Your Soulmate Will Fall Like a Star for You!
If you want to catch a largemouth bass, you must be patient and keep fishing. We talk about starting conversations with men and using our natural sex appeal instead of contemplating cosmetic procedures. The baby cougar phenomenon is legitimate. I try not to talk about birth control and the 30-year results that are coming out soon. Dating without apps isn’t easy. It requires you to be confident and comfortable starting conversations. What the worse thing? They tell you they’re married. Happens all the time. Always lead with a positive compliment! Anyway, nice charm love readings this week. The bike segment was confusing but ended well, and in the music note reading, love wins over drama! Turn on some great love songs this week and watch your overall mood and hopefulness shine like a Bryan Adams song! I just heard “Heaven” this morning and thought, "God damn, that's beautiful." They just don’t write love songs like that anymore. Next week, love notes! Get in the mood for love 💋
Bike: 00:08:27 Treble Clef Music Note: 00:34:43 Sex Appeal Discussion: 00:51:38
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions