Are You Attracted to Married Men? Exploring the Reasons and Realities, Virgo Lovers and Your Tarot Love Reading

Why are you attracted to married men? Because they are all sexy with stability. Not all men are cut out for commitment. The ones in long-term relationships have proven their worth. There is nothing wrong with flirting with a married man. It’s an act of kindness, but thinking they will leave their for you is unlikely. It will become a mental health issue if your expectations are properly adjusted to the fact that only 10% of married men will leave their wives. The odds are not in your favor. The tarot readings this week were all about people in relationships and why we reiterate this trend.

We start our zodiac lovers series this week. Virgo is a solid emergency contact and normally very dependable. Instead of a married man, look for a single Virgo and find that dependable partner you seek.

I’m on a recording break, but feel free to email me and leave reviews on whatever podcast app you use. Thanks!

Turtle: 00:22:50

Unicorn: 00:47:40

Glasses: 01:09:26

Virgo Lovers: 01:35:12

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions

Episode 71


Are You Attracted to Married Men? Exploring the Reasons and Realities, Virgo Lovers and Your Tarot Love Reading


Why are you attracted to married men? Because they are all sexy with stability. Not all men are cut out for commitment. The ones in long-term relationships have proven their worth. There is nothing wrong with flirting with a married man. It’s an act of kindness, but thinking they will leave their for you is unlikely. It will become a mental health issue if your expectations are properly adjusted to the fact that only 10% of married men will leave their wives. The odds are not in your favor. The tarot readings this week were all about people in relationships and why we reiterate this trend.


We start our zodiac lovers series this week. Virgo is a solid emergency contact and normally very dependable. Instead of a married man, look for a single Virgo and find that dependable partner you seek.


I’m on a recording break, but feel free to email me and leave reviews on whatever podcast app you use. Thanks!


