with you!
Wind: 00:12:20
Fire: 00:31:59
Water: 00:51:12
Earth: 01:15:30
Win-Win Love Note: 01:28:47
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions
Making decisions. It's difficult. I mean, if it were pretty easy, we we all. Right. The hardest part about making decisions is, again, not knowing that. And that was something that we that we talked about in the Love note this week repeatedly. When When forecast has been predicted. Alright, got that three times anytime the statement comes up three times in a reading. It's to me it's always something that is. So if you would a dollars down on that one, you know what I mean? Anytime like you get three in a row, it's it's special, right? You know, we struggle so much because it's easier not to make a decision. And when you don't make decisions, decisions are made for you, right? And so you struggle with this. When do I make a decision? When I make a decision, should I hold back or should I let the decision be made for me right? We go through all of these different making the decision about the decision, right? It's process. It really is, and we must remember. That life is constantly moving. We are constantly growing. We are constantly shedding. Our skin every day, just like the snake does. You know what I mean? We're losing hair. We're growing new hair, right? We're getting older, gaining lines, gaining power. Not getting any younger today is the youngest I'm ever going to be. It's all about how you look at it. But when we don't make decisions, when we decide to stay in situations we know that are not healthy, all that does is breathe stagnant energy. What a stagnant energy does do, it fasters. It becomes. And it turns into a cesspool, right? It turns into, you know, mock. So sometimes the longer we wait to make a decision, the easier decision becomes because anything's better than that. And there are so many times in life where you're like any decision. I make is better than staying in this. We talk about abusive relationships and narcissistic situations that we find ourselves in, but if you have recognized that the environment, the relationship that you're living within right now. Is causing you to gain weight, to lose weight, to lose hair, to lose sleep. To lose your peace. What do you have to lose? By late. You know, so many times we martyr ourselves and continue to abuse because it's the right thing to do, because it's the Catholic thing to do, because it's the righteous move. And you know you must weigh your sense of needing to be righteous. Against your need to be to breathe, you need to be free. Your need. And your right to have peace. And yes, things are. Feel insurmountable Things feel like you're going to make a bigger mass anytime you clean up a mask. It's going to be a bigger mass. For a little while, and then it's going to be. Like I have tackled. Enormous hordes of my life. I'm like a natural cleaner, like to clean. I things to be clean. I'm not necessarily a perfectionist. I like a little bit of disorder, like even in my own environment, someone walking hand doing this, not. This could be clear. This is not like you're not type a cleaner. No, My floors are clean, everything's disinfected. And to my view, everything is peaceful. Because if it's too clean and you feel like you're clean, you know everything. Here we are getting those annual people, you know, those annual people that, like, you make one mess and they're wiping the table. And you're not even done. You might make another sandwich. Ever do that? We're making a sandwich. You leave the knife out. Because you're like, I think I might actually want a sandwich and a half, but I'm not going to waste making the half a sandwich until I eat the sandwich and see how I feel and then I can clean up. So then you go over there and make your sandwich and sit down, and then if you're living with an animal, fucking type a person. They've gone and cleaned up. Your second making sandwich. Situation. And then they're mad at you because you left a mess. No, I I I was gonna make another. I just wasn't sure yet to, like, eat the first sandwich because I'm not going to waste. Two slices of bread. One might be full after one. Now I know I need a half sand. You know what I mean? Have you ever been with those people that are on top of you? There's a lot of. You know, and it gets frustrated. Really. Um. We can be like that. I like my environment clean and I like a sense of imperfect, because that means that when someone walks into my house. Very immediately gonna be like, OK, take my shoes off here. She doesn't give a fucking shit. If. If I leave my mayonnaise fuckking knife on bucking shirt, the only thing that ever used to really piss me off and this is this is the only like type eight thing that I've ever really, really got mad at. I would make dinner, OK, I would make dinner. I would do the dinner dishes, so that includes what we ate on and then the whatever I used to make dinner. And then I would give my son a bath. And that was my finish line every day. Dinner. Clean up dinner, give my son a bath and then I hit the finish line and at that moment I can go take a bath myself. I can go lay down. This is the first time all day that I've given myself permission to fucking rest. And I've put my entire I I do like a clean kitchen. At night, just because it helps me. Be more productive in the morning if I don't have to do the dishes in the morning. You know what I mean? Like I like walking down. And having my shirt ready for morning, because I'm not really necessarily a morning person. That's the only thing I get kind of crazy about. Like my kitchen counter is clean at night. Even though in the middle of the night I'm going to come downstairs and have a snack and I'm going to look. Probably going to leave that. That's spoon, you know. There. But my axe would I just get done doing all this and he'd have his pudding and put one fucking spoon in the sink after I just got done doing every. You could take. 30 seconds And clean your one flocking spoon, just so that I could have a when I walk upstairs. Everything's done. I have. I have Taurus Rising. I have a lot of Virgo in me, so I do have the tendency to like things a certain way, but I'm not crazy about them, that was. I just got done washing. Dishes for three. Pots and pans and utensils for the entire dinner. I've wiped off everything. Everything I've made a mess on. Everything is fucking. I have wiped out my sink. Everything is fucking done. I finally I'm giving myself permission to rest to. To clock out. From my motherly duties for the rest. See, I have both sides. You know, but still, this is my point. Like when you like, live in a situation in which all the other person is not valued, valuing how hard you're working, not appreciating what all you just did in the last two hours to fill their tummies. Clean that to clean it up, you know what I mean? These are all. Compounding situations, right? And here on the week after Mother's Day, right? And how many women were like? Depending on your situation. But we have to remember that not making a decision is making a decision. So even though you might be sitting there like, I don't want to make this decision, I don't want to be the one who is. Who is forever blamed for making this decision? Well, the moment you don't make a decision, you are complacent in your own. And so our as we kind of gear into the summer shows I only got. Seriously. One more show after this, then we're rolling into the summer show. I want my listeners really to take some time. And think about the things in your life that you're not making decisions about and see how they're affecting you long term. See how they're making you stagnant in your life and in your joy and in your mind and in your heart and in your soul and all that fucking. Really take the time this summer. To evaluate. The situations you find yourself in. And then evaluate whether you relax making decision is is compounding that to the point that you're going to at one moment be like I have to go because everything's better than. And that's where people get to when they don't make decisions. When you don't make a decision to get out while you can. When you don't make a decision to do something better with your life and you don't make a decision. To kick and scream. Right. What are you doing? How are you complacent or complicit? You know through the situation, which leads you to anything that's. And that's what we're trying to avoid is that moment of anything is better than this because that's not the place you need to get to. Every time you want to make a decision? How many millennia? Especially or to that point that they don't make a decision until they're like till it's. Look, there's nothing I could do about it. This is anything I do is better. And that is your own. Need to offset your guilt? That's not right either. You should be able to stand up and say I'm making this fucking decision for myself because it is from my highest good. And is for the highest good of those. Tap for me to fulfill my. OK. Yeah. When are we going to take responsibility for the fact that we're making no decision and that is the decision to stay in? Complacency. So at the end of the day, you can blame everybody else for the position that you're. Or you can blame yourself for not making it. So that's the that's this should be all this. We hope it made sense. I hope it gives you something to talk about. The readings this week go Wind, Fire, water, and Earth. Check the description box. For the time stamp, go ahead, cross, listen and stick around for the love note. It was very sweet. It's going to be a win. Win situation? No. No doubt about it. Even Regardless of what you choose, it's going to turn out. Alright.
