Overcoming Your Insecurities, Aries and Scorpio Lovers and Your Tarot Relationship Reading

Overcoming Your Insecurities, Aries and Scorpio Lovers and Your Tarot Relationship Reading

This week, I am starting my travel stories series. I visited Venezuela when I was 15, and the experience had a profound impact on my spirituality and my ability to adapt to different environments. When exposed to third-world poverty, it can truly open your eyes and make you appreciate what you have. It can make you feel wealthy with your rent paid and just $100 left in your bank account. Perspective is key, and gratitude is the focal point. We will conclude the show with our summer zodiac lovers series featuring Aries and Scorpio!

Fire: 00:24:29

Wind: 00:52:16

Earth: 01:06:46

Water: 01:19:23

Aries and Scorpio Lovers: 01:40:31

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions



Episode 72


Overcoming Your Insecurities, Aries and Scorpio Lovers and Your Tarot Relationship Reading


This week, I am starting my travel stories series. I visited Venezuela when I was 15, and the experience had a profound impact on my spirituality and my ability to adapt to different environments. When exposed to third-world poverty, it can truly open your eyes and make you appreciate what you have. It can make you feel wealthy with your rent paid and just $100 left in your bank account. Perspective is key, and gratitude is the focal point. We will conclude the show with our summer zodiac lovers series featuring Aries and Scorpio!