Turtle: 00:22:50

Unicorn: 00:47:40

Glasses: 01:09:26



Virgo Lovers: 01:35:12


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions



Is he married? All these fucking readings. Why, right, Why? Why are women attracted to to married men? I'll tell you. I'll tell you what it is. OK, first and foremost, they make money. They have. They're, you know, they're monogamous men, right? You watch them take care of their family. You watch them be good men. You look around, you go on these dating apps and it's all these men that could not clinch. You know. A A relationship dynamic like that? And so, you know, men with children, men with men that are married are extremely attractive because that's what you want. So there's this natural. Mindfuck for women that are single, all the good men are taken. That's that's the truth. They're all taken in their 30s. Any man that's married in his late 20s, early 30s, that is a a commitment minded man, all right? That's a good man. And so the good ones are always taken in that kind of window. I mean, if he is not married by the time, you know, he's 35, there's an issue, right? And those are the men that we see on dating apps, right? And so it creates this dynamic And so like you're you're starving for a decent man and the only decent men that are around you, you know tend to be married or or in long standing relationships and such. So it creates this, you know dynamic of this, you know some of these guys are are serial cheaters. On the side that's a whole lot become many men. I mean, I I mean I I have a I have a group of. Have. Either. A then very honest. I was like. Look. Town. Need help. Never leaving. And that was his. He just came out the gate with that. I was like, OK, well, I don't talk with me then, so I'm sorry. But like I said, we all have that group of their you know, they got the side chick right? And then you have the ones that you really like, because, you know, they're not. Cheers. And so there's like a hobby, you know, And then they're actually enjoying the fact that you're giving them attention. And it's very nice. It's very innocent. You know what I mean? You make a married man smile. It's so innocent because they you know. These men are not being told that they're sexy. They're not being told, you know, that they make them. Your body makes you blood. They're not being told these things, OK? These men are on house arrest. They go home. Uh, the sex is. You know they'd rather masturbate six times a week and have sex once a week. That's fine, right? Right. And the sex is OK. You know, I can come with enough, right? They're always gonna come. But they're subtly in prison. OK, married men are in prison. They have curfews, They can't go liking profile pics. And if they do, it's like push them all. They're like, that's that's a cry for help when I'm when a married man likes Really likes your. Like your selfie, That's a cry for help. They give you all of this. Right. Uh, but there they are. On house arrest, they're basically when you love a man that is married. You basically are loving a man that's in prison. Now granted, he's not getting fucked in the ass every night like he's in prison, but when he opens his bank account he feels like he's being fucked in the ass. And many men have to, especially if they have children, have to weigh the Child Support payments. Versus her spending. And I don't know very many women who can walk out of Target. About spending $300.00 on bullshit that they're never going to use. I mean, how many women come home with their Target 3 Target bags? How much did you spend? $350.00, right? It's really easy to walk out of target. Ohh. With a few $100 worth of bullshit and you didn't even get groceries, that was. That's just like a couple swimsuits and some a new lamp for your night stand. Seriously, Target is ridiculous and I hate that clothes. I don't shop at Target. I'm an Amazon shopper. Like Oh my God 50% off on Amazon. UPS. Been so hot. I always had a thing for the UPS man because I I work from home. I did medical billing for a long time, so the UPS man, like always came to my door. To bring me my work. Like if there's anyone to bring you, your work every day is hot. Once, like I was living in Florida with my ex-husband. We weren't married at the time. But I was billing for a hospital in New Mexico. You'll hear the story down the road and. And it was my day off. I was going to the doctor's appointment, I dentist appointment with my actual day off from working from home and so I wasn't on my normal schedule and so I was getting a shower in to go to my dentist appointment and I forgot because my UPS man you know they he was coming at different from good times OK. And you know, depending on his route that day, so he came, you know, when his window, which was about 3 hours, OK, he went early on his window. I was like, fuck, I hear the door, I'm like, ohh fuck I forgot about the UPS man. And I run in my towel completely soaking wet out of the shower because I have to sign for my work because it was full of patient information, which is HIPAA and shit like that. So they can't just leave that at the door because it could get stolen and then. It would be a nightmare. So I always had to sign when I got my paperwork that I had to, you know, bill for and stuff. So I I jump out the shower, throw on a towel. I'm sappy and I'm like soaking wet, answering the door, getting my work. Because when I get home from the dentist, I was going to pick up and try to. You know. Catch up for the day. Yeah. Oh my God 20. Like three years old at the time. Over the door, like signed for my work and he's got this fucking shooting and grin on his face like, yes, you caught me in the shower today and that motherfucker came that time every fucking day from then on. Awkward trying to catch me in the shower going. Sorry buddy, that was a weird day. That was weird. They normally don't shower this early. The only shower at my afternoon break. God you like if you're going to be, if you're going to catch the hots for anyone to catch the hots for. I'm just saying they're. At least they're not. On Housewives. And yes, that marrying man is loving your smile and is loving your attention and is loving the energy he's getting from you because he is not getting that home. And like I said, he's being asked raped on his bank account every day. So he's going and working all these hours. You know, to provide this person who doesn't even give a shit. Not even a good whore. She's not even a good whore. He's paying $350.00 a week for her to go. Target. You know, and buy a bunch of bullshit and he's getting fucked once a week and that's and she's just laying there and then she's pissed because she didn't come. And he doesn't do the dishes either, You know what I mean? So all these guys are out there paying for these chores that aren't really. You know, they're not really worth their value. And so it does create this demand dynamic in which you know, you, you know there's attraction because they're looking because they're not happy in their marriage. But the reality is they have to weigh her overall spending with the cost of child support. And the shame. Of leaving, and that is why 90% of divorces are caused by women. They men do not leave their marriages. So if you're sitting there like ohh fingers crossed he leaves her blah blah blah blah blah, no, he's got to get caught cheating and even then she'll probably keep him because she wants her target and her loyalty budget. So you have to remember that there is a lot of women out there that they've they already found their money, their money, man. All right. And they only have to open their legs once a week. OK, twice. If it's his birthday or it's a holiday or something. And then they can look at them with complete disgust when he doesn't make a phone call. So there's that whole fucking. And then you're sitting there like, I just want a good one like that. Right there. And so it creates that dynamic that you get stuck in and trapped and. You know my best advice to women that have found themselves attracted to men that are in relationships. Um. Real man. And then make him the. Real man. And let them go back and be depressed in hell. Sooner or later. She'll find someone either with more money. Or she'll decide that, you know, she would rather have a different life in which she doesn't have to wash his underwear or clean the house or take care of his, you know, his sperm. Uh, people right? Um, you know, you know feminism will help a lot in that particular situation, but really your only hope is that he spirals into a depression so much that she leaves