On the relationship. Worth waiting for Divine timing is at work. Secondly. Your. The way they fell. Your overall energy is being kind of dramatic right now and you're in kind of some kind of denial. Being a little dramatic and it's a little irrational. Overall, energy is divine feminine. We'll get. Sometimes I really doubt it. Just being more feminine, you know, energy or feminism sometimes. Growing. You're a motional state is that this is just the third party list and it's comment their emotional status. This is a risk. Mentally, you want to cleanse the negativity because you're sick of being in this energy. Mentally, they're coming to some kind of realization. You have to overcome a deadline and feeling like the time is running out again. Like you gotta wait for this if you want it. They have to overcome appearances or feeling threatened. So I don't know if you're like trying to pressure this person because you're sick of waiting. And that's making them feel a little bit threatened. I'm talking to a man right now. Your pressure. Might be. Maybe too much. You'll overcome this deadline with masculine energies, so we'll see what that is. Now we have the mask. Spread. Let's see here they will overcome this threatening. Energy or feeling embarrassed by. Taking a pause by taking a break. Between your mouth. Is a break out of you reconcilable differences. Screening mentally. It's a proposal offer on the table and the outcome if nothing changes. My voice, it's OK. So you're you're if you don't. Relax here. And wait and be patient. This ultimately lead to you being avoided. Why is there overall energy feminine? Because it makes them happy, makes them happy to be in a more feminine energy, whatever that means. Maybe he's wearing chicks, panties, I don't know. They don't know. Or maybe we're talking about a female here who's enjoying Indology and her feminine Wiles. You know what I mean? Why do you think that this is the third party fucking lesson? Because of the chemistry. Because you think the chemistry is going to run out because it's really strong. Why are why is your overall energy over here causing chaos and being irrational? Is that how you are? It could be because there's children involved. You know, or it could be a sign of, you know, needing to mature a little bit. I'm not sure that's an introspection for yourself. OK, mentally you're looking for ways to clear this negativity. I just feel like, you know, is there enough sage in the world? Yeah, it's triggering you. Whatever has been happening here is really been triggering you, so you need to like, move on from the negativity of it. Chalk it up to experience. Chalk it up to now. I know I, you know, I I do that so many. I'm always disappointed in people and I try to adjust my expectations. Correctly, because that helps me like deal with the fact that. You know, people are. So self involved, You know what I mean So. You know, a lot of times. You know, I'll get to a point where it's just like there's nothing I can do. So I'm not going to allow it to steal what little piece of all joy I have. To run my dad. You know what I mean. It's almost like getting stubborn and spitefully happy to overcome whatever. Whatever. You know, you've just met. Why do they feel like this is such a risk for Rookie? Because of the way that you're in pursuit of it, OK. So you're coming on to, it's obvious that you're coming on too strong. I feel like I'm talking to a man, so if I'm talking to a female, you're coming on as strong as a man. OK. They're emotionally there's a breakup between the two of you. So I don't know if you both are in breakups or you both are divorcees. Or if you from phone lessons in that kind of way, I'll throw up. Yeah, it's it's the way you're you're connected through divorce in someone. I don't know if you met them. Because of your, you know, ex partner or you're connected in some way through a reconcilable differences. Why do they feel so embarrassed or why is this embarrassed threatening? But they are overcome. It's leading to them feeling very, very frustrated. Why are how are you going to overcome this deadline with masculine? OK, you're going to just get busy and start hustling. So you're going to change your focus from deadline, deadline. I have to have this relationship now? To focusing on your money, focusing on your job, focusing on keeping your home and. And social life stable. That will help you overcome this like pushing, pursuing. Energy in which you know, again, you're being a little irrational. So you need to realize that Divine timing is at work in your love life and take your foot off the gas. Get to a nice cruising speed between you and this offer. What's with this offer between you? Offer proposal commitment that's causing gossip. So between you this like offer proposal commitment, it's causing gossip and I don't know if this is one of those things where. Uh, you know, two couples have gotten divorced and the other people have gotten together. That kind of mentality could be that kind of energy. It looks like this is a timing factor and you just need to back up from pursuing it because you're pursuing it in such a way that's making them feel like you are risky, whether that is unstable, pushy. You know what I mean. Sometimes we get so. Stuck on what we want, right? That we won't let it go? And sometimes that is when people get stubborn back with us again. If nothing changes here, if you continue to do and push this same way, they're going to avoid you. Dance. Yeah, there, because they're going to feel like you're going to want to entrap the trap them in some way. They feel like you're trying to trap them. But they are going to make this realization that you are their soul mate. And yeah, sometimes you have to let people's feelings develop. Um, you know, there is that whole runner chaser mentality, especially in the twin Flame dynamic. But you know, it's good to run away some. See if they give a shit, right? See if they want your your attention back. And sometimes we have to realize that. You know, sometimes it's all about the attention. But some people do not. Do not like too much attack. You know, depending on. How you were raised, How do they feel about your presence in your life? They want you to know that things aren't always how they appear, and they think that you're sabotaging this relationship. It's making them very nervous. They don't want to play this particular game with you anymore and they're feeling like they can't do it and. So you got this person feels like, yeah, they're they're feeling unstable, this relationship feels unstable and they're about to break. So