Fire: 00:24:29

Wind: 00:52:16

Earth: 01:06:46

Water: 01:19:23


Aries and Scorpio Lovers: 01:40:31


⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions







Where's the craziest place you've ever pooped? I have a story. I have a story for you here in a minute. Welcome to my summer sessions. Yeah, all over the place. These were all pre recorded and spring and I'm sharing a little travel story here in the beginning of the shows. Just to share some information about myself. Little different journeys I've had throughout my 44 years. Um. Yeah, so. The craziest place you've pooped, OK? I've pooped all over the place. So. I was. I was 15, OK, I was 15. And back when I was younger I was very Christian, OK? I was raised by my mother. My mother was Baptist, alright. And we went to a Baptist Church when I was very little and then changed to a non denominational church, which church was always very important to my mother and my father. My father was raised Russian Orthodox. And so he had a lot. You know, we pray that every meal. I still pray a lot. Like, you know, prayer has always been. A stable my family and it's not like no one. It's not pressure. We don't pressure. I mean, it's not like judgmental. It's just one of those things where my family's been through a lot and you know, when you're going through certain situations where you know it's up to fate, you know what I mean? Whether that be someone that's in the hospital or a bunch of life, circumstances happen and you have to struggle. You know what I mean? The ups and downs of business and the last crash. Like, you know, as a family, we come together and pray. My grandma always said if two people come into agreement with a prayer that God had answered, it was in the Bible. It's one of his rules. So you know, she reminded of, reminded of us of that all the time. And so I do still find myself, I even have taught my son, like when the going gets tough, we sit down and we pray together and agree that this is how we want God to deal, this situation we can't deal with. You know, and it's a nice way of setting intention and of letting go. And in my adult life, I now listen. So I pray and I listen. I pray and I meditate. And when you meditate, you know, whether that is God or your subconscious ego or super ego. You know it. It helps. To offset anxiety and health helps to offset depression. When you have a dialogue going on, whether that be with Mother Nature source, with your own inner self, or my atheist out there, you can believe that the source within you, your subconscious self, which is so fucking powerful, you know we are only running on on the tops of our database. Here, OK, the depth of you and your subconscious is amazing, and the intelligence of thought within every human is incredible. So I mean you can look at it either way that, you know, for my more scientifically minded listeners. But. So anyway. Yeah, I was very Christian and I actually taught children's church, Yeah. All goody goody. Um, but you know, I've always been a spiritual person in general. My mom used to. Real little I used to talk to God. For three years, I was just talking to God, just talking to God. You know, so I don't know if it's, you know, it's been an innate thing in my life. So I was 15 and there was an opportunity to go on a missions trip to Venezuela for a month. OK, I was gonna hold about this. I had done a little bit of of traveling. By myself. Like I would travel out to family, stay with them and travel back. So I I was, you know, and I traveled a lot with my mother and father. So I was not like new to traveling. But this was the first, like trip that I like. I got on at 15, got on an airplane all by myself and flew to Miami and then met a bunch of people I did not know. Stayed in a dormitory at a university for a week for training. And then we went to Venezuela for three weeks, OK. Mary Kibo. And so it was funky because they as a Christian group, so we weren't they, you know, told us not to bring shorts. And so I, you know, I was a Goody 2 shoes. So I listened. I did have a pair of shorts that I slept in. But fuck, we got down there and it was like 104 fucking degrees in the middle of fucking summer. It was like in June. Or July, I can't remember. I think it was in July. And it was hot. As fuck, I got a little homesick. That was interesting around around the first week when I was in Miami. I got a little homesick. I almost wanted to come home. But I pushed through. The whole trip was like $1200 and like, OK, when you find out where I pooped, you're going to feel like, yeah, it's it's $100 month long trip. And probably most of it was spent in Miami in all reality. So we get on the plane, we go to Mercado and there's another group of us is about 50 I think or so actually. There might have been more that might have been up, there might have been more. You got to realize I'm 15, so it's a long time ago. My memory isn't exact. There's been a lot of water under the bridge. I think we had three groups and what we did was we learned a pantomime plane play that was like the story of Jesus, but it's set in like contemporary contemporary story. And so we, you know, we put on fucking Halloween fucking that kind of makeup, OK? I my costume was all black. It was black pants and a black shirt. OK, and then my face was covered in white and black paint. Every day. We got, we did have the weekends off and we went to the beach one time. But we stayed in that in this hotel and there was like four people to one room with one bed. And so most of us, like, you know, we took, we, some of us slept on the floor, you know, for a couple days and then took the bed for a couple days. And in Venezuela, you can't drink the water, can't drink the water. And and like we went to universities, which people like threw stuff at us and like us at all. And then but we did a lot more like grade schools. And so we go to these grade schools and they get off class and they come out, we do the, we do the pantomime story form took about 25 minutes. And afterwards we just hung out with the kids and played until we had to go to our next to the next school. And so we just like row round on a bus, got out, did these plays, hung out for a little bit, got back on the bus. And then different people fed us. So you know, we we we stayed in a couple churches where we just slept on the floor. We traveled all through the country. Um. You know, America was like our home base, but then we, you know, one week they had three groups. So like we just spread, just spread. Christian disease all over and the people that are Catholic. So it was kind of funny because, you know, you're doing this for Catholic people. You know, but, you know, trying to get safe, trying to save some people. And of course, I didn't know Spanish at the time, so there was this whole language barrier. I knew how to ask for the bathroom and, you know, basic pleasantries and things like that. But, you know, communicating was really. About, you know, intention and and. Just kind of smiles, you know what I mean? And that was one thing I loved about that trip was playing with the kids and their smiles and one thing I like. That's stayed with me my entire life. Was the poverty. And you don't understand poverty until you see how these people are live. African countries like. My whole view on immigration is I don't. We really should have a better way to accept them into the country and and and pay taxes, you know what I mean? I think they should come in and I think they would pay tax. It should pay taxes, you know, not sitting here saying we should fund an outreach program to to help people in. Near the equator or anything like that. What I'm saying is we need to allow them in and then, you know, tax the fuck out of them like everybody else. You know, let him, let him live the American dream. Want to pay the taxes? Uh, but anyway, the kids were amazing. I had many, many humbling moments. Learn to like black beans and they have these things called the bus, and they're like a. Pancake made with grits. And they cut them in half and they eat them everywhere. They just put some ketchup on them. They're kind of like kind of like an Egg Mcmuffin, but grittier. A lot of times we have served with eggs and ketchup or just cheese. One, ketchup and cheese. So like, we go to these things. And a lot of times we were sponsored by a family, like a Christian family down in Venezuela, and then they'd feed us, you know what I mean? They feed this whole group of people and it was humbling and food there is. Like it's. It is. You don't turn away food. OK, so here is this poor person and they have. They have gone out and made you all this. Of course. You don't know what the flock or where the fuck this shirt. When you look around, you're like, how weird, you know? Like, you can't be like, weird. No one was wearing gloves, I wouldn't tell you that. And the food was probably very close to the ground when it was creating in certain places. But it was so disrespectful to turn away food and I had a really hard time eating these areas. Like I got used to them towards the end. I had a body that loved