him because he's an alcoholic piece of shit and doesn't make her calm and. You know, just the feelings aren't very It all revolves around that bench. So that bitch, if you're looking at a married man, you have to think to yourself, is that bitch going to leave? That's really the honest. Approach here? Is she gonna leave? Once she's had. You know. If she's dumb, right? That's the truth. Like I look at other women I was talking to. Single. And I was like, you got a good one. Hold on to him. So there ain't nothing out here. Hold on to that one then you gotta go on. You know, I, you know, like broke up her doodle little bit. But you know, women like that, they are still thinking about that guy from high school. They're still thinking about the first guy that ever broke their hearts, and men, in a lot of ways, are in the same boat. And so when that guy comes back around to run her marriage, you know, depending on how depressed her husband is, is going to kind of affect if he fights for her when that other dude comes back. Then they have a chance. But if she's texting with him, with the guy that she loved in high school, college or they're playing the Let's make each other jealous gave oh, you have two kids in a house now? I have two kids in the house. Like a lot of women play that game with their with their eyes. You know, or the moment they realized that. Like their acts. Might have feelings from and then all of a sudden there's another baby. It's like almost immediately immediate. I had this one time where I got this fucking phone call at 4:00 AM. I thought it was emergency. And. I texted her back and here her. Husband had accidentally. Profile. And so I'm, like, dumb. I don't even realize this. And so I text her at like 7:00 AM like, is everything OK? I got a fucking phone call. Yeah, she said. No, it must have been the baby. Must have been the baby. Yeah, I'm sure it wasn't the baby. Was that your husband? Exit. And then I had another kid immediately, You know, so people are out there hedging their bets, protecting their worlds, protecting their families. Ohh it's it is what it is. It is what it is. If he is in a long term relationship, like I said, my best advice is real man. Make them depressed as folk move on. Go find someone hotter younger than him. Make that shift as public as folk, even if it fucking folks you in the end, make them depressed and then hopefully, maybe someday. Shepherd. That's the game I look back like I got after I got pregnant and after I had my son, there was some chick on my dude and. You know, I'm on Facebook and show like that. I noticed it almost like there's some shit going on there. Um, but. Long story short, like she went on and did her thing, got married, blah blah blah and he went into a horrible depression. I was like, gosh, this is. I'm done. I'm done. At this point. You're sitting there fucking depressed about someone else. I'm done. So that is more of a winning strategy, because my whole point, that's more of a winning strategy than jumping in and cheating and then turning that really good man into just another piece of shit cheater. Do you want to turn the man that you like and do a cheat? That's the question you know you need to ask yourself. Because even if she cheats with you. The likelihood that he's going to leave her is still slim and then on top of it, you've run. You've run a good man in your mind. So the best thing to do real I'm in a little bit and let them go Saturn free. Go on with your fucking life and. Set in and then let his what his. Girlfriend or his wife leaving? Take him for all the fucking money. She can't. Which was her goal from the beginning. Most women function, so this is my last show that's recorded in time. With now priority, this is when this goes out. It's like a week, OK? Next week starts my summer sessions shows. And So what you can expect from here on out, and especially at the end of this week, is I'm doing Zodiac lovers at the end of the show. So at the very end they're two years old. They're no longer on the feed. We go through each Zodiac and talk about them. As partners and lovers this week, I think I'll do Virgo. Two Virgo and then two more when I come back and then you know the next two months of shows I've all pre recorded in March and April. So. Yeah, I'm on break. I'm not fucking recording another terror reading for two months, which is exciting. I need to. I need a good break and I have a bunch of shit I got to do for my family to come through for them as their muscles. So I'm going to go like, build up my muscles and be spending time with my family. Um, and enjoying the summer with my child as these shows go out. So my posting on Facebook and Instagram might be hit or miss, depending on my availability to Wi-Fi, whether I'm home, whether I'm not. I'm all over the place. The schedule is changing daily. Fucking insane. But the show was done, and the show was done until mid June. July, alright, so everything that you're going to hear from here on out. Was recorded in spring, so in mid-july I'll be back with my travel, my my current travel stories. Every episode from here till then, I share a personal travel story and they're all really good. I listened to them last night and I got all of my fields and they were really good. They're all really good, but I forget. To introduce myself and the show and every single one. So from here on out guys, this is Love, Sex and Terrell. I am your host AKASHA and enjoy my summer sessions. They start now. Here's my last current recordings. And and we're ending with a. The beginning of our Zodiac Lovers series. Our Summer Zodiac Lover series with Virgo. Today. OK, so. You know. Bon voyage. I'll be back. Uh, with new energy, with great stories. Hopefully with. Like a new angle so that we can see into things better. I'll give that married man a break. OK, go ahead, make him feel great about himself. But keep in your mind that you're not wanting him to leave, right? And most likely he is not going to leave. So if you look at this relationship instead of sitting there pining and thinking. Ohh God, it's gonna leave. I want you to think to yourself, This is my. Good Samaritan act. I'm making this married man feel great about himself. Maybe he'll go home and fuck his wife extra hard because he feels like a man again. And there was a lot of that in this episode. A lot of men are not feeling very masculine in in these readings and so anytime. You can make a man feel like a man. You've done your good task for the day, OK? And just realize that and go on and keep looking, right? The good ones are hard to find because. Either taken or they're hiding from these crazy bitches that are wanting to lick their assholes. Yeah. To get the. And remember that that married man is on house arrest and he is living in absolute torture, so don't be mad at him for indulging or enjoying your attention. Ohh, he's not getting it anymore. OK, so don't don't hurt yourself with that. Just realize that you're doing a beautiful act of kindness. 5:30 with the married man and and he needs that because God knows. Getting that when he gets. Take the trash out and load the dishwasher and you didn't make her come. Enjoy the show. OK, the readings this week were turtle, everything's going way slow and turtle Unicorn. I don't know. It's it's a magical mystical thing that might not exist. And glasses could be either the wide frame glasses or sunglasses. That one that could come true, but again. It's saying that. Destiny has been laid, has been laid forth, But you know we still can't count. At the end of the day you you know you can take these terror readings, get what you can from them, get the healing from them, get the the the push to move on. Enjoy the summer shows. I'm gonna miss you guys. You'll have me every week from here on out. I me personally in this you know time and space is going to be somewhere else. Missed the outlet of this but it will. Have a break from the pressure and how one of these? I hope you enjoy. Make sure you hit up my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, I got mentions to that's doing it's doing its thing. I could always use a review just to remind everybody we really like the summer shows or the the summer stories that I share. Leave a review that will make me happy. When? You know, hook and turn everything back on and get going again. That's. We have a great fucking week. Have a great fucking summer. I'll be back at the end of July with more fresh content. This is fresh. It's just been on ice for two months. Alright, alright. Love you all. Thanks again for listening. Have a great fucking summer.