you've pushed this one too far. And again, we have to realize that just because we feel something strongly doesn't mean that they're going to feel something strongly. Sometimes it takes time. Anybody who's ever been hurt before is going to take time. To. To make sure that you know you don't get hurt again. You really need to work on your patience this week. How would they describe you? As we have, it helps you recognize and confront addictive behavior. So they would say that you have some kind of addictive behavior. Maybe you're addicted to them. They would call you the shape shifter. Skills at navigating through different levels of consciousness, the ability to see potential in everything. I always use Shapeshifter as like my car for Gemini. Here, so I could be talking to a Gemini. You throw off 2 completely different energies, one that's very intense and one that doesn't give a shit. Like my German eyes can like I cannot talk to them for a matter of months and then boom, I'm like on a you know we're talking everyday type thing, you know. So Jim and I really have that two sided personality. I'm not calling you two face. I think you have two distinct sides and one is very introverted. One is very extroverted and this sheep suffered to me is always like someone who's working on their body or who's lost a lot of weight. They're also use it as someone that. Get adjust to the room. So when you walk into a room, if you are more comfortable you will be more outgoing. You know what I mean? And then the trickster, all right. Transcending convention, stiffness and predictability. So you're unpredictable. They would say that you're unpredictable. Possibly struggling with an addiction, whether that addiction is them or it's a substance and then also shape shifter. So those are that they aren't necessarily. Those aren't necessarily negative or positive. You know. So that again, you need to back off of this person if you really like them, you really love someone, truly love someone you give them. Give them time to recuperate, time to think, time. You know what I mean. Given more space, sometimes every I, I find that desperation is eternal. I love the smell of your pussy. Happy little school girl who needs this? So there is lots of chemistry between the two of you. You know what you need. So that's good. So you have chemistry with this person and that's probably why you're feeling more addicted to it. That's why you're feeling this. Whole right. Let's see what the cards say for advice. The decision has already been made. Function. It's. The decision to take any action would be heartbreak. So if you've been thinking in your head, I should do this. I should do that, I should do this. It's saying don't. It's heartbreaking. Keep it secret. Keep dreaming about it. Yeah, and because there's these, some things need to fall apart. This dream which is going to fall apart because of a cheating man. That's cheating, man. All right. So any decision you make to take action? Would result and heartbreak. Secretly there is a crumbling that's happening with the King of ones. Could be a fire sign or could be a man that is very attractive. Lemon. The expectation is right now it's a lose, lose battle, so you you need to wait and see. The mother and the scenario. That's you, because you're over here. You know, upset. There's children. You're. It seems the mother moves on. From warning wanting to reconcile, yeah. The mother is going to move on and will not want to reconcile. So if you're in the if this person is in the midst of a break over in the midst of a divorce, I'm not sure where you are in the midst of, you know, because between you, emotionally both of you is a divorce. Something very fine or reconciled with differences. So. Again, the mother is going to choose to move on and not reconcile. So if you're sitting in there worried that he is going to go or you know someone's going back to their acts. You're being a rational. No, they're not. They you need to to take the pressure off. You're pressuring the situation too much. I can tell you right now that all the cards because it's telling you go focus on work. They'll return. This, this will be successful. They'll return it. There's a destiny here to be happy, that decisions have been made to be happy. So the decisions are being made to be happy with this emperor, this father figure, with this, this possible Aries. The deck. The Dick just wants money. He moves on to. Hold back until they move. Go back to the. And on to the move to the trip. This, this horror is heartbroken. It's heartbreaking. Scenario and she is heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking and she's mad. Because she got a gift. And that's the judgment. So I don't know if she's this horror is heartbroken and mad either. She got a gift in some way. I don't know if it's the last year. I don't know if it's just a small settlement. It looks like she wanted a much larger settlement, but she's not getting, she's not getting that. That's the charge. Um. The decision has. OK. So it's is it worth waiting for? So this should you wait for this? So I'm selfish. Woman gets the most. And that causes the fear. Yes, yes of cups. Yes, it's worth. Yeah, wait for this war to take action. In the meantime, you are going to be very masculine. OK, your your masculine energy anyway right now. You know what I mean? You're going and getting your house. So it's saying to stay in that energy because that helps you overcome this energy of Oh my God at times running out. It keeps you out of this rational thinking, out of this drama. All right, so get to work. Keep working. Um. And then let this let this thing kind of pan out and right children's on the bottom of this other deck. Again, if there are children involved, it's always better to side. Um. Question and excuse me some time. And this is the thing, like in divorce with children. They hit you at weird times with their emotions. OK, you're never prepared for trial to motion. You know what I mean? It's just it's they just happen. And they have it at the most inopportune. Stress to shift and that is when your kids don't be like. Divorce. Here I got to sit down have a problem. Gives me about six months to adjust to their parents divorce. That's what the professionals say. So back off. Allow this thing to kind of pan out. The pressure you're putting on this relationship is enough to to end it and to and to cause avoidance. So if you like this person, if you want this relationship, back off the accelerator, back off the pushy energy and that will be enough for them to see that you actually. Alright, I'll be back.