them, OK, absolutely loved them, So I take mine. You know, smile and thank them and I go, you know, eat a couple bites and he would eat his completely gone and he'd come over and I'd sneak my mind. Help me eat all this food I did. I did enjoy the black beans towards the end. But we were on this trip. On the side, on the side quest when we were there and we were, we had gone to the beach, OK to the coast. And we spent the day there. OK, I had. This kid bought this ceviche that was full of octopus and crunch. Straight from this vendor on the beach, OK? And three of us just chowed this fucking shit down. It was so good. And I didn't put on enough sunscreen. It was the first time I was in a in a in a swimsuit. The whole trip because we're going to help porn. The first time I was on the. This is the other thing. We had one outfit like, I look back and I'm like, did I just wear the most disgusting, sweaty clothes every single day? I did it because we only did like laundry like twice. There was a laundromat like 3 blocks away and and it was busy as Fox. And so when we got our day off we were all trying to do laundry because we've been wanting the same fucking clothes over and over and over again all week. Sweating through shirt like crazy. So anyway, we've gone to the beach and this was a great beach day and we took this, took this boat trip to this island. And I had kind of had this story confused in the past, but I remember it more clearly now. We went to this little tiny island that was right off the coast, OK? And we walked back in. And it had a river. And it was completely sand. It was quite a large river. It was when that wasn't not like a Grand River, but it was definitely not a Creek. OK, so somewhere between a big river and he has a small river. Uh. And it was completely clear water. And there was not a single walk in the river. And this water was moving so fast and it was completely silent. It was the first time in my life I had ever seen a moving body of water. Not make any sound. It was surreal. Like wet, like we're hyped through this like lush, you know, timber. Like, you know what I mean? Like you should have had a a machete that was not that we get into this place appears this river completely. Put our hands on. Making though it was like one of them was just one of those. So anyway, got horribly stumbling back. And. You're traveling overnight somewhere else. We're just sleeping on the bus. We've got to the next location. And you know, the roads are. It's just the roads out there. I I just didn't even the driver that I didn't walk. I didn't walk out the windows, OK. That's scary. And. We stop at this rest area. Night time stop at this rest area and all it is. All it was was a tiny little market, OK. And it was completely open air. It might have had six posts and then had some sheet metal that was hammered around it. OK, that's that was the structure, OK. It wasn't anything. You know what I mean? It was pitch black, dark. You know, we got there. And so we're getting out to go to the bathroom. Where's the bathroom? It's go around the back. We're all standing out here waiting. People are like. My turn to go to the bathroom. I'm like, where's the bathroom? Like you'll see the toilet paper. Ohh. Wish. And it is like a 20 foot. The down. OK, it's like a Cliff down. And there's this tree that has fallen over near the edge. Of this clear basically. And it's got 22 parts to treat, you know it's like 1 tree that's split into two and and so and the two happened to be just the right. Plays a part. Uh, to sit and shut down the ravine. Alright, And then there was like this toilet paper just right there, like off of the offshoot branch. This tree that's hanging over this 25 foot at least ledge. It was so dark it was hard to tell. It could have been worse. Signori, Miss. We had eaten this God damn seviche. Probably have held my shift for an hour till we got there. I was like I have to do. It's so upsetting on this you know, tree that's followed over thinking, Oh my God of this tree, like let's go and we both careening down into this ravine or I fall through the two trees. Amount of. Remove the highlight Yeah, that was probably one of the crates now half pooped in a couple holes and I pooped in a hole. We there was a. There was a house being built that we stayed in. It wasn't finished and so it just had a whole. You know where the toilet was supposed to go and so we had to use it just went and sat. Very much like you would. I still like, you know, all I could think about is pitch fucking black. Even. Fucking See. The ship pile that was behind. But yes, that's the craziest place I've pooped. Like it was the riskiest poop ever. You know what I mean? Like everyone has these. Like, I pooped in outhouses all over the place. Uh, I don't. I don't know. I don't give a shit, you know. Spiders don't bother me. Snakes do, though. So anyway, it was a it was a really great experience because I said I came home extremely humbled as a 15 year old teenager in America. And you know, upper middle class and came home with a whole different sense. And respect for. From my, you know, pantry full of, you know, sugary cereals. The coolest thing, though, is cool. You know, we drank Coke the whole time we were down there. Got the bottles and stuff, so and we weren't supposed to drink water. I did. Sip of water in the middle of the night I was. As long as you wake up, you're all out of water. Yeah, wake anybody up to get water. Dying a fucking bird. I just have like it was right out of my hand out of the same. And I did. I did shit. So. Can't flush toilet? There was like 2 days when I got really, really sick and then I came home. Shortly after that and got really, really sick. I think I had typhoid fever because I kind of like 100. And five temperature. I was walking delusional oil. I couldn't even think straight. I was walking Ruby as fucking shit. Describe you describe it as. Somewhere else? Yeah. Pretty bad. Also was really sick for about four days. So I I drank the water, got sick there. At the end it was just diarrhea, but then I got home and I like fever it out. So anyway I have drank water. In South America. Stronger. That should have no joke. And I say don't drink the water, don't drink the water. Don't drink the water. Go get a can of soda. But yeah, so that's my story. All the one thing I did love there, they had these ice cream then. And they they can't. They came by to make money off of, of course, but I'm telling you at fucking 2:00, everything shuts down. This is the coolest thing about everything shuts down in the afternoon because it's too fucking hot. So everybody works their ass off and gets everything done, and they try to get it done before noon and then they have CS done. Everybody goes and just chills. Launch. You take a nap. Uh, you sit in the shade because it's too fucking hot to do anything. I wish America had that mentality where we took the break between. Uh, you know it was like 1 to to three. You know what I mean? And so some ice cream died. Come around. And they had this coconut. It was a coconut ice cream and it was in a coconut shell. The Tio Rico man. Yeah. And so we used. We bought all this coconut. But we all were lined up for ice cream. It's. Well, yeah, it was. Um. I came back and I decided that I wasn't a Christian. I decided that that. It was. They talk about. Ohh, you know astronauts. It's not like that crazy. But they talk about moments where you're humbled to the point where you're. It's different. You get a different when you get a different view of the world. And that's what they say, like astronauts get up and they see how small we are and how incident and. Crazy. Realization for me at 15, that whole experience seeing absolute poverty, absolute poverty. And. Seeing just how? Happy day. And so on, and how kind they were to us, and how generous these people don't have. Such a brat. You know, but they got which is. This great pancake with a piece of cheese, which would have been expensive for them, You know what I mean? That was fancy. A slice of cheese was fancy with some ketchup. Just to have something to offer us to. The kindness and generosity. So this week's readings go fire, wind or in the water. You can check the description for the times. I'm not going to go crazy. And what do you write ups for all of these episodes like this? I'm on summer break. I'm not recording for the next month and 1/2. I did all this work ahead of time. So I'm taking a nice, nice break. So yeah, that was my trip to Venezuela. Like I said, I came home and I decided that I didn't want to be crushed. That. I didn't think that what the teaching has matched people's actions and not felt. Two, hypocritical for me to want to be a part of. What kind of food? Mentality. That group kind of thing. So. The Church. I'm still here, still believe in God, I just. Probably the best woman away. That. But I do believe that the best way is to be. There's my first travel story. It was busy. Wasn't that it wasn't very spicy, though, I'll tell you that. Expect likes to go to South American food to be really spicy. Here's the show, Angel.






OK. This fire reading, let's see what's going on in your relationship. What is your? Overall energy. In relationship. Take the bomb and take the bow. If you want proof, you need to have a meet. So your overall energy is. You need proof? Show me proof. And then? Their overall energy is something legal, doing something working paperwork. That's what they're doing. Motional statements Relationship you. Emotionally you think this is a lot of Fair. They're having a realization something is coming to their awareness emotionally. Mentally, you're thinking about. A reconcilable differences, A divorce? Something final. Let's see what they're thinking about right now. This person. They're thinking about their emotions and that's how they're how they're coming on and then they come back. So they're something's really coming emotionally, something's coming to their awareness they're going through. Some kind of legal situation, Something very official stressful. And their emotional awareness, something you know some way they feel is coming to their awareness and they're really thinking about these emotions and how these, how they have come and gone. You're over here. Dealing with proof. You've had some kind of meeting, there's been some kind of proof. There's something you know. Something going on in your headspace, right that you're dealing with the fact that now there's proof of something. You wonder what there's. Emotionally, you think this is a love affair. You think it's your emotional, you're keeping it a secret. And mentally you're thinking about, you know, something final, something kind of of divorcee. Let's see what is your obstacle here in the relationship is toxic behavior toxic people? So what's blocking you from this relationship is toxic people. What is blocking now from this relationship? Something extreme? How will you overcome these toxic people or behaviors? Poison, Apple. 74. You're gonna ignore it. You're going to ignore the toxic people. Just deny. You're gonna realize they're rational, that they don't have proper reasoning, and you're just going to ignore them. They're going to overcome this drastic, harsh, possible cut off by avoiding it or running. What is the overall energy in this particular relationship? It's too. Appearances. Feeling threatened? Feeling embarrassed? Emotionally, you're both kind of feeling trapped. Where are you both? Like in your head. There's unconditional love between the two of you. So you're both thinking about love? You know unconditional way, so this is not just lost. What is the outcome? What's the outcome here in this relationship? Yeah. I'll take. It's kind of weird out here, so I'll come here. Is that? Whatever. Whatever you're trying to get up out of, it's done. You've gotten a grip on it. You've seen signs. So again there. There's coming, there's. The overall energy here and here at this particular relationship is awareness. Something's like, again, you have proof on your side, on their side, something's coming to to the awareness. What's this proof about? You receive it at a meeting it's about. The proof is about the non action, It's about the silence. What's this drastic cut off? That's keeping them from this relationship. It's a timing factor. It's like paused but. So. There's this drastic cut off again, which is what they have to overcome. It's describing it, the drastic cut off as a timing issue, as a pause, as an interlude of sorts. They're going to overcome that, and I would. Drastic by avoiding or running or, you know, disregarding it in some way. What's the real emotional realization that they've come to? Within this relationship. Notional. That they were wishing for it. They come to this realization that they're actually wishing for this relationship. That's what the. Just because there's been so much fake shit. There's like a need to negotiate. Interesting. OK. What's their emotional state towards? You. Again, they feel like there's some some truth in this and they're emotional state. Again, they're that they're. With their hoping for it. They feel kind of codependent with you in some way. So they're feeling very like connected, very tied to you. They're extremely exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. So it's been it's they're having a hard time dealing with. Their motions. Because they're so tired. One more. With you. There's desire, but yet there's fear. There's choices to make. You're feeling very weak. But they see you as very compassionate to them. A child divine. This is someone who again, is very pure, very innocent. Again, I was. I read this card as a child of God. So child of God to me, it doesn't mean like you're religious. It just means that you you live in a way. That would make you, you know. Like if you wanted to be like a child of God, like a real Christian, you could be because you live the morals that. So it's like integrity. All right. Like I said, a lot of people are children of God, which means they live in integrity. With, you know, the the, the more the actual morals. Like they? It's like, you know. That's the best way I can describe. That's the only word that describes. Yeah. So they see you as someone who lives their life with integrity. Again, my could be a child of God. Maybe you believe in God? Why people believe in God so? Anymore that's like. Let's see here what do I want to go. Ohh. See what's going on sexually. I'm so in love with you. Kissing you makes me so hard or wet. This card is both. Masks. So you can't see any turns them on. They are so in love with you. So again there is some like. Real love in this relation. With their family. So last dance or you sitting on the desk? The race of versa. I'm trying to do that. Again, they wanna like, they wanna go to like nice places with you, go on trips and fuck you in the hotels and things like. They want to lap lap dance energy. Again there is some like. There's lots of playful energy here. They wanted to play dress up. They want you to be very subservient energy towards them. This is the Pope and his his nun. So she is taking care of his pennis under his robes right there. So there is, it's the hair fence, so there's, you know, they're very committed. To this ace of ones, they want their Dick to be loved and oral sex. So again, there, you know, there's a. There's some commitment and fun. You know, again, they're, you know, they want you to to grind on them. They they want to take you to a nice place. They want to treat you like you. You are pure in some. We also want to play dress up and have fun. They want their deck to be loved. The deck here is, like I said, it's a big tree stump. She's completely naked, completely wrapped around it. It's her. She loves it, all right. And then there's the. Oral sex. I don't have an e-mail. I shouldn't, Should I shouldn't. Just for that. The cards actually say. You know the mother. There's talking about a mother here, Empress. So the Empress has this home. And this marriage, or this commitment, and it is moved, and old thoughts are moved on from action is taken to. Ohh. To suffer. Actions taken that causes suffering. OK, And it might be again, why this person is sitting here with a legal card and their overall energy. So they're dealing with something legal. Let's get some advice here. For this particular situation. So you've got to overcome this toxic, these toxic people, at least toxic behaviors, and you're just going to not face it. Alright, you're just going to avoid the toxicity, right? Umm, you know, there's a new beginning coming up or there's a need for a large sum of money. Ace of Pentacles. So to me, this is, this is either a new beginning because, you know, new things always cost a lot. You know, like if you're moving, there's always so much expense, you know what I mean? It's a new beginning, but it's expensive, you know, so there's stress. Back to this Nine of Swords, which is the second time it's appeared in this reading. There's this new beginning that's stressful. This, this man here with the emotions, the one, whoever, whatever is, whoever is the man with the emotions here. Um, he needs to rest. Or or again? Is going to go to the situation. There's like a ghost and a Shawn. Like, these two people are beggars. They're being left out by the church. So this is almost like a group of people shunning, you know what I mean? Like getting shunned by. You know, like a community, you know? So this new beginning is really stressful because this man ghosted or shunned or was shunned, ghosted and then got shunned or ghosted or needs to heal some kind of stigma. All right, here comes the charity. Here's the move, Here's the the trip of some sort. So again, this new beginning is really stressful because this dude right here. There's either ghosts or, you know, gets left out of the trip or the move or. Something here? Really working though, passionately and with anger, passionately and quickly. Uh, on this wish. So back to this legal situation, which might be what they're talking about here. There's like, big money. Involved in? Causing maybe stress to this man to the point that he needs to rest. Where, you know, he feels very poor. It's possible move for work or trip for work. There's a sex card within that. Maybe it's it's really quick to wish there's like this, this speed up the wish, take the action, he said. With this worlds, God damn that what is the? Voice here, there's no beginning. This one, this one's going to be possible. Ghost or. Or it's like stink like I don't know what's with this ghosting. Whatever. It's denial. Secret. It is a fear. Or it's a fear, but it's also a hope of the acts. So, I don't know, maybe you want this new beginning, but you're stressed out because this person has shown like a history of a certain behavior that might be ghosting or might be, you know, feeling left out or crippled in some way. There's some kind of crippling energy here. It leads to a move. Possibly for work or trip. For work, there's sex involved, because here's the new ones. Why is this sex and the Knight of Swords is it? The sex is going to be really quick. Or angry sex. It will be seen. How long? It's difficult to say. What's going on here? I don't know. People involved, this might be a factor, this toxic behavior. Again, there's a wish to take action. For the world. So it's either, you know. The wish is. I don't know if to go public. Or to move that, it's right, it's right under the chariot, so it makes me feel like it's about closing the distance. Moving along, moving along distance. It's a death trap. Manifesto choice. Death trap. One more line. I always read the Death and the. The Death and the Hanged Man, I could read that as suicide. I could read that as Death Wish, Same thing. Um. You know. You. So this is a fear you have. It might be a trust issue as well. This person is supposed. Foolishly. It would be foolish to let this person catch you. Like I'm just asking, I'm just concerned that. Whatever. And this could be for them too, like whatever situation they're in, legal. Might make them so embarrassed that they might. Want to kill themselves? Or there's fear here on your end of possibly being exposed by this person. Back. So there's talks that people around. You know, at the end of the day, don't trust anybody. I know this sounds like. You know you can't live all your life like that. Yes, you can. Bad things happen. All the time. They're they're more likely to happen than good things. OK, that's the sad reality of life. Um. Yeah, I see. Like you got a little fair card in here and I see there's some genuine love and I'm sure you love this person. Again, overall energy here is don't not wanting to be embarrassed. So you know that's not really love either. You're about to see proof why there's been so much silence. He said you can't trust. So, and there's nothing wrong with being distrustful of people and if they have a problem with it, if they're like. Trust. Is this the Broadly fucking? You know. Ohh. Again, at the end of the day, everyone. So if you. You don't allow. Yourself to the situation. Parable. It can be taken advantage. Every woman needs to live the life. And I would. You know, the reality here is it's better to hurt some fucking feelings. Then end up, you know, getting trucking trashed. Somewhere. OK, like I said, it is, but you are better off. Not trusting people. Then trusting. You're always going to be led to disappointment, always going to be allowed to being stabbed in the back. So it's always really important. Yeah. Should be patient. You allow things to do their to do their thing. And you know, if you do allow. With this love affair, energy into your heart. You know. Watches. People are just horrible. Yeah, you can be like. Are you still young and dumb? Right. Right. Like once you like if you find if my fire signs have found themselves in a. In a pattern of being screwed over, whether that be you know, by a boyfriend, by coworkers, by friends, if you find yourself in place for you to get fucked over. You've trusted the wrong people. Right. So. Get on a track and which you stop trusting people and keep your mouth locking shut. You let people step into their own shit. You know you don't step into that ship pile, right? There's no just look. You just sit back, stand back and let people step in their own. OK. And I I feel like that's that right, right there is the the essence of your being. I don't know what's going on with this cat. He's got something legal going on. I hope he's not fucking felon. There's something like that. Uh, let's stand back and let people deal with their own shit, like you step in their own ship. You don't have to save the fucking day, especially when you're going to turn around and watch this person stabbing on the. This might be something else you're going through in life. In a general sense, although God has to do with this particular relationship, or if that is why your person right now is going through some legal fucking shift. You know. Like I said, at the end of the day, I don't trust anybody. And you don't have to. Especially for my Midwesterners. You don't have to put yourself in the vulnerable position just to be fucking nice. I don't want her to baseline, so I let myself be fucking fucked over. No. There's, there's those days are done. We don't like let yourself get screwed in a situation. Just because you're trying to be nice, It's a type of manipulation get you in a vulnerable position. Take advantage of you in some way, whether that be financially, essentially, narcissistically. Right. Did you show them flocking people, the door and Sagittarius? There's you know exactly. But this shit out. Every Sagittarius has a switch. I don't know if Leo's and Aries. They all get angry. Sagittarius. It's a fucking switch and it goes. Moment Sagittarius hits. This is. Locked here. They're out. Now they just did. So like I said, if if you're dealing with, you're dealing, you're over here dealing with toxic people, OK, That is the what is in your way of having this relationship that? Right. And at the end of the day, you need to sit there and do it. I'm getting screwed, so fuck it. Now. Because I feel like these toxic people, again, they're the barrier here this might be. You know someone fucking with you on the Internet, You know what I mean? Or fucking with you on a trip or something. Might be a scammers that you're doing. I don't know that the fucking end of the day. You just need to be like I'm out. OK. And chalk it up to them through too much. So again, that's how you're gonna get fucking situation so that you can get paid towards this. Relationship and Lipstick. With you. Just kissing you loves them so hard. You're standing there with an entire fucking line of toxic people between you. I'm not going to deal with the fact that he stressed cut off this entire. Deal with that. And maybe when you deal with that is going to be the way they're going to have to deal with it. I don't know. Interestingly, I will be back with wind