OK. It's a. It's a turtle. Turn off. It's just getting a little hard. When? Patient. Here it's just It's a turtle though, so slow. Describe the situation between you both right now. Unconditional love. There's proof of it. For that. Because of that. Really way down changed. Kind of trying to get a grip on it. That's created some anxiety. So I don't know if someone was married here because. Serious situation. Oh my God, there's anxiety over gossip. OK. So the situation right now is. There's real love here between you and this person. There's been some proof of it. This is the receipts proof. Show me card. Again. Really upstairs. It's created a situation which you got someone, you and them are trying to get a grip on it. It really weighing on your heart and creating this anxiety because there's fear of gossip. So it feels like someones fucking married here, but yet this particular relationship. Makes you smile so every time. With this person, it just makes you happy. What don't you know about their situation that would make you help you make a better decision? It's talking about their family right now. It's trying to get on the same page as trying to have a conversation. The family that have Circle right now needs to talk. They need to do it today. Um. There's been, it's been a roller coaster, this particular. You know, family situation that your person is dealing with. Um. It's just like it's like riding a roller coaster. So it needs, they need to cleanse the negativity, they need to clear and make space. Um. Anything right now is a real gamble. It's a real. Risk because. Possibly that someone in their family, possibly this other person if they're in a relationship. Is really volatile kind of person. So whoever you're into again, there's real love between you guys. You both have shown examples or you know, showing it to one another. The reason that it's so difficult again is because it looks like they have a family issue in which. Taking any kind of risk would cause an explosion, so the person that they're with is extremely unstable if this is a married person. Again, something in their family is very young. Family. What you need to know is they you need to have a conversation with this person, probably about the family or they need to have a talk with their family. Right now about something that's going on because it's so fucking roller coasters, there's a lot of negative. And it's interesting because. You know when you're. You know relationships involve other people's families, right? Off. So again, there's like they have a situation. Going on with their. And it's highly negative. Uh, it's been a roller coaster. And there's a high risk of someone having. Rage. So I don't know why this person, whoever they're connected to it has a very. Women can be very abusive. Internet. Because they get away with it, you know, almost, you know, in this day and age it's it's so frowned upon. Of course women are again, you know, they have the higher percentage of being abused, but men, you know, they are quietly. Every day they just do not report it. So I would imagine that if men reported abuse or reported every time a woman hit them. Their numbers would be similar because women are just. Violent, if not more violent because they can get away with. Yeah. Hitting on me and over the head. Is not necessarily. One, it's not manly to act hurt. You know what I mean? So, like, men have this whole framework that they're working from where they can't express their discomfort. With our situation, they can't express the feeling of being abused, you know? You know what you mean. It's really kind of amazing. And then you even look at like divorce rates like men won't we like? 90% of divorces are initiated by women, OK, So they're like, they won't even leave a relationship, even if it's been sexless for. I mean, I've, I've talked to people that are like men, OK, that are like, well, I was married and then you. I want to hear without sex. Can you stand up please? Go a year. Once and it's like it blows my mind. That kind of mentality, just like. So like men are in a much more. Inferior position in a relationship, then, then a socially. Viewed, you know. We just don't view that aspect. Of the relationship. So anyway, how do they feel about your presence in their life right now? They're extremely tired and they're feeling a little desperate. Um. They just don't know what to do, right? So they feel like they're, you know, caught, getting caught and flies, but they swear they're actually very innocent. They don't think there is a strong as you. They want to be supportive and they want to support you. They can't get you off their mind. You're so warm. And loving towards them that. They feel that warmth that you give off. Again, this relationship makes you both happy. So again, I don't know if there is a marriage here, that a standing marriage or if this relationship has lots of love and happiness and could it and could lead to marriage. But right now they're really tired. I feel like they have been, that they're being abused and whatever situation. That they're in with their. And so this could be their, you know, their their bigger family, their brothers and sisters, their parents, or this could be within their immediate family with, you know, baby Mama drama and children and things like that. It's just been a roller coaster. And if you're dealing with a woman, that is. Extremely emotional. You know, I just keep coming back to this. There's a lot of women out there that just batch and that's abusive too. So again, they have, they're really exhausted, they're desperate, feeling there's lies kind of growing again, just because it's easier to lie than it is to upset someone. You know what I mean? If you're dealing with someone who's very volatile, it's a it's a coping mechanism to lie to them. So they're definitely lying about this situation with you or their feelings with you. Um, right now as they're dealing with this family? Big family talk that they have to have. They have to have a big family. This is like a sit down band and talk. You're so warm. They're not as strong as you. How are they describing to others? The Mystic, Someone that reveals an intimate. Divine. So they see you as kind of mystical? Is he was a poet? Someone that expresses soulful insight and kind of a trickster? Someone that transcends, transcends convention, stiffness, stiffness and predictable behavior? So someone that kind of goes in and out of the realms of of what is? You. What is expected? You could probably get things done in unexpected way. So Mystic poet and trickster. So you did you trick this person into loving you? All right. If there's no contact, have they considered? Back to this, there's really there's a lot of anxiety since there has been proof, you know? It would just it fuct their home, buck up home. It would give them a great amount of anxiety. So like I said, I feel like they're living in a very volatile situation where there's a threat, a threatening energy of rage, Like, again, women are very, yeah, it would cause. They're looking at grow. They're standing back and kind of letting this thing with you grow. But there would be too much anger if they contacted you, so no. So like if they if they contacted you in any way they would you know this person's. From now. It would. It would fock out their home. It would cause so much anxiety. They're letting it grow though. And that's bringing anger enough. Just letting it grow. Letting it, you know. So they might have a very possessive partner as well. As their competition for their attention. We definitely are slow growing relationship. There's real love though that is the. Competition. They have some motions that they're going to have to need to to get over and they would probably sneak away to get over those. So this is kind of a person that. When they get upset. Go to their cave. They're really defensive because they feel like they've got, they're like they're going to get trapped or they're caught in a mind trap. Is