Do You Want to Have Fun and Have Sex too? How to rope in a Sagittarius into a Quickie that will last a Lifetime

Your mental health issues are not a turn off to a Sagittarius. We like that sh!t! As long as you can find the smile inside your soul at the end of the day. And we like sex. Known for a robust sex life, you won’t be disappointed. They love to satisfy their companion which is how they find their own satisfaction. These adventurer are opportunist and why they seem so lucky, but they are very cerebral and thoughtful with their actions. Blunt to fault, but it keeps negative people away. They are ready to ride any wave life throws at them with humor and charisma. This optimist lucky bunch of winter babies aren’t babies when it comes to hard decisions or loyalty. Hard to tie down but well worth the effort. They expect effort, a lack of effort show disinterest and that’s enough to make Sag run for the hills. Playing hard to get, gets boring. Playing the field with a Sag will leave you lonely. Flighty is a good description. They will know all the exits the moment they walk into a situation. If the vibe is off they bounce. So be yourself, don’t take yourself too seriously, dream big and bounce with them. They love that sh!t

“D” 00:09:55

Butterfly 00:29:06

Wave: 00:56:10

Zodiac Lover: Sagittarius 01:23:55

⚠️ These are performances and for entertainment purposes only. Make Good Decisions