Under fire. Forgiving and learning. As you release and heal the past, you experience more. So there's some forgiving. Each other because you're just learning. Your overall energy has been triggered. Spots to stimulus. What is that? They've learned their lesson. What is your emotions towards this person? Just kind of emotionally you're just on hands, this person gets going, you're going round and round. Emotionally, they're pretty. They don't. Mentally, you're you're unexplainably cold. To this relationship to this situation. Mentally, they're dealing with some legal people. You have to overcome a sense of entrapment, feeling stock by pregnancy money, heartstrings or guilt. They have to overcome a meeting with two more people to discuss and make plans. So they have to do. You overcome this entrapment by being toxic about it. The fire. Fighting fire with fire over there, right? They will overcome this meeting, this meeting to discuss and plan. With family, with the idea of. With their inner circle between you emotionally is uncontained, unconditional love. Between you manfully, though, is some anxiety. And feeling like you're on the verge. If nothing changes, what's the outcome in this relationship? Worse. OK. If nothing changes, you're going, it's going to be your irreconcilable, OK? What? What's fucking triggering? Some kind of avoidance? What's triggering you is the. Everything. Miserable. Because of the history? Because of past events. So something they've learned something from past events and they're done. You're over here dealing with feeling triggered and wanting to avoid. The situation. Emotionally, you're like, you know, trying to serve, you're in survival. Yeah, you're trying to. You're you're focused on them emotionally, but you really need proof. Otherwise it just feels like you're going round and round and round. What is the pretending about on there? There's like this pretending they're there. They want to come together, they want to reconcile, but emotionally they're pretending that they don't. But Between You is very much genuine love. What's the legal card about there? It's about a long term relationship. So is this person in a long term relationship? Because if so, it looks like if nothing changes, it's ending in divorce. So this is not someone you're married with or currently in their relationship with if you're married, if they're married or either of you are in long term relationships. It looks like the outcome here is irreconcilable differences if nothing changes. So if you're holding out for someone to break up, that's a possibility. If this is about someone that you're in a relationship right now, things don't look. There looks like there's some. You know, history is affecting us in some way. Again, why do you? Why? Why is your obstacle entrapment? You don't want to get trapped in in a situation with the drama. So you're going to overcome this with toxic behaviors and deny and and denial. So you're going to kind of put on a front of toxicity with denial and that will help you get around feeling trapped? By some female vets. There are some people. That. Love to splash and their worries that love to. Wallow in their woes, OK? There's a lot of people, men and women out there, that that again, thrive in chaos or get caught up in chaos, and it looks like you're really wanting to avoid getting trapped in any kind of chaos. And again, you do this. By putting up a barrier of toxicity. They will overcome what's this meeting actually about. That's the barrier for them to this relationship. There. There's a meeting that has to happen to plan this because on the table is an offer. And. Again, it's getting ghosted, but they overcome this with family, one family. Because the family connects them. Family. I don't know if family is going to come through and Connect is going to create this connection. Or if their family is gonna come through for them as they're going through the legal situation with this past long term relationship that's ending in divorce. So I feel like your person, if they're in a relationship, it's definitely leaning that way emotionally. They're pretending. Of however you see them, that is an act, but in underneath they really do want to reconcile with you. It just feels like. Everything's kind of paused until this this breakup happens. How do you feel about you? Information if you like. You're very wise. You help change their perspective. They're dealing with a lot of guilt, though, when it comes to this relationship. You have your flight has helped guide them out of their darkness, but they feel very limited, like there's very little they can do right now about this particular relationship. But that is them just deceiving themselves, and they're deceiving themselves because they're trying to carry a very heavy load. And this is true like. Ohh. When we complain about things that back to this, you're you're trying to fire signs are very much understand this mentality because you're over here trying to avoid a complainer, all right? When we complain about things, it makes them worse. There's a lot of people that don't get that, like if you can stay in a positive mind frame, if you can stay on the Sunnyside of life, it. It just makes whatever bullshit you gotta go through easier to go through it. You know what I mean? It's like keeping your chin up mentality. A lot of people would prefer to poor me this that make their and they actually are making their situation worse. So right now, your person that we're talking about, they're carrying a very heavy load. And to do so, they're having to deceive themselves that it's not that heavy, that it's not that bad, that they're not involved with you, but there is nothing they can do about it. Because the rain. Because the alternative is too heavy for them to carry. So again, they think you're very wise, but this relationship does make them feel guilty. Um. Because again you you provide so much. Light for. But again, they're deceiving themselves back to their emotionally pretending. How are they? I would describe you as an engineer. The ability to give creative energy a practical expression, and they and The Alchemist someone that transforms base motive. Lotus and Poles, and to golden wisdom very. So they. To you, and that you also change things like like come up with the world. OK. Every. Curve. Every. You are going to scream my name. Dress dress up sexy so I can tear it all off. Let's get. When it comes to this, there's some figuring and learning going on. So you have to kind of for to see what in this situation you can forgive. You know what I mean? Whenever this learning and forgiving card comes up, tells me there's some. Stopping this. As release and heal the past, you gotta release something you experience, love and. It's just a real jungle because they're carrying such a heavy burden right now. Um. Any kind of offer, message or it's page of Pentacles gift. Again, would make them feel worse about it, but again, they chose to be broken hearted. The choice was to be broken hearted. The choice is just to be broken hearted. Happiness is in the cards, though. And abundance. It's just you just got a small mind trap right now. You just kind of mind trapped about what to wish for. About what to wish for? Because there's a lot of distance. This is only Again, this is only on the Internet possibly. So the juggle here again is between. They're really struggling, they're struggling to carry this heavy load. Tell Lawrence. Or again this and this proposal, because this page of this page of Pinnacles, I could read his proposal and again they're they have to overcome some meetings, some proposal and then again the ghost part getting blocked in some way. So they don't want their at this meeting, they don't want their proposal to get blocked. Whatever that. So it almost feels like. There's some kind of work? In the, in the, in the midst of all this. Again, they're really juggling right now with the burden. And then there's this proposal. And then there's Sorry. That they chose to break their own heart. There's this. I'm sorry. The choice was heartbreaking. So I don't know if. Again, they're over. They're up here. Done. That's a good question. Is this relationship because it ends in divorce? So I don't know if I'm talking about the relationships. Telling me that they're regretting fantasizing about it. Because it. There's part of them that knows. Like there's this return success, return successfully. Again. 10 of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune. 10 of cups. Happiness and fulfillment are destined. The decisions have been made to fulfill the destiny of longevity, of abundance, of happiness, of fulfillment. It's just a minor mind trap right now. To wish for. It's just a minor mindfuck to wish for this world. And then get denied or to wish to travel or wish to. It's the world, so I don't give anyone. Has to do with you. This. Decision. So the debt and the end, the dignities, the decision. In the end, again, there was a mindfuck, OK, This there, This distance. Was wished forward. OK, maybe even by the axe, but the Dick itself. Their actual penis is making the decision. OK. They're in a world of denial. OK, yeah. So yeah, and all this is coming. It's just a mind fog. And and. It's the mind focus that you're with. Is that you think you're wishing for a world of denial. When the Dick is already made the decision. One more line of terror from my fires. What should he do? Manipulate with love. Manipulate. And keep watch. But keep it secret. Continue to have hope. In the in this you know, in this foundation the friendship. The friendship has been going on for a very long time. And you both have. There's been an. You're both wishing for the world, the wishes for the world. But again, you're defending yourself with a mindfuck, OK? So you're over thinking that. When the epilate the situation with love, whatever that means to you, manipulate it with love. All right. Keep watch, but keep that watching secret. Don't let anybody see that you're watching, OK? In time or continue to have hope. About this foundation that you're building with this person. You have this friendship has been going on a very long time, Knight of Pinnacles. It's been a slow process, but the friendship has been built. And you both have invested. Again, wish for this world, but defend yourself with your own knowledge, with your own experience, and that will help you overcome this Mitra. So you're a little trapped in your head about what to do. You're not wanting to get trapped into anything, and you're over here feeling triggered by them with their I'm done because of the history. OK. And you're over here trying to avoid being in treasure. They're over here, like. So there needs to be some forgiving because you are both learning. And that is a very like mature way to deal with the fact that. Everything is always perfect. Right. Forgive me, I was like. Forgive me, I was learning about your cues, your triggers, your. You know. What You know again, learning. Everybody makes mistakes while they learn and it's very easy. Into a lot someone off the hook. And forgive them when they were. Just learn. Right. So go easy on this one. Go easy on yourself. The decisions have been made that are going to lead. To happiness, fulfillment, abundance, longevity. You're just a little trapped in your pocket. OK. I'll be back.