there competition again the there's a motions that they need to move on from? When it comes to, you know, sneaky watching. Or they might like need to sneak off. Ohh. To deal with some emotions, you'll see it says they're very defensive, they don't want to get caught in the mind trap. So. You know, there's this aspect of not there, whatever they've been through with their family. It's something that has created this barrier, which you know has to be. You're gonna have to deal with their barriers. So is there competition? Well, if they're going, it's going to be hard to get in there. You know what I mean? And then once you're in there. This person is wanting to. Whenever they have emotions, they're going to take off. OK. Most likely. It's a decision. Decision. He makes a decision. It would be a gift. It would be. There would be a proposal there would you know it would be a gift to. It would be a gift. But it would also be a burden. Be a burden. The choice is the gift is a burden while the offer is a bird. By their hall. If you make this decision. It would feel like a gift. But there's also a very heavy bird. Talking about. And the drawstring is maybe you should. The judgment is maybe you should. Secretly. And just kind of keep watching. Keep watch till. And be happy. So is this person right for you? OK. If you made the decision that you're thinking about, which it might be to make an offer or to come on to them? For. You know this is? Page. This is something in someone's work. If you made the decision to make an offer to this person, they would be heavily burdened by their home. They're already heavily. The judgment is you should just move on right now. And secret don't say anything, just move on but kind of keep an eye on. See until it's over and just be happy. So. It's telling you to to back off from this particular relationship. Again, this person's got their ride number. Roller coasters all like you can't get on this roller coaster and until. It comes to a full stop. With everybody who's been trapped. You know what I mean? It's a turtle, so slow and steady, so it's telling you to go ahead and move on from emotions about this person, especially if they are married. It's good to use some advice. The proposal? The offer. Guest. It would cause it would cause too much upset. Thinking about like, you know, coming on to this person. It would cause too much. Let it grow. It's already quite big, but what's going on between the two of you is already quite developed. OK. Again, if you do this, you'll you'll regret it. And it's telling you you really should move on from wishing for it because it's going too slow. There's a whore involved this hori don't know if this is their whore or there's a whore here all of a sudden and. You know. It's a lose, lose situation when it comes to. Yeah, so this person is at your work. It would be a lose. You might get horse shamed at work if you fuck with this person. So this is someone at your work that's married? And you want to like, come on to them and make an offer for sex or for a relationship or something like that. It's gonna cause a huge blow up. It's gonna you'll be considered a whore at work. You know what I mean? Like, it won't look good for you if this person isn't part of your work. You need to defend yourself. So whatever. So people at work are already seeing the connection between the two of you. Yeah, it's a burden that's already been seen. It's again, even though it's top secret, it's obviously you've heard. It's been seen. Yeah, that's the truth. So you need to move on from this guy at work. It's gonna go too slow. Just move on from it again. If you if you come on to this person and you have an affair with them at work, you will. You will be horse shamed at your work. It's a lose lose situation. If you want to keep your job and keep your position. Right now you need to defend yourself. It's only going to be a heavy burden that you're going to carry. Keep an eye on him though. An eye on the situation could be hammered, she I'm not sure. And, you know, kind of keep it secret. And that's the truth. Alright. It's always better to let people play out their shit. So again, this this person's probably married. And you know. If you come on to them. It's gonna cost. A lot of backlash. Not just for you. At work, in your career, but it's going to fuck with their family. It's so risky like this, whoever they're with, whoever's part of their family will fucking explode. So it's going to be Massey. So I don't Again, back to the statement men don't leave women. Burden, hand mentality. I got pussy at home. They're not going to leave. You know something that they built? Even if it was them settling for the best thing they could find, Men just don't do that. They'll stay or they'll cheat and stay, You know what I mean? Um. So the answer to this is if you're thinking about cheating with this old turtle. It's not gonna go. Even though there is real love between the two of you, maybe there's been a. Touch or something like that. Yes, this person makes you real happy. But you know, at the moment you back off from this, this person will probably go into depression. And then, you know, depression within, you know, sooner or later women leave men that are depressed. All right, like. You know what I mean? They do. Because they just can't take it. So. Like I'm go ahead and spiral into depression or pick someone else to flirt with to give himself something to to get his ass to work every day. I mean, how many of us get, like, work? Crushes I used to get, especially in college, I used to get a crush on, like at least one person in each class, and that helped me go to class. Like I don't want to go to class. You know. You know what I mean? Uh, that got me to a lot of 8:00 classes. You know, so there is that aspect that sometimes we develop feelings just to help us get to or through the shift day that we have ahead of us, right. So you know, see if you know, back off. See if he develops a crush on the next available cutie, you know what I mean? And then then you know. Because if he if he does, if you back off and he goes and finds someone else at work, then you know what kind of man he is that he was never ever going to. But if it's real. Love between the two of you and your back off and you see them going to depression. That's not going to help their family situation. And you know, maybe this bitch will explode over something else. You know, they could very easily be. Trapped in abusive relationship and a lot of them, like I'm going to take you for all your worth and I'm going to take you for child support and blah blah blah blah blah, right? So a lot of men again, are stuck in fear in relationships and what do they give a show? They're just going to go masturbate of 11:30 or 1:00 AM and then go to bed and. They're like they're just used to living in a perpetual prisons really in all reality. So when you when you have connection with a man that is in a a faith faithful relationship, you know you should look at it like I'm I'm having a relationship with. It's. Except you don't get to write the letters as much. That's that's the truth. If you fall in love with a married man. It's the same thing as falling in love with the man in. There's no there's very little difference except, you know, he's on house arrest. It's basically the deal. He's on house arrest. You know, you just can't have a really good relationship with a man. You can't even go over there because the whole. There's this song. Chat. Chat. I love that dog he like. Talks about women being as warden. Yeah, I got it. But like. It really, it really like, kind of brings home that. Yeah, yeah, it's Chet Faker Gold. Go listen to that song and it kind of gives you an idea. How beaten down and are. Just another hole to take their soul. It's just uh. Another warden. So, like, is he going to leave her to have another warden? Down. Like I said, 90% of divorces are grave up. Are initiated by. Take it. Go see if he gets. That's. Alright, I'll be back