OK, so it's on your relationship. Your overall energy right now is seasonable. Thursday. Either. What's going on with their side? Let's see. They're obsessed right now. They're completely want to indulge. This feels to Infinity. So it's like soul mate complicated. High passion. What is your emotion? Motion only. You're feeling very playful, you're feeling very young. Very light hearted. Making you feel kind of like the like. It's the children card, so you know it makes you feel like a kid again. A motional. They are walking the spiritual path of awakening, so they're going through a ascension type thing, you know? They're upgrading their DNA. Mentally, when you think about this relationship, there's been something kind of extreme. It feels extreme, feels drastic. When they think about this, it feels toxic. Some toxic Dick. So that you want more. This makes you feel very young and playful, but it feels so drastic. They're over here, completely obsessed. Same kind of energy. Emotionally, they're trying to like they're coming into some wariness. So kind of awakening to this to this energy. Mentally, they're really dealing with with toxic people, toxic behaviors. What is your. Interest. Your obstacle membership is signs all the synchronicity. They're they're they're hostiles. They need proof. You will overcome all these signs that you're seeing, that maybe you're red flags. Read that secret. This could be red flags. You're going to overcome this with love, being very certain about this law. How old are you overcome needing to show proof? I don't know if they need to you to show proof or need to show you proof. They're going to pause. They're going to pause this energy. Overcome this like meeting proof by just taking a break. Overhead. You both are feeling kind of anxiety because this feels so strong. Emotionally, you're kind of in Daniel, like you're feeling all these feelings which are both kind of dancing and denial that this is love. That I'm feeling. Search. Between you actually is trash. Feeling disregarded? So there you both have this like desire towards one another. It's really like lifting your spirits emotions. But mentally, you're like, you know you're swimming through toxic, drastic cut offs, disregarding throwing out. So there's like, you know there's. The changes are coming. You got me like all in this 80s mode and it's so like, funny. I was just thinking about this the other day, like like everybody loves the 80s, like out of any decade. Everybody is so nostalgic. Everybody loves the 80s. Even Gen. Z loves the 80s like everybody loves the. And we were living the the 80s and we went into the 90s. Everything in the 80s was like cringe. For a whole decade. And then we get into the 2000s and everyone's like, boy, God, the 80s were great. You know. Some of the best walking music ever. Again as I probably the the outcome here is songs. So yeah, I'm feeling lots of like 80s style music for this relationship. The outcome here is this like alien telepathic dream songs. Connection with the two of you are interesting. Tell me about this toxic behavior, toxic people that's in their mental state right now, and this? Really. In the relationship. You need to have, they need to have a talk. They're mentally, there's some kind of thing that you're doing that feels toxic and they want to talk about it. And then you're drastic energy again, like, yeah, you're a ghoster. Or you're afraid to get ghosted. Or gathers like this drastic cut off ghosted blocked energy. OK, so like there's part of you. And if this is twin flying, there is like a drastic ghost that happens right after you folk. We get together. Then I get all weird out because. Too much, Too much. For people like. Tell me more about this. Yeah, back to the this cheeser mentality. So again, there's this like pursuing this connection, this alien connection. That's how it feels with Seattle. Feel about. Yeah. Motions towards you. They want to be irresponsible. They love your support. They're needing to break free. And they are focused emotionally on you. To someone. They know. As a lover, great passion and devotion. They would describe you as their lover. Also as a beggar, someone who? Who survives? Humility, compassion and self esteem. So they see you as. And lover and a beggar begging for the love. Let's see what's going on and. Cards towards. My head between your legs. I can't wait to rub my hands up your thighs. I can't wait to make you wet. Let's start off with the message again with an orgasm. Do we now? OK. Hello, Scott. Let's get something The bitch is really happy being an independent. Which is really fulfilled. I'm happy being independent. This could be you. Right. Sometimes the cards are like, talk to you like that way, bitch. You're happy being independent. You know what I mean? It could be say that. Um, again. Getting left out. Getting like, you know, kicked out of the community in some way or shunned or something? What could possibly manifest at work? That would be a burden. There's age to there's age to take into account in the house. Is the burden of getting old and the house, which brings upset to the family. That's heartbreaking. They'll be moving on. So I don't know if this is if they're in a relationship, If they're in a relationship, we're talking about their person, all right? If they're not in a relationship and you got this going on, it looks like they're like this. I don't know if you leave them out. Is that over here? There's like you're dealing with this drastic mentally. You're dealing with something drastically. You're cut off or ghost. And then they're over here like we need to talk about this toxic behavior. You know what I mean? Like you see the science, so you might you might have saw the signs and started. Ghosting yet, you know. Or if seeing the signs that they're gonna ghost you, you know. Again, when you clench or something too tight, a lot of times you'll hurt yourself. Or you'll hurt them, you know what I mean? So sometimes when you let go of the reins a little bit, you know you're teaching and modeling. Trust, right? It looks as if they're in a relationship. It looks like she wants to be single and independent and she's going to like, shun him and. But this could be saying, hey, bet you're happy being independent. You know, to get shunned and manipulated at work would be a bird. OK, I can read that too. Flopping waves. Someone's getting old at home. Again, the hermits house. So this won't, you know, this could be just like. The older person in this scenario again is upset about the house and the family. It's heartbreaking, but there's going to be, they're going to be moving on from that. So I feel like this is speaking to another scenario. Be happy. The song. Be happy with this one, boy. These other men are fools. Let's be happy. The King of Wands and the King of Cups, They're fools. Their children. So these other two, there's other there back to this, you know the other two men. In this scenario. Are actually, you know, they're they're they're foolish children. You know, they're actually foolish children. And it's causing stress. The messages are being watched or stalked. And it's making somebody against somebody is really upset. They're holding back. It's regretful that judgment is move on. The judgment is the need to move on from this commitment or from the marriage. So I have a feeling like your person something. Saying just be happy these these two guys over here fools and their children only that cause stress. The messages are being watched and they're creating some kind of anger. Someone's holding it back. It's regrettable. The judgment is move on. The judgment will be to move on from the marriage. So. Be happy. I don't know if they're going to get money or investment from an older person, but that might come to fruition. That's the truth. Right. Or there'll be more money. Or you'll receive more. You'll receive a handout from someone that's older, you know what I mean? So I don't know what what it's saying about that, but that is the advice here for this particular situation. Yes, there's a lot of anxiety in this relationship, but it's ending with this, like telepathic energy. That you're wanting to chase and it might be a feeling that you're wanting to chase. So even though you're over here and you know you want more, the feeling is what you're chasing and that's the feeling of being young and youthful and carefree. So you're wanting to trace that and that is, again, I don't know if. That is leading you to ghosting these people, or ghosting this or ghosting something. Or if that's led you to be ghosted, or you're afraid you're going to be ghosts or having anxiety, they're going to be ghosted because you're loving this feeling, yet you feel the signs. But you overcome this with love, they're going to take a pause. After they see the proof. And again, I don't know what kind of proof this is and whether this is in their relationship that are currently in or the proof of the relationship that you are in them are in. Again, they want to talk about. Do you want to talk about the toxic behaviors? So prepare yourself for that conversation. And that might be why. You know your your mental state is all about this. Ghosting blocked. Maybe they've ghosted you in the past, I don't know. It looks like things are moving. So even if you feel like there's like this pause, the pause is just again, because they're waiting for for proof or they've seen some kind of proof. And again, you've seen the signs as well, like there's there's been an acknowledgement that the signs have been seen here for whatever outcome. And those signs are correct, right? So if again it's looking it's looking good, it's looking good. Ohh. But there's a there's a need to work on the ghosting aspect in this relation. Alright, I will be back with.