Retreat at the time to disconnect from the world, letting the situation involves. So. Ohh. This retreat card it looks like. I mean we couple walking off. Into the woods. So you know it has. It's not the honeymoon card because there is a. There's a need to retreat. There's a need to disconnect from the world and to just kind of. Heal The situation does involve marriage, so it does. I don't know if one of you is married. Or if this relationship is is very serious. Someone you wanna marry? Energy is ascension, spiritual path, awakening. They're they're they're in a pressure cooker and they kind of want to explode. That's their overall. So you're trying to get up. I normally read this card and get up on out of something. To ascend out of the basement and just send the stairs right? So there's always this like need to get up on out of something to awaken to the possibilities of what's above you, not what's beneath you. Emotionally, you're alone. This is unconditional. Genuine. Certain. Emotionally there, in panic mode, they're having anxiety. Actually, that they're gonna pressure cook. You're all sorts of ammo over here. Here's your soulmate card. So you're thinking that this is your soulmate, this friendship, you're very similar to this person, or that you have this friendship. Their mind frame is TikTok time is running out. They have a deadline to hit. I feel like your person is stressed. Over here they are. They're in a pressure cooker, they're having anxiety and then tech tick tock time is running out. So again. And maybe, like, you're over here planning the wedding and they're over there. Like, I need a fucking break. Need to disconnect from the world. I need to have you know what I mean? Cause there's these two cards came up and I almost feel like. You guys are in two different mind frames. You have to come overcome some kind of legal paperwork. You have to file some paperwork. They have to overcome feeling trapped and frustrated. How are you overcoming this? Need to get something? Some kind of legal? To do with the court has to do with filing 3 minute paperwork. You. Your over comment with a drastic extreme cut off. OK, they're going to overcome this frustration by going on an adventure, going on a vacation. OK, so they're going on vacation. So your person is going on on this? Yeah, that's how they're gonna get over this frustration. And between you is this. I can feel it, but I can't see it. Card the alien telepathic dream songs like there's another worldly connection. Between you both, what you're both thinking about right now is family, your inner circles. Ohh, so you're both a little more focused. You're focused on this friendship, on this soul mate. But you're also focused on family. They're focused on their deadline and also on. What's the outcome here if nothing changes? Feeling threatened? Why are they about to? Why are they so? Under. It's saying that they feel very alone. So there I feel like there are. Feeling the pressure because they're long. And being and, it's a risk. It's a gamble. So they're ready to explode. They're feeling like they're in a pressure cooker, they're feeling like they're alone, and they're being crushed again by this pressure. And then this is a risk. Society. They have anxiety that they love. So their love for you gives them anxiety. OK, what's this out on the downline? They're. Feel like your person is. OK, at the end of this deadline is happiness. So there it looks like they have a finish line. Here's the level fair They want to avoid the love affair. Kind of what? OK. Again, they're an avoidance of the love affair at the end of this deadline is their happiness, though. I feel so frustrated. Because they're dealing with toxic people and they don't know and and they feel confined like there's nothing they can do about it to deal with these. So they feel like they're locked in a room with a bunch of toxic. Or walked in a space. So this is probably leading to them feeling very alone, feeling like they they're being crushed by the pressure of all these toxic energies. They also are panicked because they love you. Um. So there is there's mutual emotions here. For sure. What's your legal situation? Overcome that? It's it's something that happened in the past. You've just blocked it. Maybe you let a ticket go or something like that and you got to go. It's easy. It's the easy these days to miss a ticket from one of those. Ticket cams on the lights, you know, so there's some kind of. Something that happened in the past legally. That got lost in the shuffle, so you might be taking care of like just the and all It could be dotting the eyes and crossing the Tees again. You you do this drastically extreme. What is the matter? You overcome whatever that is. Again, some kind of something. Kind of drastic, but but focused. Trying to get. Your spiritual. You're trying, Yeah, So you can connect. So you want to connect, so you're trying to. Is there no Internet connection? All right, what's this threatened, embarrassed outcome about if things don't change? It looks like someone's embarrassed about the the pause, about the timing. Like the timing factor is unbearable. Yeah. We got a single lady here, single status, available, divine, feminine, and she moves. Physical location change. Some single female. Because that's their obsession. Because they're obsessed. Something. Outcome is. Feeling threatened or? Worried about your appearance in some way, so if things don't change, you're going to be concerned about your appeal. And that has caused a timing effect. Did you want to lose some weight or something? You know, like why Are you worried about how? Again, the the the female here gets singular, is single, and moves. Physical location change. Because they want. They want to indulge. Alright. Let's see. Feel. Again, there, there's a lot. They're very determined. They wonder if you trust them because they they trust you. They see this as the truth. They see there that there's truth in this relationship. They see that it's balanced. But they're tired. Drained the emotionally, Physically, they think you're very naive. They know they they have some remorse over something when it comes to you. They are committed though to to you. They wouldn't marry you faster if that's the question. So emotionally, they're very determined, they want to do better. But they're again, they're dealing, they're dealing with lots of toxic. They're worried that you may not trust them. But they trust you. There's truth I can feel. I know you can feel me. And you're inside my mind. I know you're the truth. Trying to hide. So again, they've been kind of in a little bit of denial about this love, but you bring them balance. But they're extremely tired. So that's kind of affecting them. You're very naive, so they don't. When I use the word naive for you, I'm not meaning them. They don't think you're wise or they don't think you're smart. They just think that you believe. You believe people and you shouldn't. To me, that's what my. Well, they shouldn't trust those people. They shouldn't trust anything. You know what I mean? So that's what I mean When we look back on our histories, it's so easy. To be like, God, if I just wouldn't