See you. OK. So you wanna call? Situation. Express your love. Go ahead and make the romantic gesture OK. Go ahead. Do it. Describe the situation. Searching online? Searching online has found some costs. And that is less than fucking learned. So someone who went searching online, they found some petty gossip. Now they're. Now they've won their. It's created some anger and today it's very complicated. So someone went searching and now there's some gossip. And now all the lesson has been learned. And this has created some anger. Right now, today. And it's very complicated because it's very complex. Yeah, so there's like feeling like they're disregard like there's they have there's a disregarding of a long term relationship. Especially like go ahead and. Gesture What is the situation? You can search online Now there's. Jealousy. Lesson. Whatever other. Explore. Today in the press. It's very complicated because they need to disregard all. Relationship. What don't you know about your situation that will help? You make a better decision. Saying to express your love. So if you like this person, go tell them that you like. Go tell someone with the big mouth that you like. They're writing something you don't know. There's some kind of writing, some maybe a journal. There's some kind of writing. Maybe a grant because it has to do with financial support, child alimony, government. I don't know. Maybe people are writing for grant. Here comes this drama. Causing all sorts of chaos. They need to get it. You're feeling like you gotta get a grip on your on love, on your love. Someone's been writing and I don't know if the writing has to do with financial. That kind of combo makes me feel like it's like Grant, right? You know what I mean? But it could be someone's writing a journal and trying to get money for it. Or it could be that they're just writing. They could be on Facebook writing. You know, this drama couldn't Queen could be, you know, writing about. She wants child support along here or something like that. I don't know what's necessarily going on there. Um. Again, there's a need to get a grip. They want to get a grip. They feel way down by this love. They're kind of begging. Wanting to negotiate the situation, they're really reminiscing or having lots of memories about being very masculine. There, There's a lot of reminiscing about the Mask in The Energy here. How do they feel about your presence? It's very complicated because they need they need to disregard a long term. There's a need to disregard a long term relationship. So expressing your love might help them. Or help you disregard long term relationship. They're feeling kind of remorseful about this situation with you. Feel like they're kind of messed up. Kind of worried because all of a sudden there's like surprise commitment. Surprise. I have a beautiful surprise plan for you. Commitment. This part is. They're healthy. Feeling kind of morsel. They're feeling like they're they're way down by the worries of their world. But there is this surprise commitment coming up and they want to surprise. They're really. Clear past self. They're working on their health. You've made them want to get healthier. Any information? So overall. You've inspired this person to get healthier. If there is gossip and I don't know if you saw some gossip. On, you know, on on the socials. I'm not sure like why. This online looking for shit, looking for info, has stirred up this gossip, or have seen the gossip and again, they've really learned something. About this, maybe this is in their particular situation. Again, it's so complicated that because they have to disregard a long term relationship. This drama queen here is causing so much chaos when it comes to her writing and financial support. Whatever her writing might be, it might be what's causing this gossip. I feel like they're remembering a time when they used to be. You know what I mean. I I feel like they're remembering the reminiscing about how they used to feel. Emotions for you look good, happy, healthy, committed. They want to surprise you, but there's a lot of remorse and word. I don't know if emotionally they're remorseful and worried, because again, this surprise commitment is weird surprise. It almost feels like a. Ohh. Expressed your love. So. Maybe they want express their love too. You make them happy. How were they describing you to someone else? It would describe you as someone who lost nature. They would describe you as the goddess, as the hermit. So they would describe you as a nature lover, someone who has friendship with friendships, with animals. They would describe you as a goddess, someone who's very feminine. Who has lots of wisdom and life force. And they would also say that you're hermit someone who seeks solitude to work on their inner life. Might say that you're antisocial. That you're goddess. OK, if you're in no contact, I'd be considered contacting, you know. Sneak they would be sneaky. Nearby. It would be sneaky and childish if they could be considered contact. So they do it in like a secret way and kind of a playful way. Again, it's really. What's growing here is regret. They're really in that they've what they've grown within their particular situation that doesn't involve you is regretful. So again, it would be sneaky and maybe a little childish, or it'd be like or it'd be like kind of a fly flirt. I could read that as a sneaky sneaky because page of. Cups is my child card, but it's also my amateur and it's also my flirty card, you know, kind of having fun and flirting. So if they did, it would be kind of like a sneaky flirting wife, OK? Is there competition for their retention? There's like there's. Again, there's like this. They would quickly regret. There's like this really anger. There's lots of anger and regret. They want to sneak off from the anger and the. Dictation. But they would return. Cheating. OK, cheating on this person's in a relationship. Another one, another one. There. Is there competition they would quickly regret sneaking off? OK. Or they would quickly regret being sneaky. They are going, they would return. And then the cheating would be a burden. So if you know if you do do something with this person, I don't know if you mean they would return to their relationship. Yeah. Yeah, they just move on and that would be their judge. OK, so you can't go in there and. Add. The X is going to be really angry, but yes. Yes, there's some destiny. The X is going to be really angry, but. Yes, there's some. There is this friendship there. If you cheated, you'd move on from it. Um, but there's really there's love. Your ex is going to be pierced or the ex is going to be mad. But yes, this would be a successful relationship and the decisions have been made to invest in it. OK, we got wheel of fortune here. If you move on, if you moved on from the cheating energy there, there would be love, so. You need to. I feel like you almost need to express your love and kind of unconditional. Non sexual way. You know what I mean? They got, like I said, it's really their situation right now is extremely complicated. Someone's got to disregard a long term relationship and it's not easy. It looks like. Their person is just out for financial support. Keeping notes. The drama queen. And they're really way down by this. They would love to negotiate this love. You know, be a man. That's exactly what the cards say. They would love to be a man. OK. Let's see here. The judgment is still it would be a burden and of fear. Yeah, and that is why it would be sneaky. OK, so they're a little too afraid to come out the gate themselves, so would be sneaky. This person might be at work again. The work or the collaboration with the family. There's like family work. Energy here, Money and fame. Um. Maybe their work family is in some kind of denial. Because we have work and family and denial. So I don't know if that is they're working on making a law along. Term like. Stable, successful business probably. Or their like work family is in some kind of denial. And now it's what needs to be moved on from. So maybe they work. Together. Judgment is it would be a really heavy burden to carry and it creates this fear, and that is why there's this sneaky energy about it. We're sneaking off to work. Uh, they might be sneaking off. From this person just to work. You know, there's a lot of men that are really great workers, but what they're what they're doing is they're avoiding their, you know, they got work leave. Run their house arrest. Perfect. I mean, there's a lot of that kind of this particular. We're We're seriously controlling. Curfew. They gotta answer word. 1. Could be passed flocking for all week, so all that's going to be taken into consideration. You know, like I started looking at men like they're really abused anymore. When you like, take back when you step back and take it all in. They actually have. What is? It seemed sorry. 4. OK. Sorry about the, sorry, the work is really strong. The work is strong. And it's causing lots of. What to do? It's really a mind trap to get single. Um, and then just, you know, deal with data boards or something? That. Their mind trapped about being single, but the horn acts really and the whole scene. So. I don't know what. Like men will stay in cheating relationships too, more actually, than the women. Cheap. It's secretly There's a lot of heartbreak. It's heartbreak. Secretly, it's heartbreaking and the world is full of sin. Which were all kind of. These are like independent. Well, could be. I could use this ritual card as feminist as well. Back to this war. As. Was increased. So. Secretly, this person is heartbroken. And there is like they're they're in a world, there's a world here. Ohh. back to this someone has gone searching on the internet





