We Build this City on Oral Sex and Tarot Relationship Readings by Element!
I should have said “fellatio” cause it sounds better, but…. Whatever. Lots of BJs in the sexual reading this week. If you want to keep them, blow them. Lol.
The tarot love note this week was full of reiki energy. I describe what that feels like in the intro. Beautiful and sweet note. Doing what is right for you will always bring the right influence into your life and those you love. Being a martyr doesn’t save anyone from your self righteousness. You should always prioritize yourself over others. It’s not selfishness to be the strongest and most stable person you can be for yourself and others that are close to you. Healthy boundaries protect others from your failed self care or their’s. You’re number one, not number five. Being the best person you can be is a daily accomplishment and it brings nourishment to those you care for and support. A frayed rope, a cracked column, a rusted beam, are accidents waiting to happen. Don’t listen to your naysayers, they aren’t even trying. We do not take criticism from unworthy or damaged people. Understand?
Fire: 00:17:50
Wind: 00:47:50
Earth: 01:11:15
Water: 01:27:50
Love Note hummingbird/ Key: 02:07:30
⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions, and don’t be a … about it.