trust at that situation. If I wouldn't have been nice, right? So I think you're naive. I think you're too trusting, but you don't, you know, you don't see. How? People are so willing to undercut you. You know what I mean? Again, there are some remorse that they have about this relationship. I don't know why they're remorseful, but they are committed to it. Till death to us part isn't long enough. How would they describe you? 2. Would describe you as the Don Wan spotlights. You're seductive qualities, you would say you're very seductive. You would say you're an alchemist, someone who transforms based motives into goals and into wisdom. Change the chemical makeup. You can turn anything into gold. And as the queen, you radiate a regal feminine energy, your benevolent authority. Protects others, so you're very protective. Warriors on the bottom? OK. You make me feel. Sugars. Let me get. We want you. Let's see. Again, if nothing happens. There's going to be a little bit embarrassed that you pause. Because again, some single female here moves. Moving physical location. And the absorption. So some female on the. So this is a pretty serious relationship. It could and this situation could involve. Need to. Disconnect. You're really juggling. What you're really juggling with is having it all, being happy, being fulfilled. Uh. Or this friend. But then we have this friendship and I don't know if it could be cheating. Back to this, they someone's trying to avoid the welfare, the juggles between having it all and being happy and possibly cheating into a fight. For cheating would cause a fight. Or the friendship causes the fight? That's the juggle. The jungle. You know, having this beautiful picture. Here comes this. She. Back again. Or creates. And it's regret and that would be regrowth. And set. If you reconcile, you're going to feel trapped. You're going to feel stuck in fear. So if you reconcile the situation, you're going to feel stuck in fear. Really large offer that you don't see. There's a large offer you don't see. And it's. And it's really gonna quickly make a lot. The base of Pentacles. Two of Swords, which sometimes I read it as denial, but I'm reading in this particular particular situation, you can't see how quickly this thing's gonna grow from Ace of Pentacles to 10 of. So what you're juggling with is having at all, or just having, or just cheating and fighting. And then being regretful and sad. If to reconcile is is to get caught, you have to reconcile. Getting caught you have to reconcile. Getting trapped. You have to reconcile the devil, whether that's temptation or fear. Whatever the offer is, whatever the the, the, the investment, the Ace of pinnacles this is. You know, money in hand. You could be offered proposals normally, you know, a new beginning. You don't see how quickly this thing's gonna grow. You don't know how quickly this thing's going to grow. So what's your job on? What has happened at all or just having the lust of? Because there's real love here, so I don't know if it's asking. Yeah, real love. As I say that Ace of Cups there's real love. Real life. It's secret. And it's a complete lose lose situation as love. Love is always lose, lose. You never win with love. Love always wins. You can't win against. Always get. Right. Um. Again, this law of the law here is it, it's kind of secret and it's it's because it's a loser situation, because of the distance or the fact that it's only on the Internet. The world. But you made the decision to invest in it secretly. That was heartbreaking. Manipulate. The choice to make an offer to. Send a gift to How to make a Proposal. Either. Three somebody or is foolish. But it's successful. Here's someone successful. Everything falls. Success. Now everything falls apart. Feelings are. Ace of. It looks like some kind of life event is going to occur. Again, they're over here juggling with lots of toxicity. It must be important, though for their longevity or for their outcome of their particular situation. So the person you're that you're reading cards about, right? Is. Is stealing. Porn films confined in need a fucking break. There again some kind of deadline, but once this deadline occurs, then. It's like it almost feels like a happiness. That's the next card, so it almost feels like. There, it feels like the finish line. So your your partner here in this situation? Reading cards about is, you know, getting to the finish. So if you're wondering, what's? In their head. They're getting the finish lines or retreat. There is lots of commitment here between the two of you because there is real law and you have a soul mate. You think they're your soul. Choice to give a gift, or to propose, or to make an. Feels foolish or would be foolish because here comes this. Would free you because here comes to be successful and to return. Everything. The Queen of Cups Ace everything falls apart. Feelings mutual. Here's the ace of panicles. Here's the new. Advice from you. This family, this money, this longevity, you come off. For this you can walk away. Walk away from being a whore. Or you can walk away from some whore. Again, investing in some investing and cheating. Investment in. You gotta wrapping style with the Emperor, with the fatherhood, with. With a father or with the baby daddy? But the feelings, it keeps saying the feelings are mutual and that's what it is. It's saying it over and over and over again and it's stable and it's a foundation. So whatever you have, yeah, that's the message. So whatever you have going on with this person. Is money. OK, it's 10 of Pentacles. It's everything you fucking want. It is security. And financial stability and longevity. This is a grandfather pet and his two dogs with their kids and their grandkids in the background. Of the of the home he he's built. So I mean you can walk away. Either you can either walk away as a Hore or you can walk away. From a whore. From being. Again, the investment was in this friendship or was in cheating. You have to reconcile with this emperor, this father, this boss with fatherhood. Uh. The feelings are mutual. There is a stable foundation and that is the message. So this relationship you have with someone, again, there's love on both sides. It's creating lots of anxiety for them. Um. You know. It's pretty serious. There's some serious love. You guys have some messy looking cards though. There's a legal card. There's history. There's a block. There's toxic people feeling confined, feeling trapped, panicked, ready to explode. Feeling crushed. Too much of A risk trying to avoid a love affair. Tick tock, You're over here trying to get up out of something. Trying to connect. With love for your soul mate in your heart. So take it easy on this person and realize that maybe they need a little bit more of your emotional support. You were my water sign, you know. Maybe this person needs some more of your support emotionally. You know. They need to disconnect from the world, so they might be disconnecting as a coping mechanism for dealing with the amount of stress that they're. So go easy on him. Realize that you're dealing with toxicity every day. And. That's half the battle, doesn't it? Do they like you? Go back. It appears.