All right, here we go, Earth. For your. Exit list Pre recording. So like it's Jelly. Ash Wednesday. Fat Tuesday was yesterday. OK. Overall energy is they're seeing the signs, so I'm kind of reading synchronicities as red flags, right? So. You know, that's that's my current. Interpretation of that Emotionally, you're searching, you're online looking. Notionally, they're needing a vacation. They're needing to hide in some way. Kind of like go away and recoup. Um, again, You're really you're thinking about this connection you're really like? You're on the Internet, obsessively searching. Throw away to connect. They're thinking about moving about a location change. What is your obstacle here? Your obstacle is you're at a meeting coming with two, two or more people. Their obstacle is is a silence trigger, so triggered by silence by non action. Someone gets upset and there's no action. You will overcome this meeting. With some kind of spontaneous, unexpected moment in which you're like this lesson is fucking learn. Um. They'll overcome this non action triggering. With some kind of they're going to need to be rescued. From their mental prison and someone What is the overall energy? Um. They're still like there's a devil, right? Tick tock. It's between your motion. End of column, unquenchable, insatiable, wanting. And between you mentally is like a pause, like pause. Single. Enter. OK, what are you searching? Search for something. Deal with this obsession. You're really improve suit of something drastic. Whatever you're emotionally searching for that. You're on the Internet really looking for that. You're obsessed. You are in some kind of drastic pursuit, like I feel like you need to put the brakes on. Like I'm already feeling like you're like. They're over here like, what's these signs? The signs are really like telepathic. They're in songs. So like they're going through like the the kind of synchronicity that reminds you of something, you know what I mean? So they might be reminded of you or you know, reminded, you know, in that kind of way, what are they actually being reminded of? Like songs. It's. It's a way to protect themselves. Interesting. It's about protection. What does outcome single? It's about coming to a come. So there's there'll be a compromise here. Someone ends up at the end of this scenario, someone single available and there's A and it's there's a compromise. Interesting. Uh, what's? What do they look like? They they need a vacation. They need. Emotionally, they feel like they're disregarded and they feel like they need to hide or get away in some way, and so now they're wanting to move. OK. How does this person feel about you? Motion. There's some they feel like they've told you some lies. But they're ready and they want to like, open up and clear that up so that you know. They feel like they were living in a world of lies, but you've really helped open them up and you've helped them become a better person. You've given them a lot of strength, so they feel like they were dealing with, you know, and they were in a situation where they could never tell their truth, tell their truth. So they just lied? Um. You really helped open them up and opened their heart to that. And you know, it's created this really healthy environment for them and they're very strong, so that's good. Those are good emotions. They describe you as. They would describe you as a father talent for creating or supporting life, and even for my females over there that you allude and authoritative masculine energy. And maybe you are the father as well you know it doesn't have. This doesn't have to turn into a male driven. Uh. Reading Child Eternal, determined to remain young to someone again, someone who's got an authoritative support, supportive way about them, and also someone who remains young in body and mind and spirit because they don't take anything too seriously. Let's see whether desires are towards you. You're the only one I even want. Examples become so extreme. You have the best ass I have ever. You. I need you to heal me with your love. I just want. Let's get something nice. Again, emotionally, you both want this we both like. Have a thirst or desire for this. Looks like someone at the end here ends up single and it might be them because again they they feel like they need to be saved for some some kind of confinement. I'm not sure what this meeting. This is a. Obstacle for you, but it's you'll overcome it spontaneously and and be done with the left. Whatever lesson. You're going through right now. I feel like you could be stalking on the Internet a lot maybe. Ohh. Maybe there's something you learn at this meeting that like, fulfills your your need to like if you find yourself stocking, if you find yourself like searching someone, it's because you feel like you're either a you're you're looking for a way out of this. Even if, like you, sometimes we become obsessed just so that we obsessively find a way out, you know what I mean of love? But the other way is you could be feeling like I need to be closer to them or I need to know them better. And if they're in a relationship, that's not really going to happen, almost. They're cheating, right? So You know, there's this aspect here that you might be on the search just because you wanna taste, right? Of them. This the the currency of the cheetah reconciles with the mother. And all it does is invest and grow into. Into a boundary. And that leads to singles. So some again, some cheating man here. This is a fuck boy energy, my king of wands. He reconciles with this Empress, this mother, in the scenario. Um. But what grows is defensiveness, and that leads to the singlehood. So again, someone might have cheated. And then again, that takes you know, they reconcile the cheating. But you know anytime a couples reconcile the cheating all again, back to this deadline, the relationship is going to die. Like once the trust is gone. There is a it's a ticking time bomb. The relationship, sooner or later, will fail. Just depending on factors like money, security, children. Again, those things make things last longer than they should. This is just a lose lose situation because because of. It feels like a losing situation, either because of the distance or because of something on the Internet. Um. This man, the man here with the feelings. He holds back. To defend himself. So he's holding back to defend because he needs to defend himself from the Empress, the mother. As expected. Which was expected. It's heartbreak. Speck, The heartbreaking Breakup or Divorce? OK. Again this. Whoever she fucked was an old man. Permit so like always. I'm reading Hermit as older, you know so like mid 50s and up means means older. And then the situation gets ghosted. So this guy might cause the breakup and then immediately goes to her afterwards. And then again there is a the dust settles and the selfish woman makes a decision which the selfish woman is over here near the emperors. So it could be that you have a mother in the scenario. Yeah. She decides that it's over and moves. And it is true, like women, women tend to lead the breakups. It's like a ridiculous amount. Like. Older women are they're, you know, they're they're the ones that leave. You know the ones that leave. In general, you know. Guys won't give up on, you know, regular. Even at Villa, if they want help, they'll cheat. You know what I mean, And get caught. But they really are like I want in this relationship. The numbers don't support that. The judgment is this is all destined to happen. So prepare yourself. They're going to return, so prepare yourself because this person is going to return, so that is the advice here. OK. All right, there was the earth reading for this week. I will be back with water.