This is like this show right here. For. Glasses. These could be sunglasses. It's a sunglass like. Classes OK. Unrequited love. There's not enough love or attraction or chemistry to keep this relationship going, OK? Glasses. Half empty. Describe the situation between you both right now. There's a history of being disregarded here. Alright, you have a history of being disregarded by this person. And that is what makes it a karmic. Relationship. So it's always been kind of a third party thing, right? This these territories are all about the relationship. Again, you need a You need to hideaway or you need a vacation adventure. You know. You need something to kind of prove that this is done. So what's the situation? Well, there's been a history here being disregarded by this person. They've might have been in a relationship this whole time. This might have been always like a third party cheating kind of scenario. Again, there's not enough attraction, there's not enough chemistry to keep this thing going. Maybe once this person, maybe this person will go on vacation and they'll see the proof that this particular situation is done. Or you'll see the proof that this particular situation is done. It does help, like, get you over somebody because, like, men love to, like, hide their relationship. And because they keeping their options open, you know what you mean? Um. So there is like that kind of tendency for men to not to post or show their family in any way. And it keeps people that are interested in them kind of on the hook because, you know, you're sitting there kind of like. Why are they not proud of their their significant other? You know what I mean? Are they not? Are they keeping their options open? Do they not want their side chicks to see it? You know what I mean? How many women do they want upset with them? You know, there's like, you know, maybe you want that beautiful family photo. Like all the good men, all the good married men, they have that beautiful family photo. You know, the one that they spent money and went to the photographer for and they all wore khakis and white. They're at the beach. I mean those that that kind of image is a they project a image of stable family, right? You know, and there's a lot of men out there that don't play that kind of game, but it it's again, they're doing that to keep their options open. What don't you know about their situation that will help you make a better decision? Well, the Child Support is projected to be in the future and that is their main focus. Though you can feel this relationship, you can't see it. They are you are connected to this person, probably on the Internet. And this person is, you know, whatever their situation is when it comes to this financial support. You know, they're angry about it. It's creating a pressure cooker. So this is another like in a relationship type person. So and and again we will be talking about this like financial support when it comes to children. There's a lot of women out there that they want their rent paid for. You have two kids with someone. You know, you're talking about two grand, that's, you know, that's a house payment right there. You know, a lot of women will open their legs, shake their kid just to have the security of having a man pay for they're living expenses. Let's see how they feel about your presence in their life. Again, you you assume that this is unrequited because there's been a history of disregarding. This person wants to be a faithful with you. Sorry, I'm sorry, but there is a lot of passion between the two of you. So they want to cheat, they want to be unfaithful, and they're sorry about this, OK, they want this passion with you, But they feel so stuck. Yeah, they feel stopped, but here there is some kind of loyalty that they have with you. Like there's this is a woman and her dog, so like, they feel kind of like that. Or they oh, they envy your loyalty. They ever be some kind of loyalty that you have envy it and they envy your strength and you have inspired this person. So you think it's unrequited. You don't think there's enough attraction in this relationship to keep it going. There's been a history of being disregarded, which makes you feel that way. It's always been a third party situation, meaning other people or are involved either of their relationship or you're in a relationship. Again, there is this like vacation, adventure, escapade proof. So I don't know if something happened on vacation or you know there's are there hiding away the proof. If you saw the proof, you might realize that this was not just a lesson that you learned. And their own particular situation that you're not aware of, there is lots of financial support. It is projected into their future. So they know that they're going to have to pay financial support in some way and you know. You know, with whatever situation they have going right now, they are focused on you though. They really feel this connection. They really feel connected to you. And that is creating this energy in which you know, it's making them angry. You want to explode, They want to be unfaithful and they're sorry. They just want to be unfair. And say they're sorry. You know, it's very passionate, so this person might cheat with you and just go back to the relationship and say I'm sorry. You know, there was, you know, there was passion there, you know, so it there is passion here. Even though this card is saying that there's not enough. They feel very stuck. Your loyalty, your strength, they envy and you do inspire them, so that's not too bad. Ohh. There's secrets on the bottom. There's some secrets here. OK? How would they describe you behind your back? As an Angel, someone who helps those in need with no expectation. Of return and a damsel. Understanding the true nature of a healthy romance. Someone that believes in magic. Seeing the potential for sacred beauty and all things and then the total highlight your erotic energy so they see you as very erotic. They see you as someone who believes in magic, but again has some kind of purity and Angel Ness to it. Very much a damsel. So you like romance? Didn't say damsel in distress. Alright, if you're not contact with this person, have they considered it? Daydream about it. They dream about it, but there's be too much judgment. Yeah, but the judgment is they would have to be sneaky. This whole fucking episode is about married, man. I'm just. And I get it. We're going to talk about that in the beginning. Well. Have they considered contacting you? They dream about it, but the judgment is would have to be sneaky. But slowly, slowly. There's an X here. It's slow. It's been slow. It was slow down by the axe. And that created the jungle. That created the time issue. It might have created the time. It might have created the history of being disregarded. They wish to, they wish to. They wish to, yeah, yeah. And they will make the they will make the decision that you are their soulmate and that you are very sweet or you are very sweet. So even though, I mean, I feel like you think there's not enough attraction here. And you've been disregarded by this person before, or you have disregarded this person because of it being cheating, possibly. Your proposition for their attention. Yes. Yes, but it's foolish. Yes, but it's Lish. They have to reconcile their commitments. Yes, there's yes, there is competition for their attention, but it's foolish. So whatever would take their attention away, it's a it's foolish. There's there's definitely a need to reconcile or find some kind of balance, whether that be in their marriage. They might reconcile their marriage, or they might reconcile a commitment. It's foolish because they could they could change their yes. Yes, there's there. Yes, there's competition. But it's foolish because they could change. They could change their commitment. They could have