This weekend. Finances and career financial issues are a factor. Love life. Isn't. So. This used to be $5 amount 850. OK, you're you're fine. Like, what the fuck? Their overall energy, somebody's coming to England, something's. They're finding out something emotionally. You are focused on this person emotionally. They're like causing chaos for no reason. Might be kind of a diva energy mentally you're trying to avoid. This situation, possibly because of your financial issues, they're on the verge to confess something. They're thinking about telling you something. You need to overcome the roller coaster of your journaling high of this relationship. Right now I have the window, I have my, I have the door open with my screen and a fan blowing. And I'm washing my duvet cover and I added some of those really pretty April sets. 70 things because you don't rush. My computer. 15. Sitting here right now. And it's like the most lovely smell of fresh air and laundry is coming through. My door right now. So fucking good. OK, I'm sorry. You gotta get over your roller coaster. They have to get over feeling like they need to protect themselves. You will get over this roller coaster. This is all the highs and lows by just jumping in and taking a risk. They'll overcome this need of feeling like they need to protect themselves. It's almost. Just like the perfect fucking set. Feels right, makes my. Heartful. You ever have a set? It's like immediately calms you and makes you feel like that's like the set right now is my bedspread. Like maybe it's like. For sleeping in it tonight, but I'm also like, it's got all our smells on it, you know, so. Smells like the head time. All sorts of cozy right now at the Smoke is like what's happening is. The dryer vent is wooshing around to the open door, and it's. Never my own, Margery. What were your smelling my own? Jesus, OK, sorry. Between. Distracted by. My own stand here, right now. Little bit of April, fresh between you both emotionally is dealing with toxic people. Between you both mentally is petty gossip. Come here. Nothing changes. Soulmate. Friendship. All right. What's the realization? If they're coming to awareness that they feel that they feel unexplainably drawn to you, why are they all emotionally like in chaos? They're causing drama because they're obsessed with something. The break up. Talking. Because there's some kind of break up they want to talk about. You want to talk about the break up? So emotionally, they want to cause chaos because they must know what the fuck happened in the breakup. So your your person is obsessed with why you broke up with whoever your last person. Between you emotionally dealing with lots of people, you both have dealt with toxic people, but they really want to know they're on the verge to confess what? They know watching you on social media. So this person is like obsessed with knowing what the fuck happened. OK, they want to know because they feel like they need to protect themselves. Because they don't know, They'll overcome this by being playful. What's your motional focus right now? Your motional focus is on. What are you? Women. Females, Other females trying to avoid other. Because the gossip outcome is soul mate. I walk through one of the soul mate card. Ohh, yeah, let's find out. Why are you so fucking? You're locked down Because you need money. That's this. You're having money problems. My Taurus, Capricorn and Burrows are. Having money. This relationship, though, will be a form of payback, a form of retaliation. So they want to know what happened in your divorce or in your breakout. They're obsessed. You know what I mean? They wanna know about your drama queen or the drama that happened. Probably emotionally feels about you. They're committed. He makes them feel wild, like there's nothing they can do to to tame. You. They also feel very passionate. You made them feel things that they can't even describe. They are sorry and they'll ask you. They're asking me, please forgive me. Please forgive them. They want you all. They want to be greedy. And they're in some kind of denial when it comes to you. Alright. Alright. They describe. As a Mystic. Reveals the intimate union with. We also see you as an addict. Someone that helps you recognize a contract. Addictive behavior. As the came and the lightened, benevolent leaders. So you see, wasn't Mystic as an addict, as an as a king. And again, a king is a really great compliment to any of my wine, but this does have. All right, let's see what they're. Get over here. Tie me to the bed and take full. Clear and. Alright, I'm gonna watch you ride. Spread them wide. That harder and deeper. Alright. What is the vice for my? For Earth signs that are really struggling with their finances, right. If you return to this Dick. He's going to be mad. And my. You're gonna be. You return to this Dick, he's going to be mad and you're going to be mindfucked. I'm sorry. Public messages, possibly Facebook. From the axe. Again, it's because there is a hope that there's a hope that adopt, A hope that they die. There's a hope of doubt. That's the message when it comes to the breakup. You hope that they die, and that was the message that you would send about the breakup if you had, if you talked to this person, you would tell them that you hope that your ex would die. The stocking is to be expected. Stocking was to be. But again, there is a need to move on from that and move on from holding back and take some kind of action. To defend oneself. This table. Defend yourself against it. That is dead and buried. That should start. It's over 10 of Swords. It's over now. It's time to make a choice. So now it's time to choose to go slow and steady. Nasty breakup. Last bit, you're getting old. Getting old. You should reconcile. To the angle. And. And start dreaming. The Boss, the Emperor, the Father, the fatherhood. The love is mutual and it's a burden. Love is mutual and a burden, and it's fear. The can't cops? This. The man you want, right That's got emotions, that's not expressing them. They're in love and they're committed to taking action to defend themselves. Already taken the action to defend themselves. And they're being shunned for it. 13 Shunned for the friendship was shunning the They're shunning the friendship, or they're shunning the cheating, or they're being shunned for the friendship or for cheating, and then everything falls apart. Now everyone moves on. Now the mother moves on from this Selfish. Woman's. Public messages. Here goes. Like it goes to to death. This selfish woman's messages are getting gets ghosted to death. And it's the end ends, the feeling Car trapped with nothing. To do nothing. Again, it's just regrettable. About the house and the manipulation. But. Ohh, it's dust. Decisions were made. Sorry. It's a lose, lose situation, this single woman, single, independent woman. Cheating This cheating man again is sorry. It's a lose lose situation. This single independent woman is going to be successful. Are we going to return? There's a need to move on. From the sadness, from the depression that you're keeping secret. Make the choice to tell the truth. So when this person comes to you, know to talk to you, you should just tell the truth. Alright. OK. I'll be back with.