All right, Water, let's see what's going on in the relationship reading for you guys this week. What's your overall energy, right? You want to talk, You want there's a talk, There's I need to get on the same page. Their overall energy is wanting to negotiate, so there's you both are in a negotiation type energy. Mostly you've made made some kind of realization. Something has come to your awareness. You found out something emotionally. OK, let's see. They're still faking it. They're still pretend. Emotionally, they're they're pretending. So whatever they're feeling, they're not showing you. OK. What's in your headspace? This. You're thinking in your mind, space is is bout masculine energy. So you're thinking about thinking about this man. Or you're just like think you're thinking. Again, this is your headspace. It's masculine. So there headspace is unexplainably pulled. Can't resist. They feel the magnetic attraction. What is? Your obstacle. Feeling confined prison? What is? Cars are not. There are circles seeing it's the synchronicities and roller coaster. I'm reading synchronous goodies right now as red flags. The scene is the scene signs and then I also threw roller coaster adrenaline high. So they have to, they have to overcome like all the signs of this is going to be a roller. Start. They have to overcome the signs that it's it's a roller coaster. You will overcome this lockdown feeling that you're dealing with is feeling confined prison and imprisoned because of the past, because of what happened in the past. They will overcome this like seeing the signs of this is going to be a roller coaster as look, it's going to be happy, so there is going to be highs, you know what I mean? Because it's like they overcome it with happiness, with joy, with wholeness, so. It looks like they'll get on the ride. Just just for the high. Let's see what the overall energy is between you 2. Again, there's some kind of really like otherworldly connection, like whether it be through music or through dreams, This is my alien card. So it talks about like telepathy. I always read that as like, subconscious. Queues. Or just like being able to read someone's mind, you know what I mean? So what's what's between you 2 is a need to negotiate and need to talk. About about this connection. Between your emotionally is like this, a third party lesson. So you you've both learned something from another relationship. Emotionally that's the same. So you both have a similar you both been hurt in a third party situation. Treating. So you have a. You have similar emotions. When it comes to that. What's between you right now, mentally is thinking about the lust and the desire. Wanting to climb the stairs? There's Ascension. Card. She's getting ready to climb stairs. That was a desire part, you know, getting to the bedroom. So it's like between you both and how you were awakened to this desire. All right. Outcome. Gosh, someone gets disregarded. OK. What's the realization that you promotional realization that you? You seeing proof of the anger? In the focus. The realization you see something. I almost feel like it's like you saw something in the eyes, you know what I mean? Whether that be anger, It could be just. You know, you see something emotionally, you've seen something that again you remember. I don't. Like you understand. OK. Like there was a look and you understand? You know, because you've given a similar look. Why are they? And again, they're over here emotionally pretending, probably maybe not to be upset. The actual real. Right. Talk. What they're pretending about is that they really like they they really want to get away. Alright, so emotionally they're like. There, all they can think about is going on adventure, going on a highlight, you know, going to hide, going to hide or going on vacation. So like, they're pretending. Something but insatiably they want. Venture. OK, tell me about this. They want this. So what's interesting is they there, there's an they're kind of pretending that they don't want to take this ride, yet they do want to take this ride. That's what their side feels like they're wanting to negotiate. To understand what the whole ride is going to be about because they've been hurt before. But it looks like they're going to take the ride. What's with this? Disregard, This ends in disregard. There's a meeting. Possibly today or in the moment, and then there's some searching. So something gets disregarded. The outcome of something gets disregarded here. Something gets thrown away. There was. Might have been because of this meeting that happened today. Again, someone's online searching. Here is a reconcilable differences Divorce and then retaliation. So, I don't know, maybe you go, did you take, do you take a ride with this person? Or is this talking about Again, you're over here feeling very locked down, confined and imprisoned. You overcome that. The past helps you overcome that. Are you sitting here thinking about? Masculinity. Being, you know, being very nice. So I wanna just know what gets disregarded because it looks like there's a third party karmic situation emotionally between you. It looks like that gets disregarded karmic. Third lesson. Yeah, because it looks like it was. The choice is either a love affair and. Or single. It's it's interesting. We'll have to find out what's going on here because this outcome is interesting. So I don't know whether this is just. There's a divorce card in here. There's retaliation, there's trash, there's a love affair, there's single. It's looks again, back to this. They're like, fuck, that's a roller coaster, how they feel about you. So again, there's like dealing with emotions, thinking that you were going to be a little. Move Scorpio. They're kind of afraid to open their heart up again, but they they are open to this. You've really surprised them. And you've in some way, and you have aluminate, aluminate them. Out of their darkness They do feel foolish though, because you make them feel so weak. And that feels unhealthy to them, but they think that you're really sweet. This is the sweet card. I love the sweetness of your soul. And the taste of. Next week. How would they describe you? As the engineer, this car keeps coming. The ability to give creative energy a practical express. Someone who can find resolutions to? So they see you with someone that's like, really engineering things. They also see you as a scribe, someone who is preserving knowledge and information. And as The Alchemist, all very cool card. Transformation of base mode of schools into golden wisdom. So they see you as someone who's been through a lot and has been able to, you know, adjust their motives, you know, turning them into gold. The engineer and the screen. Excuse me? OK, what's the advice here for you in this particular situation? You're feeling trapped in your head. But the truth? You're trapped in your head because it's true. 6. So it starts out saying you're trapped in your head because this, this shit is the truth. The sex is over. There's work, there's been work done. There's been the work is almost finished with the public project or the. Again, it's page one, so public project. It could be social media, post, etcetera, etcetera. It could be music or art. So it's saying you're trapped in your head because this is the truth. And the sex is over. This work that you've been doing on this project or this work that you've been doing here in secret? Again, this is like some work done in secret. Um. The home is a barrier to love. Home is a barrier to the. Protects you. Your home protects you from this love or from love. And leaves you feeling. Left out in the cold and. Shaun, possibly by the children. Someone immature. And it's foolish. And heartbreak. You're trapped in your head because it's the fucking truth. Sexist daughter sex has mean it's. It's. Knight of Wands. 10 of swords So this is like sex is done. Or. Or it's, you know, betrayal. Or the sex has been betrayed in some way. You know there's sexual betrayal trapped in your head because you know the truth. There's possibly been some kind of sexual betrayal. Or the sex is done. All right. Anyway. The work. You're almost done with the work on this project, and it you know you've kept this project secret. Your home. Either it like it defends you or it it builds a a barrier to love. Your home has built a barrier to love. The home has built a barrier. Or has made you. Um. Defensive. Against getting left out or shunned in some way, this is when a group of people turn you away. That's the meaning of this card. Again, when it comes to children or they're very immature and that's why they do it, it's really. Foolish and it's and it's heartbreak. You're so stressed by. Either by abuse. Or you're stressed. You're so stressed about what action to. So it's either like you're stressed about getting hit or or you're stressed. About what action to? The feelings between you and this person are mutual and it is balanced and harmonious. Queen of Cups. Temperance. So it's the right temperature. Yeah, it's a good relationship. Two of cups that will make you very happy. 10 of cups. So. You're really what? What you're really stressing about is what is is to take the action. You know everything's the truth. It's just what struggle. What you're struggling with is the action. What is the action? The feelings are mutual. Um. It's going to bring you balance, a balanced relationship and it's going to make you 10 of cups very, very happy. This action. Right. Yeah. This action will defend you. When you take this action, it actually defends you. You're just afraid. You're just afraid it's going to be denied. That would be. You take this action. You'll have a meeting. And there'll be a commitment. So back to this, you both really need to have a talk. You're both again, the top of these cards are conversation, get on the same page, negotiating, bargain. Um, alien telepathic dream song. So like there at the top of this, you're connected. It looks like there just needs to be this conversation to take some action and then things will start moving in the in the right direction. It looks like they're just a little bit afraid to get on your roller coaster ride. But it looks like they're looking at like, get on it just because it's got, it's got some happiness to it. You know what I mean? There's a massive shift is in the outcome. You know what I mean? If something gets trashed. Two people, two or more people will discuss something today. Go online searching. And refillable differences. Divorce, retaliation, payback, revenge, love affair, and single. And love and fair love. Affair and single for the clarifiers. For for the disregarding Being thrown out like trash. So again, in you're over here in your headspace, he's thinking about, you know, masculine. So I don't know. What kind of themes you're working with? But the reality is. This is a conversation away. That's something we all need to remember. We all get our into our fucking heads, but sometimes the easiest way out of bullshit is to just fucking say the words being honest. You know, being forthright. Saying this shirt you don't wanna say. At the end of the day, saves everybody time. OK, it really does when we don't play these pretend emotional games. Things get done. And then also there's a a a foundation of clarity. Which helps. Deal with situations in the future. So if you've always come at something with your partner in a very clear emotionally, you know this is, even if it feels weird to say. Or it might hurt their feelings to say you need to channel your inner Sagittarius and realize that bluntness is actually mercy. In so many ways like like Sagittarius is find themselves in this position all the time doing. It's either tell the truth. Or. Don't say anything and just admit the entire. Omit the entire situation like. That's because we can't. There's no middle ground. Either bluntly say it or you kind of disappear or omit that particular part when you're dealing with someone. So there's like this. We prefer the bluntness, but if we don't think the person can handle it, we then omit. So again, those admissions leave room. Um, for miscommunication. So sooner or later, you know, you got to have a real conversation. And that's when you know, you get blunt about it and it's like, whoa. There's something you can work with there. Is something that you can, you know, use to grow whether even if it is pruning. It still will help with your overall growth in the end. So it looks like they're. Safety feature. Is it a label or going over the head or their handles to hold on to? Are you going to lose your flip flop in the process, like you're on a roller coaster? There's things you got to think about. You got to take your you got to take your glasses off, you got to take your hat off. You know, because this shit's gone. She's gone. Almost that roller coaster start. You know, so again, there's this assurance that you know, you need to be honest. About the situation. Right. All right, I will be back with something. Pre recording these away from the future or in the past. But every now move confused but. Be put into together a much later date so I don't know what the end the end saying, so just stay tuned and find out, OK?