changed their commitment. OK. So whatever is in the way, whatever they were committed to, it could have been adjusted, it could have been changed, but they did. They might not. They might not be that kind of person that can roll with it, you know, They might be so scheduled. I really don't want to do that. It's just personal right for you. X card. X is home. And his public messages, possibly on social media. OK. It's personal, right for you. It's the access home. Access. Or the Access Foundation. Again, the X and his social media. I don't know why. As this person right for you, there's this whole accent. On social media. What is that? It's secret though. Secretly, this Secretly the bitch defends herself or the bitch is secretly. But secretly this bitch has been through a lot and I don't know if that's speaking to you. If you're a bitch because you've been through a lot and you see through bullshit, that could be the statement. Here. This person right for you? Has a foundation. Has a home. Access home it's. Public messages. It's still secret. But this page is defensive. It. Is a burden. When the when the when it becomes a burden, that is when the ghost happen. They will return. It is destiny. This is personal, right? So you really, whoever this beach is to them is really. Really different. And it might be because of her Axis home. Whatever he's doing on social media. Or it could be that. You know you're dealing with this Access foundation on social media. Defends herself. Could be gaslight defense. It is a burden that needs put to rest. Now this person returns successful, which is destiny. Is this person right for you though? Yes, it's very strong. So I don't understand this reading because it's like, here's this unrequited love, there's not enough. Chemistry to keep this going. Maybe that's maybe there's maybe that's speaking to the standing relationship that's in the way. I'm not sure. This whole, this whole set of readings is about people that are in relationships. Is this person right for you? It's throwing the strength card that is an absolute, yes. And it's loyal and strong. What's the advice here? Let's see. With this guy that you like. It's. It's always the situation. You know what he means. Take. Do what you fucking want. Whatever this little situation comes up, I always read it. Do what you fucking want because it's you brought. You're fucked either way. It's uphill. Both ways, energy. So just you. It's seek but. This secretly is brings happiness. That the feelings are mutual, so. This guy that you like is secretly happy that you like him back. Yet you are in a place where you think it's unrequited, and there's this history of feeling disregarded. Again, you can move on and make the decision that this person is a Dick. And, you know, create that illusion. Um. And. But the bitch is still going to be. Defensive. Again, you could move on and make the decision that this person is a Dick and you can create that illusion. This person that he's with, this bitch. Again, she is still going to be defensive, the father and the relationship. The father in this relationship, whoever is the father in this relationship, is working. On a massage. Is working hard towards massive terms of massage. Again, that. A message that will. And the moving on and the bird. So the father in this relationship is working on a message that would. End. The moving on and and the bird. So secretly this person likes that you like? OK. They like that. They like that. They they liked it. The feelings or answer. Speaking as it's mutual, OK. So even though this unrequited is here, I don't necessarily. You are working toward, there is working towards manipulating this situation, towards what you're both wishing for, towards the wish which is the truth there. It will be heartbreaking. There will be heartbreak. In the world, on the Internet or at a distance, there is heartbreak. It is heartbreaking world. So that is why there. That's why they're holding back. I think there's children involved too. There's either flirting. Any type of flirting would. And almost feels like. Their situation is so volatile, any type of flirting would crush it, crush the situation, and again, I don't know if it's saying that or the children again will tower this situation naturally. Get back to this moving on and choosing to go with Destiny. Back, moving on and loading Dust. Back off, move on and let Destiny decide. Yeah, and it will be this. There's strong. There is strong abuse. Whatever this person has gone through, there's abuse. So. Again, there is letting Destiny decide. Between this is the situation is being manipulated towards what it is that you want. And that's the truth. I don't know if your world's been if you've just been through a world of heartbreak, or if they've been through a world of heartbreak, or there's a world of heartbreak between you, and that is what's causing this wanting to hold back. Back to this history of holding back. Feeling disregarded, the children have either crumble this thing or any type of flirting would would crumble whatever they have going on. OK. It's that, their foundation is that. Is deteriorated to that point that children or flirting could destroy it. There is a need to move on from a motions of the past. And let destiny decide. And Destiny is going to take a strong action. Or there's been or the destiny to decide is that they're going to realize that they're being very that they're being abused. This is almost like hitting someone with a stick. Keep them in line. I don't think it's enough sexy way. Getting wet. Nice. Doesn't appear to be unrequired in the cards. You're over here like this thing is over. There is history. Of being disregarded third party that it's just a lesson. Why you weren't here. Maybe getting ready to take a vacation Or you're hiding. Where are you from this? We need an inventory escape because you need some kind of fucking proof. The relationship is really sad. And there's a lot of fear. That there's going to be denied. So the relationship this person is in is really depressed. And there's a lot of fear. OK, even though they would deny this. That is their world, and they feel like a fool for being trapped in this particular situation. Um. Again, there's a need for the for justice to happen. There's a need to break up and move on, and they will move on to something very sweet. There are. They are holding on to you. And they hold on to your message. Whatever your message was, get it? Gets held on to the message, gets held on to secret. Increase. So the message gets held on to. Yeah, they're relationship with this person is in a relationship. The relationship is definitely dead. And yeah, it's just an illusion that it's a lose, lose situation, because the reality is it's over. And then there's the payout and that's the judgment. This person, yeah, whoever they're with, just wants fucking money. So it's already over. Whatever relationship this person is and is already over, their person that they're possibly has already made plans to again take them for child support. They, whoever they've had children with is already. In the mind frame. Of this is Mott. My children are my my money. You know. So they're getting their rent paid for, definitely. So and then like I said, this is, this is becoming. More evident. Sorry. Actually. Ohh. That's. Absolutely. OK. My note. What was this This. Glasses. Ohh. Again. Looks like they're persons. Yeah, it is. Was taken from. There's only, so there's only so much. In order. They're gonna come to the realization. They're just, yeah. A bank wire. Investing. That's the sad reality of many relationships. OK, the large mentality of relationships. Sad to say. Taking advantage of men. Anyway, I gotta clear my energy, get ready to do this intro, and then I don't know what to do to figure out. OK, sorry, I'm. Sorry, I don't skip. Hold on. Text message. umm