Love note:
Take Two episode 70. Sweet love note to. Also. Ohh. You are my. Just believe. Much more. Everything. I totally. That you loco. Really. Want you to stay? I don't want you to go. So very special. Feel. 1st. Like this love is once in a while. You help me understand myself so much better. Watching. Mother. Others. Take care. I asked myself, are you doing? For your. You can release those. More angelic. Your education is. I am so very attracted. We have reached this fork in the. This is going to be a secret. This is going to become. This is your path to choose. Whichever way you. I feel like we've been collaborative. Absolutely adore. And truly remorseful. Forever. OK, so. It starts out with the soulmate card. Your soulmate is already with you in spirit. Believe this and they will manifest physically. And the pedestal card. I admire everything about even. And there's this whole like resentment area, like over sentiment. Leaving you hurt me too. Please stay in my life. I don't want you to go. You're so very special and empty without any poverty. So there's like this, you know, they kind of go into this, you know, downward spiral. Wanting to be forgiven, they say this is true love. This is a love. This love is once in a life. You helped me understand myself. And then there's a Star Mother card. How can you mother yourself? So that's always a question about how are you nurturing yourself even though you are out there nurturing other people. In the Angel therapy card and I don't really know. I kind of took this as really ship burdens to a higher power kind of energy. Archangel Raphael. Gives you give your cares and worries to us angels and allow us to take your burdens. So this there's a need to offset the burdens that you carry like leave it up to fate, leave it up to the angels, leave it up to God kind of energy. But I also could read this as. Because again, they think that. There's this energy here that again you you give kind of an angelic energy off. OK, it's the Angel Therapy card, so you can read that in the multitude of ways. Then there's the education card and then the Sunstone empowerment. And I wrote that as Your education is very empowering. We are very attracted to you like a super moon. I want to go on an adventure with you and then there's two cards, fork in the road and choose your path. And I threw up out a couple situation cards and some emotion cards and Love Affair and single came out, so. Again, there's this fork in the road which is asking you do you want to just have a love affair with this person or do you want to, you know, be available, emotionally available for this person? It says you can choose whatever path you want. Anything's possible. It's going to lend lead to a win win outcome. Anyway, about it. The full moon and Libra. And there's this collaborative dreaming heart which I might find it interesting. And then the last of the emotions cards were naive. I adore your innocence. Remorse. I know I've messed things up. Manipulation. I know what it is you want. And loyalty forever yours. This cloud of dreaming. These are. That's what the whole thing shoot the first paragraph. Your heart is big enough to dream not only for yourself, but for the for new humanity. Imagine a world that is healed with respect, understanding, and with with community that fosters life. Even your dreams that relate to you alone will contribute positively to the greater good, because that is the nature of your heart. Your heart naturally and intellectually coop cooperate. Cooperate. Cooperate. In a grand scheme of loving creativity, working to heal the hearts of the world, the heart creates when when situations that benefit the individual and the collective, you are being asked to honor your own growing desire to create with conscious, like minded people. Your collaborative dreaming is a heart inspired. When? When? Bringing mutual hement to yourself and others. The heart wants to love and be loved. Working with others create creatively. Is a way to allow the heart to grow. It is a chance for you to learn how to honor yourself and others, and to find ways to live and let live. Simply by growing and strengthening you, strengthening your active trust and your hearts guidance. That is three times in this reading that you have had a win win outcome twice. Here it says win win in this book is collaborative dreaming which is a completely different card then the full moon. And Libra, It's a win, win outcome, and I'll read the win win from the Moonology just because. I have to do this because it's three times win win. The full Moon and Libra is a sign of partnerships, of falling in love, and of closely related relating to someone else. Since the full moon are about climaxes and conclusions, this card suggests that you're either about. To start a new relationship. Or that an important existing relationship is changing somehow, perhaps coming to an end or moving to a new level of commitment. It's important to remember that people come to us for a reason, and sometimes. Just for that that same reason. If a relationship is ending now, it's doing so at the right time, so try not to fight. This card can also refer to a professional relationship where there is a sense that you need. To balance your ego with someone else's needs, a win win outcome is possible with give and take. Doing so may be the answer to your question. No matter when you pull the full moon and labor card, it encourages you to find balance. Between your desires and those of the people around. So again, this whatever you decide here, whether it is to have a secret with this person or to become emotionally available, current status available when you come to the fork in the road here. Whatever path you choose, it's going to lead to a good outcome. So that's almost like the probabilities telling you, regardless of what you do, anything is better than where you've been. And that's something we need to talk about, like. Maybe I'll do the intro about that this week. Sometimes a. Better. Where are you? I'm going to end your reading with an old gold mystical moments. Here, your love now. That's an interesting thing. You know, if you're, if you're any. Anything. Anything would be better than what you're. That's where the. Change of Seasons 42. Transform transformation. Lifestyle ups and downs. Develop. In the center of this card stands a woman surrounded by blowing leaves, flowers and snowflakes as the wind blows them. Swirling up around her. She raises an arm and protection or welcome. We are not sure. The car reminds us that seasons change just as we do. Nothing's ever still not the river, not even the mighty oak, and certainly not us. We are in constant states of transformation. Even when we feel overwhelmed. If we can just stay quiet and be, we will be moving in the spirit of ourselves when life rolls around. Let the certainty of the cycle of the seasons be the grounding force. So when things are changing so rapidly that you don't feel like you can have a good grounding and good footing, you have to remember that the constant is change. And no matter how this goes, how much anxiety, how much worry you have about your current situation versus your future situation versus this person that you're interested. Any decision you make is going to lead you to a better outcome. Where you stand. So if you're sitting there like I don't know to, I don't know what to do and so you think you do not. You stay in the shift situation doing nothing, then nothing. That opportunity for growth. Squash. Go admire them back. Look over resentment. Hurt them to leave. OK. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Always use your support on their reviews on whatever podcast after listening on, especially Podcast Attic Pod Bean. Chaser. All of those, if you ever listen on any of them smaller apps I could really use review. I want to thank all my Apple and Spotify listeners that left reviews you guys were. Appreciate that. Send me an e-mail or something a lot to you. You know, I could always use the burst. Of serotonin that comes with the letter from a fan. Yeah, you guys have a great week. I'll be back next week, next week. Alright. Alright, you guys have a good week.